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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 181: the destruction starts

They can only slowly explain about this matter using the deceiving words.

Fortunately for third Hokage he would die today and escape the burden of explaining the things.

With the news spreading like wild fire the faces of people changed greatly.

They never expected that the kid they all hated is the son of the fourth Hokage that saved their lives.

The guilt in their hearts stirred their feelings.

Naruto did not ask third Hokage to explain.

Asking him to explain now might cause problems.

When the people are in dilemma is the best time to stir their emotions to get better results.

Looking at the emotional bar filling crazily Naruto smiled brightly.

There is no wooden treasure box appearing on the head of anyone.

All of the turned to iron treasure chest.

The face of Asuma is not good because Naruto now has equal standing with him as the son of the Hokage.

At least that is what he thought.

With this announcement Naruto can legally ask for the money and other things that should belong to his parents.

After the death of third Hokage, with the help of Jiraiya and Kakashi, Naruto can get all of his inheritance back into his hands.

The matters related to kin and Karin can also be solved in this way.

For now he would transfer them to the land of waves to keep them safe with Haku and Zabuza.

When Tsunade comes back he would bring them back and let her take care of them.

With the plan in mind Naruto left the arena with him declaring as winner in both the battle and in his words.

Third Hokage could not refute right now with all the proofs in place.

After Naruto left here Neji was taken to then infirmary for checkup.

He just got hit at the back of his head which is very delicate part.

If there is small problem left then there is a chance of completely losing the function of the body in the future.

So they have to check before making sure that there is no problem or hidden danger.

After their checks Neji was digesting the information and when the current head of the Hyuga clan came over to talk.

Naturally things happened just like that in the plot.

Hiashi Hyuga is not a bad person like the other family member of the Hyuga clan.

His kindness is what that Hinata inherited along with her mother’s kind nature.

Because of the double impact she acted like that.

Well the talk between Neji and Hiashi is not that important to Naruto.

But he was sure that the Hyuga clan would have a big change soon.

He went to the stands to meet with Hinata that did not faint.

Ino is also beside Hinata.

Naruto sat between them as he talked to them for a few minutes before returning to the stand of the participating people.

Naturally the matches were moved forward because of the absence of Sasuke.

So the match between Shikamaru and Tamara happened right after.

Also Naruto did not forget to push Shikamaru out of the stands to make his grand entrance.

One more thing that is not happening in the stadium right now is the original talk between Asuma and Kurenai.

Because of the mess caused by Naruto their relation has deviated and they did not talk much in the past few days.

She was impressed by the talent of Shikamaru but that is all there is to it.

Sasuke arrived with his fancy entrance right at that time.

Well it was not as big of a commotion as the news about Naruto’s origins.

Naruto did not stand in the arena instead he went to the area with rock lee and might guy appeared.

Rock lee might not show his sadness but Naruto can see it clearly.

So he patted the shoulder of rock lee and whispered.

“Don’t worry thick eyebrows bro.

You will be back to normal in the coming future.”

The match started as usual.

Naruto did not show any influence on the 1 tail so that the situation is the same as that of the original plot.

Soon the Genjutsu started putting everyone to sleep.

It was getting to the time when Naruto has to act.

Naruto did not have to disrupt his chakra to get out of Genjutsu because he was immune to Genjutsu of elite Jonin level right now.

In the audience there is Karin and kin that lost consciousness.

So Naruto gently woke them up so that they can watch the situation.

Kin already know about this matter but she wanted to know what is about to happen to her team mates.

Unfortunately she did not get the chance to know about that.

Naruto’s clone sent him back to his house for hiding.

Right now it was the dangerous time.

This was all taken care by his clone while Naruto quickly moved to follow Gaara and his group.

But before leaving Naruto moved like a wind and directly killed the surrounding sound ninja.

It was so fast that even Kakashi was shocked by the speed of Naruto.

On the other hand Kakashi told Sakura and Naruto about his plan to pursue the Gaara’s group.

While going around Naruto used a shadow clone to take care of the diversions.

Every one of them is killed without an exception.

They are not human but beasts in human clothes that did all kinds of atrocities under the leadership of Orochimaru.

Naruto did not care about what they did but he doesn’t want anyone to obstruct his path or what he does live.

So he used his shadow clone to take care of them completely.

On the other hand kin and Karin were successfully taken to the house of Naruto for safety.

After that he stayed there for protecting them.

As for the other clone of Naruto that killed the ninja of Orochimaru that are here to distract them went back to arena.

Chapter 182: giving a piece of mind to Gaara

After that he stayed there for protecting them.

As for the other clone of Naruto that killed the ninja of Orochimaru that are here to distract them went back to arena.

The target of this clone of Naruto is actually the Kusanagi Sword that is in the hands of Orochimaru.


They caught up with the others and there is also Shino that came before them following Sasuke.

Naturally Shino took Kankuro as his opponent since he did not fight with him in the arena before.

Right then Gaara pushed Tamara hard as she was sent flying.

Naruto suddenly appeared behind her and caught her directly.

“Tamara you don’t have to run.

Even though your group is in the wrong the investigation is needed to know the truth.

My guess is that you are all being manipulated into this war.”

Naruto put his healing hand to heal Tamara while Sasuke looked at Gaara wanting to fight.

But Tamara was more frightened by the changes in Gaara.

She wanted Naruto to stop Gaara and save her brother.

She knows that it selfish but she still asked Naruto to save Gaara.

She remembers that Naruto was able to stop Gaara before.

Naruto comforted her and separated a shadow clone to support her.

Naruto did not make a move immediately instead he looked at the situation of Gaara and asked Tamara.

“Your brother is a jinchūriki right,

Which idiot made that nonsense of a seal that directly connects jinchūriki and the tailed beast’s emotions?

It seems to have lost control of Gaara.

What is appearing in front of your is not your brother but the tailed beast.

Don’t worry it would not let anything happen to your brother.

Most probably your brother is in sleeping state or near sleeping state.

He is losing the battle with the tailed beast.

But there is a way to save him.

It requires time for the opportunity so don’t be anxious and wait for the opportunity.

Sakura and the dog arrived a little late with Shikamaru.

Naruto moved fast just now.

Right when they arrived they saw Sasuke falling with the curse Mark spread all over his body.

Sakura took care of Sasuke and Shikamaru was also there to support.

Naruto moved forward to play with Gaara.

Gaara did not want to fight Naruto instead he wanted to attack Sasuke and Sakura.

But Naruto appeared behind him and kicked him away from there.

Naruto needs him to transform into Shikaku completely before he could show off.

He has used the accumulation of emotions card that is very costly.

Now he has to get some good results.

So while kicking he took him away from here and silently knocked out Gaara.

With Gaara being knocked out the 1 tail immediately got out into its full size.

Naruto have to show off so he summoned Gama Bunta and his son at the same time.

With the two sides standing facing each other Naruto smiled and said.

“Shikaku, you are taking things too far.

If you did not behave well I can only cut you up and stew you.

I really wanted to know how the meat of the tailed beasts tastes like.”

When Naruto said this the tailed beast literally trembled and was clearly frightened.

Right then Naruto asked Gama Bunta to attack and pin down the 1 tail.

Naruto on the other hand jumped to the head of Shikaku but the sand wanted to swallow him.

So he used the chakra to protect himself and went to the face of Gaara.

Then he gave Gaara strongly knock on the head to wake him up.

On the other hand Shikaku felt a strong hunger as of Naruto wanted to swallow him.

He only felt like this when it was facing the statue of the 10 tails before when sage of 6 paths created them.

Also he was surprised to find that Naruto knows its name so clearly.

It did not want to take any risks right now.

So he backed down into the mind of Gaara.

With that the big image of the 1 tail beast started to break completely.

After getting down on the ground Naruto went to Gaara that could not move right now.

“I know that what they did to you is unjust and they never want us to live.

Just like your I am also a jinchūriki,

My parents died saving the village and sealed this 9 tails instead me.

But those ungrateful bastards of this village took the opportunity and kindness of my parents to spread rumors and made me into a fox demon that everyone hated.

No one loved me and cared for me.

But then I found that there are people that really care for me.

As I said before there is a different energy inside you other than the 1 tail beast.

It should be the person that died when giving birth to you.

That is your mother.

Also your sister Tamara begged me to save you.

Even though I did not like talking about men, your brother Kankuro also wanted to save you.

This means that they love you.

You have people that love you and you don’t have to be alone.

Find the ones that really care for you and protect them.

Dominate the people that wanted to undermine your existence and stand above all.

That is the path you should take instead if blindly being consumed by the beast inside you.

If you look carefully you will find the truth….”

Naruto said to Gaara.

Right at that time Tamara was brought over by Naruto’s clone and Kankuro also came over slowly.


On the other hand Naruto’s clone that is disguised as a sound ninja jumped around when Orochimaru lost his power and was trying to escape.

What he did is to simply snatch the Kusanagi Sword under the watchful eyes of many ninja and left in a different direction like wind in the blink of an eye.

Chapter 183: third Hokage’s funeral

On the other hand Naruto’s clone that is disguised as a sound ninja jumped around when Orochimaru lost his power and was trying to escape.

What he did is to simply snatch the Kusanagi Sword under the watchful eyes of many ninja and left in a different direction like wind in the blink of an eye.

When he found a secluded spot he sealed the Kusanagi Sword in a sealing paper and put it in a safe spot of a squirrel hole in a tree.

Then he went in a different direction to distract the people.

When he was far away he simply removed the clone Jutsu and vanished.

Neither Orochimaru’s side nor the hidden leaf village’s side reacted properly by the sudden actions of Naruto.

Since the clone is gone no one would notice the things.


Naturally third Hokage is dead and the funeral was arranged in a few days.

Naruto was preparing for the arrival of Itachi and Kisame.

These two need to receive some strong warning from Naruto so that they would not be so rampant.

But before that Naruto has something good from the system.

After the fight Naruto spent his time getting more credit with his face appearing at many places.

With that done he silently collected the sealed paper with the Kusanagi Sword.

Many people definitely saw that he fought with big creatures just like his father summoning the big frog.

The images of fourth Hokage and Naruto overlapped in the eyes of many ninja.

With the third Hokage dead, Danzo could not suppress the information about Naruto any longer.

Also he did not have any intention of that.

Instead he would try to get close to Naruto so that he can become the next Hokage.

So Naruto has to take this opportunity to send Karin and kin to the land of waves for safety.

His clone has already departed with them as fast as he could during the chaos.

So when he returned back to his house there is no one present.

He simply cooked something to eat and continued with his practice.

For the day he did not have any intentions to go out.

Tomorrow he will have a big surprise early in the morning.

It was related to the accumulation card.

The bad thing about the accumulation card is that once activated he could not cancel it in the middle.

It has to go on for the 24 hours before giving him the treasure chests he obtained from all the parties involved in the stipulated amount of time.

So that day he slept peacefully.

Well in the evening Jiraiya and Kakashi came over to check on Naruto.

Their faces had concern in them but after looking at Naruto they covered their expressions quickly.

They simply said that they came here to check.

Naruto also did not entertain them longer.

His cold words hurt them a little but compared to what Naruto went through in his childhood it was right that he should behave like this.


Early in the morning next day Naruto got the memories from his clone that went to deliver kin and Karin to the land of waves.

They have reached safely and Haku would take care of them.

In the morning next day Naruto prepared a good breakfast that is like a feast.

Well he did cook anything everything came out of the cards.

While he was eating the system finally gave him a notification.


Congratulations for the bumper harvest host.

The following are the treasure chests that host received.

5800x big iron treasure chests,

820 x small bronze treasure chests,

240x big bronze treasure chests,

88x small silver treasure chests,

64x big silver treasure chests,

34x small golden treasure chests,

18x big golden treasure chests,

6x small amber treasure chests

2x big amber treasure chests


Looking at the numbers Naruto’s eyes started to spin and the smile on his face is really big.

It was almost like the smile of the Grinch that stole all the Christmas gifts from the whole world.

The reason why he got so many of these treasure chests is because of his identity being revealed and spread among the villages.

But the amount of spread is not big.

Most of them should have felt guilty for all their previous deeds towards Naruto calling him demon fox.

They were all saved by fourth Hokage.

Also yesterday Naruto saved them all from many situations.

So it is natural for them to have so much guilt for their previous actions.

This is the same for many ninja that did not know the identity of Naruto before and had bad impression of Naruto.

Naruto did not care about these things instead the big gain are the amber treasure chests which are much higher than that of the previous treasure chests.

He doesn’t know who gave these amber treasure chests.

He has to open them to know the skills inside to know the person that gave him the treasure chest.

He first went to the big iron treasure chests and opened them.

He did not open them one by one and asked the system to open them all at once.


Super chakra control improvement cards x 30

Super ninjutsu mastery cards x16

Super Taijutsu mastery cards x10

Super Genjutsu mastery cards x4

Super high quality meal cards x 3400

Super high quality breakfast cards x 3200

Super high quality drink cards x 2800

Super high quality clothes cards x 2680

Super high quality daily necessities card x 2460


Villain point cards

10 thousand points denomination x 360

3.84 million Ryo cash


There are so many good things that Naruto felt that he doesn’t have to buy food and drinks for a long time.

Even clothes and other daily necessities are given to him.

The tribute is so big that he was really happy with all these gains.

His anger towards them has reduced a little.

Also the villain point he got is also a big number.

Chapter 184: treasure chests filled with rewards

His anger towards them has subdued a little.

Also the villain point he got is also a big number.

These super mastery cards have enough points to make an ordinary level person into a Jonin level ninja with a single card.

He did not wait and opened the other treasure chests in bulk.

Everything gave him one surprise after another.

He did not stop till the amber treasure chests.

The 6 small amber treasure chests are from the head of the Hyuga clan, Hinata, Danzo, Gaara, Kurenai and Asuma.

Sasuke and Sakura also contributed the treasure chests but they are only around small golden boxes because their value was exhausted before.

The last two are the big amber treasure chests.

One is from third Hokage and the other is from Orochimaru.

Naruto told the system to open them all

“…………the six small amber boxes contains……..

Hyuga clan secrets and bloodline embryo (time limit applied) (Head of the Hyuga clan)

Hyuga clan bloodline potential to open Tenseigan (Hinata Hyuga)

Capabilities of copying and using various ninjutsu at a glance (Kakashi)

Knowledge of seals and emotions (Danzo)

Golden dust kekkei genkai (Gaara)

Knowledge of illusions (Kurenai)

Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder (Asuma)

There are villain point cards and other mastery cards along with this.

………………the two big amber boxes contains…………

Complete proficiency in yin and yang release (Sarutobi Hiruzen)

Mastery of chakra control and seals (Orochimaru)

There are villain point cards and other mastery cards along with this.


Kakashi can copy the hand seals with Sharingan but in order to use what was copied he has to have enough knowledge on those Jutsu and the process.

This is what Naruto got just now.

Naruto stored them all inside and started to use the mastery cards and everything he could use at that moment.

He started to use the chakra control cards first.

The amount of chakra control improved to Kage level and there is no sign of stopping and stepped into super Kage level.

Similarly ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu were all added with talent in these fields instead of improving a specific technique.

The talent in Genjutsu, ninjutsu and Taijutsu has reached super Kage level.

This also gave some counter benefits.

He can easily learn and master ninjutsu and even copy them and deduce them on spot.

Taijutsu was even easier as his moved because more and more generalized with his body revitalizing to accommodate the improvement of Taijutsu.

His Genjutsu talent that reached super Kage level can produce illusions on the same level of a super Kage level and even resist the illusions on the similar level easily.

This also strengthened his spirit to the next level directly creating resistance to normal Genjutsu.

Along with the support of the knowledge from Kurenai the resistance to strong illusions has increased.

With his understanding of Genjutsu from Mangekyō Sharingan Naruto was sure that he might be able to resist as long as the opponent is not serious enough.

The development is all round and he can open few more yin seals.

The only bad point is the amount of chakra his growing body can produce.

But he was not worried.

The chakra reserves of third Hokage when he was at his peak card was still in his storage space.

He is going to use that later to fill up the newly opened yin seals along with all the other yin seals that got their storage capacity increased to super Kage level.

All in all his current power rating has reached super Kage level.

Also he just stepped into the growth phase.

So he is like a super Kage level potential seed at the starting line.

As long as he improved properly his power can be stronger than a 10 tails jinchūriki.

As for the bloodline embryo of Hyuga clan it requires 4 years for integration.

So Naruto directly accepted it for integration.

After 4 years means it was around his returning time to the village after his journey with Jiraiya.

But Naruto did not plan on spending his time foolishly going around with Jiraiya.

He would learn everything and then he would continue to master his own techniques.

He was planning to become strong enough to devour the souls of sage of 6 paths and his brother on the moon.

With that he will be able to awaken the Tenseigan and Rinnegan.

He would combine them to form the strongest eyes possible to occupy the Otsutsuki planet.

He is planning the things carefully to gain most number of villain points.

This way when he goes to the next fantasy world he would be prepared with many abilities in advanced.

He specifically wanted to make the Senju and Uzumaki bloodline permanent.

His current villain points have reached as much as 5+ million.

It is 5 times bigger than that of the previous tutorial world.

This can further be helps him gaining the abilities that he wanted later for the future.

He started to make his plans quickly with his mind working very quickly.

With the improvements he has right now he did not have to worry about the visit of Itachi and Kisame.


After two days the grand funeral was being held and naturally Naruto went over in black dress.

He was sad not because of the death of the third Hokage.

But he was sad because third Hokage died so quickly without getting proper punishment for all of his actions.

Unfortunately Naruto is not strong enough to do anything to these people.

Right now he is strong but there are stronger people.

Instead of showing off like a stupid protagonist he prefers to stay low key before he could take on all those people.

His new improvements were under control with two days of strong practice.

After the funeral is over they started to return as they went to Ichiraku ramen shop.

Well he changed his clothes before coming here to eat.

After eating he started to wander around the village slowly observing the situation.

Chapter 185: meeting Itachi again

Well he changed his clothes before coming here to eat.

After eating he started to wander around the village slowly observing the situation.

Many people that noticed Naruto started to whisper but their eyes or not unfriendly instead they are filled with guilt.

The reason why he got this level of harvest in a single strike of announcement is because of his previous preparations.

All this time Naruto also made comments like scolding them cursing them to gain their attention.

What he did all this time is to slowly prepare these people.

It is like planting the nails right in the cracks just enough to let the wall hold but a slight tap can break the wall.

He did it during his time and the nails he stuck in the cracks are the doubt in their hearts that if they are really wrong about Naruto all this time.

When they found out that Naruto is the son of fourth Hokage that sacrificed himself for their safety was enough to tap the nail and break the wall in their hearts.

All the accumulated guilt and other feelings burst making him gain so many benefits.

Naruto right now is much stronger than third Hokage.

Also there is knowledge and experience of many things in his mind.

So he is stronger than many people right now.

Coupled with the natural energy that he can smoothly absorb would let him stand and fight with many Kage level or even higher level people at the same time.


That day Naruto went around walking on the streets.

Naturally the appearance of Akatsuki people is easy to notice with their dressing style.

So he found them quickly.

Well Kakashi is also there at that time.

But they escaped from that place after looking at Sasuke that came over to talk with Kakashi.

Itachi was a bro con that came here to make sure that Sasuke is safe or not.

While Kakashi and Sasuke are talking they left the restaurant.

Itachi and Kisame left here but Naruto followed them slowly.

Well right at that time Kurenai and Asuma also appeared and started to follow Itachi and Kisame.

Asuma is using the death of his father to make his moves on Kurenai.

But they are not working well right now.

The reason for this is actually Naruto’s words of people embezzling his parent’s fortune and caused him to live a hard life.

The only people that can do that are the management of the village which includes third Hokage, Danzo and other two elders.

But based on what they know only third Hokage was in contact with Naruto.

This made many people come to a conclusion that third Hokage is not a good person.

Well many people have seen some of the dark sides of the village and know the ins and outs of the matter.

So naturally she was not moved by the words of Asuma.

But he continued to pester her.

Right now he was following her and pestering her to have a talk with him.

But they encountered Itachi and Kisame.

So their target immediately changed.

Because of the rapid improvement of Naruto’s capabilities they did not notice him even thought Naruto was there watching the show.

Also they did not notice that he is following them.

Naturally the confrontation occurred just like in the plot.

Each person spoke their dialog and they wanted to start the battle.

Right then Naruto appeared between Itachi and Kisame.

With two kunai directly pierced both of them at the same time.

“Long time no see Itachi.

Your stupidity did not change even after so long.

You are such a hypocritical fool that tried killed the entire clan including kids in the name of justice just because another cunning fox said that.

Or should I say that you used reaping all those soul just to save the life of a moron of a brother.

Don’t tell me you are into your brother.

It is no wonder you killed Izumi that really loved you.

She did not know that you are such a moron….”

Naruto spoke as blood flowed out of the Itachi and Kisame that were caught off guard by the attack of Naruto.

Their expressions changed and immediately jumped to the side while Naruto looked towards Itachi and said.

“Your mother is really beautiful woman.

She is also a friend of my mother.

Unfortunately she had a child like you.

You are brainwashed idiot that did not know how to solve a problem and rely on a bunch of idiot’s advices to act.

I really wanted to kill you now you know.

But I did not do anything because Mikoto really like you as a son.

Remember my words that you will never rest in peace because the one that you wanted to be safe would suffer through hell his entire life wishing for death just because of you.

Taking revenge on you would not give me anything.

But there is still Sasuke right.”

Naruto said looking straight into the eyes of Itachi.

Naruto wanted to anger Itachi so that he can open the Mangekyō Sharingan and cast the illusion using that.

Naruto wanted to pit against the Genjutsu of Mangekyō Sharingan to see how powerful his current resistance is.

As he expected right when Naruto mentioned Sasuke the Sharingan in the eye of Itachi started to rotate and reached the next level.

Naruto has already absorbed a small amount of natural energy and extracted a little amount of 9 tailed fox chakra.

They were mixed in with his chakra so it was already turbulent.

In the current situation he doesn’t have to make his chakra turbulent.

As long as his did not control his chakra then it would immediately become turbulent.

This is his backup plan just in case if his resistance is not enough.

Right then Itachi cast an illusion towards Naruto and then it immediately the light in the eyes of Naruto vanished for a moment.

Chapter 186: kicking the ass of Itachi and Kisame

This is his backup plan just in case if his resistance is not enough.

Right then Itachi cast an illusion towards Naruto and then it immediately the light in the eyes of Naruto vanished for a moment.

In that moment Naruto entered into a strange world where Itachi came over with a sword to pierce Naruto.

But then he returned quickly without staying in the illusion.

Other than his resistance towards Genjutsu, the chakra inside his body automatically disrupted the moment he lost control of it.

Itachi can influence the chakra to cause Genjutsu but he could not maintain the chakra flow in the body of Naruto.

Also he cannot control the chakra flow of natural chakra or the chakra of 9 tails.

So naturally he could not keep Naruto for even a moment inside the illusion even with the power of Mangekyō Sharingan.

There is another thing that Naruto doesn’t know.

That is the mix of the embryo of Uchiha bloodline started with improving the resistance to Genjutsu and other things that is common in the Uchiha clan.

With that Naruto came out of the illusion and caught the kunai in the hand of the Kisame that wanted to pierce his heart.

Naruto moved it to the side to pierce Itachi’s shoulder.

Naruto took a step back and kicked both Itachi and Kisame.

Itachi was still in shock looking at Naruto that came out of the illusion so quickly.

His eyes were strained and they returned back to the three tomoe Sharingan.

Naruto did not let go of speaking at the right time.

“You seem to be becoming blind faster than expected.

Well you did so many stupid things and use Mangekyō Sharingan for so long, it would become blind soon.”

Itachi could not speak much and asked.

“How did you…”

In his mind there are two questions.

That is how you escaped the Genjutsu cast by the Mangekyō Sharingan.

The other question is how did you know my current condition?

But Naruto would not give him the answers so easily.

Instead he spoke.

“I will let you leave because you have some roles to play in the future.

Also there is a message for two people you should deliver.

First is to the one that calls himself as Tobi that is your partner in crime when you massacred the Uchiha clan before.

He is the one that introduced himself as Madara Uchiha to you.

Tell him that ungrateful bastards would never have a happy life.

I will make sure that he would never reach his peace he wanted to reach even if I have to step into the pure land.

The second person is Konan that is beside your leader.

Tell her that peace cannot be achieved through their nonsense and stupidity.

Tell her that I will come to get her in the future.”

After saying this Naruto let go of Itachi.

Itachi and Kisame were really shocked.

Right then Kakashi appeared.

Because of the increase of number of people Itachi and Kisame decided to escape.

Kakashi appeared and said.

“Itachi you are looking for Sasuke right.”

But the one that answered is not them but Naruto.

“I am the one that they are looking for.

They are from the Akatsuki organization, perverted old sage should have already told you about that Kakashi sensei.

They all know that I am the 9 tail jinchūriki only those old fool that wanted to use me for publicity and public anger.”

Asuma understood who Naruto is speaking about.

Even Kurenai and Kakashi understood what Naruto was saying.

Kurenai was actually shocked by the way Naruto moved and attacked.

They were not sure if they can do the same.

But they directly underestimated Itachi and Kisame because they did not fight them directly.

So what Naruto did right now did not appear as extraordinarily super in front of the fight of third Hokage and Orochimaru.

Naruto did not care to explain as this solved the matter at hand.

Naruto’s words to Itachi before were not heard by Kurenai and Asuma because Naruto used the Genjutsu to tell him this information in an instant.

Both Itachi and Kisame left here quickly.

Right at that time might guy appeared kicking Kisame in the back.

Kisame wanted to fight back but the reinforcements are on the way and Itachi sensed it.

So they decided to leave here quickly.

Right around that time Jiraiya was looking for Naruto to take him to look for Tsunade.

Naturally he sensed the commotion just not and came over to check.

It is precisely because of the presence of Jiraiya that Itachi and Kisame decided to leave here quickly.

When Jiraiya appeared he did not ask much as he sensed the escaping people and let them leave.

He then took Naruto away from here to talk to him separately while sending Kakashi and others to take care of the reporting and other checking works.

Naruto know what Jiraiya was about to speak.

“Naruto I am going on a mission and I wanted to take you with me.

It was to meet a beautiful lady that knows super high level Jutsu and if possible she can teach you.

You wanted to become strong enough to stand above every one right.

Then come with me to meet her….”

He told various nonsense so that to convince Naruto.

Well Naruto acted a little but accepted it in the end.

With that confirmed Naruto went to get few more supplies from his house and then they set off to find Tsunade.

Naturally Itachi did not come over to meet Naruto again and Sasuke did not come over to search for Naruto.

For the fact he doesn’t know that Itachi came to the village at all.

So there are no further problems.

During the journey when Jiraiya was out flirting Naruto trained slowly to control his power.

Naruto already got most of it under his control right now he wanted to spike his chakra and fill up the newly formed yin seal.

Chapter 187: meeting Tsunade

During the journey when Jiraiya was out flirting Naruto trained slowly to control his power.

Naruto already got most of it under his control right now he wanted to spike his chakra and fill up the newly formed yin seal.

So he used the card of chakra from Sarutobi Hiruzen when he is at his prime.

With the massive amount of chakra Naruto used his chakra control to directly take in all the chakra into his body.

Then he diverted it straight into the yin seals filling them up.

With many yin seals taking in chakra the loss of chakra is very small in comparison.

After he returned he started to teach Naruto the Rasengan.

Even though Naruto can use it right away he would simply act as he could not do that.

He was waiting for Tsunade to make the bet and get the stakes high to make the gains.

Tsunade is like a wild horse.

Taming her is not so easy.

Also she would not willingly become Naruto’s women so easily.

She has to be impressed for a long time before she could let go of her fear and fall into the hands of Naruto.

Actually what Naruto is doing during the training of Rasengan is to create more than one rotating ball within a big Rasengan.

He wanted two flows inside the water balloon, one clockwise while the other is anti clock wise.

What he is planning to do is to create something even more deadly than a normal Rasengan.

He was preparing this in order to use it in others worlds too.

He wanted sharpen his weapons when still had the chance.

Currently he is the protagonist and he did not have to worry with the conflict with the will of the world.

Even thought it was hard compared to the previous tutorial he is not having a hard time.

But the coming worlds can be anything.

He doesn’t want to die stupidly.

What he was planning is to learn the daily normal things and generalized things that are common in any world to the highest degree and make them his permanent knowledge.

This way he doesn’t have to worry about anything in any world.

He would have a cushion of knowledge and experience that can let him step forward without any worry.

That is what he is trying to do.

He was sure that no matter how many villain points he earned, in the end he would not be able to get anything big out of this world.

The cost of permanent things is much higher than the cost of temporary things.

Also the system is also a villain system and it might not keep its words just like when he bought the things for this world and the villain points used to upgrade.


Jiraiya did not monitor Naruto all the time.

He would take nap, or go out flirting or go out to enquire some things so he was never around.

Naruto would separate clones along the way to increase the amount of practice.

His is going to improve his Taijutsu to the peak.

It can be used in any world and the body requirement can be fulfilled with Uzumaki and Senju bloodlines.

There is also the permanent sage body.


Few days passed by quickly with Jiraiya giving out instructions from time to time about Rasengan.

They finally came to a city with big tourist attraction castle here.

Naruto knows that it was time to meet with Tsunade and Shizune.

It is the location of the Tanazuka castle.

Right before that day Naruto showed more progress completing the second stage just like that in the plot.

Well that is what Naruto did on purpose.

They found the broken castle and returned to the town outside.

Finally they met with Tsunade and Shizune in a pub.

Naruto did not show much of anything and started to eat the noodles that are given to him while others chat.

His eyes are looking at Tsunade and Shizune side by side.

Tsunade looked more mature and Shizune has a hot as hell fit body.

She has medium sized tits thin waist, and medium sized ass.

She really had an hourglass like figure.

Naruto’s eyes did not show lust and only admiration for the beauties.

These beauties will belong to him in the future.

With that a smile appeared on his face.

Their casual talk was not interrupted by Naruto instead he waited for them to speak truly.

Well no one would speak about the secrets and bad side of the dead people.

So they started to speak in a sarcastic manner about the village and the Hokage position.

But being calm would not let him get the bet he wanted so he has to follow the words of Naruto in the plot.

He can change the things in the future but right now he can only speak along the plot.

With that their fight was about to start but Naruto immediately changed his posture to speak about the stakes of the battle.

“Hey busty beautiful lady before we fight we have to talk about the stakes right.

A fight without stakes is completely useless.”

“Oh, I thought that you are hot tempered when you wanted to kick my ass.

But it looks like you are planning these things to pull me into the battle.”

(The women’s intuition is really powerful)

Naruto thought in his heart and then said with a smile.

“You are really intelligent to figure out the things.

For the fact I really hate third Hokage and I really don’t care about his death.

As for the Hokage’s position it was even smaller thing for me to think about.

What I wanted is a family of loyal people to call it a home not a title and nonsense.”

Naruto said with a smile standing in front of Tsunade.

“Then why are you fighting with me?

What do you want from me?”

Tsunade asked looked at Naruto

Chapter 188: betting stakes

“Then why are you fighting with me?

What do you want from me?”

Tsunade asked looked at Naruto

Naruto smiled and said the words that are not that of a 13 or 14 year old kind.

“You are the most beautiful lady I have scene.

You have a great temper and perfect to become the head wife.

You should know that I did not have any family love since my birth because my parents trusted those ungrateful bastards and cunning foxes.

Since it is like that I want to have my own family.

I want a very big family with many wives that love me and are loyal to me.

So I have been searching for a perfect woman to become the head wife for me and take care of me and help me bring in more wives.

After seeing you, I feel that you are the perfect candidate for this.

So I have decided.

I am going to fight you and defeat you.

If I win then I want you to become my wife.

Well I cannot marry you right now and have to wait for the right age.

As you’re the age difference I do not care about that nonsense.

If needed, I would find a Jutsu that can reverse the age of a person for you to be by my side for a long time.

It can be said that it is love at first sight and like finding someone very close to me….”

He said those words to convince his thought process.

Well she is his wife in the tutorial world.

So Naruto knows her better than many people.

After hearing these words the first one to be shocked was actually Jiraiya.

He has been chasing after Tsunade for so long but now a little kid was proposing to Tsunade right in front of him.

This made him feel completely strange.

He doesn’t know what to say and what to talk.

But he brushed it away thinking that Naruto is a simply kid and all of this is childish nonsense.

Also even if he was serious Tsunade would not accept it.

Even if she accepted the fight Naruto would not win against Tsunade.

With the thought he sighed of relief.

Right then the unexpected response appeared in the eyes of Tsunade.

Tsunade smiled as if she was looking at a kid.

No women would dislike being called young and beautiful.

Even thought she lost her love and brother and heart became rock, there are still things that a woman could not let go.

It is longing for love and family to be close to.

“Your stakes are good.

If you win I will become your wife.

But what is there with you that you can give me.”

No one knows why she made this choice but her mocking smile shows that she is just playing.

Tsunade asked with a mocking smile.

Naruto smiled back and took out a sealing paper.

As he unsealed it a suitcase appeared in his hand.

Naruto opened the suit case and it was completely filled with cash.

“There is 10 million Ryo in this suit case.”

Naruto said while resealing the suitcase back into the sealing paper.

Tsunade mockingly said.

“This little pocket change will not be much in my eyes you know…..”

But her voice stopped abruptly and looked at the hand of Naruto with widened eyes.

Not only Tsunade but even Jiraiya and Shizune are also in this kind of shock.

This is because Naruto is holding a thick stack of sealing papers and said.

“Well, will this pocket change be enough for you lady to spend lavishly.

It should be around 1 billion Ryo.

Also I heard that you have big debts too.”

With that Naruto smiled waving the big stack of sealing papers like blowing air.

Then he put them back in his pocket.

Tsunade is not a woman that is interested in money.

She is just playing around for fun and in order to get away from her past that tormented her for a long time.

But still she is not the person that would let go of the free money that came into her hands.

So she directly accepted to fight with Naruto.

She did not think that Naruto could win against her.

Also even if he wins she can always run away.

She is not one of the legendary Sannin for nothing.

Even if she cannot fight and come close to blood she can always run away.

With that she got into position.

She did not claim that she can defeat Naruto with a single finger.

This is because Naruto did not look like a weak person.

With his different dress style and the way he speaks and carries himself is very good.

He appeared more like a cool sunny noble than a hillbilly.

This good impression came from within his body because of the perfect sage body he has.

This perfect sage body lets a person be close to the nature giving a good feeling to all easily.

Since Senju clan is close to trees and Tsunade is close to her grandfather she can sense a strong connection to Naruto right now.

That is the reason she accepted the current deal.

On the other hand Jiraiya wanted to ask from where Naruto got all the money.

Previously he said he was so poor and no one took care of him.

Also he said that the inheritance of his father and mother was taken by third Hokage and others leaving him with nothing.

So where did all the money come from.

Jiraiya thought long and hard but he did not have an answer for this question.

Before he could say anything the fight was about to start both Tsunade and Naruto got into position and Naruto made the first move.

He would not hurt Tsunade directly instead he cast a Genjutsu towards Tsunade.

If it was normal Genjutsu Tsunade can come out of it in seconds.

Chapter 189: Tsunade admits defeat

He would not hurt Tsunade directly instead he cast a Genjutsu towards Tsunade.

If it was normal Genjutsu Tsunade can come out of it in seconds.

But the thing that she saw was a bloody world.

In the bloody world Naruto was standing in front of her with blood all over her body trying to protect her from the attacks of Orochimaru and few other Akatsuki members.

“Tsunade heal me quickly.

It is not the time to feel the fear of blood.”

Tsunade is already trembling at that time looking at the blood.

“Tsunade get it together.

You are not like that before.

Remember about our love….”

Naruto said as he projected his memories that he shared with Tsunade with the changed image of Naruto with her.

In the reality Tsunade was stuck in place without moving around.

Her fear of blood is really great and it let Naruto successfully cast the Genjutsu on her and within a moment.

No matter how much of an illusion a Genjutsu creates it cannot create the habits of the target person.

What Naruto sent into the mind of Tsunade are the memories of their past life with the appearance of Naruto in cooler form.

Also the habits of Naruto here and in the past life are the same.

But what made Tsunade believe things are her habits that are ingrained in her mannerisms that could not be noticed by anyone easily.

This made Tsunade doubt the Genjutsu as reality.

The memories stimulated her thoughts and finally broke her shell of fear and let her use the healing technique in Genjutsu.

With that the fear of blood in the real life has completely broken.

It did not make Tsunade have feelings for Naruto.

Instead her thought of Naruto are much closure.

It is like they have spent many years together.

This made her take the step forward.

All of this happened in an instant and the Genjutsu was released.

Then Tsunade spoke.

“Are those memories true?”

Jiraiya and Shizune did not understand why Tsunade asking this kind of question to Naruto instead of starting a fight.

Naruto replied.

“They are true from a parallel world where we are together.

But in this world I have born at this time.

So I could not get to you when you needed me the most.

But I am here right now and I am here for you.

Will you accept those feeling or do you want to cultivate new feelings right now and develop them.

Either way you know what kind of a man I am right.

Also if you want to start the fight then I don’t mind fighting you.”

Right at that time Tsunade ran forward like a wind and punched straight at the face of Naruto.

Both Jiraiya and Shizune were shocked.

With Tsunade’s strength if that punch connects then Naruto’s head would be no different than a water melon that was hit by a hammer.


The punch connected but nothing happened to Naruto.

The reason is the chakra force formed in front of Naruto in the form of a whirl of wind that dissipated all the force of the punch without causing any damage to either Naruto or Tsunade.

They are completely okay.

This is something that only Naruto can do to stop the punch of Tsunade from their previous life.

Tsunade did not believe this before but this kind of thing cannot be done with a single try.

They need a long time of practice to do something like that.

Also there should be some like Tsunade that can punch with monstrous chakra.

She did not teach this technique to anyone and only her grandmother Mito knows about this technique.

But she is already dead and Naruto did not have anyone to practice with him with this kind of technique.

This confirmed that the memories might be real.

But Tsunade is not the Tsunade from that different world.

Also they have at least 35 years of age difference that can make her very old.

She threw few more punches at Naruto but none of them connected with the body of Naruto.

Most of them lost their power before it could reach few inches in front of Naruto.

It is like she is hitting a cotton wall or sponge wall that can dissipate all of her fist force.

She was frustrated for a while.

Similarly both Jiraiya and Shizune looked dumbfounded without any words to say.

They would have thought that Naruto and Tsunade are playing around a ninja fighting game if there is no booming sound when Tsunade hit something in front of Naruto.

But it did not yield any result after so many punches.

Naruto on the other hand bit his finger and the blood oozed out.

Shizune immediately thought that Tsunade would start trembling at the sight of blood.

But she did not tremble and punched against Naruto with more vigor.

This made her shocked again but she did not understand what is happening any more.

Finally after a while she stopped punching Naruto and said.

Naruto moved immediately and hugged her from behind and tightly caught her without letting her moving.

She struggled a little but she started to blush the more she struggled.

It is not because of drinking that she is blushing right now.

She felt the scenes from the memories that were projected by Naruto over and over again to feel shy.

But she knows that Naruto would not do anything to her.

He might be ruthless and acted like a villain but he never crossed the line when it should not be crossed.

“Okay, I admit defeat.

But Orochimaru said that he can revive my brother.

I wanted to heal his hands.

Will you still support me?”

Tsunade did not spoke with her superior tone instead she spoke coquettishly.

Naruto spoke slowly without any tension.

“First of all dead people cannot be revived completely.

If I could I would have revived many people by now….”

Chapter 190: only half believe and half cured

“First of all dead people cannot be revived completely.

If I could I would have revived many people by now.

Second thing is that healing his hands is not that east.

It is not that his flesh is dead or poisoned.

But his soul was injured and his should re-grow his arms.

Only then can his hands be healed completely.

I know that you did not plan on doing anything for Orochimaru.

You are forgetting how close we are and I know you too well.”

Naruto said with a smile.

Both Jiraiya and Shizune stopped in their tracks without knowing what to say when Tsunade admitted defeat.

They are in so much shock that they did not listen to their conversation.

Tsunade looked at the necklace on her neck for a moment remembering her life over the years.

But when she remembered the memories that have the similar life but chance because of the intervention of Naruto has made her cheerful.

Yes what she required back then is the moral support and love.

She lost the people close to her at that time and she wanted someone to comfort her.

But there is no one to support her instead they wanted to take advantage of her.

Even Jiraiya is a pervert that was interested in her body then her heart.

Naruto has many women but he was close to her heart and only took over her body after winning over her heart.

This made her fall deeply in love with Naruto.

Even now she could not believe those memories but the minute details that are her habits that other people don’t know cannot be replicated even with Genjutsu.

So she has to believe to some extent.

For now she decided to support Naruto.

She knows that she is old and she don’t want to develop any romantic angle with a kid that is 35 years younger than her.

She will simply stand on the side to make a bet one last time.

She thought just like how she should think based on the original plot.

Well she is around 50 years old and what can she think right now.

Naruto is still 13 years old and could not say big words.

That is not all she still wanted to meet Orochimaru few days later to talk to him.

She cannot completely trust those memories and the words of Naruto.

Naruto is strong but he only won against her after using Genjutsu, her blood phobia and few other things.

But the direct confrontation did not happen.

Naturally Tsunade is still in her original thoughts with only half believing in Naruto.

Naruto also knows that it takes more than one confrontation and a long time to completely get Tsunade back to his side.

At least he has started.

Also Tsunade might be half doubtful towards Naruto because of his power and previous action.

Other than that the blood fear is not completely gone yet.

In the next few days Tsunade was in deep thought while.

Jiraiya and Shizune did not think much about these things.

They simply thought that both Naruto and Tsunade are just playing around and not talking seriously.

Because of the variation in the nature of Naruto Jiraiya thought that it was normal.

Also he was vigilant thinking of creating a rift between Naruto and Tsunade so that something unexpected would not happen.

As for Shizune, she simply thought that Naruto fell for Tsunade for her beauty without knowing her age.

But she did not say anything and was more worried about the proposal of Orochimaru few days ago and the distracted appearance of Tsunade.


A few days later Tsunade wanted to go to Orochimaru and wanted to kill him.

Naturally she used some medicine on Jiraiya and knocked out Tsunade.

As for Naruto she tried to knock him out.

Naruto cooperated and acted as if he was knocked out.

After Tsunade left he picked up Shizune and the little pig and followed along the way.

He did not make much disturbance and followed Tsunade silently while still healing Shizune.

As for Jiraiya he doesn’t need any healing or anything.

Also Naruto doesn’t want him to meddle in this matter for the time being.

By the time Shizune wok up they are already near the collapsed castle.

Shizune was tightly hugged by Naruto while he hid in a corner.

A clone of Naruto brought over the pig.

Shizune’s face turned red from embarrassment.

The embarrassment is not because Naruto hugged her.

Naruto is still a kid in her eyes.

The embarrassment is because Naruto woke up quickly after being knocked out or he was not knocked out at all.

Instead it was her that was knocked out for a long time.

Also she felt the residual healing technique on her stomach area.

This means that someone used healing technique on her to heal her to quickly regain the consciousness.

She was shocked by this information and looked at Naruto with widened eyes.

There is only him here with her.

This means he is the one that used the healing technique.

She is a straight forward person.

So she asked directly.

“Did you use the healing technique to heal me just now?”

Naruto nodded and gestured her to stay silent and pointed towards the location of Tsunade.

Also he hugged her harder creating more close contact.

Shizune knows that this is a special situation and did not say anything when she was hugged tightly.

She looked towards Tsunade and then Orochimaru appeared here slowly.

As for Kabuto he was in hiding while observing the situation from the side.

He was here to monitor the actions of Tsunade to find out if there is anything wrong with that.

Soon the fight started just like that in the plot while Naruto and Shizune watched.

Shizune was already healed but Naruto simply would not let her go from his bear hug.

So she can stay there to cooperate.

The fight was really incredible.


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