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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 411: Dan Kato became impotent

After that they would either chose to become the full time ninja or they would be cops in the hidden leaf village police station.

It is decided that when Fugaku is 18 years old, the police station would be handed over to him while his father continue to be the head of the Uchiha clan.

When Mikoto turns 18 she would be married off to Fugaku and the head of the clan would also be given to him at that time.

Right now Fugaku is rarely in the village because of going on continuous missions out of the village.

As for Hiashi even though he was angry he could not show his anger as it would affect the opinion of the Hyuga clan elder causing him problems in the future.

He could not even report this matter to the elders as they would not take any actions.

Well they are still kids so they would not meddle in lowering themselves to the same level of kids.

There is no one to meddle in Shizuka’s affairs so she took Mikoto and Himeko to the newly opened Ichiraku ramen shop.

This was year 47 and the Ichiraku ramen shop was newly opened.

The taste directly won the hearts of the people and immediately became a hit.


Shizuka on the other hand continued to train with Mito and Tsunade every day to the best of her ability.

Every day before sleeping she would release her shadow clone that would give her all the memories and experience letting her fall asleep and absorb them.

This is also a form of exercise for her for spiritual energy.

Her chakra and other things have already reached Jonin level by this time under the carefully training of Mito and Tsunade.

That day Tsunade made Shizuka form a contract with immortal slug Katsuya.

Mito taught her the basics of sage Jutsu but to learn it completely she has to go to the spirit world and learn from one of the three sage places of the spirit world.

Among the sage places of the spirit world the frog mountain and snake cave have many visitors or disciples before.

But the slug place that is the wet bone forest did not have many visitors.

There is only Tsunade and her grandfather Hashirama that has ever become the contracts of the wet bone forest that she knows.

As for the previous people Shizuka did not recognize them.

Also in all there three immortal sage places only wet bone forest under the immortal slug Katsuya has even produced a person that has entered the perfect sage mode.

That is Senju Hashirama.

It may be due to his bloodline or due to his sage body or some other thing.

He is the only one that has ever entered the sage mode in the known world as a human.

Tsunade did not try to learn the sage mode because there is a special process of learning in the wet bone forest.

She did not like slimy and sticky things.

So she did not learn the sage mode.

Also her temperament is not gentle and peaceful to learn the sage mode.

Shizuka was taken to the wet bone forest where she met with a huge slug that looked like a mountain range just in appearance.

She communicated with Shizuka and Tsunade through their minds.

Another good thing that immortal slug Katsuya can teach is related to spirit energy improvement and control technique.

This is the main reason why Hashirama was able to freely control the natural energy.

Originally the natural energy was uncontrollable, volatile and wild.

But the spirit energy technique can control this natural energy and let it flow in smoothly.

It is the very reason why first Hokage because the strongest existence in the past that shake the entire ninja world and have peace for so long.

Unfortunately Shizuka did not have time to learn right now.

She could not disappear suddenly from the ninja world and have to still attend the academy.

This way she would not attract any attention.

“Unfortunately, this world did not have the time chambers like in the dragon ball world, sigh.”

Shizuka thought while practicing normally.

They have planned that during the summer and winter breaks of the ninja academy they would visit the spirit world to learn.

She was sure that with her strong comprehension skill she will be able to learn the techniques quickly.

She is still a kid right now.

So the system did not give her any big choices.

On the other hand she met a yellow haired kid during this time.

Actually he is practicing some normal things in the ground instead of playing with the kinds.

Shizuka thought it was strange but suddenly she remembered.

It was actually Minato.

As soon as Shizuka remembered her eyes changed.

She is a white villain and she needs to help guide the protagonist and her father on the right track so that they would not harm her in the future.

So Shizuka went to sit beside the Minato that is practicing looking at her.

Minato has a strong concentration.

Her thinking and understanding are no less than Shizuka.

But he was more on the naive side.

So he was manipulated by third Hokage before.

But now Shizuka would take the chance of the third Hokage to manipulate Minato to her side.

Minato did not have any prejudice against the Uchiha clan from the start.

After a little while Shizuka is already teaching Minato.

Well not to the high level but only a little bit for Minato’s level.

With that she became friends with Minato.

It is more like a big sister to Minato.

Shizuka has already asked the system and found that Naruto would definitely be born to Minato even if Shizuka took Kushina.

Similarly Hinata and other will also be born but not to her but still in the Hyuga clan.

She cannot stop the birth of the main protagonist, but she can manipulate them slowly.

Chapter 412: a different three Woman team

Similarly Hinata and other will also be born but not to her but still in the Hyuga clan.

She cannot stop the birth of the main protagonist, but she can manipulate them slowly.

With that Shizuka returned to Senju clan for training with Tsunade and Mito.

After that she came to her house to sleep.

Her daily routine is the same every day.

After a few days Dan invited Tsunade to have ramen at the new restaurant.

Well it is the Ichiraku restaurant.

Shizuka would not let that happen.

But the system has other plans.


Option 1: use the impotency medicine given by the system and mix it in the food of Dan Kato;

Host would be rewarded with spirit body technique.

Option 2: do not use the medicine;

The spirit energy of the host would be reduced by half.


Shizuka looked at the choice and sighed.

She took Himeko and Mikoto to have lunch at the Ichiraku shop again right when Tsunade is visiting.

She created an accidental meeting situation.

In the name of passing the bowls he mixed in the medicine into the bowl.

She just needs to sprinkle it into the bowl and everything is done.

But what she has to do is to not to let other people including Tsunade notice this.

Fortunately Mikoto and Himeko acted as the distraction for Shizuka.

Since there are more people that did not sit at the counter to eat but on the tables by the side.

With that the system declared that Shizuka has completed the choice.

Her spirit energy improved.

Previously she got the technique of spirit out of the body technique from the father of Dan Kato.

She still has to practice it and understand it.

But now she directly got the technique for use directly just like the yin seal before.

She was happy about that as Dan Kato ate the ramen without a doubt.

Tsunade did not notice this either as she completely trusts Shizuka.

With that the days moved on.

Another two years passed by and Shizuka’s current chakra and techniques have already reached Kage level.

Also she learnt sage techniques and sealing techniques almost completely.

The finishing touches are all that was left.

Mito also became far weaker over the years, she would not live long.

In the original plot she should die in the year 53.

That is 2 years after the start of the second Shinobi war.

Shizuka has many goals during this time.

She has to achieve them all before it was too late.

Only with enough power she can do many things.

For that she has to first complete the mastering of her own power.

Even though she has reached the Kage level chakra, physical energy and spirit energy and even the natural chakra, she was unable to open the Mangekyō Sharingan yet.

May be a trigger is required for that.

Or she has to fight a life and death battle to stimulate a little to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan.

As for Fugaku he is 17 years old and she should awaken Mangekyō Sharingan in a few years.

Shizuka was waiting for that opportunity and to replace the eyes.

This is one of the important plots that needed to be completed.

Gaining more power is important but one must also reduce the power of other people to become strong.

As long as Fugaku opens her Mangekyō Sharingan she would become the target of Shizuka.

She can simply put her to sleep during the night and switch the eye of Fugaku.

Or she can use the spirit out of the body technique to possess the body of Fugaku to gain her eyes easily.

Whatever the way Shizuka uses she will use the one that has the best chance of success.

As for Dan Kato she never goes with other woman other than Tsunade.

Recently he was frustrated because his thing stopped standing when he is in close contact with Tsunade.

He went to the doctors to check and found that he has officially become a eunuch.

But he could not accept this.

He doesn’t know when this has happened.

He was a little reluctant to ask help from Tsunade but he still asked.

After checking Tsunade found that this is actually curable.

But it will take few years of time for complete curing.

Shizuka was there at that time as Tsunade explained this issue to Shizuka as a medical student and her apprentice.

Also this year Shizuka is going to graduate from the ninja academy along with Mikoto and Himeko.

There is also Hyuga brothers but Shizuka did not care about them.

As for other players they are not doing much drawing attention.

They are seriously powering up for the upcoming war.

They have to prepare if not they would die in the war without achieving anything.

So they did not bother to find other players.

Everyone is on their own doing their best to gain some good things.

Also Shizuka is looking forward to meeting someone in the next year.

It is the red head princess Kushina.

The reason why she was close to Minato is because she wanted to come into contact with Kushina through him naturally.

This way it would not arouse the doubt of third Hokage and solve his problem.

With that in mind Shizuka made her first approach target as Minato.

Well everything is successful.


On the day of the graduation Shizuka performed better than others as she was training with Tsunade it was normal.

But her performance is only slightly better than others.

Now she will not be sent to join any team instead she will be taken under Tsunade directly.

But others would have to work their way normally.

Everyone in the class was split into groups with each in their own team.

Tsunade did not come as Shizuka has to go to her.

After some small talk with her friends she came to the Senju clan compound.

No one stopped him because of her official status.

Chapter 413: destruction of Uzumaki clan

After some small talk with her friends she came to the Senju clan compound.

No one stopped him because of her official status.

Also they actually like her more even though she is an Uchiha.

Shizuka is not prideful instead she has cheerful personality and they have a strange connection with her that make them feel that she is one of their own.

Also Shizuka has many admirers in the academy that tried to hit on her.

Shizuka came to Tsunade and she took her to the mission’s hall on the very day to get her to start the things.

Unlike others Shizuka has to complete the missions alone.

But she was capable so the three man team was not added.

Then something strange happened.

Because of some accidents third Hokage told Shizuka to join a team that only has 2 members.

When Shizuka saw the members she was literally shocked.

It was Mikoto and Himeko.

That is right these two people are from strong background and they all use eye abilities.

Third Hokage thought for a while and decided that this team has two women and one man unlike the normal team arrangements.

As for both Himeko and Mikoto, after this normal training they would be trained by the ninja of their clan.

Since Shizuka is a medical ninja under Tsunade this team was formed.

For now Mikoto and Himeko did not have any teachers right now and Tsunade would have to take care of the things for the time being.

Or third Hokage would send someone for the job of leading the team temporarily.

With that their training as a three man team started.

No one thought of how Hiashi and Fugaku would think when they saw the situation.

They thought that nothing would happen as they are still kids.

Well Shizuka was very good at what she does and their missions are completed quickly.

When Hiashi found out about this he went to report to the current clan head.

But it is of no use and he was reprimanded back instead.

He was told to concentrate more to practice their family Jutsu more instead of complaining.

Also not to spout nonsense as girls and girls would not mix in.

Well he was disappointed, he was angry.

But he could not do anything to Shizuka because of her current status.

The team of Shizuka, Mikoto and Himeko became famous in just a month.

In just a month they completed more than 50 D rank missions with a very high efficiency.

The hidden things would be found by Himeko and the search and capture were done by Shizuka and Mikoto.

Their team without a teacher worked so well.

Tsunade did the test for their team for the team work at the beginning to catch the bells.

It seems like their common testing method.

In that Shizuka actually caught the tits of the three girls intentionally or accidentally.

Finally she was the one that was tied to a pole and got fed with by the two cuties making the people that watched the scene envious.

Fugaku that returned after a month of all this became so furious that he went to talk to his father.

But the result is same as Hiashi because Mikoto is 12 years old and still a kid in their eyes.

Also Shizuka is also a girl and they did not care even if the girls and girls get on.

Even though she was set to Fugaku, he still has to wait till she turned 18 to get her.

On the other hand the players that noticed Shizuka found that she was definitely a player.

Also they were very envious of what Shizuka achieved.

Other than that they were attracted to Shizuka romantically because of her beauty and approach.

They wanted to meddle in various ways but none of that worked and instead got them into trouble.

Some players strangely vanished which means they died.

The reason for this, no one knows.

Even Anbu could not find the details as they were killed by Shizuka and are stored in storage scrolls.

They were kept in the system space.

Shizuka already got their things as her reward through treasure boxes.

So everything is fine for her.

Few more months passed by and it is year 50.

At this time there is news that the Uzumaki clan is being attacked by the hidden mist village.

Shizuka knows that the situation where Kushina would be the only one that would be rescued.

Third Hokage would show the reason that the other three ninja villages were eying for them to move the troops to help Uzumaki clan for support to attack them.

This way Mito would not be able to move and they would only save Kushina.

The purpose is also clear as they wanted to make her as the next jinchūriki.

Being the princess of the Uzumaki clan she possesses the highest amount blood purity.

So she was directly selected as the target of rescue.

For that third Hokage did not even sent his disciples.

Shizuka already knows about all this and she did not tell any of that to Mito for now.

She will speak about this after Kushina arrives here.

Well Mito might already know but Kushina did not know about this.

Shizuka can use this to slowly move Kushina to her side.

Shizuka can connect to Kushina in two ways.

One is through Minato and the other is through Mito.

In either way she can slowly turn her heart towards her.

Also she has the thought of becoming the Hokage and become close to the people here.

Shizuka can even fulfill that too.

There is another thing related to Mikoto being friends with Kushina.

Well this did not happen yet but she can help that happen faster.

With the things on hand he can achieve many good connections and make things move faster.

Also in the past 6 months he and the team completed over 200 D rank missions and 60 C rank missions.

Chapter 414: Susanoo with three tomoe Sharingan

With the things on hand he can achieve many good connections and make things move faster.

Also in the past 6 months he and the team completed over 200 D rank missions and 60 C rank missions.

With that they are able to directly promote to Chunin rank from Genin rank.

Well it is more than enough.

The rank was not increased because of the current situation outside is not good and the clans behind the girls did not want them to have any accidents.

If they are promoted to Chunin rank then they can take B rank missions to go out of the village to perform then with other teams.

Also they did not expect them to improve and complete so many missions in such a short amount of time.

Currently the small skirmishes are happening between hidden leaf village and other villages.

They are actually probing to see if Mito is still alive and well or not.

On the side of the hidden cloud village killer B became the jinchūriki of the 8 tails and is currently going through the training process of controlling 8 tails completely.

That is not all the 4 tails also has a jinchūriki and the hidden stone village is also on the high.

As for the hidden sand village, they are planning to form a relation with Danzo to over through third Hokage and replace him as the next Hokage.

Just like that many things are going in different directions right now.

The tense atmosphere in the village is also the sign of the coming war.

Shizuka on the other hand has mastered the sage technique and other thing from immortal slug Katsuya.

Actually the one that is doing the quests outside is actually Shizuka’s wooden clone all this time.

On the other hand her real body is in the spirit world.

She completed learning the sage technique in 2 months and the remaining time she mastered the technique to perfection.

Well she did not reach the god level as the system said.

But she completed the master level perfectly.

Her chakra control and all other techniques or skills reached master level perfectly.

Even the flying thunder god technique was practiced to adapt.

Even though she got this from the system she still has to practice to adapt perfectly and use it more freely.

Right when she was 13 years old she has stepped into the Kage level.

But her Sharingan is still at three tomoe Sharingan.

It needs lot more chakra and spirit energy to completely step into the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Shizuka is now practicing the spirit technique to improve her spirit energy which is naturally impossible to improve at her current age.

Well the process is slow but there is progress.

When Fugaku opens the Mangekyō Sharingan and Shizuka replaces her eyes with that then she would get a big boost in the spirit energy.

This way she can complete the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan without even using the vitality of the Senju clan.

That would be perfect Mangekyō Sharingan than the one that Madara and Sasuke obtained.

She is trying for that currently.

Her body also started to enter puberty which should let her tap into her potential that she did not use till now.

The start of the growth phase is soon upon her.

So she hastily made some preparations.

As for the system it gave her a few choices during this time related to the quests.

But most of the time they are simple to solve.

Also the rewards are simple D rank and C rank techniques.

Only for teasing Fugaku or Hiashi gave her some B rank techniques.

But they are all useless with what she has on hand.

Well she would not look down on anything as small things can make big difference at the worst possible time in anyone’s life.

So she got the techniques by making and completing choices.

Because of her choices third Hokage’s first son and third Hokage got some differences.

Third Hokage’s first son thought that Shizuka is his illegitimate step sister because of how close third Hokage acted with Shizuka during these years.

This was plotted by Shizuka and her illusion.

Well anyone in the right mind can tell that Shizuka looked like an Uchiha instead of the summoned beast of the third Hokage.

Well his sons looked like that his summoned monkey lord from the monkey mountain of the spirit world.


Her Sharingan is only a three tomoe Sharingan but like Madara she was able to cast strong illusions and also Susanoo can be used by her.

Well she did not complete the Susanoo body yet because she doesn’t want to use too much spirit energy to damage the core of her eyes.

But it will be completed soon.

Learning the chakra control and spirit energy control has made her able to form two more yin seals.

Now there are 5 yin seals on her body.

The previous three are almost full and the new two are filling fast.

Her body started to enter the growth phase and she would improve even faster.


For promoting their team they were not sent to another village for the Chunin test.

The matter is a little sensitive and both Mikoto and Himeko cannot have any accidents.

More than those two, third Hokage did not want any accidents to happen to Shizuka either.

So they were directly promoted to Chunin level for their merit in completing the missions.

Currently the situation is not good and the number of missions is getting less and less.

Right now the low rank missions are already gone.

There are few C rank missions and most of them are B rank or higher rank missions.

Also the missions are related to tracking, espionage, assassination…..

These are not the missions for the newly joined kids.

So after the promotion the team of Shizuka was broken and each member was sent their separate way.

Mikoto was taken by the clan people to become a personal in the village police station.

Chapter 415: meeting Kushina

So after the promotion the team of Shizuka was broken and each member was sent their separate way.

Mikoto was taken by the clan people to become a personal in the village police station.

Fugaku was very happy about this matter.

Himeko was taken to the clan to learn some things that serving the head of the clan must learn as the wife of the head of the clan.

Hiashi was also happy with this change.

Shizuka was sent to join Anbu as the subordinate of Sakumo to learn more from him.

Sakumo acted as the right hand man of third Hokage at that time.

Also Sakumo got his wife pregnant during this time.

He will be expecting a child in a year.

So Kakashi would be born.

As for the people in the Uchiha clan connected to Shizuka, they had their own plan.

Shizuka was already integrated into the faction of her cheap father and even learnt some of the Jutsu.

He was training Shizuka to become the right hand person of his son Fugaku.

For that most of the important techniques of the Uchiha clan were made to learn by Shizuka during this time whenever Shizuka was free.

Shizuka also produced another shadow clone to learn these things separately.

Well that is not all he warned Shizuka not to have any thoughts on Mikoto and even told her that she is her sister in law and wife of Fugaku.

Well even though they are both girls it is completely different from his thoughts and don’t want any accidents for his son.

For appeasing Shizuka to give up on Mikoto, Shizuka got a ninjutsu scroll of S rank.

It is actually Izanagi skill which is actually useless unless that person wanted to lose their eyes sight completely.

It is a life saving technique but its practical usage questionable.

Shizuka smiled and received the technique.

But that did not change anything by much.

Shizuka continued to work hard and a few weeks later the red haired princess of Uzumaki clan was brought over to the hidden leaf village.

Sakumo was the one that brought back her along with few other ninja.

Sakumo was the one that told Shizuka about this.

Shizuka became close to many Anbu people within a short amount of time.

But her standing in the Uchiha clan is very low because for the records she did not awaken her Sharingan yet.

That is right no one knows that she awakened the Sharingan.

This includes Mito and Tsunade too.

They thought that her Senju bloodline is strong and she did not awaken the Sharingan.

On the other hand the Uchiha clan people though that her bloodline is weak and she did not awaken the Sharingan.

Third Hokage is both happy and sad because of this.

Without Sharingan his prejudice towards Shizuka has largely reduced while having no Sharingan means that Shizuka would not be very strong like Madara in the future.

But of the most part he is actually happy because he can control Shizuka perfectly and can become a perfect tool person for him.

That is not all for the current record she is only at Chunin level that is close to special Jonin level.

That is the same with all the ninja with any other ninja of that age.

Well she is slightly better in this and she is very good at medical ninjutsu.

So she still got good prestige among the people right now because she helped them heal and even saved their lives.

One of the times when Kushina visited Mito, Shizuka was called over by Mito to introduce her to Shizuka.

Shizuka spoke to Kushina and her kind and caring nature along with her devilishly charming appearance has won a place in her heart.

But she is still grieving over her clan.

Mito told her to not to reveal that she knows Shizuka to the outside world.

Even if she wanted to reveal this then she would tell that Tsunade introduced Shizuka to her.

Kushina did not understand about this but she accepted it.

In the next few days Kushina has joined the academy and Minato has love at first sight.

Unfortunately he could not make an impression on her because she has already met with Shizuka before.

It is not like Kushina is into girls.

Instead in her situation she would be much closure to girls to share her grievances and the strength and capabilities of Shizuka would make her want to lean towards Shizuka instead of the little fresh meat appearance Minato.

With Shizuka’s appearance the face of Minato is not that great.

Shizuka is devilishly charming while Minato looked like a boy toy and cute boy.

With these advantages it is not hard for her to stand on the top with few small tricks and get the girls.


As for the other players they might not even be able to touch her soon.

It is not like other fantasy worlds.

It is a life fantasy world where they were biologically born and raised.

In order to gain the power they have to work hard for that and obtain the power through their own efforts.


Shizuka has accumulated small number of chaos points this time when she flirted with Mikoto, Himeko and others completing small missions that was given in this life fantasy world.

After entering into the life fantasy world there will be small time missions that is changing life trajectory at every point of time in the life.

Everything would be a choice and based on the choice they would receive benefits or losses and the intensity can be changed based on the performance of a person.

It is almost like a real life which is why it is called the life fantasy world.

That is not all the trust she got from third Hokage, head of the Uchiha clan, Mito and others would give her continuous chaos points in small quantities.

This will continue till that person……...


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