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Hey everyone!

So great news, the Investment PM route is complete! I gave myself the personal goal to finish writing/coding the Art PM route in a week. And I did it! (Barely! But I made it!)

So if you've been following along, you know that this means there is only one PM route left, and this is for the job route. We're really in the home stretch now, and I'm really excited. After writing, it'll be a matter of creating the remaining CGs and artwork. This is obviously on pause until all writing is complete for now. I think I can knock out the Job PM track in about a week, so at that point the game will be complete in the sense of being devoid of CGs, BGs and a few character expressions etc.

With the Art track complete, it clocks in at 40,942 words, and about 4829 lines of code! (Investment route clocked in at 45,654 words, and 4985 lines of code) It was a lot of fun to write, but also incredibly challenging for me. I had never written any lesbian smut, let alone smut involving a trans woman, so it was certainly a learning curve. But once I got into the groove of it, I think it ended up being one of my favorite scenes to write!

In other news, I do have two polls out for you all to vote on if you hadn't already. I want to get a gut check on things involving consent, and also blood in relation to virginity. As I've been writing more sex scenes, I feel its important to listen to the audience and get a good feel for your expectations. I'll be editing already written scenes if the poll results sway toward certain answers. 

Please also enjoy the three new characters I have above, Demi, Chad and Luke! I've had a shift in the amount of free time I'll have in the next few weeks, so I'll be more active on Discord and streaming my progress. Feel free to drop in any time and chat! I love connecting with you all and genuinely want to know what you think about the game, and learn more about what you all care about too!

I tested out streaming as I coded yesterday (I didn't make any big announcement for it) and it was cool. Nerve-racking, but cool. Today I'll be streaming myself working on some artwork for the game as a small treat for myself (writing non-stop for the week was a lot!), so if you'd like to hop in and hang out, visit my twitch channel today at 2:30 PM EST. I'll also ping everyone on discord when I do.

Full disclosure, there will likely be spoilers, but they will be highly out of context, since theres so much content I'd made before that you all hadn't seen yet. If I get into the groove of streaming, I may do it more regularly on a schedule. That, and for the more NSFW art pieces I have to make, I can stream on a separate platform for patrons exclusively. 

Its all so up in the air though, so let me know what you think below! I'm open for anything :) 

Hope you have a wonderful day, and hope to hang out with some of you later!





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