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Alright folks. 

This ain't a drill. The writing for the next release is COMPLETE. What does this mean? This means, if I really wanted to, today I could release the last 7 months of work to you all completely unedited, without artwork in the right places, some missing artwork entirely, no proofreading and a plethora of bugs that make the story nearly unreadable and wholly unenjoyable. 

Will I do that?


But I'm so fucking excited, cause its basically done!! The most time-consuming aspect of this next release is all done, and it's just a matter of tying up loose ends before shipping it out to all you lovely folks :)

I'll be streaming sometime this weekend (Most likely this Saturday morning/late morning, we'll see) more streams will be coming your way because I'll need to crank out the last of the artwork, and in between that I'll be editing all text, and trying to catch any bugs that I find on play through.

I also have the results from the last polls we had up, and will be incorporating the new info from those into the game (shouldn't take too long).

 After tallying up the first poll about virginity/blood, it was an overwhelming landslide with a total of 36 votes towards being alright with reading and seeing blood in CGs!

For the second poll regarding consent, there was a little more of a balance, but in the end, 32 votes were cast to just have characters give an in-game warning to not shatter any immersion you may feel while playing. I'll try to make sure these are big enough hints for those who want to avoid that kind of content!

Other than that, I'll be around in Discord acting a fool, cleaning up the messes I may have made within the game and getting ready to launch it for all you awesome people. Thank you so much for sticking it out and following along while I crank this out. I'm so excited for you all to play it and let me know what you think! 

Tune in to my Discord for info on when I'll be streaming, I'll need to come up with a schedule sometime soon, but until it'll be pretty loose. 

Until next time, 







Ahhhh!!!💕 This is great news! Also can’t wait to watch the upcoming stream!




I'm doin' it don't worry! Hands are cramping up terribly, but its happening! :D