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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 171: satellite salvaged

Those people did not trust her enough to give those things to her.

But now she actually used the big guns and grenades making her much happier.

In the ark space Mohini and the girls can communicate with each other freely.

But they cannot see each other.

After a few minutes she alone came out the ark space and checked the situation.

The people have mostly died and the remaining is trying to fight the beasts that is a big group of dogs and rats that are attracted to the sounds just now.

There is also the smell of meat and blood that attracted more and more.

Mohini did not bother with the remaining and called her girls out.

They are going to go away from here towards the satellite that is a kilometer away from here.

Even if there are any mutated monsters near the satellite they would be attracted toward here.

They took a little detour and moved slow and sneakily.

They also put on white camouflage clothes so that they are not that discovered.

The remaining people that came to kill them have died under the large number of monsters.

Fortunately Mohini prepared a chemical solution that can help with the camouflage and repel some of the low level monsters.

This happened before the start of the apocalypse.

She specifically stored it to the side of the stagnant space.

This chemical solution is highly volatile just like perfumes.

It cannot work for a long time because of its volatile nature.

So she can only store it in the stagnant space.

With that thing secured she did not have to worry about the initial stage problems.

This chemical solution will only work on the monsters that still needed breathing.

The monsters like zombies, undead would not be deterred with this problem.

Fortunately the monsters around are all beast type monsters and not undead version.

After half an hour of careful moving from the location of the fight they arrived at the location where satellite crashed.

The place should originally look like a crater.

But now it looked like a snow filled crater.

The satellite pieces were completely buried under the snow.

Taking that out is hard without man power.

Also going down the crater blindly is suicidal as there might be sharp edges and loose areas where the footing might slip.

So she took out big bullet proof riot shields.

She used them to walk down slowly.

Her women followed along.

After they reached the snow layer they used these shields to cover themselves from the sharp edges.

At the same time even if they slipped they would not fall on the sharp edges.

The three people were close to each other helping each other walk checking the footings.

Before going down the crater they tied themselves with ropes to the big trees nearby for extra safety.

In the last life Mohini did not come to this location.

She heard that there is a big earth fissure by the side of satellite and many people fell into that place because of the loose snow that pulled them down directly.

With Mohini’s caution the group made it to the satellite and they ordered their system to extract the materials from the satellite.

Then she soon found the location of the big crack in the earth.

It is to the right side where Sakura is standing.

She almost fell into the crack.

Thanks to the safety ropes that Mohini tied around them they are fine.

Based on her understanding the satellite is right at the edge of the crack.

If there is a big movement the satellite remnants would fall into the crack.

Fortunately the system can extract the distance of 5 meters from them.

So it was easy for them to extract without moving close to the edge.

As they extracted the materials the satellite it is quite a fruitful harvest.

They did not leave the remaining body of the satellite as Mohini wanted this high quality materials that went into space to feed the gluttonous ghost flower plant vine.

So they stored the remaining thing into the system stagnant space after the extraction process is completed.

After that they took out a car and left the place.

The reason for taking out the car is that they can move a faster.

The body of the car can protect them from sudden attacks.

Also the speed of the car is far faster than the tier 1 monsters even in the ice.

Finally she can directly run over the tier 1 monster with the car to kill them.

If they fight them head on they can still bite Mohini and her women.

But they can do nothing to a modified car that is specifically made for this situation.

This was done by Mohini and some enthusiasts by spending some good amount of money.

With the amount of fuel she has, she did not have to worry about stopping half way anywhere.

Her thinking is correct and she reached the ruins of Delhi city.

Many new constructions have collapsed while the old constructions only had cracks.

Well it is common everywhere in the world.

The old forts and buildings constructed before the modernization has strong foundation and quality in construction.

When the capitalism started they would construct the buildings just enough to pass the government checks.

There are no righteous people in the capitalists.

If not how can those big construction companies and other material companies earn big bucks.

This is their secret.

Only the houses of powerful and super rich people or their own people would have some high quality construction building.

There are also some government vaults and safes for gold reserves and army bases that are constructed with special care.

The rest of them are all constructed with bare minimum quality.

The ruined city was buried in rubbles of big buildings and snow.

Mohini and the girls took time to reach the red fort.

They are aware that the people that come to salvage would come into the ruined city.

Chapter 172: gluttonous ghost plant withered

Mohini and the girls took time to reach the red fort.

They are aware that the people that come to salvage would come into the ruined city.

So Mohini’s group has to be careful when moving and watch out for the attacks of the humans along with the monsters.

They moved in quickly and Mohini was ruthless to run over the people that tried to obstruct their way with malicious motives.

After crushing few people with the car they no longer dared to stand in front of the car instead they threw rocks at the car.

Mohini would not sit idly by and shot the people with guns killing them directly.

In these apocalyptic times, human life is not as valuable as a car that can let her survive and move around.

Mohini would not care how many people died.

Her only focus is herself and her loved ones.

Other than that everyone is not her concern.

Also these people are not good.

She would not harm good people intentionally, but she would definitely kill anyone that tried to cause even the slightest harm to her or her woman, no matter the reason they had.

When they came near the red fort they got off the car and Mohini took it back into her space.

Then they entered the place by foot.

Mohini has the map of red fort and where she should go.

Before the apocalypse, she got the maps and locations of all the important places that she wanted to visit to gain the special treasures and herbs.

These things are formed naturally in special places.

Finding them by searching would take a long time.

So she directly got the maps of these places to facilitate her search and easy to get what she wanted.

With the help of the map she and the girls came to the step well in the red fort.

The water in the well is not frozen and there is no snow here for some reason.

It is like this place did not have any snow fall at all.

The steps are even dry.

The water surface looked like black ice like an endless abyss.

When they got close there is nothing strange here.

But suddenly there is a strange flow in the water and immediately the black ice broke with plant vines bursting out.

Mohini directly pulled out the remains of the satellite and dropped them into the water.

The plant vines would not attack them directly but try to grab all the metal present on the people.

If there is no metal then it would try to suck the blood of the people that has iron in it.

But people can easily escape after doing some damage to the plant vines.

The plant is still small and it will not be able to lift a fully grown man.

It can still lift few kilograms.

That is the reason why she dropped the remains of the satellite into the water facilitating the plant to have easy movement.

As the plant absorbed the metal the big piece of satellite remains slowly vanished.

At the same time the water in the well also evaporated because of the heat released by the plan when it absorbed the satellite remains.

Mohini saw the real appearance of the plant under water.

There is a round ball like structure at the center from where all the plant vines have popped out of it.

That is not all.

The there are three flower on the top of the round ball which should be the gluttonous ghost flowers based on their appearance.

As the plant vines absorb the metal the three flowers glowed more and more.

But they also became transparent like ghosts.

Mohini understood that the flowers are not completely matured when the people in the previous life ate them.

She don’t know what happened then but she was sure that removing the other two flowers now would cause all the nutrients to go to a single flower to let her have the ghost ability.

This should be the secret then.

The plant vines that touched the metal excreted some strange black liquid which made the water here black.

The black liquid touched the metal and the metal became like a liquid.

It appeared just like mercury and the plant vines sucked the metallic liquid as if it was water.

Mohini and the girls waited for a while looking at the situation.

It seems like she actually brought too much of metal here.

Based on her guess the first person that discovered this has died because the plant sucked him dry.

It attacked him because it was hungry.

On the other hand his brother came here with his subordinates with a car and guns.

So the plant left the tasteless humans and directly used the other things to quench its hunger.

It was unable to absorb all the metal of the satellite and the black liquid that it secreted has reached a foot tall already.

It actually left the metal and started to absorb the black liquid into its body again.

The three transparent flowers started to turn real and then they turned black.

When she used the appraisal skill she found that the flowers are maturing and can give great benefits consuming them after they matured.

This confirmed her thoughts.

In her previous life amount the three people two plucked the flowers while the third one waited till the end for the plant to absorb all the black liquid to completely mature.

The flowers in the plant base looked like three black eyes that have strange golden shine to them.

It is really creepy.

While they waited the black liquid inside the well is completely gone and the entire plant started to wither at a visible rate.

The small vines started to turn into dust and finally only the big circular center is left.

It started to turn into dead wood leaving the three flowers that are completely matured on it.

Chapter 173: ghost ability

The small vines started to turn into dust and finally only the big circular center is left.

It started to turn into dead wood leaving the three flowers that are completely matured on it.

Mohini waited till the appraisal showed that they are matured and came to the plant and plucked the three flowers.

As soon as she took them the dead wood rotted away immediately.

Mohini checked the flowers and found that there is a chance to awaken the ghost ability after consuming these flowers.

Also all three flowers have the chance of awakening the ghost ability.

In her previous life there is not enough metal to secrete more black liquid and let the three flowers transform into the black flowers.

So, only one person got the chance to awaken the ability.

But now, all three of them had this chance to awaken the ability.

Mohini first checked around to see if there is anyone nearby.

After confirming that there is no one around, they decided to consume the flower here immediately.

Mohini immediately ate the flower along with her two women.

As soon as they ate the flower they felt nauseating and fell back on the stairs.

They felt that their body was disintegrating and becoming transparent.

There is also gloomy and dark feeling inside their minds.

They felt many dark things and feeling the fear in their hearts.

Each had their own experiences of their past life becoming a nightmare during this time.

Mohini was the first one to come out of it after she confronted Nisha and Roy and destroyed them.

Radha and Sakura also had their own nightmares and they are still struggling.

Mohini tried the new ability that she obtained.

Her body suddenly became transparent.

It is not just invisible but also immaterial.

Her hand passed through the rocks of the steps.

The reason why she did not directly pass through down is because of the strange force under her feet that she instinctively activated.

This force will let her decide when to materialise her body and when the force is removed she can pass through the thing that she wanted to pass through.

Soon after a little while both the women woke up one after the other.

They both awakened the ghost ability too.

It is said that they have to win in their nightmare before gaining the ability.

Mohini helped them with her words and healing ability.

Even thought they are in trance like state Mohini was able to speak to them through her improved mental strength.

After eating the flower she not only got the ghost ability but also her strength and other things increased by 5 times.

Simply to say he was 5 times stronger than before she ate the flower.

This is a big improvement and it can be said that she is at the helm of the current awakened humans on earth.

Well she doesn’t know if there is a strange protagonist somewhere else that has some bigger lucky encounter.

Since she got a system then there is a possibility of other systems.

She did ask pinky about other systems.

But it did not give her any answer.

After being fooled into revealing its name it became tight lipped and did not speak.

So she has to figure out the things on her own.

When her women woke up they each stated that they have around 3 times improvement of their strength.

Mohini understood another thing that is the three flowers are not matured in the same way.

The two flowers that are side by side were able to mature to the same level and the flower above has matured the most.

Well she doesn’t know about the herbs.

She can recognize some but not all.

So she doesn’t want to speculate these things.

After they got their ability and checked their strengths the looked at the empty lake being filled up by the snow.

The remaining piece of the satellite was taken by Mohini and kept it in the space.

She was going to submit this at the humanity base and gain the contribution points.

Also that that time she would submit the inferior food materials and other things she stored before.

Then use the contribution point to replace with precious materials like the monster cores that is the spars.

In a month or two the people would discover the spars and they would immediately use the spars for trading.

At first the value of the spars would be high but later the value of the spars would be reduced.

Spars can be used to improve the strength of the body, increase the awakened ability.

Try to awaken a normal person.

Replenish the used magical energy that is spent on the awakened ability.

It can also be used in making magic potions, genetic improvement medicines……..

As for other uses, it was not discovered yet.

Mohini would wait for a little while longer before she would exchange for the spars.

For her spars are needed to improve her critical hit and other improvements.

So her consumption is very high.

But it takes time to get the spars.

Mohini and girls returned back to the camp quickly and returned to her room.

While coming back they saw that the fire power of the other awakened people that are killing the rats in the destroyed base.

They are only cleansing the base but not the city.

So they saw many insects and rats in the city.

But they did not boldly attack humans unless they have big numbers.

Mohini and girls are also travelling by a car so they did not get attacked.

Any beast that came is the way was run over the heavily modified car.

The car is like a moving monster it can fit another 5 people if needed to sit comfortably.

Also the run over beasts or other organisms would not cause any restriction to its movement.

Mohini knows that showing off wealth would cause problems.

Chapter 174: signs of plant mutation and ancient knowledge of magic

Also the run over beasts or other organisms would not cause any restriction to its movement.

Mohini knows that showing off wealth would cause problems.

So when she came to a hidden location near the camp she stored the car back in the space and returned back to the camp by foot.

As soon as she returned she was called for an emergency meeting.

This meeting is about the plant mutation that they observed just now.

That is right the dead trees that went through the extreme heat and extreme cold suddenly started to grow rapidly.

On the way Mohini did not see this.

The mutation is not that high but they noticed that the dead trees have some greenery when they cut down one.

That is not all.

In this ice like weather they saw new leaves on some dead trees.

Mohini also remembers that in the previous life after the heavy earthquake and mutation of humans and beasts, plant mutation started.

The plant started so late is because most of the plants died during that time.

So to recollect their vitality and grow back again it took a lot of time.

So their mutation would start soon.

In her previous life the plant mutation started when she still in the Agra base.

At that time, travelling back to Delhi base became very problematic for them.

By the time they reached there, the plants like towering buildings are everywhere.

That is not all there is still snow fall without sunlight.

The light that came was from the shade of pitch black clouds.

The nights are very dark while the day time is filled with snow fall and pitch black clouds.

There are lightning and hail storms few times.

Fortunately the houses here are better and there will not be any earthquake in the recent days.

In the meeting Mohini simply told them that it might be a plant mutation disaster next.

Then Mohini told them that as long as the plant mutation is successful then the insects would have permanent nests and they might not be able to live peacefully here.

She urged the people to urge the scientists to find a way to repel the mutated beasts.

She diverted their attention to ancient teachings of various countries.

Most of the mythologies of various nations did not seem to originate from the current earth but a bigger place like apocalypse land.

So, each has their own inheritance of various ancient magic technologies.

In India the main magic technologies are coded in Vedas.

They might look like the praising the god but actually it was coded information of elements and natural codes.

For example the entire universe is a big computer then the coded knowledge is like computer language sequence and commands.

These commands can be entered into the universe through few ways like hand signs, coupled with corresponding voice commands.

This comes under software model of commanding.

Ritual models of creating arrays with various materials and then continued using sacrificial materials with fire or other elements as base is another model.

That is considered under manual model of commanding.

Nature of the universe is diverse and it has many different kinds of connections.

Only with right sequence of commands can give the corresponding effects.

But the wrong sequence can give backlash on to the people that is trying to use the command.

Based on the level of magic sequence the backlash can also different.

Most of the reason why the real magic rituals are forbidden is because of these backlashes.

Not just anyone can use the magic sequences.

There will be a systematic training module to train to become a qualified caster in both good and bad ways.

In India three main modes of are commonly used.

First is Mantra which is no different from spell or speak through the word or thought in the mind.

Second is Tantra this is using the connection between many people to formulate a plan or grid connecting many people formulating an array.

This is misinterpreted by many people saying that it was used for sex because of some half knowledge idiots.

Actually there is also a Tantra used in sex which is like dual cultivation for negative side and harmonious convergence human and nature (woman) in positive side between husband and wife.

This is the tiniest part of Tantra which was not recommended for practice, but some morons that have their brains in their dicks interpreted it like that.

Even many people in India don’t know the proper interpretation of the knowledge because it was always passed by the word of mouth.

There is a break in knowledge transfer in the olden days.

Third is Yantra, which is known as machine but there is a different meaning to this too.

It is the array formation.

Just like the Mandalas in Buddhism that was originally originated from the Yantras.

These things were connected using the input methods of Yoga, Mudra, Asana and Gana.

Yoga is actually a special state of mind.

But most people think that it was some sort of sitting in a pose which is called Asana.

Not out foreigners but even the officials of India don’t know about common things like these.

All these people together destroyed the ruminants of knowledge with their stupidity.

Mudra means hand sign or forming a symbol using hand just like those ninja symbols that were originated through Buddhism which indirectly came from the Vedas.

Gana means to sing or voice out.

This has some connections to Elven lore and few tribal ways of chanting the spells and calling the gods.

Mohini gave out the explanation about these things and connected then to the energy source like the spars.

This clue is enough for them to interpret many things and solve the current crisis.

There are defensive arrays and monster repellent arrays in Yantras.

They did not have a suitable energy source in the modern times.

This made them as nothing more than a superstition.

Chapter 175: colorful nights and gloomy days

They did not have a suitable energy source in the modern times.

This made them as nothing more than a superstition.

But now they have a source of power which can be used to power the Yantra.

All they need to do is to complete the research and obtain the useful knowledge from the ancient knowledge.

This way they can reassess the current situation and get the answers quickly.

Instead of thinking of the ancient knowledge as mythology and nonsense, they should think of it as advanced science.

This way they can find the solutions to of these many problems.

Any way without her remainder, someone would remain them in the future and they will start studying their roots.

On the other hand all the remnants of other nations that still have access to their roots started to study them.

In her previous life some big countries that have knowledge collected from many countries through colonization have started to research these things after the awakened people and mutations appeared.

At that time India is still a little late in the race as it only started the process half a year later.

By that time the losses are still bigger and many people died.

After finding the solutions the people started to move up north all the way to the location of the new big city of the entire earth.

Because of the delay the number of people lost is high in number and at the final stage they can only balance out the power on one face of the city.

Any way Mohini has the chance and saving more people is saving time clearing the extra trouble.

At the same time it would have more authority in the four faced city and the amount of resources is high.

No matter how powerful a person is, as an individual they can only achieve so much.

It is always good to have a group to help you.

All you need to do is too become strong and intelligent in the group that you control.

In this world there are many protagonists and everyone would start with their own luck and opportunities.

But only the final winner would have the title of the hero while all the defeated protagonists would be called as villains.

Mohini doesn’t want to be suppressed by other protagonists.

Instead she wanted to step on them.

But stepping on them with her own power would show too much of her strength.

So she wanted to use the group and play the things behind the shadows.

Till now all of her preparations are right on the track without any major problems.

Her guidance was able to give her good amount of military and civilian support.

But it is not to the level where those politicians and officials would feel threatened.

Instead all of this was hidden and diluted in the hearts of the people.

Any way Mohini and her girls are staying in this place for the next year.

Before the other bases in the north side are completely arranged they will not move there.

The north side already has a strong military base before but after the communications cut off and the series of disasters they need to verify the situation there.

Also they will send the scouting parties of all the other surrounding bases and connect the communications.

Then they would take the next step on what to do.

During this time they would receive communications from other countries through scouting and finally form the thought of the new big city.

That is the final hope of humanity will be formed.

Till then the people would not move from here.

So till then they will stay here and persist.

After a little while the plant mutation starts and this place would became a strange world.

Even though there is no sun the plants would grow.

But they will not have green pigment instead they would produce many radiant colors.

That is right the new huge plants will have natural radiance of multi colors.

It would really appear like the magical world.

In the day everything will look gray and gloomy without any colors.

On the other hand the night time would be like a multi colored party night.

The trees would be as big as top towers but the number of leaves would be very less.

Just like this the beasts would also become multi colored.

Some of them are poisonous and some are good.

Many mythologies mentioned this kind of multicolored plants and said that not all plants are green.

With that knowledge as base they can find the situation.

But the dead world of the day time looks really strange.

If there are no beasts that have colors and few other things people might really become color blind in this kind of gloomy place.


After Mohini gave them a reasonable explanation, she returned back to her temporary home.

Then she started to practice the techniques she from the ark space along with the girls.

The time was not peaceful.

The small mutation of the plants at the first day has showed clear signs after a week.

The people that tried to cut down the tree for fire wood were not happy.

This is because the wood of these trees are very strange.

It appeared more like the grass stems and tender plants than the big trunked trees.

This means these tall colorful trees in front of them are just plants right now.

No one knows how big and strong they will be in the future.

At the same time the snow fall did not stop these days.

Since the plants are too tender there is no big cover with their small leaves.

A month passed by and the plants became bigger but the tenderness did not go away.

Also there are many kinds of plants in the colorful forest outside right now.

Some of them release poisonous gasses and some of them are hallucination inducing gasses.

Chapter 176: protection array with spars

Also there are many kinds of plants in the colorful forest outside right now.

Some of them release poisonous gasses and some of them are hallucination inducing gasses.

There are also elixirs mixed in them that can treat the strange illnesses caused by the mosquito bites or rat bites and other mutated animal or insect bites.

Mohini and her women can identify them quickly with the knowledge from the ark space library but other people cannot.

Also she cannot speak about them right now.

She cannot tell them the source of the information she has.

This will become the suspicious point.

Well most people would not notice but after she got the system she became more cautious.

What if there are other people with systems.

If there is a protagonist and villain play then she would definitely be implicated because she has the ark.

Things would get messy.

She doesn’t want to be in the light.

Instead she would like to stand in the dark and catch her enemies off guard.

Even though, she has memories of the future, that doesn’t make her super powerful.

She was able to ingest two special herbs to improve her stats by 20 times than a normal human limit.

But that doesn’t mean that only she has the lucky opportunities.

If there really is a protagonist or a villain then there will not be any possible logic that can hold them back from gaining strong benefits.

For this reason he specifically checked the people at every base to see if there is any overly arrogant person.

Or a person that is too cautious or a person that seem suspicious……….

Fortunately or unfortunately she did not find this kind of person yet.

Mohini has already talked about this to her girls Sakura and Radha.

Everyone knows about web novels and some things that can happen in those novels.

They also understood the problem and they kept their eyes on two main things.

First is to see if there is an overly beautiful woman in the camp they are in.

Second is to see if there is anyone that is eying them or tried to flirt with them unnaturally.

These things will be the signs of finding a heroine or protagonist.


Even if they did not find here there are many bases and they will definitely appear.

Well her future memories are focused on her life and important incidents.

She mainly focused on finding the time stone or artifact to return back in time and avenge her revenge.

She made a note of many strong people but most of them did not show the signs of a protagonist.

She asked pinky about other people with systems and it said that it is possible.

She can only wait and look carefully to find any problems in the future.


The scientists in the base are working hard.

A week later the previous precautions to kill the rats, insects and cockroaches have showed their results.

But the results in this matter are not fruitful.

Instead the awakened people that participated in the extermination quest have gained them enough experience using their powers.

They made some progress and they can train combat model with their powers now.

On the other hand scientists were able to make a protection formation to protect the base.

But the magic energy gathering formation is still in progress.

The protection formation can protect them all beasts and insects that are tier 2 and below.

But it did not have continuous energy support.

For that people have to kill the monster beasts and use the monster cores that are the spars of the beasts to solve the energy source problem.

With that the place became safer for them to stay for the time being.

The plant mutation has created a gloomy dead forest in the snow filled area.

This gloomy forest in the day and colorful forest in the night houses many beasts and creatures.

The creatures inside has stepped to the tier 2 stage.

On the other hand they noticed the undead that started appear.

There is a primary difference between the zombies and undead.

As long as you hit the head of the zombie then the zombie would die.

On the other hand undead requires hard work killing it.

Fortunately Mohini is there to identify the difference and the formation would keep them out.

None of the people tried to enter the gloomy plant forest except for few military people for scouting purpose.

Fortunately, the base location is a barren place that did not have many plants.

But still it does significant damage where the sudden rise of plants directly sent the temporary tents and house fly away with the plant.

Yes the plants grew 5 to 6 meters tall over night and they are still plants instead of trees.

This caused many people to die of various reasons.

The main reason for their death is actually fright because they were suddenly lifted to such height and fell down.

The base issued to collect the spars for contribution points.

The spars are also divided based on the ranking system that Mohini gave them.

The tier 1 spar is the lowest and tier 2 spars are 10 times the cost of tier 1.

For every tier it is 10 times the next tier.

But no one would be willing to exchange a tier 2 spar for 10 tier 1 spars which is actually a bit of a loss.

Most awakened people used the spars to improve their awakened power.

On the other hand ordinary people use these spars to try and awaken their abilities.

But it was not that easy.

They can feel that they can awaken using the spars but the number of spars required varies from person to person.

There are more than 2 million people here currently present in the base.

All of them are struggling and most of them are people that are afraid to fight with the monsters.

Chapter 177: reached tier 2, hunters

There are more than 2 million people here currently present in the base.

All of them are struggling and most of them are people that are afraid to fight with the monsters.

So, the number of people that is earning spars is very low.

Even if they obtained the spars it would mostly be used by the protection array.

If the protection array did not have number of spars then they can only tend to military rule and buy the spars forcibly.

This is a matter that is related to the life and death of all the people staying here.

So they cannot be lenient in this situation.

Everyone that went out to hunt those monsters would be registered at the base entrance.

When they returned they would be registered again.

At the same time they would sell the hunted monsters or other things that they wanted to sell.

Natural there is no forcibly buying the spar.

There are few teams dedicated for hunting the monster and getting the spar.

Not all military would go out for hunting.

The remaining people also need to eat for guarding the base.

Similarly there are many big shots and officials that did not have any experience in fighting monsters and they don’t even know fighting properly.

Because of this reason the scouting team not only secure spar but also food.

The food they brought back was bought by the base with the contribution points.

They spar they got will be used for the protection formation around the base and also for research.

Well a small amount was take by those big shots and officials that did not awaken to use these spars to awaken.

Mohini and her girls are not idling around.

They will also go out to hunt and get the monster meet.

Mohini can identify many plants here and her women can also do that.

Well they did survive for 8 years.

So they have some expertise in finding the right plants and herbs.

They went around freely as there are not many zombies here.

But there are tier 2 monsters in the area.

With the three people along with the safety escape route of the ark space, they are not worried.

When they kill undead they would simply leave it there after taking the spar.

This is the same with the zombies too.

On the other hand if it was a beast then they would do two things.

First they take the spar on the beast and then directly separate the eatable meat and useful materials of the beast.

The remaining materials are used as bait to capture other monsters.

When they return in the evening they would bring out a small monster like a rabbit or a dog or something else.

They would not take it inside but sell it at the entrance of the base along with a spar.

As for the remaining things they would store in the ark space and use it later.

Well they are not short on food.

Mohini checked the system and found that she needs tier 1 spar to improve the critical hit percentage.

From 1 percent to 2 percent it requires 200 tier 1 spars.

But if it was from 10 percent to 11 percent it requires 100 tier 2 spars or 1000+ tier 1 spars.

Similarly every 10 percent the number or tier increases and the corresponding value.

For now this improvement is out of the question.

Getting 100 tier 1 spars is easy with a hard work of 10 days.

But after that, it would become harder and harder as the next percent required an extra hundred spar.

That is not all after 10 percent the number increased by 10 times reaching 1000 tier 1 spar.

It is hard to get so many in the current situation.

So Mohini did not think about that instead she tried to improve her ability.

She can use the bitch points but they are for emergencies.

There is still a huge apocalypse land to explore in the future.

This place is just a small tip of the iceberg.

So she is not stupid enough to spend the bitch points here.

Instead she wanted to use her beauty to earn spar if possible.

Unfortunately the spar right now is very valuable.

Even a tier 1 spar is valuable for both the awakened and non awakened people.

So she can only stay quite.

She is waiting for the system to activate again for her to enter to enter into another fantasy world.

She has a vague feeling that she can take his women along into the fantasy world.

But the price might be very high.

The jack of all trades requires 1000 spar for it to take the first step.

This name did not appear in her mind with the awakening.

Instead she saw this on the appraisal card when she entered into the apocalypse land and came to another city.

This is a form of skill tree that was included in the data base of the card makers.

Just like the skill jack of trades the people with fire affinity can also has other skills.

The fire affinity people can become fire mages, fire swords man, flaming fist fighters……

These things cannot be known right now as the people on earth did not know there things that are accumulated knowledge of apocalypse land.

The improvement he has is the overall improvement that let her reach tier 1 without the need of spars.

The 10 times improvement from a normal human to tier 2 has happened with the herbs.

Also she is more than half way through to the tier 3.

As long as she gains few more stat points that she will be able to reach tier 3.


The days went by slowly and it has been 6 months after mutation started.

The people started to call the people that awakened power as hunters.

The previous panicked people have stabilized now with food and shelter.

Chapter 178: the second fantasy world: 2012

The people started to call the people that awakened power as hunters.

The previous panicked people have stabilized now with food and shelter.

In his previous life Mohini would have arrived here at this time along with Nisha and Roy.

After they arrived they integrated in to the hunters here.

But for the safe integration of Nisha and Roy, she has to sleep with many smelly till her pussy and ass hole are full with their cum.

For survivors to enter they should give some food materials or spar to enter the base.

This was the rule then.

But now the rule has change under the influence of the reforms of Mohini.

All the survivors can come into the base after a simple inspection.

After the inspection and their identity they can enter into the base.

But the stay and other things they have to pay.

That is they have to exchange for contribution points and use the contribution points to live in the base.

There is also a mission’s hall in the base that encouraged people to go around and get more materials one for research purpose and the other for food purpose.

Right now Mohini and her girls are living a peaceful life without any problems.

Also the role of Mohini has gradually reduced over time.

With the peaceful time she received the system notification saying that she would enter into another fantasy world right now.

She quickly asked the system if she can take her women into the fantasy world as well.

The system immediately told her that each person requires 100,000 bitch points for entry.

Also there would be additional rewards for her and her woman based on their performance.

But it is currently unavailable.

Mohini knows that the rewards can be increased by multiple times as long as they played the right cards.

So she decided to spend the bitch points and take her women along with her when the option opens up later.

But she still doesn’t know which fantasy world she is going to enter next.

Also at the time of entry there should be people protecting their bodies as only their souls would be entering into the fantasy world.

That is not all there is to it.

There is a problem from this fantasy world.

The tutorial or easy fantasy world with protection is already over and from here on out she has to use her life to survive.

If she dies or his women die in the fantasy world then they are dead in the real world too.

She has to act with these things in her mind.

Also if their bodies were destroyed in the real world then they would die in the fantasy world too.


The fantasy world that host is going to enter has been decided.

This is 2012 movie.”

As for the background of the story it would be known to Mohini as she entered into the fantasy world.

It is not that she did not know the plot instead she did not know where and when she would be entering the plot.

She would be entering the into the fantasy world in the form of existing people.

This world is dangerous and she has the chance of dying more and more with even a small wrong step.


Host, do want to enter into the fantasy world?”

Mohini nodded her head and immediately the system made the preparations.

She has told her women before making the move and they understand what it means to enter.

They already had those vibrators either in their pussies or ass holes.

They will act as protection for them in some extreme cases.

So they wished good luck to Mohini before she entered into the fantasy world.

Mohini entered into the fantasy world.

She came to a strange white room first.

Then the system asked for another confirmation.

This is not the tutorial or novice fantasy world that has protection for Mohini.

So she has to be careful about this matter.

Then she got the information related to the fantasy world she is about to enter.


The plot of the 2012 movie is about the impending apocalypse and the extermination of life on earth.

Host will be given an identity in this world.

Host must survive the apocalypse and board the ark ships that are the only safe pass in this world.

Host would be entering the world 1 year before the start of the apocalypse.

The main mission is to survive to return back to the real world.

The fantasy world ends after the ark ships found their way to the new land.

The side missions can be found by the host based on your efforts…”

After confirming everything Mohini nodded her head and immediately she felt blank for a moment.

Immediately after looking at the information the eyes of Mohini flickered a few times.

She knows that the money required to buy a ticket for the ark is 1 billion Euros.

This is not a small number.

Even if she sells her pussy for an entire year she might not be able to gain this amount of money in a short time.

Also she need clean money for survival.

There is another problem that is they have to buy ticket before 6 months before the disaster.

After that the people would not take money and the cost would increase even further.

So she has to gain 1 billion Euros in less than 6 months.

She is going to play the game with the high class people this time.

She might even try to steal the money from the banks and convert it into white money through hawala.

Also she needs to do things carefully while still gaining more bitch points to get a better final reward.

For that she has to work day and night and use her holes to the fullest possible limit.

For this world she has to improve her body and other things once again with the help of the system.

Chapter 179: Tamara in 2012 fantasy world

For that she has to work day and night and use her holes to the fullest possible limit.

For this world she has to improve her body and other things once again with the help of the system.


Soon after that she appeared in the fantasy world and her identity is Tamara Jikan.

She is currently working for a Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov.

It is just recently that Yuri's wife died because of an illness.

So he was looking for alternatives.

Tamara is the most beautiful one in his office.

So his eyes naturally fell on her wanting to get some comfort from her.

He has already made this point clear to her and he has given her a chance to become his lover but not as a wife.

It is like a contract relationship but he wanted her to be loyal to him during the time they are together.

She was given this choice today and after she came back home, Mohini took over her body.

It is not actually taking over instead she got the memories of Mohini as if she was a reincarnation of Mohini.

Then the system interface of this world opened.




Name: Tamara Jikan

Age: 27

Body appearance: 4/10 (average information, full information on body enchantments panel)

Bitch points: 0 (In the current world)

Body enchantment points: 0 (1 point equals to 1000 Bitch points)


Body enchantment


Facial features: 4/10

Skin: 3/10

Mouth: 4/10

Hair: 4/10

Tits: 3/10

Nipples: 4/10

Waist and stomach: 4/10

Hands: 4/10

Thighs and legs: 4/10

Pussy: 4/10

Ass: 3/10


Currently available points: 0


(Average beauty has 3/10 points in any body enchantment)

(1 point requires 1000 bitch points)

(Disproportionate points would cause adverse effect. Consult system before making any improvements)


Mohini went through her memories of the new body.

Then she found that Tamara is not a virgin and she tried her best to maintain her body to the best of her capabilities.

There are many failed relationships.

She wanted to find a rich second generation to become his wife and live the life of a rich wife.

Well now she changed her thoughts to find a loving husband.

But she has another aspiration that is to completely leave this life and become a porn star when her beauty is still intact.

Any way she did not have any relatives and most of her friends are gold diggers.

Because of this reason she is having psychological stress and decided to visit Dr. Gordon Silberman.

But that did not solve many things instead she got into a special relationship with Dr. Gordon Silberman.

He would treat her with his dick and pull her out into the positive side of the society.

Well that is what he thought.

But the offer from her boss Yuri has made her completely confused again.

Right now it was 8 PM in the evening.

She looked through her memories and finally made a decision.

First of all she needs a dick to solve her thoughts and clear her mind.

With her current level of beauty, she can easily get few men to play.

If she increased those body enchantments further then she would have something out of ordinary.

Her current goal has to be planned after getting a dick inside her pussy.

It was gym closing time and there is a gym in the apartment building that she is living in.

The gym instructor is a strong man.

He always has his eyes on her.

But because she was in a confused state all this time she did not have any contact with him.

Today is a different thing.

She needs that strong dick to ravage her to finally make her mind clear and form a plan for the apocalypse.

With the thought she immediately removed her dress and put on the yoga pants and tight short tank top.

Also the yoga pants are very short and sheer.

She is not wearing any panties inside.

That is not all she made a small rip on her pants that can be revealed when she bent over.

After making these arrangements she went straight to the gym area.

Since it was 8 PM there is no one here and everyone has already left.

When she arrived at the gym there is only Steve the gym instructor that is checking the equipment.

She quickly entered the gym gaining his attention looking at the beauty that appeared when he was closing.

Looking at her his eyes lit up.

“Miss Tamara, it was already gym closing time.

What are you doing here so late?”

He asked looking at her.

Tamara looked at him with her dreamy eyes and said.

“My mind is in littler turmoil and I need a concentrated relaxing exercise.

So instructor Steve, can you please help me with the exercise a little.

As long as the exercise can fresh up my mind I don’t mind what exercise it is.

Please help me.”

She said with her coquettish voice.

Steve immediately understood the hidden meaning.

Many married women in this rich community usually use the same words of getting help to get special exercise with his dick.

So he thought that Tamara has finally wanted to have some fun with him.

This thought excited him.

But to keep up the appearances he has to start things with the exercise model.

So he asked her to follow him and come to an empty place where there are many number of yoga mats.

This place is used for doing stretching and yoga during the day time.

He brought her over and started to help her do some stretching.

Well while stretching it is inevitable to have some close skin contact.

The gym instructor has more skin contact as his hands went around supporting her tits helping her breath.

Every time she breaths in the air his hands cup her tits and slowly fondle them.

Every time she breathes out the air his hands would press on her tits to push the air out.

Chapter 180: gym instructor and delivery man

Every time she breaths in the air his hands cup her tits and slowly fondle them.

Every time she breathes out the air his hands would press on her tits to push the air out.

But he holds back the erected nipples that are stuck between his fingers.

After helping her stretch her tits and nipples for a while he decided to stretch her legs.

He has already noticed that she is wearing sheer yoga pants with great transparency.

He can clearly see the outline of her pussy and ass to some extent.

So he moved to the other side and helped her lift her legs up and press them against her upper body.

During this action her ass was up and a tear in her yoga pants appeared in front of his eyes.

Inside the small tear there is a beautiful pink hole that is right inside the small tear.

As soon as he saw that his mind went blank.

Immediately he buried his face straight into the pink hole inside the tear.

His tongue went all the way in and started to lick her pussy as if there is no tomorrow.

Tamara immediately trembled and moaned from the pleasure.

She used her hands to hold on to her legs and let the passionate man kiss her pussy as much as he wanted.

After 5 minutes she finally had her first orgasm.

The man turned her over and pulled out his long thick dick from his yoga pants.

It was quite long and big.

Tamara smelled the dick with her mind mesmerizing from the smell.

She started by licking the tip.

Slowly the entire dick went into her mouth and she did a deep throat for the gym instructor.

She did not practice deep throat play with this body.

So she felt a little hard for deep throat play.

She suffocated a little but the please is so great that she trembled.

Her pussy is over flowing with love juices.

With the great pleasure of her tight throat he finally filled her mouth with his cum.

Immediately Tamara became even more suffocated and coughed up some cum out.

Her eyes were teary but her face still had a lewd smile.

She was not given any time and she was flipped back.

The gym instructor got on the top of her and his dick went straight to the small tear.

Because of his dick the tear in the pants became big and his dick went straight into her pussy.

His hands moved under her arm pits and held on to her tits from under the tank top.

The tank top became lose when he pushed it with his hands.

Her tits are in his hands for him to play with them as he pleases.

With these things in play he started to move his hips to fuck her pussy with her clothes still on.




“Ahaaaa… fuck”


“Ahaaaa… yessss…”

Every time their bodies touched there is a flesh slapping sound along with the moan of Tamara.

While fucking her he came close to her ear and whispered.

“Do you want me to cum inside or cum outside.”

Currently the body did not have any protection.

Cumming inside would become a problem.

So she decided to cum in her mouth.

With that the man stopped and pulled her up.

Then she sucked on the dick got a good while to drink all the cum with a lewd smile.

That is not the end and they did two more rounds before finally stopping.

After they are done they parted and even exchanged the contact information.

Tamara returned back to her apartment.

Well walking took some time because her pussy took a pounding this hard after a long time.

After she returned back to her home it was late in the night and she did not eat anything other than few loads of cum.

She needs something to eat.

She decided to call for a take out.

After putting on the order she went to take a shower.

She was taking a long bath while her room calling bell rang.

She knows that the food take out has arrived.

She put on a bath towel and came to the front door to receive.

But when she saw that delivery man that has a hot figure outside through the cat’s eye of the door she changed her mind.

She opened the door and invited the person inside.

Then she used the move of accidental towel drop to show off her beauty.

Immediately the man became interested in her.

But he did not make a move.

Instead it was Tamara that took a step forward to touch the erected dick of the delivery man and said.

“This meat stick is very hot and ready to eat.”

Then she pointed at her pussy and said.

“My poor little mouth here is very hungry and is literally drooling for your meat rod.

Do you want to feed it with that?”

After saying these words she pulled down his zipper and his underwear.

Immediately a dick that is not any smaller than that of the gym instructors dick appeared in front of her.

She got down on her knees and started to suck on the dick passionately.

The delivery man was also free because this is his last delivery for the day.

So he decided to take this extra tip and have some fun.

It is not like he did not fuck any other women before.

There are many milfs, college girls, hot aunties and many people that received his services.

Soon they are in the hall of Tamara where she bent down on the sofa and the delivery man is pounding her pussy from behind with all of his might.

She moaned like a bitch in heat causing the man to fuck her more fiercely.

It went on for an hour before they finally stopped.

Her entire back was covered in the cum of the delivery man.


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