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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 356: a deal with calypso

“Well, Miss Tia Dalma asks so I will discuss things with her and come back in a little while.

So wait for me outside silently.”

The men had weird looks at Mohini and Tai Dalma and then they left the wooden shack.

After they left Mohini asked then question.

“Miss Tia Dalma, you should know what I came here right.

Also how should I address you, Tai Dalma or calypso?”

As Mohini spokes she stopped suddenly and then moved again sitting right in front of Mohini and said.

“Well you can call me by any of the two names.

You came here to get all the artifacts that I have here in my possession and to clear off your curiosity of what deal we made that you saw through your special ability of yours.”

Mohini’s smile receded and looked at her seriously.

But the smile on the face is Tai Dalma was still there and she continued.

“The seal on my body is weakening and it was time for my release.

Unfortunately I can only be released in this fantasy world but not to the real world.

This is the deal I want to talk to you about.

I want you to help me release from this fantasy world into the real world using the trident of Poseidon.

In return I will give you all the artifacts I have collected in this world as Tai Dalma.”

Mohini was not that tempted at the moment.

Most of the things here are just some nonsense props and a very few useful ones.

So Mohini would not be tricked like that idiot Davy Jones.

Davy Jones loved calypso but calypso did not love him.

She only wanted to use him to get him to release her.

For that she needed the trident of Poseidon.

Also the trident of Poseidon in this fantasy world is not the real thing but a replica.

Just like a downgraded version of the trident of Poseidon.

Some powerful weapons that are available in the fantasy worlds are not complete and real weapons or artifacts.

But still this replica has a part or piece of the real weapon.

Collecting all these things can let a person get the real weapon or artifact.

Mohini waited for her to increase the bid.

Mohini knows that the goddess should have a hidden stash or something more than that things present in this wooden shack.

Looking at the silence of Mohini and her knowing smile, she spoke again.

“What do you want?

Just say it.”

Mohini broke the silence and then said.

“I want to know the locations of all the other pieces of the trident of Poseidon.

Also I want a map that can let me locate all the treasures, changes and other in a large area when it was activated.

The map should be useful in real world and fantasy world.

It should not be permanent and can be used as many times as I want to.

The cost of activating the map should not be very high….”

Mohini spoke a few things.

The eyes of Tai Dalma widened immediately.

She thought that Mohini would ask her to be her women or something related to upgrading the arks ship or other things based on her understanding of players.

But Mohini actually stuck to the most valuable things in the deal.

Actually she was not sure that Tai Dalma has all the things he needed.

But if she asks for 100 percent then she might be able to get at least 10 percent other than all the artifacts here.

In the 10 percent Mohini would get everything she needed.

Also Mohini was sure that calypso did not know about the location of the other pieces of the trident.

If she knows then she would have already collected them before being trapped here.

They started to discuss back and forth on the price.

Finally they came to a conclusion.

Calypso offered Mohini all the artifacts here, along with the locations of few pieces of the trident in other fantasy worlds and

A map that has all the features Mohini asked but it will only work below ring 5.

From ring 5 things and challenges would change qualitatively and quantitatively.

So, accurate prediction is not possible from ring 5.

Well Mohini was very happy with the deal and immediately calypso initiated a contract between them using the fantasy system.


The contract is initiated from the story line character and goddess calypso.

The terms are as follows.


The terms are listed as they discussed before and Mohini looked at them carefully to see if there are any loop holes.

After finding that everything is okay Mohini added another point.

That is to Mark all the treasures, artifacts and good things that belongs to Tai Dalma and calypso in this wooden shack at the current moment to the time of releasing her should all belongs to him.

With that the things here would belong to him without any problem.

Calypso looked like she ate a fly.

But she still accepted the contract and signed it.

Mohini also signed it and closed the deal.

Mohini added this point so that she was hoping to get her to belong to Mohini too.

She can also come under good thing.

But the results should be found after the end of the fantasy world when the contract between them is complete.

With that Mohini smiled happily and then moved out of the wooden shack.

The total amount of time that Mohini spent on discussing is only a few minutes.

After coming out they sailed back to the black pearl.

Well will turner became a scapegoat for jack sparrow to settle the debt that he owes to Davy Jones.

Will is really stupid and he believed the words of jack sparrow.

So he rowed a small boat towards the flying Dutch man’s ship.

Mohini was still on the black pearl so she has the opportunity to meet with the…...

Chapter 357: meeting candy again

So he rowed a small boat towards the flying Dutch man’s ship.

Mohini was still on the black pearl so she has the opportunity to meet with the flying Dutchmen and their captain Davy Jones in person.

Well they looked as ugly as they could get and their smell is worse than that of the stench of hundreds of dried rotten fish mixed with all kinds of nonsense.

After they left Mohini moved back to her interceptors that is nearby.

Well they sailed to Tortuga port where they met Norrington that was reduced to a lowly broken man.

Mohini really pitied Norrington.

He is a good man and a capable man at that.

But his heart is too good to hunt pirates like jack.

Mohini has thoughts taking him but at that moment someone she expected and unexpected at the same time appeared.

Candy appeared at the Tortuga port and right in the bar.

She already found Mohini and came to say hello to her.

Mohini doesn’t know what to say.

Unlike Mohini she has entered the second ring a month ago after they parted in the mummy world.

Even still the difference in the strengths of Mohini and her is there.

Mohini is still stronger.

She was already in the strong range of the second ring.

“Hey Mohini,

You are so cruel.

You did not even tell me you came to the second ring and you entered this world.

Also why don’t you contact me?”

She spoke to Mohini in a fan girl voice.

Fortunately the people around are rowdy and they did not care what others spoke.

“I did not expect you to be here.

Well you see I am very busy with some improvements and coming to the second ring I did not have time to contact you….”

Their conversation went on as Elizabeth in the changed appearance of a man appeared beside Mohini and found that commodore Norrington is in bad position.

So she hit him and saved him.

Any way this is the man that loved her for a long time and he is a good man.

So she decided to save him.

Well he was hired on the black pearl.

On the other hand Mohini asked candy.

“Who are you targeting this time?

Don’t tell me it was jack or is it will.”

Mohini asked looking at her.

Candy smiled knowingly and said.

“Well there are a few I liked but the people in this pirate world are very unstable and it is hard to get them.

Since you already got Elizabeth then I think I would get William and his father then.

Playing with a pair of father and son would be fun.

Also there are few others that I want to play.

Well we can play too when you have the time.

Did you bring your ark ship out into this world?

I brought mine.

I really want to see your ark ship and you are always invited to board mine……”

She continued to speak as Mohini is having a head ache.

There is a spy of lord cutler here that is looking at the people.

Mohini did not bother to do anything to him as she is essential for the plot.

Before leaving Mohini gave him a letter and told him to deliver it to governor Swann.

Of course he can always deliver it to lord cutler instead but Mohini’s warning has made him shocked.

Mohini directly spoke about his family and this caused him to be fearful of Mohini.

Mohini smiled and told him that he doesn’t have to fear as long as he would take good care of governor Swann.

But if he does anything bad to him then she don’t mind playing with him to death.

With the words of Mohini the spy decided to deliver the letter back to governor Swann.


Will on the Flying Dutchman ship is trying his best to get the key.

Actually he is trying to get the key this time to get Elizabeth back but it is a hard thing.

He thought that Elizabeth would love him, if he was able to remove the warrant on her.

Mohini doesn’t know how candy would pull him and his father into her side.

But it is something that she can find out later.


Mohini looked at the ship of candy.

It was majestic but for some she painted it with pink.

Well Mohini doesn’t care and saw that there are many people on board and some of them are famous heroes and villains.

Rick is there on the ship in pirate model dressing.

Also every one of them is clean.

Mohini boarded the interceptor after her visit to the ark ship of candy and they followed along the black pearl into the waters.

Well jack did not have the compass so he has to seek help from Mohini to know the direction of the things.

Isla Cruces is the place where the dead man’s chest is present and Mohini already knows that.

Mohini informed jack about the island location while her clone is already there on the island finding the buried location of the chest.

Then they moved away from there.

This information was found by Mohini as she took out another fake compass to show off in front of jack.

The black spot appeared on the hand of jack the moment Davy Jones found that the key is missing,

He suspected that will was told about the key and the chest by jack.

So he let the kraken take care of jack and the black pot appeared on jack’s hand.

With the black spot on his hand jack became crankier and started to move around carrying his dirt jar given to him by Tai Dalma.

As soon as they arrived at Isla Cruces Mohini told them to hide their ships far away from the black pearl because of the kraken.

Candy knows what is going to happen and she did that too.

Chapter 358: the heart of Davy Jones

As soon as they arrived at Isla Cruces Mohini told them to hide their ships far away from the black pearl because of the kraken.

Candy knows what is going to happen and she did that too.

Also she was curious on why Mohini is travelling on the interceptor instead of her ark ship.

Other than that she noticed that the people on her ship are all strong people with long military experience.

Compared to the heroes and villains on her ship the crew on the interceptor is more or less on the same level with their experience.

They soon pulled out the buried chest and right at that time will arrived here.

Well he was really tenacious as he travelled latching on to the front end of the Flying Dutchman ship coming all the way here just like that.

He truly loved Elizabeth, unfortunately Mohini was in the way and the heart of Elizabeth belongs to her.

His eyes are clearly on Elizabeth.

Mohini did not leave her on the ship.

Well it is going to be a three way fight.

Killing Davy Jones with her hands would give Mohini some great rewards but it will also cause her to be cursed.

Mohini doesn’t want that to happen.

Now jack, will and Norrington started to fight over the chest and the keys for their own reasons.

Even if Mohini and Elizabeth stripped off naked and do a belly dance they would not look at them right now.

Will want to save his father by killing Davy Jones,

Jack wants to use the heart of Davy Jones to be free from the kraken.

Norrington want to have the redemption on his life by delivering this chest to lord Beckett.

Mohini also has something that she wanted.

That is the artifacts that were collected by Davy Jones using his heart in the chest.

But she doesn’t have to rush right now.

She can take care of the things slowly.

Without Elizabeth on the play the entire thing became more complicated.

But everything is for Mohini to watch.

Also there is one more problem here.

That is lord Beckett may try to command Davy Jones with his heart into attacking Mohini’s ark ship.

Mohini cannot let that happen.

Also the kraken is a mythical grade monster and there are unexpected benefits killing it.

The benefits are far more than killing Davy Jones.

So Mohini was hoping to do something like that.

She waited on the side with her people to watch the comedy show while the others are fighting.

Mohini doesn’t have to wait long for jack to bring back the heart of Davy Jones and hide it in his dirt jar.

Mohini is going to steal it later.

While jack is fighting with a crew member of the flying Dutch man Mohini sneaked behind the row boat.

Then she replaced the beating heart with a dead heart that she collected before and also replaced the letters of Marque with the fake one.

The replaced heart actually belongs to one of the flying Dutch men that did not rot away.

After that she left silently to the side of another row boat that she prepared for herself and for her crew that came along.

Soon Norrington came over and saw the dirt outside the jar.

He took the letters of Marque then the heart from the jar.

No one has ever seen the heart of Davy Jones so he thought that the fish heart is the heart of Davy Jones.

Mohini was on the side looking at the show from the row boat.

Finally after Norrington left in the name of diverting the crew of the flying Dutchmen the commotion is over.

Jack has hit the head of will making him lose consciousness.

They returned back to the black pearl.

Mohini did not go there instead she went to the interceptor and stayed very far from the position of the pearl.

The crew of the black pearl did not understand why Mohini and her crew are so far away from them.

Only when the ship of the flying Dutchmen appeared by their side did they understood that it was because of this.

Mohini took the heart and placed it in a sack to store it safely.

The interceptor did not do anything other than watching the action sea battle show

Because of their passive stance they were not targeted by the firing of the flying Dutchmen.

They have other headache to take care of before they look at Mohini’s ship.

Still Mohini and her people did not leave and followed the fight.

Mohini is going to show the kraken to her crew.

Even her ark ship is here.

Candy on the other hand is not here as she fears that her ship would be implicated by the kraken during the fight so she did not come along and parted ways half way.

Well she did not have a simulation like Mohini had so she don’t know that only black pearl and jack would be attacked.

No other player came to this location.

Instead they are playing their hands in business and influence.

Even Veena is working her way up using her business opportunities on land rather than on water.

Elizabeth wanted to help will as they are former acquaintance.

But Mohini stopped her and told her that it was only jack that would be attacked while the other would escape.

She doesn’t have to worry about that.

Well jack wanted to escape silently, but he returned back as he was sure that he cannot row back to the islands before the kraken would get to him.

Gibbs was given the gun by will to shoot at the right moment.

But unfortunately he did not get the chance to shoot as there is always a tentacle and there are also the problems with his accuracy.

Jack returned and made the shot.

The kraken backed away from the ship.

But it was also angry right now.

Chapter 359: threatening Davy Jones

Everyone got on the long boat to escape.

Will stayed on the ship and gave a hug to jack to tie the jack’s hands to the mast.

Well they are men and did not have a kiss.

Will tied him to the mast to get the compass that jack had.

He still did not forget the promise he made with Lord Beckett to get Elizabeth back.

So he took the compass from jack without knowing that this compass is actually a fake one.

Jack only smiled at the naivety of will and did not say that the compass he got is a fake one.

Well this resulted back to the main story where the captain sinks along with the ship.

After the black pearl sank, Mohini and her group heard another heart wrecking cry from the flying Dutchmen’s ship.

It was from Davy Jones that thought that his heart also gone along with jack.

Norrington drifted off and came to Lord Beckett after a few days with the fake letters and dead heart.

What Mohini wants to do now is to hunt down the kraken before moving on to the Singapore to get the map for the end of the world.

Well they still have to meet Tai Dalma.

Mohini doesn’t want to fight the kraken in the water as it was very dangerous.

Instead she wanted the kraken to come ashore like it appeared later in the plot after killed by lord Beckett’s men.

The strength of kraken being a mythical grade beast has 400 stat points in one of more specific stats.

But before that she has to get Davy Jones to work for her.

So Mohini got to work immediately.

She and her ship are already on the shore of a back waters area that leads to the wooden shack of Tai Dalma.

On the other hand one of her clones went to the ship of the flying Dutch men to negotiate.

“Mister Davy Jones, it is nice to meet you.”

Mohini said standing on the ship of Davy Jones.

“Who are you and what do you want.”

Davy Jones asked feeling his heart tightened, he can make some guesses.

“Actually Mister Davy Jones, I got your heart.

Not figuratively instead physically.

So I came here to give you some commands.

Well if you don’t obey then I have to kill you leaving the flying Dutch men without a captain.

Oh, my bad.

The person that kills you would become the next captain right.

Then I can control your things.

Well I don’t know if a woman can become the captain of the flying Dutch men.

But hey we have to try and find the solution for this kind of problems right mister Davy Jones”

Immediately Davy Jones moved his crab arm to grab the neck of Mohini’s clone.

“Who do you think you are to threaten me?”

But immediately his hands loosened because he felt that his heart was being squeezed just an inch away from life and death.

At the same time it would not kill him.

A half dead suffering has made him give up his attack on Mohini’s clone.

Mohini’s clone smiled and said.

“Mister Davy Jones,

I told you that I will kill you but not immediately but slowly and painfully.

So you have to make your choice.

Well I did not have many requests.

First of all I want all the treasures and artifacts on your ship.

Second I want you kraken to go off shore to a certain back waters river and stay there without fighting back.

That is all I wanted from you.

Well I would not return the heart back to you but at least I will not kill you.

You can make your choice and tell me.

I will wait here for your decision.”

In the next moment Davy Jones took out his gun to shoot at Mohini’s clone.

But immediately he felt a strong suffocation making him stop immediately.

“Don’t try anything stupid mister Davy Jones.

It will not work.

Your every move can be seen by the person holding your heart.

Oh, by the way I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Captain Mohini of the ship of fate.

It is nice to meet you.

Also the moment I die is the moment you will face the endless suffering.”

With that the Davy Jones fell back on the floor from the strong pain and suffocation.

It took him for a while to return to normal.

He cannot do anything to Mohini so he wanted to make Mohini gamble on their ship to make a different contract from Mohini.

But it did not work either as Mohini did not gamble with them only sat by the side on a rocking chair that came out of nowhere.

Mohini did not fall for the taunts of the crew, curses of the crew or anything.

Instead she stripped of the dress she is wearing and did a belly dance for them to watch making them aroused after so long.

She only watched them calmly without any fluctuations on her lewd face.

Their ridicule did not any damage either instead they are damaged from her dancing.

Mohini is not a pushover.


After an entire hour they could do nothing to Mohini.

A day passed by and still Mohini is fine without any problem.

They wanted to sink into the waters but immediately Mohini told them not to with a severe pain for Davy Jones.

Finally there is no other choice and the clone of Mohini stayed there looking calmly at the sea.

Davy Jones led Mohini to his vault to let Mohini take his treasures and artifacts.

Mohini did not take them directly instead Mohini prepared a system contract.

This is the best way to take things without getting a loss.

The contract fee is over 100,000 chaos points.

Immediately after the payment a contract appeared out of nowhere in a parchment form.

Mohini got the signature of Davy Jones.

Chapter 360: killed the kraken

Immediately after the payment a contract appeared out of nowhere in a parchment form.

Mohini got the signature of Davy Jones.

The contract includes a huge number of chaos points, all the artifacts and even the valuables of the ship transferred to Mohini.

Because of the pain and suffering Davy Jones did not read the contract completely and signed his name.

The contract is a true contract and took the full effect immediately.

Even if the captain of the flying Dutch men changes it did not affect the contract from Mohini taking what she wanted.

Being the captain Davy Jones has the highest authority.

Mohini was taken to the room where all the treasures and artifacts are placed.

Mohini directly swished it and took all the artifacts and treasures into her personal space.

The value of these things can be in millions of chaos points.

If the contract has any mishaps then the equivalent price can still take effect giving her the owner ship of many of these treasures and artifacts.

After taking these things Mohini made them sail towards the backwaters area where Mohini has already arranged cannons lined up for the kraken to arrive and die.

Mohini’s clone took a small boat to move to the shore while the kraken followed along to the shore and entered the shallow back waters.

Its entire body is out in the open and the cannons are set in a way to hit right at the head of the beast.




The cannons started to fire at the same time as the beast entered the back waters river.

It did not get a time to react as over 20 cannons shot at its head from various angles at the same time.

Mohini already predetermined the position on how it would move through the simulation and arranged the cannons in those angles.

On her signal all of her crew fired the cannons at the same time killing the beast directly.

Because of the damage to the brain it did not get a chance to even move properly and counter attack.

Davy Jones did not expect Mohini would kill his beast like that.

He gave orders to the beast that as long as it was attacked it should retaliate and escape.

Since it is a beast he can simply cover up saying that he lost control over the beast.

But the entire thing is pre-calculated and the kraken died in one round of cannons barrage.

Mohini’s ark ship is not here only some of the crew is here with the interceptor that is already gone.

Even if Davy Jones wanted to attack he did not have a specific target.

Also his heart is still in the hands of Mohini.

So he can only leave with sadness.

On the other hand Mohini received a notification.


Player has successfully killed a mythical grade chaos monster in the fantasy world.

Player will be rewarded.

Player is rewarded with see evasion.

Player and his ark ship or ark island have 10 percent less chance of encountering unexpected attacks of sea creatures during her travels.”

Mohini was very satisfied with this reward.

She heard rumors that form the second ring there is a chance of meeting sea creatures in the ocean while travelling.

Just imagine that a huge mouth suddenly appeared in the waters and swallowed the ark ship.

Or many tentacles suddenly appeared to wrap the ship.

Or a sea serpent suddenly came out of the waters and attacked the ship.

Any of these things is undesirable.

Yes, killing them would give mythical grade monster core and monster meat.

But the price that needed to be paid to get them is far higher than the value of these things.

So that is an undesirable outcome in the waters for any player or hunter.


Mohini shooed the Davy Jones and then went to extract the genetic essence of the kraken.

Even though it was blasted it was all here and did not wash away.

Mohini spent around 100,000 chaos points for the extraction of genetic essence form the kraken.

Well she cannot eat it completely.

Then her people came along to dissect the beast to take the eatable meat.

Mohini directly drank the genetic essence which gave her 10 percent of the mythical grade genetic essence directly in her status panel.

This means that there is no wastage.

The improvement also appeared with her stamina, strength and vitality and her brain.

This is how the 4 stat points are distributed.

Well it is strong with good vitality and stamina to fight and also it has the ability to understand human commands.

That is why the distribution of stat points is given like this.

After getting the things and getting the meat they moved on to meet Tai Dalma.

The crew of the black pearl and will has complicated thoughts looking at the dead kraken.

They don’t know how Mohini did this but they did not dare to make blind guesses.

When they came to Tai Dalma the story line went along with the plot and they wanted to save jack.

Well Elizabeth did not say anything or looked sad.

Only will and the crew of the black pearl is sad.

Mohini did not say anything but she too want to go to the other side and bring back jack.

It was very important for the plot.

Also Mohini is going to get Mao Kun Map during this trip.

Barbossa is alive with the help of Tai Dalma.

With that the group moved to Singapore using another ship.

The interceptor and Mohini’s ark ship were not used.

They were used for following in the dark.

Mohini has divided two clones that stayed on her ark ship and the interceptor while her main body went along with the crew of the black pearl.

Mohini would not let her women to be seen by others so Mohini did not let Elizabeth enter and she went along with Barbossa.


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