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v0.31 Download links 

Please note, there are two known bugs for previous players:

For some Investment route saves from v2 a bug spits you out at random places in the game when you try to load, so for the time being, please just start a new game if you encounter this. Not all v0.2 Investment route saves behave this way, which only makes it stranger to diagnose... But that's all I can say on that matter for now until I can find a more concrete fix.  

For the skip bug, it doesn't allow you to skip forward through old save text the first time you play. These two bugs seem to stem from issues involving backwards compatibility, so I apologize for the inconvenience, but the game is playable otherwise. The skip functionality does work as expected when the toggle for unseen text is chosen.

These are little hiccups in comparison to the overall improvements made with the new GUI, but neither bug prevents you from playing the game as intended. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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