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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 81: how can I benefit with this information

The water resources here are also going down slowly.

Mohini made a conservative estimate of 8 months before they start the water restriction and 1 year before the riots start for water.

So they want to check their water reserves to fill them up in advance.

Even with water refining more water is being evaporated.

The water in the seas and oceans stopped evaporating instead it was ground water and the water reservoirs that are being evaporated.

Sakura also listed out her things and Mohini was shocked to find that Sakura filled more than 60 percent of her space with weapons and the remaining 40 percent for everything.

Mohini sighed at her as she was too much reliant on her weapons.

But she did not say anything.

After that they checked the containers that they emptied during this time and then used it to collect the water from the reservoir during the day time.

The reason why Sakura became little more open is because Mohini gave her the constant temperature clothing too.

With the help of Radha, Sakura got a dress fit to her body and the girls started to talk to each other.

Well they both lived for 8 years and each had their own set of experiences.

Mohini was not in the conversation and she was kicked out by them.

They are actually treating Mohini as a man instead of woman even with the hot body she has.

Mohini wandered back to the base and visited the old minister to know if there is anything new.

She found that some of the neighboring country’s bases are readying to attack their country’s bases.

Mohini knows that she don’t have to do anything as nothing would happen in the future.

But since it is an opportunity Mohini decided to give it a try.

Based on the facts she know as a bottom feeder and the information she heard from Nisha and Roy in her previous life Mohini can make some small analysis.

She can give some suggestions and gain some benefits in return.

After looking at some things Mohini decided to give it a try.

She did not make any suggestions immediately and first went to meet with the girls and started her plan.

Sakura did not know what happened.

She did not come towards this base in the past life.

So she was not much help in this matter.

Radha heard some news but she did not make it to the northern part of India during the past life.

She was stuck half way through after escaping from her enemies.

She is also useless in this matter.

So it all depends on Mohini.

She thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a choice like suggestive model.

That is what would the reaction for what decisions they can make.

After making this thing Mohini first went to meet with the old minister and then she explained about the complicated process.

Listening to Mohini the old minister was impressed.

He saw many benefits of what Mohini told him and he wants to make money in the process too.

So he immediately contacted the military base with his governmental position and support of other ministers.

Then he set up a video conference with the other ministers, influential people and high military officials of other bases.

Mohini’s suggestions might not be able to give them the direct solution but it can reduce the field work they have to complete for months of time.

Also the man power, food, water and other resources can be saved in these apocalyptic times.

If her suggestions worked and really saved at least 10 percent of the materials then the results are acceptable for the old minister.

Also he did not steal Mohini’s ideas or gave it to his other subordinates because he is an old fox.

Only an idiot would kill a goose that would lay golden eggs.

After observing Mohini for so long he found that Mohini is a genius in the field of planning.

Well most of it was the benefits got from rebirth that old minister don’t know.

So instead of stealing Mohini’s idea to get little benefits, he wants to use Mohini to gain continuous benefits.

So Mohini is very well protected during this time.

As soon as Mohini was exposed those big wigs at the helm of the country would want to take Mohini into their group.

That is either by coaxing or by force.

Soon the conference was started and the old minister gave a run down on the topic that he called everyone.

Keeping the online conference for long is hard for the time being because of high temperatures and humidity.

The temperature and humidity cause the network clashes and signal transfer damage from satellite to earth.

So to pass on the information quickly the meeting was held short without excessive greetings.

In the meeting Mohini explained her speculations and the reasons for the choices and their final results that choices might lead to.

Mohini took and map and pointed at the key positions that might be attacked in the future and the position that would cause too much damage to the humans.

At the same time she even analyzed the negotiating conditions of various surrounding countries.

When they first started to listen they did not take Mohini seriously.

There are even comments that the old minister is wasting time.

But the more Mohini explained about the situations the more they understand the situation that future leads to.

Mohini simply concluded with a route of choices for them and advanced preparations that can stop heavy losses on both sides.

These calculations are all imaginary and just a guessed unit of value in a micro level that can be maximized to a macro level.

Mohini doesn’t have to do this as there are other people for this work.

All she has to do is point at the things that people usually neglect and cause catastrophic damages………..

Chapter 82: the humanity’s last base “The four faces”

Mohini doesn’t have to do this as there are other people for this work.

All she has to do is point at the things that people usually neglect and cause catastrophic damages.

As soon as she shows the big picture everyone would understand the situation.

Mohini got this through her years of study managing and analyzing things for Nisha and her group.

Originally she only wanted to survive under her for protection.

But later she accidentally found that there are time treasures in the apocalypse land that can let people travel back in time.

So she decided to learn every little thing she possible can and planned to gain a time treasure behind Nisha’s back.

She wanted to use that to return back in time to get her revenge and everything.

But she died before achieving that.

Still she returned back in time by a miracle and he feels that it should be related to the ark for some reason.

Now all these things are useful for her to make big profits.

In the last days the humanity has four faced base.

West European countries and remnants of America formed one face, Africa and Islamic countries formed one face.

East Asian countries formed one face and Russia and few Nordic countries formed the last face.

The base of humanity was build around the central part connecting Asia and Europe to the northern side of the Caspian Sea right beside the river Volga for water source.

This central part was safe from floods and there is water source and salt source.

So the base was constructed here.

The base is actually a big city that is hundreds of kilometers wide with many rings of fortification.

The construction was completely within 4 years of ice age and housed over 1 billion people all over the world.

Well it is only less than a tenth of the world’s population before apocalypse but still the numbers reduced more and more.

The city is called a square city of hope.

The people of a side would stay on the side of their face.

Each face had their council of men that received seats based on the number of people available from their country.

Because of this the largest number of seats on the eastern face is divided between India and china.

Each of them balanced their power and swallowed the minor groups forming two powerful forces on that side of the face.

They represented eastern face.

Similarly west, north and south each had their representatives based on population they had and the capabilities they had.

Mohini wanted to try and increase the number of people from her country and surrounding countries.

As long as she prevented large scale skirmishes with minor detours then it is more than saving the lives of thousands of people.

Saving lives is considered good karma and maybe she would be lucky after that.

Even bitching around needs luck.

Some people are possessive and might want to kill her after fucking her.

There are many such cases in the future and she doesn’t want to be a dead bitch.

So she is preparing all these things for her safety and to bitch around freely and peacefully.

A respected bitch of the society is her goal for the future.

This not only saves people from her country but the people from other countries would be saved to.

When a war is stopped the army from the two sides is saved.

Mohini’s proposal directly gained high praises from the high leaders and military officials.

While the meeting is going on the finance and military advisers has made a conservative estimate based on the choices Mohini provided.

They can save a minimum of 15 percent of the military power, ammunition, man power, wasted food, oil……..

All these things are currently scarce and non renewable resources.

This number is huge and with their efforts they are sure that they can increase that number to 25 or 30 percent which is a huge number when compared to the country’s resources as a whole.

Immediately the results appeared in the meeting and the country leaders are really surprised.

It is especially so for the military people that thinks every soldier as they brother and sister.

So they don’t want to see their people die.

But the solutions that Mohini provided directly solved so many problems.

This made them happy.

Now Mohini gained the full support of military and the chief of defense staff general Virender Singh has proposed to promote Mohini to brigadier rank.

Also she was promoted to the main advisory member of the military and other issues for providing support.

They don’t care what kind of a person she is.

Since she is saving lives of the soldiers and the innocent then she is a good person.

It is a simple reasoning when it comes to the things like life and death.

Immediately the higher officials and country heads accepted it and promoted Mohini directly.

At the same time they wanted her to transfer to the main military base near Delhi.

The old minister that gave the opportunity to Mohini directly denied it.

He doesn’t want to lose Mohini.

Mohini is his ticket to survival in these hard times.

At the same time Mohini is also very important to him for support.

Even Mohini rejected this and explained that they are too close to the war zone and she will be the first to be targeted if something happens.

But the place she is in is very hidden and hard for them to find her here.

Also if something happens there are too many ways to escape to the south or somewhere.

But up in the north if they are surrounded then she would be dead for sure.

Since her image is not spread no one would be able to recognize her or assassinate her.


Mohini explained a few things and told them that staying here is the best way to solve things for them…….

Chapter 83: New Year and improvement

Since her image is not spread no one would be able to recognize her or assassinate her.


Mohini explained a few things and told them that staying here is the best way to solve things for them.

After that the financial department and military department discussed about the information related to Mohini’s plan in detail.

Unfortunately the signal is not so good so they decided to communicate information through written questions with all their doubts.

Mohini accepted it and she got a good load of contribution points for this.

Her house was free and she will be given some special rations like oil, water, ammunition and other things because of her contribution.

Also there is a 2 squad unit that contains a total of 20 members that would act as her guards all the time.

Well these squads will not be around her all the time but stationed outside.

Mohini was told to move to a better villa where there are guard houses and everything.

These kinds of villas are not for survivors and the rich people.

They are for the real important people like the old minister.

Mohini was very happy to get the status and some guards for herself.

But she doesn’t need them.

They will only be hindrance in the current situation.

After that Mohini along with Radha and Sakura moved into the new villa.

Without Mohini’s permission no one would enter into the villa.

On the other hand the guards would stay in shifts at the guard houses outside the villa.

Radha and Sakura panicked a little when moving to this new place and the soldiers thought that these are Mohini’s lady friends or Mohini have some special hobbies.

So they did not say anything.

They were respected equally for Mohini’s face.

They know that Mohini has her stuff if she can become a brigadier in such a shot amount of time and suddenly at that.

So they did not put on arrogant faces.

Also the previous incident has spread throughout the base.

So they are more on the cautious side.

During this time Mohini did not go out instead she started to cook food with various ingredients that were farmed in her ark space planting area.

During the night when she sleeps she would use her mental power to plant seeds in her farming area.

Not there are plenty of vegetables and other things.

For the future use Mohini cooked them all and stored in either packaging or in big containers.

Also she told how to use mental energy to plant things to the women so that they can do the same.

Unfortunately she can use only a tenth of the mental energy when she used it in the real world.

Even that can lift a small knife after such a long time of practice.

In the ark space her ability will be amplified and it can be used to deal with the things like planting and practice.

Also the time would not be spent for using mental energy to do the planting and harvesting work as long as he did not enter inside in person.

For the next 6 months Mohini would cook and store the things.

She even helped the women in cooking increasing their cooking skills.

At the same time they practiced hand to hand combat along with some standard weapon training in the close quarters of the villa.

There are sounds but the guarding soldiers would not come inside.

They know that Mohini should be practicing right now.

Well in the past when they heard the sound they came in abruptly to check.

They only found that Mohini is training with the beauties…cough…cough…

Not that training but real fighting training.

Also the cooking smell of Mohini has made them so maddened that they went to ask if Mohini’s women would cook for them with their ingredients.

But later they found that Mohini is the main chef.

So they begged her to cook for them and got a delicious meal for that day.

Mohini added some of her ingredients for the people that are standing guard for her.

Unfortunately they are dirty and smelly,

If not she would really like to taste some strong dicks.

Her pussy is really itchy for the past six months.

Even the system slept without making any sounds.

Also in the past 6 months the negotiations has happened so quickly that many country’s bases caught off guard.

With the plans from Mohini they all jumped into cooperative relationship making them allies.

Well there are a few stubborn ones and there are people that used common civilians as cannon fodder in the front row for the fight.

Even still the plans that Mohini made succeeded and the amount of things saved has reached over 30 percent.

It has been a year since the extreme heat started.

Some people have adapted to the changes but most people have reduced their methods to the primitive ways.

Mohini happily celebrated the New Year with Radha and Sakura.

Mohini made their favorite foods and deserts they liked.

So the meal that day was very good.

There is no disturbance.

During this time their team work has improved.

They did not travel anywhere but still they got close.

The feeling between the three is a little complicated.

The higher ups are so happy and the plans given by Mohini worked so well and they are prepared for the future problems too.

Now they started to research things related the cause of the sudden situation.

Previously they did not have manpower of resources to save people or search for the cause.

But now they saved up and had the chance to do these things.

There are also heat resistant vegetables that can be grown near the river bank that still had a little moisture in its soil.

But the morning heat is so much that even if there is a plant it would die easily.

So they constructed sheltered area for these plants right……….

Chapter 84: proposed by Radha and Sakura at the same time

But the morning heat is so much that even if there is a plant it would die easily.

So they constructed sheltered area for these plants right by the bank of the reservoir.

The sunlight that they got through the shelter is enough to grow them.

Also the seeds were distributed for the people to let them grow then at their homes if possible.

Mohini, Radha and Sakura also planted then in their space and they can be used to exchange for contribution points at the humanity base later.

They will not exchange it with the base of their country.

Another 6 months has gone by quickly and the ingredients were mostly converted into various kinds of specialties all over the world.

Mohini is capable of cooking many varieties of food with available materials.

The meat stored was consumed.

Well not eaten but converted into finished food.

Right around that time the big countries got together to research about the origin of the current disaster situation of extreme heat.

They also gave Mohini some information to work on and find the source of the problem.

Since individual countries are unable to find the solution they went to collaborative effort.

Mohini knows that they will soon find that it was caused after the strange mountain island appeared in the pacific.

Then they would rush to destroy the island.

The current situation outdoor is not very good.

The people are in a maddened state because of the extreme heat.

Mohini doesn’t know how long they will be able to hold themselves back before the big riots started.

Even the refugees are out of food and water in many places all over the world.

The heat over 65 degrees every day has made people unable to think properly.

Even with the air conditioning the rapid change in temperature with over 25 degrees of change from day to night took their toll on many old think tanks.

So the people that can think solutions are less and less every day.

This made the higher ups of many countries anxious.

So they teamed up.

They don’t know the horror before they decided to sink the strange island.

At that time it was 2 years of extreme heat and the people almost lost their minds.

Fortunately Mohini was able to keep her sanity following that bitch Nisha.


Mohini did not rush forward to say anything about the mysterious island.

She doesn’t want to disrupt the plot and lose the chance of having the insight into the future.

She is here to survive but not to save other people and reduce the burden of those greedy heads of the country.

So her days are peaceful.

Well there is pressure on her from the higher ups about finding the solution.

But Mohini always said that the information is insufficient to give out the solution.

After 4 months when riots were about to break out, Mohini took the chance to speak.

It was also around this time when Nisha said that other countries scientist found out about the island in the Pacific Ocean.

Nisha’s family is still in power as her cousin that should be dead took the position and is leading the family well.

Also this cousin of Nisha is much better than that Nisha and good at leading and managing.

So Mohini did not touch him as her interests are not touched by the other party.

This is the same with Radha enemies too.

Her relatives also appeared at the Nagpur base before they are leaving.

At that time Mohini simply tied them to the poles with iron sheets just like they did to the abusive thugs before.

Not every one of them was punished with death.

But they are no different from the dead state after Mohini and Radha let them go.

She got her revenge and she became close to Mohini.

But before she could propose to Mohini, Sakura appeared.

This caused some hindrance and she became competitive with Sakura.

This made the things complicated and even after so long she still did not get her heart into the right place.


Finally she made up her mind.

She came to Mohini wanting to propose that day after training.

But Sakura actually a step ahead this time, as she directly came to Mohini and kissed her on her lips.

Then she said

“I like strong and honest woman that I can trust.

Actually I am more into girls than into men because they are deceitful to me.

During this time you share your food with me and helped me many time.

You are capable and caring.

Also you cook very well.

In these apocalyptic times or in the normal times finding a woman like you is not easy.

I love you.”

She said looking into Mohini’s eyes.

At the same time Radha on the side was speechless.

She doesn’t want to fall behind on the race.

She is actually a straight woman that loves man instead of another woman.

But Mohini became an exception here.

Normally she would not want to share her man or in this case woman with another woman.

But Mohini is a rare exception.

She is too good to let go.

So she pulled Mohini towards her and kissed her on the lips.

Then she proposed to Mohini in her own style.

Now Mohini had two women in front of her looking at her for her decision.

Mohini came forward and took the hands of the two women at the same time.

They thought that the hand she let go will not become her women after her decision.

Then she pulled them towards her immediately and embraced the two women at the same time with her beautiful hands.

“I really have a big heart that is filled with endless love.

The love I have is infinity so even if it shared between two women the love will still be infinity.

In these apocalyptic times there is no one I can trust……”

Chapter 85: drink my milk to celebrate the love

“I really have a big heart that is filled with endless love.

The love I have is infinity so even if it shared between two women the love will still be infinity.

In these apocalyptic times there is no one I can trust other than you two.

So I love you both at the same time and cannot choose one over the other.

Why not become my women at the same time.

I want both of you to become mine….”

Mohini gave the answer and waited for their reaction.

They had different thoughts and finally made their decision.

During the entire time they did not leave her hug as if they leave her then they would never be able to get her.

They just exercised and they are sweaty and smelly.

But still they did not notice any of that other than their thoughts of being with Mohini.

They looked at each other in the eye and communicated with their eyes.

Finally they hugged Mohini tightly and each kissed on one of her cheeks.

Their decision is to stay with Mohini and share her.

They kissed a few more times but did nothing more than that.

They each went to their rooms to wash up and assembled in Mohini’s room for lunch today.

Mohini took out some of their favorite foods along with cakes, cream rolls, dumplings…….

At that time Mohini told them about the systems.

Any way they could not get the systems from her even if she dies.

So it is not a problem.

Also there is nothing big in her system in terms of benefits or other things.

Well there are some but they cannot show their full capabilities until the mutation starts and Mohini gets some spars on her hands.

So telling them is good.

They proposed to her and Mohini believes them.

After being with them for so long he was able to create trust and love in them.

At the same time they also created their trust and love in Mohini.

So she did not hide anything.

After eating the food Mohini took the two girls into her small bed room that can let two people sleep close to each other.

But if they sleep on each other and hug each other while sleeping, then three people can sleep easily.

When Mohini connected the air conditioning the room was so cool that the temperature is around 23 degrees.

They decided to eat naked today in the air conditioned small room.

Also Mohini let them drink her tit milk to celebrate the love they formed today.

They felt very comfortable.

Even though they also have air conditioning and other things they can reduce the temperature to at most 28 or 30 degrees.

Even then there are some occasional heat waves with strong hot air.

Since they sleep in the morning the temperature can be high outside causing the air conditioners to fail and some other problems.

But Mohini’s room is actually perfect.

Because of the sound and temperature proofing they don’t have to fear about anything.

Also this room is portable and can be taken anywhere with them.

So they made a choice that they would sleep with Mohini from now on.

With all the air conditioners they had even if some air conditioners failed they can still sleep happily.

The night is good as the three girls played with each other filling the room with the scent of their love juices.

They were exhausted and slept while still sucking the tits of Mohini after some complicated exercise.

Mohini promised them that one day she would grow a dick and fuck them.

So, they will sleep together but they would not do anything more than that for now.

Well Mohini now has the access to suck on their tits and fondle them along with letting them suck on her tits.

Also they talked about bitching.

Radha and Sakura did not have much interest in being a bitch.

They did it to survive.

But after listening to the deeds of Mohini their inner desires aroused and they also want to bitch around in the future.

Well they cannot do anything during the extreme heat.

So they decided to do that when the extreme cold started.

That night the two women put on without any dress revealing their curves to each other to feast on their beauties mutually.

Each of them had a pair Double D- cup tits with full bust and perky nipples.

As their butt is round and full.

It was literally a torture not doing anything to them when they are attached to her body.

They hugged her hands tightly between and are mostly lying on her body to sleep because of the small room.

Their fragrance is intoxicating and Mohini can only lick them other than kissing them now.

Mohini slowly slept in this condition laughing at her fortune.

It is hard but she has to bear it for few more months till she can gain a quest to grow a dick.

During this time even the system is silent because there is no way to issue any tasks right now.


Mohini has already stated her thoughts on the island that emerged before this extreme heat in the Pacific Ocean.

There is still 2 months before the people would decide to take action to sink the island.

So it should be around this time that they start suspecting that it was all caused by that island.

Mohini wanted to take some credit pointing at the island.

But she did not dare to confirm it.

Because the consequences of destroying that island would be blamed on the people that pointed at it as the source and gave orders to destroy it.

Well the country that destroyed it actually got the biggest burn.

The entire continent is North America was gone after that.

There are a few survivors that took the planes to escape.

But the eruption of the volcanic islands in Hawaii blocked the escape route of ships with tsunamis……..


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