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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 161: numbers can break down even Kages

As for practicing ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Naruto never stopped.

When Sasuke left Naruto switched to practice other things as much as he could to improve his overall capabilities.

Naturally on the next day he met Haku in the forest while sleeping.

It is an important encounter and Naruto knows that he would not be killed easily because of the kind hearted nature of Haku.

Naruto is a villain only to the people that oppose him and that tramples on his interests.

He would not do anything to the irreverent people.

Soon she (he) woke Naruto up.

Their conversation went along as they spoke just like that in the plot.

Naruto did not act as a brat.

But still his warm atmosphere of calling big sister has created a good atmosphere.

When leaving Haku said to Naruto,

“By the way, I am a boy.”

Naruto on the other hand replied quickly.

“I presume that the person you line might need you as a girl.”

Naruto’s words did not have any impression now but later Haku would understand the answer to these words.

Naruto succeeded in climbing the tree without stepping on the tree bark and only stepping on the air around the tree.

Also he felt like the next yin seal is very near and it can be opened soon.

Well there is an episode with Inari again.

So Naruto gave him a different reply.

“I don’t need to know about your country you cry baby.

All I need to know is that if I have the guts to stand up and the ability to win.

Tell me how many thugs there are present.

30 people….

60 people…

100 people….

Think about the population of the entire country.

If the men of this country are really courageous then they can drown those 100 people with their spit.

Even if they are not courageous they can poison those 100 people to death.

Even if that is not possible when so many people pounce on them all at once how long those 100 people can last.

It is a proven history fact that the numbers can topple even the strongest Kage.

Are they stronger than Kages?

It is just that you people are cowards and do not want to put your life on the line.

At least your father is a brave and respectable man.

At least for his sake, you don’t be a cry baby.


After saying this Naruto left with a smile on his face.

Naturally after Naruto left, Kakashi talked to Inari about Naruto and his life.

In the morning next day, Naruto overslept.

May be it is the good food with fresh fish curry which is not available in the hidden leaf village or something else, he over slept on the next day.

When he woke up he put on his clothes and left this place.

But he actually hid in the ground using the mayfly technique.

Right now with no one around he can use that.

With this technique he can sense other white Zetsu in the area.

The sneak attack in the house of Tazuna started and Inari finally braved enough to face the things.

Of course Naruto saved just like that in the plot.

Suddenly two more clones appeared behind the two and knocked out both the samurai with a single move.

Then Naruto said to Inari.

“At least you stood up.

That is a good change.

Remember those feelings in your heart.

There is no one to save you loved ones other than yourself…..”

After saying these words Naruto dragged these two people back to the bridge.

These people can become good donors later when it is needed.

Naruto once again use the mayfly technique to come to the location of the battle field.

He left the half dead people on the side and checked out the situation.

Naruto don’t want to drag the things much longer.

He likes to deal with the things quickly.

So he suddenly appeared right when Sasuke was severely attacked and Sakura was about to leave her position.

“Big sister you should sleep for a few moments.”

Right when Haku came out of the ice glass Naruto appeared above and kicked hard on the head with the words he just spoke.

This knocked out Haku on the spot.

“Did anyone miss me too much?”

That kick paralyzed Haku but did not knock him out completely.

With that the mirrors around shattered quickly.

Well naturally the fight between Kakashi and Zabuza continued.

Sasuke on the other did not have the ability to move much because of the injuries.

Naruto walked over to him and pulled out the ice needles.

“I was just out for a little while and you are all injured like this.”

Sasuke wanted to move away from Naruto in anger but Naruto caught him and used the healing ninjutsu to heal his wounds temporarily.

After doing that he carried Sasuke towards Sakura and said.

“You can patch him up.

I have already closed his wounds.”

Because of the extreme anger towards Naruto Sasuke actually opened his Sharingan for a moment and lost consciousness.

The love brained idiot Sakura immediately hyped with the care for Sasuke to the point that she forgot about Tazuna behind her.

Naruto on the other hand stood behind Tazuna waiting for Zabuza to appear.

Naturally a ninja would appear from behind instead of a frontal attack.

Kakashi could not manage for long in the smoke and fog so he has to do the final attack with the ninja dogs.

As usually Haku suddenly woke up and went to stand before the attack of Kakashi dying in place of Zabuza.

Naturally Gato came over with his gang and started to kick Haku.

It is the time for Naruto to give his legendary speech.

“I thought that the great devil Zabuza would have at least one proper subordinate.

It seem like I am wrong.

You are still hung up on the village that you have abandoned….”

Chapter 162: saving Haku and Zabuza

“I thought that the great devil Zabuza would have at least one proper subordinate.

It seem like I am wrong.

You are still hung up on the village that you have abandoned.

You are just a delusional demon that could not protect his trusted people.

No wonder you abandoned your village.

Did you abandon the village or did they abandon you.

Any way it is none of my business.

If I had a subordinate like Haku I would definitely not let anyone disgrace him no matter even if he is dead or alive.

Such a good talent and trusted person are wasted on you.

He actually loved you like a family.

Well what would you know when things are taken for granted.

Once you lose them you would understand the true value.

Such a waste…”

Naruto sighed and then looked towards Kakashi and said.

“Kakashi sensei, I did not like that strange haired panda looking idiot.

If you don’t mind I would like to take care of him.

Any way he would hinder the construction of the bridge and we still have to fight him.

Also I want to see if I can take care of the burial of Haku.

He is a good man with respectable nature.

Even though I only met him once I could not leave his body like an idiot here.”

Naruto said and before Kakashi could say Zabuza spoke with his eyes filled with tears.

You see you don’t have to say the sad words to make someone realize their mistakes.

The loud mouthed of Naruto naturally has a heart touching poisonous mouth that can change the hearts of any person.

After his emotional words Zabuza asked.

“Kid let me borrow your kunai.”

Well Naruto gave him the kunai and he went on a rampage.

During this time Naruto has something important to do.

Naruto used sealing Jutsu and brought out a make shift medical tent along all the important things inside.

Then he carried the body of Haku into the tent under the watchful eyes of Kakashi and others.

After a moment he came out and went to the dead bodies of the people that just died under the attacks of Zabuza with a scalpel and hands covered in gloves.

Also he brought over the two people he caught before from the bridge side and cut open their chest areas.

After a simple test Naruto found a heart that fits the criteria for Haku and carefully dissected the heart out of the body.

After that he carried it back to the tent and there are sounds of cutting and stitching inside.

Then Naruto stretched his head out of the tent entrance and called Kakashi.

“Kakashi sensei, can you still produce a little more lightning that is electricity.”

Kakashi nodded his head and Naruto called him over immediately.

Then he gave him to kunai to hold at the tips of the kunai and placed the round edge on the heart area of Haku.

“Now discharge your lightning chakra slowly.”

Naruto said while using the medical ninjutsu to heal the wounds and move the blood in the body while mending the damages.

Kakashi was shocked but he still did.

While he was discharging the lightning chakra he accidentally saw something in the pan of water beside.

It was actually the most important part of a man.

He subconsciously looked towards the crotch of Haku but his concentration was disturbed.

This caused him to release a high charge of electricity.

Fortunately this is within the tolerance limit and the new heart of Haku started to beat.

Kakashi was so shocked that he remembered about his childhood friend Rin.

“If he was there at that time he would have saved Rin too.


Naruto immediately did the remaining patch work and sent Kakashi out of the tent.

By the time he is done, Zabuza also completed.

Well he killed Gato but he was completely spent.

Sakura, Sasuke and Tazuna are curious about what Naruto is doing inside the tent.

Kakashi was still in dazed state about two things.

First is about his childhood friend Rin and

The second is about the dick and balls in the pan on the side.

The other rogue ninja wanted to fight with the remaining people to get a hold of the assets of Gato.

Since he died his wealth would be taken by them.

Unfortunately for then Naruto used the shadow clone and beat the crap out of them all.

This scene was noticed by the people that came with Inari causing him and the people behind him a great shock.

Well Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi did not get to do anything as Naruto was very quickly and through in his work.

After he was done with these people Naruto went to pick up Zabuza very roughly.

Then put him on a bed.

After that he checked the hands and joints that are still intact.

“Bring me to Haku….”

Zabuza asked with short breath.

Naruto looked at him and said.

“If I say that I can revive Haku and heal both of you, what would you do after healing?”

Zabuza was silent for a moment but still answered.

“I want to quit being a ninja and live in seclusion with Haku for the rest of my life.”

Naruto immediately said.

“You are really stupid.

Do you think that you can escape from the pursuit of other cleaner ninja that would hunt you down?

Instead you can take a good role of protecting the land that you once harmed.

Also I turned Haku into a woman and she can bear children for you in the future.

So be good to her.

If one day you broke your promise then I would personally come to take your head.

Also you have to leave your sword and previous identity so that you can recover here in peace.”

After saying these words Naruto dragged Zabuza into the tent that is big enough and started to do the treatment.

Chapter 163: correcting the mistake of nature

Also you have to leave your sword and previous identity so that you can recover here in peace.”

After saying these words Naruto dragged Zabuza into the tent that is big enough and started to do the treatment.

Soon many weapons flew out of the tent.

These are all the weapons that are stuck to the back of Zabuza.

Zabuza did not utter a word from the severe pain he is facing.

He was actually preoccupied by a shocking scene that made him unable to feel the pain.

First it was Haku that is breathing normally and alive.

This relieved Zabuza.

Second is the dick and ball on the side of the table.

Zabuza was sure that they belong to Haku.

Zabuza was shocked and frightened.

This means that what Naruto said is true and Haku was indeed turned into a woman.

Zabuza was happy to have female Haku.

But he made a mental note to never offend Naruto no matter what.

What if Naruto was pissed and cut off his things too.

He doesn’t want to become a woman.

He was trembling in fear looking the bloody dick and balls in front of him.

His body is sweating so much that one can tell that he is from the land of water.

Naruto did not like this and directly knocked him out.

Then he quickly carried out the operation and reattached his body parts.

With that solved Naruto let them rest and came out.

Then he looked at Kakashi and said.

“They are no longer our enemies and we have to save people right Kakashi sensei.”

After saying these words he looked towards Tazuna and the other people of the land of waves.

“You know why you people were taken advantage off.

It was because you did not have anyone to protect you and lead you.

So I will give you an option.

The two people inside are good in heart and they did not want to kill people.

They have caused you trouble so they are the ones to pay you back.

So accept them to become your protectors and let you prosper.

Learn from them to become strong and one day your future generation might really be able to live peacefully.”

After Naruto said this everyone was silent.

Tazuna was the first one to speak and said that he would take them in.

Since Sasuke was also injured they waited for 2 week before Sasuke healed completely and the bridge completed.

Naruto talked to Zabuza and took his sword after making a grave for him and Haku faking their deaths.

Haku rambled about why Naruto turned him into a woman.

But after one on one talk with Naruto he changed his thoughts completely and accepted that he became a she.

As for the sword of Zabuza, Naruto to it and put it in a sealing paper directly like storing shuriken and other things.

It belongs to him from now on.

That day after Naruto healed Zabuza and arranged for the things Kakashi asked Naruto about when he learnt about medical ninjutsu.

Sakura and Sasuke were also interested in knowing the truth.

Kakashi asked Naruto about this because, using medical ninjutsu is a complicated thing.

It requires very good chakra control.

But few days ago Naruto showed that his chakra control is far worse than Sakura and Sasuke.

So he was curious.

Naruto simply told Kakashi that.

“Well I read about that in the books back at the ninja academy and now I got a chance to try.

Strangely it was very easy to use.

The key is actually the chakra control.

Since those people are dying any way, I decided to try and save them.

Fortunately they are luck.

As for turning Haku into a woman,

Well I felt that it was the mistake of creation for a man to be so beautiful.

Even his thoughts are womanly along with the way he wears clothes.

So I decided to correct the mistake that he was born with and turned him into a woman.

During these few days I gave him few supplements for body growth and complete the transformation.

With that everything is done.

Soon Haku would be a splendid woman with the person she loved and live with the children of her own.

Isn’t it good?”

His words made Sasuke tremble a little and thought.

“Fortunately he did not do anything to me when healing me.”

He even subconsciously checked his crotch checking if his things are still intact.

Only then did he calm down.

On the other hand Kakashi did not believe the words of Naruto.

But there is no other explanation.

As they hid the things from him like about his parents, Naruto also hid the things about him in front of them.

Well no ninja in their right mind would speak about all of his cards to others even if they are close subordinates.

So they did not dwell deep into this matter.

But Naruto still told Kakashi.

“Kakashi sensei, Sakura and Sasuke, sometimes to save people it is not good to report the things as it is to even third Hokage.

There are ears and eyes everywhere in the world and the most trusted people might betray at any given moment.

I hope you don’t make the report about these things and make the entire thing simple.

Well I cannot stop your thoughts.

But this request is for the good of two people that I just saved and the future of the land of waves….”

When Naruto put it this way the importance of the request changes and they could not simply speak about this matter.

So they immediately changed their thoughts on the report.

Well this will be one of Naruto’s bases if something goes wrong in the future.

Also he can hide and keep things here in the future in secret.

That would be better than hiding things in the hidden leaf village under the greedy eyes of those old scum bags.

Chapter 164: meeting Gaara

Also he can hide and keep things here in the future in secret.

That would be better than hiding things in the hidden leaf village under the greedy eyes of those old scum bags.

Once again the bridge was named after Naruto.

Well he was not there to know that.

A few days passed by and with various missions.

Naruto changed his image to a cool one in comparison to Sasuke.

His dress style, height, the way he carry himself and the way he spoke has gained him good popularity among the people.

After a few days when they are done with the mission he actually met the square box with holes.

Sasuke was annoyed and he left saying that Sakura should train more instead of annoying him.

He did not put the name of Naruto here because he felt inferior to Naruto and even frightened a little because of losing his manhood right now.

Sakura on the other hand has better impression on Naruto but she still loves Sasuke.

Naruto did not notice these things instead he focused on the box and said.

“Konohamaru what are you doing here?”

The conversation continued and Konohamaru misread the situation thinking that Sakura is the girlfriend of Naruto.


Things happened but Naruto did not get the punch instead Konohamaru bumped into Kankuro.

Naruto knows that the Chunin exam is going to come.

When Kankuro lifted Konohamaru, Naruto did not run over to him like a mad bull.

Instead he walked over slowly.

“Hello mister, he is just a kid that accidentally bumped into you.

You don’t have go with the bad language you know.

Based on the symbol you should be from the hidden sand village.

You should be here for the Chunin exam right.”

Naruto was already close to them, just few feet away from them.

Kankuro put on an arrogant face.

“Basically, I don’t like midgets.

It is especially so for the little ones that runs around rudely,

It makes me want to kill them.”

Saying these words he made a fist wanting to punch Konohamaru.

But suddenly Naruto vanished from his position and appeared behind Kankuro.

His hand held the fist of Kankuro like an iron clamp and said.

“You know violence might now be a solution to all the problems.

You have a cute doll behind.

If someone accidentally cut off its neck you might really die.

So be careful when you are in the territory of other people.

I like the people that play with the dolls.

If possible I like to have one more friend than an enemy.

I think hidden sand village is also thinks like that.

Since you are guests I am telling you these things politely.

So please keep your respect.”

Naruto’s emitted a strong killing intent causing Kankuro to shiver for a moment.

He felt like he met with Gaara in angry state.

Originally he should pull out his doll for a fight with Sasuke but now it was solved without any fight.

He immediately let go of Konohamaru.

Naruto also let go off his hand and returned back to their front.

“I am Naruto,

It is nice to meet you.

May I know the name of the beauty here?”

Naruto looked towards Tamara while speaking and completely ignored Kankuro.

This pissed him off more and he thought in his mind.

‘Where is the respect you are speaking just now?

You are more interested in my sister than me.’

Naruto completely ignored him and concentrated on Tamara.

Tamara felt Naruto was more stable and cool to some extent.

Then she said.

“I am Tamara from the hidden sand village and this is Kankuro.”

Naruto once again ignored Kankuro and said.

“It is nice to meet you Tamara,

If you want to go around I can show you the village.

It is best to have someone with you to show around than to go around on your own.

It might cause some unnecessary problems.

Since you are guests I will treat you to some ramen,

The Ichiraku ramen is very famous.

So come along.”

Naruto turned to look and Konohamaru and Sakura to invite them along.

Then he looked at Sasuke that is hiding behind the tree to come along.

“Sasuke you don’t have to hide there.

Come over to eat ramen, it is my treat.”

Naruto said making Sasuke embarrassed.

If he appears out now then he would look more stupid than cool.

But since Naruto called him, if he did not show up Naruto would do something to pull him out.

So he had no choice but to jump out of the hiding spot to act cool.

Right at that moment Naruto once again said.

“Mister it is not good to spy on other in other people’s territory.”

In the next moment a shadow clone of Naruto appeared behind Gaara that is standing behind the tree behind Sasuke.

This caused both Tamara and Kankuro to become vigilant and fearful.

“You should be from the hidden sand village too.”

“Shut up… I will kill you.”

Gaara said to Naruto and then talked to Kankuro.

Also Gaara tried to break the clone of Naruto easily with a single move.

Unfortunately it did not work.

Naruto caught his hand holding the kunai and said.

“You seem different from others.”

Immediately Gaara vanished from his place appeared between Tamara and Kankuro.

Naruto did not care and dispersed his clone while continuing to speak.

“You look just like me, no in appearance but internally.

Perhaps you also had a monster inside you, just like me.”

Naruto said and his strength showed a sharp increase just like the sharp increase of Chakra around Gaara.

Naruto directly suppressed the chakra of Gaara with his chakra manipulated into various seals invisibly.

Well the Senju clan bloodline and wood style has a natural suppressing effect to those tailed beast.

So Gaara stopped in his tracks.

It is not him but the madness of Shikaku inside the Gaara that stopped.

Chapter 165: make her into my maid with bunny ears outfit

So Gaara stopped in his tracks.

It is not him but the madness of Shikaku inside the Gaara that stopped.

This is because it felt that Naruto might pull it out, cut it into pieces and eat it alive.

Well Naruto really did that and hunted down all 9 tailed beasts before and even killed 10 tails.

That strange killing intent would still linger on his soul causing the tailed beast the fear him.

He is currently overall combat ability has elite Jonin level after the practice in the past few days.

Also he noticed that his body is stepping into the growth phase.

So the next 6 years is very important for him to make rapid improvement.

With that Gaara backed down for a moment and asked.

“What is your name?

How do you know about that monster?”

Naruto looked back at him and said

“I am Naruto,

As for the monster inside,

I am similar to you I guess.

Just like how they put monster inside you in your village they put one inside me in my village.

Also what is your name bother?”

Gaara looked dazed for a moment and said

“I am Gaara of the desert.”

He stopped speaking in daze again and Naruto continued.

“Well would you like to have a go around the village?

We are thinking of eating ramen, if you don’t mind tag along.”

Well they came here for the purpose of invading hidden leaf village.

So naturally they are willing to go with Naruto to look around.

But Gaara could not go because he doesn’t know what happened but the monster inside him went to a corner feeling fear.

It no longer pestered him like it did before.

Because of this he was feeling very sleepy.

He did not get to sleep for a long time.

So he told Tamara to go around with Naruto to find if there is any useful information.

After that Gaara left with his fancy sand tricks along with Kankuro.

Naruto did not immediately move instead he took out a stone and threw it towards the tree again.

After throwing the stone,

“Another three guests”

Sasuke, Sakura and Tamara were dazed because they did not find these people.

They are from the hidden sound village.

Naruto looked at them and said.

“I like to entertain beauties instead of mad freaks.

The girl with the long hair looks beautiful.

You can join in if you like.

I don’t recognize your head band,

Which village are you from?”

Naruto asked looking at the three.

They were shocked that they were found by Naruto.

Well they are from the hidden sound village and they are proficient in going around without making any sound or masking their sound.

But they were still discovered by Naruto.

They did not say anything and left.

Naruto has already marked the long haired beauty.

He is going to put a bunny make up on her and take her as a maid.

Well after he was done with them in the second round they will not have any chance to survive.

Both the female ninja and another make ninja would be dead and would be used to summon the dead first and second Hokage using impure world reincarnation.

Naruto doesn’t want beauties to die.

He would save her and put her in as his maid.

With third Hokage died there will be nothing wrong to have an extra person in the village.

If Danzo wants to play then Naruto can play back with his current chakra reserves.

Naruto did not pay any more attention to them.

Instead he led Tamara to walk forward while talking about the hidden leaf village.

It is not much of information it was all his childhood and his pranks on the people.

It was funny to talk as they reached the Ichiraku ramen shop.

Naruto greeted Teuchi and asked him to prepare noodles for everyone that followed him here.

Naruto paid the money upfront with a happy smile.

Since there are two young girls Teuchi thought that Naruto took fancy to someone and took them here to treat.

Naruto is his regular customer so naturally he would take good care of his customer.

Ayame served the ramen quickly and Naruto made a few Jokes to make Ayame and everyone laugh.

Ayame is also a potential candidate that Naruto is thinking about.

He would not leave such a beauty unattended.

But it is not the time to play.

In the story she did not marry anyone so Naruto would slowly pull her into his love.


In the morning next day Kakashi called them over.

Naruto looked very fresh.

Well he would go on a run early in the morning and then go back to his house for a breakfast and then train again.

This is the most important thing to him right now.

He did not have anyone that cares about him so he has to live on with his own strength.

If he wanted to live a fulfilling life with all the women he liked he has to become extremely strong.

One can never become truly strong without doing anything.

Even if they are strong they don’t know the pain or how to use the power they had.

So naturally they are useless.

He doesn’t want to be a useless person.

Recently the amount of villain points he can gain was reduced by a large margin.

The emotional fluctuations are there but there are no gains.

Gaara did not give him a treasure box even after receiving a shock.

Similarly other is also the same.

Naruto has to create a strong disturbance enough to shake their hearts to gain something good.

But he has to wait for a little while longer for that to happen.

For now he would not do anything that would be cause problems to him.

Sakura and Sasuke looked exhausted when they appeared.

It might be lack of proper sleep.

After hearing about the Chunin exam they were excited last night.

Chapter 166: Naruto is cooler than Sasuke

It might be lack of proper sleep.

After hearing about the Chunin exam they were excited last night.

On the next day after a long time after they assembled Kakashi appeared with few unbelievable excuses.

Well Naruto did not care about this and waited for Kakashi to continue.

Naruto got the application and on the next day they came to the ninja academy.

When they came to the second floor Neji, rock lee and Tenten are getting beaten.

Naruto looked at the play for a moment and said.

“These people seem to have already noticed the trick of Genjutsu, so why are they getting beaten.”

Naruto came close to Neji and other and asked.

“Did your team have masochistic tendencies?”

This made them lose face.

Naruto simply walked past them to the stairs going to the next floor while leaving he called.

“Sakura, Sasuke how long are you going to look at that nonsense.”

The faces of Neji, Tenten and rock lee were embarrassed.

While Sakura is passing by rock lee took a step forward to propose to her.

Naruto stopped for a moment and said.

“Are you the student of Guy sensei that would run around the village every morning?”

Rock lee immediately brightened up and said.

“Do you know my teacher?”

“Well he dresses up exactly like you.

So I guessed it.

I met him a few times when I am going around on my morning run.

He is a good guy.

So this is his team.

All the best in the Chunin exam,”

“Sakura, I think rock lee is better suited for you than Sasuke.

He is good natured with a big warm heart.

Also he does what he says.

His body is extremely sturdy and he would not even flinch even by an inch when he was attacked if he is protecting his loved ones.


Naruto left after saying that.

Also Naruto took a glance at Tenten and winked at her before leaving to the third floor.

Sasuke has attitude, but when Naruto was there he could not get the chance to show off.

When Naruto left Neji stopped Sasuke and asked.

“What is his name?”

Sasuke snorted and left without saying a word with angry face.

Neji wanted to kick Sasuke and Sasuke also fought back but it was stopped by rock lee.

This incident still happened.

For the first time Sakura saw the power of rock lee.

This made her amazed.

He was able to move like the wind and stop two strong attacks at very close range.

Tenten did not notice this and she was interested in Naruto.

Well she is a weapon manic but she is still a woman and she has likes and dislikes.

Rock lee still wanted to fight against Sasuke because Sakura loves him instead of Naruto.

He wanted to fight Naruto but he felt a dangerous feeling from Naruto that he might have to use his trump card to fight.

So he did not want to fight Naruto now instead he wanted to fight with Sasuke.

Well the fight was stopped by the sudden appearance of guy sensei.

Sasuke received the beating of his life.

Naruto on the other hand looked at guy sensei and his talking turtle.

“Hello guy sensei.

Is this your pet?

For a turtle it really moves fast.”

Naruto did not care about either of Sasuke or rock lee.

Instead he went to check out the turtle which is out of sink in that situation.

Well the touching scene between Gai sensei and rock lee made Sakura almost puke.

Sasuke was even worse for losing to a person like rock lee.

Naruto did not care about this matter and when Gai suddenly appeared behind them Naruto turned around quickly and said.

“He is doing quite well.

Might be lost in the village with a lame excuse and read that xxx - xxx paradise novel or something.”

Before rock lee left he gave out a warning to Sasuke that Neji is stronger than him.

But he did not say the same to Naruto.

Also he did not forget to wink at Sakura before leaving.

Finally they came to the examination hall for the Chunin exam.

First is the written test.

Right then Ino jumped out of nowhere and held on to the neck of Naruto.

“Naruto- kun you are late.”

“Well I have to baby sit two people here before coming all this way.”

Naruto held Ino as he talked to her.

Sakura was shocked for a moment and wanted to ask Ino about why she shifted towards Naruto when she loves Sasuke before.

But she stopped herself from asking at that moment because she thought.

‘Well if she is out of the competition to get Sasuke then I would have one less rival.’

While she is thinking Naruto has already moved forward and talked with Hinata and other men.

He also went to greet Tamara and others with his happy smile and loud voice.

When Kabuto came over to warn them to not to shout like school girls and asked them to look back at the many other participants,

Other people are slightly frightened.

But Naruto said with even louder voice.

“Well I don’t care,

A ninja should have enough patience instead of nervousness.

If they had a problem then they can always come and settle it.

But before the do they should remember that they are in the territory of a different nation and they might not really do anything to me.”

Naruto’s arrogant words really lit the fuse to these people.

But they did not make any move because the exam room had many ninja guarding the area around.

They can at most argue with Naruto verbally but they could never fight in this situation.

Also they should not be the first one to attack.

Only this way can they survive and even preserve their dignity.

Unfortunately Naruto did not care about their rambling.

He actually directly ignored them causing them to become angrier.

Chapter 167: the tenth question

Unfortunately Naruto did not care about their rambling.

He actually directly ignored them causing them to become angrier.

The ability to cause such a big disturbance was noticed by many people and they felt amused.

But they are also interested in Naruto.

Kabuto talked about the skills and power of each person using information cards.

When he called the hidden sound village as just a minor village they came over to attack him.

When the hidden sound ninja are attacking Kabuto with the big commotion Naruto did not go to Kabuto to help him instead he silently came behind Kin Tsuchi.

She did not notice him at all until he touched her hair and rubbed her head.

She wanted to escape when she came back to her senses.

But the hand of Naruto on her shoulder did not let her move from her spot.

The guy with the metal hand wanted to attack Naruto immediately but Naruto kicked him hard enough to sent him flying along with the shabby haired other guy of this team.

“Girl, we met again.

Your hair is so long and it is very smooth to touch.

What is your name?”

She was terrified because when he kicked her teammates Naruto did not move much and he did not press any weight on her.

She did not have a chance to escape from the beginning.

She was shaken for a moment and answered.

“K… Kin…”

“Oh it is Kin.

I am Naruto,

It is nice to meet you.”

Naruto said and returned back to Ino and Hinata.

Ino is the first one to ask.

“Did you like her?”

Naruto looked at Ino and Hinata with a smile.

Hinata could not hold back her curiosity and she looked very enthusiastic to listen to the answer of Naruto.

Naruto simply said.

“Well beauties in the world are men to be obtained by the strong and capable person.

She has good appearance and physique that can fit well with car ears or we can put a snake costume to her.

She would look perfect.

If possible I would really like to pull her into hidden leaf village.

Why should I let go of beauties into the hands of some cheap bastards that don’t know left from right.

Well don’t take it to heart.

We just met.

Also Ino, Hinata, you grew your hair well.

It suits you and gives you a unique charm.”

Naruto’s words are not soft and everyone heard that.

Their minds are clearly buzzing.

It is simply saying that there are useless people that could not appreciate a beauty.

When they looked back at kin, she really is a beauty to notice.

With the gaze of so many people kin shivered and she immediately went to take care of her teammates.

Kabuto is fine and the examiner batch appeared at that moment with a flashy fog.

The main examiner Ibiki spoke.

“Hidden sound village do you want to fain even before the start of the exam.

Also you are from team 7 Naruto right do you want to fail the exam.”

The hidden sound village people looked back to apologize while Naruto looked at Ibiki and said.

“Well I am not the first one to draw my hand right.

I am talking to them casually.

Also I have many a new friend over there from the hidden sound village.

She is called Kin…”

Naruto said with a childish voice making the surrounding people to fell down with their faces.

The words of Naruto are childish and they could not say anything.

He has the right point.

His hand is not the first one that is drawn.

So Ibiki can only be silent.

He continued with the introduction and warnings.

At the same time his mind games are also started.


With his rules and warnings that the written test began.

Naruto looked at the question paper and he knows the answer to these questions.

But he is too lazy to write.

He simply slept on the answer paper with his saliva dripping on the answer sheet.

Well he would answer the final question to get the points he needed.

Hinata is sitting beside him and looked at the sleeping face of Naruto from time to time.

She was worried and wanted to wake him up but she has her team to think about and could not act rashly.

Naruto woke up when the 10thquestion is about to be revealed.

Hinata woke him up.

“Good morning Hinata.”

Naruto said with a sunny smile that almost made her faint from shyness.

Even if she faints it is not a problem because the 10th question only Naruto would answer.

There is some nonsense form Ibiki and the tension started.

Slowly people started to stand and leave.

They are not confident enough to take the question.

Indecisive people cannot become ninja.

Even if they become ninja they would not be able to do much in their lives other than dying quickly and causing the deaths of their teammates because of their indecisiveness.

After a little while the number of people decreased and it was time for Naruto to speak.

Naruto also sensed the hand of Sakura that was about to move up.


After laughing for a while Naruto spoke.

“The first rule of a ninja,

There should be no concept of indecision.

We are in the line of work that dances at the edge of the sword.

The higher we climb the closer we are to the edge of the blade.

So there is no such thing as choice.

One has to take the risk and complete the task.

So what if I am a Genin forever.

It is not like it decides my power and my capabilities.

It is just a title.

So ask away your tenth question.”

Ibiki did not change his face and said

“Then let me ask you again,

Your life is riding on this decision.

This is your last chance to quit.”

Naruto smiled and said.

Chapter 168: second test forest of death starts

Naruto smiled and said.

“Don’t worry, I am a man of my word and if I could not even keep my word how can I protect the people I love.

I will not back away.

So ask away your tenth question.”


The remaining 78 teams passed easily with the words of Naruto.

Well they are true and they have to face the reality.

Indecision will only lead to more deaths and a choice must be taken perfectly and decisively.

Right then Anko appeared with her flashy entrance.

Naruto really wanted to appear beside her and check out those bot balls floating inside the fishnet top like jumbo sized dumplings.

Fortunately she is wearing something inside.

Naruto did not like other to watch the body of his women.

Well no matter how much he wanted to go forward to play he could not do that right now.

Also she has a fiery temper and Naruto has to coax her properly to gain her heart.

There is another woman that Naruto has to pay attention to.

It was Karin from the hidden grass village.

She is also in this room but Naruto did not pay much attention to her.

Naruto left a trace on her so that he can track her with a simply thought.

With mayfly technique on hand he would be able to move anywhere and everywhere in the second test.

After the blabbering of Anko they were taken to the second exam site.

Well Naruto got all the food and thing prepared.

He did not bring the cooked food instead he bought the spices so that he can cook in the forest.

With his current capabilities he did not have any fear living directly in the forest of death.

After coming here Naruto looked at Anko for a long while.

Well she is a ninja and she can sense the eyes on her that are looking at her for most of the time.

“Hey kid, what are you looking at?”

Anko asked Naruto.

Naruto immediately said.

“You are quite beautiful Anko sensei.

I am just having some eye candy looking at y…”

Before he could finish speaking a kunai flew towards Naruto’s cheek.

But it did not touch his cheek instead Naruto smeared some sauce matching his blood color on his cheek with extreme speed like holding his cheek.

At that time Anko appeared behind him with her big dumplings falling on the back of his head.

She leaned forward to lick the cheek of Naruto.

She thought that it was blood and she would deter Naruto.

Unfortunately after licking the red sauce she felt strange.

Naruto smiled and said.

“How is it sense, this is my favorite sauce.

If you like it I can cook you some dumplings along with this sauce so that we can have a nice long peaceful talk….”

At the same time the kunai that is pointed towards Naruto was stuck between his fingers.

She could not pull it back.

She was shocked by the strength of Naruto.

But she was distracted by the long tongued man that came over to return the kunai that was shot towards Naruto before.


Things moved on with Anko feeling that this batch is really good.

But she was really interested in dumplings that Naruto said.

Well not for now.

She handed over the forms that are related to the responsibility towards the deaths caused during the test.


Naturally they got the scroll and entered into the forest of death training area.

Well as soon as they entered a guy wearing gas mask like thing attacked.

It was so obvious the Naruto felt bored.

So before Sasuke and Sakura reacted Naruto took a step back to deal with him.

“Are you done with that ninja?

Did he have a scroll?”

Sasuke asked Naruto.

Naruto shook his head denying that there is no scroll.

Sakura understood that they were already attacked and Naruto took care of an enemy just now.

Also Naruto sent few shadow clones to go around, to see what those beauties are doing.

He knows that nothing would happen to anyone other than Karin that was in a life threatening situation by a bear.

But there is another enemy group in place.

As soon as Naruto saw the bamboo pipe sticking out of the sand he knows that it was Orochimaru.

Naruto could not fight Orochimaru head on because he is at least at the peak of Kage level right now.

But he could not cause many troubles to Naruto either.

Fortunately his chakra that was spent on his shadow clones has recovered quickly.

Now he can fight with these people.

There will be a giant snake later to eat and Naruto would not miss that.

While Sasuke is speaking Naruto came towards the small pipe dropped a stinky bomb into the pipe hole.

It was a quickly acting one and Orochimaru did not have a chance but to come out with his team at this point.

But their appearance made a big blasting force pushing Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura to the side.

Naruto did not lose his consciousness and noticed the big snake behind him.

They looked at each other for a moment and when they snake attacked him Naruto applied chakra to his arms and directly caught the snake.

He was very strong.

His body might not look like it but under the application of chakra in a controlled way the big snake is like a toy in his hand.

He pulled it out directly and ran towards Sasuke and Sakura.

“Hey guys look what I just caught.

We can have it as lunch after a while.”

Naruto came over startling the people present.

Well he caught a big snake that is struggling to get out of his hands.

But it could not move.

Naruto also hit it around the trees to cause its internal organs to be damaged enough.

It could not even roll or move its tail right now.

Chapter 169: cursed seal on Sasuke

Naruto also hit it around the trees to cause its internal organs to be damaged enough.

It could not even roll or move its tail right now.

Right at that time Orochimaru is showing the heaven scroll in the saying that they would need a heaven scroll.

The appearance of Naruto distracted him for a moment.

Right at that moment a pebble on the side of Orochimaru transformed into Naruto and hit the scroll out of the hands of Orochimaru.

Then it blocked the path of Orochimaru.

Naruto also crushed the delicate part of the snake and killed it at that moment.

Then he threw the snake towards Orochimaru.

Snakes have these involuntary jaw movements that would bite the one that comes into its mouth even if they are already dead.

So as soon as Orochimaru hit the clone of Naruto it vanished and the big snake bite Orochimaru that appeared on that spot.

As for Naruto he caught the scroll and used shadow clone Jutsu to split into another 3 clones.

The original body is actually under the ground right now with the heaven scroll.

He can move around with mayfly technique easily.

Orochimaru killed pushed the snake to the side and looked angry.

Orochimaru suddenly released as strong killing intent causing both Sasuke and Sakura to be stunned.

Naruto did not feel anything because he is mentally stronger and he has faced many life and death situations before.

Naruto’s clones each carried a heaven scroll and moved in three different directions.

He said few words before running.

“Sasuke, Sakura you take care of here, I will hide the scroll.”

After Naruto left their situation is as that in the plot and it took a little while before Naruto appeared again.

It was when Orochimaru summoned the giant snake with the seal on his hands.

Naruto suddenly appeared and said.

“Another big snake,

It looks quite fat.

I don’t know how it would taste like after cooked.”

The appetite of Naruto clearly visible in his eyes and there way he looked at the snake is like he was looking at food.

The strange intent has turned the situation of the prey and the predator.

Here Naruto is the predator and the snake is the prey.

“Hey weird snake guy,

You can summon so many snakes.

You can easily open a supply center for snake meat and leather you know.

Even the byproducts would have good business to become rich.

You are simply stupid and it is a waste for you to become a ninja….”

After saying these words Naruto started to attack the giant snake that is so big that Naruto looked like an ant in front of it.

Naruto moved really fast to attack the snake and Orochimaru got his hands full by Sasuke.

The attacks of Naruto are precise with extreme brute strength.

Also there are traces of wind natured chakra and natural chakra mixed in causing big problems with the snake’s strong skin.

There are cut marks all over its body and it could not hold back any more under the continuous attacks of Naruto.

Finally it vanished freeing the hands of Naruto.

Naruto did not receive any other seal on the seal of 9 tails to cause irregular chakra flow.

On the other hand right when Naruto was done playing with the big snake, Sasuke received the curse Mark.

With that Orochimaru left.

Well he has wasted more time than he thought he would and the result is that the Anbu are already in the forest of death.

So he has to slip away quickly to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Also he did not meet Anko at this time.

Right about that time Sasuke was rolling in pain and finally lost consciousness.

Naruto came over to check the situation and did not say anything for a while.

Sakura asked Naruto on the situation of Sasuke and Naruto told her.

“He got a cursed seal on his neck.

As for what kind of cursed seal it was, we have to ask Kakashi sensei.

For now he is in the struggle of life and death.

Unless his will power is strong enough he would die.


Naruto said this and Sakura went to hug Sasuke.

Naruto felt disgusted by this pair of idiots.

He already got the two scrolls of both heaven and earth.

He kept it in a secret place while carrying fake scrolls on his tool bag.

Right at that time the three guests arrived.

They are the trio from the hidden sound village.

Naruto sat on the ground silently while Sakura took care of Sasuke.

But the three clone of Naruto are still there and they are around this place waiting silently to catch the three from the hidden sound village.

Naruto acted like he is asleep so that they would let their guard down.

Unfortunately right when they became less vigilant the three clones of Naruto appeared behind them.

Suddenly his hands moved and with sudden clicking sounds their joints are dislocated.

“You are quite sneaky.

Did Orochimaru sent you here.

Don’t worry I will play with him later.

For now I would let you go.

We have enough scrolls and don’t need more.

But don’t come over here again.

If you come over then I can only kill you two men and take her with me.

So beware.”

The clones of Naruto said to the three leaving them to fend off for themselves.

Well he did not break or dislocate the joints of kin so that she can take care of the other two.

Then his clones dispersed around trying to find Karin, Ino, Hinata and Tamara.

There is also Anko that Naruto has to find so that he can flirt with her.

While going around the clones split again.

All these people are marked and the clones are travelling through the mayfly technique.

Fortunately Ino is coming to this directly.

There is also rock lee that came over right around that time.

Chapter 170: first half of the second task over

Fortunately Ino is coming to this directly.

There is also rock lee that came over right around that time.

Naruto went to cut the snake meat and started to cook it in a big pot he took out of the sealing paper.

Unlike the bloody fight there is only a bloody snake on the side and tasty food on the pot.

Naruto cooked it into a delicious meal that attracted many people around.

Soon Neji and Tenten also came over.

They were shocked that someone is eating spicy food right in the middle of the forest.

They don’t know if Naruto is stupid or arrogantly strong.

Whatever the case it might be they found that Sasuke is currently in a bad state.

So Sakura took the food to feed Sasuke.

Looking at this scene the eyes of Ino brightened up.

She also went over to feed Naruto while he is cooking for everyone.

While eating the food Naruto is not idle instead he created an illusion in the mind of Sasuke.

It is everything and even worse than the original version of the plot.

This made him suddenly stand up with curse Mark spread on half of his body.

As soon as he wanted to attack someone madly Naruto that was cooking the food appeared behind Sasuke suddenly.

“What are you rambling about in your dreams and doing all this commotion.

Go back to sleep.”

Naruto made a strong knock on the head of Sasuke and he immediately lost consciousness.

Naruto also broke the illusion so that Sasuke would not cause trouble.

His high fever subdue with the medicine that Naruto gave to Sasuke.

After eating the food the other left with their team to complete the second round.

Ino really don’t want to leave Naruto but she has to go with her team.

Tenten really liked the food that Naruto cooked.

Also she liked the way Naruto is using the sealing papers and even taught her how to seal few things that she did not understand while cooking.

After they left Sasuke woke up again.

Sakura feed him with the food Naruto left and he got to normal.

Sasuke knows that Naruto knocked him out before.

He also knows that the cursed seal gave him plenty of power.

They don’t have to look for any more scrolls so they decided to go back to the tower at the center.

With that the second round would be cleared.

Naruto’s clone already found Karin and saved her when she is in danger.

She felt the warm feeling from the clone of Naruto and the clone of Naruto turned into a small bug earring and attached to her ear.

Naruto’s clone has already talked to her about various things and knows about her situation from the land of the grass.

With the persuasion of Naruto she accepted to stay behind in the hidden leaf village secretly.

Well her mother has already died and she did not have anyone.

Later when she returns back to the land of the grass their place would be attacked by Orochimaru and she would be captured.

Instead of that it is better for her to live here.

Naruto knows how to give a registration for her and let her grow stronger instead of going around.

Well she would not be stupid enough to believe the words of Naruto.

So Naruto told her that even if she did not accept this he would knock her out and take her with him.

Because of this she has no choice but to accept his words.

He became her earring and stayed with her for the time being.

Naruto did not require the support of the clone.

He can use mayfly technique to take her away from here in a matter of minutes.

But right now he would not do that and cause problems.

In a month third Hokage would die and before that he has to get an approval form signed by him to get her into the village.

There is also kin from the hidden sound village.

So in order to get them he has to act quickly and decisively.

If third Hokage did not sign the approval forms then he would let Tsunade sign them for him instead.

With third Hokage dead Danzo would be busy with his plans to become the Hokage instead of concentrating on the small actions of Naruto.


Back at the place where Naruto’s group is, they started their journey towards the tower.

Along the way they met Kabuto and they moved on.

With the two scrolls on hand Naruto’s group did not have anything to worry about.

While they are moving they encountered the remaining two people from the land of the rain with their gas masks.

They started with a large scale Genjutsu.

But Naruto was very swift and solved them in seconds.

He doesn’t want to be delayed here.

Going back to the tower would let him rest peacefully and do some training instead of playing ninja with these people.

All of these things except for the fight with Orochimaru are child’s play for Naruto.

He did not feel any particular improvement in his capabilities.

So he doesn’t want to waste time.

Well he did get to eat a high quality snake but still it was not enough to waste the time.

It was his rapid growth time and he has to improve at the fastest possible pace.

After solving them they went back to the tower with the extra scroll placed at the entrance of the tower for the lucky people to take it.

Naruto did not want to waste this thing.

He and others entered into the tower and there is a stupid writing of the third Hokage.

They opened both the scrolls and Iruka appeared completing the trail.

After a bunch of nonsense they were said to have passed the test.

Naruto talked with Iruka for a while before entering into the other room.

Sakura really wanted to ask Iruka about the cursed seal.


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