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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 21: homeless people barged into Vicky’s house

Vicky escaped silently so as not to die in her hands for knowing her secret.

Well another scapegoat took his place which is none other than Roy that appeared in the treasure room to die in Nisha’s hands.

After stepping into the apocalypse land there is no use for Roy as there are powerful hunters in the apocalypse land.

So he was killed there but Vicky survived without talking about what he heard and saw at that time.


Vicky closed off the doors and stayed at home during that time.

Every day he would eat a different variety of food that he cooked.

He would cook the rice using the solar heaters while the curries were made in advance.

Because of the stagnant time the curries are all piping hot with strong delicious smell coming from them.

Vicky started to cook some dishes that did not have strong smell and store then during his free time.

Since he lives at the 20th floor the smell would not go down much.

Also his movements would not create too much sound because of the sound proofing.

Even if someone comes here to check Vicky can switch on a strong fan to blow the food smell out and store the materials inside the warehouse immediately.

The cooked materials are packed in the disposable boxes.

They were placed in the place of materials that were used to cook.

He can still cook at this time but in the future there will no chance.

At that time there will be no food and everyone would be vigilant to smell of food.

Also during the extreme heat time the smell would float up while the heavy rain disaster time and extreme cold time the smell would float down.

So he can only cook now and later time he will not be able to cook.

During the extreme cold time there are mutated beasts that would be attracted to smell.

So cooking at that time is very hard.

Anything he wants cook and all the preparations should be done at the current time.

So he is cooking every day or at least making preparations by chopping vegetables or preparing ingredients.

The third time the government officials came is right on 15th December which is also the last time they appeared.

Vicky did not buy anything this time instead he only collected the rations.

On that day Nisha did not came to him instead when he is cooking the smell attracted the people from the below floor.

Also the people from the 1 to 10 floors have climbed because of the flood.

They are living in the corridors or living in some easy target rooms or some free rooms in the building.

On the top floor Vicky occupy a flat and the remaining two flats were left alone.

2 days back some people tried to live in those rooms but they vacated immediately on the second day because of the extreme heat in those flats.

It is like being put in an oven.

They also knocked on the door of Vicky and immediately left after looking at his dead fish appearance.

All the sweat along with the makeup that Vicky put on has made it look like he was suffocating.

Those people pushed Vicky and went into the room to see if there is a possibility to live.

Vicky has already removed his air conditioner and the outdoor unit.

So they did not find anything other than a fan that is trying its hardest to blow the air with the help of solar energy.

They found the salt packets on the side which was looted by them as they left the house.

These people did not have a house to live and their supplies are looted by others in the name of sharing.

So the people became like this.

They don’t know that the salt packets were replaced with colored sand instead of salt.

So they took it.

Vicky did yell at the people with weak voice as if venting his anger at them.

But no one cared.

Only Nisha felt that Vicky was acting.

When these people went in and came out of Vicky’s house many people thought that the supplies in Vicky’s room were stolen.

So they would not search his house again anytime soon.

Vicky cleaned up the house and started to get busy with his work again.

Also some mosquitoes came into the house so he used the mosquito and other insect repellants to send them out and lock the doors.

There are electric bats that he used to kill the mosquitoes at the fastest speed.

The people that just left thought that the smell of cooking came from some other apartment building.

This is their thought and Vicky became a free spirit cooking and exercising.

Nisha naturally heard of what happened but she did not believe that Vicky is in such a week state.

She did not come out to check as there are many mosquitoes outside and she doesn’t want to get sick at this time.

The medicine is not available and the medicine in her house is already hidden by her.

The people that came into Vicky’s house in the name of checking have already checked everything.

The hidden room was unchecked because they cannot find it.

Only after moving the things in the bedroom in a specific order, the door to the hidden bed room opens.

If it was not done properly then the bedroom would not be open.

The people that are hungry and had the mind to loot would not thing of so many things when they came in for looting.

They did not find any medicine or supplies.

They did find some rice porridge at the bottom of a broken pot in the kitchen.

But it was not enough to eat.

It should be cooked using the rice that Vicky got that day.

This is what they though before leaving.

Vicky specifically made this in advance……...

Chapter 22: high temperature 60 degrees during daytime

This is what they though before leaving.

Vicky specifically made this in advance and put it on for display to those hungry survivors.

Vicky did not kill them as there will be few more patrols for the next few months.

So he doesn’t want to be identified by the military and cops as dangerous element.

Well he can always kill one or two in secret and dispose of them.

But he would not kill so many people at the same time leaving witnesses.


The days were peaceful after the people searched his home as there are no more disturbances.

Well in 5 days on December 20th the water level reached the 15th floor.

The people below moved up and the already crowded place became even more crowded.

At the same time there is no one on the 20thfloor.

Even the corridor of the 19th floor is fine but coming to 20th floor is like standing in between two frying pans along with a hot sealed cooker.

So they dare not come to the 20th floor and occupy the floors below that.

Nisha and Roy are on the 16th floor.

Because of the fear that the 16th floor would be submerged the people did not bother with the 16th floor.

So all the people from 1-15th floor were either entered the flats of 17, 18 and 19th floors or stayed in the corridors.

16th floor also had water but that only came till their feet are submerged.

Vicky stopped cooking because there are too many people too close.

He has to wait for another 40 days before the water receded to the 10th floor.

After 6 months the water would go down all the way to the 2nd floor.

The evaporated water would not form clouds but increase the humidity.

But the humidity is not as high as to form fog.


10 days passed by and today is New Year.

The temperature has reached 60 degrees which is very high.

Vicky was managing somehow using the 4 air coolers set up around him in the small hidden bed room.

He is also eating some water melon that was previous cut into pieces, frozen and stored in the space for freshness.

The temperature in the night is more than 40 degrees in the floors below 18th floor.

The 20th floor has the temperature of 45 degrees and 19th floor has the temperature of 42 degrees.

Most people thought that Vicky is already dead if not for small sounds.

There are not many movements or sounds from the floor above.

Vicky became nocturnal and does his things in the night and sleep during the day.

No one came out to check anything in the top floors.

Well some came at the beginning to go to the roof to check if there is any water in the tank above.

But after that they did not came.

On the other hand after a month they adapted to the temperature of 40 degrees and they can move.

Well 40 degrees temperature is not strange in his country during summer.

So they quickly adapted and move during the nights.

The government people have already told them that the electricity grid was cut off.

So they can move in rubber boats if there is an emergency in their last visit.

They salvaged some rubber boats to go out and search for food and water in the night time.

Also they want to find out why the support from the government was stopped.

There is a big commotion as they started to fight for the rubber boat.

Some of them came to check the apartments on the 20thfloor to see if there are any rubber boats.

Well Vicky did not leave any and told those people that he did not have any rubber boats.

The people did not believe Vicky and searched the apartment again.

The number of people came here are only three.

Vicky became angry.

So he broke the legs of the three men directly.

The bones are broken and they were kicked out into the water so that they can fend for themselves.

There are sounds and calls for help from the three people, their relatives can only shout for help and look at the drowning people.

Not everyone knows how to swim.

Also the fall is very hard and they only heard the sound of call for help when they fell.

But after falling from the 20th floor to the water at 10th floor in the irregular posture they directly fallen unconscious and died after drowning.

The entire process only took less than 10 seconds.

The relatives of these people came to the 20thfloor to check but there is nothing to check here.

There are no witnesses that a lean and weak looking Vicky would push 3 people to their deaths.

Vicky even told them that they fought over something and pushed each other while arguing.

The people with the discerning eye can see that there are flaws in what Vicky said but they cannot speak about anything.

There is no witness or evidence.

Also these people came here to forcibly check the apartments.

So they are in the wrong.

Most of the time other than pushing those people Vicky did not open the mesh door of the apartment so that the mosquitoes and insects would not come inside.

Even when talking with those people that came to enquire about the three people, Vicky spoke to them through the meshed gate.

The person that looked like the leader of the group asked Vicky if he had a rubber boat for them to use.

Vicky simply told them that he did not have any rubber boat with him.

The people did not believe this but they still left.

The temperature here is unbearable for them already.

Vicky did not leave right now as he has no need to get anything for the time being.

That night there are people that went to……….

Chapter 23: political struggle in the apocalypse

Vicky did not leave right now as he has no need to get anything for the time being.

That night there are people that went to the check the situation outside.

Vicky went down to get some information when the people went out returned.

Because of the sudden rise in temperature along with the increase in the insects that caused the people to fall ill.

This caused the government people to severely understaffed.

Because of the submerging of many stores the medicine was unavailable too.

At the same time the high humidity and temperature has caused many medicine to spoil along with the food grains because of improper handling.

Well even if there is good medicine the rich would take it with them instead of letting the poor people get their hands on it.

It is common anywhere in the world.

The remaining officials are taking care of their own and the big rich people.

This is one of many rich communities so they at least got a little help.

This is not all.

There is news that the extreme heat might recede in a month or so.

It is caused by global warming or some other nonsense.

After they arranged the rich the remaining people would be able to receive help and support from the government.

This is all the news that they got.

There is no big store organized by the government or the information of the grain that was originally allotted for the rescue operation.

Others don’t know but Vicky knows the inside story.

It is true that the official rescue people became understaffed.

But the grain was actually taken over by the local tyrants that got news from the higher circle that the current situation might not end any time soon.

So the local tyrants were ordered to get as many trusted people as they can to take the grain and form a power groups in that location by their respective leaders.

They would blame some other party for this and gain the political advantage in the future.

They are not the only one with this thought.

Other political parties are also doing the same.

Many countries are like this.

The people are still fighting for power even when they are facing the natural disasters.

They would save the people from their community and their followers.

The fence sitters and people that do not support any one would be the ones dying first.

But they are high in number when compared to the other political groups.

When the desperation take over these people, the people from the political groups come out and pull the people into their groups in the name of saving.

They want to use this stunt to take over the public.

As for the dying people they would not care.

Also there is no one to take revenge on because there is no one that caused this effect in the local area.

The people that caused this are the high level players that are controlling the country.

All these people are just collateral damage.

Since there is no media to play the show the world becomes even more out of control.

When there is media and network these people would at least show fear that there might be punishment or loss of popularity at the end.

But now there is none.

So there is no need to put on the show.

The true nature of the humans would come out immediately finding that this disaster is a long lasting one.

Before the top scientists and climatologists find the solution for the current situation, things would not get any better.

But in this way most people can be preserved like self micro management.

Actually Vicky doesn’t want to interfere with the group play so he kept silent.

But at the end of January the food reserves of the entire community would be spent and the people would become desperate because of hunger.

At that time the people from the political group would come over to win over the people into their ranks.

They would start with the rich communities because the people here have strong influence to gain more people.

Also the people here are more likely to live with medicine than the people in the slum areas during the time of the big flood.

In the past life at that time Nisha clanged on to the thigh of Roy.

Roy clanged on to the thigh of the political leader that is in friendship with the mafia boss that stored the guns at the warehouse at the docks.

Roy used this and his family background to go with them to survive.

Because of having the support from the strong Roy became the leader of the community and became even more arrogant.

This time Vicky would still go along with them.

But not to salvage things for them instead he gets their things for himself.

Vicky doesn’t know where there people hid the food from the granaries.

They also have hot weapons and many valuables that are taken from the banks like gold, silver and gemstones.

These things might lose value during the apocalypse here but in the apocalypse land these things have great value.

Vicky has left some space specifically for them.


After the cold age the sky became clear but the sky had 9 suns in the day and 16 moons in the night.

There are strange rays from these suns that caused rapid mutation in the plants, beasts and even humans.

Sun is not the only cause the volcanic ash that flew over before also has some strange materials from inside the earth.

People would be able to use some strange abilities unique to their own.

While the people are struggling they found that the earth has become a part of the bigger world called the apocalypse land.

In the apocalypse land there are many moving cities that move from place to place avoiding the natural disasters.

There will be other races of people there too.

They have this strange status cards that can let people quantify their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities.

These things also identify the affinity of that person along with the ability they awakened.

Know what they have awakened they will be able to develop towards that skill tree.

Not only plants, human and beats but also the metals………

Chapter 24: fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats

Know what they have awakened they will be able to develop towards that skill tree.

Not only plants, human and beasts but also the metals and gemstones mutate.

Even though the chance of mutation is very low the final results are valuable metals and materials.

But the problem here is most of the materials are scattered and they will be collected soon.

When they are collected Vicky would snatch them silently and leave this place.

By that time Roy would already die.

Right now Vicky is in contact with the local tyrant and the mafia boss instead of Roy.

Even though Vicky did not have any strong background there is still boss Oba that is alive and kicking.

He would be enough to deal with many things.

The people moved around during this time in groups and they salvaged some more rubber boats form other buildings through various means.

After the previous incident Vicky was not disturbed and Vicky did not go out either for a few days.

Even if Vicky went out it would not bring in any benefits.

The things that he wanted to steal are currently underwater and Vicky doesn’t want to risk it.

Around the end of the month the water level would be below 10th floor.

At that time the people would come to gather people.

The reason why they are looking for people is because the place they want to salvage is still in half submerged state and there are some dangerous.

If they were scratched by a metallic thing or infected by the water mixed with all kinds of sewage, it would be nothing more than a death sentence.

There is no medicine right now and most of the medical stores are already under water.

Other than that the medicine for infections and tetanus required to be maintained at specific low temperature.

After a month of waiting all the medicine should already be damaged.

So those people want free labor to do the world for small amounts of food.

Vicky would not take Roy and Nisha for this thing at that time.


Time passed by and the struggles below increased day by day.

There are people that have the fear of death and became bold instead.

They started to touch the wives of other people causing conflicts.

Also there are times when those people silently steal the food from others and eat it.

There are problems with hygiene as everyone needs to go for nature calls.

The stench of the water mixed with human waste and drainage water is already unbearable.

But now there people that do the thing and did not clean their asses causing more problems.

Along with this the bad hygiene attracted the mosquitoes and fleas that are bigger in size.

They have adapted to the current weather and evolved.

The food and water that was left out was contaminated by the fleas.

Well it can still be saved but the mosquitoes are unbearable.

Whenever they stung would cause red rashes, pain and strong itch.

This is not all it might even cause sudden illness.

Falling ill at the current situation is nothing more than signing a death warrant.

So even with the high temperature and unbearable stench people are wearing thick clothes that cover their entire body.

On the contrary Vicky was inside his house covered with meshed doors that would not allow mosquitoes or other insects.

The stench was also very less as Vicky specifically used some air filters and room fresheners.

Most of the time the room was closed and the ventilators have air filters arranged during the renovation.

So Vicky was the happiest of all the people present here.

Vicky is doing his daily routine exercising and eating every day.

On January 15th the water level dropped further down below 10th floor.

But the place is like a steamer.

At the same time the water became more concentrated with the dirty water and human waste that is continuously increasing.

This is not all but the number of people that became ill also increased.

Every now and then, in the evening after the sunset the people of the community would take the people that are ill to the hospital.

Unfortunately they all know that the hospitals no longer had medicine and they did not even have doctors or staff.

They are saving their own lives and the lives of their family members.

So the trips of the people are wasted.

Most of these doctors are also divided between the political groups.

The people in power here are very adaptable and found what they should get first.

Among them along with food, water, medicine there is also doctors.

Time passed by more and the water levels decrease also very slow.

The previously submerged rooms are not out but they cannot live in there as the rooms are filled with all kinds of sewage.

At that time another problem started.

It is the problem with cockroaches and rats.

The number is so high that they are literally everywhere.

Vicky has sealed all the piping connections with cement and there is no entry to his room.

He can see through the mesh that there are cockroaches that are flying around and rats that are trying to bite the iron mesh.

Well they would not come out at the day time but comes out during the night.

Vicky dropped some rat poison in the corridor to kill them but the toxicity in them is not strong enough to kill these cockroaches or rats.

Well they will not be able to enter inside so Vicky was doing his things peacefully.

At the end of January the food reserves and water reserves of most of the people were completely gone.

There are people that went out to salvage food and water from the submerged stores.

It was very hard as most of the food was spoiled after a month of soaking under the heavy pressure of water.

If they found something intact then……….

Chapter 25: met with boss Oba again

It was very hard as most of the food was spoiled after a month of soaking under the heavy pressure of water.

If they found something intact then the fight started.

On 30th of January the water level dropped to the 6th floor and stopped there without going down.

The air is already saturated and the water would not go down any more for the time being.

Vicky knows this.

On this day after the sunset some boats arrived at the location.

It was the people from the local tyrant are here.

They came here to get some free labor.

At that time Vicky saw someone he knows in the group.

It was a man working for a mafia boss that Vicky met before.

Even though the sun set there is still some light to recognize the faces of these people.

Vicky carefully locked the doors after putting on a full body dress covering everything except for his face.

Then he went down.

Roy and Nisha have already reached down to the window of the seventh floor.

They are talking to the person that belongs to the political party as Roy is talking to them about his family background.

Vicky came down to call out for the person he knows after squeezing out of the group.

Vicky is wearing the dress that has the stench similar to them.

It was the dress that he is using to wipe out the sweat every day to make it dirty with strong smell.

Vicky did this so that other people would not find out about his current happy life.

Also he looked so lean that it is hard to tell if he is eating properly.

The man that belongs to the mafia boss recognized Vicky.

Vicky asked about boss Oba and found that boss Oba is with the mafia boss.

Vicky asked if those people can take him to boss Oba.

Vicky has a rubber assault boat but right now taking that out is not good.

So he decided to ask the other party for lift.

Any way Vicky knows that boss Oba was as strong as the mafia boss when it comes to network.

So if they are working together then things would go much smoothly.

This is the same in the previous life where this opportunity was taken by Roy.

But now Vicky is going to step up and take the things.

Vicky was sure that boss Oba would definitely take Vicky in for work because Vicky is very efficient and would not ask any questions back.

Because of this reason Vicky was preferred than other employees.

Other party discussed about this and they know that boss Oba has a good standing in the current circle.

So Vicky was called to go along with them.

They came to the window of the seventh floor and Vicky safely jumped onto their ship.

Roy tried his best to show off his family background but they need to verify things with their boss about Roy.

So they said that they would first enquire and speak to them on the next visit.

Vicky has already taken everything that needs to be taken in his apartment.

There is nothing there right now.

The reason for this is very simply.

Vicky was sure that these people would definitely enter into his room to check.

Vicky survived the strong heat head on and even came down all the way from 20th floor.

This proves that Vicky had something to eat and they did not find it in the last search.

Also the three people that died should have found out about the food Vicky hid so Vicky killed them.

When people are starving they don’t need a strong reason to act.

The little thought of Vicky having food are enough for them to break into his apartment.

Well Vicky did not care about that.

But he was sad that the apartment that he specifically made by spending lot of money has become like that.

Any way the secret room is not accessible so he doesn’t have to worry about sleeping.

As for the remaining rooms he would take care of them after coming back.

Vicky was taken to another community that is even richer.

The big people are staying here.

Each of them has occupied an apartment floor and the water level here is even lower than many places.

Also there is no stench and the number of bugs and insects here are also less.

Vicky was taken in to meet with boss Oba.

Well the meeting is at the lower floors as the big people did not want the stench to come to the upper floors.

Boss Oba came down and found that Vicky is still alive.

After finding that Vicky is alive and kicking, boss Oba immediately decided to take Vicky in for work.

He has observed Vicky for a year and Vicky never complain and does the work in the best possible way.

Also Vicky plans everything perfectly without any problem.

In the end times, gaining a capable and trusted subordinate is one of the most problematic things.

So boss Oba has assigned Vicky to work for him.

Well Vicky cannot stay here but he can relocate to the apartments near the apartments here.

There is a big apartment building where the trusted people of boss Oba and the mafia boss are staying.

So boss Oba told Vicky to relocate to this apartment.

If Vicky wanted to steal the things then he has to relocate here.

Boss Oba called his other men to help relocate Vicky immediately also give Vicky some necessities like a rubber boat, food and water.

The men took Vicky back down and was about to take him back to his apartment.

At that time someone from the political leader side arrived telling the people that brought Vicky here to bring Roy back too.

So, two boats made their way to the apartment buildings that Vicky stayed till now.

When they arrived back Vicky hopped into the apartment building and the……...


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