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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 26: loosing virginity quest

With the rewards she quickly put on her dress and walked back to her room.

After coming back she went to take a bath because her body is full of sweat and her pussy is full of cum.

Her clothes were washed but the dress she is wearing is not sweaty and wet with her cum.

She sighed.

She put the clothes back for cleaning and then took a small bath.

After that she went to study and search for the remaining question.

She was able to get the answers to them quickly which was lucky this time.

She chose what to answer and what to leave.

After checking through the things she marked them carefully and stored them in one of the system grid space.

All she needed to do is to prepare for the exams on that specific day to get the score that she wanted.

She has prepared everything she wanted.

Well she can even use cheat sheet as she has space to hide the things easily.

But she has to be carefully to not to get caught in the surveillance cameras.

After the arrangement she went to sleep.

That night is peaceful.

On the next day she washed up, heated the breakfast and ate it.

Then she started to do some live showing off her body.

She asked the system about how many points she has to add so that her pussy can accommodate the big dick of the Harry later in the evening.

The system told her that she has to reach 5 points to her pussy body enchantment to reach that effect.

So she directly added the points to her pussy in the body enchantment panel


Body enchantments


Facial features: 4/10

Skin: 3/10

Mouth: 6/10

Hair: 4/10

Tits: 0/10

Nipples: 4/10

Waist and stomach: 2/10

Hands: 3/10

Thighs and legs: 2/10

Pussy: 5/10

Ass: 2/10


Currently available points: 31


(Average beauty has 3/10 points in any body enchantment)

(1 point requires 1000 lust points)

(Disproportionate points would cause adverse effect. Consult system before making any improvements)


With this improvement she can take a dick inside her pussy right now.

But it can further be improved in the future.

She also heard from the system that there will be extra rewards from the system for losing the virginity other than losing the virginity to the flat chest lover Harry.

She touched her pussy and found that it became tenderer and very beautiful to look.

But compared to the remaining body the difference is not that great.

“May be the insides are more beautiful and pleasurable.”

She thought to herself.

She already communicated with Harry in the morning and they decided to meet up at a hotel in the afternoon for lunch and then they would move on.

As for dressing, today she would wear a mini skirt and a shot band that covers her nipples with a small jacket on the top.

Also she is not wearing any panties.

She has a bag with few clothes and necessities in the storage space.

She would use that when necessary.

After dressing up she left this place and came to the subway to travel to the hotel.

On the way she did not attract much attention.

Well anyone that looked at her took a second look but then looking at her flat chest they moved their eyes.

Because of this she did not receive much attention.

She quickly made it to the hotel and Harry is already waiting for her.

They went to have lunch first.

Well it is not some super lunch but compared to what Rita usually ate before getting the system this was good.

Then they booked a room and went inside.

Harry was a little shy in this situation.

On the other hand Rita was excited.

After coming to this place they started to kiss.

Then slowly they started to undress each other.

He started to lick the nipples of Rita while Rita held his head close to her chest letting him play with them as he pleases.

Slowly he moved all the way to the bottom licking her belly button on the way and reached her clit.

With the previous improvement her clit and pussy became very tender.

There is no pubic hair above as she shaved everything clean.

Then she started to lick her pussy while his hands are on her tits pinching and twisting them slowly.

The moans of Rita were sweet music to the ears of Harry.

With her moans he licked her more and more.

By the time Rita reached her limit, he felt it.

So he pinched her nipples hard and then bit on her clit.

Immediately she has a squirting orgasm.

This is the special effect that Rita got after improving the body enchantment points of her pussy to 5 points.

All of that was sprayed on the face of Harry.

Harry did not sway and continued to lick her pussy cleaning her.

“No don’t lick it more, I am sensitive.”

Rita said but Harry did not stop.

Instead he moved even faster as he inserted his tongue inside her pussy and started to lick inside.

With the excitement reached its peak.

Rita arched her back and her legs stretched with her body trembled.

She released another squirt that sprayed on the face of Harry.

With that Harry stopped there and gave his dick to Rita to suck on it and make it ready to enter her pussy.

Rita was very diligent and started to suck on it like sucking on a chicken drumstick or a candy bar.


As she went on and one with her heavenly mouth the dick started to release some pre cum.

From the start to the end Harry never let go of the nipples of Rita and played with them more than more making her more and more aroused.

With her tits being pinched Rita felt a strange pleasure as she started to touch her pussy with her free hand.

Chapter 27: Rita lost her virginity

From the start to the end Harry never let go of the nipples of Rita and played with them more than more making her more and more aroused.

With her nipples being pinched Rita felt a strange pleasure as she started to touch her pussy with her free hand.

After a little while the dick is full erect and ready to go rampage in her virgin pussy.

With that done the big man Harry laid back on the bed with his erected dick standing tall like a pillar.

Rita was standing on the bed with her pussy right on the top of the dick.

She started to squat down slowly till the dick touched her pussy lips sending a electric current from the back of her spine to her brain.

Even though from her memories she knows how she lost her virginity in another life.

But the real thing is a real thing after all.

She positioned her pussy straight against the head of the dick.

She used one hand to spread her pussy lips while the other hand was used to position the dick straight into her pussy.

She slowly squatted down and the tip of the dick went into her small pussy.

But it stuck at this point.

She slowly wiggled her pussy to move the head of the dick into her pussy.

But she stopped again because of the intense pain that came from breaking her hymen and stretching her pussy.

She stopped at this point with tears in her eyes and said to Harry.

“Harry, can you help me a little.

When I count to three, you have to pull me down…okay…







The big dick went straight impaling her pussy all the way to her womb.

At the same time drops of blood started to flow out of her pussy along the dick connecting point.

Rita moaned and screamed at the same time because of the pain.

But her mouth has a smile from the intense pleasure and pain.

She wanted to say one, two, and three and go….

But she swallowed the go world before and Harry also did not notice this.

So the current situation happened.

But still she lost her virginity successfully.

This made her happy as she is free to fuck anyone she wanted to fuck.

Also there is still her ass that is a virgin.

For that, may be the system would give a new quest.

In the current quest it was only stated that she has to lose the virginity of her pussy but not her ass.

Well her mind is not in a position to think of these things as she was in the deep cover of pain and pleasure.

Harry did not move her and he is enjoining the tightness of her virgin pussy that is crushing his dick right now.

As this went on for a few moments Harry put his hands on the hips of Rita and moved her ass letting his dick come out and plunge into her pussy again.


Rita moaned hard and then let out a small squirt from the pleasure.

Harry did not stop and started to move her hips with his hands till Rita started to move on her own.

Rita moaned as she moved gaining the pleasure from the depths of her pussy being rubbed against by this big dick.

The rhythmic slapping sound slowly formed with the collusion of their skin and flesh.

At that time Harry changed the position and started to fuck her in missionary position with the moans of Rita.

Finally when he was about to cum Rita spoke.

“Please cum inside me.

It is a safe day.”

“Are you sure?”

Harry asked again and Rita answered.

“Yes please fill me up with your hot cum.

I want it to over flow with your cum today.

Rita said.

She was confident because of one of the system rewards of super child pregnancy.

This will let her absorb all the good genes of many people that fucked her and become pregnant when she wanted.

Also the DNA of her child would be related to the designated father she chooses.

Finally the child born would have all the good genes from all the other people that fucked her till then.

Also she can choose if the child born is a girl or a boy.

These are all the good things with the special body enchantment of super child pregnancy.

So Rita let Harry cum inside.

The moment, she lost her virginity to the dick of Harry she got all the rewards that were mentioned before.

She is also immune to all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases.

With these good things she let go of her fear and started to enjoy the pleasure.

With the consent of Rita Harry cummed inside her and then pulled out his dick.

The cum inside started to flow out slowly mixed in with pieces of her hymen and few drops of blood.

This did not stop here.

Rita was flipped with her ass pointing out and Harry got on the top of her.

She was pressed on the bed because of his overweight and his dick plunged into her pussy again stopping the cum from flowing out.

His hands moved to the nipples of Rita and started to pinch them hard as he started to move his hips fucking her like a mad bull.

Rita moaned from the pleasure and the slapping sound of her butt cheeks and the pot belly of Harry made a strange music with all kinds of sounds.

Her pussy started to make the lewd noises with her moans and movements of Harry.

Finally he gave her another load of cum inside her pussy.

His dick started to lose its power.

Rita wanted a little more so she started to lick his dick to make it strong again and they went on another round in the puppy dog position.

Also her ass received few strong slaps turning it red.

Chapter 28: giving it to the land lord again

Rita wanted a little more so she started to lick his dick to make it strong again and they went on another round in the puppy dog position.

Also her ass received few strong slaps turning it red.

There are clear hand prints on her ass from the slaps of the big hands of Harry.

After a little while Rita lied down on the bed sleeping form the exhaustion.

Her pussy lips are red from losing virginity and taking in such a big dick for the first time.

For keeping the memory of this Rita asked Harry to record the entire thing and even took the images and video of her creampied.

Everything that happened just now was fully recorded.

Rita would edit this later and put it all in the adult sites to get more money and views.

But she is having a hard time moving her legs.

Harry ordered some chicken soup for her to recover quickly.

After getting the things Harry waited till Rita woke up in the evening.

Rita drank the hot chicken soup and did not do another round right now.

Her pussy is not in a situation to get another dick grind inside right now,

She would think about that later.

For now she decided to take rest for the day.

The system also said the same,

There are quite a few notifications for her to check but she is not in a mood to check them.

She decided to return back to her room.

But travelling is a little hard for her.

She is rich now.

So she directly got a taxi for her to travel back home.

Harry also left after she got on the taxi.

Right then Rita received a quest.


Quest: taxi driver blowjob.

Description: show your pussy to the taxi driver and explain him that you just lost virginity today and could not walk properly.

Offer him a blow job in return for reducing some of the taxi fare.

Rewards: host would get the 100 lust points for one blow job.


The eyes of Rita lit up as the amount of gain is far more than the taxi fare and it was a complete gain.

This is three birds with one stone.

First she would gain the lust points

Second she would reduce the taxi fare.

Third is that her blowjob proficiency would improve even though she cannot see that.

So everything is a gain for her with this quest.

With the newly gained confidence she immediately called spoke to the driver.

But before that she pulled up her dress revealing her swollen red pussy and said.

“Mr. Driver, I just lost my virginity.

See my pussy has swollen and red.

That is why I called the taxi to go back to my room.

But I only have half of the fare money.

If you want I can give a blow job for the other half of the fare…”

With her cute words and with the help of the silver tongue she was able to convince the driver to get a blow job for the other half of the fare.

After giving him the blow job she was dropped right by the side of her living area.

She went to her room and washed up.

After that she put on new panties after applying some medicinal cream to her pussy.

Then she went the room of the land lord.

On the body other than panties she is wearing a one piece.

Now that she is sitting on the top of the dick of the land lord and her one piece is already removed.

Her pussy is wet from the arousal cause by getting her nipples played by the land lord for a long time.

That is not all the pain and pleasure sweat combination has almost made her squirt again.

But she held back with her strong will power.

She doesn’t want to lose her cool right now and let the land lord play with her pussy today.

She needs at least one day of rest before she can use her pussy to play again.

After giving a blow job to the land lord he let her go.


But as she was leaving the land lord slapped her ass creating a loud sound.

Rita could not hold back any longer and squirted a little completely wetting her panties.

She immediately ran out of the room of the land lord and returned back to her room.

Then she went to clean up her pussy again.

After that she sat down in front of the computer and started to edit the videos of the day.

Also she does a live show showing her red swollen pussy to the viewers to examine her pussy.

She was really certified that she lost her virginity on that very day.

On the other hand she told them that she is still a virgin in her ass hole.

She did not decide to give her asshole virginity to anyone yet.

She would plan things based on the quests given by the system.

Then she sent to study a little before sleeping.

Her days are very peaceful and complete these days after getting the system.

After 4 more days she completed giving the blow jobs to the land lord during these days.

Also she was tempted by him to let him fuck her so that he would count it as another week’s rent.

After writing a contract she let him fuck her making her pussy swollen again.

But she did not care as she was happy to get pounded making her mind dizzy.

She was so into pleasure that she only felt pleasure.

On the other hand she also went on the regular raids outside to get played by the people that liked her body.

Her tits finally got a single point and stepped in to the A cup tits now.

She became bold and started to go out around in just boxers and small vest for some small things.

Chapter 29: flashing in the park part-1

Her tits finally got a single point and stepped in to the A cup tits now.

She became bold and started to go out around in just boxers and small vest for some small things.

That day she is currently riding the big dick of the land lord in her pussy with her ass being slapped like crazy.

The system told her that as long as she was frequently slapped on her butt cheeks it would improve by a point.

There is still 5 days left for her high school final year exams.

She has to prepare a little.

Also she was so into the exhibitionist thing and getting fucked that, she wanted to become a full time bitch.

But her reasoning stopped her from doing anything rash.

She has things to do and clear goals.

Only this way can she achieve the goals that she wanted to achieve.

After the exams she is going to prepare for the university exam which is just remembering the answers to the questions from the things she has.

After that she would follow the arrangements based on the memory that she got from the system.

For now she is riding on the dick of the land lord with her moans coming out of her sweet mouth.

With her mouth reaching 6 points her voice became sweet.

Her moans are more to the liking of the land lord.

So he made her moan more and more with slapping on her ass or pinching her nipples or pinching her clit.

Today they are going to do some outdoor fucking and flashing.

Naturally showing her body on her own would not make her more aroused.

Instead if someone makes her show her body outside and fuck her outside in front of everyone would make her more aroused.

So today, she accepted the offer of the land lord to go to a park and do as the land lord says to completely remove the rent for this month.

The system also gave her a quest.


Quest: a date with land lord

Description: Do all the things ordered by the land lord during your date.

Rewards: host would get 2 times rewards for all the lust points gained during the quest.

Also any improvement that can happen to body enchantments, skills and other things would also gain experience by 2 times.


For this Rita was very happy and immediately put on the over coat that only came to her thighs without wearing anything underneath and followed the land lord.

Also he just cummed inside her pussy,

So when she walks the lines of cum appeared on her thighs flowing down from her pussy.

Also her walking posture is a little strange because of getting rammed by a big dick till now and riding it by herself.

Her face is bright red and she smiled lewdly while walking.

It is already 9 PM in the night and there are not many people in the park.

After coming into the park the land lord took the over coat she is wearing.

Right now she is only wearing shoes, other than that there is nothing on her body.

This made her so much aroused that her pussy is leaking love juices continuously.

“You have to run around the park to find this over coat and return to me without wearing the over coat.

When you meet me I will fuck you in the park to show it to everyone in this open air.

Now wait here for a while before I hid your coat in the male’s toilet.”

After he said that he went leaving Rita to the open air of the park.

Rita felt a shiver down her spine not because of the cold weather instead it was because of the excitement and pleasure.

She gave her over coat to the land lord and after saying what he wanted to say he left quickly.

She has to stay here for 15 minutes before starting her search for her over coat.

Well she knows that destination but on the way she has to cover specific areas marked by the land lord to collect other things like vibrator, three clips….

The vibrator is to put them inside her pussy.

Three clips are for her nipples and her clit.

She has to wear them and then get the over coat.

Only after that she can find the land lord and have some fun.

This was his orders and she has to follow.

Her pussy is already wet and love juices are flowing like an open dam.

She could not help but touch her pussy and fondle her small tits to gain the pleasure and distribute it.

On the other hand she was ordered not to move away from the stone path into the vegetation on the side to hide.

No matter who appears on the road she has to face them flashing her body.

If they want to fuck her then she has to cooperate with them and get fucked.

Well if she doesn’t want to she can always run away from there.

The land lord is not that strict.

He doesn’t want some beggars to fuck her toy.

So, only decent people are allowed to fuck her.

She stood there while looking to see if someone comes her way and notices that she is standing there naked.

She is not standing under the light instead she is standing in the shade area looking around her vigilantly.

Unfortunately for her expectations no one appeared during this time.

Well it was exams time and the nights are not good for a walk.

So the number of people in the part is usually low.

So she did not meet anyone.

Well there is a timer on the side near the entrance.

She is standing near the entrance.

She found that the time they decided before has come and she has to start her journey.

So she immediately started to move.

Chapter 30: flashing in the park part-2

She found that the time they decided before has come and she has to start her journey.

So she immediately started to move.

She started jogging with her nipples and newly formed tits jiggling a little with her steps.

Well only she can feel that.

As she moved on she came across an old man that came here to walk.

She acted as if she was jogging and passed by him.

The old man did not notice it till she got close to him.

Even then he thought that it was a man because of the flat chest and poor eyes sight.

But when he looked at her at close range he was able to see the crotch where there is no dick.

There is a beautiful pink pussy with cleanly shaved pubic hair.

He immediately widened his eyes.

The shock made him almost have a heart attack.

Fortunately he did not have one.

But he could not chase the young naked exhibitionist girl.

So he can only watch.

He would definitely masturbate after going back home.

But she cannot guarantee that this old man would live tomorrow because of the excitement he would receive.

She moved forward till she reached a little open place where the vibrator dildo was placed.

This place has people.

Well they are a couple that is walking around.

The woman in the couple seems to be engrossed in her phone while the man on the side is helpless looking at her.

Right then he noticed Rita that was putting the vibrator dildo into her pussy.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

He thought that he found an exhibitionist pervert in the park during the night.

He has been very sad in his sex life with his girlfriend that is completely interested browsing through then phone than to have some fun with him.

Now that he found an exhibitionist pervert he became interested in trying his luck to get her.

So first he told his girl friend to go back slowly as he would walk around more.

Well his girl friend did not care about this and left looking at her phone.

The man sighed looking at the back of his girlfriend.

It is not like his dick is small or he is quick shooter.

He can really last for a long time.

But his girl friend is very little sex drive making his lives miserable.

After that he started to move towards Rita with lust in his eyes.

Also he has a thing for the ass of a girl.

He always wanted to fuck the ass hole of his girlfriend but she did not let him even fuck her pussy properly.

So where can he get to fuck her ass.

While he is making his way towards Rita, she was struggling to push the vibrating dildo into her pussy.

Then she suddenly received a new quest.


Congratulations host you have got a quest to lose the virginity of your ass hole.

Quest: anal virginity

Description: there is a diehard ass lover that deprived of love for a long time.

Help him have his fantasies come true.

Rewards: host would be rewarded with +3 points on the body enchantment of ass.

Host would receive 1 free body enchantment point.

The ass hole of the host would be extremely clean and no infection can infect the ass of the host.

Host would receive a special perverted curse “ass lover’s favorite bitch”.


She was surprised and immediately checked what the perverted curse is.


Perverted curse name: ass lover’s favorite bitch.

Description: the person bearing this curse would attract all kinds of ass lovers to touch, spank, molest, fondle and fuck the ass of the person.

The attractiveness of the ass of the person would increase to a higher level.

No matter where this person is, there would be someone that wants to play with your ass.

No matter how restrained they are as long as they saw the ass of the host they would immediately want to do something naughty….”

The description gave some understanding for Rita and she was happy.

At the same time she looked at the man sending her girlfriend away and stared at her for a little while before coming over to her.

She knows that this is the person that was going to take the virginity of her ass hole.

She liked the rewards and the curse very much.

She is hoping to have two dicks in her ass hold and pussy at the same time to ravage to make her feel the heaven of pleasure.

These are her thoughts and she immediately turned to the other direction letting her ass stick out to the person that is coming towards her silently.

With her ass up in the air ready to be played the person was instantly overjoyed and came to her quickly.

When his hands touched her ass, Rita suddenly felt a shiver down her spine.

“Mister, what are you doing?”

She asked knowingly but did not remove the hands of the man and let him feel her skinny ass.

Well her ass is not fluffy right now as there is only 2 points of body enchantment on her ass.

She did not plan to increase it for the time being.

But after continuous usage they would definitely upgrade to 3 points of body enchantment soon.

That is the reward that she is hoping to get for all the spanking that she received from the land lord over the past few days.

But she has great pleasure from that too.

On the other hand the system is quite happy.

The system that is Lilith is feeling all the pleasure that Rita is feeling including all the feeling that she had over these past few days.

At the same time the system upgrade points are also rolling quickly making Lilith more and happier.

She was convinced that if this goes on like this she would not be entering these low level mortal worlds later.


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