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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 81: Gilderoy’s jealousy

So he has to get the body of basilisk and few other things if possible.

With that he can continue with the future plans of making high conductivity and spell capacity cards for usage then.


During this time the dueling club was started Jonathan also signed up.

He would not do any amazing feat like others instead he came here to watch the show.

He wanted to see the show where everyone suspects that Harry is the heir of Slytherin.

Jonathan was discovered by Gilderoy that always wanted to show off.

Because of the popularity that Jonathan showed, he really wanted to do something to Jonathan to clear off his competition and to satisfy his ego.

Unfortunately for him all of his previous plans are not working.

There is dobby still at Hogwarts and he is silently protecting Jonathan as a friend.

Jonathan was very happy about this matter and because of this all the previous attempts of Gilderoy were destroyed.

Well Jonathan already had his protective measures against the tactics of Gilderoy.

But still having an extra layer of protection is always good.

On the other hand the wand of Gilderoy was broken into tiny pieces by dobby in secret using magic.

Then it was plastered just like the wand of Ron.

But dobby is really good.

It made it look like the wand is still fine without any damage on the surface with its magic.

Jonathan was surprised to know this and was looking forward to watch the show of the duel between Gilderoy and professor Snape.

Actually Gilderoy did not know about his broken wand as it has happened just yesterday.

This happens on the opening ceremony of the dueling club.

Along with many students Jonathan also came to the dueling club.

The big long stage is arranged for dueling.

Naturally Gilderoy ignorantly went on to the stage to demonstrate against professor Snape.

Jonathan looked at the show.

Gilderoy used his wand to shoot the Expelliarmus charm.

Because of the backlash of the charm he flew back all the way to the edge of the stage and made 5 back flips before stopping with the support of the wall.

He looked like a golden haired lizard with robes than a professor of Hogwarts.

Well Jonathan laughed happily without a care.

This is because the current background of Jonathan is hundred times stronger than anything at Hogwarts.

All the students laughed aloud but Gilderoy directly covered it up as showing his great back flip technique to stop the rebound of the spell.

Well no one buys that except the nympo fan girls of Gilderoy.

Jonathan did not want to pull his really image out right now.

It still has time for that.

For now Jonathan waited for his turn.

Jonathan that laughed the loudest was naturally noticed by Gilderoy.

“Fuck, he is laughing at me.

I have to get revenge on him.

Only I am meant to be the most handsome man in existence.

I have to remove him so that I can gain the most attention again.”

Recently after Jonathan became charismatic the word of mouth spread all the way to news papers.

This year they are thinking of giving the ‘Most Charming Smile Award’ to Jonathan.

So he became jealous and wanted to do everything he can to pull Jonathan down.

Unfortunately he was unable to do anything during this time.

Some of his attempts have even backfired on him like the special sneezing runny nose potion that he wanted to make Jonathan drink.

It accidentally fell into his hands and he almost drank it because of the mysterious change of glasses.

Fortunately he knows the smell of this potion and escaped the disaster.

If he drank that potion he would get a swollen runny nose that would make him sneeze once every half an hour for a week.

That would literally be hell and all the charm that he accumulated over time would have gone down the drain.

That was his plan but it was changed by dobby that came along with Jonathan for fun.

After standing back up he found that his wand was broken from his fall just now.

So he sighed and decided to let students compete instead.

He wanted to pit Jonathan against some strong opponent and make him lose the duel.

This way he would be able to pull down some of the good name of Jonathan.

For that he wanted to choose Draco.

Unfortunately he can only arrange for the Gryffindor students but not the Slytherin students.

“It seems that my wand is broken.

I have to replace it before doing any demonstration of dueling performance.

I think I should select a model student for the duel instead.

What do you think Professor Severus?”

Snape did not have much expression and decided to let the students duel.

But he did not pick anyone and gave the chance of picking a student on the Gryffindor first.

He wanted to see who the person is and then put someone that can duel against them.

Even thought he looks expressionless and stone cold, he was really a good person in heart.

With the consent from professor Snape, Gilderoy started to look around.

He made it so as if he was looking for a student to compete on the stage.

But he was actually looking for Jonathan to point at Jonathan to start the match.

Jonathan did not shy away.

He can easily read the thoughts of Gilderoy wanting to plot against him.

But Jonathan did not care about this either.

Jonathan can easily handle all the students here including Harry potter right now.

“Jonathan, you come to the stage as the first candidate from the Gryffindor.”

Gilderoy said with his iconic smile.

Jonathan also smiled back but the smile of Jonathan got more attraction than the smile of Gilderoy making his face darkened a little.

Jonathan’s smile is more charming then his smile making many girls that are fanning over him switched to the boat of Jonathan.

Chapter 82: Harry the heir of Slytherin

Jonathan also smiled back but the smile of Jonathan got more attraction than the smile of Gilderoy making his face darkened a little.

Jonathan’s smile is more charming then his smile making many girls that are fanning over him switched to the boat of Jonathan.

Jonathan went to the dueling stage and waited for professor Snape to select the candidate from the Slytherin side.

The person that professor Snape selected is Blaise Zabini.

He is the son of Mrs. Zabini that is famous for her beauty.

Another important thing is she married 7 men but none are alive.

They all died in a strange way.

Also every single one of them left her with a good load of fortune.

She can be called as the richest witch in the wizarding world.

Jonathan has seen her only once and he observed that her appearance can only be described with one world “Hot”

It is a miracle for such a beauty to exist.

Also her son Blaise did not have her beauty.

That is he did not have any feature that is similar to her.

Most probably he is not her blood related son.

Jonathan observed this and also fascinated by her beauty.

But he would not fall into the trap until he understands her true nature and the real secret of the deaths of her 7 husbands.

Based on the ancient medical knowledge that Jonathan studied from his previous life, he was sure that she is still a virgin.

But even still Jonathan doubt that she is actually human or some sort of other creature.

For now she is a mystery and Jonathan would not touch her unless he was completely sure of the situation.

Blaise came on to the dueling board.

They each bowed and started to walk few steps back.

It looked more like a cowboy duel in the Wild West movies.

Well even thought this is funny they say that the sword sparing duels and other things are also like that.

Jonathan took his stance and cast a simply disarming spell on Blaise at the fastest speed with a flick of his wand.

Immediately the wand in the hands of Blaise flew off and the duel is over.

Even thought it did not have many super moves and special effects the entire thing is quick and beautiful.

The entire duel was over within the span of one blink of an eye.

The people need time to register the thing and cheers busted out from the surroundings.

“Jonathan is really good at charms.”

“See he disarmed the opponent in the blink of an eye.”

There are praises from the girls below.

Many boys are also praising Jonathan for his quick movements.

Professor Flitwick that is also here looked happy as he was the one that taught Jonathan for the coming world wizarding duels after the winter break.

Jonathan was already chosen as a candidate for that and he is also going for the transfiguration competitions soon after the winter break.

Jonathan’s performance has made professor Snape become interested.

Also looking at the happy expression of professor Flitwick and the expression of professor Mcgonagall when she talked about the talent of Jonathan made professor Snape jealous.

He knows that Jonathan is also good at potions making.

So he has the thought of taking Jonathan to some potions challenges and competitions.

But unlike transfiguration and charms, potions making requires many resources and it costs quite a lot of money.

For this reason he did not called Jonathan for anything.

But now his inner desire to have a good student was ignited and be proud of a student have ignited.

He wanted to make Harry a good potions master.

Unfortunately unlike lily that is Harry’s mother, Harry did not have an inkling of affinity towards potions.

Instead like James potter that is Harry’s father, Harry is good with transfigurations and charms.

Well he was very disappointed with that but he could not speak because of his ego.

Any way Jonathan did a few good things for Harry and supported his plans to protect Harry.

So he has decided to sponsor Jonathan in learning potions making from him.

With that thought a creepy smile appeared on his face.

Gilderoy on the side was got his face darkened as black as the bottom of a pot.

He doesn’t expect Jonathan was so good.

Well he doesn’t know that professor Flitwick is teaching Jonathan about the dueling.

Then the plot continued with Harry and Draco dueling.

Draco let the serpent out and Harry tried his best to make the serpent not to attack other students.

Jonathan on the other hand pulled the student right in front of the serpent back and cast a spell to disintegrate the serpent.

Jonathan immediately became a hero in front of the people and the student for saving them.

Instead Harry became a villain.

Now most people believe that Harry is the heir of Slytherin.

Previously when Jonathan stated that Harry has Parselmouth many people did not understand that.

But now the situation is different.

It looked like Harry wanted the snake to attack other students.

Sometimes listening to the things did not have as much as visual effect in a life threatening situation.

Now they saw the situation Harry reached the top of the suspects list of being the heir of Slytherin.

Draco on the side is happy that he damaged the connections of Harry.

But he was angry because Jonathan became hero while he became a clown that went unnoticed.

With that anti Harry movement started.

Even Ron believed that Harry is the heir of Slytherin and tried to find out if it is really true while still keeping distance from Harry.

Harry naturally understood the situation.

As for Hermoine she still believed in Harry and moved close to him sharing some criticism and few other problems with Harry.

But that is not all.

On the very next day the two students that Jonathan saved and shouted at Harry in the Gryffindor common room has been petrified.

Chapter 83: Christmas gifts

But that is not all.

On the very next day the two students that Jonathan saved and shouted at Harry in the Gryffindor common room has been petrified.

This made the belief of the people stronger that Harry is really the heir of Slytherin.

Even Ron believed that to some extent which is greater than before.


Harry was called to the headmaster’s office where Jonathan is already there talking to Dumbledore about some of the doubts that he was thinking off.

Also Jonathan knows that the phoenix is going to die today and reborn today.

He came to visit the phoenix going through the process of rebirth.

Coincidentally Harry was also told to visit Dumbledore.

When Harry arrived he looked at Jonathan and thought that Jonathan is the one that complained against him.

This made Harry hate Jonathan because many people hate him right now because of his Parseltongue.

Well he completely misunderstood the situation.

Also right around that time Dumbledore went into his study to bring a book related to runes for Jonathan.

So there is only Jonathan when Harry arrived at the head master’s office.

Jonathan sat beside the phoenix and looked at it without caring for Harry.

Harry looked the sorting hat on the side and asked it if it has placed him in the wrong house.

They conversed and Harry came near the phoenix just like in the plot out of curiosity.

Right when he came close the phoenix lit up in flames and turned into ashes.

Right at that moment Dumbledore also came back with a book in his hand.

Harry as if he was the thief started to speak.

“Professor, I did not do anything.

It lit up in the fire on its own…..”

Before Dumbledore could speak Jonathan spoke.

“You should read some books of magical creatures and plants to get a better understanding of the situation.

This is a phoenix.

It is going through rebirth this time so it would burn in the fire first and rise up from the ashes….”

Before Jonathan finished speaking he heard the sounds from the ashes of the phoenix.



Then a small bird like a chick appeared in the ashes.

Jonathan used his finger to rub its head slowly with a happy face.

Harry on the other hand was dumbfounded looking at the entire thing of life and death.

Jonathan did not speak any more and let the professionals handle the matter.

Dumbledore came over to speak with Harry while he gave the book to Jonathan.

“Jonathan, look at the contents of the book first while I speak to Harry.”

Jonathan took the book and started to check the contents.

Harry doesn’t know what Jonathan wanted to read and the connection between Jonathan and Dumbledore seems to be close.

Harry did not understand anything.

Dumbledore started to speak about the matter related the petrifaction of two students and it has nothing to do with Harry.

Also Dumbledore said that he should concentrate more on studies and leave the matter related to finding the chamber of secrets to the professionals of the ministry of magic.

Because of the other incident where two other students are petrified the situation was seriously considered by the ministry of magic now.

Also the mandrake that is required of the recovery potion of these petrified people was sent by the ministry for the emergency situation.

Harry did not immediately leave and looked at Jonathan for a moment.

Dumbledore knows that he misunderstood Jonathan and wanted to clarify the situation.

“Jonathan came here to talk about some doubts he got in his research.

It has nothing to do with the incident related to petrifaction.

Harry you go back and rest first.”

Harry left listening to the words of Dumbledore.

Jonathan looked at the affection of Dumbledore towards him which is around 75 points.

Well it is on the same level as his affection towards Harry so Jonathan was happy for the fair treatment.

After Harry left Jonathan talked with Dumbledore and decided that they would visit Gellert Grindelwald during the winter break.

Right on the day of the Christmas, they are going to visit Gellert Grindelwald.

Well Dumbledore is old but they still have a thing or two for his old friend.

Jonathan felt a little disgusted as a straight man.

But hey you cannot say bad things about the tastes of the people.

At least Jonathan is not like that which is good for him.

After that he returned back to the dorms.

Jonathan is a busy man.

Time passed by and it was on the day of the Christmas.

Jonathan got some presents.

First of all Dumbledore gave him a rare book collection related to ancient runes and formation plates from various countries.

This contains the wooden formation plates of elves lore, stone formation plates of Egypt, Panchaloha formation plates of Bharat……..

Jonathan was very satisfied with the gift from Dumbledore.

Then it was the gift from Flitwick which is a book experience collection of dueling tips.

The gift from professor Mcgonagall which is a book filled with her experience collection of transfiguration tips.

Then pansy gave Jonathan some baked products that she learnt during this time.

Even thought it looked like a disaster it still tasted good.

Daphne sent Jonathan a sweater and some sweets that she made by hand.

Romilda sent new suit for Jonathan.

It is not robes instead it is a suit which looked cool.

It is a black suit with violet lining and insides is also purple magenta.

Jonathan only felt that a pair of glasses is missing in this dress.

So he immediately wanted to send a letter to his loyal subordinate Kreacher and Wiley to bring matching glasses for that.

But he stopped because the aesthetics of each person is different and if it was a different race then it would be even more different.

Jonathan doesn’t want them to buy and waste money instead he would make time to visit a store to buy them.

Chapter 84: meeting Gellert Grindelwald

But he stopped because the aesthetics of each person is different and if it was a different race then it would be even more different.

Jonathan doesn’t want them to buy and waste money instead he would make time to visit a store to buy them.

Any way he is going to go out today so he would visit Gellert Grindelwald today.

The return presents to these people were also well selected by Jonathan.

Everyone got a present to their liking while Jonathan put on his new suit without classes.

It was perfect.

The suit has special adaptation function for size and temperature.

His current image is a young handsome 16 year old person full of vigor.

Originally he should be 14 years old but after the usage of time turner for so long he is over 2 years older physically then the age that is normally known.

Technically he is 16 years old and his mind is even older because of the soul.

Her first went to have breakfast in the great hall that attracted great attention.

Jonathan really missed a pair of sun glasses with magenta tint.

If they are present then he would look cooler than a super hot star.

Many eyes are looking at him during the breakfast.

After that Jonathan did not stay here and arrived at the Dumbledore’s office.

This was already talked over and Jonathan knows the password.

When he came to the office Dumbledore is still there with the things arranged.

The phoenix that was reborn is growing well and looked kind of cute.

Jonathan gave it some treats before going with Dumbledore.

The apparate straight to the broken castle were Gellert Grindelwald has imprisoned himself.

This is the Nurmengard Castle.

A building which Gellert Grindelwald himself had constructed and which, after 1945 following his duel with Dumbledore, became his prison.

It looked like a broken castle and Dumbledore lead the way.

They did not walk through the door instead they came to a still intact wall and Dumbledore tapped at specified locations on the wall.

It is just like entering the Diagon alley from the leaky cauldron bar.

When they entered inside they saw an old person.

His face is wrinkled with age and looked more like a beggar.

It is actually the person they are looking for Gellert Grindelwald.

He was once majestic like a prince but now he looked like a beggar.

Well time changes and the villain that could not win against a protagonist would fall into this state.

But Jonathan did not care about this.

This person has given Jonathan so many benefits that Jonathan can be considered to be Auror level right now.

He might be compared to senior level Auror and the professors at Hogwarts due to his young age.

But he was very strong compared to many at his age.

Also his knowledge and other things are already full in his mind as a memory.

As long as he worked hard he would be on the same level or even higher level than Dumbledore before leaving Hogwarts.

This really is a great gift.

The greatest return gift that Jonathan can give back to Gellert Grindelwald is the news about the success of his experiment.

The living proof of that is actually Jonathan that is alive and kicking.

Gellert Grindelwald when he looked at Jonathan and Dumbledore immediately understood that his experiment was success and the person came so quickly when he is still alive.

He was so happy that he started to laugh loudly.


I have succeeded.

I have really succeeded.

Dumbledore look.

This is out descendent with the strongest bloodline and characteristics……..”

He spoke in excitement and happiness for a while before coughing loudly.

Dumbledore only looked with complicated eyes without saying anything till the end.

Jonathan also stood there waiting for Gellert Grindelwald finish his happiness and calm down.

When Gellert Grindelwald calmed down Dumbledore spoke.

“You have done something unforgiveable again.

But yes you have succeeded in creating a descendent for us….”

After speaking Dumbledore pushed Jonathan forward and let Jonathan speak with Gellert Grindelwald.

Jonathan came forward and said.

“Thank you for your inheritance mister Gellert Grindelwald,

Even thought this is barely legal as I am still alive.

I appreciate the things you have given me.

I am grateful to you.”

Jonathan said in the same tone he spoke to Dumbledore before.

Gellert Grindelwald did not care about the way Jonathan speak and he was even happy.

He can see the cunning nature in the eyes of Jonathan which should be inherited from him.

So he only gave one advice to Jonathan.

“Do not trust the support of other people.

As long as you are strong there is nothing you cannot get.

Don’t thing in the concept of power in collective efforts.

As long as you are absolutely strong there is nothing that can stop you.


With the words from Gellert Grindelwald Jonathan smiled and said.

“I know and thank you for your efforts. (For bringing me into this world)”

After saying these words, Jonathan returned back and then Dumbledore and Jonathan decided to leave.

But then Gellert Grindelwald spoke.

“Wait a minute.”

Dumbledore and Jonathan stopped.


As soon as Gellert Grindelwald called an old house elf walked out of the shadows.

Even though it is old it looked quite strong for some reason.

It is as if this house elf is well fed and even practiced some fighting techniques.

Also this house elf is actually wearing clothes and looked more like a butler than a house elf.

If you see it accidentally you might even think of it as a goblin from Gringotts.

Based on the appearance he looked very capable.

Jonathan can understand why Gellert Grindelwald called Sebastian here.

Gellert Grindelwald wanted to give Jonathan to his house elf Sebastian to help Jonathan.

Also this house elf would manage the things and assets of Gellert Grindelwald.

So with the house elf all the inheritance of Gellert Grindelwald would be given to Jonathan.

Chapter 85: house elf Sebastian

Also this house elf would manage the things and assets of Gellert Grindelwald.

So with the house elf all the inheritance of Gellert Grindelwald would be given to Jonathan.

“Take this house elf with you.

From now on you are its master.

He can do many things and serve you well.

This is my Christmas gift to you.

Dumbledore take good care of him.

You may leave now.”

He said directly without giving any time for Jonathan or Dumbledore to refuse.

Jonathan doesn’t want to refuse and Dumbledore did not say anything.

But as the rules state that private house elves are not permitted at Hogwarts.

So Jonathan has to send this house elf to stay with Kreacher at 12 Grimmauld Place.

Well Jonathan has his plans and he accepted the house elf.

Then Jonathan whispered some things to the house elf and sent it to meet with Kreacher and other house elf.

While it is like that Jonathan and Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts.

By the time they returned they heard the incident where Hermoine partially turned into a cat.

Jonathan really wanted to take a look at the hospital wing.

But Madam Poppy Pomfrey would not let Jonathan inside.

Well Jonathan only spoke a few words to Hermoine before leaving there.

Hermoine don’t know that Jonathan would be concerned about her.

But she felt sweet in her heart.

As for Harry and Ron they became normal after a while and returned to the common room.

They found that Hermoine had an accident and went to look right when Jonathan left the place.

Even though they faced with each other they did not speak anything.

On the other hand while returning to the common room Jonathan saw the frustrated Percy Weasley.

He was frustrated because Penelope has drawn a line between them and she would not let him close to her.

This made him mad but he could not find what is wrong here.

As for Harry and Ron their plan has actually succeeded in finding that Draco is not the heir of Slytherin.

Jonathan returned to the room and wrote a letter to Kreacher.

This is about how to put Sebastian to work.

While it is going on Jonathan returned back to 12 Grimmauld place.

Jonathan has something to discuss with his house elves and also to talk to the manager Davis of the Gringotts bank.

Based on the plot in a few days right of the winter break Dolores Umbridge would make the law against werewolves.

This is a good thing for Jonathan to get cheap labor force to work for him in the cold areas without sun or moon.

That is to let these people go to Alaska for mining.

These people would not get jobs anywhere and they need to take care of their families and their needs.

So they need a livelihood.

Jonathan would provide livelihood for them and give jobs to them in an area where moon rarely shines.

Because of the werewolf bloodline they would not feel too much cold even in the cold weather.

That is the best place for them to stay and become miners.

Not normal miners but gold miners.

Jonathan prepared a magic contract already with the help of Kreacher and Wiley.

Now there is also Sebastian that is very professional in this kind of things

He checked the magic contract and corrected few points for Jonathan.

With everything set Jonathan went back to Hogwarts to get help from Dumbledore.

He cannot just set up a company at his age.

He needs the support of a guardian or guarantee.

Dumbledore can become his guarantee for Jonathan.

Although the current legal guardian of Jonathan is Lucius Malfoy, Jonathan can still make a few changes in secret.

With the thought Jonathan came to the office of Dumbledore and started to speak.

“Professor, I have divined something that would happen in the future.

It is like a vision where the ministry of magic would make law stopping werewolves from doing any kind of job.

It would be very hard for them.

So I have come up with this plan.

Please listen to it carefully.

As everyone knows that Alaska is a cold place that has moon light rarely.

This place is in neutral grounds even though its ownership has changed hands.

This place without moon light or full moon would be the best place for the werewolves to stay and live in peace.

I am going to form a financial company with the funds I have in my hand to make these werewolves into experienced miners and mine gold for the company.

For that I want to take the help of manager Davis from the Gringotts bank.

They would manage the business with small percent of fee and they would help handling the gold into the usable currency.

Not only this, my financial company will provide help for magical creatures that can work and make a living……..”

Jonathan explained his idea shocking Dumbledore.

He heard from minister fudge that they are going to make a law like that under the influence of a stupid woman named Dolores.

He was opposed to the idea but many people are in favor to this idea.

So he did not have the choice but to let it go.

The major problem for the werewolf people is that they will be out of control once they see the full moon.

Accidents happen from time to time causing the deaths of the people.

So even if oppose the idea about the law on werewolves he could not stop them from happening.

But the idea Jonathan gave is really great and very easy to handle the situation.

Dumbledore immediately became happy and said to Jonathan that he would support this idea.

Immediately they both went to the ministry of magic to meet with minister fudge.

But before that they would notarize the plan of Jonathan in the order of phoenix.

This way no one would use this plan and cause problems for Jonathan.


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