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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 191: Tsunade finally conquered her fear of blood

So she can stay there to cooperate.

The fight was really incredible.

She is 6 to 8 years older than Naruto.

Kakashi is around 13 to 14 years when Naruto was born.

Around that time Shizune is still a kid around 5 to 6 years.

She followed Tsunade after the death of her brother and the former lover of Tsunade.

So she is also in the target range of Naruto.

Naruto will be having a big harem this time as he will not be sent out of this world right away like in the last life.

Unfortunately no one would take him seriously right now because of his young age.

Well the girls of same age like Hinata and Ino would still take his words seriously.

But the older woman like Tsunade, Kurenai and Shizune would not believe his words easily and even think them as childish blabbering.

At most they would see Naruto as a younger brother.

The fight went on and it was time for Naruto and others to appear.

Tsunade fell for that fear of blood again.

This was caused by Kabuto and Naruto appeared in front of her to protect her.

Shizune is also fine.

Kabuto was a spy that is acting at multiple fronts.

Naturally he is also on the side of Naruto but he could not reveal this matter.

So he did not show any mercy and started to fight normally.

Naturally Tsunade is shivering.

Orochimaru did not act right now because his hands are not in the condition to work.

So he is standing on the side.

Shizune moved forward to fight with Kabuto while Naruto went to Tsunade to speak.

“It seems like your fear of blood did not completely gone.

We have to work out about this.

Tsunade remember the ones you lost in the bloody wars.

If you did not come out of the fear of blood you will lose more people.

In this fight I am not going to help you.

Jiraiya was poisoned by you and he will not be coming here quickly here.

Even if he came over he is completely useless.

Shizune is good at fighting but she will not be able to defeat Kabuto.

So you have to save her.

If you want her to live you have to save her.

She has been with you for so long…..”

Naruto spoke to Tsunade and then went to the side to sit on a rock to watch the show.

The eyes of Tsunade were in between the determination and fear interchanging between them as Naruto spoke to her.

Soon Shizune could not hold on and fell back towards Tsunade covered in blood.

Tsunade shivered looking at Shizune more.

But she could not come out of the situation.

Naruto did not move from the start to the end.

Even Shizune did not understand why Naruto did not move and she was in so much pain that she almost lost consciousness.

Kabuto walked over with a crazy smile full intended to kill Shizune.

Since Naruto did not speak it means that there is no objection.

Well Naruto is not a protagonist that would save damsel in despair.

He is a villain and he values some power and brains along with the beauty instead of stupidly going around them like a mutt.

Tsunade immediately moved forward to fall on Shizune to save her from death in the hands of Kabuto.

Kabuto started to kick her few time and finally pushed her away.

Then he used a chakra blade or needle to cut the chakra line that goes to the heart of Shizune.

Tsunade wanted to move forward to save Shizune.

She looked at Naruto for help but Naruto did not show any sign of moving to help her.

But he said.

“She is your responsibility.

Fear is something psychological.

You have to come out of it to live your life completely fulfilled.

So don’t ask me for this.

Come out of your fear and save her.

If she dies then there will be more blood on your hands.

Think about it carefully Tsunade.”

Right around that time Jiraiya finally arrived.

He wanted to intervene but Naruto simply kicked him off and directly blocked his hands and leg joints using medical ninjutsu so that he would not meddle in this matter.

Also he did not forget to stop his annoying voice too.

This way he would not be able to disturb the scene.

Orochimaru on the other hand was successfully attracted towards Naruto.

He did not expect that Naruto was so through and cruel.

His cruelty was so much that he doubted if Naruto is really a kid.

He knows that Naruto has 9 tailed fox sealed inside him and he was strong.

He felt that he would become a big obstacle in the future and wanted to attack Naruto right at that moment.

Unfortunately he did not have the Kusanagi sword with him to attack Naruto.

So he tried using another sword to come at Naruto when he was facing Jiraiya just now.

When Orochimaru attacked with his body moving like a spear towards Naruto, Tsunade became more and more determined.

She wanted to save Shizune.

She don’t want to live in the past all the time.

She then watched Orochimaru coming straight at Naruto with a sword coming out of his mouth.

The situation made her head hurt from so many things coming at the same time.

One side is Shizune that was going to be killed by Kabuto.

On the other side Naruto that was being attacked by Orochimaru.

Right then she finally broke her fear of blood and used her strength to kick Kabuto and then moved towards Naruto to block the attack of Orochimaru.

The sword pierced her body and her blood splashed on her.

Finally she broke her fear of blood and now she is become normal.

Naruto turned around and looked at Tsunade that stopped trembling.

Orochimaru was also shocked so he took a step back.

Chapter 192: I want to eat that snake

Naruto turned around and looked at Tsunade that stopped trembling.

Orochimaru was also shocked so he took a step back.

The sword came out of the injury spraying blood out of it.

She took a turn and punched Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was sent flying like an arrow.

But he was not damaged by much with his soft body.

Orochimaru immediately took few more steps and called Kabuto to come over.

He wanted to summon Manda with the help of Kabuto in this situation.

Naturally Kabuto went over to him to apply the blood on the markings of his hand to form the seal.

Naruto on the other hand was more stable.

Since Tsunade recovered from her fear of blood, he can finally take the step forward to play.

So he separated a shadow clone to heal the injuries of Shizune.

The healing ability of Naruto is really fast.

Tsunade did not need to be healed because she activated the hundred healing Jutsu to heal all of her injuries.

But Naruto came over to place his hand on her back to directly recover her spent chakra just now.

Tsunade knows that Naruto did this to recover her from her fear of blood.

As for Jiraiya no one cared about this matter.

In just few seconds Shizune only had the blood marks and dust on her body.

All of her injuries are already healed.

Right then Orochimaru summoned the huge snake Manda.

He and Kabuto stood on the top of the snake looking at them with great interest.

Orochimaru still has the thoughts of getting his hands healed by Tsunade by threatening her with the lives of the people there.

Then Naruto stepped forward with drool falling from his mouth.

He looked behind at Tsunade and asked.

“Tsunade, have you ever eater fried snake.

I heard that it would taste like chicken.

There is a big snake in front of us.

I am going to dissect it now and cook it for our lunch.

Also I heard that the snake is full of treasures that are good for anti aging and improving the body.

This is really a good snake that aged well over many years.”

The eyes of Naruto fell on the snake as he took out two swords from the sealing papers.

One the sword of Zabuza that is called the executioner’s blade and the Kusanagi blade that has a very sharp edge,

They are taken out of the sealing papers by Naruto and he looked at the big snake Manda as if he was looking at his prey.

Naruto looked like an ant in front of the big snake but the big snake actually shivered feeling the strong gaze of a predator.

Both Orochimaru and Kabuto felt the trembling of the snake body while Tsunade, Shizune and Jiraiya looked at the trembling snake.

Naruto has this strange aura that can even make the tailed beasts tremble.

It was formed after he killed and ate such powerful monsters.

So his predator eyes made the big snake Manda fear for its life.

It was the instinctive fear.

But its pride did not want to admit that it felt fear towards Naruto that is not even a proper ninja.

Suddenly Naruto in front of them vanished and he appeared around at the neck part of the snake that is behind Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Naruto used both hands to swing them on both sides at the same time.

The swords are sharp and tough to break the scales of the big snake Manda and the blood gushed out.

There is few feet wide cut on its neck but it was not deep enough.

It appeared that Naruto’s power is still not enough.

All it would take is another two strikes to kill the snake completely.

But Naruto did not get the chance as the snake directly returned back to its snake cave in the spirit world.

Naruto was disappointed and he appeared next to Orochimaru that was so shocked that he could not move properly right now.

Because of the sudden disappearance of the snake he fell on the ground but quickly got a hold of his falling.

When Naruto appeared behind him Naruto directly put the Kusanagi sword on his neck and said.

“I want to eat snake meat.

So summon that snake back.

If not you will lose your body before the next body that you want to prepare comes to you.

Don’t thing that I could not do anything.


Orochimaru looked the Kusanagi sword on Naruto’s hands and said with a frightened smile.

“So it was you that stole my Kusanagi sword that day.

You really are good at fishing in the troubled waters.

I cannot summon that snake back.

But I can summon other snakes that are also big and old if you want.

That big snake is Manda and it was like a small boss in the cave of snakes.

It can only be summoned through sacrifices.

Also it is injured now and it would not come even if I summon it.

Orochimaru said with his snake like voice.”

Naruto simply nodded his head and Orochimaru gestured Kabuto to summon another snake.

Also he gestured Kabuto to escape when the snake was summoned.

Kabuto that was behind Naruto gestured a little and then summoned the snake.

Naruto already understood their plan let them escape for the time being.

As soon as big snake was summoned Naruto directly killed it.

But he did not dare to eat the snake.

This is because this snake is actually very poisonous.

Its entire body is filled with poison.

Orochimaru and Kabuto escaped at that moment with all their might.

Naruto did not chase them.

Naruto still has the special soul servant seal that he used on Orochimaru in his past life.

But he could not use it now because the strength and spirit of Orochimaru are far stronger and stable than his previous self more than 15 years ago during the ninja war.

Chapter 193: return back to the village with Tsunade

Naruto still has the special soul servant seal that he used on Orochimaru in his past life.

But he could not use it now because the strength and spirit of Orochimaru are far stronger and stable than his previous self more than 15 years ago during the ninja war.

Also Orochimaru is in madness and short of his life.

He needs to complete his things before Naruto can take him over to his side.

Also Naruto needs to be stronger than he is right now to do that.

He has to be at least at sage level to control Orochimaru.

The reason for keeping Orochimaru is because Orochimaru is really a genius.

Naruto doesn’t want to miss such a person that can modernize the things and unlock many secrets of ninjutsu.


Naruto wanted to use the fire style ninjutsu to completely burn the corpse of the poisonous snake.

But the gas that comes out of burning it is also poisonous.

So he just sealed the snake inside the sealing paper to use it for other things later.

For now he took Tsunade, Shizune and the pig to leave here.

Right when they are walking away there is a sound of someone that is talking with their face full of mud.

“Hey help me here.

You cannot leave me here just like that.

Hey Naruto, I am your teacher.

You cannot leave me like this.

Come one guys.

Hey Tsunade, help me please….”

It was the voice of Jiraiya.

After Naruto dislocated his joints he was blown away by the gust of the wind and fell into a muddy place.

He could not move so he started to use frog technique to breath like a mud frog.

So he is currently calling for help using with his face still buried in the mud…


Tsunade decided to return back to the village to become the fifth Hokage.

As for the situation with Naruto’s head wife, it still requires time to think about this.

Shizune has a different thought in her mind.

She was attracted to Naruto.

Even though Naruto did not save her before and let her get beat up inches away from death, she knows that it was all to cure the fear of blood of Tsunade.

That is not all she was actually attracted by the strong medical ninjutsu that Naruto performed to cure her so quickly.

Theoretically healing only requires the time of regeneration if the operator know all the minute details.

Naruto was able to do that which is not even possible for Tsunade.

Even with her hundred healings she can only heal herself.

As for Naruto he can heal other people with his healing at that kind of speed.

Also she saw how Naruto almost killed the big snake with a simple attack and scared away Orochimaru and Kabuto that almost killed her.

She might not be a masochist but her feelings towards Naruto cannot be explained through normal means.


They returned back to the hidden leaf village.

Well Jiraiya was also there and he was looking at Naruto resentfully.

But he did not say anything.

When they returned Naruto asked Tsunade to heal rock lee.

Compared to Sasuke, rock lee is much better person in both character and capabilities.

Any way Sasuke did not have any problems right now.

Even though his balls were kicked to the point of crushing, the incident happened long ago and everyone forgotten about it.

Well he doesn’t need those balls right now and when he need then he would understand the problem.


Tsunade went over to check the situation when Naruto asked.

At that time both Neji and Tenten also arrived to see.

Actually Naruto can solve this problem of rock lee with his capabilities.

But he needs a capable nurse to assist him.

For that he brought over Tsunade.

Tsunade already understood the capabilities of Naruto when he healed Shizune and recovered her chakra before.

So she did not question.

They decided to perform operation soon.

As for the other elders of the village Naruto is not planning on doing anything to touch their interests right now.

On the other hand Sasuke found out about the visit of his brother Itachi.

Also he found that his brother’s ass was kicked by Naruto when he came to attack them.

He got the information from Asuma that felt that the recent situation was not right.

He felt that Naruto really cares about his team mates Sasuke and Sakura.

So he targeted Sasuke to tell all this information.

This is the revenge he wanted to have because of what Naruto did to break him and Kurenai.

Also the announcement in the Chunin exam before indicates that his father is the one that took away all of his money and inheritance.

This made him severely lose face in front of every other ninja.

He did not receive the looks of admiration recently.

The other elders of the village management that Homura and Koharu were also criticized by many ninja both in and out of their work circle.

Danzo did not care about anything and he simply does what he wants.

He is currently trying his best to get the position of the Hokage.

Unfortunately he was unable to get that because of the rejection of many clan leaders of the village along with the lack of support of daimyo.

Also he did not expect that Tsunade would come back with Jiraiya and Naruto so quickly.

What he lacked is time to take the village with the carrot or the stick.

Unfortunately he did not get enough time to do anything.

So he can only stay in the dark waiting for the opportunity again.

Also his reputation in the village is not very good among the clan leaders and ninja.

As for the ordinary people they did not know about him.

Well he was always hidden in the base of the roots under the ground, so no one knows about him.

Chapter 194: Naruto is the doctor and Tsunade is the nurse

As for the ordinary people they did not know about him.

Well he was always hidden in the base of the roots under the ground, so no one knows about him.

When Sasuke found that Naruto has returned, he came over to challenge Naruto.

He wanted to beat Naruto to prove that he can fight against his brother.

Well Naruto was more than happy to entertain the stupidity of Sasuke.

He just separated a shadow clone and said.

“If you can beat my shadow clone then think about coming to fight me.

If not don’t bother me and train on your own.”

After saying these words to Sasuke, Naruto left to go to the operation of rock lee.

Listening to the words of Naruto, Sasuke was boiling all over.

He wanted to use Chidori to directly attack the clone and make Naruto fight him.

But when he shot Naruto with Chidori, Naruto’s clone caught it with bare hand.

The Chidori directly dissipated.

The reason for this is actually the strong wind chakra on the hand of Naruto’s clone.

The simply knocked out Sasuke and sent him the hospital directly.

Sakura that watched this can only open her mouth wide looking at the entire thing.

Ino came over to latch on to Naruto.

When she found that Naruto was going to heal rock lee with Tsunade she immediately wanted to learn.

Neji and Tenten also came over to watch rock lee.

Neji spoke privately to Naruto.

“I want the branch family members to separate and get rid of this caged bird seal.

I want your help to ask the fifth Hokage to see over this matter.

We don’t want to live like a close community and rot within.

Will you help me?”

Neji asked without showing his pride.

This is the model that Naruto prefers.

Since he asked him so politely Naruto could not simply refuse.

So he accepted this and decided to help him with his.

Also Neji asked Naruto to take good care of rock lee.

Kakashi has already mentioned about the medical capabilities of Naruto.

He did not tell the identity of the person that Naruto saved.

But he told them that Naruto actually operated on a person whose heart is crushed and pulled that person back to life.

The other doctors are doubtful but with the assurance from Tsunade they directly accepted it.

Tenten did not say much but she has some admiration towards Naruto that is capable of many things.

In the operation room Tsunade took care of stopping the bleeding while Shizune was there to hand in the tools of operation one by one at the fastest speed.

Naruto was the one that is operating with his quick hands.

His hands are much quicker and firmer than many doctors.

Other doctors are watching from the side lines and they did not expect that a kid of 13 to 14 years old was capable of doing something like this.

Actually Naruto was not that capable.

But during the search for Tsunade he got the treasure chests from those few people.

In them there is medical knowledge that belongs to Orochimaru, Kabuto, Tsunade and Shizune.

Combined with his own medical knowledge from his previous life, things became easy.

The operation was a success and rock lee healed quickly under the strong vitality energy that Naruto injected.

It is said that good people die early.

But even being a villain, Naruto don’t want good people like rock lee die early.

A world only needs one hero and he wanted to be that hero in the bright and villain in the dark.

He did not bother to go around hunting down the small fish like good people to anger the will of the world.

His target is always those wealthy villains and protagonists.

They will be taken down by Naruto.

After he was done with the operation Naruto prepared for the departure of Sasuke.

Sasuke that ran away from the hospital was caught by Kakashi that witnessed the situation of Sasuke and Naruto before.

Actually Sakura went to him for help and brought him over to help Sasuke, so that he would not take any rash decision.

After talking with Sasuke, Kakashi left.

But Naruto’s clone is there waiting for the arrival of the ninja from the sound village that would provoke Sasuke and take him away from here.

Naturally Sasuke was completely thrashed by the four people from the hidden sound village.

His inferiority complex turned towards depression and to anger and finally a stupid determination.

He made a decision to sacrifice his life to gain the power to kill Itachi.

Naruto did not care about this matter.

Instead of that Naruto cared most is about the girl named Tayuya among the four people that came here from the hidden sound village.

He is going to take her away when there is a battle later.

He will not let her go back to the hidden sound village.

Also he is going to release the seal on her neck made by Orochimaru.

Naruto knows how to unseal this thing easily.

The reason why he did not do anything for Sasuke is because he doesn’t want to disturb the plot.

As long as the plot is still going well he can do anything he wants.

He still has to take care of the daimyo of the land of fire.

What he wanted is to occupy the entire ninja world instead of living on a piece of land stupidly.

Power speaks and the brain controls.

He is going to stretch his fingers all the way to the roots of all the hidden villages and take over everything.

For now he has to complete the things slowly.

He still has to improve his strength to a level higher than sage of 6 paths and 10 tails jinchūriki.

Only then can he get what he wanted easily.

If not there would be plenty of obstacles that would eat up his precious playing time.

Chapter 195: wanting to get a treasure chest from Kimimaro

Only then can he get what he wanted easily.

If not there would be plenty of obstacles that would eat up his precious playing time.

Naruto’s clone looked at Sasuke being beaten left and right with great happiness.

He even had popcorn and other things to watch the show.

After a while they left leaving few nonsensical words to Sasuke to follow Orochimaru to gain power.

Naruto’s clone continued to monitor from the shadows and let things progress as it should be.

The clone would follow Sasuke later for a while and find the right opportunity to snatch Tayuya back later.

Tsunade went to the Hokage’s office to continue with the paper work.

Also Naruto’s claims were taken into consideration and his inheritance was transferred to him.

But he did not stop at that.

He checked the account books with many holes in it.

The money was not correctly mentioned.

So Naruto filed a complaint directly.

The person managing the thing was caught and he will be interrogated soon.

Naruto would not leave a penny that belongs to him to anyone.

While this is happening Sasuke was fighting in his heart to make a decision.

He wanted to come to a decision that would let him take care of his revenge.

So he made his choice just like that in the movie.

Naturally Sakura went over to say the sweet lovely words.

She was knocked out and Sasuke was gone with the people from the hidden sound village.

Tsunade was exhausted with the Hokage work is currently sleeping.

Everything followed the plot.

Naturally Shikamaru was called to bring back Sasuke.

In the room there is also Naruto that was called along with Shikamaru.

Quickly the team was assembled and they decided to go along.

Shikamaru left first while Naruto left a clone back to talk to Tsunade.

“Tsunade, I thing that bring Sasuke is not a good thing.

He needed to be trained there.

So even if we caught up, I will probably let him go.

I hope you don’t mind things taking the wrong turn.”

Tsunade did not understand the reasoning in the words of Naruto.

So the clone of Naruto explained about this matter carefully for her to understand.

When he was done the clone vanished and the results appeared in the mind of Naruto.

Naturally if the sound village people really hurried Naruto’s group might not be able to catch up with them.

But the situation is different and they wanted Sasuke to reach level two of the curse seal.

So Sasuke would go into hibernation at this moment.

Naruto’s group quickly started.

The speech of Sakura did not happen and rock lee was not there at the moment.

He was in the hospital recuperating after the operation.

He can go around after few days.

Even though Naruto healed him completely the internal mending still requires more time.

The clone of Naruto that is following behind Sasuke is currently following behind the group of sound ninja.

When the time is right he would take Tayuya with him and slowly change her thinking later.

For now they found the group of the sound ninja.


Naruto intentionally stepped into their trap as if following the plot.

So they are inside an earth dome that was made by one of the four sound ninja.

Naruto followed the plot and did not mess things up.

But he controlled his chakra so well that the amount of his chakra loss is very less.

Here Choji separated to fight with the sound ninja.

The spider well spitting person from the sound village was countered by Neji.

Without the caged bird seal on his head his power is more active than before.

With its capabilities he was able to act perfectly.

Without the caged bird the main family techniques can be learnt easily.

So naturally his fighting capabilities are much higher than other people.


For the time being Naruto’s clone stayed behind where Tayuya is present to look for the right opportunity to capture her.

On the other hand Naruto followed Kimimaro that suddenly came over to take Sasuke back.

He belongs to the Kaguya clan with strong chakra that is comparable to that of Senju and Uchiha clans.

Even the fighting capabilities of the clam members are really good.

But these people are too impulsive and arrogant.

They belong to the hidden mist village and died during the purge of all the clans with special bloodlines.

Kimimaro was severely sick right now and can barely live.

The specialty of this Kaguya clan is not just their bones but the overall defense.

This is the thing that is comparable to Susanoo of the Uchiha clan.

Naruto wanted to create strong emotional fluctuations in Kimimaro to gain a treasure chest that can let him gain the special ability of the Kaguya clan.

Any way he is the last remaining member of the Kaguya clan right now.

So Naruto decided to fight with Kimimaro.

During the fight he can impress him and with his words he can create a situation where he could not fulfill the orders of Orochimaru.

With that the treasure box would definitely fall.

After making the basic plan Naruto go on the attack more with both body and mouth.

“Hey, you are Kimimaro right.

You are from the Kaguya clan.”

Naruto did not produce many clones instead he took out the executioner’s blade.

Even if it was broken, it will repair back on its own.

It can also take in chakra to fight as chakra blade.

So it is the best choice in the current fight with Kimimaro with his bone blades instead of Kusanagi sword.

“Yes I am Kimimaro.

I have not met you before.

How did you know my name and how did you know about my clan?”

Naruto did not answer his question directly and spoke as he liked.

“You are the only survivor of the Kaguya clan.

You are very sick and you can barely support your body right now.”


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