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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 331: ark Island management part-1

Everyone is equipped with guns or other gear they are good with.

Mohini already located a ship that is waiting at 7 kilometers away from the entrance location towards the safe island of the second ring.

As the ship sailed they met with the people that looked like thugs.

Also there are refined people on the ship of other person.

Because of the appearance of Mohini’s ship and the strong lineup with guns the people on the other side don’t want to act.

But they found that Mohini’s ship did not have an insignia or a flag that shows its affiliation.

This means Mohini is a fat sheep in their eye.

But they are still cautious because of the appearance of the ship and strong people.

So they started to ask questions after stopping Mohini’s ark ship.

Mohini came out in person.

She is only wearing nipple stickers and a small string like panties that practically covered nothing.

She looked like a bitch.

Looking at her body the men on the other side started to gulp down their saliva and their dicks already stood up in attention position ready for some action.

Mohini smiled looking at the scene.

Before stopping Mohini told her men to aim their guns at the people on the other side to incapacitate them but not kill them.

Mohini wants to gain some benefits from them before sending them on their way.

All of Mohini’s members are wearing masks and their identities are hidden.

Mohini then spoke to the people on the opposite side.

As soon as they found out that Mohini has no affiliation they immediately rushed to attack.

They even wanted to use magic against the guns to end the battle quickly.

But Mohini was quicker.

With the help of Tian Meng dream Brother Mohini located their prepared magic attack and told the snipers to aim at those people.

As soon as they intended to attack the ship sounded of gun fire from 100 different people at the same time at a fast speed.

All of Mohini’s men are trained soldiers that worked at the edge of blade for many years.

They are like perfect killing machines with great precision.

So in just a few seconds all the people visible on the enemy’s ship were subdued.

The hiding people were attacked by Mohini with the help of spirit vision and curving the bullets.

So in less than a minute they won the fight.

Mohini ordered her men to board the enemy’s ship to capture the people and then start with the process of looting.

For some reason Mohini’s group acted more like pirates than the pirates on the opposite side.

But Mohini is very satisfied with the results.

Mohini checked the people thoroughly and then killed them all after looting everything.

After killing them Mohini told her men to collect the loot boxes while the arks of all the enemies that should have turned to tier 1 or tier 2 were arranged to integrate into Mohini’s ark.

Titia got on the work to search the improved ark to find out if there is any good thing.

In the hunt of resource islands and ruins islands in the first ring, Mohini got an iron ore seed and few water seeds then.

Now after integrating the arks of these people Mohini got a hot spring seed, few more small water seeds and a coal mine seed.

All of these were directly integrated into the ark island and the ark ships of these people were also appeared on the empty space of the ark island.

The size of the ark island was increased by a square kilometer.

The maximum limit of the ark island size of the second ring is 40 square kilometers.

As for the ark ship it has other functions like having cannons on the ship….

The ark ship can reach to the medieval level ships and early 16th century ships of the world.

With the thing done Mohini set sail to the safe island that is around 20 kilometers away from their current location.

As soon as they reached the port Mohini took the ark ship and sent everyone back to Ark Island.

She put on a cloak over her body covering her beauty so that she would not attract much attention.

But her curves cannot be hidden even with a cloak.

Then she went to the obelisk location of the island to register her entry.

After that Mohini sneaked to the teleportation formation to return back to the main land.

Mohini went to the docks to rent a docking station to improve her ark ship and ark island.

First she opened the ark island and entered it.

Now that there are enough people Mohini wanted to start the economic system in the ark island.

This is required for the people to work instead of becoming lazy.

The entire ark island can be a micro community.

All the information from the people are all noted and separated by the girls.

After Mohini entered they first constructed a winery that will be managed by Katherine.

Second is to improve the work shop that was constructed for Titia to improve further to make it convenient for more workers.

Third Mohini arranged a bank and it was arranged for Koko to manage it.

Well she is a manager only.

There is a tavern for the people.

There are farms that grow food and vegetables.

The Sherlock Holmes and the girls with Kazuki to establish a school to take care of the children that came along from the fantasy world.

As for the mercenaries and fighters they were arranged with the work of fighting.

There is a butchering house made for sawyer to manage.

Shenhua and Revy would manage the store that is selling the meat both raw and cooked.

Roberta and few others went to manage the tavern that is connected to winery.

The women of the mercenaries were arranged to work in farming and production based on their interests…..

Chapter 332: ark Island management part-2

Roberta and few others went to manage the tavern that is connected to winery.

The women of the mercenaries were arranged to work in farming and production based on their interests.

The men are arranged to mine the iron ore mine and coal mine that are recently formed from the ore seeds.

Then there is a black smithy that would make weapons.

There are people for research and development too.

The girls from Koko invested their time on producing new things.

Mohini allotted 8 billion chaos points for the management of the ark island.

Balalaika would manage the entire island directing the work.

Balalaika would use the funds to buy the necessary equipment from the system store or tell Mohini to buy them.

The people would either sell their produced goods or get paid for their work from the bank based on their performance and other things.

Everyone was taught to fight.

The young ones would become strong when fighting while the old ones would give their valuable advices to the young one.

With this the entire ark island turned into a small community with self sufficient economic system.

Well there are benefits like the genetic essence that would be distributed by Mohini along with some fighting techniques.

They got weapons, clothes, food, wine……

With the things arranged and the construction process of various things Mohini spent money and time here for an entire week to complete the projects quickly.

During this time he let Faiza, Benny, Jane, Elena and Minami to continue to their work on hacking the public network and practice the magic software.

With their help Mohini made few million chaos points in shares and other things.

All of this was used to buy thing to prepare a data station.

On the other hand Shizuka became a full time doctor after Mohini bought her books on medicine.


After a week of time all the things are arranged.

Mohini went around buying things for the ark island in the disguise.

The money was spent and her assets returned back to 39 billion chaos points.

Taking care of people is easy but taking care of an army and community is very hard.

It takes time to produce returns on the current investment.

Mohini was happy.

It is just some chaos points and it can be earned back quickly at the same time next year.

Any way Mohini still had the paper currency of few billion and there are things stored in the storage cards.

Mohini gave the paper money to Koko to arrange the spending and circulating the currency.

After this is done, Mohini spent the rest of the month about various things completing the arrangements of her ark island and ark ship.

She also announced that anyone that made excellent contribution can fuck her and there might be a bonus when fucking one of her girls along with her.

After she was done with the ark island management she came out of the docking area and returned back to the safe island in the first ring.

Mohini then simulated to see the fantasy worlds that appear in the next month.

At that time she found that she received a call from her special fucking manage Joe.

She was asked to marry an old blind noble that was once extremely lustful and lost his eyes in the revenge of a woman he targeted.

Even still he is still as lustful as ever.

He was supposed to die in a month and he wanted to marry a woman and give all of his wealth to her.

Well it went something like that.

Mohini actually married him and even had some great encounters during this time.


From the second ring or the tier 2 there is a chance of encountering the life fantasy worlds at any time.

Also there are some fantasy worlds where Mohini can take her men into the fantasy world along with the ark ship.

But the risk is that if they died in the fantasy world they will die for real and they needed to be revived if Mohini wanted them back.

After the simulation for a year in the second ring Mohini has severe frown on her face.

The reason for this is that she actually died in the first fantasy world of the second month that she entered.

The fantasy worlds she entered in the next month are actually “the pirates of the Caribbean” fantasy world and “Naruto” fantasy world.

In the pirates of the Caribbean fantasy world Mohini could take her ark ship into the fantasy world along with her men.

It is not a life fantasy world but she has to go through the entire series.

The second is the Naruto fantasy world.

This is a life fantasy world were Mohini don’t have to worry about her life and death.

If he died then she can return back to the real world.

The setting she entered seems to be around year 37 which is the same year as Mikoto and 4 years older than Minato and Kushina.

Also she was born in Senju clan based on her arrangements by choosing the doomsday difficulty.

Her life went well and the final results are great.

But on the next month he entered the fantasy world called “In time”

In this world the currency is directly the life span.

Mohini doesn’t know how she died in this world.

If she dies in the fantasy world she would not be able to know what happened inside the fantasy world.

So she doesn’t know.

Well her next target is to get the stat points again.

But this time she cannot blindly increase them.

She needs to gain the practice techniques to improve her stats.

She has to choose some or make her own.

Naturally the techniques that are available outside are low quality things.

They can only improve one specific stat to a maximum of 230 stat points.

She already got the information about her special fate weaver’s cultivation technique…..

Chapter 333: auction of information pieces

They can only improve one specific stat to a maximum of 230 stat points.

She already got the information about her special fate weaver’s cultivation technique information clue.

The techniques that big powers had are used for their own people are slightly better and they can improve a single specific stat to 250+ stat points based on the capability of the person.

These points are without counting the improvement through genetic essence.

If they showed some good potential then there are higher level techniques that can reach up to 300+ stat points in more than 1 specific stat.

For the seeded or chosen candidates of the big powers and their own heirs they would use special techniques that can improve more than 3 specific stats to reach over 300+ points in those specific stats.

These techniques are not for sale and they are not available in the system.

Mohini has to find them and get them herself by searching the ruins islands.


She can slowly accumulate them over time by going through series of fantasy worlds and allot them into her stats.

Even then there are compatibility problems.

The player should have a technique to assign the free stat points to the specific stats.

Based on the technique the number of stat points that are needed for improving a single specific stat varies.

If it is an agility based technique with impact on stamina then the free stat points required to increase agility will only 1 stat point for 1 free stat point.

As for the stamina the number varies for 1 to 10 free stat points for increasing 1 stat point in stamina based on the impact of the technique.

The technique that Mohini had previously can be used in the first tier, but for the second tier she has to collect more materials to research and upgrade the technique.

Unfortunately most of the corresponding information was already destroyed and Mohini has to find them through the ruins or information pieces in the fantasy world.

Mohini has the opportunity to gain some in the pirates of the Caribbean world as the British accumulated most of the antiques and secret knowledge of the world.

But without increasing her stats properly entering the fantasy world like pirates of the Caribbean is dangerous.

Mohini thought for a while without any solution so she decided to simulate to get a solution.

Any way the amount is very little compared to her wealth.

Also there is Sherlock Holmes with her.

As long as she can obtain the information she can ask Sherlock Holmes to help her analyze the information to get the useful information.

Mohini uses the generalized form of fighting style that can accommodate all the specific stats.

Now in tier 2 it stars with the combination of specific stats.

Like the main stat and support stats.

For this the generalized form should be very simple but also very difficult.

When Mohini chooses to have strong vitality the other specific stats should support vitality.

If she wants to have strong agility then the other specific stats should support agility.

For other techniques they found the solutions for this through combination of styles creating one or more specific stat improvements but not all like Mohini wants.

Because of the requirement Mohini released a system auction wanting to buy the information related to some nonsense and wanting the main information as auxiliary.

This way others would think that for Mohini needs the nonsense information as important while the originally information as auxiliary.

As for the price Mohini wanted to trade with the extra information pieces she has in scattered form.

This will not be a loss for her.

After the arrangements are made she released this auction through the fake account and the system as the mediatory.

The system asked Mohini to deposit 1 billion chaos points and when everything was complete the system would return 900 million chaos points to Mohini.

The remaining 100 million chaos points would be considered as the fee for the system.

Mohini gritted her teeth and accepted the system auction.

Immediately the information was spread throughout the world and Mohini was named anonymous.

Because of the interference of the system it is not possible to hack it or probe into the information.

Also there is no exchanged of chaos points instead it is the exchange of information pieces.

Mohini let the system take its time and simulated to see the results.

The result is satisfactory with a good loss of extra information pieces that would cost around 500 million in total.

After spending that much Mohini got the information, she gave it to Sherlock Holmes to study it and then started to practice.

But it all took over a month.

Mohini has already entered the fantasy worlds and even returned back with some losses and finally died in the fantasy world in time.

Mohini guessed that she must have encountered a strong player.

There is no beginner’s protection and many kinds of people enter into the fantasy world.

So most probably the person that Mohini encountered should have stats that are over 300 points.

Mohini sighed for a moment and immediately wanted to buy the information of the technique which shows that it costs over 600 million chaos points.

Mohini directly bought the information and the technique and stopped the auction.

The total loss is around 700 million but the amount of time saved is over a month.

The people that are bidding did not understand why the auction stopped but they cannot make any enquiries about that from the system.

At the same time Mohini could still sell those information pieces at a higher price if needed later.

So there is no loss here.

With the things obtained Mohini started to train.

The new technique is good, but it would last till the end of tier 2.

But the information that Mohini had on hand can be analyzed till it can make technique that can let her reach till tier 5.

Chapter 334: marrying the blind old noble man Markus

The new technique is good, but it would last till the end of tier 2.

But the information that Mohini had on hand can be analyzed till it can make technique that can let her reach till tier 5.

Before reaching tier 5 Mohini has to think of a way to obtain more of this information.

This information is related to the Universalists community of the ancient times.

They start as jack of all traders and then move on practicing technique that can improve all the specific stats.

The improvement depends on the person training and his diligence.

Also this community because extinct just because of the greed towards their practice technique.

Their practice technique has long since destroyed but the information is still there in bits and pieces.

It is said that the sanctuaries were created by these people in the first place.

Mohini gave the remaining information to the Sherlock Holmes to analyze.

There is also Evelyn that can help with some deciphering and computer experts that can try various combinations of the information analysis to form the techniques.


Mohini let them be and continued to improve the ark ship with the materials that they just got.

The process is smooth but the materials they got as a little low level.

Well, what you can expect from the bottom feeder that would try to rob the new comers.

But still something is better than nothing.

She also went around getting some necessities before managing things of the ark.

With everything arranged she moved to the safe island in the ring one.

She is going to put on a show saying that she was able to complete her genetic essence volume because of a strong backer.

She will not mention who that backer is and no one would ask as long as they don’t want to provoke someone strong.

The strong people still try to investigate but they would not get any information as there is no real backer.

This plan would commence from that very day and Mohini would move to the second ring in a month.

This time will still be spent collecting genetic essence of the tier 1 monsters.

Some of her people still have to fill up their genetic essence bar.

With Mohini they can move on to the second ring but they cannot improve unless they fill up their genetic essence.

They will not face any tribulation instead they will be promoted to the next tier as long as Mohini is promoted after filling up the genetic essence.

Also if Mohini brings out people in the second ring then they would directly appear at tier 2.

So Mohini doesn’t have to worry about collecting more genetic essence of the tier 1 now.


She started to enjoy her peaceful days while cooking various things.

At the same time Mohini started to spread rumor that she got a backer and she is going to enter the second ring soon.

Right around that time she also received a call from Joe that told her to come to the main land to speak about something.

During this time she became strong and popular, but not strong and popular enough to escape from the clutches of Joe.

Well that is what he thought but he doesn’t know that Mohini is not like other women.

She is a complete bitch.

But still she wanted to take a shot at the things in the current situation.

The wealth of the blind nobleman that he brought would be very high and she wanted to take it all.

As for Joe, it is time to send him on his way.

She got some special artifacts from the system that can make Joe either become her obedient servant or die on the spot.

With that she returned to the main land and went straight to the city that Joe wanted her to go.

There she was contacted by Joe and told her to get ready to be fucked for the night.

Mohini accepted and got along with Joe for the night.

During that time she used the artifact to slowly make Joe come under the power of artifact.

It did not let him lose his will and thoughts.

It is just that he would not harm her and does beneficial things to her.

On the next day he made her dress up well and took her to meet with the old noble.

The old noble wanted a virgin woman even though he was blind and would die in a month.

Joe gave Mohini a pill that would make pussy excrete mucus like thing over night and create a membrane that is very similar to hymen.

In the morning she became a virgin.

The person that checks her virginity for the blind noble man would be managed by Joe.

So the things are easily completed.

On that very day the old blind man and Mohini got married.

She did not even bother to know his name but well she found out that this man is called Markus.

On that night the Markus tried his best to take her virginity.

On the other hand Joe did everything to make the entire wealth of Markus register in the name of Mohini.

Mohini knows that Joe would not be under the spell for a long time.

So she has other thoughts about this matter.

On the next day there is a reception for the wedding.

Mohini’s perverted thoughts flared and she decided to wear a special dress for the reception.

There are two love symbol stickers on her nipples that have two holes to let out her erected nipples at the center.

That is the top and for the bottom she is wearing a stringed under wear that did not cover anything at all.

On the top of all this she put on a transparent gown for the touch of the blind old man.

This way he would feel that she is wearing clothes but he don’t know that everything that should be out is already out.

Chapter 335: almost naked wedding reception

On the top of all this she put on a transparent gown for the touch of the blind old man.

This way he would feel that she is wearing clothes but he don’t know that everything that should be out is already out.

The many noble men that came to the wedding reception are looking at Mohini with lust filled eyes.

Most of the people that came are men and even if they are women they are still looking at Mohini with strange lewd and envious eyes.

Mohini enjoyed their gazes while gracefully walking beside the blind noble just like a sexy cat.

With every step she took her ass and tits jiggle making the hearts of the people jiggle.

Both of them stood on the high platform as one by one nobles started to come to them with gifts to congratulate them.

Right then Mohini directly opened the front portion of her dress leaving only the portion that is in contact with the blind noble intact.

When the first person arrived on the high platform his eyes were glued to the nipples of Mohini all the time.

He gave the gift to the blind noble and spoke in a mechanical tone with the dried throat from the lust.

After greeting the blind noble man, he moved to the side of Mohini to congratulate her.

Unexpectedly Mohini moved her hand to hold his dick as a hand and gave the shake hand with the dick making the person cum on the spot inside his pants within few seconds.

Because of the pleasure he lost his balance and leaned forward with his hands placed on Mohini’s tits for the support.

But holding those fluffy tits with erect nipples touching his hands his dick got into attention position again.

The guests that looked at the incident smiled lewdly and they know what to do.

Immediately they all pulled out their dicks from the pants before going on to the high platform.

Not only men but some women that wanted to fuck Mohini also opened up their dress giving a small opening towards their pussies for Mohini.

As for the reason why they all wanted to do this is because of the strong lust seduction that is emitting from Mohini.

With that the man did not leave but went beside Mohini and started to lift her transparent gown from behind.

He knelt down and started to lick her pussy and ass from behind.

He did not move her much because the blind nobleman husband of Mohini is still beside her.

They did not do anything because this blind nobleman is actually an expert in blasting magic.

He got this from the fairy tail fantasy world long ago.

He is a tier 3 player at its peak but he was never able to step into tier 4 after he lost his eye sight.

So they are vigilant to not to let him know what they are doing.

Mohini was very cooperative and let go of the hand of the blind nobleman and stood beside him receiving the gifts.

When the blind noblemen calls her she responds well but right then her pussy is having the pleasure of tongue tornado.

When the first person is done with playing her pussy he put his dick inside and wanted to fuck her.

But she whispered.

Wait till the reception ceremony is over and the party starts.

Then you can play all you want.

When she said that she called Joe and made him make a board about this information and place beside her.

Also on the board something extra is written.

“Wait for the completion of the gifts ceremony before you can fuck me.

During the gift ceremony you can touch any part of my body, kiss it, lick it and pinch it.

But the sex has to wait till I get off the high platform.

When I got down you can fuck any of my holes.

Fucking onetime costs 1000 chaos points,

If you bid more you can even cum inside my pussy.

The price can be negotiated for Cumming inside me.

But no sound is allowed so as to not to notify my blind husband.

Hope all the guests cooperate and fuck me to enjoy the party.

I will serve you all with the best of my capabilities.”

When the people saw the board they widened their eyes for the shamelessness of Mohini.

But they are still happy to look at the information of the board.

Their lust has increased by a notch because of the content of the board.

Whenever they came to the top of the stage they gave the gift to the blind old man.

Joe stands beside the blind old man to receive the gift and placed it on the side.

Then they moved to Mohini.

They would finger her pussy, pinch her nipples or clit, suck on the nipples or clit, and lick her ass hole……..

Just like that the gift receiving reception is over.

During that time Mohini had 3 orgasms and the squirt was still on the high platform.

Fortunately or unfortunately the blind old man stepped on her sticky squirt and fell down.

Well he would die in a month so his body is getting physically weak.

Because of this when he fell he just broke his back.

Immediately he was sent to the hospital for treatment.

Joe did not go but arranged someone to put the blind old man to sleep in the hospital for the night.

As for the current wedding reception nothing has changed instead Mohini took off her transparent gown.

She stood on the cleaned high platform and spoke.

“Thank you for coming her for my wedding ceremony.

I am going to perform a dance to entertain you all.

Please enjoy the show.”

Mohini said and started to perform a sexy dance jiggling her tits as if giving a tit job and shaking her ass as of riding on the top of a dick.


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