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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 471: solving the problem of new girls

As for the banks that hold the public money, they are under the control of government that did not care about this cheap change of time.

So no action of specifically increased security was taken for them by the government or the officials.

Lizzy brought over few girls that evening.

Even thought they are in the tenth ring she still has some connections.

She quickly formed connections with the girls here and brought them over.

Well not many but only two girls.

One has pink long hair and the other had blue short hair.

It is not natural color but they died their hair and even their pubic hair just for having extra attraction.

Vicky tested them as he fucked them hard.

Well that is not the only test.

When they are in deep pleasure Vicky used the small level hypnosis skill to hypnotize them and get all the information he needed.

He would not use hypnosis to fuck a woman.

Only when the woman is free willed would the sex be fulfilling.

After getting the information he understood their circumstances.

These two are in debt to few of the local gangs and they needs time to solve the problem.

So they have other motives coming with Lizzy.

As for the thing that is holding them here is actually their fear but nothing more than that.

Vicky decided to solve their problems and they can be free.

Solving their problems is actually easy.

Their business is night time business and Vicky steals during the night time.

All he has to do is to bring the time lender’s time storage device and drop it off inside this fake bar where they try to threaten women using debts and various things.

Well even if he did that they might not be implicated because everyone pays bribes to these time keepers and officials to keep quite.

But when the time lender’s time storage device was found here that would directly implicate them from some higher officials.

This would directly make them go bankrupt.

Even the usually appearing time keepers and officials that take bribes will not be able to help them because of the strong pressure from the time lenders company.

Vicky went to the banks first and looted the time quickly.

After that he went to the other time lender’s branch.

Once again he used the sleeping gas and sedative darts to put the people to sleep.

After that he stole the time storage device.

Then he went towards the underground bar.

There he put the time storage bar inside the basement of the bar and left.

As usual he returned back to the hotel and slept between the three girls.

He did not wake them up suddenly using the ammonic solution.

He was sure that he would not be suspected a second time.

Right now, the underground bar was surrounded by many time keepers and other guards assigned by the time lenders branch office.

Well they would not listen to the lame excuses of the underground bar and ransacked the bar upside down.

With the current situation no one can help them.

They directly broke the things in the name of searching.

The boss and his lackeys of the underground bar were arrested in the name of robbery and helping the thief.

Even if they denied the charges they could not do anything because big people are involved in this matter.

Why would the thief drop the time storage device if they did not have any connection to this bar?

With this kind of thinking they started to take control and made the thorough investigation.

Naturally there is media coverage.

Is also there and the dark secrets of the bar came to reality quickly.

Well people are very enthusiastic to kick on the people that have fallen.

It is especially so for the media and they did not care about that person being the bad person or good person.

In the name of simply reporting they would change the opinion of the people as they please and they are proud about this matter.

Well Vicky did not care about them and when he woke up in the morning he took a bath and switched on the TV to see the incident that happened last night.

When the news about this is appearing on the TV the girls woke up.

When they saw the news they were immediately interested about this matter.

When the new report ended they immediately understood that they are free to go from the burden of debt.

“I presume that these people are the ones that are pressuring you with the fake debt right now.

It seems like they are all caught and you don’t have to fear them anymore.

I will go with you to get your fake debt documents later and you can be completely free.

What do you think?”

Right at this time they remembered that they actually spoke everything about their debt and their true intentions to Vicky last night.

Even though they said all this subconsciously they still remembered all this because Vicky let them remember.

Because of this they got down on their knees and started to beg Vicky for another opportunity.

They have already heard what they have to do and they thought that it is much better than being forced by those debt collectors of the underground bar.

So they decided to work for Vicky or Lizzy from now on.

Vicky did not make things difficult for them and accepted them easily.

But he still punished them a little causing them to moan for a while.

After they took a comfortable bath and then he took them to the local time keeper’s station.

There he let the woman make a report and Vicky showed off his wealth a little before taking the papers.

With this thing settled Vicky took the women back.

But this would make the time keepers suspicious because Vicky is already on the list of suspects before.

Chapter 472: the value of time

With this thing settled Vicky took the women back.

But this would make the time keepers suspicious because Vicky is already on the list of suspects before.

Since Vicky benefitted from this incident then the time keepers suspect him again.

Unfortunately they did not have a proof for this matter.

But still the suspicion was formed once again.

Vicky actually wanted this suspicion because it would keep him safe.

Sometimes there are people and gangs that would try to attack from the dark.

No matter how prepared he is there are always some blind spots.

Vicky wants to keep those time keepers in these blind spots to cover him from behind.

The suspicion is the way of pulling them over to his side.

They would watch him and protect him if something happened.

As for pulling them to protection Vicky has another way for that.

But right now he would not use unless necessary.

After dealing with the matters, he took the girls and moved to the next time zone.

He paid for the three girls for many things and charges.

All of this was not calculated by Vicky as he has plenty of time.

After calculating everything he has over 13 thousand year of time on his hand.

He took the girls to the ninth time zone.

After coming to the ninth time zone Vicky went to get a hotel.

It was already night when they arrived and Vicky had his good time with his women.

Deep in the night he went on a walk to look at the situation of various time lender branch offices and bank branches.

The security here is really good.

He has to upgrade his jammer a little for the current security measures.

After making the initial survey, he returned back to the hotel and slept in between the three naked women.

While enjoying the night he was not disturbed but he found that there is a person that is keeping the watch of the hotel.

He is a time keeper.

Because of the suspicion they especially left time keeper to keep watch of Vicky all the time.

Well he cannot barge into the room of Vicky and stare at him all night long.

So he can only watch from the outside.

Also the man power of the time keepers is actually less because of the continuous guarding of the financial organizations.

So he is the only one that is left to watch Vicky as one of the suspects.

The hotel is bit and it has many entrances.

So he could not watch the entire hotel on his own.

So he took the surveillance room of the hotel in the name of time keepers and watching the room of Vicky all the time.

Vicky usually would not use the front door for his thing and goes through the windows like a wall crawler.

So the time keeper can never catch Vicky easily.

Vicky once again used his capable hands to steal the time lenders organizations in the ninth time zone.

But it was when the timer keeper watching him was away from his car and wireless.

This way even if there is an alarm he would not barge into Vicky’s room directly.

Even if he barges in after getting the news, Vicky will already be in his room.

As for banks there is no tracking devices attacked.

Well after sixth time zone the banks also has trackers attacked to the main time storage device.

But these trackers are not attacked to all the time storage devices.

So Vicky can still have some more time from them.

But it is at the sixth time zone.

Right now Vicky stole everything that he wanted from the ninth time zone but he did not immediately leave.

It is because he was waiting for another sort of commotion.

The protagonist should be moving too.

As for other players there is no news about them.

At most Vicky could interrupt some small time players trying to kidnap and kill rich people in order to get the ransom.

Unfortunately most of them died in the process.

Well the time keepers are not for show and this world forbids people from using any and all sorts of power.

It is especially so for those stupid players that they think that they are strong and did not take the power of time keepers into consideration.

Also they would do things recklessly without proper planning.

So they died so quickly.

Hundreds of years of time they had were also gone just like that.

As for the clever players they went straight to the forth ring and try their best to get into some big companies to plot a big embezzlement.

This way they can take the money easily.

Even if they are implicated they would be sent to the prison but not executed directly.

This way, they can hide the time storage device in their personal space and take that thing out.

Even though it comes under stealing and robbery they would still gain a hundredth of the amount of time they stole.

That is if they embezzled over 1000 years of time he would only get around 10 years of time.

That is the reason why the time in the real world is so costly.

In the real world 1 year of time actually costs 3.65 million chaos points.

That is one day of time costs 10 thousand chaos points.

That is the official cost.

If it was auctioned in bulk then the amount of cost would increase by even higher.

Also most of the times the time obtained from the fantasy world “In Time” would be auctioned.

In the entire known history the maximum about of time that was brought back from this fantasy world “In Time” is only around 70 years of time.

Also the person that got the time actually died before using it.

70 years of time is very valuable and he was killed to get the time.

Chapter 473: starting business in the fifth time zone

Also the person that got the time actually died before using it.

70 years of time is very valuable and he was killed to get the time.

It was done by all the people from various empires and finally died in the hands of the people from holy empire in the name of god and justice.

They are hypocritical idiots that say justice, light and nonsense but they never meant anything.

They are greedy pigs for everything they look into.

Well others countries are not that far in their character to the holy empire.

Every one of them is greedy pigs and would try their best to get the things through force instead of using chaos points or money.

Well Vicky is going to get many years of time and then he would auction it slowly to make the most out of it.


He need few years of time to be spent on Yolanda.

Yolanda has turned young but her life span did not increase.

With this time he can turn things better.

Also some of it can be kept in storage just in case.

For all this Vicky has to steal something really big.

That is the million year time storage device that the protagonist gets.

Even with the reduction in the amount of time because of stealing it would be at least 10 thousand years.

Just that time is enough to use in many way.

It is not like Wies family is the only big family in the forth ring there are other families with similar amount of time stored on their hands.

Those are the targets of Vicky.

Vicky is going to spend at least 3 months on this very thing.

That is how much he spent in the forth ring.

Also it is during the time the protagonist comes to this place and steals the million year time storage device.

With him stealing one, Vicky can steal few in that very time to push the blame to the protagonist will.

They would think that it is a gang effort instead of an individual effort for the robbery.

Also they would assume that the protagonist will is the leader of the gang.

Even though they showed that everything happened in just a matter of days, things did not happen in just days.

They took a month to steal the million years.

They have to do that because all the financial organizations in other time zones are completely robbed by Vicky.

Well the financial organizations would get more money pumped into them to keep them in business.

But that would not be as big of an amount as Vicky taken that was accumulated over the years.


In the next few days Vicky moved slowly towards the fifth time zone with his girls.

Then he made the arrangements for them.

Also the number of girls increased from initial 3 to 8.

The beauty of the girls increased as they moved on to the forward to the higher time zones.

Also all of them are like minded and have financial problems.

They need time to solve those problems.

Because of this matter they chose to join the adult industry and the company that Lizzy started.

Vicky took three days of time to set up the company and equipment.

Everyone is a girl and they can take care of the things.

For the initial capital Vicky gave them 50 years of time other than buying everything.

Even the business was officially noted through governmental procedures.

Well there are adult industries here with perfect agreements with them accepting to become the adult star.

Vicky was the registered partner.

Vicky stayed here for a few days and set the things for them so that there are no other problems.

There are few strong men that he arranged as body guards just in case.

All of this would be solved with the amount of money he gave to Lizzy to manage the business.

The business here is really smooth because the crime rate is less in the open.

Most of the time, they would not see any robberies here in this time zone and above.

But the bad things still happen because of the strong people and gangs.

They act decisively and try to take over with the help of power and time.

But everything would be done in dark without alerting the time keepers or the people outside.

As for the adult industry it was an open business and there is no problem for Lizzy.

Even though there is a competition in this business too, she was okay with this.

Not many people care about the bitch’s money.

In most cases they fear taking it.

So she is safe along with their business.

Any way there is still Vicky.

Vicky also got his smart phone and connected to the trading market.

With all the money he got from stealing including the fifth zone’s financial organization, he has over 147 thousand years of time on his hand.

He is going to invest this into trading account through his new account in the banks.

He did not directly deposit too much time into his account.

Instead he created another dummy financial company and started to invest through fake people.

This is easy because they did not intervene with the business organizations unless it was reported with proofs.

The business people are at the helm and they control many things related to the government.

So the time keepers would not usually interfere.

Vicky is safe.

He started by investing in the safe companies.

He directly used 100 thousand years of time.

Just in case Vicky kept, 47 thousand years of time in reserve based on the need for the future.

Also he invested in the companies based on his own market research plan and calculation.

Then he went to the fourth time zone.

For going all the way the amount of time he spent is not much.

Since the business with Lizzy is set up everything is good too.

Chapter 474: Rachel is interested in Vicky

For going all the way the amount of time he spent is not much.

Since the business with Lizzy is set up everything is good too.

In the forth ring he is not going to stay idly by.

He first went around to visit the place to get a good grasp of the situation in the forth ring.

Like the time lenders financial organizations belong to mister Weis, there are other business men.

They deal with beverages, gold, construction and many more………

All of them had treasuries that are similar to mister Weis.

Vicky don’t know how much they hold and where they held it.

But the security would be tight.

Based on what he saw in the movie there is a big problem here.

The high security vaults looked just like the normal security vaults which are very old fashioned.

Even though it was strong with special metal alloys the electronic board is its weakness.

Vicky is going to aim for that and solve the problem of stealing from these rich people.

So he is going to stay here for a while longer.

While he was going around from fifth time zone to the fourth time zone he accidentally met with the protagonist.

It was the protagonist’s mother Rachel that actually recognized Vicky.

Actually Vicky is travelling by bus even with all the money he has on hand.

The purpose is to be more secured this way and act as a frugal person that loves to go along with normal people.

Also going around like this he wanted to find the talented people.

This is the impression that Vicky want with all the people that know about him.

The protagonist did not buy a car yet.

So they are also travelling by bus.

Also his mother is with him that should have died originally.

So things are moving in a different direction.

But it would still follow the plot with slight delay in the process.

Also his mother might face another unexpected incident and might face death.

Other than that this death should once again related to the time keepers or time lenders again.

This way the things would become complicated and the protagonist would fall back into his right track.

As for Vicky, he has the thoughts of playing with Rachel.

But he cannot plan some things.

He has to move along with the changes of the plot.

He also hopes to play with the heroine’s mother and grandmother.

Well even thought they are titles they all are young like the gods that would never age after a certain time.

Also the heroine took after the appearance of her grandmother.

Another funny thing that Vicky observed in the plot is that there is no one on the elder’s side of Weis but the heroine, her mother and her mother’s mother are all present.

Also all of them are women and they have great appearances.

After a while things would become complicated.

Most probably the protagonist will would leave Rachel on the side of Vicky when he escapes or asks Vicky for help look after his mother.

Also right around that time protagonist will would take the heroine and escape to the lower time zones.

So Weis would be having hard time in his life.

At that time he would not be able to console his wife and mother in law.

This was when Vicky has to move his hands and pull the ladies into his arms.

Well he did not have any thoughts of taking them into the real world.

“Hello mister Vicky, it is nice to meet you here again.”

Rachel said as she came forward with cheerful smile.

Well she could not be blamed as Vicky has high charm that can even make the receptionist to show off her cleavage to attract his attention.

Vicky even had some fun with her here and gave her good amount of times to keep up the good work for him.

Vicky immediately gave out the reply.

“I remember you,

You are from the twelfth time zone right.

You are Miss Rachel right.

It is nice to meet you here.

You and your son seem to be doing quite well….”

Vicky conversed easily and happily like flowing water.

Rachel was also immersed in the conversation with smiles on her face by sitting beside him.

Will on the other hand sat a distance away after greeting Vicky.

He is thinking that Vicky would be his potential father candidate.

Unfortunate Vicky did not have any thoughts of taking a stupid person like him as his son.

As for Rachel he doesn’t mind playing with her.

That is all there is to it.

It was a journey during the night and will came over to ask her mother if she wanted to go back to the other seat.

He brought a blanket for her to put on and sleep.

Vicky also took out a big blanked and said.

“It is better to stay here.

This corner of the bus did not receive too much cold air and I have a big blanket here.

Unfortunately it is not a three seater seat….”

Vicky said with a sad expression.

His words are really good with concern but it did not hold any bad thoughts.

He could not simply take his mother away from here.

So he could only give her a blanket and leave to the front to his seat before.

Well Rachel also doesn’t want to move forward and socialize about Vicky.

Will has already told her about how he got the time.

She is supportive of him.

Since she was easily convinced she started to talk about Vicky again and again many times during this time.

So, he understood that his mother was interested in Vicky.

It has been over 20 years since his father died.

His mother raised him alone for all this time.

All this time, she did show any interest in another man.

But now she is interested in Vicky.

Chapter 475: the receptionist showing cleavage

All this time, she did show any interest in another man.

But now she is interested in Vicky.

So he whole heartedly supports her in achieving her goal.

That is gaining the favor of Vicky.

Also he wanted to earn more time so that he can let her mother remarry into someone rich.

Unfortunately his plans would go down the drain because the time keepers are searching for him as the suspect of murder.

So even if he wanted to he could not stay by the side of his mother.

Rachel is reserved and she did not share the blanked from Vicky.

She used the blanket that her son gave her.

Vicky also did not say anything as they slept while talking about few other things.

She did not say how her son suddenly got the good amount of time.

She talked to Vicky about his thoughts and other things.

Vicky was happy to speak.


In the morning they quickly woke up and everything is going well.

They parted with Vicky telling them his current staying address.

So they can contact him if something happened.

Vicky was not excessive and acted reserved as well.

The receptionist of his hotel is really interested in Vicky and when looking at him and talking to him, she purposefully bent move showing her cleavage.

Also she purposefully opened her top buttons to show off.

This started after she saw the appearance of Vicky and the time on his clock.

The time on his clock was increased to 1000 years right now.

Even for the forth ring this level of time can only appear on the hands of a rich person that came from higher level time zones.

So she is trying to get into the eyes of Vicky and try her luck to get a better life.

If she succeeds then she would be able to become a rich wife.

If not she would get some extra time.

No matter what the situation is she would be the one to benefit from this.

In this “In Time” world there are rarely any virgins present.

To be precise Vicky doubts if the heroine is really a virgin.

They care more about losing virginity early so that they would not be hindered about that in the future.

So it is not that much of a custom to have a virgin girl.

Instead they look for the woman that is loyal to them or not.

Also because of seemingly endless time they would slowly lose their morality in the concept of loyalty as well.

This way getting the rich woman that lived long can be easily pulled over for fun instead of woman from the lower time zones that would live for a short time.

Everyone and everything has its own set of principles, beliefs, customs and laws.

If it is a fantasy world or even in the real world the people that live long usually lose this kind of restrictions.

The women that enter into the fantasy world would usually try their best to have fun in the fantasy world if they wanted to show their modest side in reality.

Also they would like to play with the male lead and the villain most of the times.

It is the same anywhere in the world and even other races like elves that have long life span would have enjoyed the life of pleasures for a long time.

So they are most experienced in this matter.

Also the Elven girls most of the time in their fantasy worlds would try to get on with Orcks race, trolls and goblins in place of those stupid Elven men.

The dicks of Elven men are mostly long and thin.

Only human race delicate girls like the dicks of Elven men.

Most probably candy already had few Elven men on her side that she got through the servants.

Well Vicky also got someone from the mix of giant race and dwarf race that is the woman called Titia.

She is petite with big tits and ass that would make the hearts of other men.

Also her appearance looks innocent.

Just imagining her made Vicky want to play with her and his other woman.

After going out of this fantasy world Vicky decided to buy the milking skill that can make women lactate.

He would buy this skill to every women of his harem and taste their milks one by one.

Also he is planning to cook special dishes and sweets with their tit milk.

Well it is not for outsiders but only for him and his women to eat.

It is erotic just thinking about this matter.

While thinking about these things Vicky talked to the receptionist that is trying her best to get his attention.

Vicky smiled at her and then booked a high class suite room.

Then he came to her ear and whispered.

“If you want to play, then come to my suite room after your shift.

If I am free we can have a long, warm chat together.”

Vicky got the room and the bell boy lead the way for him.

The receptionist smiled as she was successful in attracting the attention of Vicky.

She has to see what the results would be after their chat later.

She really wanted to directly take a leave and go to Vicky.

Unlike the hotels on earth there are no restrictions on the employees to not to get sexual interactions with the customers.

Even if they had sexual interactions as long as it did not turn into a scandal or any big problem they would be overlooked without punishments.

Vicky went to the room gave a little tip the bellboy and then went to take a quick shower.

After that he called the reception and ordered costly food and wine for him to enjoy for lunch.

Also his previous actions to buy stocks seem to have yielded him some good results in just few days after the investment was made.

Chapter 476: the two plans and two futures

After that he called the reception and ordered costly food and wine for him to enjoy for lunch.

Also his previous actions to buy stocks seem to have yielded him some good results in just few days after the investment was made.

He sold the shares that made him an extra 3000 years of time in just three day.

He stored this time separately as this time can be take out without penalty.

His goal is to collect 1 million years without penalty.

But doing so is not an easy thing.

He can only choose few things from the simulation.

If he wants to make more time he has to stop going to the higher time zones and focus on what he can do by hand.

In the higher time zones there are too many people with too many tricks looking at the flow of time.

Even if Vicky did something in the lower level time zones they would still notice this.

But it takes time for them to notice him and get to him.

Also it would be easy for Vicky to escape if something is wrong.

The higher time zones are concentrated but the lower time zones are spreads far and wide.

So they will not be able to capture him easily.

If he is in the higher level time zone then he would be like a cornered rat.

But if he stops earning the excess time and enters the higher level time zone then he has a chance of obtaining a core technology of this world.

He needs to spend at least 8 months of time to find the opportunity to get this opportunity based on the simulation.

These are the two paths of stimulation results that he got after trying many times.

Also he doesn’t know what he got at the end as the results of this core technology have to be seen in the real world.

The reason for this is that he only got his hands on the technology piece of machinery right at the moment before leaving this fantasy world.

This technology is something related to time and immortality of this world.

He did have his hands on the core technology, but the price he paid is also big.

Most of his stats are severely reduce and even the genetic essence accumulation was damaged.

The special guns that emit special time energy waves have strong effect to deteriorate body doing irreparable damage.

Vicky has tried to stimulate this part to escape without any damage.

But every time the result is the same.

So Vicky doesn’t know how to deal with this matter.

If he wanted to do something he should start the process of infiltration in the next 3 months and work for 8 months straight.

At that time the fantasy world time limit is already over and it would be sent to final proceedings and settlements.

But every time the situation worsens at the final hour and Vicky was unable to crack the technology that guards the core technology and the security that comes for security.

Because of this he was hesitant to do anything like that.

Instead there is another possibility.

He has to gain more time and try to get the main core technology using the time though buying under illegal means.

There is always black market and there are always ways for that.

Unfortunately the core technology is in the hands of a specific group of people.

They guard this technology with their lives.

So buying the core technology with time is also out of the question right now.

With so many problems Vicky decided to abandon that plan and move forward earning more time instead of thinking about that core technology.

If he could get his hands on the core technology with the time on his hand it is well and good.

If he could not get it, then he would not think about this matter any longer.

After all his life and power are the most important things.

So he changed his plans based on what is needed and what can be achieved.

So money making that is hoarding the time has become his main plan.

Also he would not step into the top three time zones for the time being.

As you go deeper that place would be smaller.

The number of people present is also smaller.

But the quality of people is far higher.

The people here are genetically modified and have super strength, agility and thinking capability.

They usually did not care about the lower time zones because they had everything they want with them.

The people from the lower time zones are just beggars in front of their eyes and thoughts.

They would not care about what you achieved as you are not genetically modified.

Vicky sighed as he ate the tasty food.

Then he went to sleep.

He did sleep a little in the bus but it is only semi sleep state called resting.

He needs a good sleep before doing some good deeds later.

Sleep is the good way to recover both mental and physical energy.

Also this place is secured after few alarm settings placed by Vicky.

After that he slept peacefully in the morning till evening.

In the evening someone knocked on his door.



Vicky has already woken up and took a bath.

He knows who is knocking on the door.

It is that receptionist that tried to seduce him before.

She seems to have completed her shift and came here to play.

“Come in.”

Vicky said as he sat on the bed with bath robes.

His body looked extremely hot.

The women came in with her changed clothes.

She is wearing normal dress of a shirt and pants.

She maintained her image and appearance well.

She looked quite young and tender.

“Hello sir, it is nice to meet you again….”

Before she could finish speaking Vicky spoke.

“I am not going to take a wife or a mistress……..”

Chapter 477: receptionist May’s hot figure

Before she could finish speaking Vicky spoke.

“I am not going to take a wife or a mistress.

But if you want to have some fun and get good amount of time for that then you can come inside after locking the door.”

Vicky said his intentions directly.

The receptionist is called May.

She has already expected this kind of thing.

She was expecting two possible options.

First is to become a wife or a mistress of this rich man.

Second is just a one night stand that can give her good amount of time as payment.

But she is disappointed that it was not the first option.

Well she has faced this kind of thing many times.

But there is one thing different from all those times.

That is the person in front of her is very charming compared those other stupid rich men.

This made her heart throb and pound hard.

She might have fallen in love with him because of his charm.

But it is temporary that would not cloud her mind.

She knows her status and she has to refrain from doing something stupid to cause her life to be miserable.

With that she directly closed the door behind her and locked it.

She also hanged the do not disturb board outside the doorknob so that no one would disturb her.

She doesn’t know how much long Vicky can fuck her.

Naturally those rich playboys or any other rich men would only fuck her for less than half an hour.

They have played with many women over the years that their male juice would be hard to fuck more women for a long time over time.

Even with the genetically engineered body it is extremely hard to improve this part of the human genetics that is related to reproduction.

So the men have to refrain from too much indulgence and have to constantly improve their body with healthy diet and exercise to maintain their manliness.

If not they would completely lose their manhood over the years of life.

She doesn’t know the situation of Vicky.

He is very charming and she really wanted him to fuck her till she is satisfied unlike those quick shooters that left her unsatisfied.

After closing the door she moved to the bed where Vicky is sitting.

She started to strip her clothes in a strip tease.

Looking at her actions the bathrobe of Vicky has a big tent because of his erected dick.

This made her smile proudly and also happy because the dick is much bigger than the people that fucked her before.

Also she was proud that she was able to make it erect so well.

Finally she is completely naked and she came to Vicky to remove his bathrobe.

When she pulled the top part down, she saw a strong muscular body and a long, thick and strong cock.

She was very surprised by the size of the dick and even felt fearful that if this dick would really fit inside her pussy.

But the excitement in her eyes cannot be hidden.

Vicky pulled her close and started to kiss her.

His hands are not idle as they moved to slap on her ass as he kissed her.

She could not speak because of the kiss.

She can only release the muffled moans of pleasure.

The slaps on her ass turned her white ass red and few slaps has actually landed on her pussy making it red.

Her pussy lips are now as red as her mouth lips from all the spanking.

But she was enjoying the process.

This is the first time she had this kind of rough but exciting foreplay.

She did not feel any pain as the slaps of Vicky only turned the skin red but it did not cause any more damage.

The slight stinging pain was added on to the pleasure making it increase many times.

He pulled her on to the bed and started to move down a little reaching her tits.

The tits are quite big.

They should be DD cup and they are not sagging.

The nipples are not that big but the erected nipples are really good to suck and bite them.

Her moans reverberated in the room even before the sex even started.

Vicky moved down to her naval and started to move his tongue inside and outside in a way as if he was fucking her belly button.

He started to finger her pussy and pinch her clit that is erected from the pleasure.

Her entire body trembled and she had a squirting orgasm.

Vicky spanked her pussy right when she was squirting causing her to add a little more pleasure and she squirted even harder.

Vicky then moved his dick to her mouth while passing between her tits.

She was lying down facing up while he sat on the top of her.

Well he did not put any weight as most of that weight was on his knees.

He was having a tits fuck with the mouth action right at the same time.

His dick is long enough.

He held the peaks of her tits and moved them close to wrap around his dick.

At the same time she is also having her hands pushing the tits to tightly wrap around his dick.

The dick came all the way to her mouth and she is sucking on the tip of her dick as if she was sucking on a Popsicle.

She really liked the taste, smell and firmness of the dick of Vicky.

Well Vicky has to put so much effort into improve this through various means.

But it has succeeded and he can fuck at least 6 women completely and easily till they are satisfied.


When they things are right he started to move back and forth grinding his dick between her tits and fucked her mouth.

The pleasure made May moan in pleasure but the sound of the moans were muffled because of the dick in her mouth.

Chapter 478: visiting the casino for connections

When they things are right he started to move back and forth grinding his dick between her tits and fucked her mouth.

The pleasure made May moan in pleasure but the sound of the moans were muffled because of the dick in her mouth.

Vicky did not give her other body parts rest as he pinched and pulled her nipples making them turn even more red and swollen.

The pre cum and her saliva slowly spread out on her tits and it let his dick move more freely.

With that his movement speed increases.

He fucked her mouth for good 15 minutes before shooting his first load into her mouth.

Actually he can go on for a little more time.

But he felt that he would cause some damage to her tits if he continued.

He doesn’t want to break anyone so he moved on to the next part of the play.

Her pussy is already wet as she had an orgasm when he cummed inside her mouth.

She did not cough as he did not deep throat her mouth.

Instead all the cum was swallowed by her completely into stomach.

He moved down and started to rub his dick against her pussy lips that are already wet.

“You are really wet.

You have tasted my dick with your upper lips.

Now you will taste it with your lower lips.”

Vicky said as he aroused her by rubbing his dick against her pussy lips.

He is rubbing so hard that he is almost grinding against her pussy lips.

Also he specifically rubbed hard against her clit that is erect and sensitive from her orgasm.

Because of this she had another orgasm with her body trembling and back arching.

Right when she was having an orgasm Vicky plunged his dick into her pussy.

This caused her to have a bigger orgasm causing her to tremble even more.

Also her pussy tightened fully wrapping around his dick wanting to squeeze his dick completely.

Vicky gave her a moment to rest and then he started to move again under the rhythmatic moans of May.

She was actually very happy from the pleasure.

This is the first time she had this much pleasure in her entire life.

She has fucked many people over the years but she never got so much pleasure and satisfaction over sex.

Vicky pounded her for 20 minutes before releasing the big load inside her.

Vicky has already asked her about this and she is on a safe day and she took some anti pregnancy pills.

So it is not a problem even if her pussy was filled to the brim with his cum.

After that round Vicky went on fucking her for another three rounds and gave her a little rest.

Then once again he fucked her for another 3 rounds in various positions till her moans reverberated through the entire room and her voice became hoarse.

She was completely satisfied and fell asleep on the spot due to extreme exhaustion.

This is the best fuck she had in her entire life.

Vicky let her rest and went to stroll around the fourth ring.

His target is the casino.

He did not want to gamble but in order to form a connection with Mister Weis, he has to go there and gamble.

He wrote a note for May and then went to the casino.

It was around 8 PM in the evening.

Vicky went to the casino in a good suit.

He set aside 2000 years of time to play.

The protagonist has not arrived here yet.

He would be here in a few days after enquiring around a little about the people in power.

Any way these 2000 years is stolen time and it would become only 20 years in real world.

So he better use them to gain more connections and gain some inside information to make more profit using the share market and other ways.

There are only benefits in doing this as long as he was not tempted to gamble all of his time here.

When he came here the entry did not have a fee.

But the person that took the people to the casino told him about the volunteer the charity amount.

The minimum about is 1 year.

Vicky gave him the year of time and then gave him an extra month to form good relations.

Vicky would gamble but he would not do something like the stunt that the protagonist used to only leave few seconds of time to play around.

Actually one of the simulations Vicky did that and died miserably.

He has no one else to blame but he himself.

Sometimes one should not try to play the stupid ploys of the protagonist.

If he did the result would be complete and utter death.

As for the protagonist he was favored by the will of the world and he can easily pull of impossible stunts as if they are growing in his back yard.

Vicky went to the casino and started to play with small things first.

He did not go straight to the main table just like the protagonist.

He did not have the support of the will of the world.

So he will not be able to act like the protagonist did without having a backlash.

He started to play with the slot machine for a little while.

One time playing requires 1 month of time.

There is bigger slot machine that would play with 1 year of time as well.

Vicky observed them carefully and found the one that is likely to cash out.

He doesn’t want to make a loss instead he would gain more time based on his plans even now.

Even though he could not get the core technology, he was planning to get some other things that are useful.

After the second ring the practice of techniques would not improve the stats for the players.

They have to be improved using the gains from the fantasy worlds.

Chapter 479: visiting casino and winning 277 years of time

After the second ring the practice of techniques would not improve the stats for the players.

They have to be improved using the gains from the fantasy worlds.

This is to balance the power of the world among the players and normal people that become hunters.

For this improvement there are other ways like the potions and pills that Vicky wanted to refine before coming into this fantasy world.

Similarly the fantasy worlds might have some special strengthening or improving medicine, serums, potions and pills.

In life fantasy worlds they can be obtained at the end of the fantasy world rewards distribution.

But in normal fantasy world they can be obtained and stored in the personal storage and brought back to the real world.

But they have to be obtained legitimately by paying the specific cost.

In this ‘In Time’ fantasy world there is special genetic evolution liquid for the improvement of for various things.

But obtaining them is not that easy.

It requires lots of time to be spent to get them.

But Vicky can get them with the stolen time.


He went through the slot machines and found the right one.

Then he started to use the time on his hand.

He only targets the small slot machines that requires 1 month as bet amount.

This would not arouse any suspicion.

He would spend around 10 years of time at various slot machines and gain over 300 years from winning a jack pot.

This is his strategy.

This way the people of the casino would not suspect him.

Also he would not continuously play with the slot machine.

The amount that he won would be sent to a different time storage device.

This is the earned time and it can be taken out without losing.

The expenditure is the time that was stolen from the financial organization.

What he stole before is the initial capital and everything other than that would be earned.

He would try his best to earn as much as possible in the time he has on hand.

He is going to use the stolen time to think of a way to buy the evolution liquids of various kinds available in the upper time zones.

These things can improve the stats based on what kind of evolution fluid that he consumed and the distribution of the stats.

This is the second things other than core technology that Vicky wanted to get.

But he was interested in the core technology that is related to the time.

Unfortunately it is not the thing for Vicky.

This world seems too deep for him to act in the lower levels.

He has to think of a way to use the choice entry cards to enter into this world when he became strong enough to handle time fissures in the future.


In the casino Vicky got his first jack pot in slot machine gaining 277 years of time.

Then he moved to the next area where the roulette wheel area and lost 7 years of time.

After that he went to other gambling areas and lost another 20 years of time.

Finally he was left with 250 year

Well 277 years of time is completely normal time and the lost 37 years is actually used from the stolen time.

With that his first day of visit at the casino ended.

Today he did not see the entry of the protagonist.

As for the location where the protagonist and his mother are staying is also a good hotel that is a grade lower than that of the hotel that Vicky is staying.

After returning back to the hotel Vicky went to his room straight.

He has been away for 5 hours.

By this time May has woken up.

Vicky has already returned.

He knocked her out for that long.

She only woke up when Vicky came back to the room.

She smiled happily even though her body is in pain.

Well she felt like she has exercised continuously till her body collapsed.

Also her pussy is actually stinging.

But she still wanted Vicky’s dick to ravage her.

That is how much she liked his dick and the way he touched all the right spots to make her happy.

“Welcome back”

She said with a lewd smile still on the bed covering her naked body with sheets.

Vicky smiled back and said.

“You seem to have gotten better.

If you want to take another round tonight then go take a bath.

Before you come out I will call the maintenance to change the sheets and bring over something to eat.

Also after eating we can start with a hot water bath and go on during the night.

What do you think?

Can your pussy support my dick or do you want to open up that back hole to experience the anal pleasure.

I am really good at fucking and I can assure you that you will be thoroughly satisfied.

Well if you want to go back now it is not a problem.

You can leave after eating dinner.

As for your work, you can take a leave and I will compensate you…”

Vicky came over to her and transferred 2 years of time to her.

This is really a big amount for her.

Her eyes immediately lost focus looking at the amount of time she has on her hand.

Her eyes started to get wet.

“Why are you crying?

Don’t tell me that the time I gave you, is not enough?”

Vicky asked.

May snapped back to reality and said.

“No the time you gave me is enough.

I just remembered the past and my mother.”

She then spoke about her past.

Her mother died because she was unable to get enough time for her treatment.

Usually they would not get sick with their genetically modified bodies.

But if they got sick then the cost of treatment is very high.

At that time she just joined as the receptionist and did not earn as much as she has right now.

Chapter 480: a prudent gambler

But if they got sick then the cost of treatment is very high.

At that time she just joined as the receptionist and did not earn as much as she has right now.

Her mother is in the hospital and she needs money.

So for the first time she flirted with a rich man and got into bed with him to get some time.

She also lost virginity that day.

But the person simply gave her little time and said that she is only worth this much.

She could not do anything to be because,

Firstly he is a rich man and she could not compete with him in anything.

Second is that she came here on her own choice and he did not force her.

So she could not say anything about it.

Well it is his room and she came here to get fucked.

She is not a cleaner or other staffs that need to go to the room but a receptionist.

So her being here is already a problem.

Third is if she made a fuss then she would lose her job directly.

With this kind of conduct other than adult industry that is very dangerous she would not be able to get a livelihood anywhere else.

So she can only shut her mouth and go back with what she got.

She could not even get a loan because she already got one for her mother’s medical expenses.

Since there is no time on hand she can only watch her mother die.

After paying off the debt to the time lenders, all that was left is enough to pay off for her mother’s funeral.

Right now the amount of time Vicky gave has made her sad because she did not meet Vicky before this.

If she did, she would have saved her mother.

Unfortunately things could not be rewind back in time.

So she can be sad for a moment and tell Vicky about that.

After that they went on to take a bath and eat.

When they are done eating they waited for a while and went to take a hot water bath.

Also Vicky is the first one to open her ass hole.

It was hard for her but she still got into the act and things went perfectly well.

That day went peacefully.

Although she could not walk all day next day, it is not a problem.

Vicky can just order some things for her to eat and get few new dresses for her.

There is a silent rule between the staff and they would not put their fingers into the things they are not needed to act.

Everyone has their own way of survival.

On the second day Vicky went to casino again and after losing around 30 years of time he won another 300 years.

The staff became suspicious and started to check the things.

They felt that it was all a coincidence as the machine was supposed to hit the jack pot around that time.

Since Vicky still lost 30 years of time they did not think that it was all planned.


On the third day when Vicky arrived they invited Vicky to the high stakes place where the big people play.

They don’t want Vicky to get another jackpot.

Also a good thing happened to them too.

The gambler thought that the slot machines are at the time of giving jack pots.

So they started to continuously play with them increasing the commission for the casino.

After going to the upper floor where they play with the cards Vicky did not go straight to the table with big people like Weis.

He went to lower rich class people to play.

He is not a protagonist to go straight to the big table with just hundred years of time.

Also he is not stupid enough to show off like a pig taunting the butcher.

He played there for another two days and earned more time causing the big people to take a notice of this.

Some rich dude Moris took the initiative to call Vicky to the tables with big people and big stakes.

Vicky was happy to be invited as he planned this from the start.

With that he got to play with them and move between the tables.

On the sixth day he was on the table with Mister Weis.

As always he has the poker face and a stupid smile like he ate a cockroach.

Well Vicky did not have any thoughts of going easy.

For this kind of people going hard is the best way to get their attention.

Also Vicky did not use the method like the protagonist to leave just a minute of time to show off his guts.

Vicky lost some games and gained some games.

It is all mind game and luck.

When he sees that his winning probability is less he would bet less and loose.

When he has higher chance of winning he would bet more and gain.

So in the eyes of people Vicky is just a normal gambler with prudence in playing the gamble and stakes.

Because of this reason many rich people started to strike up a conversation with Vicky.

Vicky’s background was set by the system and Vicky arranged it as some sort of fallen rich person’s heir.

But now that Vicky has so much time on his hand and a company the things would be much different.

These people look Vicky with different eyes because Vicky is rising right now.

What they want to know is, which business that Vicky is going to hit.

It would make others people less wary of him and the people in that business would become cautious of him.

But Vicky did not mention any of his future plans and only said that he is into a small business with stocks trading.

Other than that he said that he has some small businesses in some adult industries from lower time zones.


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