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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 31: pity and sympathy are greatest weapons for covering

Harry, however, is looking forward to spending Christmas away from the Dursley's,

Especially because Ron is also staying at Hogwarts, as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are going to visit Ron's older brother Charlie in Romania.

Jonathan is also staying at Hogwarts for the summer because he was not invited back to the Malfoy mansion till the summer break unlike Draco.

Well Jonathan doesn’t care about that.

Draco not only teased Harry but also teased him.

He also said that Jonathan has freeloaded at his house for so long that he should not come back to their house anytime soon.

Many people looked at the entire incident weirdly.

This happened in the great hall and many people realized that Jonathan is also an orphan in a way.

His grandmother is dead; mother is dead there are no other black family members alive or close to him.

His father that he did not even see since birth is in jail.

So there is nothing left for him.

Also he is staying in the house of another person.

Harry that was also the great hall felt Draco as Dudley and Jonathan as Harry in Dursley's house.

He sees himself in Jonathan right now.

At that very moment many of his previous thoughts about Jonathan started to shake violently.

Jonathan never did anything bad to him.

Jonathan never scolded or teased him.

Jonathan tried to indirectly tell him that he should not go out during the dangerous times.


The more he thought about that the more he felt that he was the one that originally wronged Jonathan.

Jonathan never did anything wrong to him.

Also Jonathan was as much as of an orphan just like him living in the house of others.

He realized that he might have really mistaken Jonathan over the time.

Even after all the things he and Ron said and did Jonathan did not say anything to him.

Jonathan never showed him anger either.

While Harry is realizing things, there is another person that realized the things too.

It was Hermione that thought bad about Jonathan.

She now understands why Jonathan tells her not to break the rules.

She thought that Jonathan was punished for breaking the rules in Draco Malfoy’s house making him very particular about breaking rules.

This made her heart tight as she misunderstood him even after he saved her before.

All he did was to tell her not to break the rules the same way she said to Harry and Ron.

Even after saving her life she did not even say thank you to him.

Instead she avoided him more and more.

But Jonathan never said anything to her in both in front of her and behind her back.

Thinking of this she realized that the prediction of Jonathan has come true as she started to hate him without a reason.

Not that she realized is she started to feel the greatness of Jonathan and also guilt for not thanking him before.

On the other hand some professors and others that realized this also have different opinion.

But the most common thing is actually pity.

They pity him.

You know the greatest benefit of a man being pitied is the support of everyone.

Even politicians use the emotions of sympathy and pity on them to with the elections in most of the cases.

They would do many stunts to show that they are pitiful and gain sympathy of the people to make a lasting impression.

At the same time they would show that they are helping many people to gain the support of other voters.

Combining these two they would create a righteous image for themselves and win elections.

But knowing this is not enough one has to learn from this.

If a person can gain the authority to rule and trust of so many people with these simple two things, why Jonathan would let them go.

So he planned the things slowly and purposefully made Draco say those words.

Actually Draco has the habit of saying these words from few years ago.

This was done because of the provocation of Jonathan.

Well Jonathan doesn’t have to work hard as Draco’s original nature is like that.

With the simple plan and right timing and situation Jonathan’s plan to make Draco utter those words was created and succeeded.

When hearing the words of Draco, Harry showed anger.

On the other hand Jonathan did not show any fluctuations.

It is as if he has heard these words many times.

This would deepen the thoughts of others about the suffering of Jonathan more compared to the suffering of Harry.

Well they did not see either of them suffer over the years.

But they just imagined based on the emotions showed by the victims of the same incident.

So Jonathan gained another benefits right now and any and all suspicion that he got during this time would be removed completely.

Even if there are remnants they would be removed by the time the Christmas break is over.

With that thought Jonathan became excited.

He went to Daphne to speak as they met in the place outside the castle beside the lake.

They sat side by side as Jonathan spoke.

“How are thing in the Slytherin.”

“It is fine.”

“Is there anyone that is trying to mess with you there?”


“That is good.

Have a safe journey back home.

If something happens write to me so that I will take care of it.

Even though I did not have any adults by my side I still have someone to help me take care of a few things….”

They conversed as they sit apart like friends and not like lovers.

Neither of them moved close to each other during their conversation.

She wanted to come close to him.

But being a girl she want to be reserved and did not lose the impression of Jonathan being a lose woman.

Finally their conversation ended and they are about to part ways.

Chapter 32: affection meter and mood check

But being a girl she want to be reserved and did not lose the impression of Jonathan being a lose woman.

Finally their conversation ended and they are about to part ways.

When they stood up Jonathan pulled her into his embrace and gave a kiss on her cheek.

This made her blush.

She did not expect Jonathan to do this.

As she was struggling to get out of his embrace Jonathan held her tightly and whispered in her ear.

“I really wanted to kiss those beautiful lips of yours.

But this is not the time yet.

I will do that when the time is right.”

Daphne stopped struggling and looked down with red face without daring to look into his eyes.

Jonathan kissed her forehead and then turned his head towards the side where there are few boulders.

Then he smiled playfully and said.

“I know you are there.

If you don’t come here I will punish you.

I have both good punishment and bad punishment.

Good punishment is a secret while the bad punishment is that.

I will not speak with you anymore and I will not associate with you anymore.”

The hiding figure panicked and came out of hiding with red face.

It was the crazy tom girl pansy.

Daphne was shocked and she remembered the scene when he kissed pansy on the cheek to make her quite down before in the train.

She is a girl with mature heart.

She can understand the feelings of pansy.

Also she is not opposite to Jonathan having only her.

The reason for this is actually simple.

She cannot hold back a person like Jonathan that has deep thoughts.

She is an intelligent person and she understands what is happening with the mind of Jonathan.

Also she doubt that the news about the troll, about Harry and other things were Jonathan’s doing.

So this made understand Jonathan deeply.

Also this is the very thing that attracted her towards devilish being like Jonathan.

She feels that Jonathan truly loves her and he would never let her go.

Since it is like that she doesn’t want Jonathan to leave other women either.

If she is Jonathan’s queen she needs some people to take care of them.

Well she is gloriously calling them as concubines or lovers which are in her mind called as maids.

That is her thoughts and as nobility other than the main wife that is her Jonathan needs more women on his side.

She like Jonathan to have more women this is so that he can gain more experience to satisfy her in the future.

Well her thinking process is different and she likes to dominate other woman.

Her thoughts are twisted just like the thoughts of Jonathan.

For this very reason she was in the Slytherin.

But one thing is for sure that is she loves Jonathan very much and could not think of parting with him.


Right before Jonathan called pansy over he received a choice.


Pansy is looking at the close moments of host and Daphne.

Choice 1: let her watch and leave without carrying about her.

Her thoughts about host would turn into jealousy and hatred towards Daphne.

Choice 2: call her over and let her take the initiative to get a kiss from you on her cheek.

Host would be rewarded with affection and mood meter along with the obsessive love of pansy.


For this Jonathan chose the second option and he called her out.

As for the thoughts of Daphne, Jonathan knows that she would not mind.

If she minds it then she would have already asked or scolded him before when he kissed pansy in the train.

Since she did not ask, it means that she has other thoughts.

Pansy walked over slowly to Jonathan and Daphne is standing.

Jonathan did not let go of Daphne.

But he opened up his arm and took the hand of pansy suddenly startling her.

Then he pulled her into his arms while still holding Daphne with the other hand.

When pansy got close to him, Jonathan straight away kissed her on the cheek and said.

“This is your good punishment.”

Jonathan said looking straight into her eyes and then he wanted to let her go.

But pansy is in dazed state and she held on to Jonathan without letting him go.

Daphne looked at this and she also did not let Jonathan go.

On the other hand Jonathan got the affection meter and mood indicator.

Also the information of the level of affection was also mentioned.

1-20 points means acquaintances

21-40 points means known each other or basic trust

41-60 points means affectionate or starting love

61-80 points means love in any form pure trust

81-95 points means deep love and complete trust

96-100 points means obsessive love and absolute trust.

As he looked at pansy, the affection meter showed that she is at 96 points directly.

Jonathan doesn’t know why her affection towards him is so high.

Also it shows that she is in obsessive love with Jonathan.

Jonathan has to take his time to ask her why she loved him so much.

He even though that he missed something that caused pansy to become so obsessed with him.

On the other hand when he looked at Daphne,

The affection points show that she is at 98 points.

Well this doesn’t have to be guessed.

Jonathan gave them another kiss on their cheeks and then sent them off.

As for how they decide to share Jonathan between will be left for them to decide.

While returning he saw Hermione that was leaving to Hogsmeade station to return back to England to go back to her home for Christmas.

Jonathan looked at her and found that her affection towards Jonathan is only 34 points.

Her mood is complicated and it says that she is feeling guilty towards Jonathan.

Jonathan can guess the reason for this is about the words of Draco before.

Chapter 33: ritual, magic circle

Her mood is complicated and it says that she is feeling guilty towards Jonathan.

Jonathan can guess the reason for this is about the words of Draco before.

He did not wait for her to speak and directly walked away without even taking a second look at her.

She has to feel a little more and these thoughts should be imprinted in her mind right now.

It should be useful for him in the future.

Hermione did not know how to speak to Jonathan and can only see the back of his lonely figure as he walked towards Hogwarts.

Hermione slumped down her shoulders and walked towards the Hogsmeade railways station to return back to England.

Her mind is in turmoil and there are many feelings mixed in.

Even though she is proud girl that is into studies, she has good amount of emotional intelligence too.

After she left Jonathan returned to his dorm and continued with his studies and practices.

He has one important thing to complete during this time when he was free from all restrictions.

That is his house elves wily and Kreacher have obtained enough materials to go through a ritual to improve his body connection to magic.

Also this would improve his physique to the next level.

The materials are many rare herbs and materials.

The black family has a special ritual book that can let him completely absorb the special herbs and materials and integrate it into his body.

For that he has to create a magic circle with the blood mixture of specific beasts.

He got all the required materials that are missing from his collection of the black family and Goldsman family from the house elves wily and Kreacher.

He just got them in the morning that day that was brought by Goldy.

That night he put a dummy in sleeping position and went to the room or requirements.

He successfully sneaked to that place.

He has an extra pair of dresses, uniform and other things in his space pockets in the system space.

The materials were also placed inside.

After entering the room of requirements he started to take out the materials and inspect them.

But before that he placed few rune symbol engraved copper sheets on four sides of the room.

The room he imagined is a big place that can let him perform a ritual along with a spring water bath to the side.

These rune symbols are used to seal off the place so that others would not be able to peek in without his permission.

Unfortunately these rune symbols would not last forever.

There is specific number of usages.

They were already used before by his predecessors and there are only few times of usage left.

But Jonathan did not care about that.

Once activated it would last for 12 hours straight this place within the barrier would be detached from the outside world.

After checking the materials he started to draw the magic circle based on information in the book of rituals from the black family with the blood.

He slowly started to draw the circle that took him over an hour.

When he is done with the process there are two big concentric circles filled with runes.

Inside the circle the lines are drawn to connect two more circles touching each other that are connecting with each other with runic lines.

It is like placing two discs connecting each other in a basket.

Jonathan placed all the materials that he brought into one circle where materials are needed to be place.

In that materials circle there are many small circles that are perfectly the materials that Jonathan brought connecting each other with runes and lines.

Then he stripped off his clothes and sat on the different circle connected to the materials circle.

Then he started to make hand signs and speak out complicated words of the runic language to activate the magic circle.

With his changing the magic circle started to activate.

As soon as the magic circle is activated the materials in each of the smaller magic circles started to melt into strange liquid of their respective colors.

Then each of these materials started to move through a different runic line and started to mix with different materials at various compositions.

This is the good thing about magic circle.

The mixing of various materials was done so naturally that there is no problem with specific mixing to be done by hand.

This slowly continued to mix and finally a strange metallic liquid with the tint of blood color with golden and black hue formed in the materials side.

Then the liquid followed the lines to enter the circle where Jonathan is sitting.

Immediately the liquid made contact with his body.

Jonathan felt an intense pain as if his skin, nerves and bones are melting.

But he did not flinch with strong determination in his eyes.

Slowly the liquid climbed up his body covering him completely with a coating of this metallic liquid.

The step by step pain made Jonathan wanted to stop the process but stopping the process now would completely make him into that of a normal human from a wizard.

This is the price for this kind of rituals.

Once started he has to complete the ritual till the end and if not the magic would never work for him.

He gritted his teeth as his face was slowly covered by the liquid completely covering his body.

This process continued for hours and during this time he sat there like a rock feeling the intense pain.

But then the pain changed into warmth and his body felt strange.

The bones, muscles, nerves, skin and senses all started to become strong.

Now he felt more connected with the magic and even his body felt strong.

He is currently entering the pubic phase soon in few months.

So his body is preparing for the maturity process.

During this time the improvements are very important for his future achievements.

Chapter 34: ritual is completed, new changes

So his body is preparing for the maturity process.

During this time the improvements are very important for his future achievements.


On the outside his body looked like a metal statue covered in red metallic material with golden black hue.

The glow lasted for 8 hours straight and Jonathan suffered for few hours inside.

After that he only felt comfortable.

After 8 hours the metallic statue slowly shook for a little while and then cracks appeared on it.

It metallic glow is gone and it started to become something like sand.

But this sand did not have any nutrients.

It is just a common sand or dirt that could not grow anything including grass.

The cracks crumbled into this sand and it revealed the body of Jonathan that went through the process of magic rebirth.

His body looked normal but there is small flow of air about his body.

It is not air but the magic concentration on his body.

This was the proof that his ritual is successful.

But there is still another step which usually people ignore.

The magic mass that is surrounding his body is an excellent thing to improve his body.

With his magic mass carefully absorbed and integrated into the body the strength and potential of the body and magic would improve by over 10 times.

This is an ancient ritual and many wizards have performed it.

But only a few have every completed this forgotten last step.

Those wizards are magic warriors instead if just wizards.

Their body is excellently strong and they are inherently power compared to many wizards.

The reason why Gryffindor, Slytherin are powerful is because of many rituals that they went through to improve.

Each ritual was costly and consumes many magical treasures.

Jonathan has already consumed over 10 percent of the resources that he got from the black family and Goldsman family.

The materials that are brought by his house elves wily and Kreacher are just small about of auxiliary materials that needed to be freshly obtained with small life period.

That is the reason why he told them to buy them now.

With the ritual done he say straight and started to chant a different runic string of sounds making the secondary magic circle activate.

Immediately a vast amount of magical energy started to flow into the magic circle but the sublime process is soft.

That is only experience people would notice the magic flow.

Today Dumbledore is not in the school.

This is the main reason why Jonathan did this process today.

The magic started to enter his body creating a second round of pain which is like being pierced by needles.

But the pain only lasted for few minutes before his body started to strengthen with the magic hue on his body.

It slowly but completely integrated into his body.

It took him another 2 hours to complete before his body was covered with slimy sweat.

His body now has outlined the strong sets of muscles that a highly trained man should have.

There is no buffed up muscles.

But everything about his body has explosive power residing in them.

Right then his grass wand that was placed on the side started to twitch and went to his body.

It is like it resonated with him and strange life energy flowed into his body from the wand.

With the life energy entering Jonathan literally moaned from pleasure.

Finally after 11 hours of continuous efforts he has completed the ritual and he was very strong right now.

He might not be able to bend a solid steal bar.

But he can really do some solid damage to human body and break some solid bones.

Also he can bend some steel rods that are hollow, his skin is stab proof.

That is if he was stabbed by normal people but not specifically trained people.


Jonathan looked at his grass wand that came to him and smiled.

He felt a strong connection with the wand right now.

He put the wand back to the side and went to take a bath.

His body felt sticky from all the sweat.

After washing up he put on his casual dress and packed all of his things.

Then he went to out of the room of requirements using a normal invisibility cloak and went to his dorm.

The people are still sleeping as it was holidays and the climate is cold.

After packing up the things he went to the lake outside and looked at the serene lake and started to paint some drawing.

For other people this is a hobby, but for Jonathan this is a special training.

He is training, simple but smooth movements of wrist.

Firmness in grasping a wand or a weapon,

Delicate but precise strokes…..

This is what he is doing while giving out an illusion of painting.

He painted for 2 hours and appeared in the eyes of many people that came out to do various things.

They did not leave but came over to look at his painting.

Jonathan with his changed body looked extremely handsome for his age and can make many women throb with the artistic image of him painting by the side of a lake.

It is not only the image that he draw looked picturesque but his entire being and drawing looked like an image on its own.

The girls are literally drooling at Jonathan but he is still 12-13 years old so they could not make a move being seniors.

But they still wanted to give it a try.

The devilish temptation their hearts are having is very hard for them to bear.

So they are preparing some things to target Jonathan for this Valentine’s Day.

They already forgot that Jonathan was the son of a murderer called Sirius black.

Instead they remembered him as a handsome, brave, kind hearted gentle man that fought against a troll to save an ungrateful girl that did not even thanked him.

Chapter 35: plans to get the study notes of Nicolas Flamel

They already forgot that Jonathan was the son of a murderer called Sirius black.

Instead they remembered him as a handsome, brave, kind hearted gentle man that fought against a troll to save an ungrateful girl that did not even thanked him.

Harry and Ron also saw the scene looking at the crowd at the lake.

They were mesmerized by the image they are seeing.

Jonathan did not stay there for long as he left after completing his delicate workout for hand movements and control.

After that he went to take a quick bath and then he went to have breakfast.

Today he was a little exhausted with ritual all night last night.

His body needs time to adapt to the new changes.

Also he needs rest to completely recover.

Even though he became strong he needs time to recover after such a long process of improvement.

After breakfast he came to sleep on his bed without carrying about anything.


He woke up in the evening and took another comfortable hot water bath.

Coming out he felt very refreshed.

He went to eat something in the great hall while Harry and Ron are suffocating in the library to find who Nicolas Flamel is.

Jonathan did not bother with these people as he has his own things to do.

As for the philosopher’s stone Jonathan has other plans to get that later.

He was also thinking of getting the notes of Nicolas Flamel so that he can understand the secrets of alchemy.

For that he already thought of some things and went to library.

He is going to see through some books and write few letters to Nicolas Flamel to gain his favor.

When he received the letters from Jonathan he would most definitely ask Dumbledore about this.

Since he trusted Dumbledore enough to give his philosopher’s stone to him, Jonathan was sure that he would definitely ask Dumbledore about him.

So Jonathan has to change the opinion of Dumbledore towards him during this time.

Dumbledore did not have any bad opinion of him but he has some doubt of the past incidents.

But now they all proved to be wrong.

He knows that Jonathan cannot see through what would happen in the future and arrange things so perfectly before anything happens.

Even he cannot see through future and he has never heard of an artifact that can see through future.

So the only thing left that there is a rogue in the school that was planning things behind his back.

With that his suspicion of Jonathan is gone.

He also heard the words of Draco and thought that Jonathan is pitiful.

This was already in the plan of Jonathan and now he is going to take another step forward.

Dumbledore is very good in many things but even he is not perfect.

Jonathan went straight to the library and then started to rummage through the books on alchemy.

After his magic improvement which improved his spirit and body, he was able to read the books much faster.

Also his comprehension of information has increased by many levels.

He already has comprehension skill that is at master level before.

But now it has improved by over 20 percent above master level.

There is god level above master level but the improvement is hard to obtain.

Right now the ritual has improved magic affinity which is related to his spirit rather than his physical body.

So it has permanent effect on his spirit.

This led to the improvement of his skill related to spirit.

Don’t take 20 percent as little improvement because this 20 percent is letting the skill reaching to the god level which is very powerful.

Harry and Ron were also in the library but when they looked at Jonathan that is rummaging through the books related to alchemy at a speed like paper flipping they were shocked.

They instinctively thought that Jonathan is mocking them.

Jonathan did not care about what they thought as he went through book after book.

There is one more thing he specifically did with his gentle hand movements.

Even though he is flipping through the books at a faster pace his gentle hand movements did not cause any damage to the book.

Also his care towards the book as if they are treasure has made madam Pince look up to Jonathan.

Jonathan held the books and handled them as if he was talking care of little children.

This was also in his calculation where he would get good impression from her too.

The need here is that she would not even let Dumbledore take a book out of the library.

Making good impression on her was also necessary to gain some benefits from her

After reading the books Jonathan started to make some notes.

This note has the list of questions that he can ask those professors and later get connected to Dumbledore because they cannot answer him.

From Dumbledore he can talk to Nicolas Flamel.

The detailed plan would only require him till the end of the holidays and before the school opens.

Even before that he can contact Nicolas through letters and cut the things from both sides.

By the time it was night that is around the dinner time his research is completed.

First of all he went to pester professor Mcgonagall that is good with transfiguration and then he went to pester Snape that is good with potions.

But they could not answer him because their expertise is not in alchemy completely.

On the other hand they suggested him to go to Dumbledore to ask these questions.

Well Jonathan’s enthusiasm has won over their thoughts.

They cannot just say no to a student that is trying his best to learn.

Jonathan went to meet with Dumbledore after dinner.

Dumbledore was surprised to find that Jonathan came to visit him.

But after finding that Jonathan wanted to have clarifications to his doubts in some subjects Dumbledore acted like a qualified teacher.

Chapter 36: switching the real invisibility cloak with fake invisibility cloak

Dumbledore was surprised to find that Jonathan came to visit him.

But after finding that Jonathan wanted to have clarifications to his doubts in some subjects Dumbledore acted like a qualified teacher.

Jonathan started to shoot off his questions in alchemy that professor Mcgonagall and professor Snape failed to solve for him.

Dumbledore looked at the alchemy questions and he became interested.

In the past few days he is having problems to solve that are related to Harry and Ron.

So he was exhausted about the daily affairs.

On the other hand it was subject related problems which is easy to solve.

It was actually human nature when they saw some big unsolvable problem which took all of their efforts and then made them do some small simple problem their attitude would change.

It is like using hard work to climb the stairs but when descending it made them feel very relaxed.

This is the feeling Dumbledore has right now.

The person that caused this feeling would naturally receive the positive response.

That night Jonathan wrote a letter to Nicolas Flamel about how he was a fan of his work and few other things.

Jonathan did spoke to Dumbledore about alchemy and discussed many things giving a sense of pride and happiness to Dumbledore.


On the next day Dumbledore received a letter from Nicolas Flamel that only of the students at Hogwarts wrote him a letter.

Jonathan wrote the letter in a way that he did not admire Nicolas Flamel instead he admired the knowledge that Nicolas Flamel has.

This point was picked up by him and he became impressed.

Now he wanted to meet Jonathan.

But before that he wanted to ask Dumbledore to know more about Jonathan.

Dumbledore was dumbfounded because Jonathan moved too fast.

But when he read through the letter and the enthusiasm of Jonathan made Dumbledore think that Jonathan has passion towards the alchemy.

So he gave back a response to Nicolas about Jonathan and explained the situation of Jonathan to him.

Nicolas got the letter on that very day and started to think of various things related to the black family.

But Jonathan was innocent in this matter.

So he decided to test Jonathan first and see if he would be suited to carry his legacy.

He has already tested all of his descendents, disciples, talented people…..

But he did not find a person that can carry his legacy in alchemy.

So he did not have a successor till now.

Also he decided to end his life in a year or two as he already gave the philosopher stone to Dumbledore to destroy it.

So he did not have much time to live and he gave up on the successor thing.

But now when reading the letter from Jonathan, his hope came back to life.

With the reply from Dumbledore he became even more interested in Jonathan.

Jonathan’s family circumstances are complicated.

Also his life after the death of his grandmother is to stay in Malfoy’s family.

Dumbledore specifically mentioned the words of Draco to show the situation of Jonathan.

Well these words took a strong root in the hearts of the listeners.

It is an irrefutable fact that they cannot refuse.

Jonathan did stay in the Malfoy’s house.

They cannot refuse that so they did not say anything to Draco before.

Sympathy would increase the good opinion when it is required.

Jonathan’s emotional opinion foundation for the surrounding people is very strong with his step by step planning.

With that he was easily approved by Nicolas Flamel.

Jonathan was invited for the Christmas dinner at his house.

Dumbledore would accompany Jonathan there.

Then Nicolas would test Jonathan to see if Jonathan was capable to become his successor.

Jonathan was very happy to go.

Slowly time passed by and it was already December 25th early hours.

The gifts have already been put at the place of the Christmas tree of each dorm room.

Jonathan woke up very early so that he could switch real invisibility in the package with his normal invisibility cloak.

He has already used magic to remove all kinds of traces from the invisibility cloak he has and he used his mother’s wand for this.

There is no trace that it belongs to him or the black family.

Also this invisibility cloak looked very similar to the real one.

Jonathan went to the packaging area and first opened the package related to Harry that has the invisibility cloak and replaced it.

Then he sealed it with a repair spell and made it look like it was before.

After that he stored the real invisibility in his system space separately.

As soon as he got the cloak he got a notification from the system.


Congratulations host for obtaining an ancient invisibility artifact of high grade.

Host replacing the invisibility cloak did not have any impact on the plot proceedings.

So host would not receive any extra benefits from the system.”

Jonathan was shocked to know this information.

Since there is no change in the plot or problem for the protagonist, Jonathan would not be given special benefits that a villain should get from the system.

Jonathan sighed at this moment and then he went back to sleep.

Jonathan did not check the gifts that he got and he also sent gifts to a few people that he is close to.

It was a cold day and he was having a good time sleeping.

If not for stealing the real invisibility cloak, he would not have woken ups so early.

He woke up late that day and after he woke up he got a call from Dumbledore.

Jonathan doesn’t know why he was called.

He dressed up and went to the head master’s office to speak to Dumbledore.

He already got the password for the spiraling stair way.

When Jonathan arrived he saw the phoenix on the small bird stand that is looking beautiful.

Jonathan came to it and looked into its eyes.

Chapter 37: Dumbledore sees the image of his dead friend in Jonathan

When Jonathan arrived he saw the phoenix on the small bird stand that is looking beautiful.

Jonathan came to it and looked into its eyes.

It is also looking at Jonathan.

He has a strange sense of closeness to it because they both possess one of the attribute that is common between them.

It is the endless life energy that mixed in with his body and soul from his wand in the ritual before.

He doesn’t know but his heart now has a green layer that is mixing with his blood.

This is the source of energy from the druid heart.

Whenever his heart beats this energy would pass on to his blood and circulate around his body strengthening it on its own.

It is absorbing the life energy from the surroundings in minute quantities just like a grass root and injecting it into his body.

His body is being vitalized.

If this continued, in a few years he can become a walking ancient tree with full vitality.

Well he will not have bark, branches and leaves but he would look young, strong in both fight and in bed and few more special things.

Jonathan was interested in alchemy because of the long life and few other secrets related to the magic origin.

Everything in the world is formed through mixing of elements made up of complicated minute runes.

There runes are not in symbolic form but are in the form of energies like the things explained in Einstein's string theory of energy.

This is the most basic from of known energy in science that he already knows and combined with the magic knowledge.

But if he wants to find the exact knowledge then he has to start by stepping into alchemy to know the origin of the runic symbols.

Sometimes you have to check something that is seemingly completely unrelated to find the solution for a problem.

Jonathan is currently doing that now.

The big phoenix slowly pecked on to a nut of some sort, broke it and gave it to Jonathan.

Jonathan is not a harmful or a person filled with killing intent.

He is a villain but a civilian one at that.

If it is not required he would not make any move to show his hostility or killing intent.

Well even if he is angry he would never show killing intent but the malice can be felt.

The phoenix did not feel any malice from Jonathan,

On the other hand it felt closeness to Jonathan because of the vitality that Jonathan has which is similar to it.

It stands between the life and death while Jonathan possesses strong life energy that attracted it.

It gave the nut it cracked to Jonathan as a friendly gesture.

This is largely different from when Harry had contact with this phoenix.

Jonathan took the nut and in return he gave it a big red fruit called jumbo cherry to it to eat.

Phoenixes are said to be herbivores so they likes fruits and nuts but not meat.

While they both are enjoying their conversation with their sign language and some treats, Dumbledore arrived.

He was actually feeling strange because he felt that he has seen his friend in Jonathan.

It was his close friend that was a muggle but researched on many magical beasts.

Sadly his life span is not long like the wizards.

He was gone but the way Jonathan is talking with his phoenix is exactly like his friend would do.

This took him back into the past and finally came back to the reality.

Well Jonathan did not do that intentionally.

In the past life after he was betrayed and he transformed into a villain he was close to animals.

At that time he believed that beasts are more loyal to him than humans.

He petted many beasts from dogs to lions;

There are even crocodiles and hawks in his pets.

Till his death he was never betrayed by them.

Even the snow fox he treasured in his pets that is known for its cunningness has never betrayed him.

This closeness to the beasts is helping him right now too.

Finally Dumbledore arrived down and Jonathan noticed Dumbledore.

He stopped his little things with the bird and looked at Dumbledore.

“Nicolas has written a letter to me saying that he wants to meet you.

He wants me to bring you to Christmas dinner today.

Do you wish to go?”

Jonathan immediately nodded his head and he was very happy to go.

He acted more like a child of his age.

Dumbledore was amused and told Jonathan to go and prepare.

They will be leaving in the evening.

Jonathan was happy that his plan has succeeded.

Before leaving he told the phoenix that he would bring it something good later or it can come to visit him later for a treat.

Jonathan wanted to prepare a gift for the phoenix just like he got one for Goldy.

He already sent gifts for both wily and Kreacher.

For wily, Jonathan sent it a new dress along with a letter telling it that it was free and it can work for him if it wanted to.

Also there is a little money along with the letter in the cover for it as the bonus salary.

It was really moved into tears and Kreacher it.

Jonathan authorized them to have wine and some goose for Christmas dinner from the family account money that he left for them.

So they are having fun with extra big meal.

Usually they eat cheap food or leftover food.

But today they are having a king’s meal.

This made them determined to be with Jonathan more and more.

That is not all Jonathan sent two bracelets to the two girls with good designs, one for Daphne and the other one for pansy that is in love with him.

He got some gifts from them too.

His Goldy received some good treats from him that are its favorite.

Chapter 38: Christmas dinner with Nicolas Flamel

He got some gifts from them too.

His Goldy received some good treats from him that are its favorite.

The extra left with him were given to the phoenix today.

Jonathan did not give any gifts to Malfoy family or Hermione or any other person that he did not like.

After Jonathan got ready he was taken to the house of Nicolas in the evening.

Dumbledore has other things he wanted to take care of during the night.

The house of Nicolas Flamel is very normal just like the house of slug horn.

In the house only the old couple of Nicolas and his wife live.

There is an old house elf called merry that is working here.

Dumbledore introduced Jonathan to Nicolas and Jonathan acted very politely without showing any airs of the black family or nobility.

Nicolas nodded inside his mind.

They went to have a dinner directly.

The dining table is full with various rare dishes.

Jonathan was happy to eat.

Well humans earn money for two main things not matter what they say.

It is to eat good tasty food and to sleep comfortably.

These are the most primary needs that any person wants to have.

So Jonathan perfectly enjoyed his every meal and gets the full sleep he wanted not matter what happens.

Well he did this as much as possible for him to have.

During the lunch he did not act like a hungry ghost but he did compliment the dishes that he liked and ate without showing much modesty.

Naturally the old people thought that Jonathan did not get to eat good dishes during his time at Malfoy family.

This increased their pity towards him and this in turn increased their closeness towards him along with good impression.

Even Dumbledore has different thoughts.

Sometimes it is not big things but some minute details would cause big impact when it matters the most.

Finally the dinner is over and the group went to the hall to have desserts.

Right then Nicolas started to talk to Jonathan one on one.

“Mister Jonathan, did you like the dinner?”

Jonathan modestly said.

“They are very well made, thank you for the treat sir.”

Jonathan said with puppy dog eyes and innocent face.

A villain needs to be able to produce many expressions at moment’s notice so that he can change the situations and make people trust him more.

Then Nicolas asked another question about Jonathan’s letter and his interest in alchemy.

Jonathan then started to explain about his thought on alchemy and his littler understanding.

For his age his understanding of alchemy is already great.

So Nicolas was satisfied with the response.

Dumbledore was also satisfied with the response too.

But there is still one more point that Nicolas has to ask Jonathan to make sure that Jonathan is of right character.

“Mister Jonathan, do you know about the philosopher’s stone.”

Jonathan nodded his head and started to explain what he knows.

“The Philosopher's Stone was a legendary alchemical substance with magical properties.

This ruby-red stone could be used to create the Elixir of Life, which made the drinker immortal, as well as transform any metal into pure gold.

The only known stone in this current era was made by you sir.

But I think that there is one flaw to it.

Based on the ancient texts related to the philosopher's stone it should also give youth making the person look at his optimum body situation along with immortality.

But the stone made by you is naturally not to that level.

In the past there was one philosopher’s stone available in ancient Egypt that is said to have come from the sun god Ra.

It is called the star Isis that would produce gold along with the youth and immortality water.

Also this stone can cure illnesses and diseases of the people keeping the place it was present healthy and prosperous.

Similarly there was a philosopher’s stone appearance in India in the hands of a god king lord Krishna.

They called it Shamantakamani

It is red is a red stone that is said to produce gold under the sun light and keep the person wearing it and the place it present devoid of disasters with good prosperity and health.

Also the stone emits a strong light like the sun itself….”

Jonathan explained the knowledge he has on the philosopher’s stone.

Jonathan was frank without any airs.

He did not point out that Nicolas is at fault but he said about various types of philosopher’s stones previously present and the difference.

Nicolas nodded his head.

He understands the fault of his own creation.

He was satisfied with Jonathan being frank unlike others that praise him for his creation and nonsense.

Dumbledore was also happy as his thought of negativity towards Jonathan started to break off.

Jonathan smirked inside his mind as he was just playing tricks.

With this solved Nicolas asked Jonathan.

“Mister Jonathan, what would you do if I gave you the philosopher’s stone?

Would you make gold?

Would you like to be immortal like me?”

Jonathan knows how to answer this.

“Sir, with all due respect, I could not take the philosopher’s stone.

Even if I took it, I could not keep it with me.

It is no different than having a death sentence to a person like me.

Even though I like the gold that can become a funding means for my future research,

Likes the immortality that can let me research as much as I want with extended life.

Well every researcher likes that.

But I prefer to life to see another day with good food and good sleep instead of holding something I should not have held on to my hands.

I want to research and become someone great but for that I have to stay alive first.

It might look selfish but I cherish my life.

So I cannot accept the philosopher’s stone, even if you magnanimously gave it to me.

I know my limits very well.”

Chapter 39: became Nicolas Flamel’s disciple

“…So I cannot accept the philosopher’s stone, even if you magnanimously gave it to me.

I know my limits very well.”

Jonathan said clearly showing his desire but also the restrain about this matter.

Previously when Nicolas looked for successors they either told him that,

They are not interested in the philosopher’s stone which is a lie or

They are either greedy for the philosopher’s stone like blind idiots with their intentions written on their face.

Jonathan did not show either side instead he told them that he valued his life more than other things.

This is the most important point.

Originally something like this would only happen to a protagonist but here it is happening to a villain.

Well Jonathan used his means to gain this chance but still things seem a little more on the easier side.

This was because the current incident did not have any relation to the plot he was currently a part of.

With Jonathan’s words Nicolas was satisfied and asked.

“Jonathan black, do you wish to become my disciple?”

He asked and Jonathan widened his eyes for a moment and immediately nodded his head.

As if Nicolas Flamel would take his words back Jonathan immediate spoke.

“Thank you for the offer

I am very grateful if Master Nicolas would take me in as a disciple.

I accept it with all my heart.”

Nicolas nodded his head and gave an old book to Jonathan.

It was not thick but actually it was magically shrunk.

It can be said to be the thickest book that Jonathan had ever seen.

“This is all my research and information on my insights.

I did not have long to life as I have already decided to end this long journey of life.

I hope that you would succeed in learning the basics before I leave.

You can stay here till the end of the winter break and also come here in your summer break.

During this time I will teach you.

When you are at school you have any doubts you can write a letter to me….”

He told Jonathan a series of instructions and Jonathan nodded his head directly without saying much.

Dumbledore would return to Hogwarts along with Jonathan for the night.

Jonathan would pack few clothes and Dumbledore would send him back here tomorrow morning.


Jonathan spent the remaining of the Christmas and winter vacation in the house of Flamel learning the alchemy.

Even with the fast comprehension that he has the speed at which he learnt is very slow.

The books back at Hogwarts that are available for the students are all low level books.

The most advanced information books are safely stored in restricted section.

But the book in the hands of Jonathan is the most advanced book with vast amount of knowledge.

His learning speed is many times slower compared to when he flipped through the books before.

Jonathan doesn’t care what is happening back at Hogwarts as he has his own things to do.

While he was learning alchemy at a fast pace, Harry and Ron are rolling in the library and Harry used the normal invisibility cloak to enter the restricted section.

Unfortunately the normal invisibility cloak did not work as good as the original one.

So it would sometimes fail sometimes did not cover properly, sometimes it would leave his scent for the beasts to notice him…

Along with his already clumsy self things would not go as perfectly as they should have.

But still they made no progress.

Without the Quidditch practice as Harry was not selected things are very boring for Harry.

Also there is this mirror of Erised.

Jonathan really wanted to take a look in that mirror.

He wanted to know his deepest desire.

But he was sure what he would see in the mirror.

Soon the winter vacation is over and Jonathan was sent back to Hogwarts by Nicolas.

Before leaving he specifically told Jonathan to learn more about the basics.

In the past few days Jonathan showed great progress.

Nicolas thought that Jonathan has strong foundation or affinity to alchemy.

So he taught him at the pace that Jonathan could catch.

It was fast and they covered most of the basics.

Nicolas that returned back home made some small changes to his will.

First of all he gave a little extra fortune to Jonathan.

He was marveled by the idea of the goblins of Gringotts managing his wealth for him.

He was shocked that Jonathan was very good at financial matter.

But he understood that if Jonathan wanted to save his fortune then he has to learn few tricks.

So he directly added the extra fortune to Jonathan along with few safe keeping special materials used in alchemy.

They were all sent to the vault of Jonathan directly.

It is the vault number ‘777’

It is very lucky for Jonathan to gain this vault.

This is not the only wealth he got as during this winter vacation.

Cassiopeia black that should be his great grandmother in some way died without any descendents.

So, all of Cassiopeia black’s wealth was also added to Jonathan’s wealth.

The transfer procedures along with the house elf Cassiopeia black were all arranged by Kreacher and wily.

They are currently managing things and Jonathan’s grandmother has already talked to the remaining members of black family before she died.

So when they died all the wealth would flow to Jonathan by specific will.

The items procurement and proper handling was done by Kreacher and other house elves that are ordered by her.

So Jonathan doesn’t have to lift a finger to gain the wealth.

After returning back from the vacation Jonathan first met up with Daphne and pansy.

Well not in the open but secretly.

No one was bothered about this.

Jonathan took them straight to the room of requirements.

Inside of the room appeared to be a beautiful bed and neat arrangements for makeup….

The girls blushed looking at the arrangements here.

Chapter 40: first kiss

Inside of the room appeared to be a beautiful bed and neat arrangements for makeup….

The girls blushed looking at the arrangements here.

Jonathan did not give any time for them to think and kissed Daphne on her lips.

This sudden kiss made her resist a little for a moment but she slowly got in line and reciprocated.

On the side pansy’s face turned red immediately.

She was envious that Daphne was able to take Jonathan’s first kiss.

But she was not bother by it because she likes Jonathan more.

She knows that she has to share Jonathan to get his love.

So she decided to take a step back and stand after Daphne.

Not physically but mentally she thinks that Daphne is the main wife while she is Jonathan’s little lover or second wife or mistress.

She did not like the post but she has to accept it for Jonathan.

After few minutes Daphne was out of breath and Jonathan let her go to take deep breath.

On the other hand Jonathan looked at pansy.

He can easily tell her thoughts just looking at her face and nervousness.

Jonathan spoke to her.

“You are not the second wife or lover or mistress pansy.”

Jonathan said and paused for a moment.

Pansy’s mind immediately filled in the gap that Jonathan took.

She thought that Jonathan did not like her and wanted to tell her that she is only a friend.

Immediately her eyes turned red and a tear appeared at the edge of her eyes.

Jonathan immediately pulled her into his embrace and held her tightly.

Looking straight into her face he kissed her straight away taking her by surprise.

She is very quickly to reciprocate.

Even though she acts like a spoiled little brat and unreasonable woman some things she is very gentle inside.

Daphne on the side recovered and she has a smile on her face looking at pansy making out with Jonathan.

She has a complicated look and she is still in the embrace of Jonathan.

After few minutes she stopped kissing pansy letting her breath and then spoke.

“You both are my women of the same level.

Daphne was close to me since child hood but you won over the gap with your trust and obsessive love.

I have a magic that can let me see how much a person loves me.

You both are at the same level.

You deeply love me to the point of obsession.

I cannot hurt either of you leaving one of you and loving only one of you.

So you have to share me but my love is endless for both of you.

Jonathan said and he hugged them both tightly.

After that they actively kissed Jonathan for a while.

Jonathan did not make any further actions other than kissing them.

Before leaving they kissed on his cheeks close to his lips at the same time and left the room of requirements to their dorm rooms.

This did not end here.

Jonathan smiled sweetly and went to the library.

There is another person that is waiting to get his kiss.

But this is going to be a bumpy raid.

In the library the trio of Harry’s group searched for the name Nicolas Flamel.

They did not find it even now.

Or to be precise they did not see the name of Nicolas Flamel in the card they Neville for the chocolate frog.

But that would happen few days before the Quidditch match on February 22nd.

Since it was so long Jonathan has plenty of time to put his fingers at the right place to get what he wants.

Well Harry is not in Quidditch so they might find it a little early.

Also Hermione guilty consciousness person, she is thinking of a way to apologize to Jonathan.

But after going through Jonathan’s plan she would not think that he is not a good guy.

With that Jonathan went to the library to study some materials.

The trio of Harry’s group is fiddling their own things.

Jonathan did not even bother to look at them or even Hermione.

She noticed him when he arrived and her thoughts are complicated.

After a while Jonathan left the library and Hermione thought that it was a good time to meet with Jonathan and apologize for some things before.

Also she has to thank him for saving her before during the troll incident.

With that in mind she told Harry and Ron that she would be back in a while and left the library hot on heals behind Jonathan.

Ron and Harry are too engrossed in searching for Nicolas that they did not noticed this particular incident.

Well it was not Jonathan’s fault.

Jonathan did not go back to Gryffindor instead he went all the way to the room of requirements.

Hermione was naturally a very curious woman.

So she followed Jonathan to see where he is going.

When she saw that a strange door suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the castle wall, has made her shocked.

Jonathan entered into the door and the door did not close as he kept it open for Hermione to enter inside flowing him out of curiosity.

Well since the door is open she wanted to take a peek inside before going back quickly.

So she entered into the room slowly with curiosity like a cat.

With her fluffy hair she really looked like a cat.

But as soon as she entered into the room the door behind her vanished leaving her no way out.

She was both shocked and confused.

But the braveness inside her was still there and she moved forward.

Jonathan did not create a complicate room.

It was a normal room where there is a reading place, a rattan chair giving a strange harmony for a peaceful environment.

Jonathan was sitting on the chair with a book on his hand as reading without caring about anything.

Hermione on the other hand was dazed looking at his handsome appearance along with the surrounding setting.


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