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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 71: Mobo asks about Radha

Then they went back to their room.

Radha sat in the sofa on the hall while Mohini arranged the air conditioning things for them.

Mohini did not receive any message from Mobo or boss Oba.

So Mohini doesn’t have to go out anywhere.

She sat by the side of Radha and waited for her to calm her emotions.

She did not enter the room she has given to Radha to switch on air conditioning for her or anything.

She respected her privacy so she would not intrude into her room.

Mohini took out some tea and chocolate cake for them to eat.

The room cooled down after putting 6 air conditioners around them

They can work with the help of the solar panels that Mohini arranged.

Mohini gave her a piece of cake and then said.

“The world is a cruel place after the beginning of the apocalypse.

One must bear the consequences of one’s actions.

Your friend chose her boyfriend as her companion and paid the price.

If she moved on with you may be she would be alive.

But that is her choice but not yours.

You did everything you can to help her but she did not listen.

Now that she is gone you have avenged her.

I can be sure that your friend would be happy for your actions.

So don’t be sad.

Eat the cake and cheer up.

I don’t like my companion to be sad and crying.

See you look ugly when you are crying.”

Mohini said and took out a mirror to show the appearance of her face.

Radha finally calmed down and she smiled.

They are the cake and drank the tea.

After that they each went back to their rooms to rest.

They are exhausted and wanted to rest.

The sleep time is not long as they woke up in the evening.

After washing up Mohini started eating south Indian thali.

Then she came out of the room.

Radha is still sleeping so she did not disturb Radha instead returned back to her room and study some of her future plans.

There is a solar heater on the side that is making hot water that was needed in the future.

At the same time there is a fridge that is making ice cubes on the side.

The ice cubes are used for air conditioning fans and hot water is preparation for the future ice age.

Around 7 PM Radha woke up and came out.

She did not looked as haggard as she was before.

After she came out Mohini asked if she wanted to drink some coffee.

She nodded her head.

Mohini and Radha shared coffee as Mohini explained the situation where they will be on the move soon.

Then they started to practice as Mohini taught her some things and she learnt it well.

Well she also knows some underhanded techniques and told Mohini.

As they practiced Mohini received notifications that she started to master fighting techniques and weapon techniques.

In a way they became her skills and started to improve over the long practice.

The system gave notification of improvement of skill from time to time after she got the systems.

There are even some extra rewards for her efforts.

Since there is no bitching activity now she could not earn anything related to the bitch system.

Well, keeping track of things like skills is a good thing.

Mohini became stronger than she previously was.

That night they went to kill another gang and free up people.

They people were also brought to the same location where the other gang members died and used the same chain of the dead people to tie them.

Mohini got some good amount of materials from these people other than leaving them for those victims.

The thugs that were tied here yesterday were fried and the corps looked like it was dried for 10 days.

The stench is unbearable.

Fortunately there are gas masks.

After tying the people Mohini left and decided to leave these chains.

Any way she got a big chain after salvaging things.

The gold and other materials he salvaged were divided in half and it was given to Radha.

She let the ark management system extract and the system repaired her ark space.

On the next day evening they are discussing the things while eating some melon cubes that Radha prepared.

While they are discussing Mobo arrived delivering the message from boss Oba.

After telling her to stay at the apartment and don’t go anywhere before she comes back, Mohini went with Mobo.

Mobo noticed that Mohini is speaking to someone and asked who she is.

Mohini told him that she is her companion.

Mobo asked if she is also like Mohini that would like a good night of pounding.

Mohini simply said.

“She is a bitch like me but currently she is in a sad state.

I would ask her opinion and next time we would have a threesome if possible.

But the heat is so high these days.

Are you sure that you can fuck me without getting a heart attack.

Also because we did not have water to bath, we smell awful.

So don’t ask me to suck your dick….”

They spoke as they moved to boss Oba.

But Mobo thought that Mohini’s girl friend might not look good.

Well the misunderstanding is formed and it cannot be changed.

Mohini asked Radha before about being a bitch and Mohini even saw some videos of Radha that in some adult sites.

Radha did not show her face but Mohini can tell that it was Radha.

Even her systems confirmed that Radha was fucked by many as there is lust energy around her.

Radha did not deny things and she was happy to share the bed for a proper passionate sex and she is not as reserved as she was in her past life.

But Mohini did not touch or and did anything other than hugging her to consol her before……

Chapter 72: offer to join army

Radha did not deny things and she was happy to share the bed for a proper passionate sex and she is not as reserved as she was in her past life.

But Mohini did not touch or and did anything other than hugging her to consol her before.


After coming to boss Oba she took Mohini to the meeting place where they had meeting before.

Mohini can tell from the expression of boss Oba that her predicted location on the previous meeting was a success and the scouts returned with good news.

After entering the meeting room Mohini greeted the big wigs and then got to the main topic.

Even though they are many people here most of them did not look down on her.

Some of them are lustful towards her but they did not straight away break the things and are forceful.

They are not lacking in beauties.

If they really liked Mohini they would try and see if they can fuck her then that is good.

If they cannot then they would not mind.

This is how high class circle works even in apocalypse times.

It is not like high class people would pounce on every women that they see, like in the apocalypse novels of some countries.

This time the most important thing is the survival and they would not let go of the chance for something as stupid as sex with a women.

Mohini was naturally asked if she is willing to get fucked.

Mohini accepted it with open arms but told them that she would not join their side or faction as she was already on the side of the old minister.

With that everyone is happy and they books times with Mohini to visit their apartments for having a good body to body chats in private.

They told Mohini that the location that she said is right and there are really usable buildings and even some water source that is still usable.

Mohini only told the details of the first location from around 10+ stops.

So they called her here to know the information about the remaining locations.

In return what they are going to give Mohini.

Well boss Oba has already asked about that things and negotiated.

The big minister that appreciated Mohini’s talent before also spoke asking if Mohini needed anything more.

The value of Mohini is very high because the politicians on the south are going to north which is not their original home ground.

Even though they are from the same country, extreme conditions would create extreme situations.

So having someone know the surroundings is always good.

This is the same for many powerful people.

Even though they are in the same country most people don’t know things in other places of the country.

All they know is the names but not local situations and directions.

If they don’t know the situation they can only follow the arrangements of others.

Having a map would help but the help is not as good as a guide.

So the value of Mohini is more in this situation.

Mohini thought for a moment and said that she wanted to bring a companion along and need extra position of entry and same treatment as her.

Well the people immediately accepted it as it was not that big of a deal.

Mohini did not ask for anything more.

The conditions that are given to her are already good enough.

With that done Mohini talked about the remaining places and the details.

This includes the refueling locations and possible travel time.

Mohini also spoke about the ambush points of some thugs.

This time the big guys are not going to take the entire military.

Only a few guards are going to go with them.

So they have to be more vigilant.

The information Mohini given is very detailed like the strategy provided by a war strategist.

The people noted the information and immediately wanted to prepare things.

Mohini even spoke about the things that needed to be prepared in generalized way for an individual.

This can be maximized and calculated for their entire group.

Mohini was appreciated by the old minister called Govinda Raja for her knowledge and then they told Mohini to prepare to leave soon with them.

Well Mohini is going to travel with the old minister under the protection of the military unit that escorts them.

The old minister did not ask to fuck Mohini but his son has eyes on her and is very interested in her.

So Mohini accepted to go with him after the meeting to play.

Before leaving from here Mohini would fulfill all desires of all the people that wanted to fuck her.

Other than that they also offer some good things to Mohini.

The people from the military were still disciplined and they did not talk about doing anything like fucking with her.

In the group that listened to Mohini’s words there are brigadiers and Lieutenant General from military of the southern side that came to listen this time.

They were impressed by the detailing that Mohini gave them.

If Mohini were to be an enemy spy then their country would have really be in deep shit.

That is how detailed the information that Mohini gave this time.

So after the others left the lieutenant general talked to the old minister about Mohini.

They want to recruit Mohini into army for future planning.

The people would not care what kind of person Mohini is as long as she can help them save more people.

That is how military thinks even at the apocalyptic times.

The people might be showing differences, politicians might be showing differences, mafia people might be showing differences but there is one that would not show any difference.

That is the military.

They are the only one that would not show differences because of regions or other demographic features.

At least they are trust worthy than many people and the security would be……..

Chapter 73: decided to join the military as an external member

They are the only one that would not show differences because of regions or other demographic features.

At least they are trust worthy than many people and the security would be high mixing with them in some areas.

Lieutenant general spoke to Mohini and asked if she is interested in working for the military.

Mohini did not answer immediately and looked at the old minister.

The old minister is happy that Mohini did not jump ships with just the words of the lieutenant general.

Even the lieutenant general is happy because Mohini did not directly accept his offer.

If she did then she cannot be trusted with the secrets of the country and their operations.

So they both nodded their heads and immediately they talked about the details.

Mohini would be tested with her combat capabilities and few other things to directly recruit her as strategic officer.

Based on her capabilities she would be assigned a military rank.

Well it is a necessary.

Also for the big people to move they would require at least a week to prepare all the trucks to load food and other things in careful way to preserve them.

During this time Mohini would go through the tests and get an official rank and post.

Also this information would be updated in the main military server.

The military servers and satellites are still working.

So they can communicate with mobile data stations.

With the consent from the old minister, Mohini gladly accepted the offer to help the military people as an external member.

That is she can only help and get rewards for her help.

Also she cannot command the army and other military powers will not be given to Mohini.

It is like a contract member but not a full member.

Other than that Mohini doesn’t have to follow orders and can leave if she did not like it.

But Mohini believes that she could not leave easily as her work involves the secrets of the military and military would kill to keep the secrets for the security of the country.

Mohini thought of the pros and cons and chose to enter.

She already has an escape plan if things did not go well.

Also being in the military would help her gain more number of monster cores and other rare things at lower cost.

Other than that she can get some firsthand confidential information.


Usually bottom feeders know more information than a person in authority.

So the information that Mohini knows from her past life is very clear as information has saved her life many times.

Now the information is giving her a chance to step up her game and join the military as an external member.

First she returned back home and told the good news to Radha.

Then they celebrated with some sweets and a feast.

In the night they moved out to collect more repairing material for their ark space.

They both understand that as long as they formed team with another member they still needed to repair the expanded part of the space.

So they still need materials.

Since they had the chance to search around they went around and let the management system of the ark to extract and collect the materials.

Early morning they are done with the process and returned back home.

Mohini gave her a big container of water for her along with a big bathtub that they salvaged today.

She can use it to take a cold water bath and sleep peacefully early in the morning.

With that they each went into their rooms and slept peacefully.

In the evening Mohini woke up early and she is going to go to the military base set up in the city.

All she has to do is to report her name and no identification is required.

Radha did not go out at this time as Mohini told her to stay as they can move at any time soon.

They have decided to act together rather than acting independent.

It has been 6 months since the start of the apocalypse.

Because of the extreme weather most of the food is spoiled because of the improper storage.

The remaining food was spent by the normal citizens during the past 6 months.

Now there is no medicine, food and only a little amount of water.

Because of the rapid drop of water level in the reservoir with the floating population the water is restricted.

People can only get water after registering and showing their ID card.

Well this is only for the citizens and the higher up don’t need this process.

The people are already severely dissatisfied.

The southern area was severely damage.

The flood area was mostly at the coastal region that acts as the granary of the southern India.

The humidity after has destroyed the other government storages and the remaining food materials were taken by the big people.

The high temperature caused the wood and leaves to dry and this created the forest fires killing the wild life and burning the free food in the forests.

Because of this the entire southern India was out of food except for the cities that are concentrated with big people.

With that the intelligent citizens also started to move to these big cities for food and water.

During that time the villages and other places with little extra food were attacked and looted.

This increased the population in these big shelters causing the pressure on water reserves and food reserves here.

Because of the low security around the city and streets the law and order was already gone.

The small gangs that would be usually quite started to show their fangs and prey on the citizens.

The lucky ones escaped while the unlucky ones has become the lost cause.

Radha is strong but Mohini don’t want her to go anywhere out.

She can fight 10 people but what if there are sneak attacks and there are more than 10 people…………..

Chapter 74: saving Radha

Radha is strong but Mohini don’t want her to go anywhere out.

She can fight 10 people but what if there are sneak attacks and there are more than 10 people.

These thoughts made Mohini to stop her from going out.

In the past life she stayed in this place of another 4 months before moving to the bases in the north.

But now they are moving 4 months early.

After 4 months the general citizens would start riots and big incidents to get food and water from the military.

At that time they desperately move away from here to go straight to north by sticking to some big people.

North is also not good with most of the land dried up.

But the few dams and reservoirs that were constructed on the big rivers has saved them this time.

As soon as the heat started to stopped the water flowing out of the big reservoirs and diverted some to fill up the prepared storage area to the brim.

This happened 2 months after the start of the apocalypse.

This incident also causes the territorial problems with the surrounding nations.

Well from micro level to the macro level that is from a quarrel between the two farmers to the quarrel between the two countries it is always about water distribution.

Water is the source of life and the main resources that can cause a war to break out between the two countries.

The apocalypse of extreme heat would not affect the lives but the lack of water would.


While remembering things Mohini came to the military base and reported her name.

After that she was escorted inside and she met with the lieutenant general.

Then she was sent to take the tests.

The minimum physical test was conducted.

Mohini completed them perfectly.

Second is the IQ test and then it was the test on knowledge.

Third and final test is the psychological test which is very important.

Knowing the psychology of the person they are working with is important.

Mohini cleared them all perfectly.

Well they found that she is a bitch to the core and respects bitches and prostitutes.

They took a photo of her and after half an hour she was given her identity card and weapon.

Well the weapon is a hand gun with some ammunition.

She doesn’t have to wear any uniform as she is an external member.

Her duty is to give them information and assist in strategic planning.

Mohini immediately went to the take some assignments.

She doesn’t have to travel for them as she can directly report the knowledge she has on her hand.

After going to the assignment hall it is to plan the details and movements of the soldiers to gather at the key cities.

They cannot reduce their vigilance even in this condition so they need to a better way for their soldiers to move.

After taking two assignments Mohini reported back to lieutenant general and left back to her home.

Actually Mohini’s current rank is only an external captain.

Her contribution can increase her rank and also help her get more materials.

The two assignments that she took can give her good income and also gain her trust of the people.

That night she went back to the apartment and took Radha to go around with weak appearances.

Anywhere they saw some bullies or thieves or thugs, they would simply kill them all and take their good things.

This is the process they are doing this night and went to collect materials from the abandoned old buildings.

The materials of the new buildings are useless and have little materials that can be extracted by the ark.

The problem lies in the quality of the materials.

Well after spending the night going around they are about to return.

Suddenly someone attacked from the blind side of Radha and she did not have time to reach.

Mohini moved forward and shielded her from being injured.

But the brick from the attacker hit her on her back.

Mohini immediately dealt with the attacker quickly and returned back to their apartment.

Radha was shocked and moved by Mohini’s actions her heart is trembling and she don’t know how much injury that Mohini received for her.

She was sure that if that brick landed on her head she might have a severe damage on the head.

She might die immediately or something worse could have happened.

The time when the doctors are not there it was very hard to live with a big injury on the head.

After coming back home she offered to look at what happened on her back.

Mohini took off his clothes revealing her bountiful tits and milky white flawless skin.

The only that made it hard to look is the red Mark appeared after getting hit by the brick.

She looked at her back and found that there is only a red mark and a little damage with bruises.

The bones are fine and did not have any fractures or any other problems.

Mohini knows medicine so she immediately spoke as she told her about the situation on her back.

After hearing her words Mohini took out a bottle of oil that has some flower and roots soaked in it.

She is good at Ayurveda.

This is the information that she got from the refined medical books in the library.

Ayurveda is currently in the slump and it is currently famous with a different name.

They call it Chinese medicine.

It was spread to them through the Bodhidharma which also includes their acupuncture and kung fu.

This is actually the second time but the first time it was taught to them along with Buddhism by the person called Gautama Siddhartha.

Well he is also known as Buddha.

Unfortunately they are not grateful to the origins and changed the names of the medicine and the techniques.

They only value the knowledge but not the person that taught them all this………..

Chapter 75: moving to Agra base in the north

Unfortunately they are not grateful to the origins and changed the names of the medicine and the techniques.

They only value the knowledge but not the person that taught them all this.

Well at least the knowledge is alive in a different place.

But still Mohini when visiting the museums has extracted the information from old medical books.

It was then refined and the golden books formed in the ark library.

This let her prepare medicine for various things which works better than western medicine and also has no side effects.

She applied the oil on her back.

Well Mohini cannot apply on her back by herself.

The room was silent other than the rubbing sound of Radha hand on her back.

After they are done Mohini thanked her.

Radha face is blushed red and Mohini can see through her thoughts.

But Mohini did not say anything as she has to speak about it on her own.

They had lunch but a little more restrained today as Mohini could not eat few things because of the medicine.

So she took out the chicken wings to eat and get more protein.

Well she shared the food and did not hog it all to herself.

Radha was really reluctant to take food from Mohini.

She feels like she is leaching off of her.

She did not help much and even her lack of vigilance has caused Mohini to be injured.

The help Mohini gave her is really valuable and if it is another man then they should have already asked her to pay with her body.

Well Mohini also likes some girls love but she would not do it forcibly instead she want to have something passionate when their hearts intertwined together.

But she felt that Mohini is doing all of this for to get her at the same time.

All these contradictory thoughts have given her head ache.

Radha was unable to choose a side and decided to wait it out before making a choice.

She still has to understand the character of Mohini and wait till she could not take her any longer before making that choice.

If Mohini is really after her body then sooner or later she would definitely ask her to pay back with something.

Then she would leave Mohini.

So she is still testing Mohini just like Mohini still testing her.

It would take a long time.

But still Radha’s heart was moved after Mohini took the shot in her place to save her.

Time passed by and Mohini went to the army base on the next day with her new ID card.

Then submitted the information she has for the assignments.

There is a need for verification about the information.

After submitting the information Mohini took another new assignment.

They did not go out that night and the ark space of Radha is also repaired mostly.

They just practiced and rested.

Mohini recovered quickly as she can see her stats in the status panel.

All the stats returned to normal from the injured state.

She completed the assignments and then went back to base over night to submit them.

Just like that she took over 10 assignments in a short time and completed them in the next two days.

Radha also helped her in the process as some places she is familiar with.

After the report the confirmations of the information came along on the next day.

With the 12 assignments completed Mohini was promoted to major rank and she got some high quality supplies.

Mohini only took the high quality products that were not available in the future like chocolate, tobacco, wine…

Also Mohini took some ammunition and guns for her contribution.

Tomorrow is the day they are going to set out and everything is already ready.

Few teams of scouts has already left checking the area in the front while a 4 companies that has around 600 soldiers escorting their group to the north in the determined path.

Mohini was promoted to a major and a strategic officer.

A squad of soldiers was specifically assigned to Mohini to safely deliver her to the base in the north.

In any war or anything the value of information is the highest.

For a situation like apocalypse the person that has information on buildings and accurately predicts the situation is very useful.

It is like having a game theory expert locked up at pentagon during the Second World War.

Her value is unbelievable high for them to win the war so they kept her there.

Because of too much usage of brain she died and this was covered up as a patriotic death.

Boss Oba and Mobo were also there mixed with Mohini for protection.

Their previous gang is already gone.

Radha is sitting in the same car as her.

This car was provided by the army.

So it is not a problem to think about fuel or other things.

Well she did not have to drive either.

Only sit on the back and wait for the night stop.

Mohini is not idle during that time as she took few more assignments to complete them on the way.

On the way there are no obstacles as they all are solved by the scouts by the information that Mohini provided before.

Because of that the journey is smooth.

The journey that should take a week with many stops has reduced by a 2 days.

After 5 days they came to the base at Agra.

On the way here Mohini and Radha took the time to visit some big buildings during the nights to extract more materials.

The soldiers assigned for their protection wanted to follow but Mohini stopped them saying that it was all right.

Well they cannot go away for long and an hour is already long.

No one questioned Radha and they all thought that Radha is Mohini’s woman and Mohini has special hobbies.

So she was treated it as they did not see anything.

Chapter 76: finally arrived at Agra base

No one questioned Radha and they all thought that Radha is Mohini’s woman and Mohini has special hobbies.

So she was treated it as they did not see anything.

Mohini and Radha ate their own rations.

The soldiers brought their own rations for the journey.

They are not given extra food.

Some survivors looking at the big convoy came to ask for help and give them the relief of the government.

But no soldier responded to them.

This is the cruelty of the apocalypse.

There is no one that will help you other than yourself.

Some survivors were beaten for obstructing the way.

Some of the soldiers that are escorting Mohini thought that Mohini and Radha sheltered people that did not see the cruelty of the world.

They don’t know the identity of Mohini or her contributions.

So they looked at the faces of Mohini and Radha whenever there are some survivors protesting incidents.

But neither Mohini nor Radha even looked at the incident as they complete their own work and rest.

One time some survivors appeared close to Mohini and Radha asking for help.

Mohini did not give them food or she gave them anything.

She only told them that she did not have any food.

The soldiers thought that Mohini would share her food with righteous indignation.

Some thought that Mohini would show the rich second generation side to kick the survivors to the side and hide behind them.

But Mohini did neither.

She only told them that she did not have any food.

Well Mohini looked thin and Radha also looked thin except for their tits and ass making an hourglass figure.

The survivor did not want to listen to their explanation.

She wanted to attack them just because Mohini and Radha looked better than them.

If possible she wants to snatch their food and eat it on the spot or spit on it.

Those rich people would not want to eat the food that was spit on by a person like him.

But as soon as he came forward Mohini intercepted him with smooth movements and dislocated his hand joints in a matter of seconds.

It is like she did this hundreds of times.

The scream of the man attracted a little attention but immediately the scream is also gone as Mohini hit the vocal cords.

Then she came close to the man and said.

“You are not the only one having hard time.

You might not have food but you are not working either.

We are working and earning with our lives on the line.

If you want food then go to a military camp and become a soldier.

Serve the people and earn the food.

What you did just now is not a good thing.

We have live ammunition and we have the authority to shoot anyone that hinders our work.

So get out of here before I change my mind and kill you.”

With the scare from Mohini the man ran away.

His joints would become normal in a while.

Mohini improved her proficiency in this direction, so it is not hard for her to incapacitate an adult man in 3 seconds.

The soldiers on the side and other survivors were also scared to run away.

Mohini did not show any attitude and went to take care of her things back in the car.

They travel during the night and rest at the marked locations during the day.

The soldiers that thought that Mohini is weak were dumbfounded.

They understood why Mohini was given a major rank and they did not expect Mohini to deal with the situation with calm face without any panic.

Radha did not even get out of the car as she silently sorting out the papers for Mohini.

It is like they would not care even if the sky falls on them.


After 5 days they finally arrived at Agra where the base is in the finishing phase.

Some places are already constructed and people can stay.

The labor force was recruited for food from the surrounding cities and villages.

Mohini reported at the army base here and submitted the assignments that she completed during this time.

The information department here has already looked at the previous information that Mohini gave.

They were very interested to know what kind of person Mohini is.

But when they looked at Mohini, she appeared to be weak and haggard.

They don’t know that Mohini is strong.

Any way they got the information and it was sent for verification.

The head of the base here called Mohini to speak before sending her to her new residence.

Only one residence is prepared for Mohini and Radha.

Well they don’t mind as there is a basic trust between them.

Mohini went to meet with the old minister and told him some things that she observed during this time.

They discussed some things.

Well mostly the old minister asking and Mohini speaking.

Mohini is like an old military adviser for kinds and ministers.

Mohini can help them wide variety of things with the memories of the future.

So she can give good answers to those people.

But Mohini has her bottom line.

If the other people are going to do something bad, Mohini would not help them.

That is the reason why her average accuracy is only 80 percent.

If other survivors wanted to enter this base they should provide various things in various quantities.

They should provide at least 10 kilograms of good quality storable food or 100 kilograms of good quality food that cannot be stored for long.

They can also provide construction materials with specified quality.

They can provide water………

But Mohini or Radha did not have to contribute anything.

Her information is enough for all of that contribution in place of food.

Even if they submit food they still have to work to live inside.

They need contribution point to live inside the base and they can earn by getting more materials……...

Chapter 77: banging in extreme hot is really hard

Even if they submit food they still have to work to live inside.

They need contribution point to live inside the base and they can earn by getting more materials and other things to exchange for contribution points.

The rent for one month in the group house is 3 contribution points.

In the group house there will be a small house that looked like a hostel room that can fit 10 people.

There will not be an attached bathroom as the water is precious.

The people are already using the water purification techniques for waste water to become usable water.

There are also single rooms in flats but the rent is 30 contribution points that can fit 3 people easily.

The room is very small and there will be a bathroom with recycled water that charges extra and even the electricity is charged with contribution points.

There are independent houses but are very close to each other like the independent workers colony houses.

These are identical houses that are made close to each other in many rows and columns for the rich people.

The contribution points required for this kind of house is 300 contribution points per month.

Mohini with the information that he gave to the military gained over 300 contribution points.

With the status of military personal she gains a little discount and can stay in the independent house for 270 contribution points if he wanted.

If it was in the apartments then she can stay for free.

Also the top floor of the apartment was covered with special mats so that the floor below did not have high temperature.

But still the rent for this floor is less.

Any way Mohini discussed with Radha and decided to stay in those independent houses.

They are not going to live for the next year and half till the government people destroy the island in the Pacific Ocean.

At the same time when she came out of the old minister’s house the son of the old minister asked Mohini if she is free.

Well she is free right now and can spare half an hour for him.

That is enough to suck his balls dry.

They went to a different room where he pulled down his pants and pulled down Mohini’s pants.

Even thought there is lack of water this person is clean having the support of the old minister.

He did not do any foreplay and directly went to plunge her pussy with his dick.

He held on to her tits over by inserting his hands into her T shirt and squeezed her nipples as he started to move back and forth.

Well the temperature is high and the sexual drive is low for most men.

But for this person that usually lived in the air conditioned room, it was really good.

So he fucked her hard.

But he did not go for her ass or any foreplay.

The reason is the problem of water that made the people stink.

He can live a rich life but he cannot extend it to the women he wants to fuck.

But still he fucked Mohini for a while and Mohini even licked his dick.

He was well cleaned and taken a bath.

So he is actually clean.

Mohini got three loads of cum inside her pussy before she was rewarded with some high quality food that he placed in her cleavage before she left.

He told her to not to wash off his cum till she reaches home.

But Mohini would not do that.

Because the heat would make this cum dry and stuck to her skin.

The thoughts of this person are not good.

After leaving here she used a tissue paper to clean off her cum in her pussy that she brought out buy fingering her pussy.

She even took out a water spraying bottle to spray water into her pussy and cleaned it slowly and patiently.

This is what she hates about this extreme heat.

That is the reason why she did not let anyone fuck her during the extreme heat unless it is necessary.

She returned to the new house where Radha is arranging things in her room.

She doesn’t want to go out much during this time and enjoy some peaceful time.

Well if she was given an assignment then she would go out but still she would not move out of this place for the next year and half.

During this time Mohini decided to go out and salvage the things in the city.

Of course Radha came along.

For long distance they would use bicycles.

They were not merciful to show mercy towards the survivors that attack them to get their things.

The law and order were already gone and in 4 months it would be completely gone.

The northern side is a little better and everyone is trying their best to get food and other things so that they can enter into a shelter.

During this time for every assignment that Mohini completed she took ammunitions or magazine.

She has a calculation that every gun could only last for a certain number of rounds.

So she gets the things in a certain ratio of guns, magazines and bullets.

The remaining credit was used to pay rent and water for the first 3 months for the time being.

For now and then they started to use their ingredients to cook.

There is another good thing that is the timer in their spaces can now add 2 hours a day after they teamed up.

They are in an independent house so cooking is easy here.

Radha helps while Mohini cooks.

Mohini is better at cooking than Radha.

After cooking they store the things in the disposable boxes and each had their share of things.

The surrounding houses did not have people yet so it was easy.

After 4 months all these houses will be full and Mohini will not be able to cook any more………

Chapter 78: another key holder

The surrounding houses did not have people yet so it was easy.

After 4 months all these houses will be full and Mohini will not be able to cook any more.

So they invested their time to make more finished food reserves.

Mohini made the things that Radha liked to eat.

Other than cooking they would start the fighting practice every day.

Well with close combat close touches would happen but they did not fell into lust and started to practice with high concentration.

As for the weapons practice Mohini taught her how to use some weapons based on her ability.

During their extraction process of ark space the beautiful symbol of love is now gone.

The entire Taj Mahal was made of high quality materials so when they are extracted it broke down and was destroyed.

Any way they got some good amount of materials for future use.

Just like that they moved around the historical sites to collect the materials during the free time every day.

Whenever there is someone to attack them Mohini would let Radha fight them so that she would get more experience.

Three months has passed and the number of rich people in the base increase.

The houses around the house that Mohini and Radha are staying were already filled.

Mohini completed most of the assignments and she was promoted Lieutenant colonel and she was allowed to get some confidential information.

Mohini found that the weather is severe than she think it was in the past life.

There are places on earth that had over 80 degrees of temperature causing many people to die.

All the forest cover of the world was destroyed because of the strong heat and forest fires due to heat.

The temperature of their current place reaches 70+ degrees from time to time.

During that time the nights would be hot too.

Fortunately Mohini and Radha arranged may solar panels to get as much of electricity as possible first to store in ark space and then to use it to cool off their living rooms.

With lower temperature they can cook and they can practice without having to worry about heat taking a toll on them.

Because of the high temperatures the incidents of assaulting women were significantly reduced.

Even if someone wanted to assault a woman they should have enough strength to do that.

Fortunately none of them had any strength in this matter and this caused many weak women to be saved.

But that is not the main problem they had right now.

Even in this temperature a large number of insects and mosquitoes were all over the world.

A single bite can cause injury.

Currently there is no chance to produce medicine or even research some of the illnesses.

Also the illnesses are resistant to medicine,

That is if they can get medicine for their illness.

Even if they got the medicine they did not have enough food and water to supplement their bodies.

So the death rate is very high.

All the dead bodies were cremated immediately after finding because this might breed far higher level diseases.

The rats did not appear in the dry area and only flooded areas had them.

Even if there are rats here most of them died because of high heat and dry land.

But after 4 months the heat resistant rats appeared at the base.

The number is increasing as they followed along with the survivors that came to the base.

So the new rats are wrecking havoc along with the insects.

They are not mutated yet.

They only developed some resistance.

After mutation those rats would grow bigger to the size of a small cat but their speed did not reduce even a single bit.

They would attack indiscriminately and they would not leave the weak of their own kind.

So it would be a mess after a year.

Mohini stopped taking assignments because she doesn’t know the information about that other area.

So she simply did not take more assignments.

Any way the military and government got what they wanted.

The old minister also asked Mohini to analyze some important things and tell him the analysis results and the best course of action.

Because of Mohini’s achievements she got good recognition for dealing with other matters other than details about the routes.

Mohini was also happy to speak of her opinion as she knows some of the future events.

If everything went well Mohini would get rewards and if not she would not get any rewards.

During this time Radha became close to Mohini.

Her care slowly melted Radha’s heart.

She started to truly trust Mohini.

But this did not develop all the way to love yet.

It takes time for girls than for a boy and a girl.

Also she is afraid of loving others as anyone can die at any time in this apocalypse.

The pain of losing someone you love is a painful thing.

This made her fear to fall in love with Mohini.

Another three months passed by and they went out one night to salvage some things.

There are so many buildings in the city that they cannot get everything even after staying here for 6 months.

That day they felt a strange vibration from the clit ring.

It is not like when it recognizes the materials nearby.

It is more like the resonance of finding something similar that is another key holder.

Immediately they became alert.

They looked at the direction where they are feeling the sense of other key holder.

So after a little while they moved forward to search and finally they found the shadow of a person.

Well there is moon light but the body is completely covered so it is hard to make facial features.

But Mohini with her keen sense can recognize that this is a woman.

She did not run anymore and took out a tang sword.

Looking at the structure of the sword Mohini can immediately……….

Chapter 79:

She did not run anymore and took out a tang sword.

Looking at the structure of the sword Mohini can immediately tell that she is from the northern eastern parts of Asia.

Mohini doesn’t know from which country she originated from.

It can be china, Japan, Vietnam, Korea……

But Mohini was sure that she is the descendent of the counter part of Radha’s ancestor.

Mohini doesn’t know how the two women would face each other.

After standing in stalemate for a few moments Mohini spoke in English.

“We are all key holders and we have to talk in a different place.”

The person nodded her head and they decided to break into an apartment room on the top floor of an apartment building nearby.

After getting inside they locked the door and Mohini took off her face cover.

Radha did the same.

Finally the other key holder also took of her face cover.

Mohini took a small light to give the room a dim light.

In the dim lighting Mohini can see her facial features.

Her facial features are Asian and that can pass in East Asian country easily.

Also based on her estimate this new person’s beauty is no lower than the beauty of Radha or herself.

She now knows why she was able to come all the way without any problem.

She is a mixed race and can easily mix in to any nation’s base without any problem as a local.

She can simply say that she lost her ID or something if there is a patrol check.

With that she can go around to any country during this apocalypse times and this includes India.

Mohini don’t know why she came to India and also to this place.

It is not like there is no other way to travel through china instead of coming all the way to south.

So Mohini waited for them to calm down and started to speak.

“I am Mohini and this is Radha.

May I know your name, miss?”

She looked at Mohini for a moment and answered.

“I have many names as I am a professional assassin.

There is no given name or family name.

I prefer to call myself Sakura.

So you can call me that.”

As soon as the introductions are over they immediately received a notification from the ark management system.


If the key holders joined hands to form a team then the space restriction of all places will be removed and the space increases by the multiple of number of people in the team.

Killing the other party would not give any benefits and there are unknown consequences for killing other true blood key holder.”

Immediately Mohini and Radha looked at each other and know that the space would increase more this time.

Sakura also looked at the information with only a slight fluctuation in her mind.

Then she became normal again.

Mohini spoke telling her that they have already formed a team and their space increased twice.

If she joined them then the space would increase by 3 times.

Then Mohini asked if she wanted to join their team.

Sakura did not flinch or answered Mohini’s question instead she asked Mohini and Radha if they also returned back in time.

Mohini and Radha were stunned.

They did not disclose this matter and it cannot be found by her easily.

But if you think about it, it was easy to get the answer to this question.

They are too well prepared.

This made her easily see through that both Mohini and Radha or one of them has returned back in time.

Mohini nodded her head and asked her in return

“Did you also return back in time?

How many years did you live?”

She did not think anything and immediately said

“20 years”

Mohini immediately asked.

“Then you came to the unified base of humanity.

Now tell me what is the name if our base.”

This time Sakura was startled and still calmly said.

“It is human federation…”

Mohini smiled at her making her calm down for a moment thinking that she guessed is correctly.

But in the next moment Mohini immediately said.

“Lying will not take you anywhere.

Also the trust is important to form a team where our backs are against each other.

So now tell me how long did you live in the apocalypse?

I have lived for 15 years and Radha lived for 8 years.

I can see through your lies so please be honest.”

The reason why Mohini found out so quickly is because the women that could make a name for themselves during the later phases of apocalypse are very low.

She did not hear anyone with her name that she likes to call herself.

Sakura sighed and then said.

“I have lived for only 8 years.

I have heard that there is a base that is formed by the surviving nations and wanted to go there to join.

But unfortunately I was stuck inside the monster tide and….”

She did not say that but her complicated expression is telling that she died but not died normally.

Most probably she was betrayed by the people of the assassination organization.

Mohini did not ask about that and then looked at her and said.

“We want to form an honest team like our ancestors did.

I know trust cannot be formed over night but we can slowly cultivate it over time.

This side of the world did not face a monster tide and we can safely reach the humanity’s base later.

So do you wish to form a team with us?

Forming a team with us would improve not only our ark space but also the time we can spend every day can be increased to 3 hours.

That would benefit us largely in the future…….”

Mohini spoke about the things and how she and Radha are a team.

Sakura contemplated for a few moments and finally accepted to join Mohini and Radha’s team………..

Chapter 80: Sakura don’t want a pit teammate

Mohini spoke about the things and how she and Radha are a team.

Sakura contemplated for a few moments and finally accepted to join Mohini and Radha’s team,

But she wanted to fight with Mohini and Radha to see if they are strong enough.

She doesn’t want pig team mates.

She wants her team to be strong.

Mohini agreed to fight with the.

Radha developed quickly but she is not as strong as Mohini in terms of fighting.

So she did not show any dissatisfaction with the words of Mohini and move to the side to watch the fight.

Sakura is an assassin and she fights with precise movements even in that dim light.

Fortunately Mohini practiced for over 1 and half year to improve her fighting capabilities to the level that is the peak of humans.

All of her stats have already reached 50 stat points based on the status panel showed by pinky.

Normally a human would only have 5 stat points.

With her superior stats and the techniques that she got from the books of the ark library Mohini was able to defeat Sakura.

But it was still a close battle and based on Mohini’s estimation Sakura has actually reached the stats over 40 and there is a chance that her agility is very close to 50.

“Fortune favors the bold but fate favors the prepared.”

So Mohini chose the second one to prepare for all kinds of situations gaining the favor of fate.

She don’t want fortune but she want the blessing of fate, so that she would not die in any butterfly effects or the law of causality to become collateral damage in the play of the will of the world.

After defeating her, Mohini mentioned about the books in the ark library and their usages.

She already knows about that but after forming the team the information that belongs to the three people would combine resulting in new books…

With that they shook their hands and a team is formed.

Immediately the ark system gave out the message that the space they had is increased again.

Immediately the collected materials are used to repair the ark space that was unlocked just now.

Mohini was very happy with the improvement and the new books related to techniques, herbs and other things are formed.

Well Sakura also collected lot of materials so the improvement of space and repairing it was easy for her.

She always has this cold and hard to approach expression on her face.

Mohini did not care and Radha also okay with the current situation.

Mohini told Sakura that she and Radha are living together.

In order the not to make Sakura think of something Radha explained that they are friends and as felt key holders and team mates they are living in the same place.

Mohini invited Sakura if she wanted to stay with them.

Sakura fell into contemplation and finally accepted.

Any way there are three rooms in the house they are renting.

So it was okay.

Sakura did not have an identity so Mohini got one for her using her military rank.

As for name she told them to record as cherry.

Sakura don’t mind about her name and went along with Mohini.

Mohini on the way stopped to look for an assignment.

After looking for a while she found two of them and returned back to the house.

In the house Mohini showed Sakura her room and then explained how they divide the work and other things.

Anyway, there is no major natural disaster for the time being.

But there will be many skirmishes between the bases of other nations.

Well the base at Agra would not face any threats from outside other than receiving more refugees from the southern part of the country

The reason why Sakura came all the way here is also for this very reason.

On the other side they have to cross a desert and also face many skirmishes with many bases in china and other countries.

But to reach the central part of the joint between Asia and Europe where the future humanity base will be established the best route is through India.

Also it would be more peaceful to travel from this side so that her assassination organization people would not hunt her down.

She did not say anything about her past.

Mohini specifically made ramen, Takoyaki, and dumplings for the group to eat for gaining the third member to the team.

Sakura hesitated for a moment before eating the food.

But after tasting the good she showed a rare happy expression on her face and nostalgia.

The expression was quickly covered by her and then they continued to eat while chatting or watching something.

After eating, they each went to their room to rest.

As for what preparations they make in their room is one’s own private matter which others would not meddle in.

Mohini was still vigilant and even Radha is vigilant but they still rested.

Nothing happened that night and Sakura was also vigilant during the night.

On the next day Mohini completed the assignments and designed plans for the army.

Then she submitted it to the military base.

The contribution points obtained are used to increase the renting period more till the end of the second year.

She did not exchange it with any other materials.

After that she returned back to the house and she and Radha started to practice fighting.

At that time Sakura came out and wanted to join in the training.

They started to train for few hours and finally stopped when it was time for the mid night dinner.

Well everything has become nocturnal and the day time temperature is unbearable.

After some dinner they started to talk about the supplies and water resources they had and needed to replenish.

The water resources here are also going down slowly.

Mohini made a conservative estimate of 8 months before they start the water restriction……..


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