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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

Chapter 21: the whistle blower

“Is it the talent in casting charms and spell?”

He muttered with shining eyes looking toward Jonathan that is calmly eating his dinner.

He did not have proper successors for his dueling champion title.

Even though he is small he has a big name.

He wanted to test Jonathan later to see if Jonathan really has good talent.

If he did have good talent then he would train Jonathan in spell casting and charm casting for some world tournaments.

This is what he is thinking looking at Jonathan.

Jonathan noticed his gaze but he did not feel any malice so he smiled back at professor Flitwick and then continued to eat some tasty food.

The cooking of house elves is very good and the salt and spices are to the mark giving the food some strong after taste.

Even thought he is a villain, he likes cooking and would not put on airs when it comes to cooking.

He acts like a gentle spirit most of the times that acts as a cover for all of his evil actions and sinister thoughts.


Malfoy did not get to act during the flying class.

So he decided to compete with Harry now.

So he and his cronies Crabbe and Goyle came to Harry and Ron.

Jonathan on the other hand watched the show while eating chicken wings as if he was watching a movie.

Draco started to tease Harry and Ron on how they were ignored by Jonathan during the flying class and did not even bother to look at them.

Both sides did not back down and Hermione looked at the incident with interest.

She tried to help calm Harry and Ron.

Unfortunately neither of them is listening type.

Instead they are impulsive type.

The tensions grew more and more.

Finally Draco that could not hold the pressure challenges Harry to a wizard duel and Harry accepts it without even knowing what it was.

Hermione tried her best to tell them dissuade them telling that this is breaking school rules.

But none listens to her words.

During this time Jonathan did not say anything to stop them or make the situation worse.

Sometimes, protagonist would create incidents that would put them in danger which is mostly inflicted by them.

When they solve them they would gain rewards and experience strange things.

After that they would proudly announce that they have solved the problem.

The brain dead IQ people would applaud for the protagonist for the solving the problem they created by themselves.

This is truly strange and the protagonists mostly did not require a system to get rewards.

Jonathan was envious of this point and he wanted to know how the brain of those protagonists works.

Well he is not in a hurry over anything.

While he is thinking Jonathan got a choice.


Host, make your choice,

Choice 1: become the whistle blower and report on the duel agreement to professor Mcgonagall;

Rewards the transfiguration talent upgraded to the moderate level.

Choice 2: become the whistle blower and report on the duel agreement to professor Snape;

Rewards the potions making talent upgraded to the moderate level.

Choice 3: become the whistle blower and report on the duel agreement to professor Dumbledore;

Rewards the legilimency and occlumency talents upgraded to moderate level.

Choice 4: become the whistle blower and report on the duel agreement to Argus Flich;

Rewards chance of getting spotted during sneaking around would be reduced by 10 percent.

Choice 5: host can complete all the above choices.

This rewards the host with all the rewards along with extra 10 percent in all the talents that host possesses.

Also host might gain extra 20 house points.


At the house points scoring hour glasses there is a special place that shows, who cause the increase in points and who lost them.

This is the same for every house which would be easy for the students to recognize the people that did good and bad.

After dinner Jonathan did not return back to the Gryffindor common room.

Instead he first went to find professor Mcgonagall and explained the situation.

She has a name for being extremely strict.

That is she is stricter than professor Snape.

She did not just show that on the surface usually.

Jonathan went to her and explained the incident about the duel agreement between Harry and Draco.

She wanted to act impulsively just like any other Gryffindor.

After that he told her to not to act impulsively but to catch the people red handed.

Then Jonathan went to speak with professor Snape.

Well he did not like to be disturbed.

So Jonathan gave him the summary of the situation and also told him that he already informed professor Mcgonagall.

Then Jonathan went to professor Dumbledore's office.

Going into professor Dumbledore’s office is tricky because you need a password to enter.

But Jonathan did not have this problem because of the strange names that professor Dumbledore put as password has a pattern.

Jonathan remembers these words from his mistress in the previous life.

He wanted to create a funny atmosphere to get her and he memorized them.

Now he recited them one by one continuously and one of them hit the spot.

When the spiraling steps appeared Jonathan stepped on and they took him to the top to the office of the head master.

Dumbledore was surprised that a first year student could come and even cracked his password.

Well it is not much of a puzzle to begin with.

A little logical thinking can solve the problem.

But the wizards are famous for the lack of logical thinking when it is most required.

So Dumbledore is surprised a little.

Any way he recognized Jonathan and knows that Jonathan is the heir of the black family.

Dumbledore is indifferent to most of the things and he was even sympathetic to Draco that comes to kill him.

Well his real thoughts are unknown.

So he did not directly Judge Jonathan……..

Chapter 22: chatting with Dumbledore

Well his real thoughts are unknown.

So he did not directly judge Jonathan.

Instead he gave an opportunity for Jonathan to explain the purpose of his visit.

Jonathan simply told him about the dueling agreement of Harry and Draco tonight.

After he finished speaking Jonathan continued.

“I am not doing this to get any revenge or other things.

There is an intelligent girl named Hermione that is mingling with Harry and Ron.

She is a good person and I don’t want her to be caught between the fight of the morons.

I am doing this for her.

I believe that Draco would never come out instead he wanted to use this opportunity to make them caught and get punished.

So even if professor Snape and professor Mcgonagall catches them the entire thing would be awkward.

Thinking of all this I came here to report this to you sir the head master of Hogwarts.”

Dumbledore became interested in one point.

That is Hermione is a muggle born witch,

Why would Jonathan that is from the black family, which is on the pure blood supremacy side, would want to save her?

Well he wanted to ask Jonathan directly.

The information that can be obtained through normal conversation would not require Dumbledore to use legilimency on Jonathan.

So he asked the same question to Jonathan.

“You from the black family should despise the muggle born wizards and witches right.

Why do you want to help Hermione?

Is there a reason for that?”

Jonathan smiled internally and told him the prepared answer.

“Professor, you should not this kind of question.

There is always right and wrong in many things.

Based on the history I studied muggles ones branded wizards and witches as evil and tried to exterminate us.

At that time the pure blooded families formed into a force that stopped the muggles from exterminating the wizards and witches.

They saved the wizarding society.

This has created the current wizarding society that is hiding from the normal world.

But when there is war there are losses of life.

This loss of life breeds to hatred and the hatred is converted into prejudice.

This is the difference between the pure blood families and the muggle born wizards.

Actually the muggle born wizards are also wizards from the same origin of the wizarding families.

What happened in the past has already happened and I cannot target someone that did not have any connection with it pay the price.

Hermione is a muggle born witch with good learning capabilities and understanding.

She needs to be well protected for the future of the wizarding world.

I as a wizard and a part of the wizarding world would not want to blame her or other muggle born witches and wizards for things that happened centuries ago.

Even though my grandmother specifically said about the pure blood supremacy, I do not agree with her.

May be because of my thoughts I was not selected into the Slytherin and was placed in Gryffindor….”

Jonathan mixed in truth and lie as he wanted to create a desired effect on Dumbledore.

It worked well.

Also Jonathan’s special mind protection charm is in his hanging around his neck as a pendent.

It was specifically given to him by his grandmother to keep his mind from being polluted by other people with magic.

As long as it was intact he doesn’t have to fear about Dumbledore peeking into his mind.

He has too many secrets that he cannot let Dumbledore peek in.

After the little talk with Jonathan, Dumbledore understood the nature of Jonathan and he became happy.

He just like others thought that Jonathan is a pure blood enthusiast.

But he found that Jonathan is not like that and still has goodness in his heart.

Also he divides a clear line between good and evil.

Dumbledore was very much satisfied with the words of Jonathan.

He did not have much doubt in Jonathan because he knows the life of Jonathan in Malfoy family and black family.

After the small chat Jonathan left the office of Dumbledore and came to Argus Flich to inform him about the incident during the night.

Flich told Jonathan that Draco has already informed him about this matter.

Since there is another person that told him about this, he became more determined to catch the students that wander around during the night.

With the entire thing set Jonathan returned to the dormitory.

He was not free.

For the protagonist everything would come to him quickly with opportunities and special chances.

But as a villain he has to earn everything with hard work.

So he started to study things during after dinner.

His home work is already completed that day.

Now he was studying and noting down the plot that he remembered during from his previous life.

It was useful to him.

There is no person in the world that can say that they have absolute memory.

Forgetting a plot would lead to many problems.

So he has to note it down and keep it safely in his special system space.

This way he would not have to worry about things suddenly happening.

On the other hand he studied other spells, charms, and things during his free time before sleeping.

He did not forget to exercise and do some strong physical workout during this time.

The fit body is needed in fighting in the future.

He leant martial arts in his previous life for his safety.

Now he is relearning it again and adapting it to the body.

He is almost creating the muscle memory to make his body stronger other than being a wizard.

This took a part of the time every day.

The extra 5 hours that he got from the time turner are spent like this every day.

In the night Jonathan did not go out to check anything but he stayed in the common room sitting on one of the big chair near the fire pit reading a book.

Chapter 23: manipulative words of Jonathan stopped Hermione and Neville

The extra 5 hours that he got from the time turner are spent like this every day.

In the night Jonathan did not go out to check anything but he stayed in the common room sitting on one of the big chair near the fire pit reading a book.

On the other big chair Neville is sitting silently as if he was thinking something deeply.

When it was late and the curfew hours are started, Harry and Ron suddenly came down the male dorm rooms.

They are preparing to go to the trophy room to uphold their end of the deal in the wizard duel set between them and Draco.

Jonathan did not lift his head as he read the book during the time without saying a word.

Right then Hermione came out of the female dorms and tried to stop Harry and Ron from breaking the rules.

Neville also moved out of his chair and said a few words to Harry and Ron.

But Ron is like a little devil in the ear of Harry singing the song about the pride of a wizard and the duty to uphold their end of the deal for the duel.

Finally with no choice Hermione and Neville also wanted to tag along if something happens to Harry and Ron.

Right when they were about to leave Jonathan spoke.

“Hermione, Neville it is not good to go out during this time as it breaks the rules.

You can help other people and try to stop them from breaking the rules.

But you should never break the rules by yourself.

It would make the entire purpose of stopping other people useless.

So let them go and you stay back without breaking school rules.

You tried your best to stop them but and that is all you can do within your limits.”

Jonathan said without even looking at them as his face still looks at the book with a strong serenity giving the entire scene a picturesque appearance.

His voice was gentle and smooth and at the same time it is also firm and domineering.

Hermione and others were mesmerized for a few seconds.

Hermione thought what Jonathan said is true, Neville also thought the same.

In order to make his point more Jonathan continued.

‘If you really want them not to break the rules, you can report them to the teacher.

This way they would be reprimanded and they would not think of breaking the rules in the future.

That is the best thing you can do for your classmate from going astray from the righteous path.

If they really wanted a duel then they can always approach their teacher and make an official duel agreement instead of sneaking in the night like thieves breaking the school rules.

As for upholding the wizard’s honor, don’t kid me.

We are still children around 11 to 12 years old.

We are not wizards yet and we should abide by the rules unless you are strong enough to stand at the pinnacle where the rules cannot stop you.”

Jonathan said still looking at the book and with his final words he looked straight into the eyes of Neville and Hermione.

Even now he ignored Harry and Ron as if they are air.

The noble temperament of Jonathan and his words made Hermione blush suddenly.

She decided to not to go with Harry and Ron right now.

Neville also the same as he would not even remember the password to enter back.

So he directly abandoned the thought of going along with Harry and Ron.

Harry and Ron looked at Jonathan with anger, Ron snorted coldly and said.

“Being a pure blooded wizard and the son of a murdered is so cowardly.

Even his father also stabbed the back of the people silently like a coward instead of confronting them face to face.”

Jonathan finally looked towards Ron after the words that Ron spoke just now.

Ron knows that he was out of line.

But the face of Jonathan is not angry.

He just smiled at them, which is very normal and very friendly.

But Ron felt an invisible chill down his spine at that moment.

For him the smile of Jonathan was more deadly than the demon he imagined when he heard those ghost stories.

Harry did not notice this as the entire focus of Jonathan was on Ron.

Ron almost slumped on the ground from fear as his legs gave away.

But Harry pulled him and took Ron out of this Gryffindor common room.

After going out of this place Ron panted heavily and said to Harry.

“Thank you Harry, I felt like I was going to be devoured by a demon.

Even though he was just smiling at us, it felt scary.”

Harry did not answer as he has other thoughts in his mind.

When they came out of the common room the fat lady left for her evening stroll.

So even if they wanted to go inside they would not be able to because there is no one to open the door.

They don’t know that they are being observed by Argus Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris right now.

He did not catch them right away as if he doesn’t want to say the excuse that they accidentally came out and fat lady left before they enter back into the Gryffindor common room.

He wanted to catch them red handed so he silently waited on the side.

On the other hand professor Mcgonagall and professor Snape met in the trophy room for the same reason as to catch Harry and others that might come.

Looking at each other they knows that the matter was told to them by someone.

But neither of them thought that the other party was reported by Jonathan and pushed the blame to Draco subconsciously because Jonathan always acted as a good person.

The white villain would never be doubted by the plot line characters easily because of his character.

Chapter 24: the plot corrects itself

But neither of them thought that the other party was reported by Jonathan and pushed the blame to Draco subconsciously because Jonathan always acted as a good person.

The white villain would never be doubted by the plot line characters easily because of his character.

Dumbledore is not here in person but he can perceive the things and thought that Jonathan made an elaborate plan to catch Harry and his group.

But when he listened to the words of Harry in the Gryffindor common room through his magic eavesdropping through the fire, he changed his opinion of Jonathan again.

He thinks Jonathan is dangerous.

But at the same time he is playing within the rules and everything he said right now completely true.

Dumbledore even remembered his sister and some of his past mistakes with the words of Jonathan.

If Jonathan said this to him in the past he would not have made so many mistakes.

It is not like no one has ever said these to him.

It is just that he did not listen to their words.

While he is contemplating over the past, Harry and Ron moved to the trophy room where Harry saw the trophy related to Quidditch.

His father’s name was on the trophy making him motivated towards Quidditch.

Both snake and Mcgonagall watched Harry and Ron going around and also listened to their conversation using he invisibility spell.

When they found out what Jonathan said is true they wanted to appear out.

But the voice of Dumbledore made them stop.

After that they left under his orders.

Flich was here following Harry and Ron.

He wanted to catch them but he could not because he was delayed by the enchantment of Dumbledore.

Both Ron and Harry noticed the small sounds and though that Flich was going to catch them.

They started to run away while Flich chased with the cat.

The entire incident happened just like that in the original plot.

Harry and Ron realized that they are tricked by Draco.

They begin to hide and then run away.

Not sure where they are going, they accidentally end up in the forbidden area on the third floor, staring at a large and scary three-headed dog.

Well the door was originally locked and Hermione should unlock the door.

But this time Dumbledore has to help them with that.

Even thought the three headed dog fluffy inside is dangerous it would not bite them.

It would only scare them.

He kept the dog here just to scare people and it was already orders to only scare but not to eat.

Eating or biting or attacking the wizards or muggles would conflicts with laws and rules for the magic beasts.

So it was only kept here to guard and scare the people.

Harry and Ron are safe.

Both Ron and Harry manage to get back to their dorm safely, though they are terrified.

They were not reprimanded by Dumbledore or anyone.

But the curiosity of Harry was aroused by pointing out that the dog was standing on a trapdoor.

The next morning, Harry and Ron are discussing what the dog could be guarding when the mail arrives.

Harry receives a Nimbus 2000, a racing broomstick, along with a note from Professor McGonagall summoning him to Quidditch practice.

Originally Harry would not be able to participate in the Quidditch because Jonathan disrupted the previous chance.

But last night when Harry was looking at the trophies of his father and his forefathers this immediately made Dumbledore realize the Harry might have a talent to become a seeker in the Quidditch team.

So he made the call and told professor Mcgonagall about this.

Jonathan that looked at the situation knows that the plot has returned to its original track.

But Jonathan did not see Lucius becoming normal.

This means that the plot only corrects the most important things but not the irreversible things as he did.

If Harry becomes impotent the plot might not take this into consideration or correct it.

His impotency did not have to do anything with him being the hero and fight the Voldemort.

But if Harry losses his wand then the plot might try to correct it.

This wand is required for the plot in many places for some important events.

Similarly he needs to participate in the tri wizard tournament later.

There and in few other places he used the broom to fly and do some important things related to the plot.

For that to achieve he has to learn how to fly and also have to fly very well.

So the plot corrected itself automatically.

Jonathan wanted to do few more things to check his theory.

For that he needs a lab rat.

Jonathan thought of using Percy in this matter as he is also a candidate for the foolish villain.

As for trying Jonathan would do that later.


Draco tells Harry that first-year students are not allowed broomsticks.

Draco then tries to report Harry to Professor Flitwick who just expresses admiration for Harry's father’s talent having heard from professor Dumbledore.

They assumed that Harry might have the same talent and so they wanted to try.

Just to encourage him they sent him a broomstick of the latest model.

This time it was given by Dumbledore instead of professor Mcgonagall.

Harry and Ron showed pride when they looked towards Jonathan.

But they noticed that Jonathan is not even paying attention to them.

This made them a little embarrassed but soon their eyes reached the top of their heads with the stupid pride.

Hermione on the side is a little confused,

But later when she thought about the trophies about the seekers from the Gryffindor Quidditch team that achieved great results are from potter’s family.

With that she calmed down and looked at Harry and others.

Jonathan did not like Dumbledore meddling into the things.

So he decided to give a little twist into the things.

For that he used a type writer to write a letter.

Chapter 25: a letter to twist the minds of the people

So he decided to give a little twist into the things.

For that he used a type writer to write a letter.

Then he made a few copies of this using his grandmother’s wand.

He also has his mother’s wand that was hidden secretly and was given to him by his grandmother along with her wand.

Unfortunately no matter how many wands he has there is still trace on him instead of the wand.

So any magic he uses would be under the monitoring of the ministry of magic.

Currently he did not have enough power to remove the trace.

So he can only sigh about this and continue with what he was doing.

The letters were then sent by his Goldy to his loyal servant Kreacher and wily.

There is an extra letter attached to it with his instructions.

Immediately both the house elves, especially wily with his intelligence understood the idea of Jonathan.

His dark and cunning nature perfectly matches with Jonathan so he thought of becoming complete loyal servant of Jonathan like a personal butler for those muggles.

Well this is his fleeting thought but not a firm one.

He needs to observe Jonathan more to become his loyal servant.

Also he has gain the approval of Jonathan to become his servant.

So he decided to work harder.

Well he is not a paid employee right now.

Jonathan sent the letters.

The letters contain the information about how the broom stick is allowed for the first year for the selfish thoughts of Dumbledore.

It was to Harry potter the savior that needed to be safeguarded instead of doing something dangerous and stupid at a young age.

This was sent to all noble houses along with the media and the ministry all over England through anonymous means of wily and Kreacher.

It even spread out of the country.

It is not saying that Harry did not have the talent to fly.

It is saying that he is too young and might have accidents.

Being the savior many people don’t want Harry to have accidents.

So the situation immediately boiled.

The news papers that got the news but did not receive any suppression from Dumbledore decided to publish this as quickly as possible.

This is because after Dumbledore and others find out about this they might suppress the news.

Also the news of the youngest Quidditch player is amazing.

If Harry really have an accident in this matter than the things would become strange later.

This is the plan Jonathan came up with.

Well he is a villain and this is child’s play for him.

The situation where Voldemort in the back of the head of professor Quirrell cast a confusion spell that professor Snape stops can be best used in this situation later.

This is not all there will be an incident of troll entering into Hogwarts.

Jonathan is going to send this into the public eyes too.

For that the good camera man is required and Jonathan is actually going to use modern technology if possible.

He doesn’t know if the pen cameras and other things are formed in this world or not.

If they formed then Jonathan would think of a way to get them and record the incident of the troll.

This is his thought and he mentioned it in the letter that he sent to Kreacher and wily.

They should be doing the things right now and Jonathan would see the results in a few days.

On the next day morning on September 20 many owls appeared in the great hall carrying news papers and letters.

There is one big one for Draco too.

It was also a nimbus 2000.

The face of Draco was brightly lit looking at the new broomstick that his father got him.

On the other hand the news papers have articles on how Hogwarts is pushing their savior to show talent in flying.

There are safety problems and much other nonsense.

Dumbledore got letters from the board that manages Hogwarts about the decision to make Harry participate in Quidditch at hat young age.

Also it mentioned that Harry was living in the muggle world for so long and did not have any contact with the magical world.

So for him to participate in Quidditch was really not good without proper practice and training for a year.

Both public and nobles along with many great wizards form within England and other countries that were connected to Voldemort before started to shot against Dumbledore.

Fudge that recently became the minister thought that the things are not right and don’t know which side he should take in the current situation.

Because taking the side of Dumbledore right now would cause his image to drop, while standing opposite to him now would lose his support from Dumbledore.

This time he made a choice to stand on the side of Dumbledore.

That is he bet on Dumbledore this time.

The reason why the mass public outrage was caused is because of the elaborate way of Jonathan explaining many accidents in Quidditch that their savior might face.

Some time hearing bad things or listening bad things about a person their want to be safe or a person with the similar name would cause people to feel anxious.

Jonathan used this very point to create the article in the letter that caused the current incident.

What Jonathan said is completely true but the possibility of that happening is magnified by him and he even wrote the consequences in the most horrifying way.

So the people started to boil at this.

Well that is not the only thing he said.

He made a special note that giving the preferential treatment to Harry over other students of the same age might create gap between them.

This way the savior Harry would be isolated in the school……

The words of Jonathan would touch the concern of the parents, the thoughts of the critics and even the pride of the nobles.

Chapter 26: achievement reward

This way the savior Harry would be isolated in the school……

The words of Jonathan would touch the concern of the parents, the thoughts of the critics and even the pride of the nobles.

Can Dumbledore bear with all this?

Well he can really bear this and even come out victorious.

But it will definitely wear out some of his connections.

The more connections that Dumbledore loses right now would lead to more problems the order of the phoenix cannot solve.

At the same time the targets of Jonathan would be in dangerous situation without any support or protection.

At that time Jonathan can step forward to help them and gain some mutual benefits.

This is his plan from the start.

Now he is implementing the things step by step.

Because of all the troubles that Jonathan created but not pour oil in the fire to improve the troubles, Dumbledore solved them after 8 days.

But the result is that Harry would not be selected for Quidditch this year.

Just like normal times the new students can only participate in Quidditch selections in the second year.

Also the broomsticks of Harry and Draco were confiscated.

There is another good thing the broom stick nimbus 2000 costs more than 500 gold galleons.

For the shares that Jonathan has he would received at least 50 gold galleons on every broom that was sold.

For the brooms that both Draco and Harry got, Jonathan received 100 gold galleons as bonus.

But these brooms are useless for both Draco and Harry.

Even in the future Jonathan would not let them use the brooms with another reason.

When Jonathan achieved this result the system gave him a special reward.


Congratulations host, for the act of villainy and successfully damage the chance of the protagonist and his supporter.

Congratulations host, you will be rewarded with your flying skill upgraded to master grade directly.

You will be able to fly at master grade flying skills on all kinds of magical flying devices of this world and other worlds.


Jonathan was really surprised to see that achieving something beyond the choice has this kind of benefits.

So he has changed his plans a little and started to think of a way to make the achievements that are higher than that of choices from the system.

There is another thing here that cannot be overlooked.

Dumbledore is not an idiot and he can tell that someone specifically pointed fingers at him and Harry.

Also that someone is in the school.

He doubts Jonathan for this matter directly.

But there is no suspicious activity from Jonathan during this time.

Since Jonathan did not cause anything major before he did not look at Jonathan specifically.

Jonathan knows that this would happen as he is the most suspicious person with the most negative points from birth, background and other things including motive.

Because of this Jonathan has already typed another set of letters related to the troll incidents and have already sent them.

He did the typing work in the room of requirements before in secret.

At that time he was not under surveillance.

In the letters he sent he already mentioned the information to both wily and Kreacher.

So they would complete the task on the next day of the Halloween.

There is no confusion in this matter.

Jonathan was smiling and he is actually practicing occlumency and legilimency on himself when he was free.

Also after he was done sending the letters he stopped using the time turner.

During this time he did not do anything that is out of order.

Well he usually exercises and does some common things on spell casting and wand movements….

These things are normal for a hardworking person that did not attract much attention to him.

So all in all, Jonathan is having free time in his hectic schedule of practice over the years.

The entire month of October Jonathan did not do anything out of order.

He acted just like everyone.

With that the suspicion on him was shifted to the mysterious person that is hunting unicorn in the forbidden forest.

Dumbledore thought that it was the remnant of the death eaters or some other dark wizard that has grudge against him.

It was the Halloween day that is 31st of the October.

Jonathan was ready.

Also during this time he changed his style a little and the green wand usually seen rotating around his fingers like a pin wheel.

It was like a childish mesmerizing act to attract attention of the children of that age.

Well it is understandable as Jonathan did not have any family and he seeks attention to prove his identity.

It made the other teachers feel pity towards Jonathan and even appreciated him a little sometimes for his efforts.

By himself Jonathan has gained over 100 points for Gryffindor during this time just by gaining the appreciation for his knowledge and efforts in various things.

Hermione admired him, Daphne loved him more.

Pansy on the other hand avoided him after his kiss on her cheek last time.

Well even if she speaks she would blush when Jonathan touches his lips looking at her.

So she started to avoid him more.

Harry and Ron are receiving help from Hermione in their studies without proper appreciation.

This created rift between them during this time and finally on the day of the Halloween Ron’s words broke caused Hermione to become angry and broke the bond between them temporarily.

Just like the original plot Hermione became sad and cried all evening in the women’s bathroom.

Jonathan came to the Halloween feast and completed his feast early.

Then came out of the great hall and walked towards the direction where Hermione is.

On the way he encountered professor Quirrell that is in full acting of his own.

Jonathan did not disturb him instead went along with his plan.

Before coming out of the great hall he heard someone asking where Hermione is and they told him the location.

Chapter 27: calling for professors instead of saving people

Jonathan did not disturb him instead went along with his plan.

Before coming out of the great hall he heard someone asking where Hermione is and they told that person the situation and location of Hermione.

Jonathan was there and listened to it.

This can be used as a way to escape from suspicion.

Jonathan waited in the corridor for a few seconds till he saw a troll coming towards the women’s bathroom.

Immediately he turned around and went towards the great hall.

On the way he saw Harry and Ron that just passed by him with panicked faces.

They are going to save Hermione.

But Jonathan has other plans.

When he returned to great hall he immediately heard the sarcastic words of Percy.

“Hey what are you doing going around looking like a fool.

There is a troll out there going around.

Don’t try to mess with others and kill people like your father.

Come and get in the line.”

Jonathan became angry.

The people that scolded him before in his previous life have ended up in the situations worse than death.

Jonathan looked at him without any smile on his face.

He did not have time to bicker with Percy but Percy caught his hand while he was leaving to find professor Flitwick or professor Mcgonagall or other people.

Jonathan was stronger than other people for his age because of the constant training.

Percy on the other hand has good head weight but his physical power is far worse.

Jonathan directly pulled his hand, pulling along Percy to fall on the floor when Jonathan slapped on his face making him to fall while rolling.

Jonathan did not care about Percy as it was race against time.

He immediately entered the great hall and looked at the professors that are discussing something.

“Professors, I have spotted a troll going towards the women’s bathroom and Hermione is trapped there based on the words of some students.

Please come quickly.”

Jonathan said and he ran back toward the woman’s toilet.

While he is running he kicked Percy that was about to stand up to fall on the floor again.

Jonathan might not look like it but he has good amount of bone density making him weight more than kids of his age.

Hitting him at a specific angle with his intentions to hit can cause heavy damage to the opposite person.

So Percy got a strong hit from Jonathan and even broke a bone or two in his body.

The surrounding students of his class did not have a choice but to take him to infirmary while someone else took the remaining students to the common room.

This delayed the teachers for a few seconds and Jonathan reached the women’s toilet right at that time.

He came here right when Ron uses the levitation spell to lift the club from the hands of the troll.

Instead of Ron, Jonathan used the levitation spell which made Ron think that he succeed in using the spell.

“Wingardium Leviosa”

Hermione on the other hand standing on the opposite side saw Jonathan casting the spell.

Ron tried to move his wand wanting to move the club that is floating in the air.

But the club did not move.

He looked at the club just like the troll looking at the club with stupid face.

Well there is no particular difference between their expressions, except for their appearance.

They are both stupid.

“It is not moving.”

Also he did not understand that his spell is not the one controlling the club.

Hermione looked and Harry also looked at Jonathan finding that he is the one controlling the club.

Jonathan waved his hand and the club acted like a baseball bat and hit the head of the troll right on the top of his head.

Right at that instant, the professors that are few seconds late appeared at the entrance behind Jonathan.

They saw Jonathan using his levitation spell to use the club to hit the head of the troll and it was dead after that one hit.

They all know that Jonathan was good with this spell and even used it to save Neville before.

At the same time in the morning class of charms under professor Flitwick Jonathan shared his experience to help his class mates gaining another 10 house points.

Right now the actions of Jonathan did not seem dangerous but the actions of Harry and Ron are dangerous because they did not inform the teachers before coming to this dangerous place.

Professor Snape moved forward to check the troll confirming its death because of the heavy blow on its head causing it brain to damage and die on the spot.

The body of the 12 foot tall troll lied down in the women’s toilet, almost occupying the entire place.

Hermione crawled out of the place with her messy hair.

Professor Flitwick that witnessed the entire incident started to praise Jonathan while professor Mcgonagall started to criticize Harry and Ron for their impulsiveness.

Hermione interjected with a lie to save Harry and Ron.

Unfortunately Jonathan spoke at that time.

“Miss Granger, you should not lie to professors when your life was just in a dangerous situation right now.

It might have caused the death of others too if it was not for me to call the professors here quickly.

Even then it was very dangerous.

You should not support the impulsive people because one day they might face the unthinkable because of this impulsiveness.

It should be corrected at the early age….”

The professors nodded their heads and even Snape looked at approvingly towards Jonathan this time.

Well he wanted nothing to happen to Harry but this Harry like his father jumps at everything he sees.

So he was angry with Harry.

But the words of Jonathan had clearly given him excuse to punish Harry to set him straight for his love lily.

Well he was even thinking of a way to turn Harry into a girl…..

Chapter 28: the preplanned troll incident part-1

But the words of Jonathan had clearly given him excuse to punish Harry to set him straight for his love lily.

Well he was even thinking of a way to turn Harry into a girl with a potion and see if he would look like lily.

That is not all he even had thoughts of reviving lily using Harry as a medium.

Well he has many thoughts right now and he is not fully committed to Dumbledore’s stupid suicide plan.


With that Harry and Ron received punishment instead of being praised.

As for Hermione, she is just a victim and she was not punished for this matter.

Jonathan received 20 house points from the professors present, but Harry and Ron lost 100 house points.

That is 50 house points each which decreased the house score.

Jonathan doesn’t want to lose the house cup but he doesn’t want it to be obtained through the efforts of Ron and Harry.

So he shot off his mouth in a righteous way.

There not even a single point that professors or students alike can refute from the words of Jonathan.

So things are solved and Jonathan returned back to the dorm.

On the other hand Percy that was hit by Jonathan was actually placed in the hospital wing.

For this Jonathan was not punished because Percy’s words have crossed the line already.

Jonathan did not say anything to the words of Percy other than trying to help Hermione and fellow students.

Jonathan’s deeds have already spread around the school by the morning next day.

At the same time the information of the troll incident including the incident with Percy was spread throughout the magical world of the England.

Jonathan has already anticipated all of this and even predicted the speech of conversation when things are in the play.

Based on the personality of Percy he would definitely speak ill of Jonathan.

Even if he did not Jonathan would provoke him.

So the conversation between them even has some dramatic lines added to it and was sent around just like before.

As for the conversation between Jonathan and Percy, Jonathan did not add many lines and most of it was the words of Percy.

Well he was silent in reality at the incident.

But who cares about this matter.

Also who cares what is right or wrong and what is truth or lie.

They would not care if Percy really said those words or not.

All that cares is about the incident that happened.

This is the nature of the public.

At the same time Weasley family would be burnt because of this incident by their rivals.

Last night Jonathan received a choice.


Option 1: spread the news about the troll incident and Percy’s words;

Host will be rewarded with the improvement of occlumency and legilimency to moderate level 50 percent completion towards proficient level.

Host will gain more popularity and recognition from the people.

Host will be doubted by the pure blood families as he helped in saving muggle born wizard Hermione, and blood traitors Harry potter and Ron Weasley.

The reputation of Hogwarts is damage to some extent and the connections of Dumbledore is reduced again.

The reputation of Harry potter as the savior would be damage with new image impulsive boy.

Option 2: do not spread the news of the incident of troll and Percy’s words

Host will become a little popular in Hogwarts that was not recognized by the outside world.

Host will be doubted by the pure blood families as he helped in saving muggle born wizard Hermione, and blood traitors Harry potter and Ron Weasley.

The stopping letter of host might be capture by Dumbledore and host would become a confirmed suspect for the previous incident.


Jonathan directly chose the first option.

It was all preplanned by him for things that were originally said in the consequences of his choice.

As for the reward in occlumency and legilimency was his bonus reward.

He did all this to gain benefits.

Will he let them go just like that?

Also he don’t want to show signs that he is the one that is doing all of this.

Even though they still suspect him, good people would not act without proof unlike the villains that did not care about the proof.

So he would not do the stupid thing.

That night when he slept the improvements to his mind took place and his mind became stronger than before.

When he reaches master level in occlumency and legilimency then he don’t have to fear lying in front of Dumbledore.

Also knowing the thoughts of other girls by reading their minds would become very easy for him.

That way he can get the girls with their willingness slowly.

He doesn’t like to force other women to be with him.

He only likes the willing ones.

Well it will take time to convince them but it is all worth the efforts to slowly enjoy the fruits of labor.

On the other hand he would not care about men.

Well he is a man that likes women.

So naturally he hates men.

This includes his stupid father.

Well in the morning next day he went to the great hall for breakfast.

Hermione appeared close to Harry and Ron.

Their punishment is very simple.

It was a detention with professor Snape.

This was specifically arranged by Dumbledore that understood the situation and the persuasion of professor Snape saying that they are not good in potions.

This also convinced professor Mcgonagall.

So with that they became the lab rats in the cold dungeon for the next few days looking at the stern face of professor Snape.

As November begins the Quidditch season starts.

Unfortunately because of what Jonathan did Harry did not get to join the Quidditch team.

So he received glares from Harry and Ron.

As for Hermione she has a complicated look.

Even though she is a strict person by nature she is also adventures just like Mcgonagall.

Chapter 29: the preplanned troll incident part-2

As for Hermione she has a complicated look.

Even though she is a strict person by nature she is also adventures just like Mcgonagall.

So she accepted and rejected the words of Jonathan last night.

Jonathan did not care about that and as he sat down to eat he saw Daphne that came over to sit opposite to him on the Slytherin table for breakfast.

She looked at Jonathan and smiled.

She heard about the incident and she is intelligent enough to understand that what Jonathan did is not without any thought.

She felt like Jonathan is planning the things and acting at the perfect time to capture the opportunity.

Jonathan also smiled back and ate something sending some flying kisses secretly towards Daphne to make her blush.

Right then the great hall has many owls delivering the news papers to the people that opted for them.

Dumbledore is already missing from the school already.

He is not an idiot.

From the last incident he knows that someone is playing with him.

So he went to check if the incident related to the troll that happened yesterday has appeared in the outside world.

As he expected, the papers were already printed the incident and wanted to sent it out early in the morning.

But Dumbledore used his connections and favors to solve the crisis.

Well many noble houses already know about this incident because of the name specific letters has caused even more problems for Dumbledore.

The information through word of mouth will also spread fast in the wizard world.

Well it is a small community and the number of news papers is also limited.

But there is another problem that Dumbledore ignored.

It is related to the letters that Jonathan sent to other nations news papers.

Jonathan is not only damaging Dumbledore but also Hogwarts as a whole.

The final result would still fall on Dumbledore that was the current headmaster of Hogwarts.

So the higher the damage to the Hogwarts receives the higher the damage Dumbledore receives.

The more Dumbledore loses his connections the more the order of phoenix and Harry potter loses their shelter.

Well they are already dying tree right now with many branches that have already fallen and rotten.

So with a simple breeze the big tree named order of phoenix would shake.

Jonathan is continuously creating storms for it to face.

Since the mother root that is the Dumbledore is still alive, it is managing.

The moment Dumbledore dies is the moment everything falls.

After Dumbledore uses all of his connections and favors right now, the others would not be able to use the favors in the future.


Daphne that looked at the news almost sprayed the food that she ate.

But she controlled her emotions quickly with all the training that the nobles put her through from young age.

Well this is not the case for many other people.

It is especially so for the trio of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The reason for this is the big article of Rita Skeeter about the yesterday’s incident in a more complicated way.

It is said that Harry and Ron went to peek at the women’s bathroom……..

Then they happen to meet a troll.

Also it said that Jonathan save the poor muggle born witch Hermione from getting peeked by Harry and Ron.

This was highlighted while the troll incident was reduced by a notch.

The incident of troll was dangerous but the incident of perverts is far more dangerous.

The title of a pervert as a public opinion is far more damaging to a man than being a coward that ran away from looking at a troll.

Now Harry and Ron got this title through the foresight and simple modifications of Jonathan.

The incident was actually modified by Jonathan before thinking that he doesn’t want to be hero that just defeated a troll.

Instead he wanted to be a hero that saved the beauty from the lecherous perverts and a troll.

That would be truly fitting for a noble born person with pure blood.

Jonathan told wily and Kreacher to send these special letters specifically to Rita Skeeter and Lucius other than the letters that were normally sent.

This is a diversion tactic that Jonathan used to divert the attention of Dumbledore to the big incident where the small cracks with poison seeping inside were hidden.

So Dumbledore really stopped the big distribution of troll incident.

But Lucius that was already mad because of his dick not standing up was maddened when he thought of his rival’s son Harry potter peeking at a beauty with another rival’s son Ron Weasley.

As for other things he did not care.

Do not underestimate the power of a man that was mad at becoming a eunuch suddenly at his prime of age with a hot wife.

So the result is him spending his connections to make this other story spread like wild fire.

Those people promised Dumbledore not to spread the incident about the troll that is the information on the printed letter that they received.

But this did not stop them from reporting the other peeking incident.

With the money and connections that Lucius Malfoy offered Rita Skeeter and other were very much interested.

Rita Skeeter really wanted to find the person that has such a mind to drop off such a big thing on Harry and Ron.

But she could not trace out the letter back.

Not only her but even Dumbledore could not trace this back.

If Dumbledore really could trace the things back then he would have definitely traced many things in his past and stopped many things from happening saving his loved ones.

With that the Hogwarts was set on fire and the face of Dumbledore looked paler and tired.

He tried his best to contain the things but how much can he do.

This incident not only covered the information of Harry and Ron peeking.

It also contains the information about….

Chapter 30: silver tongue skill

This incident not only covered the information of Harry and Ron peeking.

It also contains the information about many of the pranks and incidents of Harry’s father.

Jonathan might be the son of a murdered while Harry became the son of a pervert.

With that the system gave another achievement to Jonathan.


Congratulations host you have made a great achievement.

You have successfully given the title of a pervert to the protagonist and his supporter.

Host would be rewarded with skill silver tongue of moderate grade.”

Jonathan can directly understand what his silver tongue but he wanted to see if there are any benefits.

Skill: silver tongue

Description: a skill that has the ability to persuade other to do the things that is in line with the wishes of the host.

Grade: moderate

Special effects: when kissing another person with the tongue the other person can never forget the tongue of the host.

The kiss is not only on the women’s mouth…….

Jonathan was really shocked by the unexpected gain just now.

But he cannot use it for now.

Right now he has obtained many things and everything is improving perfectly with his precise planning.

This skill will be of great use to him in the future and he was thinking of improving it to master level or even higher.

Jonathan has a premonition that he is not going to just live in this one world and his future is limitless.

So he plans to improve his skills and knowledge as much as possible.

He being transmigrated to here with his memories is already a miracle.

So he was optimistic about the big things in the future.


The breakfast time in the great hall became lively and most of the words are actually whispers.

All of them are looking at Harry and Ron.

Also they are looking at Hermione.

With the names of Harry and Ron the name of Hermione was also dropped.

Because it was not written that she thanked Jonathan for saving her.

Also it appears that she is keeping her distance from Jonathan for some reason.

This made people look down on Hermione.

The good opinion she built up has gone down the drain.

Well Jonathan did not care about that.

Soon the name ungrateful bitch was spread for Hermione.

Also the one that spread the name is actually pansy and her girl’s gang to all the houses.

On the other hand whenever Harry and Ron appeared there are sounds of “Kyaaa…”from the girls.

Also there are eyes of disgust and movements of hiding from Harry and Ron.

Since Harry was not selected to become a part of Quidditch and Ron was not the one that defeated the troll, their reputation was not on the raising but it became a sheer drop.

With that the original popularity of Harry being a savior started to drop.

For this even Dumbledore cannot do anything.

On November 8th, Harry, Ron and Hermione saw professor Snape limping with clear tooth Mark on his leg.

Then they followed him because of their suspicion.

The only people in the staff room are Snape and Filch.

Filch is helping Snape to bandage a large wound on his leg that has been causing him to limp.

When the trio hears Snape say about sustaining the injury makes it clear he was bitten by Fluffy.

Harry connects Snape’s conversation with Flich.

Snape talking to Argus Filch about the fact that the three-headed dog has attacked him, leaving a cut on his leg, which makes Harry and others even more suspicious.

Hermione don’t know about the three headed dog as she was stopped by Jonathan before.

But now they explained it to her making her understand the thoughts of Harry.

During this time Jonathan did not make any suspicious activity.

He did not even use the time turner during this time.

Many people are angry towards him and any small thing might reveal his capabilities or thoughts.

Jonathan would not risk these things right now.

So he was careful.

He should be careful till the end of the month.

By then all the current commotion would die down.

On the next day that is 9thof November the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Without Harry being the seeker the Gryffindor team lost the match in the most disastrous way with many people injured from the aggressive play of Slytherin.

There is no swaying of the broom stick and the magic spell muttering of professor Quirrell and saving of professor Snape.

Hermione did not go to light the robes of professor Snape.

So the entire plot is gone completely differently in this Quidditch match.

On the other hand when the Quidditch match is over the trio of Hermione, Harry and Ron went to meet with Hagrid.

Harry tells Hagrid about Snape getting injured by the dog in the third-floor corridor.

Hagrid involuntarily reveals that the three-headed dog, Fluffy, is his, and that what the dog is guarding is a secret known only to Albus Dumbledore and a man named Nicolas Flamel.

Even though Jonathan is not here he knows what is going on in Hagrid’s hut.

Well it was all nonsense and he does not care about them.

Instead he prepared about the things that can let him the gap created by Slytherin in house points after they won the Quidditch match.

He excelled during the classes and gained 100 house points for Gryffindor in the next 20 days.

With that the big gap that was created was covered by Jonathan.

Many people in the Gryffindor started to appreciate Jonathan about this matter.

The month of December started on that next day and Jonathan saw Draco teasing Harry.

Christmas is approaching.

Malfoy teases Harry about having to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, as he does not have parents.

Harry, however, is looking forward to spending Christmas away from the Dursley's,

Especially because Ron is also staying at Hogwarts, as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are going to visit Ron's older brother Charlie in Romania.


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