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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 71: detective Jonathan Black

Jonathan held this card and continued with his experiments.

Based on the current time his recorded age is 14 but his physical age is over 15 years.

For the last 8 years or so he is using the time turner and living extra 5 hours almost every day.

In a month he would be physically 16 years old.

The trace on the wizards is just like the age line drawn by Dumbledore.

It did not count the maturity of the body but counts the amount of time the body went through.

So in less than 2 years the trace on Jonathan would be gone.

By then he can use his wand as he likes.

But there are problems and he has to be careful.

The time slowly passed by and it was already Halloween.

Jonathan knows that today would be the start of the first incident related to the opening of chamber of secrets.

He made sure that his women are safe.

He doesn’t want any collateral damage for his women.

That day Harry along with Ron and Hermione went to the death day party of nearly headless ghost nick.

Well the party of the ghosts is repulsive and they decided to return back to the great hall.

During the Halloween feast Jonathan was enjoying the food with happiness without a care in the world.

The things that will happen today are none of his business and he doesn’t have to worry about these things.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside as the incident where the cat of the caretaker Flich has been petrified.

There are also the words on the wall.


Jonathan has already completed his meal and came out with Romilda and both Daphne and pansy followed him.

When he was out he went to the commotion to take a look at the real life incidents.

Right then he heard the yells of Malfoy.

"Enemies of the Heir, beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!"

Draco is looking towards Hermione right now.

Jonathan did not like these words so he silently came behind Malfoy and hit him on the back with a hard punch.

Well Jonathan is still in the crowd and he hit from between the Crabbe and Goyle.

Draco that received the strong punch moved forwards as if he was rushing and hit the wall with the words about chamber of secrets.

It is not easy for people to notice Jonathan and even if they did they cannot point at Jonathan because there is no proof.

Also because of his good image no one would believe the accusations on Jonathan.

They don’t want to mess with Jonathan because Jonathan can retaliate against them.

Draco that was slammed against the wall fell back losing consciousness.

Well for the time being no one cared about him.

Both Crabbe and Goyle were stunned for a while and then went to support Draco.

But they could not find the person that hit Draco.

Instead they thought that Draco did this by himself and slammed into the wall because he slipped when walking forward faster.

Dumbledore told them to take Draco to the infirmary along with the cat that was carried by caretaker Flich.

There is one thing that Jonathan did not understand that is why they should wait for a long time for the mandrakes grown by professor sprout are needed.

Also Jonathan looked at the situation where Flich and Snape wanted to convict Harry while Dumbledore defending him saying that it was some sort of dark magic.

But Jonathan suddenly laughed attracting the attention of everyone.

Then they know that a good show was about to begin.

“Professors I have few doubts here.

First of all Chamber of secrets incident should have happened in the pass of this school once and there is already a victim.

Why is it not solved till now?

Based on the situation on both times even a second year student like me can tell that this was done by a creature but not a wizard or dark magic.

There are few more points here that needed to be considered.

First there is a mild smell of poison or fishy smell in the air.

There is no sign of any struggle from the victim that was either killed or petrified.

There are signs of water present here before on the floor.

Harry here is saying that he heard strange noises of someone speaking.

I heard the sounds of rustling or crawling before when I was walking along the corridor.

The chamber of secrets is related to the Salazar Slytherin.

Based on all these conditions I can conclude that the creature is most likely being a snake type magical creature.

Then the other things pointed to the death and petrifaction is rare mode of attacking.

Based on the book of magical creatures that I studied there is only one magical creature that fits the bill.

That is a basilisk.

Probably the past victim must have looked straight into the eyes of basilisk and died.

The second victim Mrs. Norris seems to have seen the reflection of the basilisk eyes and was petrified.

She is not dead, which is a good thing.

Congratulations Mister Flich your cat seems to be lucky as it has survived the confrontation with a basilisk.

Then coming to the words on the wall, this was a warning from someone that hates wizards that are not from pure blooded families.

This means that someone opened the chamber of secrets and released a basilisk to roam freely in the castle.

That is not all there is to it.

That person should be utterly stupid because anyone and everyone that faces basilisk irrespective or pure blood or muggle born would die.

It is really surprising that the great Salazar Slytherin is an idiot to keep such a dangerous creature here.

Also there is another good thing I discovered that is,

Harry here seems to be able to hear the voices of the snake….”

Chapter 72: I accuse you to be the heir of Slytherin

“…Also there is another good thing I discovered that is,

Harry here seems to be able to hear the voices of the snake.

This means that he was naturally endowed with Parseltongue.

Congratulations mister Harry potter you can officially become the alarm bell for the coming of basilisk or locating it with your ability.”

Jonathan said with a voice that make others think that he did not care about Harry’s capabilities.

After he finished speaking Jonathan stood up and put on a pose.

There is an idiot here that likes to take photos for every possible thing.


So as soon as Jonathan was done with his deduction he heard a sound of old camera photo snap.

Jonathan looked at Colin that took his photo and smiled.

Jonathan is going to write a letter to Rita tonight about the current incident.

Revealing about the basilisk did not have any risks for Jonathan.

Also this would not make many changes to the plot.

What Jonathan needed right now is for those people to ask him to deduce the location of the entrance to the chamber of secrets.

Naturally wizards are a little slow in terms of logical thinking.

Well most of them are like that but there are still many geniuses in logical thinking in them too.

But having logical thinking is not enough.

One has to think unconventionally to find the holes in the situation and find the true source of the problem.

That is what Jonathan has shown just now.

The surrounding people were dazed by the deduction of Jonathan.

But they were also alarmed because there is a basilisk that is roaming freely in the castle right now.

This means that all of their lives are currently at risk.

Penelope that is also in the crowd was shocked by the deduction that Jonathan made.

She got a new impression of Jonathan and now she believed that Jonathan has told her about Percy with good intentions.

Well her thoughts are still complicated.

But he affection points have reached 30 points too.

As for Hermione she has a completely different thought and felt that she is inferior to Jonathan in this kind of work related to clues finding and solving.

Well she is a competitive person so she wanted to compete in everything.

Her affection points have reached 35 points directly.

Romilda was more moved and her affection points have reached 80 points directly.

She is getting closure and closure to falling in deep love with Jonathan.

Finding news sides of Jonathan would make any women curious and the curiosity is the first step of falling in love.

Well many girls are like this but the panic and fear of basilisk is more problematic right now.

So they did not have time to consider the feelings of love they had right now.

There is one girl that did not have good expression towards Jonathan.

It was actually Ginny that is being controlled by Tom riddle.

As for Ron that is standing beside Harry started to bit the ears of Harry telling about his conspiracy theory on Jonathan.

He is telling Harry that Jonathan is the heir of Slytherin because he is from a pure blooded family and also the son of a traitorous murderer.

Even Harry believed it for a moment because of the current situation.

While they are thinking Jonathan suddenly spoke again.

“There is one more thing that is basilisk is only moving in the dark corners of the castle where there are less or no portraits hanging around.

As long as there are lights and there are portraits they can easily discover the location of the basilisk is coming and going.

Professor you should take charge about this immediately for the safety of the students.”

Jonathan said with a smile making the professors present shocked and frowned at the same time.

With Jonathan’s explanation and pointed reasons everything about this was completely fallen into place of logic.

But they have one question that is how Jonathan knew that the first victim died without any injuries.

Ron was the stupidest of all people but he would get the weirdest doubts.

He directly asked and started to accuse Jonathan.

“You have only scene the cat Mrs. Norris being petrified without an injury.

How can you know about the first victim of the chamber of secrets?

I think you are the person that opened the chamber of secret and you are putting on a show to divert the attention of other people from you….”

When Ron spoke he continued to babble making others change their opinion of Jonathan.

If he knows that this was done by his sister, Jonathan doesn’t know how he would feel.

But Jonathan doesn’t care about that and spoke without a care.

“Are you stupid, the victim of the first chamber of secrets incident is still in the castle.

Well not in the physical form but in the form of a ghost.

Myrtle Warren also known as Moaning Myrtle that is in the bathroom of the second floor is the first victim.

If you talked to her carefully you can get the answer you wanted easily.

Well she did not tell me the complete truth about the incident.

Since you are so righteous, why don’t you go to her and ask her about this yourself.

You can be of great help to your fellow students and become a hero that you wanted.

Not put on your armor and the sword and go to Moaning Myrtle on your mule to get all the answers.

May be you would receive a kiss from her for solving her problem…”

Jonathan said the sarcastic words to Ron making him blush and turn as red as his hair.

Jonathan did not care about him and his information was true.

Jonathan did talk to Moaning Myrtle after he recorded the passwords of the chamber of secrets when he followed Ginny before.

Jonathan was very handsome and he did not mind talking sweet with a ghost to get some good answers.

Chapter 73: professor Dumbledore I have a doubt

Jonathan did talk to Moaning Myrtle after he recorded the passwords of the chamber of secrets when he followed Ginny before.

Jonathan was very handsome and he did not mind talking sweet with a ghost to get some good answers.

So even if someone enquires it is not a problem.

With the intervention of Jonathan many routines are broken.

Jonathan did not immediately return and directly spoke.

“Professor Dumbledore, I hope that I am not troubling you with a little question of mine.”

Dumbledore was impressed right now, after listening to what Jonathan said.

He also thinks that what Jonathan said is very logical without many flaws.

So he decided to answer the question that Jonathan wanted to ask.

“Professor, if we need if I know correctly the mandrakes that professor sprout is growing requires more than 6 months of time to mature.

What is the point of waiting for so long?

Why not just get some from the local market or ask help from the ministry of magic.

The current situation is dangerous and having medicine on hand is much better than sitting like ducks without any protection….”

Listening to the words of Jonathan the surrounding people froze and Dumbledore froze the most.

“Yes why have I not thought of that?”

He immediately thought in his heart and nodded his head.

“That is a good suggestion.

Since the target is identified, it is best to act quickly and prepare some medicine in advance just in case.

For you good suggestion and deduction I will give you 30 house points for Gryffindor.”

Dumbledore announced and left quickly after giving some orders.

Naturally the people around the protagonist would reduce their IQ and believes the rumors and accusations on the protagonist.

The current situation is the best example of this.

If Jonathan did not remind them they would not think of this and let the protagonist solve the entire thing.

But now Jonathan revealed this making things change.

Jonathan’s suggestion did not offend Dumbledore.

It is a good suggestion.

So no one thought badly about that.

Now that the things are revealed the professors asked them to return back to their dorm rooms and they are not allowed to go out without their permission.

While returning Jonathan met with Colin and got a copy of his photo from him,

Because of the excellent deduction of Jonathan Colin became a fan of Jonathan just like he is to Harry.

So when Jonathan asked for a copy of his photo before, Colin immediately gave one to Jonathan.

Jonathan immediately wrote a letter and sent it to Rita with the explanation of the situation.

Immediately on the next morning edition news appeared with big letters.


There is a photo of Jonathan being highlighted while the professors of surrounded in the image.

There is even Dumbledore in the image.

The entire incident is clearly mentioned in the picture along with the stupidity or Ron to accuse Jonathan for being the initiator.

The article is so good that it instantly became a hit and it even spread to other countries.

The name of Jonathan black became famous because of how quickly he solved the situation that has been a mystery for a long time.

Coupled with his picturesque image and his deduction have made him popular among the young girls.

This did not cause any problem to Dumbledore because he has already informed the ministry of magic and the branch that deals with the magical creatures to search and capture it.

They cannot just leave the basilisk like this and they cannot just kill it.

It is a fine specimen with long maturity so it has to be preserved well.

The division of the magical creature protection has good ways to capture it and take care of the big creature.

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart was shocked and was scared.

He really wanted to leave Hogwarts right now because professors live alone.

In his place most of the portraits are his portraits.

Even if he dies in the hands of the basilisk his portrait images would not come out to say anything because of fear.

This made him shiver from fear.

In the middle of the night he took a big leave of absence and wanted to leave Hogwarts right in the morning tomorrow.

But the sad thing is that he cannot go out and Dumbledore is busy with other things for him to get a chance to speak.

On the next day people from the ministry of magic and magical creature protection department arrived.

They have decided to take professor Gilderoy as a confident because he has experienced many adventures.

Jonathan was all smiles looking at the situation in the great hall.

Gilderoy smiled which is far worse than crying.

He got the best smile award for 5 times but right now his smile is horrible.

Jonathan did not care about that and looked at the show from unfolding.

Jonathan has already told about the façade of Gilderoy to Rita Skeeter.

She went to find those victims that got their memories Erased by Gilderoy.

When there is a charm that can erase the memories there are charms that can make people remember them.

She is going to do that and blast this bomb right when Jonathan told her to put on the show.

For this the credit was shared between Jonathan and Rita Skeeter.

With the arrangement they both are happy like two foxes making plans.

Even though they are far apart they gave out the same image right now.

The students are not sent back to their homes right now.

Instead the restrictions are increased just like in the third plot related to the escape of Sirius black.

Well Jonathan is still free to go around.

The people from the ministry started to track and they will stay at Hogwarts for the time being till they catch the basilisk and take it back.

Chapter 74: inheritance ritual is completed

Well Jonathan is still free to go around.

The people from the ministry started to track and they will stay at Hogwarts for the time being till they catch the basilisk and take it back.

But Jonathan did not plan for them to catch it as it was a treasure that he wanted to collect.

It is a beast that is living for a long time.

Its body parts have matured to a very high level.

The quality of these things was so great that they can cost millions of gold galleons.

So Jonathan is planning to take the chance to collect the entire thing after Harry potter killed it.

There is a small gap between the time Harry potter killed it and he was saved by Dumbledore and other.

Also there is a small time where Ginny wakes up and sees Harry saving her.

But Jonathan was going to occupy these things.

He will be there when the entire thing happened and hides in the spot to check the situation.

Even if Jonathan tries he cannot kill the basilisk as smoothly as the protagonist Harry could kill it.

Even though he has pulled out the information about the chamber of secrets and involved the ministry of magic this would not change the plot by much.

The biggest change would be the reduction in the number of victims.

There are two more girl victims.

One should be Hermione and other is Penelope Clearwater.

They might or might not be petrified after the change Jonathan made just now.

But he was sure that Hermione has more chance of getting petrified as she is important for the progress of the plot.

While thinking he was planning to proceed with his other plan related to inheritance.

He already got all the materials he needed for the process.

Because of the opening of the chamber of secrets the school was in strict curfew.

So, not many people would disturb Jonathan during the night.

With the confidence Jonathan went to the room of requirements that night.

Today they were taught about the chamber of secrets because of the question from Hermione.

Jonathan heard this and smiled while shaking his head.

This was noticed by Ron and he still thinks that Jonathan is the heir of Slytherin.

But both Hermione and Harry did not believe him.

Jonathan saw this and laughed it off simply.

Now he is in the room of requirements and started to draw the magic circle following the strange parchment that he got from his mother’s secret box.

After drawing the circle he started to put various materials at their respective places mentioned in the parchment.

Then he stripped off all of his clothes and came to the designated place of the magic circle where he has to stand.

Also the parchment with small magic circle was placed under his feet.

Then he took his magic wand and held it in his hand to start the magic circle.

The magic energy started to pass through the parchment with magic circle under his feat and immediately the entire magic circle lit up.

Whenever the material in an area was lit up the corresponding part of the magic circle in the parchment also lights up.

It is as if checking the quality, quantity and other things of the corresponding materials.

With everything in place at the right quality, quantity and other things to fit the ritual of inheritance to start, the parchment under the feet of Jonathan started to burn.

Even though there is flame Jonathan did not feel any warmth at all.

Instead the materials that he placed in the surrounding magic circles turned into a liquid of certain viscosity and started to flow through the magic circles.

They started to mix in at various junctions forming a final potion like thing and entered the magic circle where Jonathan is currently standing.

There is a magic barrier formed around in the ring where Jonathan is standing and a lot of pressure has appeared on his body.

He is barely standing using all of his strength based on the instructions in the parchment.

When the mixed liquid came in to the magic circle he is standing, it went straight into the burning flames of the parchment.

Right at that time a strange gas is released.

The moment that gas touched the skin of Jonathan he felt an endless pain which made him think that his body is melting layer by layer.

Soon the barrier space inside where he is standing is completely filled with the gas.

Jonathan started to scream but no sound came out of the barrier.

The barrier is for containing Jonathan and the gas from going out before the completion of the process.

With the colorful gas filling up inside the barrier Jonathan is not longer visible from the outside.

Along with the liquid the magic circle also started to vanish and recede towards the circle that Jonathan is standing inside right now.

The endless pain lasted for 7 hours of time before the gas inside the barrier became transparent.

Jonathan inside looked like a standing statue made of sand.

His screaming appearance was clearly outlined by the sand sculpture.

The process did not end here.

The parchment below started to send lines of test passing from his feet to his head like snakes and worms breaking the statues bit by bit and enter into the mind of Jonathan.

His body visibly trembled more and more crumbling the sand layer about his skin falling down on the floor.

The parchment below sent the information strands into the mind of Jonathan for 3 hours before the parchment lost its paper texture and revealed the final golden sheet of paper like a certificate.

Jonathan did not have time to check this thing as he was having a head ache with all the information to both his mind and body that he received continuously.

That is right he not only got the memory for the mind but also the muscle memory for various things.

Chapter 75: the real ancestry of Jonathan

Jonathan did not have time to check this thing as he was having a head ache with all the information to both his mind and body that he received continuously.

That is right he not only got the memory for the mind but also the muscle memory for various things.

This process went on for another hour before Jonathan could regain his consciousness completely.

Now there are many things in his mind.

It is comparable to the knowledge of few high level wizards on the same level of Dumbledore.

Also his body and magic affinity are all improved to the highest possible level.

Other than that Jonathan found the information about his ancestry or we should say the original ancestry of Jonathan.

The reason why the phoenix is close to him is not because of his closeness to the beasts in his past life but it is because of his ancestry.

He stepped off from the golden paper under his feet and took the golden paper that has some information written on it.

It was actually a letter about the identity of ancestry of Jonathan.

So my mother’s mother that is my grandmother is actually an experimental born person by Gellert Grindelwald in the year 1934.

The blood used for producing my grandmother came from Albus Dumbledore, newt Scamander, Gellert Grindelwald and traces of bloodline from some great unknown magicians.

It is very difficult to clone a person with the combination of so many bloodlines.

After many experiments she was born.

But still she did not inherit any of those great characteristics.

But Gellert Grindelwald did not worry because eventually the descendents of the cloned person can create a perfect combination person.

So he cut off all the relations with this clone child and let her marry into the Goldsman family.

This child is actually the grandmother of Jonathan that died giving birth to her daughter which is the mother of Jonathan.

Jonathan’s mother died giving birth to him.

Still they need a strong stimulant to awaken all the great qualities of these people in that perfect candidate.

So he left a magical thought to pass on this artifact box to the next generation person of their family.

The one that feels attachment to this box would be the perfect candidate that Gellert Grindelwald wanted to create.

It was his descendent that can awaken the bloodlines and characteristics that he got from all the great wizards.

With the awakening ritual that was called as inheritance ritual, Jonathan got the inheritance of capabilities of all these wizards.

But there is a problem even if a person has talent in playing chess, he still have to practice to unlock his talent.

Also that person has to first learn it before the talent can be discovered properly.

This is actually the second step of the inheritance ritual.

All kinds of information and experience that Gellert Grindelwald made was passed on to Jonathan.

It was only his experience and knowledge at that time of creation of this ritual.

He did not have any off springs and the person he loved is a man that is Dumbledore.

So he has decided to find a way to have a child with perfect characteristics from both him and Dumbledore along with many powerful wizards.

For this he created all of this in secret.

All the people that know about this are already dead except for him.

Now Jonathan is the second person being the inheritor of all this knows about this.

Fortunately Jonathan did not inherit their love towards men and he is still a straight man that loves women.

The consequences that the system warned him are that the change of destiny of many people that completely collapses the plot of the story as long as Dumbledore knows about this.

If Jonathan saves Dumbledore then Voldemort would not get the elder’s wand.

Dumbledore might not want to die if he knows that there is a descendent to him too.

But the danger is actually the identity of Jonathan being related to Gellert Grindelwald and many other old wizards.

They would want to take revenge on Jonathan that they could not on other wizards.

Those old wizards don’t have to know the name to know the identity.

There are many tracking methods using the bloodline like blood line curse being one of the applications.

Even though he got knowledge and fighting capabilities he will not be able to do that at his current stage.

He can only wait and slowly develop without showing his secrets.

He is not a protagonist to show off his power.

He is a villain that hides behind the scenes and only shows his pitiful side for sympathy from other while fucking their wives behind them.

That is how he is.

Jonathan went to take a soak in the hot water pool on the side to wash off his body’s fatigue from the ritual.

He is physically energetic but mentally exhausted.

So he slept in the hot water for a while before waking up and getting ready for the classes for the day.

But before that he has one important thing to do.

That is he has to show this golden paper to Dumbledore.

He wants to use every possible benefit he could get.

As long as Dumbledore knows about Jonathan, Jonathan was sure that he would be added to the protection list on the same level of Harry may be a little low.

At least that much can be expected.

So Jonathan went straight towards the head master’s office.

The password is known by communicating with the portraits on the side.

Jonathan came to the head master’s office.

As soon as he appeared here the phoenix flew toward Jonathan and started to show its intimateness towards Jonathan.

Jonathan took out some snakes that he prepared from his expansion pocket and feed it while waiting for Dumbledore.

When Dumbledore came out from inside he was dumbfounded again by how close his pet became to Jonathan.

Chapter 76: Dumbledore finds the truth

Jonathan took out some snakes that he prepared from his expansion pocket and feed it while waiting for Dumbledore.

When Dumbledore came out from inside he was dumbfounded again by how close his pet became to Jonathan.

Naturally phoenix are said to see the true nature of a person.

They would not just be close to anyone.


Jonathan came here to show his inheritor identity to Dumbledore because of one main reason that is to get the assets of Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald.

These things are valuable and all of them fell into the hands of Harry later.

Jonathan cannot let the wealth fall into the hands of that stupid Harry.

Also there are things that Jonathan can use for improving his magic power in the future.

If he is going to have a huge harem then he should have enough wealth to maintain them all.

May be one day he would have an entire class at Hogwarts with his students in the future.

Well it is not an exaggeration as he really wanted to do something crazy like that.

While he was thinking Dumbledore also came over with a dazed face.

“Jonathan is there something wrong.

You came so early to me to talk.”

Jonathan did not say much and handed over the golden paper to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore did not think much and thought that Jonathan as some doubt in ancient runes or something in this golden paper.

Well it was strange golden paper and he did not have many thoughts about that.

But when he looked at the contents of the paper his eyes have widened.

They widened so much that Jonathan thought that they would knock his half moon glasses from his face.

Jonathan did not say much and waited for Dumbledore to cool down and digest the information.

During this time Jonathan is not idle as he started to play with the phoenix.

Dumbledore looked like an old tree that was struck by lightning for a while.

He looked at the golden paper for a while and finally looked at Jonathan.

The message that appears on the golden paper is different for different people.

Usually it would only list out for Jonathan to who this should be showed.

The first name is Dumbledore.

So Jonathan gave it to Dumbledore to let him see the information on it.

As long as Dumbledore held the golden paper he got the information of Jonathan’s origins and some mocking words from Gellert Grindelwald.

Dumbledore read through the information many time and he was clear that it was all caused by Gellert Grindelwald.

This means Jonathan is related to him.

In a way he can say that Jonathan is his great grandson and after the awakening process Jonathan can also be called his son.

It was strange to speak about that.

At that time Dumbledore thought.

“It is no wonder that he acted like this during this time.

He got the habits of Gellert when dealing with people.

He seems to have gotten the potential to become close to magical creatures from newt Scamander.

It is strange for such a person to exist.”

Dumbledore sighed and looked at Jonathan with a loss of words on what to speak.

Jonathan took the opportunity to speak breaking the silence.

“I know that you could not speak about this matter.

I also only found out about this last night.

I tried the inheritance ritual in the room of requirements last night.

The result is that I found out about my origins.

Now that I know, I don’t know how to talk about that.

I can call you grandfather.

But suddenly calling can cause some problems.

So I presume that being the same as before is the best way of doing things.

You can think about this slowly and tell me what you think.

I enquired that Gellert Grindelwald is still alive.

If possible I want to meet him once formally.

Can you take me to him if you can?”

Jonathan said all of this without any interruption while feeding the phoenix.

Dumbledore sighed.

“Okay after the current situation about the chamber of secrets is solved I will take you there.”

Jonathan smiled and did not say much.

“Good bye professor.

I would not disturb you anymore.”

Jonathan said with an amiable smile and left here to the great hall to eat breakfast.

Revealing the location of chamber of secrets would not give him any good things.

He has to let the things move on so that he can gain benefits.

As soon as he appeared in the great hall he immediately attracted the attention of many.

This is because he has become more handsome.

But that is not the point.

He has this aura around him that is attracting the people towards him.

It is like a natural charisma.

It appeared on his body because of the mixing of characteristics of many strong people.

It was the potential that is creating the aura.

It is not a visible aura but an attractive force.

This would either make people stare at him or if they are strong willed they would take a second glance at him.

Also the impression of him in the people would increase by a large margin.

When he looked at the girls that have 30 points of affection, it has improved by 10 to 20 points directly.

Unfortunately this has happened in some men and they are looking at Jonathan like they are looking at tender meat.

Immediately Jonathan felt a chill down his spine and made a note of this matter.

“I have to keep away from these men in the future.

Any woman is good but these men should be blocked for my personal safety and masculinity.”

After making the mental note Jonathan came and sat beside Romilda that is literally sticking to him.

Her affection points has reached 95 and stopped there.

As for pansy and Daphne they are already in deep love with Jonathan so they did not have much change.

Chapter 77: not only buldger, but also the snitch was enchanted

Her affection points has reached 95 and stopped there.

As for pansy and Daphne they are already in deep love with Jonathan so they did not have much change.

This is the situation with many other girls.

As for Penelope her affections meter has just hit a solid 50 right now making Jonathan shocked suddenly.

She is not the person that would be interested in the appearances of the people.

Many be her weakness is the charisma that a person possesses.

Jonathan sighed and walked in.

He would get some looks from now one for a few days till the surrounding people adapt to his new charisma.

Well he did not care about that.

The breakfast is good and there are many house elves that came out of the kitchen for some advices from Jonathan in their cooking.

Jonathan’s innovative way of cooking was liked by the students and those house elves wanted to learn more recipes from Jonathan.

Well Jonathan did not mind and started to taste their dishes and give out complements.

It is okay for Jonathan.

But for others the scene looked like Jonathan is some sort of prince that tastes the dishes brought by the servants.

Many men were envious and many girls have Jonathan’s image merged with the image of alpha in their hearts.

That is the image of prince charming in their minds has merged with the image of Jonathan making them fall in infatuation and love with Jonathan.


On November 7thQuidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor has happened.

Because of the letter from management everyone is using the new nimbus 2001 making them move faster than usual.

Because of the increased speed the risk of injuries also increased.

Jonathan knows that one of the bludgers was enchanted by dobby.

It was sent to hit Harry potter to knock him out of the match.

But Jonathan found dobby before the match.

Well it is the other way around and dobby came to talk to greet Jonathan as it came here anyway to hinder Harry in the same room.

Jonathan talked to dobby and gave it a piece of pumpkin pie for it to eat.

While listening to the idea of dobby Jonathan gave it another idea to enchant the snitch to not too fall into the hands of Harry no matter what.

It is not like Jonathan wanted the Quidditch team of Gryffindor to lose.

Jonathan wanted to make the entire thing a draw.

It is just that he don’t want Harry to gain any fame of catching the snitch even with a broken arm.

That would make him into a small hero.

Jonathan doesn’t want that to happen.

With the idea Jonathan gave dobby it immediately think that what Jonathan said is right.

So it immediately went to do the things.

During these days Jonathan went to meet with Dumbledore few times.

It is not to talk about other things but to ask Dumbledore for help in his magic card making process.

Jonathan explained his idea of magic cards to Dumbledore and how Jonathan and his teacher Nicolas Flamel made good progress before his death.

Dumbledore was really amazed about how much Jonathan could think innovatively.

This did not show any bad side other than pure interest in knowledge.

This made Dumbledore look at Jonathan differently.

“No wonder Nicolas supported Jonathan.”

He really is a genius just like me.

Dumbledore became proud because he felt that Jonathan is similar to him in this aspect.

Also he found that Jonathan did not have any interest in fame or power.

This can be explained by how Jonathan did not care about joining the Quidditch team.

Also Jonathan only ever tells is about the problem with rules and safety but not a single word out of line.

This made him reexamine his standing towards Jonathan.

Now Jonathan is his own person and a close relative like a son so his way of thinking towards Jonathan would be different too.


On November 7th,

Jonathan was also at the Quidditch stands.

Originally he doesn’t want to come and watch the show.

But he was pulled over by other girls.

Romilda was one of them and a close one at that.

She was holding the hand of Jonathan happily.

Also she thought that she has a good chance to be close to Jonathan because neither of Daphne or pansy is here.

Right now they are on the opposite side on the Slytherin stand.

They are a little sad because Jonathan is not with them.

But they did not feel any jealousy.

The senses of women are far stronger than men when it comes to reading the feelings of other women.

Romilda saw this and her proud face changed.

She started to think of the words that Jonathan spoke to her before.

Looking at pansy and Daphne, she felt that it is not bad to share Jonathan with them.

If she can get Jonathan now she can be close to him like this for the next few years and be even closure after the school is over and she graduates.

Thinking of this she has decided to speak to Jonathan about this matter and confess to him about her love.

She has decided to share Jonathan with pansy and Daphne and get love from Jonathan.

Thinking of this she held Jonathan’s arms even closure to her.

Jonathan felt some squashy feeling around his hand making him fell happy.

At that time both Ginny and Hermione looked at the scene and their expressions are a little complicated.

Ginny was not under the control of Tom riddle all the time.

But she cannot break free and speak about this to other people.

This can be proved by the way she threw the diary of top riddle at one time in the original plot.

She is looking at Jonathan pitifully thinking that if Jonathan noticed her, he would help her from her current situation.

As for Hermione, she is having a complicated expression.

Chapter 78: fool’s luck or protagonist’s luck

She is looking at Jonathan pitifully thinking that if Jonathan noticed her, he would help her from her current situation.

As for Hermione, she is having a complicated expression.

Her favorability also increased, but it is not on the same level as other people.

Her mental fortitude is much stronger than other girls.

No wonder she has achieved all those things and become the minister of magic at the later parts.

The most important thing is actually she was taking care of the stupidest person like Ron all that time.

Her mental fortitude is really strong.

Jonathan sighed as he was lucky to pull her towards him before and even get her first kiss.

Even though the impression she had on him is not right but still Jonathan can use that to his advantage at the later stages.

While thinking about these things, Jonathan continued with his usual work.

But there is one thing that made him astounded.

The trio has two suspects for the heir of Slytherin.

One is Draco and the other is himself.

To verify the identity of Draco they are actually brewing the polyjuice potion right by the side of the entrance of the chamber of secrets.

He doesn’t know that fools can really be luck.

Only seeing these three people, Harry, Ron and Hermione have confirmed that fools or the protagonists are really lucky.

During their time in the bathroom where the entrance to the chamber of secrets was visited by them many times,

Well just making the polyjuice potion would take around a month and they have to come here frequently.

But they did not encounter the basilisk during the entire time.

They did not even once encounter the basilisk.

Is should be called the plot armor or protagonist armor or the luck of the fools.

Whatever it might be, it has made Jonathan astounded because of causing such a strange incident.

Jonathan did not bother with them anymore and continued with his thing.

But the trio did not leave him alone.

They wanted to verify if Jonathan is the heir of Slytherin or not.

For this Hermione took the lead to communicate with Jonathan.

Neither Harry nor Ron has any objection to the volunteering of Hermione.

May be if it was 2 years later the same thing has happened then Ron would not have accepted it.

But now he is still a naive idiot that can send his wife to another man without even thinking.

When Jonathan was leaving towards the room of requirements to continue his experiments, Hermione followed him.

Jonathan let her follow and made sure that he did show the signs of noticing her.

But he was careful to avoid the paths where basilisk is going around right now.

After coming to the room of requirements Jonathan waited for Hermione to enter and then closed the door silently.

Then he spoke.

“Do what do I honor the visit from miss granger.”

Jonathan said with eloquence but it felt like a sarcastic comment.

Hermione bit her lip and directly asked Jonathan.

“I came here to ask you to know if you are the heir of Slytherin that opened the chamber of secrets.”

She said with complicated eyes.

Even she did not believe this and only came here under the insistence of Ron.


After laughing for a while Jonathan spoke again.

“Miss granger, there are few things you should understand about me.

You have to pay the corresponding price for what you wanted to know from me.

Now what are you going to give me in return for answering your question.”

Jonathan asked.

He has plenty to say to her.

But before that he has to make her do something to make them close again.

Listening to the words of Jonathan, Hermione bit her lips and said.

“We can trade it with K…kiss…”

Jonathan smiled and said.

“Yes we can trade it with a kiss…”

Jonathan gave a small gap making Hermione sigh.

But the next words of Jonathan made her blush completely.

“It is still a kill but you have to take the initiative to kiss me.

Also before things moves on it is a lip kiss wait it is a French kiss…

That was correct.

With the French kiss from you under your own initiative would fit the price for your question perfectly.”

Hermione blushed till her ears turned red and her neck is also red.

In the previous times it was Jonathan that took the initiative but now she has to take the initiative.

She has to bite the bullet to solve the problem.

“Any way it is just a kiss.

I was kissed by him plenty of times before.

Just one kiss would not change anything.”

She thought in her mind and nodded her head without looking straight into the eyes of Jonathan.

Then she came to Jonathan that was sitting on a rocking chair.

She slowly climbed on his lap like she did that many times.

Her blushed face turned more red when she was about to kiss Jonathan as she has to look his face to plant the kiss.


They started to kiss.

Well Hermione don’t know what French kiss is and Jonathan has to lead her on the way slowly.

Slowly the hands of Jonathan appeared behind Hermione and pulled her closure to him.

The hands of Hermione were also stretched around Jonathan’s back and held on to his back with a tight locking.

She held him so tightly as if she feared that Jonathan would go away if she released him.

They kissed like this for 5 minutes and parted with the end of the kiss.

But neither of them stopped as they went on kissing again after taking in some air.

They went around like this for 5 times before stopping completely after half an hour.

The lips of Hermione were swollen a little because of being bitten by Jonathan.

Hermione was in a dazed state with her eyes blurred and a fool like smile on her face.

Chapter 79: reprimanding Hermoine

The lips of Hermione were swollen a little because of being bitten by Jonathan.

Hermione was in a dazed state with her eyes blurred and a fool like smile on her face.

She was happy to get back this long lost feeling.

She was sure that even if she fell in love with someone and kissed them she would not be able to get the same feeling that she is feeling right now.

She looked into the face of Jonathan stupidly for a while panting heavily.

Jonathan gave her enough time to get back to her normal state.

After few minutes she returned to the normal state and blushed.

Well she tried to out on a normal expression but she was too embarrassed.

Her face is red and hot from embarrassment and she could not hide it away.

But she still has to complete the task that she came here for.

“Now tell me the answer.”

Jonathan put on a smug smile and said.

“The price is good and it can be more but since you took the initiative to kiss and out on this cute face I will let it go.”

Hermione immediately pouted wanted to hit Jonathan in the face but she held back and waited for Jonathan’s answer.

Jonathan continued.

“I am not the heir of Slytherin.

I am actually doing a special research on the magic cards.

Let me show you one.”

Jonathan took out the levitation spell imbued magic card and gave it to Hermione.

Under her astounded gaze Jonathan activated the card without the help of a wand and it lifted off some materials on the ground shocking Hermione.

Then Jonathan told her general hypothesis.

Jonathan also told her that it was what he invented and trying to improve.

“Professor Dumbledore also knows about this.

That is why I can go around like this without a problem.”

After Jonathan told her about this Hermione was relieved because Jonathan is not the heir of Slytherin.

But she was worried on how Jonathan is going around during the nights.

She doesn’t know why she was worried about Jonathan.

Since she got the answer she wanted to leave.

But Jonathan would not let her go.

“Going out right now is not safe for either of us.

You can sleep here in this room.

There is a bed over there.

You can go back early in the morning so that you are safe and sound.

Don’t take risks like this.

Also I have to tell you a few points.

First of all, did anyone commissioned you to search for the heir of Slytherin.

Do you think that you are as strong as the first class Aurors?

Is your mind working properly for you to take risks like this because of the words of moRON?

The thing related to investigation should be done by the people above like the professors, ministry of magic and magical creature’s protection people.

You are neither of them and you are still jumping around risking your life.

Don’t you have any responsibility towards your parents that are still waiting for you…?”

The words of Jonathan almost made Hermione cry as Jonathan is not speaking but shouting at her.

But she also felt strong concern in the words of Jonathan making her feel unexplainable feeling inside her heart.

Jonathan directly pointed towards a bed on the side for her to sleep while he continued to experiment.

Hermione stomped her feet and went to sleep there quietly.

Well she did not sleep instead looked at the experiments that Jonathan is doing.

It was a complicated process of engraving runes on a metal plate using magic in a constant output.

But still the engraving went smoothly and Jonathan formed a disarming charm on the card called Expelliarmus.

With that engraved Jonathan was tired and went to sleep on the same bed Hermione is sleeping.

Well he did not do anything to her instead came behind her and slept hugging her rightly.

Hermione did not sleep most of the time and now she was so much embarrassed that her mind almost fried from the hot blood flow.

She slowly slept peacefully in the hot embrace of Jonathan.

She did not wake up till it was morning.

Because of the warm embrace she slept so soundly that she and Jonathan went into deep sleep directly.

So the amount of sleep they got in the small amount of time is larger.

When she woke up she was still in the tight embrace of Jonathan.

Well Jonathan is already awake but did not let Hermione go and acted as if he was still sleeping.

Hermione struggled a little looking at the time in the clock on the bed side.

She has to go and get ready to attend the classes.

But the strong hands of Jonathan did not let her go.

While struggled she turned around and is not facing the face of Jonathan.

Looking at the handsome face up-close she was dazed for a moment.

She still struggled to leave but suddenly she felt a kiss on her lips and a deeper hug from Jonathan.

With that she stopped struggling and stayed like that for a while before she was released from the deep hug.

She sat up on the bed with blushed face and immediately left as if she was a frightened rabbit.

Jonathan did not stop her this time and only smiled at Hermione.

After she left Jonathan followed behind her with the invisibility cloak so as to make sure that Hermoine came back the Gryffindor dorms safely.

Jonathan on the other hand returned to his dorm room and started to prepare for the today’s classes.

Today was good and he really wanted to try this with pansy and Daphne if they accepted.

There is also Romilda.

Jonathan knows that it is a matter of time before, she come to Jonathan and propose to him again.

Jonathan has already accepted her when her affection points reaching close to 100 points.

Chapter 80: Harry broke his teeth along with his hand

Jonathan knows that it is a matter of time before, she come to Jonathan and propose to him again.

Jonathan has already accepted her when her affection points reaching close to 100 points.

There is no chance that she would betray Jonathan.

So he did not worry about anything.

Harry was out of the hospital wing with his broken arm and teeth re-grown, but the match was lost.

No one can do anything about this as Harry missed the snitch.

Originally it should have fallen into his mouth.

That is he should have caught it with his mouth.

But the enchanted snitch flew back at high speed and hit the mouth of Harry breaking his teeth.

With the hit from buldger his hand is also out of commission at that time.

Later with the help of stupid Gilderoy Harry lost the bones in his arm and the lower jaw completely.

Madam Pomfrey gives Harry Skele-Gro potion to counter this.

The bone re-growth is a painful process and Harry felt it firsthand.

Well if you want to be a protagonist you have to bear with all kinds of pain and problems.

As the saying goes “Protagonist can never truly be happy in their lives as they would face problems one way or the other.”

Jonathan on the other hand is carefree.

After Harry returned Hermoine told Harry and Ron that Jonathan is not the heir to the Slytherin and their suspicion towards Draco increased.

Harry and Ron observed that Hermoine is acting unnatural and even blush some times.

They don’t know what is going on.

But they did not ask about girls things as they are at the age where they are a little rebellious and shy away from girls.

So Hermoine was saved from the embarrassment of being questioned by these two idiots.

The funny thing is actually the trio are meeting right beside the entrance of chamber of secrets and are talking about the heir of Slytherin.

Even though Jonathan warned her not to put those thoughts on finding the heir of Slytherin, they did not give up.

Well protagonists are like that and they would put their noses and fingers in the places that should not be touched.

On the side the polyjuice potion is being brewed by Hermoine.

Also the incident where Colin should be petrified did not happen this time.

This most probably caused by Jonathan warning them in advanced to make them stay in their rooms after sun down.

The next few weeks are normal but still Colin was petrified around the end of November.

He is actually following Harry potter to take more photos.

Unfortunately right after Harry, Ron and Hermoine left he went to take a look at the famous girl’s bathroom with a female student ghost.

Coincidentally the basilisk came out right at that moment and he looked at it through the camera lens just like that in the plot.

So he was petrified.

Fortunately or unfortunately the ploy juice potion was not discovered as Colin was petrified outside the bathroom in the corridor.

But still the situation is not that good for the trio.

They felt a little fear at that time and don’t know how to deal with this matter.

They know that Colin came here for Harry.

This made Harry feel bad as he was the reason Colin was petrified and it might be worse.

Fortunately nothing like that happened.

For a moment Harry no longer wanted to investigate who the heir of Slytherin was.

May be his thoughts of wanting to discover the heir of Slytherin was good.

But the thoughts of Ron were actually wrong.

What he wanted was fame for discovering the identity of the heir of Slytherin and brag about it in front of other people.

For that he is blindly taking risks.

He is really a moRON.

Well Harry and the other two could not just abandon the plan they tried their hardest till now.

So they decided to go along with the plan after the polyjuice potion is ready.

Jonathan knows what would happen.

They each took a cup of poly juice potion and used the hair samples of Crabbe and Goyle for Harry and Ron.

The used the floating muffles with sleeping pills to put them to sleep.

It was an easy process.

As for Hermoine she got the hair of the cat and her cat girl appearance would appear soon.

Jonathan really wanted to look how she would appear in the cat girl appearance.

That would be fun to watch.

Well instead of completely turning into a cat, if only she had cat ears and tail then she would be really cute.

But something cannot be decided when it comes to half experimented products.

Poly juice potion is still half product and it needs time to be a complete product for easy use.

It can be used but the side effects and some special situations like Hermoine had right now.

Well Jonathan did not have any interest in improving this potion for the time being.

His interest is in improving the magic cards.

He has many ideas related to that but realizing these things requires longer time and rare materials.

Jonathan cannot afford these materials in his current situation which is a very sad thing for him.

Also some of the materials he wanted are so rare that they are almost extinct.

But he did not give up as he has few other plans of obtaining these materials.

One of the materials he required is actually the bones of basilisk that can be used as the mediator for some special metals and magical materials.

The aged bones have strong magic conductivity and few other parts that can be powdered will have strong magic adhesive characters and catalytic characters.

These things are what Jonathan required for the cards.

So he has to get the body of basilisk and few other things if possible.

With that he can continue with the future plans of making high conductivity and spell capacity cards for usage then.


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