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Apparently, Vash has determined what Rem meant by "take care" of Knives... I, on the other hand, have no idea...

I WATCH TRIGUN AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/trigun/#videos 




I think we all have quite similar opinion about "what should be done" in order to "take care of Knives", but unfortunately Vash doesn't really to "that"...


It's amazing how the psychology of each character's morality played such a huge, fascinating part in all of this.


What Vash understood about Rem's last message: "try to save Knives" What Rem meant: "shoot that motherfucker in the face !" I love the symbolism of Wolfwood's cross, it was the weight of his sins for killing people, the sins of his way of life, and now instead of crying and lamenting Vash bears his cross, his own sins of killing, but still goes forward.

August B Denys

Sometimes it's interesting to see these reactions because one can see things they didn't see before. I watched this show years ago and never gave it a rewatch even though it stuck with me. One of the things I had learned since watching, besides moral philosophy, was basic evolutionary game theory. That is to say, when Meryl speaks that we need to end the cycle of hate she is actually describing tit for tat (sorry, no tits in this theory). Tit for tat basically means equivalent retaliation, and as such if one is in a equivalent retaliation situation, the only way to break it is for one side not to retaliate. Of course, I only know the basics and not the mathematics behind it. Otherwise, on the moral side of the series, it has along with what I've personally be studying, helped me reexamine ideas like Liberty. There is a radical philosopher that Knives (and probably Wolfwood) would hate named SImone Weil. She was a convert to Christianity, a mystic, and a philosopher who died in WWII because when she got sick she refused to take more than her basic ration as not to take from others. She has a nice little conception of Liberty where it is the unity of thought and action. Conceiving Liberty in this way, we can say that Knives, for all his bullshit about rationality, is not acting upon a Freedom of Will. We as humans are often faced with a trouble with the action side, but Knives, from what we have seen hasn't actually thought. Does this matter, have a I gone to far? Probably, but it is an application of theory that makes Knives look stupid and I'm glad to make Knives looks stupid.


I always loved how Vash took up Wolfwood's cross. You could even say Vash it is representative of Vash being weighed down by all that mercy of his. Yes Vash, "save" Knives. Permanently.


And now I'm fuckin' cucked til Monday XD

Cetacean Needed

I really wish they'd eventually have adapted Trigun Maximum. The anime ends next episode, but the manga kept going for years afterward. Of course, as good as the end of the anime is, it deviated heavily from the manga's storyline. Like, completely different. A new adaptation like FMA:B was would be great if they ever did it.


The influence over his death is kinda bullshit. Legato made Wolfwoods teacher kill him by controlling his arm. Legato forced the teacher who didn't want to kill wolfwood. The mercy option wolfwood took from vash was actually working. Legato had vashes left arm which he uses to guilt Vash as if his bodypart wanted to do it.