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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 321: bickering of Hex and Koko over Malka

Listening to Malka’s warning she directly accepted choosing ‘Yes’ option.

Immediately after that Malka told her about the real world making her more and more astounded knowing the truth.

At the same time Malka released her hands and leg joints letting her move freely again.

After that she told her to become a body guard of Koko for the time being till the mission in this world ends.

She directly accepted it.

Malka took her to Koko to speak.

The other body guards were shocked that Hex can move.

They immediately got into positions to shoot.

Malka stopped them and said to Koko that Hex has joined them.

Koko understood what Malka meant and then looked at hex with a smile on her poker face.

Hex looked at her and said.

“I am not doing it for you; I am doing it for Mohini.”

Other are puzzled about who Mohini is.

Only Koko knows that Malka is Mohini in the real world.

The eyes of Koko twitched, Lehm started to laugh while the other people each had a different expression.

Koko immediately pulled Malka into her embrace and said.

“Well Malka is mine.

I am keeping you just for Malka too.”

She said making the eyes of Hex twitched.

R on the other hand was completely speechless.

Around that time someone knocked on the door.

It was book man that came to check on his agents.

In the past few days he did not see either of R or hex anywhere.

At the same time after the computers recovered from the attack the files related to hex and R are completely gone.

For the first time in his life he doesn’t know what is happening.

Well both hex and R are already fired by the people of CIA.

So they are no longer accountable to him.

But he wants to talk to them one last time before leaving.

Even though it all started by using them for his carrier, he still developed a companion ship with them over time.

He really felt like R is his right arm and hex is his left.

Now he lost both of his arms at the same time.

They are not dead but they were taken by his enemy which made him feel like betrayed.

But he did betray them first with his tactics no matter what reason it might be.

It might be because of his superiors, or to improve his position or some other thing.

But this is the final result.

When he came inside he looked at hex and R in the room with the entire group of Koko.

It has a strange harmony to it.

Well he did not stay for long and said his farewell to R and hex.

After that he looked deeply at Malka and ready to leave.

Right around that time he asked Koko about how many rockets did she launched.

But she did not say instead the entire group said good bye to him that his ears ringed from the sound.

He left muttering.

“Birds of the same feather flock together.

I am glad you found your home R and Hex.”

With that the situation changed and he found an empty place to dance to clear off his mind.

Malka recorded it through the security camera and directly made it public in the social sites.

The title is

“The dance of CIA Santa Claus”

Funny thing is that he only found out about it when his wife and daughter called him to tell him about that.

He has a strange expression on his face as if he ate a fly.


On the other hand Kasper is having a hard time with a ghost company that is trying to remove HCLI from the south East Asia.

So he requested support.

Also he said to his people during lunch on a rainy day.

“Did you remember Malka, Chiquita?

She pulled a Chick from CIA that wants to attack my sister into becoming her body guard.

Also that guy named R seems to be working for CIA too.

Malka seems to have used her words to actually convince them into abandoning their jobs in CIA.

Now they are working for my sister whole heartedly……..”

Chiquita smiled.

They started to chat about some things.

Koko and her group were on the plane to Japan.

One of her body guards Tojo is belongs to the organization that is currently troubling Kasper.

Malka knows this but kept silent.

Well she doesn’t want to miss in the fun and good shoot out.

She doesn’t want to spoil these things.

So she kept quite.

Malka was taken care of by hex and Jonah also got some care being Malka’s lover.

It was funny when she thought of things like that and acted like a newlywed wife.

Malka did not say anything and enjoyed the care from hex.

On the other hand she did not do anything to her other than hugging.

She doesn’t want to do anything in this world and she will play after returning to the real world.

Jonathan on the other hand though about the friends that he did not met in a long time.

He wants to know how they are doing.

While on the plane Jonathan thought of his live and the incident back at the military base.

Malka woke him up as they arrived at Japan.

Then they went to enjoy in some theme parks….

Finally after few days they met Kasper.

Jonah got the chance to speak with Kasper knowing what the lives of the orphans that he asked to take care of.

Malka did not go with Jonah on that and stick with the team.

Instead Malka asked about the chocolate factory shares that she asked to buy.

Malka got shares from the renowned chocolate company on her and Jonathan’s name.

The plot moved on without much change.

Koko asked if Malka would pull her brother Kasper to go along into the real world with them.

Chapter 322: SR unit has perished

The plot moved on without much change.

Koko asked if Malka would pull her brother Kasper to go along into the real world with them.

Malka only gave one answer that is as long as he trusts her then she can take them.

Then she asked Tojo to explain about the SR unit.

This led to the final result of Jonah falling asleep while standing.

In the hotel room Koko is drinking wine and there is Velmet and hex along with her.

Well Malka was pulled there by Koko for more company and boys are not allowed.

Other people are envious about the situation but they cannot say.

Malka got a chance to roll in their tits for a while.

Hex did hate Koko but that hatred is long gone because of the presence of Malka.

They four women took a bath.

Malka did lot more playing that day and the room was filled with sounds of happiness.

The next day they went to the meeting proposed by the SR unit.

Malka really wanted to save the cat faced lady but unfortunately she is one of the first ones to die.

Well she cannot save someone that wants to die so badly.

Hex is an exception in this matter.

Well Malka already told Koko what would happen and she already passed on the information to Kasper.

Tojo also mentioned that they way they are acting are very different from their usual style.

At first he did not believe in Malka’s predictions.

But after facing the ultra thin katana he has to believe.

So the entire thing turned out to be a shoot out again.

Fortunately Chiquita was cautious and believed in Malka’s words.


On the other hand the team of Koko is having fun while driving with the question from Jonah set them to laugh more.

The only thing is that he told Jonah that he is working with four smoking hot chicks.

Hex was added into the group after spending a few days.

She no longer hated Koko after spending more time with them.

She got used to them and she even smiled a few times.

Also the four chicks would giggle a few times when they are talking.

Jonah doesn’t care about hot chicks instead he is much more interested about the ocean.

Malka can only sight at his dumb lover and said.

“Jonah you are 18 now and you should focus on beauties rather than the things like this.

If you are like this how can I manage to become your good wife.


The words of Malka made the people laugh even more.

But as soon as they came to the location of the meeting the smiles are gone and the people became alert.

Malka already gave them a run down on how these people are going to attack.

So they are ready.

With the help of Tian Meng, Malka was able to see the people that are hiding in ambush.

This place is nice and peaceful on the surface but Malka’s eyes can see the hidden darkness.

In order to survive they people has to lose some things, especially the women lost the most.

This place might look safer but the danger is everywhere in this place for everyone.

Malka sighed as Jonah went to take a look around and Malka also went along with Jonah this time.

They looked like a lovely couple.

Well before someone can shoot Malka hand move so quickly that it gave out after images.

She shot the person holding a gun around the stairs.

It is a head shot and he died before even use his weapon.

The gun in Malka’s hands is an unlimited bullets gun with a silencer.

Malka hid it in the space again and they moved forward.

At that time Tojo arrived and they moved on quickly.

Tojo immediately drove the car while Malka opened the sun roof and looked at the distance where Koko is being chased.

Malka directly took out her modified gun and rearranged it to a long distance sniper.

Jonah on the other hand is contacting Koko.

Malka directly shot the head of the people from the groups that are attacking Koko from the sun roofs.

Originally it should have taken time for Tojo to patch up after he was shot.

This time that did not happen so they caught up quickly.

The cops are trying to set up a barricade at the entrance to the tunnel but before they could the group of Malka crossed them and attacked the SR unit people.

When Tojo crossed over the cars from the SR unit Malka modified her gun into a grenade launcher.

The magazine attached to it is an automatic convertible so it immediately turned into grenade bullets.

With that Malka shot the cars to blast them on the spot.

Before they went out of the tunnel the enemies are already dead.

Lehm and the group arrived in a helicopter but they are useless.

Well everyone in the SR unit died and only the head of the SR unit lived.

He has already escaped.

That is his plan to begin with.

He has already given the SR unit people what they wanted while he wanted to live in peace.

So he chooses this tropical island to stay.

Tojo, Koko, Malka and Jonah are walking on the sandy beach when a teenage girl stumbled on her legs and fell beside Jonah.

She is around 16 years old and looked cute.

Malka thought that it is good if he could pull her to be with Jonah to have double wives with Malka and this girl.

After returning to the real world Mohini and Malka separate into two people.

This is very similar to the first Treasure Island world.

But here Mohini did not lose her control and do anything stupid.

Malka is still a virgin.

She is not a heartless woman.

She would not force anyone.

Even Malka’s soul was inside her sleeping……..

Chapter 323: Mana Hinoki

She would not force anyone.

Even Malka’s soul was inside her sleeping because of the previous fright at the mine field incident.

She has not woken up.

Mohini did not have any interest in Jonah for the time being.

If he grows up she will think about it.

Malka thought that getting this intelligent girl would give her connection to the spy master.

Also she can use this spy master to travel in the real world easily.

Not many people can recognize him and he can mix in the people well.

Malka thought for a while and finally made the decision.

Even if Jonah only wants to stay with Malka, Mohini don’t mind having an extra girl.

There are many people on her side and rock is still there being single.

In the real world they don’t have to worry about the life span so she can wait for a while and choose a better candidate to marry or she can marry Mohini.

After Tojo is done speaking Malka will speak with Yosuke Hinoki.

Malka observed another thing that is this girl that fell seems to have fallen knowingly.

It is like she fell down on purpose.

Malka pushed Jonah to help her up.

Jonah did not react properly because he doesn’t know how to act well with girls.

He should change.

After being pushed Jonah helped the girl up and she was immediately attached to Jonah’s silver hair and red eyes.

Malka did not want her perverted luck to act right now.

So she controlled her charm and deliberately stood close to Koko so that things would not become complicated.

The girl Mana Hinoki immediately stuck to Jonah and Koko started to laugh.

Yosuke Hinoki appeared at that time.

Koko spoke what she wanted to say and pulled Malka to play along with Jonah and Mana.

After Tojo and Yosuke Hinoki are done talking they returned back.

Malka wanted to speak but she stopped before saying anything as she saw that they still need some time to play things out.

She wants to go to their house in person to speak.

She needs them to trust her first to make a move.

Malka sighed and that night Koko was drunk.

Malka knows this incident well and knows that Tojo is going get some strong hits.

Fortunately he is not shot today, if not he would be in too much pain.

Koko might now look it but she is good at fighting and quite strong to some extent.

Malka after returning checked all the details on Mana and found that she is perfectly clean.

Also she has enough fighting experience on the same level as Jonah.

She is a good match for him.

Having two wives, one is kind and caring like Malka and the other is strong and flirty like Mana.

That would do well to keep the things lively.

So Malka took the materials and talked with Jonah sitting by the side of the beach where Koko is hitting Tojo.

Jonah actually stared blankly at her for a while without knowing what to say to Malka.

He did not understand why the girl, he love want him to have an extra wife.

But since Malka spoke he accepted it.

He is not that gloomy and depressed as before but he is not matured enough.

In the morning next day Malka pulled Jonah to meet with Mana and her family.

Malka did not go around the things and went straight to the point about the marriage between Jonah and Mana.

Well it is modern times and everyone should have their own thoughts in these matters.

Malka spoke about various things and other than being a body guard Malka and Jonah has many assets.

The family is good and Malka mentioned some important things.

Things cannot be decided immediately and they have to talk with each other before and get some understanding.

Malka came here to propose the marriage but not the immediate marriage.

She is just 16 now.

Malka would not do this kind of nonsense.

Malka vaguely told them about some things and finally they accepted that they would leave the decision to their daughter’s will.

Malka has already checked the favorability between Jonah and Mana.

The number is actually around 60 and 70 points.

This is good.

Soon Jonah would transfer to the side of Kasper and will work in this part of the world.

So Malka arranged it like this.

With the things done they changed their contact info and Malka left with Jonah after some pleasantries.

As long as they trust Jonah they can be taken along with Malka.

This is her plan.


The group went on a mission again.

Jonah seems to have immersed into the phone all the time after she and Mana were set.

They are chatting continuously.

Well Malka was happy with the way things are going right now.

The people teased Jonah finding another girlfriend other than Malka.

They are actually jealous because Malka did not object them and even encouraged them being together.

Their imagination is wild.

Koko can easily read the things that are happening.

Malka already told her about this.

Hex also knows about this.


While they are travelling in the desert area of Iraq, Wiley told them about his story of joining Koko’s group.

The group was happy while the people of Excalibur started to talk nonsense about the tits of Velmet and hex.

Well they did not leave Koko and Malka out of the group.

Malka was a little irritated.

She is possessive by nature and when someone speaks about her women she would get angry.

But she is also like a loose woman likes her woman to have as much of fun as they want.

There is a small thing here that is she did not like.

The people from Excalibur are simply idiots and did not have much value in her eyes.

If a man wants to fuck her and her women……...

Chapter 324: toy factory in Africa

The people from Excalibur are simply idiots and did not have much value in her eyes.

If a man wants to fuck her and her women then he has to have some strong back capabilities instead of a cheapskate.

At that time some car appeared from behind and the people from Excalibur started to shoot.

Well the Excalibur was dismissed.

Malka did not say that she can drive the vehicle.

So the work is distributed among other people.

Malka would step in later when the translator also leaves.

Malka already told Koko about the ambush ahead.

So things are much more peaceful.

Lehm talked about the explosive expert Wiley as Malka and Jonah understood the deeds of Wiley.

At the same time they got new info that Malka is the newly blacklisted member because she hacked the super computer at pentagon.

Even though they know about it they cannot take action.

This is because it would be their shame saying that an 18 year old war orphan was able to hack their super computer.

Hex is with Koko along with Velmet.

R took another truck to manage.

They took a pit stop.

Jonah started to act fearful towards Wiley.

Wiley complain to Lehm for telling stories about him.

But he is still happy.

Malka was more interested in what Excalibur is planning.

Well the plot went in the same way as it should have happened without much deviation.

Malka did not do much in this matter except for appreciating the fireworks.

Jonah has decided to take his lessons from Wiley more seriously after looking at the explosions.


With the order here fulfilled they travelled to Africa to meet with Minami.

Malka doesn’t have to ask the question of trust to these women as they all are related to Koko.

So as long as they trust Koko they can be like a chain connecting many people to take them all with Malka.

The money for the transaction is already prepared.

Well it is costly.

But Malka was satisfied with the money.

Koko’s main plan will be starting soon.

The players would start playing their hands soon.

Malka did not meet candy or buzz or Veena or some other people that she is familiar with in the past two fantasy worlds.

But it is a good thing as they cannot be of much help to Malka.

Koko and Minami started to catch butterflies at a cliff and talk to each other while Malka is waiting far away with the team.

In the next few days Jonah continued to chat with Mana while Malka is pulling the woman around towards her.

Her process is slow like a hamster but she is making constant progress.

Her words, her hug or a single touch is enough to create a strange comfort to the woman and they move close towards Malka.

Malka supported their ideas, this made them very happy and there is no conflict of interests.

Malka still gives them advice making their ideas move further making them even happier.

Her methods are gentle to some and hard to some based on their personalities and interests.

All in all she became an ideal person in their hearts.

Koko and Minami have opened up a factory quickly.

It is a toy manufacturing factory in name but things are different inside.

From then on most of the body guards of Koko would guard this factory.

While Koko is introducing the new factory to her body guards, Schokolade is spying on this area.

Malka wanted to pull the bimbo into his group so he gave a sign to Koko and stepped to the side into the woods.

After a few seconds she was standing behind Schokolade that is reporting the information that she spied to scarecrow.

Malka waited till she is done with her talk and finally called her.

“Miss Schokolade,

It is nice to meet you…”


She as shocked and was about to get up abruptly.

But the pervert luck of Malka activated at that moment and she slipped.

Malka caught her.

The touch made her fall into a dazed state and they stood like that for a minute for her to come back to her sense.

She blushed and patted her clothes to remove the dirt.

Malka smiled and said.

“What are you doing here?

I presume you had a good house back at Europe.

So why are you sleeping here out of nowhere.

Don’t tell me you are here to spy on Koko and out group.”

For Malka’s questions she doesn’t know how to answer.

She looked like a kid that did something wrong.

Malka directly pulled her into his embrace again and said.

“Don’t worry; you are a friend of Koko right.

It is not a problem to visit Koko for the opening of her new company right.”

With Malka’s hint she immediately caught on and nodded her head like a chicken pecking the feed.

Malka suddenly asked a new question.

“Schokolade, do you trust me?”

Immediately she has a blue screen in front of her that appeared suddenly.

This shocked her so much that she screamed for a moment.

But Malka stopped her by closing her mouth.

Well it is not a kiss.

She closed her mouth with a hand.

Then she told her a warning with vague things and waited for her choice.

Schokolade is an intelligent person but she is more of a love brain and a bimbo.

So with Malka’s advances she has completely fallen for him and chose the yes option.

With that the problem with Schokolade is solved.

She doesn’t have to plan new things later just for her.

She made her sit at the cliff and told her about the real world making her eyes widened from shock.

After some information Malka told her what to do and what to report back to scarecrow or CIA.

After that they parted.

Then Malka returned to speak with Karen low.

As she shot her before Malka has to keep things in check.

Chapter 325: Travelling around the world with Koko

Then Malka returned to speak with Karen low.

As she shot her before Malka has to keep things in check.

Well she wants to chat with her a little while when Minami took Karen low and Jonah to catch butterflies.

She was trying to create a good atmosphere between Malka and Karen low.

They are going to work together in the future and Minami want cool of the things between them.

While walking Minami told Malka that the scar removing cream has worked well and the scar on from the bullet wounds near the tits of Karen was completely head.

She asked if Malka wanted to take a look.

But Malka happily nodded her head.


When they are departing at the air ports, Minami said that she wanted to keep Malka with her.

She did not understand Malka very much and thought that Malka would turn out like Jonah in the original plot if she stays with Koko for long.

But Malka knows that none of these women are connected to her.

Except for hex and that bimbo Schokolade that loves Malka,

Even Koko is not in love with Malka.

It was all affection and their emotional attachments are so detached that they can act as if they are in love.

They don’t know that Malka can see their favorability and status of feelings from them.

But before leaving Malka said to Minami that if she can then try to get Mildo form the CCAT.

They would definitely contact her soon.

Minami don’t know if Malka’s prediction would come true or not.

But she was curious just like Koko standing beside Malka.

Koko became even clingier to Malka than she is before.

Her affection is there but there is no love in her words or actions.

The cogs of the world are moving fast and the new cog that Koko want to put is moving to its place to change the pace of the world.

On the other hand Malka sent some money to Schokolade for her to eat her full and make her tits full.

Also she became a little intelligent after joining with Malka and she would enjoy seeing the misery of scarecrow.

Finally HCLI showed its fangs about the satellite network that they formed after launching over 120 rockets into the sky.

Malka was not interested in that.

In the evening Koko was clinging on to the back of Malka as they walked around the park.

Malka sent Jonah back with the team.

While walking Malka did not talk anything but Koko talked a lot.

Only when she asked her many times why she is not responding Malka spoke.

“Koko, it seems like you did not trust me enough to show me your true personality.

I forgot to tell you that I can see the favorability of various people towards me and between them.

Also I can see the true feelings of a person.

You are very affectionate to me but that is all there is to it.

Your favorability did not increase all this time.

Most probably you seem to have fallen into a loop of something.

Well it is good for you any way.

After you come to the real world you can change.

It is good to clear all the revenges and paybacks any way.


After few days Malka and the group of body guards captured Doctor Elena.

She is a Quantum physicist.

Koko asked her guard to capture her for her big project.

Malka took the opportunity to let Jonah had his butt surgery to remove the bullet.

Well he hated Malka for that and stopped talking to her for a while.

Also he became grumpy with the others.

The only person he still talked normally is with Mana.

Well Malka doesn’t care as things would turn out fine sooner or later.

While Koko went to meet with someone about the nano level semiconductors with a Japanese person, Malka went to meet with Schokolade in a park to speak to her.

Hex followed along.

It is not like Koko would care about Malka not being there.

Malka already told her the address of where she is going.

After she is done she can come to Malka to play.

Any way there is no attack on Koko for the time being so he relaxed.

Malka, Hex and Schokolade sat together on a bench and started to eat Takoyaki.

The weather was hot but everything felt just right under the tree shade.

Malka bought in some ice cream for the three to eat.

It was peaceful.

The father of Mana is trying to tail Koko throughout the world on behalf of America.

Unfortunately they are just trying to dig the core of the earth which is not practically possible for them.

That is how secretive Koko acting.

Malka supported Koko unconditionally.

She is always checking the simulations to see the ambushes and hitting all of them with her long stick.

Because of the intelligence from Malka, she was appreciated by the team.

Hinoki did not try to ask his daughter to find clues instead he is more interested in the love bloomed between Jonah and his daughter.

Every time he thought about that his eyes twitched as he doesn’t want to leave his baby daughter to other men.

He is getting a daddy syndrome to protect his daughter from all men.

At the same time he can feel that his prospective son in law has strong backing.

Just the amount of money they had in their accounts is off the charts.

All of this was earned by Malka through various means and shared a little with Jonah to keep things good.

But he cannot stop the big Santa Claus called bookman from pulling the strings.

So he obediently came to greet Koko and then they went to the restaurant to meet him.

Malka already told about this so Koko is not surprised.

Koko will have her revenge on the book man for Hex and R incident.

Chapter 326: you should not peek at other woman bookman

Malka already told about this so Koko is not surprised.

Koko will have her revenge on the book man for Hex and R incident.

Both Hex and R were still in the group and they are well fed.

There is no sign of anything bad and they looked healthier than they should be when working with CIA.

Koko gave permission to order anything and it was all placed on CIA.

While the book man wanted to talk Malka ordered 5 plates of burger and other foods.

Right in front of their eyes Malka cleared the food plate after plate.

It is not very lady like.

“Malka, if you became fat like this man, I will ignore you in the future.”

Koko said that while pointing her fingers at the bookman.

This made the book man have black lines on his face but he cannot say anything.

Malka moved her chair closure to Koko and fed her with food and said.

“Don’t worry Koko, I am exercising well.

I don’t want to be too lean like mister Hinoki here.”

Now it was Hinoki that is having black lines.

They forgot to speak, what they wanted to say to Koko and Malka because of their act.

Well there is this general nonsense while Malka did not speak much meddling into the matter.

But well she is the new person that took down the system at pentagon so she was pulled into the conversation.

Malka even joked if she wants to make the family of bookman into wanted criminals of his country.

Right around that time Malka even chatted with the wife and daughter of book man saying that they are in good health and happy life.

The burger in the mouth of book man fell.

The status of Malka is just a friend of his wife and daughter so things are normal.

With the messy things the conversation ended.

While leaving R and Hex want to have a word with bookman while Malka spoke a word to Hinoki.

Malka told Hinoki to go back to his family and do not participate in any of these matters.

It is for his good and for his family.

R and Hex went to say goodbye to bookman in person and left.

Malka knows that they are going to fly a drone to peep on her woman.

Malka doesn’t care about this and directly went to take the bath along with her woman.

She even went to play with the tits of Koko in front of the drone making them tense and gulp their saliva to quench their dried throats.

She did all this while the drone appeared in the sky.

She noticed this with the help of Tian Meng.

After their bath she went to the top of the building with a laptop.

While she sat on the top of the building looking at the sky with many stars and enjoying the peace, another drone appeared in the sky.

Malka took her laptop to check the situation and directly scrambled the network of their server.

Instead of the footage here it played a porno of a hot spring for them to watch.

Then the voice of Malka appeared in their meeting room.

Bookman, this is your final warning.

“Did you like the show of us bathing?

If you meddle in again, then the next footage might be something you and the people beside you would not want to see.

Don’t put your nose into something that you should not.

Why don’t you enjoy the company of your family at this age instead of worrying about all the nonsense?

Consider that you are warned for the last time.

If you want to peek at us again this time I would shoot a video with your family and let the entire world watch that.”

Well with the warning the meeting room became silent as book man explained about Malka being another person that they should not underestimate.

Also he can clearly understand what Malka wanted to show.

But he stopped his raging heart to peace his mind.


Soon the preparation for kidnapping the next target was started.

She is called Leyla Ibrahim Faiza also known as Big Mouth Rabbit Foot.

Lutz asked Koko about his concern and Koko gave out a small explanation asking if the entire group is with her on this one.

Unfortunately this became a question of trust.

So everyone got a blue screen in front of their faces.

Malka sighed and stopped everyone from doing something stupid.

Then she gave out the warning that she prepared long ago.

With the warning everyone’s eyes lit up like night flares.

Only Mao asked if his family could come along.

Malka checked and told him that as long as he accepts his family can move along.

Since it came to this, Malka wanted to move things forward.

So she called Hinoki to bring his family over to their location to chat.

At the same time Schokolade was also called to talk.

As for the remaining women like Minami, Karen low and Elena will have to trust Koko.

As for Leyla the new addition would takes a little time.

There is also Kasper and his group……

After the group of Koko’s guards decided to accept the question of trust, Malka explained about the real world a little.

This made Lehm shocked enough to drop the cigarettes in his mouth.

Everyone was excited about the real world.

The time is short and they moved to have dinner.

Hinoki listened to Malka and directly left there and booked tickets for his family to go to meet her in Africa.

Jonathan was happy about that.

But Malka is not going to move them any way only ask the question of trust and put them in the list that can take with her.

On the next extraction Malka and her team were followed by the night 9.

Well Malka wanted to use her expertise into directly clearing off these people but she stopped herself.

Chapter 327: Jonah left the group

On the next extraction Malka and her team were followed by the night 9.

Well Malka wanted to use her expertise into directly clearing off these people but she stopped herself.

There are times when others would get to show off their power.

This time it was Koko’s turn to show off her new toy that was still in the making.

Unfortunately Lutz got his ass shot again.

Malka did not let Jonah and others to separate from her and fall into mine field.

With her little hands covering the sky Malka and her group safely escaped from the chase of night 9.


Back at the base Malka started to wash off and Koko appeared without even knocking on the door.

The situation that should happen with Jonah has happened to Malka instead.

Malka also found that her affection is turning towards some love.

But it was a little twisted.

Well what is not twisted?

She already had girls from the black lagoon world.

So Malka was already used to it.

Koko insisted on kissing Malka.

So they kissed and with that Koko’s affection actually turned into love.

She asked what her real appearance is.

Malka thought for a moment and drew her appearance on a portrait for Koko to see.

Well it is an image of Mohini that have very little clothes.

This is the naked portrait of Mohini that has the perfect bitch like image.

Koko was really impressed by her original appearance.

The body of Mohini is naturally seductive and the image made Koko very much interested as she is into women.

She decided to wait it out before going further in this world.

In the morning she went to speak with Faiza and closed her chatty mouth with her words.

Finally they reached Africa.

Koko started to talk about her project to all of her team at the same time.

She knows that Malka know about her project but she still spoke about it for her entire team to understand about this destructive project of Koko.

Jonathan reacted in the same way as he reacted in the plot.

As soon as Jonathan pointed his gun at Koko, Malka moved to hit his hand joint letting the gun fall from his hands.

“Jonah, the most important lesson you should learn in your life is, never to point your gun at your own people.

First listen to the people and when you don’t like it then go away.

Why are you point your guns at other people……….”

Malka then looked at other people that pointed guns and said.

“You don’t have to point your guns.

I am on her side too……”

Koko moved forward to continue speaking her thoughts.

She is completely twisted in her mind.

But Malka liked it.

Koko moved to Malka and hugged her from behind while explaining things to Jonah.

Jonah simply ran away.

He did not even wait for Malka that he actually loved before.

Malka did not chase after him and supported Koko instead.

Koko did not have that much contact with Jonah instead her thoughts are closely related to Malka’s opinion that is Mohini’s opinion.

So she did not shout or said anything like “don’t leave me Jonah”

Instead she looked at Malka and asked.

“What would you do, your little lover doesn’t seems to be supporting my thoughts?”

Malka looked at her and said.

“Don’t worry your brother seems to be eying for Jonah for a long time.

He is already waiting for Jonah over there.

It is just that Jonah choose a different group to follow.

Let him be for the time being to understand his heart and come to terms with the current situation.

He can stay with Kasper for the time being…”

Malka took out her phone and called Kasper.

“Hello Kasper, I know you are waiting there.

Take care of Jonah for the time being.

Don’t forget one day he will leave you and return back to me…”

After Malka spoke she cut the call under the astounded eyes of Koko.

She did not expect Malka to even see through her brother’s reactions and Kasper’s moves so clearly.

She was more and more impressed by Malka or the original person in Malka’s body that is Mohini.

Jonah joined up Kasper’s group.

Koko and Minami talked about Jonah.

Then Malka told Koko that she should complete asking the question of trust to the remaining people.

Then she took Koko to meet with Minami, Elena, Faiza and few other confidents and asked the question of trust that if they trust her or Koko.

Immediately all of them got the blue screen.

Being scientists and high IQ people they wanted to analyze this but Malka stopped their thoughts and spoke about the warning.

But still Malka still lost a little chaos points because of their quickly thinking.

Malka got them on board.

Schokolade arrived and she was also taken in by Malka to become a guard here.

Then the family of Hinoki appeared and Malka asked them the question of trust.

Mana asked Malka about Jonah and why he did not answer her calls today.

Malka did not say anything secret and only told her that Malka is working with Kasper.

The question of trust startled them and after understanding the reality they calmed down.

They found that Jonah would go along with them.

So she is peaceful.

All that was left is the Kasper’s group.

Malka is not in a hurry right now.

Malka advised the girls to grow their hair longer as she liked that more.

She even gave them some special oils for hair care.

Well things moved on and Lutz organized a meeting to talk about Koko’s plan and Malka’s real world thing.

He did not understand what to choose.

So he wanted to see what others are thinking to make his own idea.

The bank accounts of Koko are being hacked and Malka helped her cover her accounts.

Koko used the computer to play game…..

Chapter 328: end of the fantasy world

The bank accounts of Koko are being hacked and Malka helped her cover her accounts.

Koko used the computer to play game with book man and the one that tried putting his fingers into her plans.

Koko and the girls started to take a hot water bath.

Well Malka was invited and she went to take good hot baths while folding the beautiful tits of the beauties.

Instead Koko took the sketch of Mohini’s original appearance for those women to look at.

They were fascinated by the original appearance of Malka and they said that she is more beautiful and hotter than her current appearance right now.


Time passed by quickly and it was already 2 years.

The girls did not cut their hair and grew it longer till their waists or longer.

They looked hot and they looked beautiful.

During this time Malka became a very popular figure around the world for various reasons and charitable acts.

The money came from special means but there is not one to track it.

Any negative news or any investigation towards Malka would be completely over turned by Malka’s AI.

So Malka became the most famous person and gained support from many people.

Well Malka did this to increase her hero title to the higher level.

Koko chatted with Kasper about the current world affairs.

Even thought Malka became popular it was thanks to her quick thinking in giving the relief for many countries that are in the middle of civil war.

Because they are destroying each other Malka was able to emerge victorious.

The accumulated money became food and medicine in many places.

But most of it was turned into gold emptying the gold reserves of many powerful countries.

Now all the gold is transported to a single place and Malka took it all into a storage card.

That is not all there are relics, treasures, minerals and precious gemstones.

All of them were taken by Malka.


Soon it was time to launch the satellite of the compressed quantum computer that Koko called the Jormungand.

Malka took the opportunity to meet with the entire crew of Kasper here.

Malka wanted to ask the question of trust.

Malka started with Kasper but the results are not good.

Even though Kasper has 60 points of favorability towards Malka, the trusting part is only light green.

Since it is not possible Malka connected it to Koko.

It succeeded.

With Kasper pulled in it was easy to pull his team along.

All of them were shocked.

While explaining to them Mohini noticed that there are some snipers from the players that are ready to strike during the final event.

They want to make their contribution at this time to gain little benefits.

At the same time Malka suddenly took out a sniper and shot back at a very fast speed.

Then Malka explained to these people about the real world.

Malka checked to see if everyone is okay with that and then moved on to the main event.

Jonah was standing on the side and Malka went to chat with him.

Malka told Jonah that after going to the real world he can see how the things would be.


There are even players that are driving fighter jet to strike down the rocket before launching

Malka personally took the thing into her hand to scramble all of their network and electronic equipments of the fighter jets.

Any jets that came too close were attacked by her using some weapons personally.

She is like human artillery that would attack all the enemies at super accuracy.


With the successful lift off Jormungand the fantasy world was finally over.

Immediately everyone was taken back the bridge space between the fantasy world and real world.

As soon as they entered they saw Malka separating into two shadows and one of them looks like Malka.

But the other shadow turned into a beautiful woman that was completely naked standing right by her side.

It was Mohini with her great seductive aura and hot curves making all the men and some women in the group gulp down their saliva.

Mohini saw that all the people are shocked looking at the sudden shift of location they are present and the separation of bodies.

Mohini looked at the people and told them to stay quiet for a moment.

She did not bothered to put on new clothes and her clothes that should be there before entering the fantasy world slowly appeared on the beach by the side.

It was not much of a clothes just a simple bikini.

Then the fantasy system started checking and gave the report of healing.


Healing and recovery required for the following members.

Velmet--- right eye--- repair cost----30,000 chaos points.

Karen low---- wind pipe damage---repair cost----2,300 chaos points


Total healing and recovery cost---41,252 chaos points.

Host do you want to pay the price….”

Mohini nodded her head and the amount was paid.

Well it is just pocket change.

After that the system calculated the assets that she collected in the fantasy world and the exchange ratio.

“Host was able to collect 100 billion USD in cash including all kinds of currencies…..

After the conversion from the system host can receive 821.34 million chaos points.

Chaos points will be transferred to the status account of the host…”

Mohini nodded.

Then the next calculation of the people that she brought from the fantasy world and want to take to the real world.


Host has formed the contract of trust with the following people.

Koko, Velmet, Jonah, Hex, Faiza…………

Do you wish to take all these people to the real world?”

Mohini looked at the people around and asked them the same question.

Well everyone had their own thoughts.

Also in the group there is Mildo and the people from CCAT.

She previously talked to them about this before the end when she went to visit their restaurant.

They accepted her offer.

Chapter 329: cooking, only wearing a naked apron

She previously talked to them about this before the end when she went to visit their restaurant.

They accepted her offer.

Mohini got them easily well it is not a big deal any way.

The people that came along right now all accepted Mohini’s offer and did not want to leave.

Jonah hesitated for a moment but looking at Mana and Malka separated from Mohini, he decided to follow Mohini.

Malka has already accepted Mohini and her kind gentle nature has returned to her.

She ran over to Jonah and started to speak to him.

Then a scene where Jonah is being pulled by two women that is Malka and Mana appeared in front of everyone that made them laugh looking at the scene.

Looking at everyone is okay Mohini nodded her head and the system showed her the price.

“Host wants to bring the previously mentioned people to the real world.

The cost of bringing them to the real world is 500 million chaos points.

Do you wish to spend the chaos points to bring all these people back to the real world?”

Mohini nodded her head and the money was immediately deducted from her account.

Then there is a golden light that fell on all the people and they become more real.

With that all these people would come along with Mohini.

The people around looked at Mohini more and more to see what she truly looked like.

Before Mohini’s body was covered with a strange glow that only showed curves after separating from Malka.

After she put on her dress her body became normal.

The reason for this is because of the presence of the restriction of the system.

Koko previously showed the sketch of Mohini but the real one is more beautiful than that of the sketch.

The system then calculated the completion of the fantasy world and gave Mohini some choices.


Host has joined the main group successfully…

Host has helped Koko complete her dream project…

Host has successfully saved Hex and R from dying…

Host has successfully entered the black list of the CIA…

World completion rate: 93 percent

World popularity: 44 percent


Overall impact on the world: 5 percent.”


Host, please choose 3 of the following options.

Option 1: 10 million chaos points

Option 2: 25,000 military merit points

Option 3: 2,100 civilian merit points

Option 4: 20 free stat points

Option 5: 10 free simulation points

Option 6: quantum computer main brain and quantum computer second brain

Option 7: protection card that can protect from all kinds of attacks and can last for 9 minutes (One time use)


Mohini looked at the options and decided to choose options 2, 4, 7.

The other options are not much used to Mohini right now.

With that Mohini got what she needed.

The 20 free stat points were directly distributed to his stat making all of them reach 200 stats points perfectly.

Then she took the people out of this place and they appeared on a boat out of nowhere in the middle of the ocean.

There are others that are helping Mohini sail the boat but the sudden appearance of people startled them.

Mohini stopped them from doing anything rash.

It was already around after noon so he told them to stop the ship so that he could take out the ark island for the people to settle down.

Also they can have lunch cooked by Mohini.

Everyone was excited.

Mohini took out the ark island and settled the people.

Well the woman of Mohini got a little tense but they soon mingled quickly.

Mohini changed her dress to a naked apron that has holes for her nipples to come out and started to cook a meal.

For help she only called the men in the group while the women are chatting happily.

In the cooking area there is only Mohini among many men that are helping her.

“Phat” “Ahaaaa”

Well from time to time someone would slap her ass or someone would pinch her sensitive nipples or fondle her sensitive tits.

With moans and small slaps of pleasure Mohini slowly cooked the meal for everyone.

Mohini cooked them a meal of monster meat and let them all have a big party.

For the new people Mohini gave them the genetic essence solutions to drink so that they would complete their genetic essence bar to complete.

After Mohini made the arrangements for their stay Mohini started to move and continue her journey towards the end of the first ring.

At the end of the first ring there is a landmass just like an island but it is long and circular belt that was not explored till now.

On the land mass there will be nothing more than sand.

There is no creature or life on this land mass.

Mohini stopped here and the ark ship was also taken back.

From here on she has to go alone.

She is completely naked before but now she took out a pair of sexy bikini that has the properties of protection and the healing ring that hakim gave her at the start.

This would help her improve few things giving extra buff to survive the tribulation.

Here Mohini has to face the tribulation to move to the next ring.

The system immediately asked Mohini if she wants to take the tribulation here.


Host has met the conditions to enter the second ring.

Host has to pass through the tribulation here before passing through the second ring.

Host, please choose which specific stats that you want to take the tribulation as main.

Host, select one or more specific stats from below…

Vitality (Yes/no)

Stamina (Yes/no)

Strength (Yes/no)

Agility (Yes/no)

Intelligence (Yes/no)

Sense (Yes/no)

Charm (Yes/no)


Mohini chose all the seven specific stats at the same time as she did before.


Please confirm your choice.”

Mohini confirmed her choice and immediately her surroundings changed.

All of her specific stats are over 200 stat points.

Chapter 330: successfully reached tier 2 and entered ring 2

Mohini confirmed her choice and immediately her surroundings changed.

All of her specific stats are over 200 stat points.

So the tribulation would be as powerful as a disaster.

Soon after she confirmed she felt a heavy pressure on her body and the land in front of her turned into a trap zone.

She needs strong intelligence to solve the traps here.

Also there at some creatures in the place that needed to be charmed to move forward.

In order to cross the tribulation safely Mohini cannot kill these specific creatures and can only use her charm

That is not all there are thick clouds looming in the sky and a hail of ice cubes started mixed with strong lightning.

Mohini smiled and started to move.

The suppression was only up to 200 stats points.

The 100 stat points that she got through genetic essence were not counted as the main stats and are not considered for the tribulation.

This is the leeway given to all the players and hunters to cross the tribulation.

That is the reason why all the people try their best to fill as much genetic essence as possible.

When the tribulations happens the stat points that were obtained through genetic essence would not be considered.

Mohini was able to quickly move around at a speed faster than the intended speed.

The lightning fell on her but the damage was within the consideration the hail of ice and fire hit her causing severe injuries.

But they were not strong enough to completely break her defenses.

She is also wearing strong armor that she got from buzz and few other rich second generation people.

She crossed the sandy land mass from one side to the other.

It took her more than 3 hours and she was hit by at least 14 lightning in the process.

It took all of her effort to finally appear on the other side.

The armor she is wearing is still good but it was damaged to a certain extent.

It needed to be repaired before taking more damage later.

She immediately sent the armor into personal space and other things were also taken back.

She did not leave the place immediately as the system would reward her with extra benefits.


Host has successfully survived the tribulation of all specific stats at their fullest levels,

Host will receive the following rewards.

+35 stat points to all the selected specific stats opted for tribulation

+35 skill points

+35 free stat points

First one to complete the tribulation selecting all the specific stats in full and successfully passing the tribulation,

Special reward: All the skills, spells and techniques that can be practiced will have +1 percent extra experience bonus.

Host has successfully upgraded to tier 2


Mohini opened his status panel to take a look.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), zombie annihilator (4300/1 mil), mortal hero (tier-5), lucky pervert (max)

Job: alchemist (pill refiner) (tier-1- intermediate), hunter (tier-1- master), cook (tier-1- master), builder (tier-1- intermediate),

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Tier: 2

Military rank: staff sergeant (???/61,680) (Temporarily unavailable for upgrade)

Civilian rank: big village head (???/97,140) (Temporarily unavailable for upgrade)


Vitality: 235+40 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 235+15 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Strength: 235+10 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Agility: 235+10 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 235+5 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Sense: 235+15 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Charm: 235+5 (Evolution chaos genetic points)


Evolution chaos genetic points: 0


Health points: 2750/2750

Stamina points: 2500/2500

Magic points: 2400/2400


Free stat points: 35

Chaos points: 48.01 billion

Skill points: 35 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 8230 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:

Fucking steal: tier 6 (1640/7000)

Endurance: tier 6 (1260/7000)

Insight: tier 9 (3840/10,000)

Will: tier 9 (3970/10,000)


Acquired skills:

Thought inception: tier 4 (1480/5000)

Dick growing: tier 1 (820/2000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 4 (4480/5000)

Cooking: tier 4 (4700/5000)

Contract: tier 2 (2654/3000)

Hunting: tier 4 (4830/5000)

Physical fighting: tier 5 (4250/6000)

Weapon fighting: tier 5 (4320/6000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 4 (1250/5000)

Shooter: tier 4 (800/5000)

Magic software: tier 7 (250/8000)

Reality clone: tier 3 (3110/4000)

Seduction art: tier 2 (4240/30,000)

Multi tasking: tier 5 (1650/6000)

Disguise: tier 3 (1140/4000)


Mohini looked at her status with satisfaction.

In the second ring the highest stats one can reach is 400 stat points in any specific stat.

Most people that are the cream of the crop would start around 130 stat points to 150 stat points in one or more of their specific stats but not all.

Only Mohini is strong enough to start at 235+ stat points in all of the specific stats at the start of the second ring.

Mohini is already on the raise.

The conditions for clearing second ring is

The player should fill up their genetic essence of one grade from the second ring.

The player should obtain a spirit of the same grade as the genetic essence that she filled up.

The player should have at least 300 stat points in at least one specific stat.

The civilian rank should reach at least the medieval village.

The military rank should at least master sergeant rank.


Mohini has already achieved most of the conditions already and he just has to put in a little more effort.

After going through few more fantasy worlds Mohini would be able to complete the conditions perfectly.

Mohini did not rush into the second ring and stood there to watch the surrounding situation.

Mohini knows that there are some people that do extortion from the new people without strong background.

They would usually wait outside the entrance location of the second ring in turns.

Well they are not strong people.

Most of them would have around 200 stat points or less.

Mohini first put on a disguise and then took out her ship to sail with strong fighters from the ark island.

Everyone is equipped with guns or other gear they are good with.

Mohini already located a ship that is waiting at 7 kilometers away from……...


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