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As many of you know, both Patreon and MEGA have been doing upgrades recently, and within that, the links to the vids started screwing up.

The good news is, not only do I have it worked out now, but the new way will allow me to grab a frame from each video to act as a thumbnail, so those monotonous giant"M" icons will be gone.

Now, the link to the video will be directly in each description, rather than within the giant"M".

This will all begin tomorrow. I like the look a lot better, and I hope you guys will, too.  :-)



Huzzah thumbnails!


That’s good news! Not like it was a big deal or anything but I did miss the thumbnails from before like seeing that still frame of you watching kakashi “die” and stuff like that, will also make scrolling for content easier in the future

Isaac Clarke

Damn, that's very nice. Good job, Curtis


Rip the giant big ''M'' icon


So how did you manage to upload with the key already in ?


The key was always already in... For some reason, when the full address was posted to Patreon in the typical manner (through the “Post A Link” section) it would end up asking for a key despite it already being in the URL.


Cool but only thing is Mega has been really slow at loading, but on youtube I can watch 1080p 60fps just fine. Another good thing, though, is that I can just watch the episodes from my gmail long as I'm still a Patreon, don't even have to go to Patreon. That said though, I come here anyway to annoy you all with my comments lol


Hell yeah, just in time for Fishman Island!


Download the video. You can do it on the desktop app and mobile