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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 51: three Merlin awards at the same time

Finally it is the end of the year and because of the outstanding performance of over the year, Ravenclaw was once again the winner of house cup at Hogwarts.

Over 400 points came from Vicky alone which was even a bigger surprise to many people.

Harry got his firebolt back from professor McGonagall.

So the year ended peacefully but Vicky has another thing to do right now.

Peter Pettigrew went to find Voldemort and Vicky wanted to capture Nagini that is staying with Voldemort before he can turn her into Horcrux.

Dobby is keeping an eye on peter Pettigrew all this time.

It was not until July till something would happen.

Vicky sent dobby to monitor peter Pettigrew while Vicky was busy with writing the third edition of the book of adventures of Hogwarts.

With the third edition the world simply boiled.

Also the contributions of Vicky are so great that the people want Vicky to have order of Merlin award.

Right now the minister of magic and Dumbledore were in a slump because they did not reach when peter Pettigrew escaped.

So they need to divert the attention to something different so that they can regain their popularity.

For this they choose something unprecedented.

That is to award Vicky first, second and third order medals of order of Merlin at the same time.

The awarding ceremony was held at the end of June.

Many people attended the ceremony.

During the ceremony Vicky also announced that he is going to establish a financial funding firm with the collaboration of Gringotts on both wizarding world side and muggle side.

This was shocking news but all the paperwork is already completed.

Vicky actually holding 51 percent of the shares and Yemaya is holding 9 percent of the shares.

The remaining shares were distributed to Gringotts bank and few noble families that Vicky was close to.

Like Greengrass family, Parkinson family……..

There is also Malfoy family as a minor share holder.

Since seeing Vicky’s ability to make more money was discovered by the goblins they are in close relation with Vicky.

Vicky even helped solving some of their financial errors.

This let them earn even more.

Because of that goblins are on Vicky’s side.

Minister fudge is not in a good position right now.

So he doesn’t have a choice but to support Vicky to gain the financial support.

All the contracts of funding are made using special goblin magic and few other magic formations that Vicky studied.

There is also back door that Vicky put in some things just in case.


The month of June ended and harry and Sirius black invited Vicky for dinner.

When Vicky went there Vicky knows that there is a Horcrux here.

Previously when he threatened Voldemort he thought that Voldemort would change the locations of the Horcrux.

So Vicky specifically checked them when he got the time before with the help of dobby.

He was able to leave some tracing magic in the vicinity.

Fortunately Voldemort is not in a position to move right now.

He is in half dead state to even use magic properly.

So he did not make any changes.

If not he would not have given the money and other things to Vicky so easily.


Vicky specifically asked for the locket here to take it.

Since someone can steal this thing then it should be in a visible position.

So finding the locket of Salazar Slytherin is not hard for Vicky.

Vicky did not hide it as secret instead told them that it was mixed with strong dark magic.

Vicky then told them to call Dumbledore to check this thing.

Harry immediately sent an owl to Dumbledore.

With the contents of the letter Dumbledore arrived almost immediately.

By the time Dumbledore arrived Vicky, harry and Sirius completed their dinner.

Vicky then gave the necklace to Dumbledore and told him about the results of his investigation.

Vicky said that this locket has the same energy as he felt in the diary of Tom riddled before.

At first Dumbledore is still skeptical.

But after learning that Dumbledore personally checked the necklace and found that it was a Horcrux.

Vicky also mentioned that Voldemort might have other Horcrux hidden at various places.

Like his home or the places he frequently visited or some other things.

Vicky did not deliberately reveal anything of the locations or other things.

The locket here is the most useless thing in the story that did not contribute much.

It was only to show the inferiority complex or Ron.

Vicky has already put Ron to the side so this Horcrux is unnecessary.

Also removing this Horcrux would not have much impact on the plot.

Instead Vicky could weaken Voldemort a little more before he would attack him later to take Nagini.

Originally this locket should be obtained by Dolores Umbridge.

For finding this Vicky asked professor Dumbledore if he could learn Fiendfyre spell.

It as an odd request from Vicky but the intentions of Vicky is good.

Also Vicky never did anything bad to harry or anyone for that matter.

Vicky simply let the people learn faster than they should be and become stronger in a short time.

Vicky helped many people also he showed off at many places.

Even though he is ridiculously popular among the students, there is not even a single time that Vicky quarreled with someone.

Instead it was Harry that quarreled with others during various incidents.

Considering all of these things Dumbledore gave in to teach Vicky about the Fiendfyre spell.

Dumbledore keenly sensed that Vicky seems to be preparing for a fight of some sort.

He doesn’t know what it is but his intuition tells him that Vicky is preparing for the fight with Voldemort in the future.

Also the reason why Vicky is trying to strengthen all the people in the school is for this very thing.

Now with the locket of Voldemort which is a Horcrux, Dumbledore became certain that Vicky is……...

Chapter 52: captured Nagini right after destroying a Horcrux

Also the reason why Vicky is trying to strengthen all the people in the school is for this very thing.

Now with the locket of Voldemort which is a Horcrux, Dumbledore became certain that Vicky is helping the good in his own way.

So he decided to make an exception and teach Vicky.

Vicky has already simulated this part before and played along well.

Vicky has already practiced the Fiendfyre spell before.

But now he can use it without fear that someone might discover.

After Vicky was taught by Dumbledore,

Vicky told Dumbledore that the locket seems to be special and destroying it with normal means is not possible.

He wants to try and see if it can be destroyed by the Fiendfyre.

He also said that it was his intuition telling him to do that.

Dumbledore don’t want to do that.

But under the insistence of Vicky he let Vicky cast his Fiendfyre spell on the locket.

In the next moment there is a shrill scream from the locket and black smoke rose out of the locket.

At the same time harry had a severe headache and fainted.

Vicky knows that reason but he did not say anything.

After this was over Vicky checked the locket of Salazar Slytherin and found that it was nothing special.

So Vicky gave it back to Dumbledore and left quickly as he has other things to do.

His next target is the Albanian forest.

Dobby has already arrived beside Vicky and immediately teleported to the location of Albanian forest.

They are some distance away from where Voldemort and Nagini are currently staying.

Also there is peter Pettigrew with Voldemort.

Vicky put on the invisibility cloak first to approach them to observe the situation and then found that things are going smoothly.

He went a little farther away and then changed his appearance to someone else with the help of poly juice potion.

With this appearance Vicky slowly made his way to Voldemort.

At the same time dobby is there ready to save Vicky at a moment’s notice.


Vicky casted the spell to blast off the wand in the hand of Voldemort and then appeared in front of them.

“Hello mister Tom riddle, you seem to be doing fine.”

Vicky in the appearance of a middle aged man appeared in front of Voldemort that was completely in a paralyzed state.

The only working thing is his arm to hold the wand, which was removed by Vicky from the spell before.

Voldemort hissed some words which should be in the snake language Parseltongue.

Right at that moment the big snake beside them wanted to attack Vicky.

But Vicky opened a cage like thing to capture the snake as it attacked in a single action shocking the audience.

Vicky already simulated all of this from the sequence of incidents with professor Dumbledore and the locket.

Voldemort was unable to fight back at Vicky right now is because of the destruction of Horcrux just now.

He is in a weak state right now.

Vicky took the opportunity to capture Nagini and trapped it in a special space that sealed it off from the outside world completely.

“It seems that I am not welcome here.

Any way what I have come here for is already taken.

So I will take my leave.

Mister Voldemort, I let you live because you are useful.

Don’t make any stupid moves and spoil my kindness.

If you did not put up a good show then I will destroy your empire from the roots.

Bye then.”

Vicky said and moved away from this place.

Because of the presence of wand in Vicky’s hand none of the two people dared to attack.

Vicky left their sight and then dobby and Vicky teleported from this place.

All of this happened in less than 4 minutes and the incident happened less than 20 minutes after Vicky destroyed a Horcrux.

So the entire thing happened smoothly.

After Vicky returned back he stored Nagini’s cage carefully.

He is going to starve it for a little while before trying to communicate.

Vicky wanted to turn her back to normal but it is not an easy process.

So he has to rely largely on simulation to find the solution.

The solution to Nagini can also become solution to the bloodline curse of Astoria Greengrass.

In the simulation before Vicky knows that in place of Nagini, peter Pettigrew would become the Horcrux.

So Vicky doesn’t have to search for anything.

After making sure that everything was alright Vicky more on to his next step of the plan.

That is he is going to request minister fudge to provide some protection because there are some dangerous things happening recently.

Also he specifically asked him to send Nymphadora Tonks the new Auror.

The reason for this request is that she has graduated from Hogwarts just 3 years ago.

So she knows the place well and Vicky needs protection and someone to stay close by just in case after solving two big cases and establishing a big firm of finance.

Vicky made a reasonable point.

After the incidents that happened at Hogwarts before even fudge has to tell that Hogwarts might be the most dangerous place rather than being the safest place.

Since Vicky specifically wrote him a letter of request he cannot refuse it.

Also he was very dissatisfied with Dumbledore for a long time.

With all these reasons the purple haired beauty Nymphadora Tonks was sent on a mission to guard Vicky.

There is no permission to enter Hogwarts so she has to stay at Hogsmeade.

Vicky has already made arrangements for her to stay at Hogsmeade.

When she met him she thought that she is going to meet with a brat.

But 14 years old Vicky looked devilishly handsome with strong body and innocent face.

The first impression she got is a rich second generation.

But the previous results said that Vicky earned money by his hand and only used the…...

Chapter 53: resurrection stone

The first impression she got is a rich second generation.

But the previous results said that Vicky earned money by his hand and only used the money from his parents as a means only and restored it back when he earned.

So he is a very capable, intelligent person.

When she spoke to him, Vicky’s eloquence was even greater than many old fools.

But Vicky is not rigid instead he is flexible.

Vicky showed her the respect she wanted and she was completely satisfied with Vicky.

With the arrangements of Vicky she got a house in Hogsmeade.

Food and other allowances were paid to her by Vicky as extra.

She literally loves the job that Vicky gave her and she was very thankful for the task from the ministry.

Well she is tomboyish but she still wanted to have some peaceful rich live.

This can be fulfilled by Vicky.

Also she read the adventures of Vicky and knows that Vicky might do some even more crazy things.

So she was looking forward to the new year of Vicky joining Hogwarts.


Vicky then went to celebrate harry’s birthday.

Well Vicky also celebrated his birthday last month after the school.

Many people came to his birthday including the minister and even Dumbledore.

Harry spent his time living with Sirius black in the black house.

In august Voldemort returned back to his home but before Voldemort Vicky and dobby appeared here.

Vicky used the simulation to look for the Marvolo Gaunt's Ring that is one of the Horcrux of Voldemort.

Also the stone in the ring is the resurrection stone.

There are many traps in the place set by Voldemort but all of them were discovered by the simulation of Vicky.

Also Vicky used his stealth techniques to sneak into the riddle house using the invisibility cloak.

This gave Vicky edge over others in escaping many places easily.

Vicky finally discovered the golden box holding the ring beneath the shack's floorboards.

The ring is inside the box.

Vicky is not a fool to put on the ring and gain the curse.

Instead he took out the basilisk venom and dipped the ding in the venom.

Soon another Horcrux of Voldemort was destroyed.

Vicky washed the ring and then removed the resurrection stone from the ring.

After that he threw away the ring back in the box and put it back at the same place he removed.

Vicky left the place quickly and started to study the resurrection stone of how it was able to resurrect people.

Vicky would not believe the story of death living at the edge of a river waiting for people to die.

It is nonsense.

Instead Vicky believes that the death mentioned in the deadly hallows is actually a powerful dark wizard that targets the people that crosses the river or died in the river for some of his dark arts.

Most probably he cannot kill them directly because of some restriction so he chose to fulfill the unreasonable requests of the three brothers that crossed the river.

Then he claimed their lives one after the other.

But the objects that he formed for them seem to be no value to that dark wizard as he did not collect them back.

How powerful should that wizard be to leave the objects like the resurrection stone, elder’s wand and invisibility cloak.

Also in the story it is said that the dark wizard felt sad when one of the three brothers asked for the invisibility cloak or the things that can let him escape.

Most probably the invisibility cloak might have more value than the resurrection stone and elder’s wand.

So Vicky wanted to study these things carefully to find their secrets.

Most probably this wizard that calls himself as death might be stronger and older than Merlin.

This is the conclusion that Vicky came after analyzing the things.

Voldemort that is still in the Albanian forest along with Harry received a strong shock after Vicky destroyed another Horcrux.


Till august 20 Vicky continued to use simulation to strengthen his skills making all of them reach level 80 with his potential improvement.

After that Vicky went to meet with Hermione and other girls.

Tonks followed Vicky as the body guard when Vicky goes out from the front door and told her to follow.

After greeting many girls Vicky pulls out the invitation letters to the Quidditch match.

Vicky came to Weasley family to ask if they want to go.

Tonks also wants to go with them so Vicky gave her one specifically making her happy.

Weasley family already got the letter so Vicky doesn’t have to given them.

Vicky simply greeted them and went to get other girls.

Hermione, Greengrass sisters, Hanna, Luna, pansy, Penelope….

All of them were invited by Vicky to go.

Also Penelope was able to step into the Auror training with the help of Vicky pulling the strings.

Any way she is qualified but his name give her extra protection from those morons.

After the things are arranged Vicky took the girls to apparate to the location of the match.

Yemaya has made her tent but Vicky made an extra tent for the girls with the help of dobby.

Yemaya did not say anything as she knows that Vicky don’t want to separate from her.

He just wants a little more space for himself.

Well Vicky is 14 years old and his actions are at rebellious stage of life.

But Vicky only did it to keep his things in secret.

Weasley family was also here for the Quidditch world cup.

Vicky knows that the Quidditch world cup would not happen peacefully.

Vicky took the girls to go around visiting his friends to greet them.

On the way the number of girls following Vicky has increased.

There is also harry and Ron but they felt ashamed standing in the crowd of girls.

It felt like they are male fans of Vicky rather than being his friends…………

Chapter 54: kiss the snitch from two sides

So they just slipped off saying that they have something to do.

There is also harry and Ron but they felt ashamed standing in the crowd of girls.

It felt like they are male fans of Vicky rather than being his friends.

So they left with some excuses.

Vicky let them go and moved to greet various people.

There are many kinds of tents all over the place.

Well it is a Quidditch world cup so many things can appear.

Ginny’s family came along with Amos and Cedric Diggory.

But Ginny did not go around this time and stopped with Vicky.

Well in the original plot she has three boyfriends and Harry is the third.

Vicky doesn’t have to worry about that.

His insane charm would not let his girls slip into the hands of other people.

It is especially so for the girls that he is actually paying attention to.

It was fun to go around to enjoy the festival atmosphere every once in a while.

Vicky has already instructed dobby and his other house elves to pay attention to the incident that would happen later.

Vicky doesn’t want his people to receive any harm.

The house elves are all on standby.

While returning from the fun Vicky came to Weasley family camp to drop by along with Ginny.

Arthur pulled Vicky to speak about his investments in the muggle worlds.

While they are chatting,

First Ludo Bagman, and then Barty Crouch, came by the campfire at the Weasley’s campsite.

They talked about the pressures and problems of putting on the World Cup event.

Percy Weasley tries to sound important around Mr. Crouch, his boss,

But Crouch calls him by the wrong name, “Weatherby”, which settles him down a little.

Crouch is concerned and care-worn over the amount of effort it has taken.

Vicky got some good seats for him and his important woman.

Others want to enter but they could not because of the security.

They can only go back in sadness.

Vicky chose the site in a perfect place for him to watch and escape if needed.

His house elves are all with him on the stand.

Ginny and Hermione are with Vicky.

There are few richer women around him.

During the time they entered the stadium Vicky saw the small fight between Lucius and Arthur.

The Veela, Bulgaria’s mascots, captivate Harry and the other wizards.

But the subsequent display from Ireland’s leprechauns does not fail to impress either.

Ron caught few coins from the leprechauns sprinkling and thought that he became Rick.

But he later found that these gold coins would vanish in few hours.

Ron finally thought that he is a rich man like many others but it was all a beautiful lie.

Vicky did not have many fluctuations when looking at the things as his concentration is on different things.

The Irish team especially the Chasers work seamlessly together, but Krum is a remarkable flyer, successfully employing the Wronski Feint.

He did the Wronski Feint twice,

He was okay for the first time making Ireland’s Seeker, Aidan Lynch, crashes into the ground.

But the second time the snitch flew towards Ron at an odd angle.

Well all the movements of the snitch were random and this seems very random to everyone.

But it was manipulated by dobby with two clicks.

Well it did not change much of anything only the direction of randomness.

On the other hand victor Krum did not think of that and he performed another Wronski Feint near the audience stands at the very top.

At that time he slipped because of the cloth of Ireland’s Seeker, Aidan Lynch accidentally caught his feet for a moment.

With that he shot out like a cannon ball from his broom stick.

It is more like the person riding the bike at a fast speed with the engine ceased suddenly, making the rider fly.

Krum did catch the snitch with his mouth but there is another mouth on the other side of the snitch.

That is exactly Ron.

The reporters that were ready to take the picture of the glorious movement of Krum catching the snitch were shocked and the flashes appeared from everywhere.

Ireland’s Seeker, Aidan Lynch was also crashed into the lower stands.

The front teeth of Krum and Ron broke at the same time with their hard kiss of the snitch.

The things became a hot topic instantly.

But there is something more shocking after the match.

The people did the first aid and carried them back for treatment.

On the other hand Vicky smiled happily.

He did this for these two because they are eying Hermione during this time.

Vicky did not like that.

The people returned back to their tents and all the house elves are ready for the attack.

Vicky took the time to ask the girls to have dinner with him.

He even invited their families which would reduce the problem of protecting large area.

Ginny came with Vicky as her parents are taking care of Ron.

Yemaya was also here.

Malfoy family is not here as they left before the disaster.

Vicky made some bets that day and got good loads of gallons for spending.

Also his financial firm started to make money.


Suddenly there are loud sounds and several masked men started to attack.

The big men in the party became alert and told Vicky to protect their families as they went out to fight.

Vicky did not go out to show off.

His best chance is to act weak and kill the strong.

Fortunately he is very good at acting.

When the big men left Vicky directly ordered the house elves to activate magic barrier formation, set up in the tent.

Also the reflecting formation is also active.

As long as there is an attack it would reflect back with twice the force of the attack.

With that in place and the house elves on alert Vicky consoled the group in the tent to…...

Chapter 55: Winky suits dobby

As long as there is an attack it would reflect back with twice the force of the attack.

With that in place and the house elves on alert Vicky consoled the group in the tent to calm down and have dinner peacefully.

There is commotion outside and Vicky was peaceful inside Tonks was also there.

Vicky told her if she wanted to go out and participate she can.

But she did not go.

It is not that she fears fighting; instead it is hear duty to protect Vicky.

So she stopped by his side to protect him if necessary.

Vicky nodded his head for her decision.

Winky the house elf of Barty Crouch senior has become the final victim in the incident as it was named as the convict of the incident wrongly.

Vicky thought it would be good to match dobby with Winky.

So after the incident Vicky decide to pull some strings to take her into his custody and see if she can work for him.


There is a dark Mark in the sky and the only tent standing right now belongs to Vicky.

The entire place looked like a dump yard or the site after a war.

With that Vicky sent the women back to their family, one after the other and then he went back to Yemaya’s house to rest.

In the next few days Vicky took the time to take care of his things and arrange for future problems.

This year the shopping of books and other necessities was already done.

So on September 1st Vicky started his journey to Hogwarts.

The journey was peaceful while Hermione looked at the newspaper and said a few words about house elves.

Vicky consoled her saying that he already made arrangements for Winky, so she don’t have to worry about her.

But Hermione spoke about the lives of house elves with the exception of the ones that are working for Vicky.

Vicky smiled at her and said.

“If you want to make a change, Hermione then you should be strong enough to let the wizard world recognize your words.

Influence speaks Hermione.

Last time when they made the commotion about the werewolves I was able to take them all to relocate to a different place and find work there.

I was able to do that because I have the money and popularity to back my words.

Also my words did not touch the nerves of those strong people with deep pockets.

But house elves are different.

They are naive which makes them to fall for the trap again as long as they were freed.

For this reason no matter how many time someone tried to help them they ended up dead or worse.

Instead of freeing them you have to think of a safe environment for them to live and work.

Just like what I am doing.

Now I have 10+ house elves.

They were all managed by dobby.

In the future the number continues to increase and when I become strong enough, I will remove some restrictions placed by the ministry of magic.

At that time something can be achieved.

So, Hermione instead of working alone work with me and make a plan for the future.

You are not alone,

You have so many sisters around you to help along with me.

Hermione became happy and decided to work hard to get a high enough position in the ministry of magic or earn the big bucks like Vicky did.


During that time the candy trolley appeared pushed by the old lady.

Vicky went to buy some things when Cho Chang came with few girls to buy pumpkin pies.

Well harry was in the next box so he should be the one to meet Cho Chang.

This was missed and Vicky took the opportunity.

Cho Chang face blushed looking at Vicky.

Vicky said a few words and they left back like frightened rabbits.

Vicky smiled and came back.

Even though they met last year, when he taught them how to cast patron charm, there are many changes after Vicky returned this year.

Vicky looked a little more mature with handsome face.

This moved their hearts.

Harry did not look frightened as he is living with Sirius in the past few days.

When the train finally arrived at the station Vicky and the group of students greeted Hagrid and then went to take the carts to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade station.

Tonks was already here living at Hogsmeade.

She came here a day early.

She found out that there is going to be the tri-wizard tournament this year.

She immediately became alert.

But after finding out that it was only for people over 17 years old and Vicky is 14 years old she relaxed.

She would have never thought that Vicky has many underhanded tricks on his hand.


When they arrived at Hogwarts it was pouring rain and a first year fell into the water while travelling by boat.

He seems to be saved by the squid in the lake.

Then the sorting ceremony happened.

Then the announcement of the tournament happened during the welcoming feast.

Then in the dining hall someone opened the door as if they want to break them.

The person is Mad-Eye Moody that looked very grumpy.

He was appointed as the new defense against dark arts teacher.

Vicky knows that it was Barty Crouch Jnr.

Actually he taught more than the defense against dark arts teachers in the past three years.

If he is not a death eater and stupid to choose death, then he would have made a good defense against dark arts teacher.

Well stupidity did not have any medicine or cure.

On September second Draco gets turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody because Draco tries to hex Harry.

Vicky was there but only looked at the show without interfering in this matter.

The classes start slowly this year and the students are still excited about the upcoming tri-wizard tournament…………….

Chapter 56: drop the name in the goblet of fire

Vicky was there but only looked at the show without interfering in this matter.

The classes start slowly this year and the students are still excited about the upcoming tri-wizard tournament.

There is no Quidditch match this year because of the tri-wizard tournament.

There are not super big changes for the next month.

During this free time Vicky improve all of his skills to level 85.

During this time Vicky obtained some returns from his new financial firm and other companies that he got shares in.

All of this was used for simulations.

He did not touch the main capital but only used the interest to improve his level.

He specifically improved his reality clone skill and multi tasking skill to level 85 too.

Now he can produce 85 clones to do anything he wanted but controlling all of them at the same time is very hard.

So he can at most produce 50 clones that can do some non complicated movements.

On October 30,

The Durmstrang Institute’s ship appears in the Lake.

The people from Beauxbatons arrive in a carriage pulled through the sky by Abraxans.

Well the scene is great to watch.

Ron is going to meet with Krum again and there is going to be a big show soon.

Vicky was looking at the things happily.

Well today there will be wonderful introduction of the people from the two schools during the feast.

Vicky was waiting to watch that show.

When the women from Beauxbatons appeared the men in the dining hall became horny and completely attracted to their charm.

On the other hand Vicky was not charmed even with the Fleur Delacour’s Veela charm.

On the other hand when she looked at the crowd back with the other girls they were charmed by Vicky that was smiling at them.

With that they were arranged to sit at the location they wanted.

Well the girls moved to the location where the Vicky is instinctively.

Unfortunately for them Vicky already had girls around him and they don’t want to give way for the new girls.

Vicky coaxed his girls to give way to the new girls.

Well his words are important for them and the new girls got to have a seat and chat with Vicky and his girls.

When Vicky is present there will not be any jealousy between them because Vicky doesn’t like his girls to fight between them.

Also Vicky treats them all equally so they would not usually get any quarrels between them.

While the girls from Beauxbatons settled around Vicky the boys looked at the scene with sadness and envy.

When they are unable to get even a single girls Vicky has so many that he can be buried alive if they all hugged him together.

Well they can only curse Vicky in their heart and look at Vicky with envy.

Professor looked at the scene knowingly, Barty Crouch Jnr that is in the appearance of mad eye moody looked at Vicky wanting to shoot a curse at him right then and there.

But he held back because of his current situation.

Vicky only smiled at people as he chatted away with the girls.

Right after the girls from Beauxbatons settled around Vicky, Dumbledore made the announcement of the people from Durmstrang appeared in overbearing way.

Well they did make an entrance astonishing everyone.

Ron was so attracted that he forgot his previous embarrassment.

Krum was famous being a hot man but when Vicky is present with established popularity the image of Krum crumbled like a sand castle.

Vicky did not make many moves but his actions are the attraction.

The men from Durmstrang looked at the students of Hogwarts and woman from Beauxbatons hoping to see their admiration after their performance.

But to their disappointment most of their concentration is towards Vicky.

To be more precise all the beauties at Hogwarts are looking at Vicky and only a few women are looking at them with slight twinkles.

Well they were invited to sit at the Slytherin table.

Soon after Barty Crouch senior that came as the spokes person of the ministry of magic explained the rule of the tri wizard tournament.

Also the restriction saying that anyone below the age of 17 cannot participate.

Vicky is thinking on how to put his name inside.

Well with his current capabilities he can break the age line and enter.

Dumbledore would not use his full power to create this age line.

So Vicky can crack it and even use a powerful Confundus Charm to confuse the goblet of fire.

But there is one problem here that is Vicky cannot use his wand to do all of this.

When the results are out Vicky would be implicated and they would definitely check his wand.

He needs a scapegoat to take the blame.

He can use Draco or Ron for this matter.

They two had two strong backers and they can easily escape from the suspicion.

So Vicky sneaked around at the night to borrow their wands.

He used both the wands to make Argus Filch the night watch man to drop his name into the goblet of fire in a sleep like state.

At the same time he cast two strong Confundus Charms to select him and not select Cedric Diggory.

This solved some important things and did not increase the number of participants.

After that he erased the memories of Flich and his cat, returned the wands back to Ron and Draco.

Then he went back to sleep.

Vicky might not be as strong as Dumbledore but Vicky is definitely stronger than Barty Crouch Jnr.

With that arranged there is no turning back.

Well the commotion continued as many people dropped their names into the goblet of fire.

Weasley brothers used the aging potion but they failed.

Time passed by quickly and it was the time for the feast at the night.

It was time for the participants for the event of tri wizard tournament……….

Chapter 57: Vicky replaced Cedric Diggory

Time passed by quickly and it was the time for the feast at the night.

It was time for the participants for the event of tri wizard tournament will be selected.

Today is October 31st,

The dining hall was lively with the students guessing on who would be selected for the tri wizard tournament.

The Halloween feast started and the entire room is bustling with noise as they had many types of Halloween specials with pumpkins.

After the feast the names of the selected champions would come out of the goblet of fire.

The first one to be selected is from Durmstrang is victor Krum.

Well he is happy but also at loss whenever he saw Ron that has grown his hair longer.

Vicky doesn’t know if Ron thought of it as style or something but this gave people a different meaning.

The new about Ron and Krum has become so viral 2 months ago that it made the public boil.

At the same time the female followers of Krum were reduced significantly and it was replaced with male followers.

It was really creepy to think and the lots of love letters that Krum got from those old uncles has made him want to vomit blood.

Ron also became famous at that time and even he received love letters that his family bird unable to carry.

Some of the letters usually fall along the way causing other people to read the letters that Ron received.

This made him even more famous as these letters fell into the hands of those news paper people.

Vicky was on the sidelines enjoying the show while doing his things.


After victor Krum, the second candidate selected is Beauxbatons that is the beauty Fleur Delacour.

Looked happy and looked proudly at Vicky and even winked before leaving to the next room.

She thought that Vicky would be attracted to her because of her wink and Veela charm.

All the men around Vicky were charmed but Vicky is not charmed.

He only smiled at her.


Then the next name was taken which caused the people to be shocked.

It was actually Vicky.

The hands of Dumbledore started to shake and the headmasters of other schools became angry.

Well the headmaster of Beauxbatons is not that angry because of Vicky’s charm, instead it was the headmaster of Durmstrang that acted like a monkey that ate some chilies.

Immediately they questioned Vicky many time and even checked his wand to see if he cast any charms on the goblet of fire.

But the result is that Vicky did not do any of that.

Instead professor McGonagall told that people that Vicky is very famous that some girls might have dropped the name of Vicky into the goblet of fire.

Or there are men that are angry at Vicky that they dropped his name in the goblet of fire and want to make them punish him.

With that reasoning of professor Mcgonagall the people immediately accepted it.

Well it is not false that Vicky is very famous and they can clearly see the jealousy in the eyes of many male students.

At the same time the love and madness in the eyes of women can be seen too.

This made them nod their heads and stopped questioning.

Vicky was sent to the other room where the previous contestants are.

As soon as Vicky appeared the other two people were surprised.

Fleur is the first one to come out of the shock and ran to Vicky to stick to him.

“So you are selected.

But how did you 14 years old get to drop his name.

What tricks did you play…?”

She became talkative.

Vicky came to her ear and said.

“I just went to the goblet of fire and said that,

If it did not take my name then I would make people use it as cooking fire with free fuel less fire at Azkaban.

So it immediately took my name…”

Vicky joked and Fleur laughed at that.

Well what Vicky said is not a lie.

He saw that the fire from the goblet can give warmth so it can really be used to keep warm in cold places without a need to look for fuel.

While the problem is solved the goblet of fire started to roar again making the headmaster Dumbledore look solemn.

Then the fourth name card appeared on his hand.

It was Harry potter.

On the other hand Ron was filled with jealousy that his eyes are literally screaming.

You cheated me.


While the commotion is happening outside, Vicky told Fleur to grow her hair longer so that she would look more beautiful.

As he ended his sentence Fleur did not get a chance to say her answer as the three headmasters along with Harry appeared in the room where Vicky and others are.

They started to shoot a barrage of questions at harry.

The Barty crunch senior came along with Percy Weasley to look at the wand in harry’s hand.

They did not find any problem and they can only let things be.

Since there is a binding magical contract to the goblet of fire, it is not possible to undone anything.

Actually the headmasters of the other schools stopped making fuss as the two people that were selected from Hogwarts are only 4th year students.

So if fairness is considered the other schools that had 7th year students should be stronger than two, 4th year students.

With that the dissatisfaction is gone and the people are calm.

The tri wizard competition has officially begun.

Both Vicky and harry are famous.

Each of them had the potential to become the strongest wizard in the future.

The Hogwarts has divided into two where the girls are supporting Vicky while many men are supporting harry.

They are not supporting harry because they wanted him to win or loyalty.

They are only supporting him just because they are jealous of Vicky supported by women………

Chapter 58: The moon surrounded by the stars

They are not supporting harry because they wanted him to win or loyalty.

They are only supporting him just because they are jealous of Vicky supported by women.

Even though many male students support harry, he is struggling with his best friend Ron that is giving him cold shoulder.

Well Rita Skeeter took the chance of this and wrote a spoof on harry, Ron and Krum.

This is a love triangle where harry and Krum are fighting over the love of Ron.

As soon as this article was published the men that are supporting harry are gone like smoke.

At the same time the men supporting Krum felt like they just ate a fly.

If it is just the article then it is fine but Rita seems to have captured the jealous angle of Ron, sad and anxious angle of Harry and arrogant angle of Krum that is actually looking at Hermione sitting beside Ron.

Because of the odd angle Hermione is not in the picture.

So the visual effect of the image and the article below gave the beautiful combination causing girls to hate the men that are supporting Harry and Ron.

Vicky and Fleur are chatting happily about the competition while other girls of Vicky would come to them to chat.

There is no jealousy in the women and the scene where many women that loved a single man chatted happily has created a scene of harmony and balance.

Vicky surrounded by many women also got an article with the title

The moon surrounded by the stars.”

This made the post so popular that made many of Vicky’s fans envious of the girls around him.

Vicky specifically told his women to be careful with the letters and gifts that they would receive.

He estimated that there might be some people that are so jealous to even commit crime using forbidden materials to attack through letters and parcels.

Well he already saw this in the simulation and saved his women just in time gaining their favorability.

The admiration that they had for his appearance was not the real love.

But the love that is formed after he saved them has stronger impact and they truly open their hearts to him.

As for the article related to the tri wizard tournament Vicky is standing behind Fleur while Krum and harry are standing on either sides in their own poses.

Vicky was pulled forward by Fleur to have his hands around her neck for the picture which looked very intimate.

Rita knows how to make things and she talked to Vicky on how to write the things as it involved him in the matter.

The article about the moon surrounded by stars was also the brain child of Vicky.

In all honesty even Rita wanted to become Vicky’s girl friend if possible unfortunately they had a big age difference.

Vicky has looked at her appearance and style which were actually very close to the actress Marilyn Monroe.

If Vicky really finds something to make her younger then Vicky would really try to get Rita Skeeter.

Having an intelligent and beautiful woman that can have a say in the media is a good thing for Vicky.

But the things about this have to be thought later.

Harry still got his back door as Hagrid told him about the contents of the first test of the competition.

The sad thing is that Hagrid did not give any hints to Vicky.

Vicky was really angry this time and decided to cut off some things.

He was informed by professor Flitwick about dragons and some other tricks being the house teacher of the Ravenclaw.

Well he did not directly say that instead gave out some hints in a generalized way.

Vicky really appreciated this and talked with professor Flitwick for a long time formulating his strategy.

The fight would be very exciting.

Draco on the other hand started his publicity to through the mud on harry and highlight Vicky.

Vicky is much better to him than harry so he supported Vicky.

On the other hand harry came to Vicky to tell him about the dragons which is actually much better.

Vicky nodded his head and much appreciated the help from harry.

None of the women put on the badges that are prepared by Draco and others as Vicky told them.

Harry has already known about this from Hermione.

So he also appreciated Vicky who is much better than Ron at this time.

During this time Ollivander was invited to check the wands of the champions to see if there is any problem with them.

It took a long time to check.

It was especially so for the wand of Vicky that was livelier than other wands.

As the power of Vicky grows that power of the wand also grows.

So the wand looked lively as if it was buried on the ground it can become a tree.

At the same time the essence of the spirit peacock inside also became strong after the continuous practice of the Patronus charm.

On November 24th the first task begins.

Harry was very nervous, so did the other participants.

On the other hand Vicky was very peaceful meditating on the bed with all the commotion going on outside.

Vicky has decided to draw the most ferocious dragon of the four that is the Hungarian Horntail instead of harry.

Soon the headmasters along with Barty crunch senior came with the bag containing miniature dragon models to choose the opponent.

It started with Fleur that chose the Welsh Green dragon,

Krum chose the Chinese Fireball dragon,

Vicky chose the Hungarian Horntail dragon shocking the people a little.

Finally harry chose the Swedish Short-Snout dragon.

Well with the choosing thing is over it was Vicky that was the first to go to do the task.

In the original plot it was Cedric Diggory that goes out first.

But now it was Vicky that is going out first.

The Hungarian Horntail dragon is……….

Chapter 59: preparing for Yule ball

But now it was Vicky that is going out first.

The Hungarian Horntail dragon is already on the field ready with its hot temper.

Vicky came out of a cave and he knows that he dragon is beside him.

He quickly dodged the first tail attack and then moved to the lower area of the rocky field.

While he is moving he accurately swished his wand to shoot a charm at the surrounding broken rocks.

The rocks started to shoot toward the Face of the dragon like charm that Weasley brother Fred and George used to shoot snowballs at professor Quirrell before.

Vicky has a dead accuracy that all the stones went straight to the face of the dragon.

While it was distracted for a moment Vicky found a cover behind a boulder and then used the levitation charm to move another boulder towards the dragon that was distracted.

When the bolder reached high enough Vicky let it fall straight on the head of the dragon.

The dragon wanted to break the bolder with tits hands but the small rocks were still shooting at its face and eyes.

He wanted to use its fire at Vicky but Vicky was hiding behind a boulder,

Vicky is not idle and casted a Patronus charm that turned into a huge peacock that made many attacking gestures at the dragon.

The image of the peacock is so life like that the dragon was distracted by that and Vicky sneaked towards the golden egg.

He stole the egg and dropped the boulder on the dragon at the same time.

Well not one boulder as there are two boulders.

The other one is hiding behind the previous one.

The dragon broke the first boulder but the second one hit the head of the dragon perfectly.

The dragon lost consciousness after the heavy blow straight on the head.

Yes dragon skin is strong, tougher and magic resistant, but the internal parts are not that strong.

With the strong hit from the bolder is no different from a bullet hit on a bullet proof vest.

Even though there is no bullet wound there will definitely be pain inside and some time some bones might broke or internal beading might occur.

Since the bolder hit it straight on the head with a fast speed it got its brain shaken making it lose consciousness.

Vicky strolled led around showing the golden egg he got to the people and left the place along the directions of the referee.

Then the other three champions fought with the dragons to get their golden egg.

Harry did not get to show off as the things are much smoother with the mild tempered dragons.

Vicky went to the dining hall to celebrate with everyone and even invited Nymphadora Tonks over with the permission of professor Flitwick.

Well it is a celebration and she is an Auror so it is not a problem to let her come in to celebrate with Vicky.

Vicky brought over some ingredients and told the house elves of Hogwarts about few recipes to cook.

Dobby and Winky came over to help.

The celebration feast is really big and few men and many women appeared for the feast.

The second task is not till February.

So Vicky has a long time to do things.

After the feast Vicky took a big drum filled it with water and then took a dip in it along with the egg.

Then he got the words from the egg about the lake and second task.

Any way he already knows all that.

It is just in case if there is any twist that he did not know.

Also the simulation made him know everything he has to know about the second task.

Vicky hinted harry about the second task with the help of Hermione and the secret of the egg was told to harry.

Ron got dress robes for Yule ball which made everyone laugh.

Vicky has already prepared his suit and robes for the ball.

Actually Vicky speculated that the Yule ball is held to find out the most previous person of the champion to prepare for the second task.

But they are in for a big problem this time.

Vicky is going to play big.

Well he doesn’t have to ask anyone as 90 percent of them want to dance with Vicky.

But Vicky would not choose everyone and he has few girls that really believed him.

After completing the quest from the system Vicky got a special reward to look into the favorability of a person towards Vicky.

This also represents trust that they had in Vicky.

Vicky selected women in two categories.

First their favorability and love towards him and the people that Vicky wanted to pull towards him.

So for the ball he would accept the women that he wanted dance with and reject other women that did not come under any of the two categories.

Soon around 25 people are selected by Vicky.

Some of them are already in love with Vicky like Ginny, Hermione, Daphne, Hanna, Luna, pansy….

There is also Fleur, and few beauties from Beauxbatons.

All of these women have strong favorability or love towards Vicky.

So he chose them.

That is not all there is another test that Vicky put for the forth them.

If they really trusted Vicky they would not go for another man for the dance even after they found out that Vicky promised more than 1 woman for the ball.

If they really go for other without trusting him then Vicky would not bother to look for them in the future.

This is his test for them.

He needs loyalty, love and trust from them.

He may sound hypocritical to love so many and talk about loyalty, love and trust.

But this is how Vicky is.

Also he has a premonition that after the seal of this world is broken the entire would turn upside down with chaos all over the world………..

Chapter 60: on the night of the Yule ball

But this is how Vicky is.

Also he has a premonition that after the seal of this world is broken the entire would turn upside down with chaos all over the world.

He doesn’t want to support some women that would back stab him.


The Yule ball is ready and many people had already filled the ball.

Women are dressed beautifully while the men looked handsome with good robes.

Vicky might as well be the last one to come.

He has a handsome suit with black and purple combination.

The purple color has a strange hue that is very attractive that gave Vicky a mysterious charm.

When Vicky arrived there are only 20 women that are still waiting for Vicky while the remaining 5 that he chose has chosen someone else.

So Vicky gave up on them any way they are not the main women that Vicky wanted.

When Vicky arrived the attention of the people are drawn to look at who Vicky would partner up with.

But they never expected to see a magic here.

As Vicky walked forward after images appeared behind him and each image became a different person and came to a different woman.

There is a total of 20 Vicky’s here shocking the eyes of the people.

They don’t know which one to call to take the lead at the ball with other champions.

It is traditional for the champions to take the initiative to start the dance.

Finally Vicky and Fleur went to take the lead.

Cho Chang, Hermione, pansy, Daphne, Ginny, Luna……….were all with Vicky and all of them looked like Disney princesses.

Vicky specifically designed dresses for them all and gave them before the dance.

Well the other 5 also got dress from Vicky but they did not cherish it.

It was their loss.

(I am not mentioning the other 5 women as I did not think of that yet)

In the ice and snow world setting of the great hall the Yule ball began.

The blood line charms from Vicky and Fleur is so much higher that everyone has their eyes of them.

Their dance is so elegant and beautiful that the people felt like there are only these two people in the world.

Other champions that is Krum and harry also got the girls.

Both of them were previously selected by Vicky but now they fell into the hands of others.

The other three girls went for Cedric, Draco, and Michael Corner.

Vicky did not even bat an eye for these women and immersed in dancing with his woman.

His multi tasking skill is so high that he can easily control 19 clones to dance.

With the start of the champions the others also started to dance.

Vicky got 20 princesses around him making the people envious to the core.


On the next day this has become the great news that Vicky used an ancient spell to dance in Yule ball.

The image of Vicky dancing with women created a big stir in the magic world.

Vicky was sure that the people from the order would come over to ask Vicky to submit his spell to the order so that he can get honor and royalty for this spell usage.

Anyone could tell that this spell is different from the clones that are used by the Japanese magicians.

So the spell that Vicky has became a hot topic.

Vicky is not stupid enough to hand over the research results instead he gave them the rough work of the spell in its most initial form.

The name of the spell is called the reality clone.

At the same time this spell is restricted as forbidden spell because any small mishap can cause the people to lose their minds.

Only professional can use this spell.

Because of the rough form even Dumbledore can only produce 2 clones at most.

Well they did not have the mastery of same skills as Vicky had.

So this is the result for the lack of skill proficiency.


On the next day the 5 women that did not listen to Vicky have come to him to say their reasons.

They simply told him that they thought that he would choose one of the few women Vicky had.

So they decided to go for the ball with others.

Vicky only smiled at them and told them all the best.

He did not give any answers or explanation to them.

Since they did not trust him enough to wait then there is no point in going out of his way to chase them.

The hands of Vicky are already full right now so he did not have any interest in the sour grapes.

He is only interested in the people that are available to him at hand.

The women left digestedly while the previous women that stuck to Vicky are very happy with the decisiveness of Vicky.

Vicky also decided to teach his women how to fight properly.

They have to build up their power so that they can defend themselves in the future when necessary.

Rita Skeeter did not put an article about Hagrid instead she wrote an article about Vicky being the most handsome man in the future.


There is nothing new after that and Vicky started giving his women the battle lessons in the room of requirements.

Also Vicky gave them some special medicinal extract that would strengthen their bones and muscles.

It was not for drinking but for bathing.

They would enter the room of requirements together and Vicky would leave after arranging them.

After an hour Vicky would visit them and start giving them some lessons for fighting.

Vicky prepared full body dresses for them so that they can move freely with while fighting and exercising.

This dress has also outlined their beauty to the next level making them look beautiful with great curves.

They blushed at first but concentrated as Vicky taught them.

The medicinal bath should be taken for a month.


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