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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 226: Ark space upgrading benefits

Still he has to keep a low profile unless something dangerous happened and he encountered some powerful people in disguise.

There is also a situation where Vicky has to save the future lover of Jerry that was captured and brought over here by some thugs.

Originally the little lover of Jerry is from the middle region she came over with her family to play around in the 3-star city.

Well there is an auction there at that time.

She was captured by them and she was later rescued.

The family of that girl is really big from a 5-star city in the middle region.

If possible Vicky really wanted to get a connection to her and get safe passage to the central region.


While travelling Vicky noticed that the temperature outside is over 80 degrees which is really not suitable for many creatures.

The monster camels did not have any problem with this temperature.

As long as they are provided with food, water and a direction they would walk like machines.

Also camel meat is very famous in these parts of the area.

The insides of the boat are really cool for Vicky and others to rest.

Vicky went into the ark space to check which materials ark space wanted to absorb and improve.

Also another good thing is that after taking in the time crystal the timer of the ark space is gone.

So they can come in and go out as they please.

Vicky found that the materials that the ark space needed are many raw materials.

It did not want any materials from the already completed artifacts.

Vicky don’t mind and let it all be taken.

He women have already accepted it.

So there is no problem about this matter.

With that the space kicked them out for another big hibernation for 4 days.

After these 4 days they can see that the ark space has reached 2-star artifact level.

Actually it is more than 2- start artifact level.

Also this time it listed the materials required for it to upgrade to 3-star artifact directly.

But the materials are really rare and hard to find.

They have to check the treasury of the 6 cities big clans and then find the treasury of the 2-star city big families.

With his ghost ability it would be easy work.

Right now Vicky has to improve to the next level.

But before that he has to be prepared for the coming disaster.

Based on the prediction in the book after they arrived at the first city of the 6 cities they would face the natural disaster of meteor shower.

One of the meteorites has bluish green iron over which is called the cold iron in it.

This is the opportunity of that disaster and Vicky has to get no matter what.

Vicky was sure that there will be another protagonist or supporting characters in this place to get the opportunity.

Or the protagonist that should be in the Elven city would move out of the desert to broaden his horizon.

Whatever the case it might be Vicky and his girls are already prepared.

They have been together for years and their bond is as solid as it could be.

They have plans of having children.

But the current improvement of ark space is still not sufficient.

The ark space could not be moved once it was anchored.

This means that they have to settle down in a place to start a family.

So they gave it up for the time being and they would do that in the future.

In reality none of them looked old.

In fact they looked like they have just turned 18 after reaching 1 star level.

Also their distinctive features were carefully masked by their concentration.

Ark space is said to help them in this matter after it was upgraded to 2-star artifact.

That it would provide them with masking effect like a disguise.

But the limit is that for a 2-star artifact it can mask it in front of anything below or equal to 3-star level detection.

This means that they have to take the opportunity to improve the ark space to the higher level quickly.

This would act as safety for them.

At least some sensitive people would not be able to sense any abnormality.

If they sensed something then they would escape with the warning of the space.

After making sure that everything was okay they continued their journey.

During this time they encountered many sand and rocky monsters.

There are rock goats in the rocky area.

They are usually calm and eat green leaves but these rock goats are particularly interested in metal.

Their horns are made of strong hardened metal and they would directly attack people without any warning.

Their teeth and jaw strength are so strong that no one would dare to fight with them head on using cold weapons.

Usually there is a sound wave machines that are used to scare them off from the city.

The cities on the rocky mountain area are usually damaged by these metal eating rock goats and metal digging moles.

These things did not have much meat and eating value and they cannot be exterminated completely.

The most useful things from these creatures are actually the spar inside them and the bones of the creature.

But what others don’t know is that there small amount of meat that is formed under their spine is useful and is a high nutritional thing for any other creature.

It can only be observed when one see a huge vulture capture them eat them.

The eagle like creature would only eat this nutritious meat in this location along with the spar and leaves the corpse of the creature intact.

Other did not notice this because the flying creatures usually hunt very far away from those cities because they would be hunted instead.

Also the location of this meat is their weak spot of their body.

Chapter 227: desert city subdued

Other did not notice this because the flying creatures usually hunt very far away from those cities because they would be hunted instead.

Also the location of this meat is their weak spot of their body.

Others could not find this easily and needed strong mental power that is the mind power to sense the things.

Along the way Vicky killed quite a few of these rock goats.

Finally they came near the entrance to the first city.

This first city is called the desert city.

This city was mostly controlled by the Merck clan and another desert snake people clan.

There are few more beast races in this city.

Right after this place is the city that is on the rock with a beach like area filled with sand.

It is called the sandy beach city.

This place has humans along with beast people and other races.

This place is similar to the city of Gnore from before.

Right now they are in front of the desert city and the number of humans here is very less.

This place looked more like a poor slum with clear distinction between the rich and the poor.

The Merck clan is the rich clan while the snake men clan is half rich or middle class.

The remaining people of all other races are poor.

Instead of calling it poor, it can be said to be a breeding box for the survival of the fittest.

The strongest survives while the other people die.

When Jerry and others arrived here it attracted large amount of attention because of the presence of the big monster camels that are drawing the carriage.

The carriage looked like a big boat with tires attacked to it.

It is very dangerous to stay in this place.

So they are only passing by to stock up some things and move to the next city directly.

They have to pass through the city as the city was built with the road at the center.

Naturally the big moment attracted the attention of the guards at the city gates.


You are coming with big carriage so you have to pay the protection money.

Also we have to search the carriage completely to make sure that you are not carrying anything dangerous into the city.


The dried fish faced man from the Merck clan wearing the uniform of the gate guard said.

He clearly wanted get some benefits but Vicky was not interested in giving them any benefits.

None of the powerhouses in the 6 cities has reached the 2- star level.

Most of them are at 1- star level or just above it by a tier or two.

Just a wave of Vicky’s hand can kill them directly.

Jerry came over to speak but he was speechless by the shameless people.

Those people have actually surrounded the carriage and are ready to attack at any moment.

They don’t want to get the money instead they wanted to take over the entire thing in the name of checking.

“Jerry let me handle this matter.”

Vicky said as he walked out.

With a flick of his hand 20 short spears that are as small as the pointing finger came out.

They have the curved spear head like a drilling rod on both sides.

With a wave of his hand all of them flew and entered and exited through the heads of the surrounding people.

There is no blood on them because of the coating finish on them.

They were stored on the side while another set of curved small spears that can pull out some things flew next.

They went to dig the spars in those people that have spars in them.

All of this happened like a flow of water and in a matter of seconds everything was cleared.

The surrounding people were so shocked that they ran away from there like the frightened birds.

They don’t want to die.

They did not expect that the person would not even speak a word before killing.

So they ran away.

Well there is someone that ran fast in the sand under the ground to inform the situation the clan head of the branch of the Merck family.

They brought the people to intercept the carriage that Vicky and others are travelling.

Well Vicky is expecting this much and let them come.

When they arrived Vicky killed half of them directly without saying a world and then caught the head of the most powerful person of the Merck clan.

He was pinned to the ground directly and then Ginny appeared.

She controlled the mind of the Merck clan head.

Vicky on the other hand only threatened to make them bring food and water they had to replenish their things.

On the other hand the head of the Merck clan left to prepare all their valuables and other thing and moved them into a single warehouse.

Sakura that is good at going through the shadows followed the direction of Ginny and stole everything into the ark space.

By the time she returned they decided to move out of this city without staying here any longer.

Naturally the head of the Merck clan ordered them to not to send this information out of this place so that their reputation would not be destroyed.

Actually this was the decision that Ginny made him take.

After Vicky and others left here they moved straight to the next city that was only 2 days away from the desert city.

Their destination is the sandy beach city.

This place is much better than the previous desert city.

But not much better and they have to be vigilant.

If things are not good then they would try to bomb Vicky and other directly.

Even if they did not bomb them they would try to set traps when they climbing the mountain road.

The mountain road was never maintained with frequent landslides and other disasters of rolling rocks that would fall suddenly from the mountain top.

Chapter 228: coming disasters

Even if they did not bomb them they would try to set traps when they climbing the mountain road.

The mountain road was never maintained with frequent landslides and other disasters of rolling rocks that would fall suddenly from the mountain top.

If something like that happen then the carriage would definitely have a hard time moving on.

Because of this matter they plan to do things more carefully and did not let any remnants attack them out of the blind.

Unfortunately for them they would not be able to attack Vicky and others.

So at night when they came to steal their things and kill them Vicky and the girls killed them all and piled them all outside their big boat carriage.

On the other hand that night they went to the local clan’s storage houses to steal everything completely.

The requirements of the things for the space improvement have increased by a large margin.

So they need more materials.

They could not collect them slowly.

But the things that are already collected can be easily stolen.

The cities have faced many disasters and the results of those disasters are some precious materials.

These things are carefully stored and Ginny used her mind to know their location to get them.

This is all a simple one line process.

As long as the ark space becomes strong they would have a stronger foot hold in this place.

This is their security.

During this time the system is silent and did not even say a single word.

Vicky doubted if there is a problem or there is no longer a protagonist in this place.

The more he thought the more doubtful he become.

Things of the apocalypse land are chaotic but the secret of the apocalypse land might be bigger than the things he imagined.

He doesn’t know if he can reach all the way to the end.

Also he doesn’t know what would happen after he reaches all the way to the end.

There is always problems and dead end.

He doesn’t know if he reaches the end he can find the ones that created his system.

Everything is unknown without a start or the end.

It is like a floating in the water without knowing the destination.

He strongly believes that the apocalypse land might be just one of many places but it is not a single place.


That night after stealing and killing they left here to the next city.

The next city is the stone city with better security and it was housed with the technotrix clan and the Dwarven clan called Boltstone.

When Vicky and others arrived here they are looked differently for a while but the eyes of these did not show too much curiosity.

The city was half way up the mountain and it was built straight on the stone base of the mountain.

There are ores in the nearby mountains and the next city is the mining city with collaboration of human city and Elven city next to it.

These mining resources are used as the way to trade with the 2-star city nearby.

The 2-star city is called the mountain city and the people living there are mostly from these 6 small cities that got rich.

The 2-star city was established with the cooperation of an Elven king, human noble, Dwarven noble and the Cyborg member of the technotrix clan.

Each of them has at least 1 person that is close to 2-star level in strength.

They formed this 2-star city to provide armor, weapons, and other things made of metal from the mountains and trade with the 3-star city.

The 3-star city has most people that would enter into the forest to hunt down the monsters.

Even 2-star city have people that went to hunt down the monsters from outskirts of the forest.

So their metal weapons and amours are famous.

Vicky did not plan on staying here instead he wanted to go to the 2-star city to stay there for the time being.

They got plenty of materials and the next disaster would occur at any time.

Vicky head that before the strike of the meteorites they actually had heavy rain the most flooded the entire area.

Also the mountain roads are completely wet causing landslides and rolling rocks.

This was the dangerous thing at that time and the protection level is very low.

The roads are slippery and muddy.

Usually the mining require them to hallow down the mountain so the land below them is also problematic.

In the previous life when Vicky and other arrived here this place has just started to rain.

There is still more than a month for the rain to start from his calculations.

Before that nothing would happen.

They would stay here for few days and leave to the 2-star city while touching the remaining cities along the way.

The only 1-star city that was still fine after the heavy rain is actually the Elven city that is connected to a huge tree.

On the other hand the remaining 5 cities have suffered heavily.

But at the end of the heavy rain there is meteorite shower and many big meteorites hit the big tree.

Naturally the big tree became half burnt and heavily damaged at the end.

The 2-star city was also damaged but it was in much better condition than the 6 1-star cities.

For this reason Vicky wanted to move to the 2-star city and peacefully improve their strength there.

Vicky’s plan was good and Jerry did not ask much and decided to move forward with Vicky.

The foresight of Vicky is really good and based on what Vicky said to him he was a person that came back in time.

Only stupid person would not listen to the words of the person that came back in time and giving him good advice for his life.

If there is danger he can follow Vicky to come out of it safely.

Chapter 229: bloody silver

Only stupid person would not listen to the words of the person that came back in time and giving him good advice for his life.

If there is danger he can follow Vicky to come out of it safely.

He still remembered when he has no choice but to escape away from his home leaving everything behind.

He still remembers everything and knows that life is the most important thing.

In every city Vicky and his girls would stay at most for one night.

They would steal everything they possibly can and take most of it into the ark space.

The remaining half was left for show in front of Jerry.

Some good materials are recognized by ark space and they can be used for further upgrade.

Vicky and the girls unanimously let the ark devour the materials to improve to tier 3 as quickly as possible.

They would stay in the 2-star city for at least 6 months.

These 6 months are enough for them to step into 2-star level and then improve further by staying here for another year.

The auction would also take place after 2 years at the 3-star city.

The later 6 months are enough for them to navigate through other 2-star cities on the way to reach the 3-star city.

But they have to put a large amount of effort to improve as quickly as possible.

When they reached the Elven city here the Elven tree started to tremble slightly for the presence of Rose.

Well she has to bloodline that is very close to the ancestor of the elves and is related to earth spirits.

So naturally the Elven tree would recognize it and got close to her.

But with the appeasing of Rose the commotion stopped.

Also they could not be traced back by any elves present in the city.

Naturally everything was alright.

With the small stop here they continued to the 2-star city.

They don’t have to go out to get anything so they rented a villa at the outskirts of the city.

Jerry also rented one on the side.

Well they are a team but they could not live on the same place.

Vicky and the girls is husband and wives so naturally they would live in a villa and Jerry with all his machinery would live in a different villa.

In the previous life this place of the 2-star city was not damaged and was fine after the coming disaster.

Also the other than this disaster there are other disasters like a virus infestation from the meteorites.

That is right the people would become zombies after that and the 6 cities here would slowly become the cities of dead.

This virus would spread into the forest and slowly cause many dangerous problems in the future.

But the beasts and creatures in the monster beast forest are of high intelligence.

So they know how to avoid the zombies and kill them.

Also the virus spread into the forest was stopped by the 2-star beasts controlling the low level beasts.

All the infected creatures are put to death directly without leaving any further attack.

So the forest area is safe.

Also the virus infected creatures also improve and develop intelligence.

So they would occupy a part of the forest with those virus zombies from different races and beasts.

This was the cause for many big people to come over to the 3-star city from the middle layer of the apocalypse land.

The reason why they came over is to collect the virus sample from the source to make special creatures.

There are also zombie creatures in the middle and central layer of the apocalypse lands.

Those zombies have reached higher level like 7-star and 8-star level.

Also their way of improvement is very different which was interested by many powerhouses.

So they wanted to replicate using the virus that created these zombies and improve their strength quickly.

For this reason they came to this far away place in the lower area.

Also in the auction they wanted get some special materials on sale.

Vicky was also interested in this material.

It was called bloody silver.

It was the most lethal material that is said to kill demons without a problem.

It is especially so for the vampire lords that is scared of this material.

It is said that they discovered this piece of bloody silver when someone is doing rock gambling in the 2-star city where Vicky and others are going right now.

It was the mountain city that is good at rock gambling.

When the rocks are open they might find many kinds of materials.

In the mines the most common materials is iron but there is also silver and gold along with many gemstones in them.

Many things are found these mines and many people are interested in the thing they might excavate.

So the rock gambling is very famous in this area.

It was found in those rocks.

Also the time is around when Vicky and other arrived.

Unfortunately Vicky could not just go and get them.

The usage of mind abilities in the rock gambling area is forbidden.

There are is a formation in the area.

If anyone uses the mind related or spirit related abilities then they would immediately be notified.

Because of this matter no one would cheat off these people.

But there is an exception to this.

That is the ability of Ginny and her bloodline.

Vicky knows this because her ancestry was ended because of this very thing.

They can practically go anywhere and everywhere without being blocked by any form of formations or seals.

They can use their mental power to break through the things and get everything they wanted.

This made the other people jealous and they finally hunted them down silently.

They did not even leave few for the future generations.

They feared that even if one of them escaped they would cause some big revenge with their minds.

Chapter 230: many precious materials in the gambling rocks

They did not even leave few for the future generations.

They feared that even if one of them escaped they would cause some big revenge with their minds.

Unfortunately for them one of the progenitors is a person from that clan that escaped.

Even though he was killed later he made sure that the bloodline was preserved and passed on.


They rested for the night and moved out on the next day.

They made their way to the rock gambling area on the next day and Ginny was asked to check if the detection can still detect her power.

She is in disguise so no one could tell who she is.

Their disguise is same as when they are back in the city of Gnore.

They are a group with Vicky as the old man father, the two old wives the big men brothers and two ugly daughters.

They came over like a family package and they attracted little attention.

But their appearance directly stopped those people from taking up the attention.

Well they are particularly ugly for them to watch.

Ginny took the chance to use her ability.

But no formation detected her usage of ability.

Because of this reason the family had big smiles on their faces.

No one knows why these ugly people are smiling so much.

But this made their faces particularly uglier and this caused the surrounding people to move away from them.

This caused a big circle around them.

Vicky and others did not care about this and Ginny sent messages to Vicky and others about her findings.

So they started to buy the materials one by one.

When she found something of lower value she would inform Vicky.

Vicky would pick them up and buy them.

They would ask the person in charge to open them on spot.

But if they found something good they would take the rock and did not want to be opened.

Similarly they quickly went around the lower section of the gambling area.

They did obtain some good amount of spars that are exchanged for those materials.

Some rocks are not broken and are specifically stored on the side for breaking them later.

The spars earned by them gained a little attention again.

But when they lost few more stones they immediately lost interest.

They moved on to the middle level area.

The unopened rocks were taken by the two women that put on the appearance of sons.

One of them that took the appearance of the son slipped away and took the stones with her.

She went to the nearby hotel and then put the things back in space.

She replaced the ore stones with valuable ores with the normal useless iron ore ones.

After switching them she came back silently.

This is a cheap hotel and naturally things can go missing.

There are greedy people that watched this and wanted to take the chance to steal the things.

But they did not act immediately because the big ugly family went to the middle level area.

They thought that they might harvest some middle level stones later.

Also they particularly checked and found that these people are not strong.

So they wanted to steal all the spars they had on them quickly along with the stones.

Because of this a gang of people have already appeared specifically following them carefully.

Also there are a few that are waiting in front of the hotel if someone slipped out of here from their encirclement.

Soon Vicky and the people came to the middle level area.

Then Ginny found some good stones and told Vicky.

Vicky checked them and bought a few hits slowly.

They did not find the bloody silver here.

So they have to go the high level area to check for that.

Since the bloody silver got all the way to the auction house then it should be that the person that got it might have a strong background.

So it should be either in the middle level area or the high level area.

Vicky checked the stones and opened good ones once every 10 times.

The real good ones are all taken differently to play at home.

No one suspected because they opened too many stones.

There are only around 20 or 30 good ones.

The good ones are stored separately and they once again took them back to the hotel and are switched with normal stones quickly.

Soon they made their way to high level area.

They require hundreds and thousands of 2-star spars to buy the rocks in the high level area.

They quickly bought the good stones and Ginny finally noticed the stone with bloody silver.

But there are actually two stones with bloody silver.

One is big and the other is small.

Vicky was shocked knowing this.

There is also night shade bronze, burning gold, rotten living wood….

These materials are rare.

Vicky sighed thinking this area is very good for treasures.

Vicky moved choosing the rocks that are good and bad once again.

Even thought they are good things he could not let go of anything.

After searching around he bought the things and sold some cold stone iron and other useless things.

After taking them he let the other person transport the stones but they would all move along when leaving.

From entry to leaving after buying and selling the total expenditure is not negative.

They even got a profit of 376 2-star spars as gain.

All the stones they are carrying are all placed in the hotel in name so they have to go into the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel they found that there are many people following them.

But they acted like they did not notice anything.

The people following them felt that they came across a fat sheep.

So they followed silently and waited before all of them are gathered.

They are following the orders of their leader that is on his way here.


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