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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 176: plans for the neutral faction

He would give this present to her Christmas along with the special dress that he specifically made for her.

He took her measurements before.

Early in the morning when Rita woke up John fucked her again from another round and filled up her pussy completely once again.

After they took a comfortable bath and John took her to Grimmauld palace to rest for a few days.

While she rested here John returned to Hogwarts.

He did not forget to talk to Nagini before leaving.

Her mind is more stable now and she started to think of a way to start her new life.

John decided to talk to her about the things later when he had the time.

He would not rush out to bring her into his bed.

He has to do things slowly.

After a simple chat John returned to Hogwarts.

There is nothing new these days other than dance practice.

The father of Daphne and Astoria received the news about his daughters completely cured of blood curse.

He was so happy that he wanted to visit right away.

So John took them both to the mansion of Greengrass so that they have a family reunion that day.

He remembered his dead wife that also died of blood curse.

But dead cannot be brought back to life.

So he held his daughters to cry.

His opinion of John has changed completely.

He is looking at John as his son in law completely.

Not for one daughter but for both daughters.

He has already decided because he could not find a man as capable, handsome and wealthy as John.

He decided to talk to John later about the important things.

He knows that the situation is going to go out of hand soon.

So he has been prepared with his neutral faction.

He is neither on the side of the death eaters nor on the side of the order of phoenix.

There are many noble families like this that did not take any side.

They would leave here when the danger comes and come back after the danger passes away.

John liked their way of doing things.

But this would only cause the problem to become bigger.

The people from order of phoenix are stubbornly stupid.

The side of death eaters is stubbornly ambitious.

So neither side would win unless one side completely dies out.

Staying in the fight or taking a side in this kind of struggle is idiotic.

But John did not like this passive way of doing things.

Instead he likes to be in control.

That is no matter which side fights each other they should not dare to attack the side of John.

If they did attack John then the result is extermination.

What John wanted is the unbounded freedom to do anything he wanted to do without anyone standing on his way to block.

But neither side of death eaters and order of phoenix would let that happen because of their ambition and stupidity respectively.

So John decided to form his force.

He already made a force completely made of werewolves.

There are also few magic creatures races like fairies that are also on his side right now.

There are still goblins and house elves that are being secretly recruited through various means of using money.

As for the side of humans there are not many that are on his side.

Well he did not trust humans much.

So naturally there is no army on the side of humans.

He is going to directly take the entire neutral faction to his side along with few from both order of phoenix and the death eaters.

The recruited people from the other factions are either the women that fell for John or the relatives of the women that fell in love with him.

John talked with mister Greengrass for a while about his plans and asked him to rally the neutral faction so that they can stay strong together.

Naturally he agreed about this matter and he would do that after the Christmas.

John took the girls and returned back to Hogwarts.

Today they are celebrating that both Astoria and Daphne got their blood curses removed.

They arranged a party in the room of requirements.

The invited people are John’s women only.

Well Hermione was an extra that was brought over.

Any way she is going to become his dance partner soon and the consequences of that is something she has to bear.

The consequence is most probably related to Harry and Ron distancing from her.

John doesn’t know what their future would be like.

But he was sure that they would be together again.

In the group there is also Nymphadora and Rita Skeeter too.

John brought over many ingredients and cooked for them all.

There are pastries, roll cakes…… and many other things that they liked including cotton candy.

Hermione was really shocked by the progress that John made.

She knows how dangerous the blood curse can be.

She also found that the mother of Daphne and Astoria died because of the blood curse.

So saving them and solving them made her look up to John.

But that is not all.

She was impressed by John to see that how deep he would go to solve the problem for his women.

This made her fall in love with John more.

John saw that all the girls present have at least 80 points of affection towards him.

The one that has 80 points of affection is actually Hermione.

Also her affection stopped there without going up.

John has to impress her more to pull her completely to his side.

As long as the affection points reach 90 then John can relax a little.

For the first heroine level candidate like Hermione the gain or affection points is very hard.

The party quickly came to an end at the time of mid night.

John sent the people out one by one quickly to their dorms or room.

Chapter 177: only after the marriage

The party quickly came to an end at the time of mid night.

John sent the people out one by one quickly to their dorms or room.

Tonight John wanted to take Nymphadora.

He already prepared a dress for her.

It was denim tight jeans short jacket and mini jeans shorts.

They would fit perfectly for Nymphadora that looked like a punk.

Her hair has to grow a little more to fit perfectly into the character.

She would be a punk style biker chick.

Even though it would not suite with the plain and classic style of John, it is not a problem.

Also normal gowns, skirts and other girly stuff did not suit her well.

After sending everyone he sent Rita back too.

Even though magic can heal people quickly it still requires for the body to rest and adopt.

So he let her rest.

Nymphadora already understood this matter but she don’t want John to do take her first time now.

She told John that he can only take her first time after they are married.

Well John respected her wishes and slept there while hugging her without doing anything.

This increased her impression of John to the next level.

But before sleeping John told her to wear the dress he prepared for her.

He specifically told her that this dress is special and only he can watch her wearing this dress other than his women.

Of course she understood that John is a possessive man.

After waking up in the morning her affection towards John has reached 95 points which is very strong and practically unbreakable.

This was because John chose to respect her wishes.

Rita Skeeter did not have these thoughts and felt more on the free side.

But still she is not an easy woman to mess with.

John sent Nymphadora back after a good morning kiss and continued with his other plans.

There is still two days before the Christmas.

There is another milf in his plans that can be fucked and she was holding back for at least 7 years of time by John.

It would be bad to hold her back like that.

So John decided to play with Narcissa tonight.

Also with her help John is going to contact other good bitchy witches.

There is Mrs. Zabini.

She is said to be extremely hot but not many people could enjoy her.

Some even doubt that her son Blaise Zabini is her own son or adopted.

She is a mysterious person and John would not jump over to her directly.

If she is a higher level being or a cross blood with higher level beings like deities and demons or others like high elves, fairies, spirits… then things could become interesting.

Remember that when one being reached a certain mastery of nature or can cause a certain level of change in the nature he can be called a god.

Not every deity like Zeus and his brother can become real gods.

Even wizards and some spirits can also become gods after reaching a certain level or power.


Naturally like everyone John suspects that Mrs. Zabini is actually a succubus or some sort of being close to that side.

But he has to meet her and talk to her carefully to gain the deeper understanding.

For that he needs the one thing that can upgrade his wand and himself.

That is the elder wand in the hands of Dumbledore.

John’s wand is made of nature and vitality so it is possible to consume the death element in the elder’s wand and integrate it into it completely.

But for all these things to happen John has to be recognized by the elder’s wand as its master.

Unfortunately Dumbledore is too much of a stubborn person and suspects everyone and everything.

No wonder no women wanted to become his women.

Even if they did he did not swing to the side of the woman and moved to the side of men.

Well John thought for a while and first he has to play with Narcissa.

Also he did not know if she would be willing to take the final step with him.

She likes his massage and uses it as a means of relieving her stress and lust.

But what about taking the final step with John,

She is a married woman that actually loved her husband and son before.

But later the love towards her husband slowly degraded to the point where nothing left between them.

They are in a cooperative relationship for the sake of family and their son.

John was sure that when Lucius did not have a choice but to use Draco to appease the anger of Voldemort.

That is the situation where Draco was sent to kill Dumbledore would be the situation where Narcissa would finally breaks out.

If Narcissa also rejected John then the best time to pull her to his side is when this kind of thing happens.

Well John is not a good person to begin with.

So he would take the opportunity when she was in a situation that needs his help.

He prepared a corset that barely covered her tits and did not cover her belly or naval.

Below are a set of lace panties and strapped stockings.

There is also thigh high boots.

This was the dress that John wanted to give to Narcissa.

It would suit her appearance.

In the evening after dinner he appeared before her in the Malfoy mansion.

Naturally Lucius is not here and he was on work about something important.

At least that is what he said to her.

But the reality is that after becoming impotent he could not come here all the time remembering that he became impotent.

So he is avoiding Narcissa and Malfoy mansion very much.

When John arrived Narcissa is in her room trying to relieve herself with her fingers playing with her clit.

Unfortunately she could not get satisfied with her hands…….

Chapter 178: Narcissa in heat

When John arrived Narcissa is in her room trying to relieve herself with her fingers playing with her clit.

Unfortunately she could not get satisfied with her hands,

She needs the touch of John to complete the process.

John walked over to her that was surprised by the sudden appearance of John.

Initially she should take out her wand to attack John.

But her situation is very complicated and she recognized John.

So she could not move.

She tried to cover up her pussy with her clothes but it did nothing to stop John from making his move.

He directly pressed his hand on the top of her clit and pressed it hard and started to rub it slowly and speed up suddenly.

Immediately she climaxed with an orgasm.

Her legs trembled and her back arched as she sprayed the cum and love juices from her pussy.

John moved forward to kiss her and she directly cooperated.

It seems like the dress he picked up for her has to wait.

While kissing John waved his wand and his clothes vanished and appeared on the side with neat folding.

John took the heat of the moment to move forward and started to play with Narcissa.

He did not forget to cast a silencing ward and an illusion showing that Narcissa is sleeping.

With that no one would disturb them.

John continued to kiss as he removed her night dress step by step revealing her soft skin and milfy body.

He moved down to suck on her nipples as his hands moved behind her back to press on specific areas on her back to make her more sensitive.

The moans of Narcissa reverberated thought the silencing ward and she was happy for the first time after so long with the touch of a man that is so intimate with her.

John continued and slowly put his dick between her tits and pushed it to her face so that she can suck on the dick.

She was startled by the size of the dick just like how Rita was startled but then she smiled happily looking at the size of the dick.

She really liked this big thing.

She was craving for a dick for so many years and no one gave it to her.

But the dick in front of him made her feel that it was meant for her.

So she started to move her hands to hold her tits tightly around the dick.

Then she licked the tip of the dick with great happiness as if she was licking very delicious.

As she licked and sucked on the dick John was not idle as he moved forward to suck on pulled her nipples and rub the areola around the nipples slowly.

He used his index fingers to push the nipples in and out in an action like fucking her nipples.

This made her reach for another climax.

When John thought that his dick is wet enough he moved down and played with her pussy lips.

Then he pushed his dick into that tight hole.

Well there is a big gap and her pussy right now is as tight as that of a virgin pussy.

The stretching of her pussy made her moan loudly in pleasure as her body trembled with happiness.

John slowly pushed the dick deep inside her till the entire shaft entered inside her.

She felt so full that her eyes started to become wet with the happiness and pleasure.

John let her adapt to his dick and then he started to move.

There is sound of flesh slapping, squeaking in the pussy of Narcissa and the moans of Narcissa forming a very good music to the ears of John.

Lucius is really an idiot that could not take care of such a beautiful wife and go around causing troubles everywhere.

John fucked her till she was satisfied and reached the peak of pleasure and then cummed inside her at the same time as she climaxed with her orgasm.

Her pussy was completely filled with John’s cum but his dick did not soften.

Instead it acted as a stopper for the cum inside to not to flow out.

The fullness inside made Narcissa happier and she trembled with the pleasure of climaxing.

She never felt this kind of pleasure before today.

On the other hand John was thinking of making Narcissa and molly serve him at the same time.

While their husbands fight each other their wives would dance on the dick of John together.

That would be a sight to see.

While thinking John pulled out his dick and immediately the cum and her love juices started to flow out.

It is not oozing out but flowing out.

That is how much cum that John filled up inside her.

John did not stop at that and flipped her over.

Then he waved his hand to make an oil bottle come out of the pocket of his pants that was folded neatly on the side.

He poured the oil on her ass and started to massage it.

Narcissa purred like a good cat under his touch.

But soon she noticed the fingers of John that is entering her ass hole.

She did not expect that and she never had anyone fuck her ass hole.

She is still a virgin there.

John waved his hands and everything became clean for him to use.

Also all the cum inside her pussy is also gone with the wave of his hands.

He slowly inserted his oily finger inside her ass hole.

Slowly he rubbed around her inner walls making her moan but she also said with her soft voice.

“I am still a virgin there, so please be gentle with me…. Hummmm….”

John smiled and nodded his head at her request.

Then he inserted the second finger inside her ass hole and started to widen the hole slowly.

Slowly the third and the fourth finger entered inside her ass hole smoothly with the oil.

Chapter 179: Christmas gifts

Then he inserted the second finger inside her ass hole and started to widen the hole slowly.

Slowly the third and the fourth finger entered inside her ass hole smoothly with the oil.

Then he started to widen her ass hole big enough to fit his big dick.

Well it could not be expanded by that much.

But still it can at least give him a little convenience to move.

Actually her ass is really tight.

Well every woman is unique with their own temperament.

This includes their body, feeling, scent and response.

The feeling and other things that he got from Narcissa are completely different from the feelings that he got from Rita.

But he liked both of them and the pleasure he got from them is also different fundamentally.

So like tasting an old wine or like tasting a delicacy John started to play with her and fuck her slowly.

Her moans reverberated as John poked her ass hole with his dick.

The entry was slowly but after it entered completely her pain became pleasure and she started t tremble while squirting.


That night John spent with her and comforted her in his embrace.

Also he did not forget to talk to her about his plans related to Bellatrix and Mrs. Zabini.

She did not think badly of John when he spoke about this matter.

John already clearly stated to her that he would have many women.

Also she is a married woman with a son.

Even thought her son is stupid she still loves her son.

John is calm, handsome and capable.

So when John told her that he would protect her son she accepted it directly and decided to work together with John.

She would still work for Voldemort along with her current husband Lucius.

But her heart and body belongs to John and acts for the sake of John.

She would be willing to pull other women to the side of John slowly over time.

Right now she needs a strong support to protect herself and her son.

The best person she could turn to is actually John.

Other might not know but she definitely knows that John is extremely strong.

It is not only his dick.

The intuition of women is an extremely strong thing.

She felt safe and satisfied with John so she decided to go along with this.

Also she likes John more than her husband that only married her for political benefits.

Since she likes John she sided with John directly.

With that decided they parted.

John gave her the dress that he prepared for her and told her that he would prepare a special gift for her later for the Christmas.

In the morning she actually cooked for John which is really tasty.

Well when a woman cooks for the man they liked then that would really taste better than anything.

Well sometimes it can be something that could not be described as an eatable thing too.

Fortunately Narcissa is good at cooking and the fine dining she arranged is also great.

John pulled her into his lap as they ate the food together.

Fortunately for Lucius and his son Draco, they are not at home.

If they are here they would have heart attack seeing various expression on the expressionless cold face of Narcissa.

Also how close she is to John.

After eating John left back to the Diagon alley.

He collected the dresses he ordered for his girls for the Yule ball.

The Christmas is just a day away.

So he brought over the dresses he prepared for them.

He took them and returned back to Hogwarts.

That night he went around delivering the dresses and other gifts that he promised for his women.

Rita and Narcissa got butt plugs that are enchanted with many number of special features,

Nymphadora received another set of street gang chick like dress that really suits her purple hair,

Other girls received the Yule ball dress with some sweets,

Penelope got a special bike broomstick she liked along with a female warrior dress.

The style of the dress is designed by John and there are runes embedded in it letting it move as smooth as cloth even though it was made of metal.

All of his house elves got some good bonuses.

Dobby actually bought a dress for himself and for Winky.

After chatting with John under the influence of John now dobby and Winky are actually dating.

It is strange but it is true.

John kept it as a secret and he was planning to shock Hermione later with this.

Other than that John also sent some shining materials to the goblins as he Christmas gift for them.

This is the most favorite thing of those goblins.

He also sent gifts to the werewolves in the township that he established on the northern lands.

They got plenty of meat of all kinds they liked in bulk quantities along with fine wine.

After delivering the things during the night John returned to his dorm room and slept.

Early in the morning he went to the Christmas tree to see his presents.

The other students in the dormitory were shocked by the number of presents that John just got.

It was just like the Valentine’s Day chocolate that he received before.

Half of the area around the tree was filled with his gifts.

Well the gifts from the goblins is not much as they all decided to give John some of their special goblin agreement to reduce their service charge by 0.2 percent.

Something is better than nothing and they are really good with the usage of money and their gifts are related to the money as well.

Other than that John received many gifts from his women one by one.

Dobby and Winky sent a pair of socks and gloves.

Dobby made the socks with disproportionate sizes while Winky made the gloves well.

John liked them and put them away carefully.

Chapter 180: Yule ball with big surprise

Dobby made the socks with disproportionate sizes while Winky made the gloves well.

John liked them and put them away carefully.

Rita sent him a special mini camera that she used when she takes photos in secret.


John checked his presents with happy face while many other Gryffindor's are envious.

Also there are four girls that received presents from John in the Gryffindor house Christmas tree.

Hermione, Ginny, Romilda and Katie all received presents from John.

But they did not dare to open them here.

Hermione actually hid the box carefully in her enchanted pocket space to check it out later.

She doesn’t want Harry and Ron to find this.

Ginny was more bold than Hermione.

She took out her dress from the present.

It was gorgeous red party wear dress that matches her red hair perfectly.

She almost looked like a red queen with that dress.

Similarly Romilda and Katie also receive dresses that fit them perfectly with the color preferences that they liked.

Other than this dress there are also sweets and a magic makeup box.

It is a onetime use magic makeup box.

It would give a good setting from head to toe for the girl that was chosen by John.

But this thing is very expensive.

John already made on what fashion that his girls should dress up including the jewelry and other things.

Similarly all the girls that got his presents were pleasantly surprised and excited at the same time.

They are excited about the evening party and what surprise that John has planned for them.

They are also very curious to see how John is going to dance with them all at the same time.

Hermione still did not tell Harry and Ron with whom she is going to Yule ball that night.

But her golden color dress was so gorgeous that she really liked it.

She felt that John really knows her heart.

Well she could not say this to Harry and Ron but Ginny, Romilda and Katie are all John’s women.

So they came to check out her dress too.

Daphne received a black party dress with stars like spots on the dress and they would shine the green light like they are twinkling.

Pansy also got something on the side but the color is different to match her skin tone and appearance.

Luna received a silver colored dress that highlighted her appearance with snowflakes like design that would give the impression of falling snow.


In the evening the party was ready to start when everyone was there in the great hall where the Yule ball would start.

The girls arrived early and John did not come yet.

The champions should start the dance as the custom.

Fleur is also waiting with her gorgeous dress.

She took the gamble before and is waiting for John.

She also saw that many women that are close to John are also waiting for him.

At that time a person walked in from the main entrance in a high profile black suit with violet magenta hue shine from the suit.

Inner shirt is also violet magenta color giving him a mysterious vibe.

The girls are anxious as he walked alone into the great hall.

At that time he waved his wand a little and immediately with every step he took two images of John appeared till every one of his girls has a dance partner.

John walked over to fleur under the stunned eyes of the people.

This is one of techniques that are famous on the eastern countries like Japan and India.

This is not cloning but it is just like a time call of a person appearing at more than one location at the same time.

This magic requires a high demand for the finest control over the spirit and magic.

The clone like images that appeared here right now are called from the future as they already knows what happened.

This would make John disappear for few hours every day into the future.

The amount of time he disappears is actually the amount of time the image spends here right now.

John got this magic when he was studying the runes of an old language of Yakshas which is also a magic race.

Well by the records there is no existence of them in the current earth.

Whatever it might be, John appeared with the grand entrance in front of many people that held his women for the start of the dance.

The mouths of the people opened so much you can literally fit an egg in it without any effort.

Dumbledore recognized a little of this magic.

Well he has records of many things but he was more interested in western magic.

But John is interested in magic origin so he learns from every side.

He was especially interested in the information of gods and demons that stand at the pinnacle of this magic thing.

Fleur don’t know what John did but she did not question him either.

His interest towards John has increased by a large margin.

Her affection points reached 59 which should be an intimate friend but not a lover.

She has another person she loves right now.

But because of her Veela origin she could not hide away her interests.

Also many girls are envious of John’s women that has gorgeous dress and makeup that suits them perfectly.

But John’s women did not care about others as their man is present in front of them.

John is more handsome and they could not take their eyes from him.

Hermione that is in the embrace of John was so mesmerized that she could not take her eyes off of John.

But she felt the stares of her friends Harry and Ron on her making her feel bad.

Well she decided to leave the concerning matters to the side and enjoy the moment.

John with fleur started the dance as the champions while others followed one by one.