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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 61: second task with a silver flute

They blushed at first but concentrated as Vicky taught them.

The medicinal bath should be taken for a month.

Vicky only taught them for the first day and after that they can do that on their own.

After they took the medicinal bath they would exercise in the directions that Vicky taught them for a month.

None of the women disappointed Vicky as they tried their best to learn and adapt physical fighting techniques that Vicky taught them.

Also they felt that physical exercise helped them relax their minds and concentrate on studies more.

On the other hand the staff of the tri wizard tournament is trying their best to find the most important person of the champion.

But they were unable to get things through with Vicky.

For harry they have decided on Ron.

For Vicky they don’t know what to do.

Finally they want to choose one of the 19 girls other than Fleur to choose as the person to find for the second task.

Harry on the other hand understood the second task with the hint from Vicky and decided to find a solution.

Vicky already hinted dobby about the Gillyweed that would be useful for harry.

Vicky has other plans for this second task.

Soon it was once again Ron and Hermione that were called over by professor McGonagall.

Hermione was not for Krum but for Vicky this time.

Ron became the person to find for Harry and Hermione became the person to find for him.

Other people had their own selected just like in the plot.

Soon it was time for the second task.

Everyone gathered at the black lake for the second task.

Vicky came here earlier.

Vicky put on some light clothes but not the swimming dress like the other champions.

With the task started Vicky took out a silver flute from his expansion pocket and connected his wizard wand to it.

Vicky got this in the last summer it was the flute that the piper of Hamelin used.

It was long forgotten and lost in the history over 700 years ago.

But Xenophilius Lovegood that went around searching as found this flute.

Vicky has used this in simulations to already know if his plans work or not.

After connecting his want to the flute the silver gave a slight shine as if it was activated.

Vicky started to play a melodious music while the other participants were already in the water.

At first the people doubted that Vicky has given up on the task but when they saw the strong disturbance on the lake made them close their mouths.

But soon they opened their mouth in shock because the merpeople surfaced on the water and the fishes in the black lake formed a strange bridge for Vicky to walk.

Vicky stepped on them and took steps as the fish surfaced under his feet.

The scene is so spectacular that the entire audience is silent from the shock.

When Vicky reached a specific spot on the lake the fishes formed a circle.

Vicky took out some strange magnifying glass from his pocket.

It was an instrument that can let people look what is under the water no matter how muddy and unclear the water is.

Vicky found that four people floating in the water.

Hermione is also among them and Vicky simply cast a spell to freeze the place he is standing to form a small ice slab.

It floats for some time and gives him foot hold.

Vicky stood on the ice and then played the music to make the fish cut off the rope that binds Hermione in the water.

With the rope cut off Hermione did not float immediately instead the fish brought her up.

While she came out Vicky saw that Fleur floated out because of some problem and she was unable to save her sister Gabrielle.

So Vicky played the music again to cut the binding rope on Gabrielle and let the fish float her up too.

The merpeople were not in a position to notice this as they were in trance from the music played by Vicky.

When the two floated up they started to breath hard and then Vicky used the levitation charm to take the two of them back to the standing platform made on the black lake.

Vicky once again walked on the fishes that floated out to become his stepping stones.

At that time Harry is having a hard time under water as he was surrounded by Grindylows.

Vicky was the first one to return under the astounded gaze of the people.

They have seen the incident of piper of Hamelin with fishes instead of rats that should have happened around 700 years ago.

As soon as Vicky saved the people the entire audience stands have burst into cheering Fleur pulled her sister to see if she is okay and she came to give harry a kiss to show her gratitude.

Vicky gladly received the kiss and there are his women around that brought in a towel for Hermione.

Vicky did not even have a drop of water on him.

Well there is no rule that Vicky has to swim and get the person out.

The goal of the task is to save the person in the black lake within an hour.

Vicky has completely the task beautifully.

Also Vicky looked more handsome as he played the flute and walked on the surface of water.

The hearts of many people were pulled by the music and they really wanted to follow him into the water.

But they held back.

As usual harry came third this time and he did not get a chance to take a step forward to the second place.

On the other hand Vicky received compliments from the people for his bravery and the way he used his things.

Well he relied on artifacts but he has to know how to use an artifact to do what he wanted to do……….

Chapter 62: tri wizard competition is over

On the other hand Vicky received compliments from the people for his bravery and the way he used his things.

Well he relied on artifacts but he has to know how to use an artifact to do what he wanted to do.


The match is over with Vicky winning the first place again.

In the third task Vicky is not going to take the tri wizard tournament cup as he knows the plot.

For the next two months there is nothing big going on instead on May 27ththe thing happened that caused a huge panic.

That is Death of Barty Crouch Senior.

Well this did not stop the tri wizard tournament.

By June 23rd the end of the year exams are finished for the students of Hogwarts.

On June 24th the final task of the tri wizard tournament would start.

Vicky has no plans on winning this as he doesn’t want to interfere with the flow of events.

Since Vicky took the place of Cedric Diggory, Cedric has escaped from certain death.

Yemaya came over to accompany Vicky for the final tournament,

At the same time harry was accompanied by Dumbledore…

The other two champions also had someone to accompany them to the front before the main task starts.

Vicky entered the mage along with others.

Well he is the first one to enter while Fleur is the last.

Vicky moved close to the edge of the mage and make way for him to move around using the spells.

His target is Fleur.

Also he has to watch his back to escape the sneak attack from Krum that he would receive in place of Cedric Diggory.

Well while he is moving he actually encountered Krum that is trying to attack Fleur.

Vicky simply knocked him out with his physical power while defending the attacks from Krum within a matter of seconds.

With his joints dislocated he no longer is any threat to Vicky.

Vicky separated a clone and let it take the wand of Krum to shoot the red flare.

Fleur was really frightened and she cannot fight back now.

So she has decided to go withdraw.

Vicky left his clone to guard them till the rescue arrives there.

Vicky told her to tell professor Dumbledore that Krum was bewitched by someone.

She nodded and stayed with his clone as Vicky moved forward deep into the mage.

Even though the mage is big it did not have enough strength to stop Vicky.

Vicky was extremely strong using his wand to clear the path in front of him.

His wand has the advantage of plants and it can suck the vitality of plants.

So the plants would not surround him under normal circumstances.

Vicky was able to see the tri wizard cup but he hid on the side without making any move.

He was waiting for harry to touch it first.

As soon as harry touched the tri wizard cup Vicky immediately shot the red flare and directly devastated the mage to move out of this mage at his fastest speed.

Vicky’s clone has just vanished as Krum and Fleur were saved.

As soon as Vicky came out he shot straight at Barty crunch junior in the appearance of moody.

The attack was so fast and unexpected that he did not reach before Vicky dislocated all of his joints after blasting away his wand.

Dumbledore immediately came down to take a look along with minister fudge and other headmasters.

“Vicky what happened?”

Dumbledore looked at Vicky and asked.

He has never seen Vicky become so violent.

“Professor the tri wizard cup has been turned into a portkey and Harry has vanished along with that.

The only can do this is this person.

I suspect that this is not original Auror mad eye moody.”

As Vicky said that he moved his wand to reveal the true appearance of Barty crunch junior.

Everyone was shocked by the scene as Vicky stepped on Barty crunch and used his want to reveal his true appearance.

Immediately Snape brought back a potion that can make people speak the truth and then the truth is revealed.

Knowing that the three contestants other than harry would be killed if it is not for Vicky being vigilant has made the people shocked.

Well being knocked out in there without the chance to send a signal flare can cause death.

The plant would not recognize between good or bad but it would attack people indiscriminately.

So Vicky was praised by the people while the location of really mad eyed moody was found.

Barty crunch junior was lying down on the floor talking nonsense.

At that time Harry appeared with a wound on his hand and the tri wizard cup.

He narrated what happened after he was sent away to the grave yard.

Harry has mentioned that Voldemort has returned.

But minister fudge refuses to believe him because of his fear.

At the same time Barty crunch junior started to laugh like he was a mad man.

Things calmed down and the tri wizard tournament was suspended for now.

Technically harry won but Vicky made the highest contribution at this time.

So there is no clear winner.

In order to not to prolong the process of confusion the tri wizard tournament was cancelled temporarily before the decision is made.

At the same time many people leaned towards Vicky being the winner.

He not only solved the imposter but also saved the contestants from other schools.

So after much deliberation they declared that Hogwarts won the tri wizard tournament while harry and Vicky tied to the first position.

With the things settled the other school guests decided to go back to their schools.

Vicky got kisses from all the girls from Beauxbatons while the men from Durmstrang thanked Vicky before leaving.

Fleur and her sister gave their contacts to Vicky so that he could write them back.

Vicky smiled and accepted.

Well he got too many contacts on his hand……...

Chapter 63: the treasure maps and true story of Merlin

Vicky smiled and accepted.

Well he got too many contacts on his hand that he can hardly bear them all.

He put them all into his expansion space pocket.

Vicky returned back to London and the first thing he did after returning is to make Fleur that applied at the Gringotts bank to become his personal secretary.

Well goblins have already tasted the sweetness of profits from the business plans of Vicky.

So Vicky’s requests were approved off almost immediately without any delay.

For the people of Gringotts Vicky are their distinguished guest and a friend of the goblins.

So he even got their protection insignia.

Penelope is still in training as an Auror.

Tonks followed Vicky to his residence and Vicky gave her a short holiday.

During that time Vicky inspected the broom production of Cleansweep Broom Company.

He already got some shares in this company.

So when the new Cleansweep 11 became famous Vicky became its brand model.

Well even though he got shares in this company the fee for being a model will still be paid.

The nature of getting money at every turn is the thing that made goblins value Vicky so much.

On Vicky’s birthday the goblins presented with some benefits for Vicky but they are as stingy as they can get.

There are many girls on his birthday that came here to congratulate him.

Vicky is not stingy and gave some good return gifts to all of his girls.

Vicky is 15 year old now.

Vicky was made a prefect and on the girls side Padma Patil became a perfect.

Harry is no longer at Dursley’s home and is staying with Sirius black.

So there is no dementor’s incident.

But the flows of things are still in the right order and the retaliation of fudge started.

Even though there are many changes the final results are the same.

There are news about harry telling lies about the return of Voldemort.

It did not tell anything about Vicky as they fear about the problems with the goblins and Vicky’s fans.

But harry did not have the strong support that Vicky had right now.

So they are being lashed out in various forms of news.

If harry does even a single wrong thing then they are ready to strike at harry.

Vicky space improved after winning the house cup again.

Since Cedric Diggory did not die the house cup is still given and Vicky won it for Ravenclaw.

That is not all after that day Vicky got over 1000 points and because of his achievement Vicky got a map about a treasure.

Also he got another map for gaining the three medals from the order of Merlin.

This is the map to the treasure of Merlin.

Vicky is going to explore these two maps to gain the power to break off the seal on this world.

First of all, the map of Merlin leads to a far off lake under the castle on a cliff.

Vicky went there to take a look.

Even though he had a map he cannot enter this lake.

This lake houses a strong beast Loch Ness Monster.

Vicky is strong but his current strength would not let him enter this place easily.

He needs to have the key or item that can give him safe passage through this lake.

It should be a special artifact that can let him walk into the lake to the secret entrance under the lake.

Vicky sighed and took out the other map and there is some information too.

This map is related to the island called Avalon.

Vicky guessed that the key to enter this lake should be the sword Excalibur of king author.

So Vicky decided to go there.

But Vicky was fearful about the existence of one person.

Yes he has fearful.

This person is Morgan le Fay.

She was originally a great beauty and gentle spirit living on the island of Avalon.

She has 6 other sisters which include the lady of the lake and all 7 of them are natural spirits.

They are guarding the heart of the dragon that was once shot out from the Far East.

This was the heart of the first dragon Vritra that was killed by a strong lightning model weapon.

This happened before the Greek gods and the blood and pieces of lightning weapon has created many marvels during its travel.

Draw a line with Mount Kailash in Himalayas as a point around the earth.

Most stories of dragons appear above the line and nothing below that line.

This is the reason for this the first dragon is an experimental creature that is formed with the combination of blood of demons, gods, and beasts.

After the dragon blood fell on creatures created mutation creating the creatures like

Hydra, 7 headed snake, dragon turtles, and various forms of lesser dragons with the combination of many creatures.

The heart of that dragon fell on this island along with the core of the lightning weapon.

A piece of that lightning weapon became the weapon in the hands of Zeus.

Well only people with lightning affinity can use that as a weapon.

During the travel of King Arthur he came to this island with Merlin.

Morgan fell in love with Arthur at the very first sight.

She has the capabilities of healing with her green hair as natural spirit.

Author did not understand love and he is just an adventurous man.

But Merlin has different thoughts about the situation.

Merlin found the heart of the dragon and the piece of lightning core that can annihilate everything.

Merlin being a Slytherin gave the nasty idea to Morgan.

He is conceited, and selfish with the ideas to use everything to his gains.

That is to use the lightning element to craft a sword for author that can make him fall in love with her.

As for keeping the heart intact he proposed to form a special seal for that.

The seal is made and the lightning core was extracted……..

Chapter 64: Merlin and Morgan le Fay

As for keeping the heart intact he proposed to form a special seal for that.

The seal is made and the lightning core was extracted.

She and her sisters were tainted by the malicious aura from the dragon heart during forging.

Then Merlin created a formation to make the 6 of her sisters into the pillars to hold the formation to seal the heart.

Morgan that is in love did not notice this and happily followed author on his adventures.

Her green hair slowly turned red over time because of the malice that she was infected with.

She is a natural spirit with dragon’s blood combined within her.

Time went on and Arthur never showed interest in her.

When King Arthur is forming the round table of knights he was face with the opposition from Urien Rheged or Uriens,

He was a late 6th-century king of Rheged.

He actually became interested in Morgan le Fay.

Merlin made another stupid plan again and he tricked Morgan to give herself to Urien for the sake of Arthur's ambition.

He even added that if she did something like that then Arthur would recognize her and love her.

She is a Fay which is innocent by nature.

Even though she went around the world she is still innocent.

The malice of the dragon did not take over her mind.

Also she doesn’t know much about human customs and nightly activities.

The bondings of spirits are actually very different than that of humans.

She really believed in Merlin’s words and offered herself to Urien.

Merlin did not stop at that and showed this to Arthur saying that Morgan has fallen in love with Urien.

They can form a marriage bond and complete the Knights of the Round Table.

By the time Morgan realized the situation Arthur and Merlin has already talked with Urien about their marriage and their bond forming the Knights of the Round Table.

The young Morgan unhappily marries Urien.

King Arthur fell in love with another woman called Guinevere.

Unfortunately she loved a different person.

Well it is a stupid love story where they married the person that they did not love.

But most of it was actually manipulated by Merlin with his stupid schemes.

Morgan still loved Arthur even after his death.

Later when King Arthur died she took him to the island of Avalon as his final resting place.

Then she went to consume the heart of the dragon for her revenge against Merlin.

Actually Merlin is born to an incubus and a mortal woman.

This is an open secret and very rarely known by others.

Vicky was also born to the descendent of an incubus and a descendent of love goddess.

Because of that his bloodline is balanced.

But Merlin inclined to the dark side more and rarely acts well.

This dark side was magnified when he came into contact with the malicious aura of the dragon heart.

That is the reason for all of this.

After Morgan consumed the dragon heart, her other sisters became free to move but they cannot leave the island because of the formation locking them.

Morgan that was angry and by nature is a pure spirit was able to perfectly integrate into the dragon heart and became a dragon.

Many strange creatures that are originally formed went to war on the humans under her command.

Her target is actually Merlin.

Merlin when he took the lightning core before he did not use it to make the sword Excalibur.

Instead only the surrounding metal encasing the lighting core was used to make the Excalibur.

The core was refined and it was made into his wand.

That is the reason Excalibur was broken once during their journey.

After the death of king Arthur the Excalibur was left with Merlin and he found a wielder to fight Morgan’s army.

Along with the lightning element want that has many special properties.

The wand is made of the piece of wood from the world tree which was a bargain with the Urien that has the origins with elves and dwarves.

Only the wood of the world tree has the capability to bear the might of the lightning core.

Vicky sighed looking at the information and continued to read.

When the war was about to end Merlin used the Excalibur to pierce the heart of Morgan that turned into a dragon and sealed her on the island of Avalon.

On the other hand he hideaway his flying fort along with the most powerful wand ‘dragoon the great’

It should be hidden under the lake and the original flying castle of Merlin should be hidden along under the lake.

The key to obtaining them is to bring back the sword Excalibur and killing the beast inside the lake.

That is not all when the Excalibur is removed there is a chance of awakening the Morgan was has fallen into deep slumber.

In a way the entire thing is a dead lock.

Vicky felt like he just ate a fly.

He got two maps but both of them are useless.

This cannot be solved by normal magic.

Vicky has to think of other way to solve these things.

Well he can always bomb the lake of Loch Ness monster.

Unfortunately he cannot do that with the presence of muggle government and the ministry of magic looking into the things.

Vicky knows that he came to a dead end and he used the simulation to check what is under the lake.

At first it was okay for him to swim for a little distance.

But suddenly there are many tentacles around and Vicky saw the big eyes inside the lake along with an entrance like thing which should be its mouth.

Other than that there is a metal door with hundreds of runes just around that monster.

This should be the location of the entrance to the inheritance of Merlin.

It is beyond Vicky.

Even Dumbledore might not be able to do anything here………..

Chapter 65: harsh words

It is beyond Vicky.

Even Dumbledore might not be able to do anything here.

Vicky has to figure out a solution for this problem before that he can only back off.

On the other hand he moved his thoughts to collecting the blood of the creatures that truly had the dragon blood.

Vicky wanted to see if he can integrate the dragon heart into himself as he has the blood lines of both god and demon in him.

If he can then he might be able to lift the curse on Morgan for so long and let her unite with her loved one.

Also he can gain power strong enough to face something that might come out after the seal of the world is broken.

The research about the seals did not give him many results.

But the information that he got from Voldemort is really useful.

After deciphering it Vicky found that Voldemort learnt flying without anything through observing dementors but also the information on the seal.

It is a kind of gravitation magic that is sealing the place at Azkaban.

Also the seal at the Bermuda triangle seems to be related to water.

Each seal seems to be formed with an element or some form of ancient magic.

The progress is in the right direction but the amount of information that Vicky had is not that high.

Also the results of the research related to the resurrection stone and invisibility cloak are also going slowly.

Vicky can use simulation to speed up the process.

But most of his money is currently in investments and it takes time for the money to return.

So he has to wait for a little while before doing anything.

For now he concentrated on the important things.

Vicky was invited to the order of phoenix to join.

Harry, Ron and Hermione also want to join.

Hermione asked Vicky if it is okay to join.

Vicky don’t mind and let her join if they let her.

As for Vicky he is not going to join any order or anything.

Vicky heard that Voldemort’s men went to meet with the werewolves to forcibly recruit them.

But the people Vicky put as guard were able to fight against the people of the dark lord.

At the same time few other dark creatures that don’t want to fight started to turn towards Vicky for help.

Vicky took them all and relocated them with the money he had on hand.

For this very reason he was unable to simulate to make big improvements.

Vicky specifically checked their authenticity before sending them to relocate.

This is because Vicky hate traitors and he don’t mind killing them.

Vicky doesn’t have to use his wand to kill as he did not fear making his hands bloody.

With his interference many creatures were saved.

For this very reason the order wanted to recruit Vicky to gain the support of these creatures in the coming war.

Vicky looked at the people in the meeting and said directly.

“In my opinion there is not much difference between you people and the people of Voldemort.

They are forcing them to join the war by threatening while you are using moral kidnapping to make people join the war even if they not wanted to.

As for me I am just a business man and a neutral party.

Similar to me those creatures are also neutral party.

The creatures that came to me for protection, has already discussed with me about your war.

There are a few that want to participate but they participate for benefits.

What benefits that you are going to offer to them for joining your side.

If you don’t have any then don’t call for them.

The fate financial firm that I established is going to act as a mediator between the creature and your people.

You can come to the financial firm to meet with the representatives of the creatures and talk it out with terms.

As for me joining a side would not happen.

As long as my interests are not damaged I would not do anything.

The one who created this problem is the one that have to solve it.

These are my final words.

Also tell professor Dumbledore to take actions instead of following prophesies that already killed enough people.

Instead of putting criminals in jail, killing them at least would reduce the forces of the dark lord.

The catastrophic problems require drastic measures to save people.

Also I hate cowards that are reluctant to get their hands dirty and want to use the hands of others for their work.”

Vicky said firmly.

The people looked disappointed.

Even harry and Ron looked disappointed with the words of Vicky.

Well these are the harsh words that Vicky said.

The truth is always harsh.

Before leaving Vicky spoke again.

“It is better to deal with minister fudge first.

The leadership under a cowardly king will lead to the destruction of a country.

God help the people that help themselves but not lazy cowards.

Ladies I will be leaving now, by Ginny, Hermione see you at school

Mrs. Weasley good day…”

Vicky used apparition to leave here under the astonishing eyes of the people.

This is because this building has restriction for apparition, but Vicky can still apparate away from here.

This shows how powerful Vicky currently is.

Well Vicky is really powerful and he is strong enough to fight Dumbledore right now.

If elder’s wand is not used Vicky might even have upper hand if things are planned properly.

These are the results Vicky achieved after all the training he put through the years other than using simulation to improve sometimes.

After Vicky left people started to discuss what they should do now.

Vicky already told Yemaya and some of his other girls to be careful in the following.

In order to get Vicky into their control along with the huge army of creatures under him they might try to target his women……


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