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Hey guys!

Its been an eventful few weeks for me, but I've been able to finish the artwork for a few more characters, as you see above. We have have Sugardale U's sociology professor, a local guy from Toffee Springs that goes by 'Triggs', the gamer girl character that we had a poll on not too long ago, and Officer Helms. I've been having fun making these characters come to life, I know there are a lot at this point, but trust me when I say I haven't been adding them willy-nilly. 

They've all been incorporated into the various routes and the overall plot of the game, so they serve their purpose and add more 'color' to the town of Sugardale!

On the writing front, I've completed the morning and afternoons for the science, art and investment routes. The job route is the only one left before I go on to the PM routes. Once those are done, I'll have to go back, code the artwork in the right spots, make sure I have posing right for all characters and go through for typos/logic errors. It'll be a LOT of work, especially because the routes and decisions you make within each branches off so much, but I may need to enlist the help of some editors/testers before I get to that point. There's. Just. So. Much. 

I'm still incredibly passionate and excited about this game, and get so antsy every time I sit down to work on it. I wish I could just snap my fingers and have the rest of it materialize, but I know it takes time. I appreciate all of you for sticking around on this journey and rooting for me along the way. Its super encouraging, so thank you all.

Hope you have a great rest of your week!






Sociology professor looks good, thought she was another student before reading. What's "PM routes" by the way?


PM routes are the 4 different major branches that will happen on the Friday night for the game. So depending on whether you've chosen Invest, Art, Science or a Job, you'll experience a very different Friday night. They'll be fairly lengthy, so they'll be taking up quite a bit of my time coming up soon :D


Heeey!! you know i just want to say.. as being one of the only like 3 people to vote for quicker upates... I'm still here lol


Lol, I see you and hear you! I'm planning on a big push today and planning on posting once that's done. :)