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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 506: upgrade base to level 1

Looking at this information Vikram understood that he has to one shot kill the mad dog.

But he did not have any projectile weapons like guns or other things.

So he immediately got into the position to kick.

The mad dog is mad and can go berserk.

This means that it would do a frontal attack most of the time.

All these things run in his mind and taking the posture only took him less than 3 seconds of time for the final decision and positioning.

As he expected, as soon as he got into the position the mad dog that noticed him rushed towards him.

Vikram clicked his feet and immediately the sharp edge protruded out of the tip of the shoe.

As soon as the mad dog came into his kicking range he kicked it straight on the head through the ear area where it is fragile.

The kick was decisive and the motion is very smooth.

Just one kick is enough to kill the mad dog.

But if you panicked or wanted to fight with it for continuous fight then it would result in mutual injuries.


With the kick the dog was sent flying to the side.

It trembled for a few moments before it stopped moving.

Well its brain was hit, what you can expect more from it after that.

Vikram came over to check and the option of decompose appeared.

He directly decided to decompose the dog.

Mad dog meat x4

Vikram did not have any thoughts of eating this dog meat.

So he is going to sell it.

For now it would be stored in his personal space that has stagnant time.

This is another good thing about his personal space.

He stored the dog meat inside then moved to check the surroundings.

Here there is a wooden treasure chest right behind the location where there the mad dog is resting before.

Other than that there are few scattered stones small trees and plant vines.

The tree trunk is not that thick and Vikram can break them off easily but it would exhaust his stamina.

These trees did not have any eatable things but the leaves can be used as fire lighting materials after drying them.

But first he decided to open wooden treasure chest.


3 units of stone

2 units of plant vines

1 stone axe

1x 1 liter water bottle


Vikram sighed by the things he obtained.

He decomposed the wooden treasure chest and started to collect the materials on the ground.

Also he used the stone axe to cut the trees and then he let them decompose into wood and foliage.

The foliage can take two sides one is to be used as fire lighting material and other will be fertilizer.

Vikram chose the fire lighting material.

It was stored in space.

He then brought out the base.

With the things he collected just now he has enough materials to upgrade the base to level 1.

So he did that first.

Immediately the materials flew out of his personal space bracelet and entered into the base.

Then it appeared to be surrounded by thick fog for a moment.

Above the white fog there is a timer.

It said that it takes a minute to complete the upgrade.

Vikram did not waste any time and went to take a look at the walls around.

He observed them carefully and the next room he wanted to dig is below.

He dug the hole carefully till the black layer appeared.

Right at that time the upgrade is also complete.

The change is not much.

It is just that the base looked more like a small wooden hut rather than a broken hut before.

With stones on the floor with mud covering them the entire thing can be said to be livable.

Also Vikram can stretch his legs now when he lives in the hut.

He checked the upgrade conditions for level 2 base


Item: level 1 base

Description: a heaven for poor people and homeless people.

Upgrade conditions:

Wood: 8/40 units

Stone: 0/40 units

Fiber: 0/40 units

Level 2 Base upgrade blueprint: 0/1

(Combine two level 1 base upgrade blueprints to get level 2 base upgrade blueprint, vice versa is also possible)


He took the base inside the Pokémon ball and jumped into the black layer in the hole.

Well before jumping he dropped lot of sand that he dug out to cushion him.

Immediately he fell down straight into the sand and he got into alert position.

He watched around carefully and made sure that nothing is wrong before calming down.

This room is big and it was 10x10x10 cubic meter room by his visual estimate.

He carefully looked at the place where there is a pond of water with many fish swimming around.

At the center of the pond there is a treasure box that appeared to be made out of iron.

Vikram is not stupid enough to go there straight.

He checked the fish in the water.

Immediately he was shocked.

They are not normal fish but they are very ferocious.

As soon as he came close to the pond and stretched his hand they jumped out of the water to bite him.

If he has dug the hole at the center of the room before then he would have fallen into the pond.

No wonder that his senses made him feel at safe when he went to the edges.

The pond is not big but the depth is unknown as it looked shallow.

In this kind of situation the best way of doing things is to fish out the fishes till the number reduces a little.

Then used his spears that are around 2 meters in length to hold the treasure box like holding with chopsticks and move it to the land.

With the formulation of the plan he took out the dog meat from before.

Then he took out the spear joints and attacked them.

Chapter 507: food and water has no advantage

With the formulation of the plan he took out the dog meat from before.

Then he took out the spear joints and attacked them.

They are connected and two longs spears are formed.

The box is not 2 meters away instead it was around 1.5 meters into the pond.

First he took out the mad dog meat and rubbed it along the shaft of the spear.

He did not put the meat on it instead he only rubbed the smell.

Then he moved the pokes towards the water slowly.

Immediately the fish jumped up and caught the poles with their sharp teeth because of the meat smell.

Vikram pulled the rods and then pulled those fish carefully and stored them in his personal space.

Naturally they would die inside the stagnant time space.

No living creature can survive in the stagnant space.

Vikram simply stored the fish into the space and continued to fish more.

He rubbed the dog meat again and then pushed the spears around into the pond.

After 7 to 8 times of fishing he got around 40 fish.

The number of fish in the pond is also reduced.

Also Vikram felt that he can bring out the treasure box out with the number of fish attached to the poles.

He moved the poles to either side of the treasure box and clamped it.

Then he lifted it slowly and felt the weight on his hands.

He quickly moved the treasure box out of the pond as if he was throwing it out.

Finally the box was out of the pond and Vikram took the fishes attached to the poles.

He took the iron treasure chest and opened it.


6 units of stone

4 units of wood

1 pike axe

4x 1 liter water bottle

1x level 1 base upgrade blueprint.


When the iron treasure chest was decomposed he got another 2 units of iron.

Then he checked the situation of the fish.

That is to see if it is eatable or not.

The dead fish can still move its mouth to attack as an involuntary action of muscle just like the dead snake.

So he carefully checked the fish and it barely got any meat to eat but still it can let a person live easily.

The body has blood that can take the place of water even thought the smell is fishy.

Still two fish can easily replace food for an entire day easily.

Without any salt or proper fire it was hard to eat the uncooked fish but still it was fine.

So Vikram decided to fish more.

After spending another half an hour he fished a total of another 60 fish.

The total number has reached 100.

At that time he felt that he should not fish here any longer.

He felt a strange danger from the pond.

So he decided to leave here quickly.

After checking the situation on the walls he decided to dig to the left wall right now.

This place is filled with rocks and boulders.

Vikram knows what to do.

Well he took out the pike axe and started to break open the boulders.

All the chunks can be collected to become the units of stone.


After a little while he got around 120 units of stone.

Other than that there is nothing in this room.

Dream brother also checked the situation and found nothing.

What he doesn’t know is that right after he left the previous room with the pond, few tentacles appeared out of the pond and thrashed the area around in frustration.

It could not find the target that took away its fish.

Its strength is very strong and it reached around the peak of tier 1 level that is around 150+ stat points in one or more stats.

Fortunately Vikram left quickly and avoided the life danger.

Vikram went around exploring another 10 rooms and most of the things he encountered are normal creatures.

He encountered mad dog again but there are two of them.

Then there is a rat as big as a dog with high mobility.

There is also a rabbit that is as big as a dog and likes to bite with its buck teeth.

But all of them died with the kicks of Vikram.

His accuracy was perfect when his senses are heightened in battle.

All of them became his meat supplies.

In the afternoon Vikram decided to eat some food.

He got a lighter from one of the treasure boxes.

He made a simple fire stove with stone and wood.

Then he placed the iron blocks to form a small platform for cooking meat.

In the things he brought he got some salt and spices.

So he started to cook the rabbit meat carefully.

Even thought he did not have the necessary tools he can still cook the thing in to its best state.

Also he did not forget to cook the fish for the taste.

Fortunately the system decomposed the things and the fish was decomposed into fish slices based on his requirement.

The pointed teeth of the fish were used as tools to move the meat that was cooked.

Finally a good meal was made and with bread slices from before it was perfect to eat a western style lunch.

While eating he looked the news on the chat list.

There is information about many things.

Some people encounter some big creatures like a tiger in a cave.

Similarly some people encountered wild boars.

Unfortunately it is not that easy to kill wild boars and they paid a heavy price to kill them.

So they are hanging them in the trading area for high prices and medicine.

Unfortunately everyone here is a veteran and would not fall for simple things.

They know the value of medicine very much and they would not simply sell off their medicine for food.

Also most of the people did not sit idle and explored to find their own food and water.

Chapter 508: wild boar free labor

They know the value of medicine very much and they would not simply sell off their medicine for food.

Also most of the people did not sit idle and explored to find their own food and water.

So this survival event did not have any advantage towards food but there is a demand for medicine.

The number of people also decreased as they are dead.

Vikram wanted to send some of the cooked food to candy and Veena.

But the system said that he did not have any trading fee which is the survival points.

He was not shocked by the situation as he has expected this.

He understood the reason why no one is trading right now.

There is no barter system.

If you want something you have to have survival points to put on item for trade.

Also to buy one requires survival points.

A portion of that would be taken by the system.

Other than that even if you want to barter you have to pay some survival points as fee.

Well no one had survival points right now so they could not trade.

He completed his lunch and stored the remaining fish in the space.

The system gave the disintegrating option for the fish too.

But he doesn’t want to disintegrate the fish into fish slices.

The reason is that he would lose the sharp teeth of the fish.

These sharp teeth can be used as weapon or connected to a long stick to make a spear.

Each sharp tooth is around 2 inches in length and has pointy edge.

He was planning to separate them in the evening when he was free and not exploring the other rooms.

Then he would disintegrate the fish into fish slices.

The system is really black hearted in this matter.

After lunch he started his exploration again.

Fortunately or unfortunately in the next room he entered he actually encountered a wild boar in a forest life environment.

The size of the room is actually 100x100x10 cubic meters filled with dense forest.

It was really great to look.

The place is not that big, but not that small either.

The trees are particularly thick and Vikram might not be able to leave this room for a while.

He still has to kill the wild boar that is ready to pounce at him at any given moment.

He could not kill it with his normal way of doing things.

He needs his long spear and also need to plan things perfectly.

Among the beasts in the wild, wild boars are the hardest to kill even with a shot gun.

They would usually rub their backs against the mud and rub the small stones bark and other things on their backs and body.

Over time they would harden layer by layer for many years into forming a strong shell that can even stop the penetrating power of a bullet to a certain extent.

Also its original skin is already thick.

With these things they are particularly difficult opponents to kill.

Vikram sighed knowing this information.

His spears are ready but they still need the pointed edges to be attached.

So he slowly bent down to take the spear head from his shoe.

But the wild boar would not give him the time he needed.

So when it was rushing towards him, he quickly took the spear head from his shoe and then sent it into his personal space.

In the next moment he dodged to the side catching a plant vine as support and climbed onto a tree.

Then he took out the other spear head from his shoe and connected them to the spear shafts to complete the spear.

With the spear complete, he stored them back in the space again.

He was quickly but the wild boar is quicker.

It is already under the tree where Vikram is hiding and started to hit the tree.

The wild boar is as big as a cow and its hitting power is really high.

He hit the trunk of the tree and the tree started to show the signs of being uprooted.

Vikram was really surprised about this matter.

Well the wild boar is big but the tree is thick.

He was surprised that the wild boar is strong enough to hit the tree to the point of breaking the tree.

But an interesting idea popped out in his mind.

He would use this power of the wild boar to do some manual labor for him.

He will be jumping from tree to tree like a monkey and let the wild boar hit the trees to break them.

On one hand his work time would be reduced and the second thing that the wild boar would become dizzy after hitting so many trees.

Just like the bulls, wild boars have high temper.

They would not care about what happens to their body and attack their enemies relentlessly.

Well there should be enough bait for it to lose control and continued to hit the things around.

Vikram took out a bunch of fish slices and decided to use them as bait to make it lose its reasoning.

Pigs are called pigs for a reason.

In front of food they would lose their reason completely.

This is the thing that Vikram wanted and the fishy smell is the best bait to pull its attention completely.

With the plan complete Vikram started to act.

He took a fish slice and then his voice to provoke the wild boar to make it hit the tree.

Also while the tree was being hit Vikram looked around to form a mental map on which tree he should jump to next.

This is an important thing.

He doesn’t want to be suddenly isolated and there is nowhere else to go from the falling tree.

So he has to form a path that leads him till the end to break all the trees and kill the pig along with that in the end.

Chapter 509: personal space of a dead person

He doesn’t want to be suddenly isolated and there is nowhere else to go from the falling tree.

So he has to form a path that leads him till the end to break all the trees and kill the pig along with that in the end.

It is like solving a puzzle and dream worm helped him with this process.

Unfortunately it could not bring out its power to make the wild boar muddle headed.

But still the things that can be done are already useful.

Vikram jumped around from tree to tree like an agile monkey.

Whenever the wild boar stopped hitting the tree he would drop the fish slice down to attract its attention.

This way the wild boar continued for a while and broke half of forest.

Right now its head has some strong bruises and there is also the smell of blood.

But the wild boar is blinded by food.

Its pig genes are on full power making it break the trees for the food.

When 90 percent of the trees are broken by the wild boar, it showed signs of collapsing.

Right then Vikram jumped down the tree straight on the back of the wild boar.

While falling down he used his weight to pierce the spear straight at the back of the neck area of the wild boar and stood on its back with the support of the spear.

The wild boar did not have enough strength to go into berserk state right now.

Vikram also did not give it enough time to recover.

He took another spear and plunged it at another part of its neck.

Then he started to twist the metal spears and pull them out.

This caused the amount of blood flow to increase.

As the final struggle the wild boar wanted to roll on the ground to make Vikram fall and get injured.

Unfortunate Vikram escaped from this with his agility.

It struggled for a while before it died completely.

Vikram got the notification of its death and asked him if he wanted to dissect it.

Right now he did not have any tools or equipment to dissect the wild boar completely and use everything.

All he has is two spears with small pointed edges.

So it is useless to keep the wild boar right now.

He decided to disintegrate into meat and immediately he got the notification.

“Wild boar meat x 12”

He got an insight about the wild boar.

Item: wild boar meat

Description: meat of the wild boar disintegrated by the system.

Specialty: suspected that eating the wild boar meat would improve the vitality stats.

The specific information should be obtained by the host’s experience.


The eyes of Vikram lit up immediately seeing the information.

He decided that this will not be for sale.

He would use it himself and see if there is any big improvement.

With that decided he started to get to work on cutting down the remaining trees in the area.

There are also rocks and boulders.

The good thing is that as long as a tree is fallen he can disintegrate it with the help of the system.

He collected everything in the room quickly and got the final number.

150 x units of wood

10 x units of stone

80 x units of foliage

60 x units of fiber


He wanted to upgrade the base again but a blueprint is missing.

So he sighed and decided to leave to the next room.

Fortunately he met with a pair of mad dogs in the next room that are guarding an iron treasure chest.

With the two spears Vikram did not have to fear them and took care of them quickly.

When he opened the iron treasure chest he got.

Bacon x 3

Water bottle 1 liter x 6

Roll cake x4

Fiber x 10 units


The eyes of Vikram widened so much that he thought he would get a base blueprint.

But he did not get anything.

While he was thinking dream brother spoke.

“Hey Vikram there is a bracelet like yours at the other wall.

It should be the personal space of someone.”

The first thing Vikram thought is not to get the bracelet instead separate the mad dog meat inside his personal space.

He asked the system immediately.

“Did those monsters here consume the human and other beings meat?”

The usually silent system responded to this question.

“No player or hunter’s meat was consumed by any monster in the survival event.

They would only kill them while their bodies were absorbed by the walls of the room.

So host doesn’t have to worry about anything.”

At least system would not lie.

Vikram sighed and calmed down.

He went straight to the personal space bracelet and checked it.

There is some food and water inside.

Other than that there is the base Pokémon ball and a shovel.

Most probably this person died immediately.

The food is not something expensive one.

This means that the person that died here is a new player or something like that.

Vikram also got 300 chaos points.

Well they directly added to the frozen chaos points.

Well they are useless right now.

Vikram did not get any ark or any other thing.

Most probably this person is not that good enough.

Vikram stored the things separately and checked the base on the dead person.

It was in the first state.

Right then he got the notification from the system.

“Host can use the base of other people in place of a blue print.

The level of the base can determine the level of the blueprint by one higher level.

The level 0 base can become a level 1 blueprint if disintegrated.”

Vikram immediately nodded his head and let the base of the dead person disintegrate and a new blueprint appeared.

He took it straight away upgraded his base to level 2.

With his reserve of materials it was easy but the spending is also high.

Chapter 510: silver treasure chest challenge

He took it straight away upgraded his base to level 2.

With his reserve of materials it was easy but the spending is also high.

The upgrade took 2 minutes of time.

Vikram did not leave but checked the walls around to find if there is anything good.

Also he has high hope for the wall where he found the bracelet of the dead person.

He found an iron treasure chest in his first room.

So he was optimistic about this room.

When he went over to the wall and sensed the situation he felt that there is nothing here.

This made him disappointed.

But still he wanted to take a look.

So he went to all the walls and checked the situation.

He got dangerous feeling towards only one wall and no good feeling towards other walls.

This made him decide to enter to the direction where he found the dead man’s personal space.

After digging and entering he found that this room was completely empty and there is nothing here.

Dream worm also took a look and found nothing which disappointed Vikram.

He went around checking the walls around this room.

Surprisingly he felt a strong good feeling towards one of the walls and the sense of danger is also low but solid.

Vikram doesn’t know what he would face in this room but he was sure that there is something good in this room.

As for the other rooms there is nothing at all.

The dead man is really unlucky to open up the one room that is the most dangerous.

Vikram dug the right wall and kept the shovel in the space.

Then he took out his spear before entering into the room.

As soon as he entered it was a big room with a rock with narrow massage protruded out like an elevated pedestal with a narrow slope to get to the top.

On the top of the rock is silver treasure chest.

As soon as Vikram found that he became excited but the remaining picture made him cautious.

On the other side of the rock is a deep hole that was completely black with no visible bottom.

The room has lighting but he could not see through the huge hole.

On either sides of the narrow passage leading to the top is also like that.

There is a deep hole with unknown depth.

The narrow passage leading to the top did not have a good base and Vikram can clearly see that.

At least he was not greedy enough to walk towards the silver treasure chest directly and fall for the obvious traps.

While he was thinking about the situation dream worm spoke.

“Vikram there is a snake on the narrow passage.

It is the same color as the ground and is waiting for the prey.

Be careful.”

Vikram immediately thought.

“Sure enough, getting a silver treasure chest is not an easy thing.”

He carefully looked at the passage way and found the snake that is hiding beside a small bolder.

The snake is not big but the feeling of solid threat along with the treasure chest is clearly understood by Vikram.

It should be extremely poisonous and I cannot fight with it in the narrow passage with the unstable foundation.

Vikram decided to lure the snake out to the edge he is standing on to kill it first.

Naturally he took out the fish slices and dropped one near the snake.

Then he dropped few along the path.

The snake did not move and Vikram also did not move.

The edge he was standing on is big enough to fit his base.

It was the same on all four sides but only one side has this passage way leading to the top.

The room is quite big and the abyss is also quite big giving a strong fear and dangerous feeling.

Vikram directly took out his upgraded base and went inside.

The current base looked like a square hut with 2x2x2 cubic meters size.

Vikram can stand inside now and he can sleep inside with his legs stretching.

The floor and walls has stone lining and the top is made of wood.

While waiting for the snake to come Vikram took out the wood, stone and fiber.

If available he took out 60 units each and if not he would take out the maximum amount.

Both stone and the wood are enough but plant fiber is not sufficient.

Also these things would not spoil because of keeping them out like food and water.

So he kept them in here for the future upgrade.

He did not forget to observe the snake from time to time while doing his work.

He was sure that the snake would take the bait.

It is the game of patience right now.

After a while the wood, stone and fiber are moved into the base.

Vikram got down silently and waited for the snake to crawl out while he ate his lunch to restore his spent energy.

Vikram was already prepared to stay here for the day because he doesn’t know how long it would take to kill the snake.

He could not just give up on the silver treasure chest that has unknown value.

One person and one snake spend around an hour.

The smell of fish slices spread all the way around the area.

No matter how good the taste after cooking it the smell of the fish is really strong if you inhale continuously.

The snake finally moved and it started to crawl out to swallow the fish slice.

After swallowing the first slice of the fish nearby it immediately stopped and waited for another half an hour.

Only after finding out that Vikram did not make a move it started to move out slowly and crawled down from the narrow passage way.

All of this was observed by Tian Meng while Vikram was silently sitting and resting.

Right when the snake crawled down to the edge and swallowed the last piece….


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