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v0.4 is now available to the following tiers can find it ready for download for Mac, PC and Android at the linked Patreon posts on these dates:

Available to sophmores and above here

v0.31 is now available for free ready for download for Mac, PC and Android to the following groups:

Freshman & everyone else: Available NOW here 

Need help or have questions? --> www.prettyinkgames.com/#FAQs

Join the convo / Report Bugs --> https://discord.com/invite/FDAV5vpnBU

Version 0.4 is a chunky update, theres about 20K more words worth of content in this update, compared to last (total 88K+). As always, I highly suggest multiple playthroughs to get all content and see all sides of the story.

For those of you who did play the v0.21 demo already – the download links for which can be found on the Discord – saves from the previous demo should work if you don’t want to start a new game from scratch. The only exception to this are two bugs that I haven't been able to diagnose.

For some Investment route saves from v2
a bug spits you out at random places in the game when you try to load, so for the time being, please just start a new game if you encounter this. Not all v0.2 Investment route saves behave this way, which only makes it stranger to diagnose... But that's all I can say on that matter for now until I can find a more concrete fix.

For the skip bug, it doesn't allow you to skip forward through old save text the first time you play. These two bugs seem to stem from issues involving backwards compatibility, so I apologize for the inconvenience, but the game is playable otherwise. The skip functionality does work as expected when the toggle for unseen text is chosen. 

These are little hiccups in comparison to the overall improvements made with the new GUI, but neither bug prevents you from playing the game as intended. Sorry for any inconvenience you might run into though!

Version 0.31 has been updated with the new GUI and is available to all the patient folks who have been waiting since March for it!

Also, for anyone using streamer mode, it does not filter out audio. So when you hear Von's voice in your ear, mute it!!

As mentioned before, I'm going to go on a week-long break after this release, because as I'm sure many of you know, this game is a lot of work to produce. I was thankful to have some help with peripheral things these last three months, but the core of the work is still exhausting. Once I'm back I anticipate keeping up with the 2-4 month release schedule for new chapters. For those new to this, please understand, this game takes a lot of work to create on my own, and I'm giving you all updates as quickly as I can. I'm on the search for an artist to help take the load off, but until then, I am writing, developing and drawing it all.

Thanks as always for you patience, understanding and support. I hope everyone enjoys playing the update as much as I enjoyed making it!





AlesuBunny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-05 06:21:00 Can't wait for the 12th! Going to be an awesome birthday for me. <3
2022-07-05 22:31:32 Can't wait for the 12th! Going to be an awesome birthday for me. <3

Can't wait for the 12th! Going to be an awesome birthday for me. <3

Kia Baby

Wait will there be a v0.5 ?


Yes. The game is not complete. Please check the FAQs for info on release dates and other questions: https://www.prettyinkgames.com/#FAQs