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Damn, Katara is such a badass! This time she evolved into an even more powerful water bender, despite not being thrilled about the new ability!

I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



Damn, Katara is such a badass! This time she evolved into an even more powerful water bender, despite not being thrilled about the new ability! I WATCH AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER AT AMAZON PRIME: amazon.com/The-Boy-in-the-Iceberg/dp/B000GFD4C0/



I’m the worlds first TittyBender if that matters


In case curtis didn't see it before with the parteon messup and now is a good time. I think we have now seen almost all versions of bending in the series. So I thought I'd make this. Bending has three tiers imo of levels or differences. Let's start with Earth. Level 1 basic earthbending. I think the most unique we see this bending used still and at the highest level strength wise is King Bumi he uses earthbending like no one else in the series he dances and even disappears underground as if swimming in the earth. Even Toph is more traditional than Bumi. Level 2 This is where i would place bending like sand bending. Level 2 is more like a regional difference that people learned to adapt to the environment. Its still earthbending but it still is quite different in use. Sandbenders use it almost like waterbending and airbending. For example one bender used the sand around his feet to steady himself just like Katara used water then ice to hold her standing position. Sandbenders have even learned to bend sand into mini tornados to travel the desert in wind sails like a airbender could make tornados to move sails as Aang proved. Level 3 is where i would put bending that either completely changes how the element is or is just such a greater power than the normal levels. This of course is metal bending which was invented by Toph. The element is still earth but is so different in form its not considered earth as we think it to be. Next in order is fire. Level 1 again is just normal firebending. Zuko, Azula, Iroh, master jhong jhong, and Ozai are basically the strongest firebenders we know. Level 2 is where i would place Azula's fire it's really just level 1 with like a extra % of power due to natural talent. A more fitting level 2 would be the exploding blasts by the assassin. He is using firebending as we see him use his stomach and as iroh taught zuko that is the source of a firebenders power. But instead of going from the stomach to the hands feet or mouth to emit the flame his energy goes to his brain and is emitted from the forehead. This could be why its so condensed travels fast and is nearly invisible. It's more mental than physical like normal firebending. It could even be seen as a level 3 and i would say it belongs. Level 3 is lightning aka the advanced and more focused version of firebending that is basically almost always a one shot kill unless your iroh or zuko and learned to redirect it. Only iroh azula have been seen to use it but we can assume Ozai does know it if his brother and daughter do. Next is Air. Air is hard to really do since we don't have any regional or training differences to have a level 2 form. Also it's hard to have a level 3 form without enough people actually doing airbending to show advanced forms of it. Perhaps in a sequel series or comics we will see a higher form. But air really is pure in form. Last is Water. Level 1 You could basically put normal water bending and even ice bending here. Ice Bending could be a level 2 but it seems to be a lot more common than things like sand bending or explosions. Mud Bending is also pretty basic really too. Mud and ice being heavily water like in the swamp water. Katara or Master Pakku are the best waterbenders we've seen with Katara having big feats and Pakku with so many techniques and forms like his water tornado. Level 2 i would consider the swamp benders vinebending. He realized in the swamp all things are connected and living just like the tree was living like him it too was filled with water and so too the vines. He is bending the water inside plants to move them and attack. Quite a difference than ice or muddy water. Level 3 is obviously bloodbending. Arguably the strongest level 3 version of bending of the 4 elements. Although the weakness of only being used on a full moon makes it a unreliable weapon for actual battle. And it could be argued that Explosion bending might not need body movement to work but just the brain. Although the stomach is show to be used and the blood bender could just move the face to misdirect any explosion.


I wish I could blood bend so I could cure my erectile dysfunction


I always thought they introduced blood bending in The Legend of Korra, completely forgot about this episode.


Advanced Bending forms: water-blood, earth-metal, fire-lighting, air-levitation


I think my favorite thing about this series is that the female support characters aren't weak n actually is useful unlike alot of other anime

Miklar Sihn

Who needs "I can't control my body" when you have "It's like my brain has a mind of its own."


Korra shows some advanced air bending, like oxygen removal and levitation.


Katara is what sakura should've become


I’m mad that I chuckled at that corny Mc Hammer joke lol

Lewd Angel

Kinda something you realize is that Air has no special type or extension of bending like the other elements do. Earth has Metal. Fire has Lightning. Water has Blood. But air has nothing other than its pure form of air. I wish we had gotten something like Weather Bending, the ability to create storm clouds and the like, though i guess that'd be more of a combination of air and water.

Chris D. Jones

Something you said reminded of this anime. Please react or consider reacting to “the rising of the shield hero”


And just to remind you once again, this is NOT A KIDS SHOW!!!


That would be awesome if he did! I can already hear him during the first episode.


I have been waiting for this since I started your reactions. The coolest ability in the show


Love your Avatar reactions curtis! They're really enjoyable, but please don't watch Korra. It will probably end up ruining your avatar experience.


That’s bullshit. Korra was great too, it just wasn’t the same. Let Curtis watch it too if he wants to. Maybe his more mature perspective won’t be as resistant to change.


Minus some of the animation in season 2 due to studio changes though Korra is really good though. I try not to compare the two series. Korra has a lot of great elements to it and the story telling is still fascinating. On a side note: this has always been one of my favourite episodes. It goes to show how powerful water benders really are (in my opinion) compared to the other elements. It has so much versatility.


Ik all about the problems the developers had, but it doesn't really give them an excuse to change the lore of Avatar. And for those saying " I don't compare the two series" why not? They use everything from the previous series, including characters from ATLA. I'm not saying Curtis can't watch Korra. I'm just saying it's probably gonna leave a bad taste in your mouth if u really loved The Last Airbender.


I always felt bad for hamma, your just stuck with all that anger that it drives you crazy.


Remember Curtis, Yue the princess of the Northern Water Tribe who was sokka's girlfriend. she died and became the new moon spirit, that's why sokka was kinda ticked off at toph :)

Gabriel Phipps

This is by far the creepiest episode. I love that when katara and hamma are fighting you see the trees getting completely destroyed from all the water getting taken out of them.


I think you should be more clear that that's just your personal opinion. I love both and don't think it gives any "bad aftertaste" at all


Love the way they depict the bloodbending. The choppy movements is really creepy


always wanted too ask this curtis but is there a chance you will continue watching RvB?


This is one of my favorite episodes, and at this point my favorite of S3. Excellent storytelling, interesting villain, amazing new ability, epic fight, along with a haunting atmosphere. Katara is my least favorite Gaang member, but I have to say some of the episodes focused on her are some of the best!


i feel for hama


I always thought that a human body has water so you should be able to bend it. That they actually did it highly impressed me back then Definitely one of the best episodes in the show


I see trouble on the way~


I was wondering why katara didn’t think to try taking water out of the air back when she used her sweat.

Heavenly Demon

this is one of my fav eps, just keep and mind now she can blood bend now, will she ever use it again to save someone she cares about? she now can use that anytime if she wants ,, but great reaction lol and yea these was like the spooky campfire story things and at the end one was true lmao . like the other shows that did that


Well they were smart and restricted bloodbending to a full moon, but waterbending has simply the biggest benefits and drawback from the surroundings(mighty strong on a ship or the poles, quite weak in the desert or other areas without much water).


To be fair, Azula and a bit later Toph made already very clear that's not the way this show will go(and also is not each single anime a Shonen or like Naruto/One Piece in that regard).


I'd like to imagine that katara could use BB for medical uses alongside the normal healing properties waterbenders use