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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 176: you are an irresponsible person

“…I am containing 9 tails too protect you all but your eyes did not give me the respect I deserve.

Instead it is the eyes of blaming and contempt.

That is why I did not like you and many other people in the village.

I don’t want your recognition because I can live on my own and get strong on my own.”

The opinion of Ebisu towards Naruto changed.

It took two step changes when Konohamaru changed and now that Naruto proved his strength by defeating him.

He felt ashamed of the way he looked at Naruto.

Right at that time Naruto saw Jiraiya that is peeping at the women in the bath.

Ebisu also looked at the direction where Naruto is looking at.

Immediately he saw Jiraiya that is peeping.

He did not recognize Jiraiya for a moment and decided to attack.

Unfortunately he was knocked out and Naruto waited for a while.

“So you are Jiraiya the pervert.

You are so irresponsible that you did not care about your disciple.

No wonder your disciples or either dead or became the villains of the society.

If my father is not your disciple may be he would have survived.

Any way you are the disciple of that scum so it is not a wonder that your disciples became like this.

My mother should not have trusted your disciple and you to have a good life.

The result is that both of them are dead.

You are not present when they need you the most.

Even after that you did not care for the children of your disciple that are abandoned like an orphan and treated badly.

Naming me and gaining the title of my god father is all but nonsense to you.

I am really disappointed in the vision of my father to become your disciple.”

Naruto said with a disappointed face towards Jiraiya and then decided to leave.

Naruto spoke so boldly right now because there is not one here to listen what is happening.

Also Ebisu was knocked out so he could not listen to their conversation.

But then Jiraiya’s face suddenly changed looking at Naruto.

“Do you know who your parents are?”

Jiraiya did not need much brain power to tell that Naruto is the son of Minato and Kushina.

Even though he did not meet Naruto till now and the third Hokage spread rumors that the child of the fourth died during the 9 tails attack, he did not believe that.

He specializes in investigation so he naturally knows that there is a child that appeared after the 9 tails incident.

He has yellow hair and the 9 tails was sealed inside.

Finally the name of this boy is the name he gave to the son of Minato that is the name called Naruto and the surname is the surname of Kushina that is Uzumaki.

These things are enough to tell that Naruto is the son of Minato and his disciple.

He knows everything and did respond to anything.

Also he knows that Naruto should not know about his parents and origin.

When he heard the words of Naruto just now he suddenly thought that the things are different.

So he asked Naruto if he knew his parents.

“Don’t tell me that you forgot your only disciple in the hidden leaf village.

My parents are Minato the fourth Hokage and Kushina the previous 9 tails jinchūriki.

Fortunately my father sealed a bit of his soul and the soul of my mother to talk to me when I reached a certain age.

They told me many things so highly about you.

But when I told them that you or any other person that they helped or close to before their death never took care of me, they are very disappointed.

They told me that you are different and might understand after you saw me.

But now I know that my father and mother believe in a bunch of ungrateful people and cunning foxes.

I would not do the same mistake as them.

Good bye.”

Naruto said this with contempt on his face and left quickly.

Jiraiya did not follow Naruto immediately and decided to investigate the matter more thoroughly before talking to Naruto.

There should be a reason why Naruto appeared so angry and full of contempt towards them all.

He went around investigating with the Anbu that usually guarded Naruto.

Since it was Jiraiya that asked about the situation they reported the matter truthfully.

When he under stood the life of Naruto he became more and more angry with the third Hokage, Danzo and the village management elders.

He did not expect that Naruto would be treated poorly by them.

Instead of having a good opinion of the village, Naruto appeared to hate the village more.

This is not a good thing.

Also he found the rumors about Naruto and the demon fox.

The allowance that Naruto got was so low that he lived with money that can only last for a week to live for a month.

There is no suitable clothing for winter or summer other than his cheap clothes.

Also there is not enough food other than some cheap noodles and sometimes even they are not available.

So Naruto has to fish around in the cold weather.

The people of the village hated him and never give him anything good.

It is a miracle that Naruto was still alive after all the things that happened to him.

The more he learnt about Naruto the more he hated the situation in this village.

He left the village because it has degraded to this point.

Now that he returned and found that the situation is worse than it was before.

He doesn’t know how he could make up for Naruto.

Also he found something while investigating.

That is the difference in treatment that the grandson of third Hokage is receiving while the situation of Naruto.

He could not help but curse the third Hokage to die for doing so many bad things.

Chapter 177: tapping in to the sea of consciousness

That is the difference in treatment that the grandson of third Hokage is receiving while the situation of Naruto.

He could not help but curse the third Hokage to die for doing so many bad things.

But he could not meddle in these matters.

Instead he decided to take Naruto in as his disciple.

So he came to find Naruto.

During this time Naruto returned back to his home and comforted Karin.

He brought over some ham filled steamed buns for her to eat.

During this time kin woke up.

When she looked at her surroundings and then at Naruto she was so frightened that she wanted to scream.

But Naruto stopped her from screaming and then slowly explained about the chance of her death.

She did not believe this so Naruto told her to wait and observe for a few days.

It is not too late for her to return back to the hidden sound village.

Also Naruto asked her if she really wanted to go back to the place where Orochimaru is present.

She knows like anyone from the hidden sound village what kind of person Orochimaru is.

So she calmed down and ate the steamed bun that Naruto gave her.

Naruto left a clone to keep an eye on her and stood on the top of his house waiting for Jiraiya to come over to pick him up.

He could not show his easy face and have to be stubborn so that Jiraiya would teach him properly.

Later Jiraiya appeared on the roof top of Naruto’s house and Naruto looked at the monument of the Hokage faces on the mountain.

Jiraiya knows that Naruto is looking at the fourth Hokage Minato.

Jiraiya sighed and then said.

“I know that you have been wronged.

I did not come here to give you an explanation or other useless words of comfort or asking for forgiveness.

I came here to ask you to become my disciple.

This way you can become strong enough to fight and prove yourself and reveal your identity.

I have taught your father enough to become a Hokage.

So I can teach you enough to become a strong man too.

So give me a chance…”

The words of Jiraiya are so convincing that if it was the real Naruto he would have immediately accepted his words.

But right now Naruto only sneered and did not say anything for a while.

Finally he spoke.

“First teach me well and we will think about the disciple thing later.”

Jiraiya finally smiled thinking that the temper of Naruto is just like Kushina back then.

So he decided to teach Naruto well.

Well it is already evening so Jiraiya invited Naruto to eat out with him.

It was his treat.

Of course Naruto would not miss a free treat.

So he decided to go and order extra two bowls for the girls back at home.

But he would not tell Jiraiya that it was for them.

On the next day they went to the water fall area beside the village.

Naturally Jiraiya was attracted to the girls bathing and playing here.

But Naruto was told to train.

He was asked about the chakra of the 9 tails and Naruto told him that he doesn’t know.

With that their normal training began.

He wanted to test the chakra dept of Naruto first before making him sign the toad contract and teach him summoning ninjutsu.

Jiraiya found that Naruto did not look exhausted even after using the chakra intensely for a long while.

So he decided to give it a try.

Naruto signed the toad contract first and then tried to summon a toad.

Naruto’s chakra reserve is very large if he connected the chakra stored in the yin seals too.

But he did not connect them and only showed the Jonin level chakra he should normally have.

At that time when he summoned the thing that appeared is a big toad just like the one Jiraiya has summoned.

Jiraiya looked at it and felt that it was not enough.

This is because the chakra that Naruto has is completely spent after summoning this medium sized frog.

So naturally some hard measures have to be taken in this kind of situation.

Naruto was exhausted and fell down.

This is actually true he really used all of his normal chakra right now.

It seems like unless he did something like this he will not be able to connect to the 9 tails.

Naturally he can become stronger but the time would not stay still for anyone.

He has to become stronger quickly so that he can do everything he wanted to do.

For that he needs the help of the 9 tails.

He was sure that his intimidation would not work on 9 tails.

It is the most vicious being just like the Uchiha clan.

They are both vicious and also they are much attached to their loved ones.

The 9 tails also has the same nature and is extremely strong in its mind.

So his normal means of intimidation and the threat to eat the 9 tails would not work as well as it did with the one tail Shikaku.

Naruto sighed as Jiraiya took him towards a canyon.

Naruto also locked up stopped his control over chakra and other things to feel the real threat to tap into his sea of consciousness.

He has been trying to enter his sea of consciousness for so long.

But he was unable to enter it.

The difficulty is so high that he could not clear the situation through normal means.

Right as he fell down from such a height, Naruto did not feel fear mentally.

But as he fell his body reacted to the treat of death.

It automatically triggered his consciousness and he was able to enter into this mind space that is the sea of consciousness.

As soon as he entered it looked like an underground facility.

Then the huge cage appeared in front of him.

Chapter 178: summoning Jutsu

As soon as he entered it looked like an underground facility.

Then the huge cage appeared in front of him.

“Finally met you again, Kurama”

The words of Naruto startled the huge face of the fox that came to the front of the cage gate to scare him.

Unfortunately Naruto was not scared.

Instead it was the fox that was shocked to know that Naruto know its name.

Naruto smiled back at it and said.

“Don’t worry about the small details.

You can think of it as me returning back in time.

In the future you became my good companion and fought against the 10 tails that is being resurrected.

It was done by the masked guy that controlled you before my father sealed you inside me.


Naruto spoke nonsense mixed with truth and lies and Kurama could not help but want to believe.

So Naruto asked him to lend him some chakra.

“The 9 tails is confused and thought that Naruto is lying to it.

But at the same time not many people know about its name.

This means that what Naruto said might be true.

With that it made a decision to first lend its power to Naruto and then think about the situation later.

It is not like it did not have enough chakra.

So he gave Naruto chakra and Naruto summoned the frog named Gama Bunta.

Naturally he followed the plot and made the bet.

He has reserved chakra that he can use during this time.

So he was not afraid.

Also he wanted to help Gama Bunta to find Jiraiya.

On the way Naruto was dropped off at the market because Gama Bunta has something to talk with Jiraiya.

Naruto was not in a bad condition so he went inside to meet rock lee that was admitted before.

It is not the time for attack of Gaara on lee.

After visiting him Naruto returned back to his house where both kin and Karin are waiting for him.

Naruto brought over some ramen along the way and gave them to eat.

He also told them that they have to lay low for the coming month so that no problems would occur.

Naruto’s clone is always present near them to monitor them in case if they tried to contact someone.

With the previous gain Naruto started to practice the summoning Jutsu.

Jiraiya did not get any beating from Gama Bunta because Jiraiya explained the origin of Naruto.

Within the week Naruto completed the practice of summoning and he can easily summon Gama Bunta now with his chakra along with the combination of 9 tails chakra.

The 9 tails got more information from Naruto and now it believes that Naruto really came back from the future.

With that it cooperated with Naruto and wait for the future incidents to happen.

Also another point that made it realize that he came from the future is that the intimidation he has towards the 1 tail beast Shikaku.

The days passed by with Naruto training on his own while pestering Jiraiya to teach about the seals.

He already has preliminary knowledge but the remaining part has to be obtained through experience and knowledge.

All of his past life memories are gone with the tutorial.

So he has to depend on Jiraiya to get the benefits that he wanted.

With his pestering Jiraiya taught him all the things he knew about the seals.

This experience with the knowledge that Naruto already had has improved his total understanding back to 40 percent of the understanding of seals in his previous life.

It was not enough to use the flying thunder god technique but he can understand many simply seals.

Also he can draw some blasting paper seals right now.

That would be a great thing.

Slowly it was already at the end of the month when Naruto visited rock lee again.

This time Gaara appeared and Shikamaru also appeared with Naruto as they met outside to meet with their friends.

Shikamaru came over to meet with Choji while Naruto came to visit rock lee and Choji.

There is also Ino that came and hugged Naruto like a koala from behind.

Others are envious of this matter.

With the intimidation of Naruto, Shikaku immediately backed down.

After that a long emotional speech continued and Naruto sighed at Gaara.

Well his life is similar to the life of Naruto before he entered into this kind of world hopping.

It is not like he did not see the darkness of the humans.

It is just that he is not into saving those people.

So he told Gaara the answer in his own way.

“Let me give you a piece of advice.

Your father might be a moron to try to kill you.

But what about your mother that gave her life to give birth to you?

She is always there to protect you.

Ninjutsu has many mysteries that are yet to be discovered.

Other than the monster you spoke off I can sense a presence of a person that is trying to protect you through that sand around you.

So I can safely tell you that it should be your mother that cast a strong Jutsu with her life as the price to become the sand around you to protect you.

It is not that stupid beast inside you that is guarding you actually.


After a few words from Naruto, might guy appeared and Gaara has to leave here.

With that things have stopped there.

After few days the delegates from many places started to appear one after the other making the entire hidden leaf village filled with festivity atmosphere.

Naruto let kin and Karin go around as well.

But they have to disguise their appearance during this time.

Also one of Naruto’s clones would go along with them for protection.

Finally on the day of the finals for the Chunin exam are about to be started.

Naruto did not have any problem with his sleep during that time.

Chapter 179: slandering Hyuga clan in the middle of the stadium

Finally on the day of the finals for the Chunin exam are about to be started.

Naruto did not have any problem with his sleep during that time.

He was very peaceful.

His chakra control once again improved yesterday and his chakra reserves reached that of the Kage level completely.

Not only that all his fighting capabilities are also improved reaching new heights to the peak of elite Jonin level.

But to stabilize all this he needs a strong fight.

The fight with Neji might not give him the sense of crisis and urgency he needed.

Instead he was hoping to fight with the 1 tail that should be around at Kage level head on for a few rounds to completely stabilize his capabilities at that point.

Also he is planning to gain more villain points and other things during this time with an accumulation card.

He bought it with a higher price than before.

Today would be a great day for him to perform well and shock the people in both the arena and outside during the attack.

So as soon as he woke up he activated the accumulation card first.

Then he let both Karin and kin disguise themselves.

Then he took them to the arena.

Well recently he has been socializing with people.

So it is natural that there are others that are following Naruto.

The appearance of the two people is changed to that of old women.

No one would suspect two old women that are going to the arena.

Naruto paid for their tickets and let them go to the best stands.

Also silently one of his shadow clone that was disguised as an old man is also behind them.

It is the safety protection just in case.

While he sent them there he went to look for Hinata that should be in the training ground around this time.

The appearance of Naruto startled her but she was not as shy as she was before.

She simply hid behind a tree stump that is used for target practice.

“Hinata, you don’t have to worry about anything.

In the future there will not be anyone there to question my words.

So I will put the Hyuga clan in their proper place and in the correct order instead of the nonsense like the caged bird seal.

Also I will make them understand what they truly lack is braveness instead of bullying a woman.


The conversation between them went on as it should be in the plot.

Naruto moved close to Hinata and showed his cheek while speaking.

“I am going to the finals and I need a good ladies blessing.

So give me a lucky kiss.”

Hinata once again became so shy that her face is bright red.

But still she leaned forward to give Naruto a kiss on the cheek.

Naruto already noticed Kiba coming out of the woods.

Right when Hinata was going to be unconscious Naruto moved her a little for her to keep awake.

But she still lost consciousness.

So Naruto told Kiba to bring her over to the match while he went to the match.

Kiba did not hate Naruto but he felt more rivalry towards him.

After that Naruto went straight to the big stadium where the finals of the Chunin exam would be held.

Naruto went to stand in the center field with other people.

Naturally Sasuke is not here and the match started.

The first match is between Naruto and Neji.

Naruto did not even look at Neji for a long time and looked towards Hinata that just entered the stadium.

There is also Kiba that brought her over.

Right then the match between Naruto and Neji started.

Neji wanted to provoke him and said some nonsense again.

Naruto laughed back and said.


You are one to talk.

I have already said it before.

Your Hyuga clan even if it was the main family or the branch family they are all a bunch of cowards.

I don’t know which moron of an ancestor has come up with this kind of nonsense of a way to preserve the clan.

He would never go to the pure land and forever fall in the mouth of king of hell being punished endlessly for his crimes.

That is the same for all your clan members that supported this nonsense.

If you want to be free just apply it with the third Hokage and form a separate clan.

You are also a Hyuga and you have every right to get a piece of the inheritance.

It is not like you and your branch family member committed a treason.

It is just that you are a bunch of cowards and spineless pig that would be willing to give away your women to appease the main clan.

May be one day I would become strong enough to trample over the Hyuga clan correct your ways.

Well to save the love of many women that suffer the unjust prosecution because of being connected to the spineless pigs like you, they should have the right to be saved.

You even go so far as to bully a woman and had grudge against her instead of fighting on your own.

You are just a bunch of lowly filth.


The words of Naruto caused many people to exclaim because he directly slandered the Hyuga clan without any care or respect.

Also many people actually supported the words of Naruto.

There are many men that fell in love with Hyuga clan women.

Also many women fall in love with the Hyuga clan men.

But the result is that they are separated because of the stupid rule of internal marriage.

Fortunately there is no genetic mutation if not it would have caused a serious problem creating disable children.

Not only will they suffer but they also suffer from taking care of this kind of children.

Naruto would not let something like that happen even thought he is a villain.

Chapter 180: the identity of Naruto

Not only will they suffer but they also suffer from taking care of this kind of children.

Naruto would not let something like that happen even thought he is a villain.

He is considered a villain not because he doesn’t care but because he likes to take the things that he likes.

Also he likes to talk back on those hypocritical idiots and damage their system completely.

He would not only destroy it but he would trample them under his feet till they gave up resistance.

As for the face and image he did not care at all.

After he finished speaking Neji could not refute and the match started.

Naruto produced many clones and spread out to form a circular enclosed area around Neji in layers covering all gaps.

Naruto knows about the blind spot behind Neji so a circle of clones of Naruto also stepped on the high walls of the arena.

Neji did not understand at the beginning but only later he understood as all the clones took out their weapons.

Neji immediately got into position and activated his Byakugan to attack.

Unfortunately there is something he doesn’t know.

Naruto’s clones threw the kunai in their hands but the target is not Neji.

It passed by his rotation technique and fell into the hands of his other clone.

Just like that the clones appeared to be playing catch but they are waiting for the opportunity.

Some of the clones pulled out the trees around and pushed them like poking sticks all the way to the feet of Neji along the ground.

There is nothing strange.

It is simply that Naruto is blocking the feet of Neji from moving forward.

Suddenly a kunai was thrown among countless kunai with blunt edge.

The kunai travelled along the blind spot of Neji and hit him straight at the back of his head.

The hit was hard and he lost consciousness right at that moment.

Naruto did so many thing is just to distract Neji from noticing one clone positioning at the perfect place to shoot a kunai at the perfect angle the knock out Neji.

This shocked the audience so much that they forgot cheer like before.

Even the referee was shocked speechless and the entire stadium was silent.

Only after Naruto’s clones vanished did they recover slowly.

The referee announced that Naruto is the winner and Neji also woke up at that time.

He did not understand how Naruto knows his only weakness.

It is not that his team members would betray him about this matter.

So Naruto has figured out this matter while throwing many kunai before.

He did not say a single word before leaving but Naruto said.

“Your Jutsu is just a turtle shell.

As long as there is enough water and fire how long can you live under the turtle shell.

One has to break free to have enough power to fight along with enough power to defend.

Having only one thing is particularly useless.”

The eyes of Naruto are twinkling when he looked at everyone because every one of them has at least a wooden treasure chest that is improving towards the iron treasure chest on their heads.

Each of the accumulation bars are filling at the fastest speed.

After knowing the words of Naruto the Hyuga clan people are trembling from anger and shyness.

If Naruto can break the defenses of Neji then he can break the defenses of every other ninja of their clan as well.

This made them shy and angry at the same time.

It is like Naruto poked the sour spot.

It is no wonder that the Uchiha clan looks down on the Hyuga clan.


While speaking Naruto came over to Neji and pulled off his scarf on the head.

He wanted to struggle and other wanted to stop but Naruto simply placed his index finger on the forehead of Neji and induced a little chakra.

Immediately the caged bird seal dissolved.

“Now your caged bird seal is gone and there is no one to control you.

If your branch family can really stand up on your feet properly then come to me.

I will remove the seal.”

Suddenly he asked.

“How did you dissolve the bird cage seal?”

Naruto laughed out loud and said with a loud voice.


Let me reintroduce myself.

I am Naruto Uzumaki.

I am the son of the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and the princess of Uzumaki clan Kushina Uzumaki.

Because of the selfish thoughts of some bastards I have to life the life of an orphan for all these years.

Also all my assets that belongs to my father and mother were embezzled.

I was hated by everyone when my father and mother used their lives to protect the village.

A good repayment for their kindness,

Only hatred of being a jinchūriki remained all this time.

Fortunately they left their chakra and a piece of soul for me to learn some things and all this information.

Even as the souls they are thoroughly disappointed by the acts of those ungrateful bastards and prepared me well.

If you have any doubt about this matter third Hokage was present at the time of their deaths and knows the information.

If you want more proof there are toads from Mount Myōboku that are tasked with keeping my information as backup if something unexpected happened?


Naruto spoke as he summoned a big toad that can speak.

It was Gama Bunta that was summoned by fourth Hokage when fighting with the 9 tails during that disaster.

This is proof enough for Naruto’s identity.

Only then Neji understood that Naruto did not even use his true strength and played with him.

He sighed and accepted the words of Naruto.

There is nothing for third Hokage and other to refute this matter.

They can only slowly explain about this matter using the deceiving words.

Fortunately for third Hokage he would die today and escape the burden of explaining the things.


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