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The hamburg steaks are an awesome tradition, and Fern needs to back off on blocking Frieren's very generous gift!

I WATCH FRIEREN AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GG5H5XQX4/frieren-beyond-journeys-end




If that "hero's sword" is some legendary item, why does it look like it's about to snap in two just from rust?? 😅

Sean PaulT60

I think the reason you thought Stark's brother would be a dick is because of some clever use of writing. We like Stark by now (or at least we should) so when he says his family didn't celebrate his birthday despite them being a tradition, we immediately get a negative impression of them. Then we get a flashback firstly showing the family respects strength while showing Stark's Brother is an exceptional one, even specifically mentioning that his clothes haven't even been stained from his fight. We see the father has a clear preference for Stark's brother when he briefly compares the two. When Stark's brother says he'll help him practice, he uses the words "foolish brother". This helps keep that negative impression of his family alive. Then we have the following scene which defies those expectations. Firstly, we see Stark accidentally splash mud on his brother's robe. Since we saw it being unmarked as a commendable trait in the family and we get a brief pause as he checks the stain, we assume the worst. This is where our expectations get subverted as we see first-hand that his brother doesn't treat Stark coldly. We see his brother commend his focus but also lightly criticize his form and start helping him. We then return from the flashback where Stark admits that his brother might have been different. The show used our positive opinion of Stark which made us biased toward his family before we ever saw them. We saw a couple scenes which reinforced these feelings by having the father overcritical of other warriors as well as Stark. We get the brief impression that his brother is the same only for him to actually be the chilliest guy you've ever met. It's a clever use of subverting out expectations with just a few scenes.