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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 171: first god is lady fate

“…The people summoned on this island have 5 percent chance of gaining work related skills faster and the proficiency would improve faster.

This island will have 5 percent chance of aversion from being found by other people……..”

Mohini was happy with the extra benefits that this island gives her.

She shared this information with the girls.

At the same time Mohini has made Titia as official builder of the island.

This will give her ability to summon helpers after constructing the houses.

The summoned people will be like NPC characters till the ark island is upgraded to tier 7.

Also for these NPC characters the woman belongs to Mohini are like queens and goddesses.

They would never dare to think of anything lewd about them.

Well after tier 7 they will have their own thoughts and there will be loyalty meters on their heads toward Mohini.

Also at that time the ark islands will be open from outside people and there might even be spies from other ark islands.

Well that was all for the future and not for now.


Mohini completely the activation of many things and assigned some things based on the interests of the girls.

Then the building of altar comes.

The building process of altar would take 2 days if it was done by Titia alone.

But with the help of Mohini and other girls along with some NPC builders will not take that long.

It will be completed in half a day.

This is because Titia has already completed the preparatory world of arranging the rock pieces and other materials.


After the construction of the altar is complete Mohini went to inside the altar where the object of worship should be placed.

Mohini has already arranged the base of the god and other things.

Now she took out the seed of the god and she has already made her choice of what god she is going to worship.

It is not the goddess of lust or love.

It is fate.

No one in the world has very worshipped fate as their god.

Well in the ancient history it is said that there are people that worshiped fate as their god.

They called fate as destiny and the worshippers are fate weavers.


Well Mohini don’t know what kind of image they had for fate to worship but Mohini had an image in her mind.

Mohini bought two more seeds of god of higher level in the auction one is with a hybrid nature that they neglected letting Mohini receive at a lower price.

They thought that the duality nature seed of god is problematic.

The other is of high grade one too similar to the one that she got from beginner’s island.

She bought the extras just in case.

These seeds of god will always have market and some times the price may go up to double the price that he bought.

She placed the seed of god that he bought from the auction.

It is said that in the auction this was defective one with some cracks on its surface.

Mohini bought this one out of curiosity to study it.

Who would have thought that her special insight skill found that this seed of god is not broken but it is a clustered seed of god.

Well Mohini did not find any records related to this kind of seed of god but she has this intuition saying that this is the best one to use for establishing lady fate as her goddess.

The two defective seeds of god were bought by her at a very low price in the auction.

They are only worth around 2.89 billon chaos points.

If she has placed the one she obtained in the auction then it would have at least worth over 5 billion chaos points.

But those morons did not check auctioned seeds of god and directly believed the words of the auctioneer.

Originally they were auctioned for the researchers to study them and not to invoke them for a god.

Most probably these two were prepared for some protagonists that the will of the world arranges from time to time.

Like the legendary heroes from mythologies like Hercules, Perseus that appeared in Greek mythology.

They are originally from the real world and their actions were spread back to the sanctuary worlds.

These people are heroes or protagonists that are born and chosen based on the will of the world.


Mohini placed the cluster god seed on the prepared base are and started to imagine the appearance of the god he wanted to worship.

She chose the name of the god as Fate.

Immediately after that a bright magenta and golden hue appeared from the seed of god.

Soon after that the god seed started to melt and vanish completely.

At that place the magenta golden hue started to form the appearance of a woman.

A slender body with around DD- cup and a good sized ass with indistinguishable facial features,

They are perky but bouncy, soft but firm,

A long wavy hair that is of crystal colors with slight curls falling like water fall over her back.

Only eyes are clearly visible, they are big watery crystal eyes with retina having the color of deep magenta purple and gold color outlining it and long eye lashes.

All of this body was covered by tangible but intangible clothing that covered all of her body outlining her curves perfectly.

The entire image of the lady fate is visible but also invisible hazy figure showcasing her image of great divineness.

Mohini wanted to make a clearer outline but she doesn’t want to at the same time.

It is not that she can’t imagine but don’t want to imagine lady fate’s appearance.

She feels that she doesn’t have enough imagination to imagine the great beauty like lady fate with her measly knowledge of beauty.


As soon as she is done with the imagination she possible can a spark ignited within the image of lady fate……

Chapter 172: blessing from goddess fate

As soon as she is done with the imagination she possible can a spark ignited within the image of lady fate.

Then with a divine spark a life like 3 dimensional life like appearance of lady fate appeared at that place.

As soon as lady fate was worshipped as the main god of this altar Mohini received few sets of notifications.

Mohini though that it is the notification related to losing her new title from the goddess of lust.

But that is not it.

The title is still there instead it was the blessings that she received from the will of fate that she worshipped as the goddess.


+5 percent critical hit in all the positive things and -5 percent chance of receiving critical hit in all the negative things.

Player can now worship +2 gods as primary gods and later when the altar is upgraded you can worship 3 gods instead of 1 god.

This is because the god seed used for establishing the goddess fate is legendary grade.

If it is mythical grade then the number of gods that can be worshipped is increased by +3 along with the original chance of worshipping a god

The player will have 5 percent support from the law of causality and the butterfly effect in both real world and fantasy worlds.


Mohini lost control of her emotions because of all the great things that appeared in the notification.

It literally means that her likely chance of death was reduced by at least 5 percent in most of the sudden or unexpected cases.

That is a very good thing.

Then he looked at the increase of the number of primary gods that she can establish right now.

This means that he can actually establish two more gods in the tier 1 giving her two times the blessings than other people.

As for the other good blessing related to law of causality is really overpowered one.

Even though it is just 5 percent it can save his life at very critical moments and the smoothness of her plans.


With the happy situation Mohini shared it with her women making them very happy.

Then Mohini wanted to modify the altar so that it can accommodate two more gods right now.

But the positioning of these goddesses would be placed in a special way.

There is another goddess on the same level of will of fate.

That is the will of the world.

Mohini wanted the second goddess to be the will of the world from the god seed that she previously got from beginner’s island.

As Mohini instructed Titia told her that it would take an hour to adjust.

Then Mohini added another suggestion that is the third goddess would be arranged in the middle of goddess of the will of the world and the goddess of will of fate.

That would be the formed using the twin seed of god with the two goddess combined as formed twins.

This is the goddess of love and goddess of lust combined to take the location of the twin seed of god.

After what Mohini said these things were arranged by Titia and told him that the entire process would take 2 hours for all the things.

Titia told him to not to help her as she has a feeling that she can break through to the next level of her building skill.

So Mohini let her take the task while he and the other girls stood on the side to watch as Titia working.

Mohini told them that the next fantasy world that she is going to enter is the world of black lagoon.

She told the women about the story of the black lagoon and even let them watch anime.

Based on the story Mohini will be given a task to enter Roanapur through their own efforts and join in one of the strong groups and survive.

Joining the black lagoon will have highest achievements and joining the three major factions can result in a bit lower achievement and finally other lower levels are decided.

Also there is different side where the player can form their own group at Roanapur.

Both of these tasks can be achieved at the same time or other way around based on the wish of the player.

The main task is getting a foot hold at Roanapur.

After getting the foot hold, based on the affiliation of the player to a power the player will receive further quest along the world.

This is one of the longest worlds to stay in as a beginner.

Also in this world not only beginners that arrived along with Mohini but many other players with previous experience will participate.

The world is massive and the number of player that can enter this world can reach more than a thousand.

Mohini did not care about this because she is from a world like this and her nature can fit in perfectly with these thugs easily.

In a way one can say that Mohini is best fit in this kind of world.

While she is thinking the other women chose which women should Mohini bring back.

They have already accepted Mohini having a harem as they all became like a family.

So they are even choosing which women to bring from the fantasy world.

Well Mohini has her own plan and her women even analyzed the emotions and personalities of Mohini helping her in planning.

Being women they can find the loop holes of other women and they filled in all the details to Mohini that can help her in planning in the fantasy world of black lagoon.


By the time they are going though their discussion Titia came over saying that she has completed modification constructions.

Also she told them the happy news that she was able to break though in the field of being a builder.

With her current capabilities Titia will be able to construct buildings with very less losses….

Chapter 173: more gods more benefits

With her current capabilities Titia will be able to construct buildings with very less losses.

At that same time she will be able to extract more resources with very less losses too.

Now she can extract high tier resources and many more benefits……

With that the happy atmosphere they went inside the altar as Mohini want to establish the other two gods.

The goddess of the will of the world was imagined by Mohini was exactly the same as the image of the will of fate.

The difference between the two of them is their disposition of unclear images.

The goddess of will of fate has the playful and naughty image while the image of goddess of the will of the world is firm and kind.

Finally between the statues of the two goddesses the twin goddess of love and lust were imagined by Mohini

Both of them are images of love and lust but they looked the same in appearance.

Two statues hugging each other with G- cup tits with corresponding size of ass and slender curves.

They hugged each other gently with their faces facing towards Mohini.

One face is filled with love and the other face is filled lust.

A strange triangular line of energy is formed between the four of them with the goddess of will of the fate, goddess of will of the world and the twin goddess of love and lust forming the three points of a triangle.

Originally the lines of energy between the will of fate and the will of the world are fluctuating rapidly but because of the twin goddesses of love and lust the energy the lines of energy reached harmony.

The strange incident made Mohini and the girls shocked and excited.

This is because Mohini received a notification saying about three important things.

First her lucky pervert title became permanent.

Second her previous benefits of critical hits improved again by 5 percent.

In total it has reached a good number of 15 percent where 5 percent from her achievement, 5 percent from will of fate and 5 percent from will of the world.

It can increase all positive by 15 percent and reduce all negatives by 15 percent.

Third thing is that she has the blessing of the will of love and will of the world giving her a boost of 10 points of favorability with all plot line characters.

Also she has 10 percent increase in her charm stat points irrespective of the amount of charm points she has.

That is even if the charm points has reached the upper limit it can still give her extra benefits of increase in stat points.

One can say that Mohini really hit the jack pot this time and the combination of the gods that she established gave her the highest possible benefits.


With the arrangements done Mohini personally helped in the construction of the work shop where the NPC workers can live and the other facilities that are required.

They should take longer but with the help of Mohini and NPC helpers along with Mohini’s women the work only took a day to complete the ground work.

With that Mohini has to move on to his next task.

She has to go with the king of arms faction to get another rare grade chaos monster.

Also the resources of this resource island are very useful to Mohini.

Well not everything but a special rock that Mohini needed.

This rock has a special vitality that can be turned into dirt.

After the dirt is refined one can get vitality dirt which is green in color.

This vitality dirt can be used along with vitality pool water that she previously collected to make vitality pill.

Mohini bought this formula from the system before.

But there are other things that can be added to it to refine a pill that can have multiple stat improving properties like the one she got from the beginners island.

For example the mind essence mushroom that looks like a brain and soul essence flow that looks like a soul rather than a flower are some of the ingredients that Mohini wanted to find.

These things can let her refine a pill that she ate before.

But refining with not result in a single pill but it depends on how much she can put in her effort and her proficiency in refining.

Well she has already found information of the location of these herbs.

She just has to improve her proficiency in alchemy related to pill refining.

Mohini never likes to depend on other people when something vital is needed to be done.

Instead she would become proficient in everything.

This way when she required of something and there is no expertise nearby Mohini will be able to do it herself.

That is why she has so many gadgets and information on her hand including self made technological things along with self made weapons.

With them she can practically survive in any place and anywhere.

For this very reason she wanted to gain understanding and expertise in various fields.

One that does not understand something deep enough might think that understanding many things is a hard thing.

But to Mohini this is different as everything she knows is completely generalized breaking all the complicated things into generalized and common points.

Because of this she can identify similarities in many complicated things.

These similarities will be mastered by her will become her corner stone’s of knowledge in learning many complicated things.

This is the learning path that Mohini designed over her life experience.


Well it is not the end here.

Mohini collected back her ark island and left this place in secret immediately.

She checked to see if there is anyone following her from behind.

But no one is following her.

Well she cannot take any risks so she sent her clone body to meet at the designated place.

When the clone body arrived Mohini directly removed the clone taking everything back….

Chapter 174: pill refining

When the clone body arrived Mohini directly removed the clone taking everything back.

It is like turning a corner that person vanished directly.

Right at that time Mohini really did notice some movements.

There is a strong sensory type person that is searching around.

Mohini suppressed her stats and things so as to not to attract attention towards her.

Staying here is not that good but abruptly moving is also not good.

Since it was evening Mohini got some good dinner and some drink.

The simulation results are not bad and there are no problems so she directly moved away slowly like a drunken person went back to her hotel room.


In the morning next day Mohini got a message from the king of arms faction.

They are asking if she was interested in going for another resource island with rare grade chaos monster.

Based on the information of the simulation this chaos monster is an angry ape.

She received a message from Joe to follow the group of king of nature faction again.

Well it is not like Mohini did not like this.

She received some good benefits last time.


Mohini accepted this and went to the meeting place of the king of arms faction.

They are currently recruiting more hunters and players again.

The reason is that the previous time some of the new recruits died and some of them left because of various reasons.

So new blood is required to fill up the cannon fodder.

Fortunately Mohini is not taken as cannon fodder as she is good at cooking and got the approval from their current cook of the ship.

Also she is a good bitch for Jara and satisfied him in the nights perfectly.

So her position is currently the most stable one after the trusted members in the group.


The journey began and they came to the resource island early in the morning.

Mohini carefully probed all the present people before planning her way of getting the vitality rock.

This should be in the nest of the angry ape.

Also Mohini want to show another asset to the people of the king of arms faction.

That is she is going to practice pill refining here after helping with the cooking.

On the resource island there are many medicinal herbs and materials that can be used to refine ordinary grade pills of tier 1.

Since the amount of materials is abundant no one will question Mohini if she practices here.

If she succeeds then it will attract the attention of the king of arms faction and their willingness to pull her towards their side.

The cooks that can properly cook the chaos monsters are already rare and the pill refiners are even rarer.

Mohini has previously practiced pill refining from time to time when she got the chance.

So she has already reached the refining process of ordinary pills successfully and the chance of success is more than 90 percent.

Showing too high of a talent is bad and average talent is always welcome by all the people.

Also Mohini only signed 5 years contract with king of nature faction.

5 years is not such a long time for most of the player and hunters that can improve their life span as long as they can pass the tribulation and reach the next tier.

So they can always recruit Mohini after 5 years and show their good will now.

This is the plan of Mohini.


First she sent her clone to the resource island to take care of the things that she wanted.

Well no one on the hunting group has enough strength or sense to find Mohini’s clone.

On the other hand Mohini became a little famous after she refined some common grade healing pills.

The refining rate is low but the number of pills is good and the effects are also good.

But she is a beginner that came to this real world 2 months ago.

This shows that she has above average talent and with enough practice and support she will be able to become a good pill refiner.

Mohini did not use any form of pill fire instead she bought some magic fire controlling equipment that is cheap quality.

It was at an affordable price of chaos points that were given to her by them after their previous hunt.

Everything is predicted by Mohini to the lowest detail.

Because of the talent that she has shown Jara called Mohini to appreciate her talent in pill refining.

Well the appreciations is in many forms like praising, giving chaos points as bonus and even fucking her till she said that she is satisfied.

Jara even said that he would support Mohini,

If she joins up with their group for the expeditions and completely join the king of arms faction after the 5 years contract with the king of nature faction.

He said this after he fucked her into submission.

Mohini nodded her head with enthusiasm as if she was very much interested in the offer that Jara gave her.

Her eyes were blurry with mist of lust in them and her face was blushed red from having a good intercourse.

Jara don’t know that this was all acting from Mohini as she sneered in her heart.

Well the enjoyment is real but the submitting thing is just a lie from Mohini.

When you are not strong enough and did not have strong enough background, do not provoke anyone.

As for the later date of things we can talk about that later.

Unless a person it truly trustworthy and loyal to Mohini, Mohini would never reciprocates back and keep her words to that person.

Jara here is on the kill list of Mohini so will Mohini let him live that easily.

Of course not, with a few exceptions most of the people from the king of arms faction are scum that should be erased based on Mohini’s standards.

So Mohini will do just that……….

Chapter 175: something happened to Joe

Of course not, with a few exceptions most of the people from the king of arms faction are scum that should be erased based on Mohini’s standards.

So Mohini will do just that.

Mohini was called as innocent bitch by most.

This is because she appears innocent, acts like a bitch and she can play dirty with the people that she wanted to punish.


Soon the rare grade chaos monster angry ape is hunted and Mohini got what she wanted too.

Mohini went to process the corpse of the beast while taking more than 70 percent of the genetic essence from the corpse.

Mohini has over 50 billion chaos points on her hand which is a very stable financial background for Mohini right now.

So she doesn’t mind spending chaos points to do things quickly.

She hates being weak and hide from her enemies.

But when requires she will just do that and wait till the opportunity arrives by laying out a strong trap for her opponent.

For that she doesn’t mind lying and even letting them fuck her as they please…

Instead of getting angry from being fucked, she will enjoy the process and finally kills her enemies.


Mohini got what she wanted and she wanted to prepare the things for her women too.

So whenever there is cooking monster meat she would extract 50 to 60 percent of the genetic essence.

Then store it first.

Before helping her women she wanted to fill her genetic essence first.

There are already a few that were filled to 90 percent, but they all of them are low grade and the amount of benefits is also low.


Soon after 4 days Mohini returned back to the safe island.

Mohini was not idle on the safe island instead she went to open a cooking room where she would cook the meat for the customers for the ingredients that they provided to Mohini.

The charge that she put for cooking is very less.

For the next few days this is what Mohini wanted to do.

Well at first the amount of people that came are for testing.

But when Mohini cooked things with an aroma that made their stomach tingly the people started to come more and more.

Some of the local hotels wanted to recruit Mohini.

But Mohini told them that she is at a bottle neck of her cooking skills right now,

Later when she mastered them she would come and join the hotel that would offer her the best offer.

With her words not being arrogant at all and even confirm that she was willing to join after improvement.

They already saw that her cooking was top of the line and were sure that after breaking through the bottle neck Mohini spoke off she would reach new heights.

At that time Mohini would get a higher level offer.

Other than the pleasure from women eating is the best way to enjoy life in the real world.

So cook received some very high pay.

The cooks that got recognition in the fantasy worlds of food wars and Toriko has a very high rating.

They are called star chefs and there are even some special ratings and grades for the chefs.

There is a cooking association too and there are competitions for the chefs throughout the world.

During this time Mohini did not go anywhere for sexual pleasures.

At the same time Joe also not messaged her anything.

It is like she really has free time for her to do anything she wanted.


So there is some tension among the hotels that wants to recruit Mohini as their chef.

Also to show their good will they sent some high quality chaos monster meat to Mohini in the form of orders.

Mohini was able to fill up some of the genetic essence values to 100 percent.

Also the chaos monster meat that was sent to Mohini is at most at uncommon grade.

Well it is not a problem as Mohini can gain what she wanted.

The days went by like that and Mohini was invited by Jara the son of king of arms faction to go on a journey again……..

Joe is still silent and did not send her any message.

Most probably he must have encountered some sort of problem.

That should be the reason for staying silent for so long.

Mohini continued to simulate every day filling up her stat points.

She has reached 110 stat points in most of the stats.

But the progress further is very slow.

For three simulations she was only able to received 1 or 2 stat points in the fields that she concentrated on.

Also the amount of chaos points that are required to make the choice of getting stat points has become higher.

This is most probably related to their value and difficulty of obtaining in normal ways.

Even if the progress is slow Mohini is not that disappointed.

She has already broken through the resident evil fantasy world and moved on till the end of the year.

He has recorded most of the memories from those simulations.

Also she has a new idea that is to contact Veena from the king of scientific research faction.

She contacted her and got a report of all the fantasy worlds that are recorded in every day of a month.

She did this in the fantasy world and got the list of fantasy world that appeared on every day of the month for the next year.

There are some other things related to the clearing of stages that Mohini got from her in the simulation.

Well she is a good girl and Mohini wanted to see if she can get her to join her harem.

Also she seems to have some good background.

She is a player but a player from the real world and not from sanctuaries like Mohini.

In the next fantasy world Mohini has a chance to meet up with her in there…….

Chapter 176: black lagoon world entry starts

In the next fantasy world Mohini has a chance to meet up with her in there.

Mohini has some plans with her, but everything has to wait till she enters the fantasy world.

Soon it was the end of the month and Mohini has reached 120 stat points in most of her stats.

She was very strong for the coming fantasy world black lagoon.

Mohini did not directly enter that world instead she bought a skill that she wanted.

It was the skill related to ‘Curving the bullet’ from the wanted movie.

This skill directly merged with the dead shot skill along with other gun skills that she already has and has become a new skill called shooter.

Immediately the skill level of shooter skill increased a little quickly and the information and experience related to curving the bullet appeared in her mind.

The experience is what she got from combining all of her skills.

This shooter skill complements another skill called the weapon fighting that she already has.

This would improve the accuracy, lethality and some other factors of all kinds of projectile related weapons or future energy shots from the body.

Well that is a good thing.

She practiced a little that day to familiarize herself with the skills and check other things as tomorrow she is going to enter the fantasy world.


Today she is going to enter the fantasy world.

Mohini looked at her status panel with satisfaction also she was thinking if she should upgrade her civilian ranking before entering the next fantasy world.

But finally she did and rank up the

“From tribal head to small village head requires 10,000 civilian merit points”

“Successfully ranked up to small village head”

“From small village head to big village head requires 25,000 civilian merit points”

“Insufficient civilian merits furthering ranking up

Current balance of civilian merit points is 7140”


“Personal storage space is improved to 25 cubic meters from 20 cubic meters.”

But before entering she opened the status panel to look at her details again.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), zombie annihilator (4300/1 mil), mortal hero (tier-1), lucky pervert (max)

Job: alchemist (pill refiner) (tier-1- intermediate), hunter (tier-1- master), cook (tier-1- master), builder (tier-1- intermediate),

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: small village head (25,000/7140)


Vitality: 124+2 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Strength: 122+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Agility: 121+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 124

Sense: 123+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Charm: 125


Evolution chaos genetic points: 650

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Uncommon grade chaos monster genetic essence: 80 percent

Unique grade chaos monster genetic essence: 30 percent

Rare grade chaos monster genetic essence: 25 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 1260/1260

Stamina points: 1220/1220

Magic points: 1240/1240


Free stat points: 364

Chaos points: 50.39 billion

Skill points: 43 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 3570 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 3 (2350/4000)

Endurance: tier 3 (3040/4000)

Insight: tier 4 (3780/5000)

Will: tier 4 (3970/5000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 3 (1650/4000)

Dick growing: tier 1 (420/2000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 4 (2480/5000)

Cooking: tier 4 (4300/5000)

Contract: tier 2 (454/3000)

Hunting: tier 4 (4630/5000)

Physical fighting: tier 4 (4750/5000)

Weapon fighting: tier 4 (4920/5000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 3 (3900/4000)

Shooter: tier 1 (1200/2000)

Dirty masseur: tier 3 (3480/4000)

Magic software: tier 6 (2900/7000)

Reality clone: tier 3 (2940/4000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 3 (1520/3000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 1 (140/2000)

Seduction: tier 1 (960/2000)

Multi tasking: tier 3 (3990/4000)

Disguise: tier 2 (1490/3000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Mohini spent some chaos points to buy the necessary things for the fantasy world.

In the simulation she wanted to bring the Gretel from the story that is the sliver haired girl that became a psychopath mentality.

But she cannot come out of the world after she rescued her and cannot save her from the hunt of the hotel Moscow.

So she bought a special onetime use system contract that can let a story line character that has more than 40 points of favorability to go to the bridged space between the real world and the fantasy world.

Since the time difference between them is just like the real world and the fantasy world the time spent then is 1 second no matter which world they are from.

So even if the story line character was sent there Mohini will appear before they can even blink an eye.

But the item to being them directly to the bridged space costs 1 million chaos points and there they still have to ask the story line character to go with the player and play another price to bring them to the real world.

There are many restrictions.


Soon the time is up and Mohini received the call.


Fantasy world:black lagoon.

Please enter the portal immediately………”


Caution to the player,

This world will have more than beginner level player from tier 1,

Magic is not usable in this world but magical items of the past can be found if the player is lucky.

This is a fantasy world where player will stay till the mission given by the system or the extended date chosen by the player is reached.


Mohini received another notification related to all the details that she has to take care of in this world.


Since beginner’s time period is over with this fantasy world player can enter fantasy world once a week at the specified price by the system.

The system gives 4 weeks a month as base calculation….”

Chapter 177: creating an identity


Since beginner’s time period is over with this fantasy world player can enter fantasy world once a week at the specified price by the system.

The system gives 4 weeks a month as base calculation.

For the first time entering fantasy world in a month is free.

For the second time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 million chaos points,

For the third time entering fantasy world in a month costs 1 billion chaos points and

For the fourth time entering fantasy world in a month costs 100 billion chaos points.

For the remaining 4 weeks of time in a year can be considered as rest or odd times that can be learnt from the system.

Each entry to the fantasy world will requires 7 days of time break between them.

Only for the current month player can enter another free world after the current fantasy world.


Mohini was not shocked by the rules and the prices as she already know from the simulation memories.

After checking the things again Mohini entered the portal.

The similar white room appeared surrounding her.

Mohini looked at the difficulty and chose the Disaster mode: 140 percent difficulty.

With her current stats she can bear with this level of difficulty.

She has already crossed over the normal level for this world.

The range of stat points related to this world is from 35 stat points to 85 stat points.

In that range any player can easily survive.

The higher the stats the easier it is to survive.

So for Mohini choosing this difficulty is not a problem.

After that she got some information through notification.


The beginner player were given grace time of 7 days and they can enter 7 days before the other veteran people in the story line.”

Mohini understood that.

Mohini directly bought the information related to this world spending some chaos points.

Even though it was like the world the same as that of the previous world she came from there may be some changes.

Also looking at the small areas and the distribution of power and people in this world is very different.

This is especially so for the Roanapur that does not exist in the real world.


Mohini did not change any of the characteristics of her appearance.

As for the rank and back story she chose the free one that she can get with her current military and civilian rank.

Just like back on earth she is a mercenary in this world too.

She made sure that she did not have any records that would hit her bottom line with her new background.


Mohini has bought a special face mask for 100 million in the auction before.

This mask has the properties to cover her image from the players but for the storyline characters the image will be normal.

Mohini wanted to put her first mark of being the innocent bitch from this world and the real world.

Now she has to select the location where she should enter the fantasy world.

Mohini is going to use the treasure map of the Treasure Island that she got before.

Also in this world she is going to need some money.

Well she doesn’t have to worry about the cash because she can convert them back from the chaos points.

The conversion rate is horrible.

1 chaos points will give 50 dollars but for every 100 dollars Mohini can only get 1 chaos point.

That is the conversion rates of this fantasy world.

It changes for different fantasy world and the system would give the conversion rates.

For starters Mohini need some cash for basic things.

Then she can earn back the money from this world.

If he plays her cards well she will be able to gain more from this world.

Since it is not an apocalypse world Mohini has the chance to gain more from this world.

She has few sets of contracts prepared before entering the fantasy world.

Now the location she chose is England.

Previously the Treasure Island was close to the south side of the England.

7 days are there for Mohini to make some preparation.


After the arrangements Mohini appeared in a railway station with the familiar transparent barrier around her.

Then the system mission for this fantasy world appeared in front of her.


Main quest:get a foot hold in the city of sin Roanapur

Description: player has to gain recognition as a person of Roanapur within the next 30 days.

Time period: 30 days

Hints: become a member of a group in Roanapur or become a mercenary in Roanapur.

Rewards: rewards will be given based on the achievements of the player.

Based on the group joined or reputation acquired in the fantasy world player can extend their stay.

Base rewards are 1000 chaos points and 1 free stat point.

Penalty: no penalty


Mohini know that 30 days is not enough to gain anything in this fantasy world.

With the appearance of the quest the transparent barrier around Mohini disappeared leaving her standing to the side in the railway station.

Mohini sat on a bench and then took out the map to look at the longitude and latitude appears on the map.

She found a local internet center and made her way there.

After paying a few bucks she went to a computer.

Then she started to hack into the system creating some fake certificates and passports.

Also she earned few thousand dollars in a matter of minutes hacking into the accounts of some big third rate hackers of this world.

This world is not very advanced and their security system is not to Mohini’s level.

She has good skill level even in magic software so the normal software is very easy for her.

With the earned money she went to a government registration office to get the relevant documents and certificates.

Well she needs some on hand cash for getting the things…….

Chapter 178: make me satisfied then I will let you play with me

Well she needs some on hand cash for getting the things.

But it is not a problem as she converted some from the system using her chaos points.

With that her work here became even easier.

She got to a bank and received credit cards.

She has connected to the satellite using her phone and got the location of the Treasure Island using the coordinates of latitude and longitude on the map.

She found that the location of Treasure Island is different from the previous world.

It was close to the Caribbean islands.

Mohini booked the tickets for a flight to the Caribbean islands and the flight is in the afternoon at around 2 PM.

Mohini don’t want to waste her time so she went to collect some important information and also to earn few more bucks on the way.

There are always thugs and underworld people in every world.

This is especially true for the fantasy world of the black lagoon.

Mohini went to kick the heads of the underworld lords of the current place that is the capital of England which is London.

Mohini did not take long to find the traces using her fast tracking skills along with some money and torture on the way.


By the time it was lunch time Mohini was sitting in a high class villa eating some star hotel range food.

There is a blond man with one eye blackened and the opposite cheek swelled sitting opposite to Mohini.

His name is Abraham the current under world mafia boss of this country.

He has connections with the crown and also with some European lords.

Well the crown of England is always like that but who can blame them as greed is the human nature that is as deep as DNA.

Mohini did not threaten Abraham, or showed him death.

Mohini only introduced the despair that would come when death would not come to him even if he wanted to die.

Mohini pressed some pressure points on the body of Abraham making him feel enough pain to want to die but he was unable to even lose consciousness.

As for his guards in the entire villa, they were currently lying on the ground completely unconscious.

They all had guns and weapons but none of their weapons has ever hit Mohini.

It is as if the bullets avoided Mohini or something like that.

The astonishing thing is that Abraham found the reason why none of the bullets hit Mohini.

Mohini has actually shot bullets back on his own intercepting the bullets right on their path.

It was already hard to hit Mohini but she is actually shooting bullets with bullets and these bullets are actually travelling in curved paths.

At first when he saw a beautiful chick appear at his place he thought that he could fuck this innocent bitch.

But he never expected that this lost lamb is a wolf in sheep clothing.

The result is his current miserable situation.

Mohini called him over to massage her tits while she is eating breakfast.

This shows how confident she was in her strength and power.

Abraham did not dare to back out of this as he moved behind Mohini and started to massage her tits.

He also felt strange that this female boss has let him touch her tits.

Well at first he feared to touch them but when Mohini ordered again he did not dare to neglect it and started to massage her tits.

Mohini is wearing a tank top without anything under it.

“Massage my tits directly don’t do it over the clothes.”

With her orders he was embarrassed and his hands went inside her tank top and started to massage her tits.

He knows how to please a women and how to make them happy with tits massage.

So he used his skills to curry some favor with Mohini.

He doesn’t want to die.


Finally Abraham decided that he don’t want to fight with this demonic bitch.

He doesn’t know the background of Mohini but he can understand that Mohini is not an ordinary man.

If Mohini has even more terrifying monster behind her then what would happen if she really wanted to plan against Mohini.

So she directly quit the thought of doing anything to Mohini and obediently massaged her tits standing behind her.

Mohini is done eating breakfast and stood up.

Then she went to sit on a different chair with her legs wide open.

She is wearing denim ultra short skirt that is barely covering her shapely ass.

Only now did he realize that she is not wearing any underwear.

“Come and lick my pussy.

If you can make me have an orgasm then I will let you fuck me.

Think about it.

Can you get a chance to fuck a super strong beauty like me in your life time?”

Mohini said with a smile and lifted her skirt up revealing her pussy that is a little wet.

Abraham thought for a moment and thought that his handsome face might have won the beauty.

But immediately he shook his head throwing these thoughts to the side and obediently gor down on his knees.

Then he started to show the power of his tongue tornado to Mohini.

He almost kissed Mohini’s pussy like he is giving a French kiss to a beauty on her lips.

While he is kissing, Mohini explained her purpose of finding some antiques from England’s secret society.

Mohini knows that during the time of time of colonization caused by Europeans England was able to loot most of the things from all the colonies.

Based on their superiority complex they should have stored most of the things that they felt as abnormal in their secure vaults of secret societies.

Well it is normal for them to think like that as it is happening from the time of King Arthur.


Abraham took a full 20 minutes of kissing to make Mohini have an orgasm with a soft moan which is very sweet to listen……….

Chapter 179: treasure hunt of pirate flint part-1

Abraham took a full 20 minutes of kissing to make Mohini have an orgasm with a soft moan which is very sweet to listen.

It was combined with a squirt and splashed on the face of Abraham.

But he still has a stupid smile on his face.

After giving some instructions Mohini gave Abraham her mode of communication and then told Abraham to create a dummy company on her name.

The registration name of the owner is ‘Innocent Bitch’ for under world and ‘Innocent Lady’ for the general public.

As for the company name is FATE solutions.

Then Mohini gave him some international account and digital currency locker that can store her money.

Mohini has arranged for her AI to deal with the stocks of this world.

The world is using computers and there is stock market in this world.

Her phone is directly connected to the satellite and it is impossible to break her current fire wall easily with the current world technology.

The phone in Mohini’s hand is very advanced technology for this world for over 10 to 15 years.

Unless the pentagon intervenes using their super computer and a top level hacker to check the satellite connection it is impossible to find what Mohini is doing.

Even though everything is illegal Mohini is doing it legally.

This is not considered stealing in the corporate sense.

So all the money she earns can be turned in to chaos points without any problem.

Mohini has a good smile on her face and she was escorted to the airport by Abraham personally around 2 PM in the afternoon.

The flight was slightly delayed for her.

Mohini told him that she is not going to intervene with them or their business.

It is just that Mohini don’t want him to do anything with the under aged people like human trafficking or other things.

If everything goes well Mohini has said to give him a good load of money or power that he could not dream off.

With the words from Mohini, Abraham has decided to follow Mohini.

Well no one wants to die and not one wants to experience a torture that can make them want to die.

So she has no other ideas on Mohini.

Also right in front of his eyes, Mohini has transferred over hundred thousand dollars to the dummy company that was just created.

With his men and influence it was a piece of cake for Abraham to establish a dummy company quickly.

So when he saw the cash flow he was dumbfounded and his eyes are literally showing stars.

The income that Mohini showed just now is the same as the income he can earn in a month if it is a good month with a lot of luck.

If not the same amount of money can be earned after working for 3 average months.

With that Mohini got an underling mafia boss for the time being.


Mohini made her way to the airport in the evening and directly flew to Caribbean islands by the time it was night.

She did not have time to go around much so she contacted Abraham to tell her the location of the underworld boss of the Caribbean area.

Well every country will have its own boss or underling to a strong boss of some sort.

Mohini went to take care of this boss for now and move on to her target in the morning tomorrow.

It is not that big of a task as this is a small place.

Even though it was once famous for strong pirates it is not that great now.

Showing the glimpses of death to the mafia boss here Mohini got the things under control.

Well she did not give any fan service to them as she did not have enough time to play with them.

Originally Mohini wanted to go out on the hunt in the morning next day.

But since these people have a big boat ready she has decided to go with that in the night.

Mohini gave them the location of the Treasure Island and immediately out on the boat.

Because of the speed of the boat and the distance to the island it will take 3 hours to reach there.

Mohini took a short nap on the ship.

Well it is in the semi sleep state where even the smallest killing intent towards her would wake her up.

Also there is not only killing intent directed towards her there is also lust clearly written all over their faces.

They want to fuck Mohini as they are literally drooling looking at her hot curves.

It is good thing that someone actually wanted to target Mohini.

Mohini would really allow them to fuck her.

Unfortunately for the attacking person that came to kill her instead of wanting to fuck her has became the fish food for the day.

Since fish needs some fresh food Mohini made that person into fish food while he is still living.

The cruelty of Mohini created deterrence on these thug sailors and they did not want to sign a death warrant and get a ticket to hell even before dying.

The screams of the man that was slowly dying with his body parts being eaten by fishes as the ship moves made the people shrugged.


Soon after that they arrived at the Treasure Island around early morning.

Mohini went to the shore and slept in the small tent that she prepared till the sun came over and shining brightly.

The people did not leave ship and stayed there for the night.

After waking up she took out the map that is showing the location of the treasure.

The image of the Treasure Island changed when she came to this world.

So the location of the treasure also changes.

Mohini went to collect the treasure.

Since it is modern times there is no left over pirate that would shift the treasure.

Mohini found the treasure location and dug it over.

Chapter 180: treasure hunt of pirate flint part-2

Mohini found the treasure location and dug it over.

But there is no treasure inside making her frown.

She could not help but curse “Damn”

She went back to the ship and told those people to search the island to see if there are any caves or human activity.

The people went around looking for caves or human activities.

Finally around at lunch time they found a place that looked like a hut that was over 300 years old.

The place is directly broken and there are no more traces.

With nothing there another person found around 3 caves in the surrounding area.

Mohini checked the map again and found that the locations are very similar to that of the original plot even though the shape of the island is changed.

Mohini knows where the treasure is and the treasure was really moved by an abandoned pirate.

Mohini sighed and arrived at the cave based on her understanding.

As she went inside the cave she told those people to wait outside.

Mohini is wearing thin clothes that cannot hide anything inside.

The people that are following Mohini should have already guessed that she came here to find some treasure.

So they became greedy and excited.

Mohini is not stupid to leave things to them.

She entered the cave alone and put on the torch of the phone to see if there is any secret passage ways.

As she moved inside Mohini found an old skeleton to the side.

Finally there is a mud wall that was hardened over time and looked exactly like a wall.

If Mohini don’t know the trick from the Treasure Island fantasy world she might not be able to find this place.

Mohini punched the wall and opened the passage way.

There is dust rising outside causing the men outside to become cautions.

Mohini did not gave them enough time to reach and come inside and directly shouted to them to not to come in right now.

They can clearly understand that Mohini wanted to keep them out and they are like hyenas waiting to get the meat after Mohini cleared the path for them.

They had this misconception Mohini has trusted them because of their greed.

Mohini entered the secret room where the treasure is.

She took out some big light sticks and dropped them around to check the details of the treasure.

Just looking at it for a few seconds Mohini directly packed the entire thing into her personal storage.

Then collected the light sticks while checking the entire place of the treasure room.

Then she came out of the cave with a sad face.

“There is nothing inside…the treasure map seems to be fake…

I should get the one that sold me this treasure map a better punishment to get the real treasure map.”

Mohini muttered outside for the other people to listen.

When they looked at Mohini with non believing eyes Mohini smiled and told them to check inside for themselves.

Some idiots rushed while the cautious people though that this is Mohini’s trap to silence them.

Soon after that the people that went inside came out with frustrated face and the others found that there is really nothing inside.

Even the secret room that was broken by Mohini was searched and found nothing.

More people went inside to check and they finally understood the frustration of Mohini.

They returned back the Caribbean islands by the time it was night.

Mohini did not wait and directly moved back to Europe that very night.

Before leaving this place Mohini made the boss of the Caribbean to transfer few hundred million dollars to her dummy company.

The assets of the boss of the Caribbean were completely almost sucked dry.

But he cannot do anything about it.


Mohini returned back and went to Abraham.

On the way Mohini checked the amount of chaos points that she can get for the treasure.

The system simply said that it would give her 100 thousand chaos points just like before.

Also this time in the treasure, Mohini saw a compass in the treasure which is a special artifact that can be added to the ark ship.

If Mohini removed this artifact the value of the treasure was reduced to 50 thousand chaos points only.

Mohini cursed in her heart saying that the system is a black hearted business man.

But she cannot do anything about it.

In order to maximize the benefits Mohini has an idea.

She is going to make Abraham sell this treasure to a higher value in the business circles and get more chaos points.

As long as it was sold for more than 5 million chaos points then Mohini would have huge benefits.

Also Mohini has the idea of exchanging this antiques for some treasure from the secret society of England that collect some special treasures.

Abraham has already got the information related to the secret society that collects the treasures.

The reason why Mohini wanted them is because this world is very similar to earth or some parts of the real world.

As long as there are mythologies in that world, there is a chance that she can gain some super natural things.

If there are super natural things then there will be people that are collecting them.

Even though it seems like no one cares there is always people lurking in the dark.

Mohini is going for them.

But first she has to get the information from the people of the secret society and check some authenticity of the super natural things.

After that she can go there and get them with her intelligence.


Mohini took out the treasure in front of Abraham out of thin air making her speechless.

She doesn’t know that Mohini also knows magic.

This made him frightened for a while and made his decision to follow Mohini even more.

The funny thing is that the favorability of Abraham towards Mohini has reached over 60 points………


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