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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 11: visit to New York, stealing spree in the night

Vicky collected them all.

All these were replanted in the planting area.

The planting area is very big that was around 5 square kilometers.

But this place did not allow storing objects.

Only plants can be planted here.

Also the planting area cannot stagnate time.

He relocated all the trees that have just matured after buying out the farm.

Main plants are always food items and plants mentioned by the system.


Back in the warehouse Vicky collected thousands of burgers of various models, pizzas, chicken wing baskets…….

All of them were also stored like a big wall.

There are cakes, and other baked food separated in boxes placed in order.


Boss Oba told Vicky that they are going to New York this week to deal with some big supplier.

Vicky’s eyes lit up and nodded his head.

Then next day they took the plane to New York, well not a continuous one but a changing flight.

After landing in the New York after the long journey they got into a hotel room.

For now Vicky was free to do anything he wanted that night.

Vicky went around checking the things that he wanted to steal that night.

Also he needs to stock up on more fuel.

This place is the best for all of that.

With his loot here he can completely fill up the fuel reserves that he allocated in the warehouse.

Other than that there are some high end off road vehicles and bikes that he liked.

Vicky wanted to get them all.

After a round up Vicky waited for the sun to set and then moved to various gas stations after putting on a mask.

Then he went knocked the people working there and then he pumped all the fuel out into his barrels.

He also let the system extract whatever it wanted to extract.

The repairing process is done but having extra is always good.

Vicky checked out an organic farm market and looked at the big freezers that store vegetables, fruits, meat.

That night he picked the lock and collected these materials too.

Even the electronic locks did not stop Vicky because of his knowledge from the future meeting Cyborg people in the apocalypse land.

The things here were taken and stored in their designated place ready to cook after he returns.

Having fresh vegetables is useless in the apocalypse time because it cannot be used for trading.

If a person has fresh vegetables then you don’t have be much intelligence to tell that the person has a secret.

But his containers are already full so Vicky plans to process the vegetables and meat direct for cooking like chopped vegetables and meat.

They will be stored like that and when he has time in the future Vicky would use them to cook.

Then he went to local electronic markets to steal the coolers and heaters.

Other than that some useful electronic equipment including solar equipment and many electricity storage devices were taken.

Then he went to some designer stores in the place to steal various usable clothes.

Then he went to take high end off road vehicles, Snow Chains Anti-Skid Emergency tiers and RV.

He also took the spare parts and other things along.

Then he went to the local gun store.

Unfortunately the guns in the gun store are downgraded version of original for the sake of public safety.

Vicky did not like that so he did not waste his time stealing these gun stores.

Also the security is stronger for the current him and he has many good things in that place.

His target for the night is food, clothes, water and transportation….

Vicky did not leave just yet as long as he got what he needed he let the system collect the materials required to repair the ark.

He did not forget to steal top brands of alcohol, tobacco and porn stores to get all the things there.

As for food side he looted dried fruits, nuts, spices, tea and few other things in large quantities.

These things are very rare in the apocalypse land.

At one place with just a kilogram of spices you can buy high powered rifle and 200 rounds of bullets.

So these things are the main focus than many other miscellaneous things.

The things in this country costs too much that is nearly 10 times higher than many places but the quality is guaranteed in most cases.

For other people it is hard to get these things with money but for Vicky that is stealing for free this is the best place to get things.

Vicky collected these things along with the fuel, coal, fire wood to the brim.

Vicky also collected many woman and baby products along with jewelry just in case for the future.

He cannot always stay single and he has to get a girl that is likes.

Not Nisha...

With the things collected Vicky returned back to the hotel in the appearance of a drunkard and went back to his room.

Before starting the loot Vicky bought some wine and went to sit on a blind spot to drink.

From there he changed his dress to collect the materials all over the place.

On the morning next day there are many breaking news about sudden disappearance of many materials.

Also because of the sudden disappearance of some parts of concrete in the buildings they collapsed.

Some cars lost important parts…..

People panicked but not that much because this has happened in the past few days

Vicky and his boss Oba went to meet with the supplier that then the supplier took them to a secret warehouse.

In the warehouse there are many weapons, bullets, explosives……..

Vicky looked at the area and found that this place did not have much security but this place is well hidden.

If they stay for the night again Vicky wanted to see if he can come here to steal all the things.

These here are real weapons.

Chapter 12: the final checks and origin of apocalypse

The location of this warehouse is in the suburbs.

So the number of people move around is very less.

Other than that Vicky also observed that there are a few warehouses that have canned food which include canned meat, vegetables, peas……

These belong to a company outlet storage warehouse used for shipping out of the country.

Vicky smiled like jerry that was about to steal the things of Tom.


That night boss Oba said to Vicky that they are going to leave tomorrow evening after their goods are successfully shipped on a ship.

Vicky nodded and that night he went out again.

The process is very smooth.

Vicky put on his night vision goggles to check the people and also took out his tranquilizer gun.

The tranquilizer in the bullets was made by Vicky and he is testing it on these people right now.

There are a few strong guards around the weapons storage site and Vicky checked the surroundings to see if everything is alright.

After making sure that there is no problem Vicky shot the people with the tranquilizer gun and then sneaked into the warehouse.

He turned off the surveillance cameras and then took everything here.

After he is done here he went to the canned food factory to steal their stored food.

With everything collected Vicky’s eyes twinkled because there are so many explosives in the warehouse.

There is one more place that Vicky raided that night.

That is the medical stores to collect all kinds of medicine that is required in various situations.

Vicky did not go anywhere else after that and returned back to hotel.

He has collected everything that he wanted here and the next thing to collect is back at Mumbai.

He is going to raid the granary for food.

Any way all that food would be underwater when the floods appear.

So on the evening next day Vicky left that place along with boss Oba and returned back to Mumbai.

After returning Vicky took rest for a day and then moved to collect the materials on the night of the next day.

Then he went to the warehouse that he rented to collect the materials here that are ordered to deliver that day.

After that he rented another warehouse that in the suburban area to cook the food with the materials that he got.

There are so many kinds of delicacies that he cooked and stored over time.

He even got a fridge to make cold food and ice that can be stored.

In the apocalypse time cooking is not easy and there are always people and beasts that would cause bigger problems.

So Vicky prefers cooked food to eat directly and the stored raw materials can be exchanged later.

Vicky has lots of salt and sugar of various kinds.

There is even glucose in his storage.

Also previous took his time to steal LPG cylinders in large quantities here and alcohol cylinders on the other countries.

While cooking Vicky took the time to make a checklist.

Water checked and stored.

Electricity checked and stored.

Food checked and stored.

Fuels checked and stored.

Transportation checked and stored,

Clothes checked and stored.

Weapons checked and stored.

Medicine checked and stored.

Electronic equipment checked and stored.


Vicky made a complete checklist of all the things and checked with the things in his ark space.

All the remaining things were to be delivered before the apocalypse.

So Vicky did not have any worry.

Well the apocalypse did not start on the very first day instead it started with an island or mountain suddenly appearing near the equator line of the Pacific Ocean.

It happened on first of November that is in a month.

For some reason, all the air currents and clouds were pulled into deep ocean area.

The clouds are dispersed increasing the humidity of the world directly.

At the same time it is as if there is a magnifying glass the surface temperature started to raise by sun’s heat.

It continued to rise around 1 degree per day till the end of November reaching the high temperature of 45 degrees on most places of earth.

It was a strange phenomenon as it should be winter with show but it almost felt like summer.

The temperature stopped rising because the ice at the poles started to melt and balance out the temperature.

But it only lasted for 15 days and then the temperature continued to increase at a faster pace.

The melted ice water has increased the water level submerging many big cities but it did not completely submerge because of water evaporation.

The air is too humid and caused the rapid increase of insects and at the same time the food storages also spoiled with worms.

On the day of New Year the surface temperature of earth reached 60 degrees and it stayed like that at coastal areas.

In the desert areas where the temperature has crossed 80 degrees almost frying the people alive.

At nights the temperature only dropped by 20 to 30 degrees at most.

But this variation in temperature has caused many young and old to die as they were unable to adapt.

This continued for 2 and half years when the governments of the world made many calculations finding that this was all caused by the island mountain that suddenly emerged at a perfect place.

It was too unnatural to believe but they had no choice but to believe this.

People are already falling into madness from all the heat, hunger and thirst.

The UN has decided to sink this island by sending the armed forces and missiles.

Unfortunately they did not calculate the situation properly or they did not listen to the worlds of the climatologists.

The island sank but in the next moment the humidity in the air rapidly became thick clouds starting to rain with heavy thunder, lightning and tornados.

This continued for 3 months when the tectonic plate where the island is……..

Chapter 13: black and white gun powder

The island sank but in the next moment the humidity in the air rapidly became thick clouds starting to rain with heavy thunder, lightning and tornados.

This continued for 3 months when the tectonic plate where the island is connected slide down like a huge bolder lost its tiny stopper rock.

This movement caused a tsunami but it also removed the pressure on the volcanoes of the pacific ring of fire.

People though that the first tsunami was the end.

They never thought that the pacific ring of fire started to blast off one by one causing continuous tsunamis.

Almost all the volcanoes in the world exploded one after the other causing a super damage to the living.

The biggest ones are the yellow stone volcano in North America that completely whipped out the North America and a major northern part of South America.

The remaining part of South America was submerged by the constant tsunamis from volcanic eruptions.

Only a small land mass was left standing.

Then on the other side of the world Mount Fuji of Japan exploded whipping out Japan completely.

Other than that the eastern part of china, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and few other island countries were affected by the volcanic eruption.

But most of them are already submerged because of the continuous hits from the tsunamis.

Also the volcano in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal exploded hitting those island nations to completely submerge from tsunamis on both sides.

Eastern part of India was severely affected and Bangladesh was mostly submerged into water.

The Hawaii volcano and few others in the Atlantic Ocean have exploded after the yellow stone volcano continuing to damage the European nations.

Africa has split in half and the volcanoes that are dormant started to explode almost clearing the southern part of Africa and major damage to the northern part.

Only a part of desert was left after the effect.

The volcanic explosions sank the Madagascar Island and heavily damaged the Middle Eastern countries and western part of India.

By that time most of the southern part of India sank leaving the Eastern and Western Ghats standing tall like an opened mouth of a underwater creature.

At that time the rains has a special change caused by the mixing of the acidic gases of the volcanoes.

There is a storm of stones, acid rains, and hail storm of acidic ice.

The climate on earth became so violent that there are tornados everywhere swallowing buildings and mountains.

This is at the end of the third year from the beginning of apocalypse.

The entire earth is covered with the cloud cover without letting the sun race touch the earth.

The world plunged into ice age.

The ice age lasted for 4 years and there are many strange beasts appearing out of nowhere during this time.

All the plants, animals evolved and there are even zombies that appeared out of nowhere.

No one knows how they appeared.

The humans also started to evolve during that time…………


While checking the things Vicky suddenly remembered that he did not buy the materials to make fire crackers.

Well actually a little change in the composition of the materials that make firecrackers is the gun powder in the early day.

It is called black gun powder because of the smoke and carbon they use in it.

Black gun powder consists of a fuel charcoal, oxidizer saltpeter or niter, and stabilizer sulfur as contents.

Currently all the bullets are made of smokeless gun powder made from nitrocellulose as the base material.

The black gun powder with a little change of materials is used in making fire crackers.

Vicky immediately ordered them in large quantities from retail sellers to deliver to his warehouse that he booked anonymously.

The information from retail sellers will pass back very slowly.

Before the information become serious the apocalypse starts.

So Vicky is not fearful about this thing.

He directly ordered the things and rented another warehouse.

The money on his hands was almost spent and he was only left with a little more than a million rupees.

This should be enough to get through the times till the money becomes useless paper.

Well that is enough in one day the goods would be delivered.

Vicky would stay at home tomorrow so it was easy for him to receive the goods.

The time is also reaching close to apocalypse time.

His apartment was already rearranged.

His high end community is in a good place very close to the mountains in the Mumbai city.

In the last life when the ice melted his apartment sank all the way to 15th floor.

No one came to pressure him as his house is at the very top with too much contact with the sun in the extreme hot days.


On the next day boss Oba called Vicky to tell him they are going to Japan tomorrow.

Vicky did want to collect few other things here.

This place has hundreds of anime, porn, comics, and novels…….

Vicky has downloaded many things previously but there is still more he needed from here.

Some things can only be bought by hand.

His salary is still unused in his account.

So he was going to use them to buy the things here.

By the time they return it would be the end of November first week.

Their trip this time takes a long time over 10 days of time.

There are various local mafia gangs here.

Boss Oba has clients in few of these gangs so Vicky is going to travel to too many places here.

Well it will help Vicky get few more things.

Unfortunately everyone here died after the extreme heat.

Only a few people survived the disaster that moved to inner places of Asia and Europe.

Well that is just hundreds of them.


The trip is very fruitful for Vicky as he got all the things he wanted.

There are many offline games along with……….

Chapter 14: the apocalypse started

During the trip he saw the news about the sudden island in the Pacific Ocean.

The trip is very fruitful for Vicky as he got all the things he wanted.

There are many offline games along with gaming consoles.

Vicky stored them all in the warehouse space and he can play them at any time he wanted in the future.

Some of the local delicacies were also collected in food packages for eating later.

With that Vicky and boss Oba returned back to Mumbai.

When they returned back the temperature is already over 35 degrees in India.

It is abnormal throughout the world.

So Vicky asked boss Oba for leave for a few days.

Boss Oba also did not have any delivers or exchanges till after Christmas.

So told Vicky to take rest and let him have some good time with a little bonus for the Christmas and New Year.

Vicky directly got 2 months of holidays and even bonus.

Vicky got the bonus money which is around 200 thousand rupees.

Vicky went to spent it on some snacks and small things.

Vicky returned to his apartment.

He already ordered a take out for that day.

That evening Nisha came to Vicky to ask him about the bronze pendent.

Vicky invited her inside and politely asked her if she wanted to drink something.

He gave her some tea but the quality is as cheap as Nisha.

She frowned thinking Vicky should be earning more after going along with boss Oba why is his things so cheap.

She doesn’t know that Vicky only serves something like this for her because of her cheap character.

She did not bother with that thing instead she asked Vicky about the information on bronze pendent.

Vicky simply told her that he pawned it off with someone when he was short on money for her gift and then he got it back later.

This created black lines on her head thinking that the other party that is the owner of the pawn shop might changed the thing.

With that thought she immediately asked for the address of the shop from Vicky.

Vicky told her the address of the store that was now collapsed after the ark space absorbed its materials.

That store is still not open and it is an empty lot now.

With that Nisha left without even drinking the tea.

She also felt that Vicky is too lean and haggard.

Well it was the misconception created by Vicky.

His muscle quantity did not increase instead his muscle density increased.

Also he wears baggy clothes, face and visible skin has special oil mixed with natural cream.

All these things make him look like he was haggard and lean.

In reality Vicky is very strong right now.

He can single handedly kill 10 people quickly with his techniques.

With cold weapons 20 people is a breeze.

If there are hot weapons then he can take on 50 people easily.

If he sets up an ambush or planned attack he can kill 100 people and escape.

This is Vicky’s current capabilities.

Mind that it was normal citizens but not trained people.

If it is trained people that number would be reduced by 3 times.

Vicky did not bother with anyone and continued to cook at his home, pack them and stored them in the space.

But the warehouse is already filled to the brim.

Vicky cooked with the things that he buys outside every day instead of using the things that are in the warehouse space.

It was finally the end of November and the temperature has reached 45 degrees.

The climatologists gave the report that there are some solar flares and under ocean heat waves that caused this incident.

Some intelligent people pushed this to blame global warming.

Some people said that it was caused by the secret experiment from some peace loving countries.

Some people said that this is the end of the world and a new era would begin after the cleansing.

Some people pushed the blame to god saying that he is punishing us…….

Vicky looked through the messages and information patiently without much fluctuation in his heart.

The one that talked about the end of the world and the new era is actually true.

But all the other things are just nonsense.

Unfortunately the one that talked about the end of the world and the new era formation was just an otaku and he was condemned by all.

While he is watching the news Vicky started to eat some ice cream peacefully.

He was on a strict regime during this time to make his body fit so the number of delicacies he ate is very less.

Most of them were bought and stored in the space for later use.

Since he cannot go out right now, he has decided to eat something to cool off.

Well the exercise will continue every day.

Vicky has already put solar panels outside to charge all his solar equipment that he bought recently that needed to be charged once.

While at that he collected water into big drums from the pipes for drinking and washing.

Soon there will be problems of power outage and water problems.

As long as there is no power the motors would not work and there will not be any water.

Even if they collect solar panels to power the motor how long can it run with the old wiring?

Vicky would take time everyday to bask in the early morning sun from the big open window in the flat.

He applies special oil on his body that would keep his skin from tanning but it will let him adapt to the sun quickly.

Also this oil is very good for body to strengthen the bones and nerves.

This is one of the tips he got from the medicinal book from ark library.

Also it is working perfectly.

Vicky experimented with it and he felt the difference just after a week of usage……..

Chapter 15: sky high prices

Also it is working perfectly.

Vicky experimented with it and he felt the difference just after a week of usage.

So he continued with the process.

This is not all Vicky has made an escape route for him when the rains started.

At that time he has to leave this place if not he would be buried under water.

Vicky did not cook any food during this time because the smell would attract too many people.

Previously when he cooked after coming back in November there are many people asked in the community group about who cooked the delicacies.

In the last week November the temperature still did not drop but people started to drop because of sun stroke.

Passersby would call the ambulance if they saw them on time if not they would die on the road.

Well the people that called would usually call for sympathy and righteous behavior to post in the social sites.

As time passed by there are more and more of these cases all around the world.

Some enthusiastic people that promoted that the end of the world is coming to stock up supplies put on videos of their collection.

But in the later days these people were killed and robbed for food in the early apocalypse days.

He remembers that on 20th of December the temperature reached 50 degrees with the sea water level increased by 50 meters.

The water came all the way to the apartments filling up to the 15th floor.

But later the water receded to the 10thfloor because of the extreme sun.

The people felt like they are boiling alive.

Well that is after 20 days from now,

45 degrees is not a suitable temperature to go out for work or study.

At 45 degrees of temperature most people would have sunstrokes and hallucinations.

So the schools are closed early before conducting the exams before the winter holidays.

At the same time the work for most people was changed to work from home.

There is no wind and even if it blows a little it was the hot wind mixed with high humidity of water vapor.

Vicky stopped his adapting process and did the exercises only feeling up the sun at early morning for 5 or 10 minutes.

The sounds of asking for help would be heard from time to time because of the elderly unable to hold the temperature and high humidity.

The motor is already not in working state as the place began to submerge by the dirty water from the flood after 3 days at the start of December.

During this time the ice caps and the ice at poles started to melt at an alarming rate.

The power supply lines of community are gone but the internet is still working.

The power and water is gone making people sink down to despair.

Some people want to take the opportunity to leave at night to a high altitude area of surrounding mountain villages.

Well the water level only came till the knees of the adult in the first 3 days of December.

But they did not expect that there are lose power supplies in the water that still has power supply.

These things caused the people to electrocute and die when they are moving.

The work and production completely stopped except for few emergency services.

Vicky looked through the news on the phone during this time to see about the situation of the world through internet.

Most of the places are in the same situation and the power and water all over the world is gone.

Some special places still have power but they are military facilities.

The places near the coast lost the power supplies and water supplies because of extreme heat and submerging.

The places in high altitude have even higher temperature reaching 50 degrees directly burning the power supply lines and the underground water was also evaporated.

So the news updates are also gone.

But the network would work till the day of Christmas when the temperature reaches 55 degrees and then it will be offline too.

People have to rely on radios if they had to know the news from the government stations.

The charging in the phones has drained after the usage of phones for a few days after the power supply is gone.

Well there is relief from the government during the time as they came on boats to deliver some news from the government.

The news is that there will be distributing food packets and water as ration during the specific times in the evening.

The people should come with ID to get the ration.

There are armed people that came to help the person that distribute.

Also they mentioned that there will be government market where people can use their money to buy the things.

This was also arranged along with the ration people from the private market chains supporting the government.

So after receiving the rations people can buy the things from another boat that acts as market.

Vicky specifically saved 100,000 rupees in cash for this kind of situation and converted the rest into gold for later usage.

The market on the boat will only be there for a few days before the water level rises and temperature increases to 50 degrees.

After that even they would not make any move.

That is they will come two more time before completely stopping.

Now the cost of 1 kilogram of rice that is barely acceptable quality with at least 100 grams of dirt and stones would cost 1000 rupees.

With the same amount of money people could buy over 25 kilograms of rice just a month ago.

If it is sugar or salt or pulses or other things then the cost would be even higher.

They are selling water too.

1 liter of drinking water costs over 200 rupees.

The purity of water is not guaranteed.

Vicky plans to buy 50 thousand worth of things now and the next two times he would buy……..

Chapter 16: big purchase with sky high prices

The purity of water is not guaranteed.

Vicky plans to buy 50 thousand worth of things now and the next two times he would buy 30 thousand and 20 thousand after that.

This way he can come out the eyes of many people without getting into much trouble.

The people in the community have more money than Vicky has on his hands.

They should at least have 100 thousand rupees in cash.

He has already bought the heat insulated curtains before when renovating the flat.

Now he installed them so that the sunlight would not fry the room.

That evening Vicky went down the apartment building along with everyone when the big rubber boats arrived with many supplies.

There are men with guns on both sides and they moved from one apartment building to another.

There is water everywhere and it has already reached 4 feet from the ground.

Unless that person knows to swim they cannot get into the water.

Also this water is mixed with all kinds of sewer water.

So getting into the water is no better than rubbing many kinds of infections.

In the current situation getting infected is nothing more than death sentence.

The hospitals are already full with the people that were stung by the mosquitoes with high fever and other problems.

So this arrangement is made.

The current big supply boat is rations boat.

Every person would receive 2 kilograms of rice and 3 liters of water for week.

This is possible because they are living in high end community with many rich and influential people.

If it is not like that then the things would be much worse.

After giving the rations the supply boat move forward.

There are no vegetables or other things in the ration which shows that things are even worse.

The quality of rice is also not good.

It can spoil at any time in the humid atmosphere.

Behind the rations there is another big boat filled with supplies.

In that a merchant appeared with a price list with the list of goods.

Vicky looked at the prices and his eyes did not show many fluctuations.

He has seen this already.

Right around that time Nisha and Roy were also there.

Nisha came to Vicky to ask him if he could buy some pulses and meat for her.

The cost of meat is 20,000 per kilogram.

She is so shameless to ask such a thing.

Vicky sneered inside his heart and looked at the list of things.

He did not answer to Nisha.

When it was his turn to buy the things Vicky simply moved forward to buy another

8 kilograms of rice costs 8,000 rupees,

10 bottles of water costs 2,000 rupees,

5 kilograms of pulses costs 10,000 rupees,

2 salt packets costs 10,000 rupees,

2 kilograms of sugar costs 10,000 rupees,

2 kilograms of potatoes costs 5,000 rupees and

2 kilograms of onions costs 5,000 rupees.

The total cost of all the things is 50,000 rupees.

There are no preserved foods like biscuits, chocolate and other things.

The next time they come they cost of the products doubles again and the number of items decreases.

The sudden increase in the humidity and temperature directly spoiled many crops so there are very few vegetables.

Even the vegetables here are mostly spoiled.

Vicky took the things after paying in cash.

He did not even look at Nisha before leaving.

Nisha thought that Vicky saw or heard Nisha and Roy holding hands or kissing through some other means.

Well there are many people in their friends that would spoil the things of others as long as they cannot get them.

Many people tried to get Nisha but most of them were rejected and Nisha finally settled in for Roy.

So those jealous people might have informed Vicky about her.

This is not like that when Nisha went to find Vicky to ask about the bronze pendent.

So something happened in these few days.

“I should find a way to coax that idiot to get the food and money from him later.”

Nisha thought about Vicky in her heart and then she stuck to Roy to get some good materials.

Almost all the people in the apartments have few hundred thousand rupees as this is a rich community.

In a way Vicky can be ranked first from the bottom in the entire community when it comes to having cash.

Vicky returned back to the 20th floor with the things on hand.

In order to appear weak Vicky showed hard time carrying the load of 20+ kilograms of things.

He took pit stops many times.

Well all the people here appeared stronger and had more people to carry their things.

Vicky also lives at the very top floor that made it hard for him to take the things.

When he was out of sight from the people he moved quickly as if he was carrying a little sack of things.

After returning to the house he looked at the two big barrels that he prepared before for drinking and washing.

He then went to the water pipes to black them with the steel seals that he arranged previously.

Every pipeline is sealed.

If he wants to go for toilet or other natural calls then he would go for it in the big bathroom in the ark bed room to clear them.

In the past 365 days he has accumulated over 360 hours that gives him time to stay in the space for 15 full days.

This is very important thing and he doesn’t want to spoil the peace of mind that he usually has.

So there is no problem.

He first took out the salt that he just bought and checked it carefully.

It is a cheap quality salt and there is a chance of having kidney problems consuming this.

Vicky doesn’t want to use this but save it for exchange when he arrives at the base later in 2 years…………..

Chapter 17: Nisha has a system

It is a cheap quality salt and there is a chance of having kidney problems consuming this.

Vicky doesn’t want to use this but save it for exchange when he arrives at the base later in 2 years.

He changed the cover of the salt and filled the salt in the original pack with white colored powder of dirt and sand.

For other it would still appear as salt but in reality it is colored sand.

Vicky prepared this for the people that are going to raid him for his materials.

He is considered weakest in the apartment and currently the world order is fine.

At the start of January the fall of the world order starts.

At that time many atrocities can happen.

Compared to them looting and killing are small things.

The buying thing happened in the evening around the sunset time.

After it was dark the room door of Vicky was knocked.

Vicky can guess that it was Nisha.

He looked through the cat’s eye and found that it was Nisha.

He was already ready to lose some food to her right now.

The reason is not that he cannot retaliate against her.

Instead he doesn’t want to draw attention towards him right now.

If she started to scream saying that Vicky did something to her then everything would be over.

All the people in the name of righteousness would attack Vicky.

Vicky can kill them all but the government people would come here 2 more times in the future.

At that time he cannot simply say that everyone died.

There are some influential people here and the results would be annoying.

Any way it was some broken food of cheap quality.

Vicky would exchange something good for this food.

Vicky reluctantly invited her into the house.

Vicky has already seen her and knows that she wipes her body with wet towels every day.

That is the reason she did not smell bad even after few days without bath.

After a few days she will be like other people to smell like died bugs and dried fish.

So if he wants to have fun this is the best time.

Any way she came here to get his food.

Vicky is currently wearing only boxers with his big brother bulging out and the living room did not have any strange things.

Vicky opened the door and looked at Nisha expressionlessly and said.

“What do you want?”

Nisha don’t know how to reply as Vicky did not even invite her into the house.

She was sure that some people should have talked bad about her to Vicky about her and Roy.

She thought that Roy had a strong body and background that can let her live a better life with his wealth.

Also looking at his handsome appearance she thought that he has a big brother in his pants that can satisfy her.

But sadly the thing inside his pants is smaller and weaker than a dried twig.

Few months ago when they got along well she offered up her first time to him and found this sad joke of a truth at that time.

He barely broke her hymen taking her virginity.

Well Nisha thought that she could enjoy his wealth and then have fun with other big men later.

But the strange weather broke out suddenly while Roy eats like a pig.

So the food they had is not sufficient.

Since she should act like a rich and delicate lady she ate less.

Even thought she has food in system space, she cannot eat it when Roy is staying with her.

She is a system user that awakened last year but she has to complete many quests to gain a little system space.

She got the space of 5 cubic meters 3 days ago on December 1st.

She found that Vicky had a space treasure from the system last year before her birthday after her awakening.

But she did not get that so she has no choice but to rely on her system.

Now she is trying to fill up the space with materials she collects through various means.

Her system did not tell her that there is going to be an apocalypse.

If not she would have already prepared for that and exchanged space with the quest points from the system store instead of increasing her beauty.

Now her beauty is as good as shit and it will only increase problems for her in this kind of apocalyptic days.

Right now she came here to coax Vicky into giving her some materials that he bought to store them in her space.

Also she wanted to see if Vicky has any other materials or money with him.

In order to get the things she don’t mind showing Vicky her body and even let him fuck her if necessary.

Any way Vicky was younger than many old men in the apartments and Vicky is considered to be a stupid nerd.

With this calculation she knocked on Vicky’s door.

But Vicky’s expressionless face has made her think that Vicky is not that stupid.

Also under the moon light Vicky’s body appeared to be quite strong especially the big bulge on the only clothing on his body.

That is his boxers are bulging as if there is something powerful behind it that wants to poke his boxers.

Compared to the pitiful twig of Roy this seems like a tree.

She subconsciously gulped down her saliva before looking at Vicky and said.

“Can I talk to you inside?

There are other people that might listen to our conversation…”

Everything she said is according to the calculation of Vicky.

He let her in and sat in front of her silently.

Vicky did not offer her anything.

This room is a little colder than outside which intrigued her.

But the renovation happened here few months ago came into her mind.

She subconsciously thought that Vicky might know about current strange situation before to make these………..

Chapter 18: Nisha asks for food

But the renovation happened here few months ago came into her mind.

She subconsciously thought that Vicky might know about current strange situation before to make these preparations.

But she immediately through this thought to the back of her head.

She looked at Vicky and asked.

“Vicky, why are you acting coldly to me?

Roy is only living with me because he did not have any supplies with him.

Also in these troubled times it is estimated that his flat on the second floor would submerge soon.

There is nothing between us….”

Vicky broke her words and said.

“Roy has over 6 friends in this apartment and most of them are men.

He can always stay with other men rather than staying with you.

Also I have seen the videos of your kiss and listened to your worlds and opinion on me.

So we did not have anything between us anymore.

If you want to speak about this thing then you can leave………”

Vicky said without any change of expression.

Nisha don’t know what to say.

So she thought for a while and said.

“At least for our past relationship can you please give me some food?”

She started to act pitiful shedding her crocodile tears.

She wants to use emotional kidnapping on Vicky.

Vicky smiled at her and said.

“Past relationship hah!

Did we really have something like that?

I was blind to love you before.

Did you ever love me?

Come to think of it you never even told me that you loved me.

You only called me to pay bill of your parties and luxuries with the money that I earned with hard work.

I have never even held your hand before or touched your pinky to.

So tell me, what is the past relationship that you are speaking of?”

Vicky asked without much of an expression on his face.

Nisha was speechless as everything Vicky said is true.

Vicky continued speaking…

“If you want food, I can give you but you have to exchange something for the food.

I don’t want money,

So you can think of a solution yourself.

I will not force you into anything….”

Vicky’s words implicate that “I want to fuck you.”

Nisha never though Vicky is capable of asking something like that.

She always thought Vicky as stupid nerd that is incapable of thinking this kind of things.

But now she felt that she is the stupid one.

Any way she was itching to have sex for a long time because of the accumulated frustration because of Roy that cannot even hold for even 3 minutes.

Also Vicky has loved her before for so long and looking at his body, that is made her swallow her saliva for so long,

She is willing to get fucked by Vicky even if he did not give her any food.

So she directly stripped her clothes saying that she still loves Vicky right now.

Vicky only smiled knowing what her thoughts are.

It is not love that he sees in her eyes instead it was lust.

She wants to satisfy her lust instead of mingling with Vicky with love.

Well he did not force anything and he is going to fuck her for the first time in the two life times.

In the past life he has worked to help her for so long but did not get anything from her.

She did not even let him touch her hand while having fun with strong hunters of the apocalypse land.

The strong evolved people are called hunters in the apocalypse land.

With the space treasure from Vicky she was able to survive for such a long time.

Vicky doesn’t know that Nisha had a system.


Well they had fun for 2 hours and Nisha looked completely satisfied.

During their fun Nisha told him that she never loved him and it was all her fault that she missed such a big thing to have fun with.

She even regretted losing her virginity to that small dicked Roy.


Vicky did not have any love for her and he was satisfied with fucking her.

He was refreshed.

She asked him to give her some pulses and Vicky gave her a kilogram of pulses and rice.

After that she left after saying that she would come to him again to have some fun when she is free.

She was not forced and she is collecting the food just in case if the current situation deteriorates.

Vicky is not going to play with her again as she would be completely smelly and mingles with other men later.

Even if Vicky rejected her she would do the same and even report to people that Vicky has loads of supplies at his house later.

She has used Vicky as bait to distract some monsters in apocalypse land many times.

One of those times has actually taken the life of Vicky.

Fortunately Vicky was able to come back in time because of the treasure crystal that he carried to distract the demon.

Thinking of that he was so angry that he wants to kill her but he stopped himself.

He wanted to see her dying slowly instead of easy death.

Well without the space that she should have gotten from Vicky she would die anyway.

One of his wishes was also fulfilled just now and he did not feel much satisfaction from her.

So Vicky felt disgust towards her rather than having fun.

She is walking a little funny right now after being pounded by Vicky for 2 hours.

He doesn’t know how Roy would feel.

Or may be Roy has sent her like this to collect more food.

Vicky doesn’t care about this anymore.

He simply took a good bath with cold water and then turned on his air conditioning.

Everyone switched to the solar panels before the flood came and they are using solar panels to run the air conditioning.

The air conditioning in Vicky’s room was new one that he……...

Chapter 19: weapons training

Everyone switched to the solar panels before the flood came and they are using solar panels to run the air conditioning.

The air conditioning in Vicky’s room was new one that he bought recently.

It consumes less power and can work in high temperatures.

So it should be the last one to be damaged in this apartment building if everything went according to his plan.

But Vicky would not be so stupid enough to let other people know that his air conditioning is still working while their air conditioners were broken.

Vicky would turn it off early and then switch it with the indoor air conditioners that he bought and connect it with the solar panels.

As for the wiring, he has many wires with him and he can change them if he wanted.

The indoor air conditioner unit would only make 56 decibels of sound.

This is easily negated with the sound proofing and the fan he had in his room.

So he is not worried about that.

He can use the big air conditioner later when he really needed.

Nisha that just left felt that Vicky seems more energetic and strong compared to his usual appearance.

She felt that Vicky is only acting weak in front of the people but he was very strong.

At that moment she got a doubt that Vicky found the secret of the bronze pendent and made a fake one to cheat others.

But it is not correct as he don’t know that she would ask for the bronze pendent on her birthday.

She is feeling more and more confused.

But one thing is for sure.

If the world really descends into chaos Vicky might survive but Roy would definitely die.

Roy has already contacted his family and they are going to send rescue for him in a few days.

But Nisha intuitively felt that things would not be as easy as they seem to be.

Well she returned back to her apartment and Roy asked why she was so late.

She simply gave an excuse that she has to coax Vicky to get his supplies.

When she showed him the rice that she got from Vicky while she hid the pulses, Roy became happy that he can make Vicky suffer.

He even thought that Vicky is stupid to believe in Nisha even after Roy living in her apartment for a month.

If Vicky was here and listened to the thoughts of Roy, he would be speechless for his intelligence.

Also no one knows what Roy wants Vicky to suffer so much and even Roy don’t know the answer.

He has this has the habit of taking things from the week and let the week people suffer.

He would enjoy seeing the week people suffer helplessly.

Unfortunately Vicky became his target after they got into this company.

Before that he has did things like that many times.


Vicky on the other hand took a cold water bath and then went to his bedroom to eat the steaming food while feeling the cold breeze.

Previously he did not take Nisha into his bed room to play instead he did the entire thing in the living room.

Also the bed room he had is further divided into two parts.

The small bedroom was placed separately behind a wall in specifically created small room.

This room is only a fifth of the original bed room.

The cooling effect, sound proofing, heat retaining and even has strong security here.

This room is also created by optical illusion so it is hard to find that this room exists.

Vicky specifically asked the designers to make this room.

Any way he has money and the extra money needed to make this room is only 100,000 rupees.

So he did not mind making this room.

Vicky completed his dinner while watching some animated series and then had a good night sleep.

He continued his days of exercise.

He did not go out during this time and mostly stayed at home.

He always calculates some things as the time of disaster is unpredictable and safety is the most important thing.

He started to practice with weapons every day,

He has prepared a katana when he went to Japan before.

It is a custom made with strong durability.

But it has blunt edges.

After coming back to India he found some people to sharpen its edges and complete the sword.

Not just one but a bunch of them are brought back and sharpened.

There are daggers with curved edges and a special composite bow with blades fitted to its edges.

The bow is made of high speed alloy that edges are arranged with blades.

The arrows were brought in large quantities.

There are more than 5000 special metal alloy arrows with perfect sharpened edges.

Vicky can make more if he wanted.

He contacted a weapons enthusiast to make the weapons he liked for full combat usage.

As long as there is money everything is possible.

Vicky did not use those alloy arrows instead he use some wooden arrows to practice during the nights.

Also every day he practices with a tranquilizer gun to improve his marksmanship.

He also has full metal spears and other cold weapons inside his space occupying their location at the training room of the space.

Yes training room has a warehouse that can store weapons.

So a part of the weapons were stored there to fill up the warehouse in the training room while the remaining was placed in the main warehouse.

Vicky has been training with these weapons for the past three months after the books on basic weapon training was formed in the library.

It is easy to learn form then as the detailing is too good.

Also the fist fighting technique in the books of the library is top notch.

As long as he immerses in the book the information would enter into his brain as if it was some sort of demonstration video…….

Chapter 20: crack in the humans moral face

Also the fist fighting technique in the books of the library is top notch.

As long as he immerses in the book the information would enter into his brain as if it was some sort of demonstration video.

It can be seen many times to learn from that.

This is the benefit of the books formed in the library.

Not only have these but the books on herbs and materials also had almost real life examples to identify the herbs and materials with a glance.

This is summer any way Vicky would turn on the air conditioning in the living room to train.

If he did not have that and increased his body temperature then it would cause him high blood pressure and other problems.

Soon it was 15th of December and the water level actually reached 10th floor.

Well everything is following the previous route.

Vicky let things happen while he trained indoor.

He stopped going outside because of the large number of mosquitoes and other insects that appeared suddenly after 2 weeks of floor.

The floor water contains high amounts of salt from the sea water so the insects took these 2 weeks of time to adapt.

Now that the insects have adapted their population exploded suddenly.

Vicky closed the mesh doors.

People started to wrap their bodies completely when they go out even thought the temperature is unbearably high.

The mixture of sea water and drainages started to ferment and release the stench.

At the same time the humidity and temperature created the perfect conditions for the bacteria and viruses to develop and evolve.

The people that got bit by the mosquitoes or other insects started to have various diseases.

The food that they stored in their houses started to spoil.

During this time Vicky used the remaining 50 thousand to buy some products from the merchant after receiving the government rations.

Previously Vicky wanted to spend in two sets but he changed his mind thinking that he can put better cover appearing as a person without money on the third time.

As usual Nisha appeared at his door wanting to gain some supplies from Vicky.

Vicky observed her during the last few days when she goes in out of many apartments with single men.

She would always come out with a bag.

How Vicky observed this is not some rocket science as he does some quickly exercise before taking a bath and resting at night.

This exercise is to run up the stairs during the dark time when no one is noticing.

Also he is practicing stealth so he keeps the sound to the minimum during his run.

Nisha now smelt like dead rat and her appearance is not that good looking.

Well she did not have space that she previously had so there is no water to wash and look beautiful.

But her system is helping her keep things on track.

Also her beauty stats are temporarily decreased after she did not get a chance to wash and dress up well.

Vicky looked at her and sent her away without even giving her a chance to talk back to Vicky.

The previous lust she accumulated towards Vicky has faded away in her heart.

She was frustrated in the past few days because the people in this apartment building could not satisfy her as good as Vicky did few days ago.

But now that Vicky sent her away she resented Vicky.

Vicky doesn’t know that sending her away without fucking her can cause such hatred.

Well even if he knows he would not care about that.

He always thought that she only relied on his space to gain all the benefits but he doesn’t know that she has a system.

After he sent away he continued to do exercise.

His vest line has already appeared and the packs on his body have formed long ago.

His muscles became strong and his bones are very hard.

His reflex has increased and the weapons training are also going well.


The people’s unrest did not start yet.

Only a small crack appeared on the morality face of the humans.

Vicky was sure that at the end of January they would start showing their true colors.

But no one would bother him because the top floor is like a frying pan when the temperature increases.

Most people would think that he is dead.

In the last life he went to the house of Nisha for refuge.

She let him in but also took all of his food and water.

She made him do all the chores and sleep on the floor.

Vicky already realized her true color at that time but he did not have a chance to comeback at that time.

He cannot go out or he cannot go back to his apartment.

There is also Roy with his gun that threatened to kill him.

With all these things Vicky can only swallow his grievances to follow her arrangements.

Every day she looked like she took bath and her appearance did not show much change during that time.

This made Vicky doubt on how she got water to bath and keep her beauty well at that times of water scarcity.

He only found the secret when he listened to her blabbering when she found a great treasure of some sort after 10 years.

At that time she entered an ancient ruin and though that there is no one behind her.

Vicky that was told to wander around to detect traps happened to be there at that time.

That ruins should be related to the progenitors that created earth and the ark that he currently has.

He only listened to few of her words before she discovered Vicky’s presence and stopped speaking.

Vicky escaped silently so as not to die in her hands for knowing her secret.

Well another scapegoat took his place which is none other than Roy that appeared in the treasure room to die in Nisha’s hands………..


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