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Miia has GREAT titties; make no mistake about that! Once we start heading south, though, things get a bit more confusing... :-D

WATCH MONSTER MUSUME AT CRUNCHYROLL: crunchyroll.com/monster-musume-everyday-life-with-monster-girls



Miia has GREAT titties; make no mistake about that! Once we start heading south, though, things get a bit more confusing... :-D WATCH MONSTER MUSUME AT CRUNCHYROLL: http://www.crunchyroll.com/monster-musume-everyday-life-with-monster-girls



2 minutes in and “snake penis” is alreasdy a thing, or “snake clit”,.....


Not gonna lie, I freaking love this anime, because it confuses me sooooo much.


Oh my.. that was worth 10$


Curtis wouldn't you like to wake up like that every morning with a big boobed snake girl who loves you but with the slightest chance of said girl strangling you to death with her lowers half and also choking you with her boob's on your face? That sounds awesome


Welcome to “Local Man Should Really Just Start Wearing a Condom at All Times: The Anime.”

Phillip Ribbink

Miia causes mixed emotions for me. On the one hand she is an adorable girl and other I'm deathly afraid of snake! (I'm not kidding I see a garden snake move through the grass, I'll jump three feet in the air and curse up a storm). So far I enjoy the Anime, I'll be interested to see what direction it takes from here.


I think you got the wrong anime, you were supposed to be watching Daily Life With Monster Girls, but this seems to be Daily Life With Thirsty Girls


After this do you think you will watch Prison School? seems to me that is really your perfect anime in every way


We always put up a poll and allow you guys to decide what's next, but I'm already absolutely rooting for Prison School to get a place on the poll. :-)


The character's in this show are really cute, and there isn't much porn over all.... Though there are some very suggestive scenes. Just remember, all the monster girls, no matter how they look, are considered adults


Totally worth the 10 buckaroos


Something I like about the premise, the fact that there is a law about not sleeping with the girls. It always makes me mad when in another harem show no matter how aggresive the girls are, the guy never makes a single move on anyone! This guy at least has a pretty good reason to hold back

Diesel Marcus

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ARE DID ONE OF MY FAVORITE SERIES OF ALL TIME XD Currently running through the Manga as fast as I can buy the books. This was almost all of my fetishes all at once, It was such a fucking ride XD This, TTGL, and Keijo listed under your reactions for THE GOOSH made me want to become a Patron immediately XD

Diesel Marcus

I watched this a while ago but not gonna lie, this and a few other series listed under one of his Pinned THE GOOSH reactions list made me instantly become a Patron XD

Diesel Marcus

It's on Crunchyroll my dude but I know what you mean. This series and a few others listed under a few of the THE GOOSH pinned comments on Youtube is why I became a Patron too. ;)

Diesel Marcus


Jeffrey Downing

I really like Miia (snake-girl) solely for the fact that she has the same voice as Aqua. from Konosuba.