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First of all, thanks to you guys very much for the suggestions on how to structure things around here, as well as for the feedback at the polls we put up. And most of all, thanks for pointing out a much better way of doing things to me.

I just posted the polls last night, but the feedback has been clearly one-sided enough on both of them that I feel confident in moving forward with the results.

First, we will wait until we can watch "One Piece" in reaction vids rather than continuing the clips. I agree with that one. It's gonna take awhile for us to get through the other series, but I believe it will be worth the wait.

On the second poll, I will be editing the levels to make things much more cut and dry about what each level allows. I was well-intentioned with the way I was doing it, but you guys are clearly right: Having set rewards for set amounts will lead to MUCH less confusion and far fewer people getting upset. Plus, as was pointed out, I think it's a fair way of doing things and I believe it keeps us ahead of the curve of the bang you get for your buck when compared to other similar Patreon groups.

Thanks again very much, Gang! I'll be making the changes now, so feel free to read the new levels. I'll have them set up just the way we discussed.  :-)



Random poll was about to make a huge comeback

Daniel Turner

Won’t even need to edit much in the one piece vids since 6 minutes is opening and recap


LOL! I checked the results this morning and I was thinking, "Okay, if this was a presidential election, would the news networks be comfortable in declaring a victor?" :-D


I always find structure to be a very good thing regardless of the way in which you apply it.


Yea, you guys definitely had a better idea than did I... Structure goes a long way to preventing confusion.


First time I ever support a youtubers financial,definitely worth the 5 bucks for the My hero reactions. Keeep it up will never stop supporting this channel


All I saw was "For $1000 you can rain down goosh goosh upon all birds and spaz kid." I couldn't think of a better way to spend $1000.


Ah money well spent