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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 41: I want your first kiss to the price for the information

Jonathan was sitting on the chair with a book on his hand as reading without caring about anything.

Hermione on the other hand was dazed looking at his handsome appearance along with the surrounding setting.

Jonathan specifically created this to boost his charm.

Having more charm would always have good persuasive power.

Similarly, sympathy, pity also has similar effects.

But right now he is not going to act to gain sympathy or pity.

Instead he is going to show her his fangs and gain something good from her for information.

He is going to start a dark business with Hermione.

Well things would start with simple things but as they escalate they would change in form.

It might even lead to dark love.

He is going to teach her that main principal of alchemy.

That is equivalent exchange.

But many people would confuse about one thing that is the equivalence.

What is the equivalence?

Most would say that the equivalence is the value of the thing that one wanted to obtain in proportions.

But that is not true.

For example, if you live by the side of a river the water is free, but if you are in a desert then the value of the water increase exponentially.

Similarly the value of the things would change when the demand of the specific object or information is very high or there is a sense of urgency.


Hermione looked around coming out of her dazed state and found that there is nothing wrong here.

It should be one of the mysteries of Hogwarts.

It is really a peaceful place to study.

She likes to study and this place fits the bill perfectly.

It is more than perfect in her thoughts.

While she is thinking she came forward collecting her strength to speak with Jonathan.

She wanted to apologize for her behavior in the past few days and also thank him for saving her from the troll.

When she came forward from the place she was previously hiding Jonathan put down his book and looked at Hermione with a smile.

For some reason Hermione has a bad feeling looking into the eyes and smile of Jonathan right now.

But she did not think about it and said.

“Jonathan, I am really sorry for my behavior before and thank you for saving me from the troll that day.

If it was not for you me, Harry and Ron would have died that day….”

She spoke looking straight into the eyes of Jonathan wanted to know how he reacts to her.

Jonathan did not show any change in expression from the start to the end.

Finally when she stopped he spoke.

“It is okay miss granger, I can understand.

I have already predicted that you hate me because of others words don’t you.

See it has happened.

Also let me make one more thing clear miss granger.

I am really not a good guy.

But I am not a bad guy either.

I am a simple business man.

If you want anything you can exchange with me for an equivalent price that I evaluate and we can exchange if we both agree on the terms.

This would be the best way for me to be with other people I think.”

Hermione, when she heard that Jonathan called her miss granger instead of Hermione,

She knows that Jonathan is still angry even though he did not show that on his face and there is a clear wedge between them.

Also when he said that he is okay with her apology she felt a little relieved.

But, when she heard his later part of the words that is about his nature and taking everything as business, has made her sad.

She thought that because everyone is avoiding him because of his father has made him like this.

At least that is what she thought.

But no one is actually avoiding him.

Instead it was Harry and that are being avoided even now because of their pervert reputation still going strong.


Originally she should leave here as soon as possible but she suddenly remembered that Jonathan also reads many books.

She wanted to know about Nicolas Flamel.

Since Jonathan wanted to do everything as business then she would contact him through business.

She did not have any thoughts of getting close to Jonathan.

Instead she wanted to help a friend in sadness.

She thought that what she is doing is a noble thing.

So she immediately asked.

“Jonathan, do you know who Nicolas Flamel is?”

She did not use the family name of Jonathan like he is calling her miss granger so that he would feel close to her.

Jonathan looked at her and said.

“Nicolas Flamel, Yes I know him.

I will give you the information for a price…”

Before Jonathan completed his words Hermione spoke.

“I will complete your homework for a week as price.

So can you tell me about Nicolas Flamel?”

Jonathan smiled amusingly and said.

“Miss Granger, you should be joking right.

I have seen your people getting your heads burst open to search all the books to find about Nicolas Flamel.

You are telling me that the cost of this information is as simple as completing my homework for a week.

You are not the one that would decide the price.

I am the one to decide the price.

Based on my analysis and all your anxious search of all the books in the library, the information is very valuable.

So the price of the information will also change.”

Hermione looked at Jonathan and asked him straight.

“What is the price, do you want money and other things.”

Jonathan smiled and replied.

“Miss Granger, I want your first lip to lip kiss as the price for the information.”

Hermione was immediately shocked and blushed glaring at Jonathan.

But Jonathan did not care about her glare and said.

“I know it is a big price for you to decide on immediately………”

Chapter 42: Hermione returned to Jonathan

But Jonathan did not care about her glare and said.

“I know it is a big price for you to decide on immediately.

So go back and think about it.

May be you would find the information you are looking for.

If not you can always come to look for me.”

Right before this Jonathan received a choice from the villain system.


Host, please make your choice.

Choice 1: host has to gain the first kiss of the protagonist’s woman by any means necessary.

Rewards would be decided based on the person that gives their first kiss to the host.

Choice 2: host would not receive the first kiss of the protagonist’s woman.

The women of the host would accidentally give kisses to other people.”

This is the first time Jonathan saw that the system giving penalty or punishment like thing.

He doesn’t like that.

He is possessive in nature and do not like anyone stealing kisses from his women.

For this reason he gave kisses to both pansy and Daphne as soon as he came to the school.

But that did not change from the fact that he did not complete the choice.


Hermione stomped her foot on the floor and cursed Jonathan with an angry face.

Then she wanted to leave but she don’t know how to.

Jonathan simply pointed at a wall and a door appeared out of nowhere.

“I will give you this information for free.

This is called room of requirements and if you want to leave here all you have to do is to think of an exit that you wanted to leave from here.

The door of your imagination appears and you can leave from here.”

Jonathan said and then moved his eyes back to the book, no longer looking at Hermione that has a red face.

No one knows why her face it red.

It might be because of the embarrassment or because of anger.

After that she left here and returned to the common room.

When she came to the common room she found that Harry and Ron are waiting for her.

She did not say the price for the information but only told them that Jonathan knows about Nicolas Flamel.

Harry immediately said.

“Did he tell you about Nicolas Flamel?”

Hermione shook her head.

“I knew that he is a bad guy.

He would not help the good people…”

Ron continued to jump in and started to run off his annoying mouth.

Hermione was silent while Harry looked at her and said.

“Hermione, he would not speak to us or reply to us.

You are the only one he speaks to.

So you have to try your best to get the information from him.

This is to know the secret of the Snape and save everyone in the school.


If Jonathan was standing in this place he would have laughed his ass off.

The reason for this is simple.

Harry and Ron are 12 year old brats and they are not even in their teen age.

They are trying to save Hogwarts and everyone.

It is quite funny when you think about it.

Do they think that they are the only intelligent people in the entire world?

If Harry did not act brave and go to hiding place of the philosopher’s stone Voldemort would never be able to get it.

Fortunately he has his mother’s protection and was saved because of that.

So he did not solve this problem but increased it exponentially to the point of threatening his life and the life of his friends.

He even calls himself a hero.

He is not a hero instead he is a moron.

Jonathan would not associate with people like these.

But there is one thing that Jonathan was happy about.

Because these people are morons Jonathan can have some good time with their women easily.


Hermione bit her lower lip with the words of Harry.

She wanted to talk with Jonathan again to see if she will be able to get the information using something different other than her first kiss.

So she left the common room again.

The curfew time has already started and the fat lady left as soon as Hermione got out of the room.

Jonathan was planning on staying at the room of requirements which is more peaceful than the dorms of Gryffindor.

He has to complete studying of the alchemy book that Nicolas gave him.

Hermione that found that the fat lady left when she came out was shocked.

She did not have the way to enter into the common room even if knows the password.

If she was caught outside she would be punished.

She started to curse Harry and Ron for telling her to go now and herself for her impulsive behavior to leave the common room in the night.

She moved slowly step by step like a cat and came to the location of the room or requirements.

She knows how to leave but she doesn’t know how to enter the room or requirements.

She started to remember the information on how to enter the room of requirements through the books she read before.

The she moved around the corridor three times to finally let the room of requirements to reveal itself.

Jonathan did not set any restrictions for the entry requirement as he was the first one to enter.

So others can enter freely.

Hermione was able to enter the same room as before.

She looked around carefully.

Jonathan noticed her but did not respond to her presence.

Instead he was engrossed in reading the book in his hand.

This made Hermione curious.

“Jonathan, what is the book you are studying?”

She asked forgetting their conversation before.

Jonathan looked at her and said.

“Well I have newly become the disciple of the person you are looking for before.

He gave me this book to read to learn the basics.

As for other information I cannot tell before the payment is done………”

Chapter 43: Hermione’s first kiss

“Well I have newly become the disciple of the person you are looking for before.

He gave me this book to read to learn the basics.

As for other information I cannot tell before the payment is done.

Since you came here again means that Harry and Ron should have told you some righteous sounding words and sent you here right.

Well it is their loss that they did not recognize a beauty like you.

Also it is my gain getting the first kiss from a beauty like you.”

Jonathan said there words to push Hermione further into thinking that she is beautiful and her first kiss are very valuable.

Even though Hermione is intelligent, when it comes to receiving compliments all the women have same thoughts.

They would easily get into good mood with compliments.

It is also true for her as it reduced her anger towards Ron many times after he praised her intelligence and beauty in the original plot.

Jonathan is thinking of the same thing and playing cards according to the information he knows.

Hermione’s face became red after she was praised being a beauty.

She felt that Jonathan is really interested in her and don’t know how to show his heart to her.

So he is playing these tricks to gain her attention.

She has seen Daphne and pansy with Jonathan before.

But these thoughts did not appear on her mind right now because it was clouded by the praises from Jonathan about her beauty.

Also she was angry towards Ron and Harry for asking her to do whatever it takes to get the information.

All these things combined and she made the decision on impulse.

“Okay, I will give you my first kiss.”

She said the words with blushing red face but did not move forward.

Jonathan has to take the initiative to get her first kiss.

Well Jonathan intended to do just that.

Pushing her more would not give any positive impact on her.

But still he has to let her take another half a step forward mentally to balance out the things for smooth sailing in the future.

“Come over here then.”

Jonathan said as Hermione bit her lower lip and could not see straight into the eyes of Jonathan.

She simply thought.

“Let’s get this over with quickly and get the information.”

She thought and moved forward to the rocking chair.

Jonathan did not stand up and pulled her onto his lap.

The book in his hand was placed on the table on the side.

As soon as she sat on the table she looked astounded towards Jonathan wanting to say something.

She opened her mouth.

Jonathan to the right moment to lock her lips and her previous quick kiss plans has gone down the drain.

Jonathan’s hands are holding her head so she would not break free immediately.

But Jonathan did not apply any pressure on her head.

It was her thought of comfort that she is not taking the initiative to kiss and only getting kissed.

But her tongue and lips moved automatically and she learnt on how to kiss along with the movements of Jonathan automatically.

It is like fish learning to swim.

Well they already know about that but they still have to take the initiative.

So now she took the initiative and she started to enjoy the kiss.

They kissed till Hermione is out of breath.

Jonathan was fine because his body was improved and can hold breath for a long time.




She leaned forward and rested on the chest of Jonathan while panting.

Her mind is dazed and she was aroused too.

Well she has entered teenage and girls mature faster both physically and mentally.

Their understanding is also much deeper than most men when it comes to specific things.

She panted for a while before returning to her right mind.

She immediately stood up from the lap of Jonathan.

But she tripped and lost her balance because of her sudden actions.


Jonathan caught her hand at the right time and pulled her back into his lap.

“Don’t worry beauty,

My lap is quite soft for you to sit.

Stay here before you got your body right.

Also you wanted to know the information right.

Sit peacefully and I will tell you the information.

After that you can leave.

Well if you like it you can stay with me too.

As for the other things like kissing again, it is your choice…”

Jonathan said and Hermione blushed again.

She was really about to fall.

If she fell as it is, then her nose would really get a major hit.

Even though she did not care about her beauty, she really doesn’t want to damage her face.

Jonathan saved her so as reward she decided to sit on his lap for a little while.

Any way she has to listen to the information and also get her body together after the mesmerizing…kiss…”

When she thought about this her mind went a little blank again.

But she snapped out of it.

She blushed with red face and the redness reached all the way to her ears.


She said with fluttering words.

Jonathan smiled inside but did not show that out and said to Hermione.

“The information has received the price I wanted so I will tell you.

Nicolas Flamel is an alchemist.

He is famous for creating the philosopher’s stone.

This is most probably the thing Harry and Ron are rocking their heads about.

As for my case, I got him as a teacher because he liked my talent.

He gave me a book related to his research fundamentals to study and understand.

That is all.”

Jonathan said everything into the ear of Hermione while blowing the wind into her ear making her more and more aroused.

Her face is all red because of the air that Jonathan blew into her ear.

She felt tingly all over.

She liked the feeling she is getting.

Chapter 44: disappointed Hermione

She felt tingly all over.

She liked the feeling she is getting.

But she snapped back again from the feeling when Jonathan stopped talking.

She was so much embarrassed that she directly ran away from him going out of the room of requirements and went straight to the Gryffindor common room.

Fortunately the fat lady returned at that time.

She is having a beauty sleep right now.

Hermione disturbed her and took few minutes to remember the password to enter into the common room.

The fat lady was annoyed but Hermione is not in a state to think about that.

Her face is hot and she was embarrassed.

Well what can anyone say, she is a girl that hit the puberty and it is the time for first love to come.

She thought that Harry and Ron would be out waiting for her.

Unexpectedly there is no one in the common room instead they went to sleep.

She was severely disappointed with Harry and Ron but since they are friends she let that go.

She went to sleep.

But she was unable to sleep as when she closed her eyes, the scene of her sitting on the lap of Jonathan and kissing him appeared in her mind more and more.

She was having a hard time thinking of all that.

She did not sleep all night because of the wild fantasies in her mind.

Her eyes were red early in the morning next day.

The Quidditch time has started.

It is February 20thand in 2 days there is a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

That is why the people in the Gryffindor room are a little hyped.

Even though they lost to Slytherin they are sure that they can win against Hufflepuff.

Hermione went to speak with Harry and Ron.

But they are not in the mood to learn about that.

They are more interested in knowing about the situation of Quidditch.

Hermione with her red swollen eyes from lack of sleep stomped her feet and left with anger.

For this match Snape is not the referee.

Well Harry is not participating.

So there is no need for him to do anything out of order in this situation.

Things went on normally without much hitch.

After 2 days the match was over and Harry and Ron got back to Hermione to know about Nicolas Flamel.

During the match Ron and Neville got into a fight with Draco and Neville got some good beating enough to land him in the hospital wing.

Fortunately with a narrow margin the Gryffindor won against Hufflepuff.

Hermione bit her lower lip thinking that she has sacrificed her first kiss to Jonathan for this information,

But she did not receive any appreciation from neither Harry nor Ron.

She did not tell them about the price but only told them about the information of Nicolas.

Immediately Neville on the side covered in bandages showed the cards in his hand that he got from chocolate frog packs.

Hermione was dazed to find that Nicolas Flamel can be found so easily.

She felt that she was cheated off her first kiss by Jonathan.

But she calmed down as she cannot show this in front of Harry and Ron.

Right then Jonathan appeared with a smile and grinned towards Hermione.

She glared at him for a moment but her cheeks turned red when Jonathan licked his lips.


Knowing this Harry along with Ron and Hermione moved out of this place and wanted to meet with Hagrid to speak.

But they discovered that Snape is going towards the forbidden forest.

So they followed him sneakily.

They got the invisibility cloak with them as Harry brought this to make things more on the safe side.

Snape meets Quirrell and they speak of the Philosopher's Stone.

Harry thinks that Snape is trying to force Quirrell to help him get the stone so he can get rich, to the alarm of both Ron and Hermione who fear Quirrell will talk.

With that the trio got the information they quickly left there to meet with Hagrid.

Jonathan on the other hand is also following them in invisibility cloak because there is something important he wanted to do with the information.

Or to be more precise he can get more kisses from Hermione while planning some future traps for Harry and Ron.

They went into the hut of Hagrid while Jonathan stood by the side at the window with invisibility cloak.

They could not listen to the conversation happening inside the hut of Hagrid.

Well Jonathan did not care as he knows.

Hagrid, who confirms the Stone, is being kept at Hogwarts.

Hermione charms him into talking about the enchantments used to guard it:

Fluffy, the three-headed dog, is Hagrid's,

Along with that there are enchantments from Professors Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell, and Snape.

After gaining the information, Harry complains about the high temperature in Hagrid's hut.

They then discovered that he has a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon egg, which he wants to name Norbert once it has hatched.

The group left back to the castle and continued with their studies.

Jonathan managed to score extra points in every class including the class of Snape.

This landed him with enough points to let Gryffindor win even if they did not win the win the Quidditch match till the end.

With his popularity boost that he got from the system, along with various other things, Jonathan because very popular in Hogwarts.

He also made enough points on equal level of the entire Gryffindor house combined made.

This things shocked many people which added to his popularity.

Jonathan on the other hand did not get his eyes on the top of his head and appeared very natural.

Professor Flitwick did not approach Jonathan just yet.

The spells of the first year can be learnt easily.

He has to observe Jonathan more to make a move.

Professor Mcgonagall also recognized his talent in transfiguration so she was also paying attention to Jonathan during this time.

Chapter 45: 30 kisses as compensation

He has to observe Jonathan more to make a move.

Professor Mcgonagall also recognized his talent in transfiguration so she was also paying attention to Jonathan during this time.

But the first years would only be recognized and tested.

As they move on to the third year their true talent would come out.

That is also the time when they choose the subjects that they wanted to take as electives.

They will wait for that time before making the final choice.


Jonathan also noticed their gaze but he did not open up and waited for them to come to him.

This way the amount of impact would increase and he would have enough space for maneuver.


It is April and Jonathan kept an eye on the movements of trio.

Hermione did not try to look into the eyes of Jonathan as she always remembers her first kiss with him when she looks at him.

During this time Jonathan has kissing time with Daphne and pansy everyday during his free time.

Their bond got closure and closure.

They did not take any more steps other than kissing but that is enough to intoxicate them.


One day Jonathan found that Hagrid is looking for books on how to feed and raise a dragon.

Jonathan found that in the library and talked to him about that.

Hagrid tried his best to control himself not to speak about his secret.

But he still spills the things because he held the book too tightly attracting the attention of madam Pince.

This was noticed by Hermione and she came along with Harry to ease up the things.

They know what Hagrid is looking for.

Jonathan only whispered to Hermione and left without even looking at Harry.

Harry did not understand why Jonathan did not answer him or anything.

But he doesn’t care and though that Jonathan is arrogant.

Hermione later came to the room of requirements with a blushed face as Jonathan called her here.

She knows that Jonathan is going to get another kiss from her in the name of keeping secrets.

She is angry but she is anticipating about the kiss too.

Jonathan was still there in the same position reading a book.

“What do you want?”

She asked a little arrogantly.

“Miss Granger, you should understand your situation.

Also you have to sit on my lap to speak to me.

Remember I am in the power right now.

So you have to listen to my requirements to keep your secrets.

Also I have recorded our first kiss before to keep it as a good memory you know.”

Jonathan told her as he showed a crystal orb that showed the picture of them kissing.

In it Hermione is actually more active.

Hermione looked at the image and blushed.

She quickly came close to Jonathan in order to snatch the crystal ball.

Jonathan actually let her.

She directly wanted through that on the ground but stopped because of two reasons.

First is she really doing want to drop the crystal ball erasing her first kiss memory.

Second is that she doubted on how easy she was able to snatch the crystal ball is and felt that Jonathan might have other copies.

When she thought about this stopping her dropping gesture Jonathan spoke.


You thought it right.

I have many copies of that stored specifically.

So losing one would not be much of a problem for me.

You are really smart you know that.

That is why I wanted to speak to you instead of those morons.

Now be a good girl and sit on my lap.

Also hand over the crystal ball carefully or you can keep it if you like.”

Jonathan said looking at Hermione.

When he said that she is intelligent, a small grin crept on her pink lips but she immediately hid it well.

She made an expression as if she did not have any choice and sat on the lap of Jonathan and Jonathan pulled her into his embrace as his hands were free already.

Hermione stiffened for a moment when Jonathan embraced her suddenly.

“Now miss granger, we come to the main point.

I know that Hagrid got a dragon egg, the thing in the forbidden area that you shouldn’t bother about but trying to figure out any way.

But these things are secrets that can land you and you two moronic self centered righteous friends Harry and Ron with a good amount of punishment.

Also it would give me some extra house points improving my fame.

I presume that you don’t want this to happen.

So you have to compensate for my losses.

Let us assume that I would get around 20 house points for this and a lot of fame from the students.

What do you think of the price of 30 lip kisses not pecking kisses?

You don’t have to give them all to me on the same day.

We can divide the number to 30 days.

If there is something I will notify you beforehand.

What do you think of this deal?”

Jonathan asked while holding Hermione tightly in his arms making her dizzy from all the close contact.

Also the concept Jonathan spoke is enough to make her blush till she was as red as Ron when he was embarrassed.

But she did not have a choice;

Well that is what she thought at that moment to convince her mind that want to kiss Jonathan.

She is smart but that smartness is only related to studies but not the reality.

She did not have to worry about anything as there is Dumbledore behind Hagrid to clean up his mess in this particular situation.

If they did not meddle in and Dumbledore really found out about this matter, then he would have really become cautious about the philosopher’s stone.

But things did not go that way and this led to the current situation and a future where Harry faced with professor Quirrell…….


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