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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 51: rapid development

Because of the rapid growth phase Rito’s body grow very quickly and at that time his Uzumaki bloodline has awaken.

Rito noted this point in simulation and concentrated on the Otsutsuki bloodline right at that moment to improve the awakening of Otsutsuki bloodline.

Unfortunately it did not succeed but it was close to the start of the process.

If the sage of six paths could help then it would awaken quickly and directly.

But there is a problem there too.

After sage of six paths helps you awaken then it will not develop further in the future.

That is how he controlled the bloodline of Otsutsuki clan from developing and propagating to descendents with higher concentration in the future.


Soon it was year 77 and Rito is 17 years of age.

His current status is.




Name: Yuki Rito

Age: 17

Race: human

Blood lines:

Uchiha bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Senju bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Uzumaki bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Hyuga bloodline: 100 percent (Awakened)

Otsutsuki bloodline: 33.41 percent


Physique: super Kage level

Spirit: super Kage level

Instinct: super Kage level

Charm: super Kage level


Chakra: 8,999,999 /8,999,999 (80,999,991/80,999,991 yin sealed chakra)

Chakra nature:

Fire: 100 percent

Water: 100 percent

Earth: 100 percent

Wind: 100 percent

Lightning: 100 percent

Yin: 85 percent

Yang: 90 percent


Cash: 3 million Ryo

Simulation points: 13.8 million


Bloodline limits:

Wood release: completely mastered

Byakugan: completely mastered

Sharingan: completely mastered

Boil release: professional level (10 percent)

Crystal release: professional level (10 percent)

Shadow release: professional level (10 percent)

Explosion release: professional level (10 percent)

Magnetic release: professional level (10 percent) (Gold dust)

Scorch release: professional level (10 percent)

(There are other styles that he practiced but the list is too long to mention)



Yin seal (ninth drop): completely mastered

Shadow clone technique: completely mastered

Three body technique: completely mastered

Taijutsu: completely mastered

Throwing technique: completely mastered

8 gates technique: gate 7 (Without any damage to the body) (gate 9 mastery memories)

Medical ninjutsu: completely mastered

Medical techniques: completely mastered

Chakra control: completely mastered

Gentle fist technique: 512 palms (1024 palms mastered memories)

Susanoo: completely mastered

Genjutsu: completely mastered

Echo: completely mastered


(There are other techniques that he practiced but the list is too long to mention)


Rito can now rampage all over the world without any problem.

Unless sages of six paths were to come here right now there is no one that can fight against Rito.

Even Madara might now be able to fight Rito on the same level.

With the power on hand Rito knows that it was time to implement his plans.

He has already flirted with the girls enough to make them fall in love with him completely.

Now he has to think of a way to pull in the beauties of the other countries.

Also there is still Tsunade.

In a year the third Hokage would die and Tsunade would have to return.

But Rito don’t want the third Hokage to die peacefully instead there will be endless humiliation for him and his family.

For tomorrow Rito has already planned a special event for the third Hokage.

The echo would appear again and this time there will be some pictures too.

In simulations Rito used some strong measures to do something and those memories are in his mind.

In simulations Rito’s target is to first annoy the third Hokage to the point where he has some mental imbalance.

Then he wants to find the location where the bodies of the other Hokage and the body of Mito were preserved.

In the simulation Rito has already found the location of their bodies.

So there is the soul of Mito standing along with Kushina and Mikoto.

After being reprimanded by Rito, Mito still did not believe that the third Hokage and Danzo did all of this.

So Rito changed his target to find some proof.

For that he simulated to target Danzo and the third Hokage again.

Danzo has the fear of death so he did not put the cursed seal on his tongue.

With the painful play from Rito Danzo told all the secrets and things he did in the past.

Also he told the location of all the evidences.

Other than that these evidences also contains all the dark history of the third Hokage.

Till recently Rito is not strong enough to silently take on all those records and evidences.

Right now he was very strong and his power is still improving.

So he got the evidences to show them to Mito.

As soon as she saw them she became angry with not only the third Hokage but also the second and the first Hokage.

She was so annoyed that she wanted to hit them with her strong fists like a lady monster.

She has the same temperament as that of Kushina and Tsunade.

That night Rito sent his shadow clone to paint some good pictures on the walls all over the village and it includes on the Hokage rock.

Then the echo bombs are planted too.

While the shadow clones are doing all these things Rito is sleeping at his house holding Izumi tightly.

Well he did not cross the line as he has his own principles.

Unless he is 18 years old and the girl is also 18 years old he would not cross the line.

Other than that kissing and things are common.

They are living together as husband and wife for all these years.

Izumi learned the things that Rito taught her diligently over the years and now she is very strong.

Also the system gave him a special bonus for collecting many Sharingan at the Uchiha incident.

If Rito can give those eyes to the system the system can give eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to 2 members that Rito chooses.

But those two members should already open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Rito has already donated the eyes to the system as he cannot store them for long……..

Chapter 52: angry mob in Frankenstein movie went to the roots base

But those two members should already open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Rito has already donated the eyes to the system as he cannot store them for long.

Then he chose Izumi as one of the candidates for eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

While the other one would be Mikoto after her resurrection.

Right in the morning when all the people saw the image of Danzo all over the village revealing the right hand that is under the bandages everyone was shocked.

Immediately the echo bombs that Rito’s shadow clones put on exploded.

“Danzo you limp dick idiot.

Just because you cannot do it with a woman and your child hood sweet heart loved a person from the Uchiha clan’s young man,

You have used the roots of the village to create rumors disgusting all the Uchiha people.

Later you stole the Sharingan from some strong Uchiha and used them to control the 9 tails to cause a rebellion and killed so many people.

In that fight the fourth Hokage and his wife also died because of you.

You stopped the people from the Uchiha clan from helping the 9 tails rebellion in the name that they are the cause of it for your personal satisfaction.

If you and the Uchiha clan were to participate they number of causalities would be so less.

The fourth Hokage should be living right now.

Now you did not stop at that.

You and Orochimaru experimented with the blood and cells of Senju clan and Uchiha clan to created a monster like that right hand of yours.

If you are really innocent then prove your innocence.

Also that day you are the one that spread the rumors about Sakumo Hatake and changed the black and white in the hearts of the people of the village.

The reason for that is very simply.

You wanted to take the Hokage position and at that time Sakumo’s contribution to the village during the war is very high.

You used those wild methods and even threatened Sakumo with the life and future of his son Kakashi.


With that all of wrong doings of Danzo were put on display.

After telling all the wrong doings there are also copies of all the evidences placed all over the village.

“Danzo I know you have a strong accomplice.

Since all your criminal records are displayed all over the village.

Let me see how your powerful accomplice would help you now………”

This is a warning to the third Hokage to not to act stupidly.

If he acts helping Danzo then he has to face the same situation as Danzo.

With this warning third Hokage that wanted to act stopped in his tracks immediately.

He doesn’t know what to say or what to do.

So he can only act righteously.

Even till now he don’t know who caused this entire situation.

Last time is also the same where the incident between his son and Koharu was spread throughout the village.

This caused such a big problem that even Kurenai has distanced herself from Asuma.

No other woman approached Asuma from then on.

It has been so many years but there is no change.

Now that the situation has appeared again and it is a critical strike.


With the evidences all over the place along with the image of Danzo that appeared like a hideous demon, third Hokage has a strong reaction.

When he stopped for a moment and thought, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

If Danzo took a chance to sneak attack him then what would he do other than dying.

Thinking of this his back was cold from all the sudden coldness and his forehead has sweat beads appear on them.

Because of the sudden incident all the heads of the clans teamed together and came to the office of Hokage.

During the years many people from their clan have disappeared and some of the evidences recorded about the disappeared people.

The people that disappeared were actually taken by the people of roots and Danzo.

Most of the civilian ninja appeared to form an angry mob that looked like a Frankenstein movie.

Some knows the location of the roots so immediately the mob moved towards the location of the roots so that no one can escape from there.

In the Hokage’s office the people are angrily questioning third Hokage as they all know that the third Hokage knows some of the things.

But he turned a blind eye towards the activities of Danzo and the roots.

Kakashi was also here looking at third Hokage for answers.

Also he has already ordered the people from Anbu to surround roots from letting them escaping.

Even though he came out of the roots it has not been that long so his influence is still there.

The current head of Anbu is also close to Kakashi.

Third Hokage was in a deep shit to do anything right now.

If he did not handle the things carefully then most probably he will be implicated in the incident too.

So he has to move slowly.

But then suddenly there is a big movement of earth.

Third Hokage has a bad premonition.

One of the shadow clones of Rito appeared silently at the location of the roots base and used an earth style technique to rapidly remove the top layer of the underground roots base.

That roof of the roots underground base is now gone.

Immediately Hokage and all the people made their way to the location of the roots base.

Rito’s clone vanished immediately as its chakra was exhausted completely.

On the other hand Rito appeared at the Hokage’s building in the appearance of Asuma.

Then he went inside the building sneakily.

Everything from mannerisms to actions is perfectly identical to that of Asuma.

Rito directly went to the location where the scroll of seals was hidden.

Then he took it along with all the ninjutsu scrolls present in this place.

He took them all and went to…..

Chapter 53: Danzo on the run, Asuma was booked again

Then he took it along with all the ninjutsu scrolls present in this place.

He took them all and went to a secret place to make a copy of all these things.

While others are looking at the shocking scenes of the roots base and their training methods, Rito is using shadow clones to make copies of all the ninja scrolls here.

They are valuable.

Also because of revealing everything about the roots base even if third Hokage wants to support Danzo he will not be able to support Danzo.

On the other hand the people in the roots are having another problem

Last night Rito mixed laxatives in their food.

So they are currently in a state that they cannot move much.

Because this is a surprise attack by Rito and he already know every single one from the roots.

They are in this sorry state right now.

Danzo receive an extra dose of everything and Rito specifically mixed in some strong chakra suppressing medicine along with the laxatives.

Well the chakra suppression would activate slowly and by that time he will be already weak from going in and out of the bathroom.

When the roof of roots base is gone there is a strong stench spread throughout the people around causing them to wrinkle their noses.

The heart wreaking scene along with the unbearable stench has dropped the situation below freezing point.

They are literally boiling with anger and irritation.

So their concentration was on Danzo.

There are people in training to become the next root ninja.

But the cruelty has made them want to directly attack the root base.

They don’t want to wait for the Hokage to come and preach nonsense.

But none of them have the guts to move forward to take the initiative.

Everyone is waiting for the one person that would become the cannon fodder for the incident to start the fight.

But none moved and Hokage arrived at the location quickly.

Kakashi was also here looking at Hokage as if questioning him about his father’s incident.

Hokage knows that if he did some underhanded things then the entire situation would become disastrous.

Also the situations around are not good.

After the peace time most of the countries are ready to look for opportunities to fight.

There are hidden dangers and organizations all around the land of fire.

So he cannot be take things easy.

With that he gave some gestures to Danzo that looked quite weak.

Right now he has no other choice but to use Izanagi to remove his worst state.

If he doesn’t want to die right now he has to recover quickly and escape from here.

He can always act from the shadows later.

The third Hokage also acted accordingly as they started to fight.

Other root ninja are weakly lying down on their spot or in the bathrooms because of their horrible situation.

While fighting with the third Hokage Danzo slowly ran toward the edge of the village.

The other village heads did not follow because the third Hokage asked them to take care of people in the root base.

Some Anbu ninja that are close to the third Hokage followed behind him.

They would act according to the wishes of the third Hokage.

By the time they reached the edge of the village Rito has already completed copying all the scrolls and the big scroll of seals.

Then he put a special seal from his knowledge on Uzumaki clan seals and then hid these scrolls back in the house of Asuma.

Other than that Rito also arranged secondary set of echo bombs pointing that Asuma stole the secret ninjutsu scrolls.

After the arrangements Rito followed the direction towards which Danzo should have escaped.

His close is following them all the time and the directions are given by it.

With Rito’s current power it is very easy to follow behind Danzo and the third Hokage.

Soon after confirming that there is no one following them the third Hokage let Danzo escape.

But the clone of Rito is still following behind Danzo.

Third Hokage returned back to the village and told everyone that Danzo escaped using the eyes of Uchiha clan….

Right at that moment another echo bomb blasted.

“The son of third Hokage stole the scroll of seals and hid them in his house.

If you don’t find them quickly then there might be a chance to lose all the secret techniques fell into the hands of some enemies………”

As soon as these words appeared, everyone around looked at Asuma that just arrived at the spot.

He was late till now because he also received his share of laxative dose from Rito.

But the dose is not that high so he was able to recover quickly.

So he was late to come here.

After searching the area those heads found that there are no people from Shimura clan or Sarutobi clan in those roots.

These things made them very angry and suspect the hands of third Hokage behind the roots.

Now that news appeared related to the son of the third Hokage made them even angrier.

Well they are already an angry mob.

With the news and evidence as fuel they are having a very hard time controlling their emotions.

Right when the new news was revealed Hokage just stepped into the village and delivered the bad news.

So the rage has multiplied a few times increasing the situation to the uncontrollable direction.

Rito on the other hand followed Danzo and found his new hiding place.

Rito don’t care about the situation back at the village.

He has already calculated some results.

So whatever it might be Rito has the solution for them.

But his first target is to kill Danzo completely.

After finding the hiding location of Danzo’s hiding spot Rito made a seal around the area to cover all forms of destruction.

Unfortunately Rito cannot use simulation because the cost has already crossed the level of……….

Chapter 54: simulation system slept but choice system awakens

After finding the hiding location of Danzo’s hiding spot Rito made a seal around the area to cover all forms of destruction.

Unfortunately Rito cannot use simulation because the cost has already crossed the level of cash he was able to afford right now.

He sneaked into the hiding place of Danzo.

Danzo has just cooled down from the previous pursuit.

Even though he is relaxing and recovering, he is still vigilant about his surroundings.

Suddenly Rito appeared out of nowhere shocking Danzo.

Danzo needed some hard beating and he should face the deepest despair.

Danzo is most selfish and conceited person that Rito has every scene in this life or the past life.

So Rito did not give him a chance to use Izanagi again.

Instead he directly cut off Danzo's right hand.

But Danzo used his right eye for Izanagi in this life and death situation.

Danzo did not get a chance to use this eye that he got from Shisui before.

But it was gone without even getting into action.

The eyes of Shisui are in Rito’s hands right now.

Rito is going to use them later when he requires it.

Danzo thought that he has escaped death and wanted to use his next move again Rito and escape with some distraction.

But he did not expect that there is a wood clone crawling on the top in disguise.

As soon as he used the Izanagi the wood clone jumped down on Danzo cutting his arm again with lightning sword.

With that slash Danzo lost his last straw of life.

Rito is not going to kill Danzo instead he is going to save Danzo till he can meet with Kabuto.

Danzo’s life is a gift for Kabuto to get his trust towards Rito.

But before that Danzo would have a horrible torture waiting for him for all his crimes.

Rito took him back after making him go through an illusion where he was played with many macho men bursting his ass.

He is having a mental breakdown while Rito made his clone capture him and take him to hide in a predetermined place in the village.

When Rito returned back to the village, third Hokage has already subdued the angry crowd.

He pushed all the blame to Danzo saying that he must have made these rumors so as to escape from the village and sow discord.

Other than that they he changed the topic to organizing the Chunin exam soon for.

Rito is going to let him live till that time.

After that third Hokage and Danzo both will get the punishments they deserve.

Before that Rito is going to get his servants Zabuza and Haku.

This was already simulated before when he is still in the lower ninja level.

Because of that he knows what would happen and the results of many incidents.

He is reluctant to change the plot because of this very reason.

He can always use force to conquer the world but he might not be able to conquer the heart of a woman.

If he disrupts the plot then things would go wrong to an extent that even he might not be able to control.

No matter how powerful he becomes he might not be able to control the time or flow of the world.

So he has to let the plot go on and change things in a way that would not affect the plot.

That is before he reached the sage level or even higher level where he can control the flow of this world,

Rito has to endure this and lied down within the plot.

If he tries to change things then he will gain the attention of the big villains then he will have the head ache of watching out for them.

Instead he can lay low and build up his things.

It is not his duty to protect the world.

There are protagonists for this matter.

On the other hand if he gets into trouble he did not have any protagonist halo protection.

So Rito will complete his things based on his needs instead of some stupid protagonists in those fan fictions.

As for the revenge for his woman he will take the right time to slowly capture those villains before they die in the plot.

After capturing he would slowly play with them.

Till now none of the choices mentioned by the system appeared before Rito.

But when he captured Danzo just now, Rito got a choice.

That is either to kill him and show that to public.

The reward is 10 thousand simulation points and reputation.

If he did not do that and choose the second option that is to let Danzo be killed by Kabuto.

Then the rewards for that is the loyalty of Kabuto along with 50 thousand simulation points.

Rito needs simulation points and he doesn’t care about the reputation.

So he directly chooses the second option before.

The plot should officially start soon.

So Rito will receive choices and quests from now on.

With the thought Rito was excited.

He will not be able to simulate now because of the cost of money that requires for simulation is very large.

So the alternatives of the choices and quests are the best for him to gain more simulation points.

With the new alternative Rito sighed of relief.

The Chunin exam will be held next year.

Also in the march next year Naruto and his batch would be relieved.

Those people would need Jonin instructor.

Rito did not ask Hokage to promote to Jonin till now but he is going to as for that now.

The reason why Hokage did not promote Rito is because of his son Asuma.

Asuma needed some achievements and he cannot get them on his own so Rito was made to work with Asuma to gain the achievements.

The reason why Rito booked Asuma along with Danzo right now is for this very reason.

Even thought Hokage cleared……

Chapter 55: visit to hidden cloud village

Asuma needed some achievements and he cannot get them on his own so Rito was made to work with Asuma to gain the achievements.

The reason why Rito booked Asuma along with Danzo right now is for this very reason.

Even thought Hokage cleared the things for Asuma the seed of doubt is enough to cause all the problems.

After that the roots were completely under investigation.

Rito left a wood clone to replace Danzo in his hiding place.

Most of the root ninja died because of the cursed seal.

The remaining people are brain dead right now.

They did not have a way to become normal.

So all in all at least 20 percent of the village strength is gone just like that.

It is a loss but a good loss.

The reason is very simply.

Danzo would not let his forces to take action unless he wants it for himself or to fulfill his interests.

So even if the forces are here they are completely.

In a different way they are self harming.

They would create rumors or assassinate promising people that did not have enough support or obey the words of Danzo.

Because of that clearing these roots is much better than letting them live.

With that the situation of hidden leaf village has dropped by a step making other villages thinking of taking a shot.

But they are still hesitating.

They want to get the clear information before making a move.

In the mean time Rito took the chance to ask the third Hokage to do some work outside about taking care of the mines and other things.

Once again third Hokage attached Asuma to Rito and send them out.

Well the one that is travelling with Asuma is the wood clone.

The good thing about the wooden clone is that it can regenerate chakra unlike the other shadow clones.

The regeneration rate of chakra of the shadow clone is very low but that was enough for its sustenance for a long time.

Also it is not possible to distinguish between the shadow clone and the real clone.

Rito on the other hand left to the hidden cloud village here.

Rito has three important things to get from this village.

First is to get the lightning style and wind style techniques of this village.

With his Sharingan’s special illusion of heaven and hell it is east to get the information from them.

Second is to get and identity here to flirt with the beauties like Samui, Karui, Yugito Nii, and Mabui…..

Third is to blast an echo bomb here to shake things up a little bit.

With his current power it is not possible for any ninja to even sense his existence.

So Rito appeared in the village and then met up with Samui and other one by one.

He appeared beside them suddenly and closed off her mouth.

After they stopped their struggle Rito would leave her to attack.

Then he would defeat her and then speak to her about his visit.

Since ninja have too much patriotism to their village, none of them would like to jump into his group to become his woman.

So Rito would give them time to think and predict some of the future situations of to prove that he all powerful.

Well these things are not that much important to the plot.

Even if they know them they would not be able to change anything.

So Rito was fearless about the information being leaked.

With these words and stealing a kiss from their lips Rito would leave her in dazed state.

He did the same thing with all the beauties that is known from the plot.

This includes the 2 tail jinchūriki Yugito Nii was teased by him.

Because of the Senju and Uzumaki bloodline Rito was able to suppress the tailed beast easily.

Then he entered her mind space using the Sharingan and spoke to the 2 tails to take good care of Yugito Nii.

The two tailed was shocked when it heard Rito called it by its original name.

Well Rito did not explained much and said that he is going to be the step father of the sage of 6 paths soon so he has to know the information right.

With Rito words both two tails and Yugito Nii were shocked.

After that Rito left this place after kissing Yugito Nii on her lips.

Just like this Rito did with hot woman here and left the village hidden in the clouds.

As soon as he left the echo bomb exploded.

“The entire hidden cloud village is filled with bandits that would capture children of other villages when they cannot win with their fists.

They even call themselves as strong men that would deal the things with fists like a man.

Well it is all talk only.

In reality they are child capturing bandits that would go to other villages and capture little woman children.

Last time they went to hidden leaf village to capture Kushina the princess of Uzumaki clan.

Then just a few years ago the hidden cloud village ninja used the pretext of signing peace treaty and captured a kid named Hinata from the Hyuga clan.

They are even shameless to ask for compensation for the retaliation of other people for capturing their kids.

Why should we call you men you are no different than some sissies that would hide and capture children instead of fighting like a man….”

Rito’s echo bomb filled the entire cloud village making all the citizens to listen to all the insults that Rito gave them.

They cannot find the source of the echo bomb and they cannot stop it.

So they can only endure.

With the examples they can point it towards the hidden leaf village but it might not be them too.

Some other village wants to instigate a war between the hidden cloud village and hidden leaf village.

The Raikage don’t know how to take this issue………..


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