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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 166: boarded the ship

Mohini was told that they will leave here in an hour so if she wanted to get anything she should get them quickly and report at the west side port 52 dock area.

Well Mohini did not have anything to buy but just in case she went around to take a look around the market.

There are stalls and people are selling many thing.

Here people would accept contract currency, direct payment and other payments, but the item that they are selling is never put into sale through the system.

The reason for that is the handling fee of the system is high and the system will point out all the flaws in the product.

Because of this no item here is sold though the system.

After looking at many things her insight skill lit up some but they are of no use to her.

Only a few things that she thought are as useful but she will not go in her original appearance to buy anything important.

So she has separated a clone at a conspicuous place and went away.

After some time the clone put on a disguise to buy the things that Mohini liked and stored them inside the personal space.

All of these things were sent to the ark island where they are useful for construction.

Mohini when returning collected her clone with a simple touch in a blind sight.

There are many people passing by and they did not notice anything.

After that Mohini went to the designated location to go on the hunt.

Since the highest ranking monster on the resource island is a rare grade, Mohini was sure that there are many lower grade monsters too.

Also she has to kill someone too.

The sensory type person should be killed in secret.

In the hunting they will give the monster corpses to Mohini to process them into usable items.

So Mohini is going to use this opportunity to extract the genetic essence in secret and store them first.

She will use them later when necessary.


At the port the people are ready and there is a big ship that can hold up to 50 people.

Including Mohini there are around 40 people that are going to the resource island as a part of the king of arms group’s expedition.

Among them other than Mohini there are 9 new people that have joined just now.

Mohini was received by the person that recruited her and did not take her directly to the cook.

Instead she was taken to Jara to meet and get his opinion.

If Jara did not like her then she will be sent to stay with the cook and they will play with her at night.

If Jara likes her, then other people will not touch her until Jara played with her and gave her to them.

This is how things are.

When Jara looked Mohini, he was mesmerized.

Mohini is a beauty with charm that is very high for a new player.

So it has easily attracted attention.

Other hunters also thought the same but the decision lies in the mood of Jara.

So they have to show her to Jara to get his approval.

Jara nodded his head with a smile and came forward to kiss Mohini.

Mohini cooperated as she was waiting for strong dicks to ravage her.

Also they are her supplement and they will be helping her improving her stats and other things.

Other than that her revenge on Jara will be taken when the time is right.

Since Jara like her no one will touch her until Jara gave permission…….

The other 9 people were taken as cannon fodder while Mohini is valued a little.

If she can prove to be a good cook then they don’t mind keeping her alive and pull her completely into their team.

As for the difference in faction they don’t care as the king of nature faction is not in a position to fight back or even saw anything for these kinds of cooperation teams.

The ship is not a tier 1 ark ship but a tier 3 ark ship.

The ship is being controlled by one of the tier 3 team members that are not good at physical combat but he is good at sea navigation.

Because of his expertise he was taken care of by the king of arms faction.

He will help the tier 1 candidates of the king of arms faction to get more resources quickly.

Even though he is stronger he cannot do much on resource islands as those resources are useless to him.

Well he can gain the resources from the juniors.

But as long as he is in the ring 1 endless ocean, away from the border formed by the ring of safe islands, his power would drop to his tier 1 state.

The power drop is to the point when he crossed over the tribulation of the first ring to enter the second ring.

All of his stat would drop to that point.

Fortunately the ark ship would not recede and can be used like that.


After boarding the cook showed Mohini about their living area.

The cooks have their own area to live and sleep.

Also they are on duty to guard the food against some people.

The food usually contains the meat of the high grade monsters stored in the cold storage of the ship.

Usually the players or hunters would not store them in their personal storage unless they are of super high grade.

Even then they cannot store it long as the meat would spoil over time.

The personal storage usually did not have time stop capabilities.

The amount of food that ship can take is less, so Mohini has already bought enough food for her girls to feed for themselves.

She already knows that the trip takes time and she cannot give the girls enough food from the ship.

With that she doesn’t have to fear that her girls would starve.

Chapter 167: lure the chaos beast to the enemies

With that she doesn’t have to fear that her girls would starve.

The cook of the ship left the processing the corpses of the chaos monsters to Mohini while she went to cook the food.

The processing of the corpses and other material preparations takes a longer and hard work while cooking is actually easy.

Well Mohini don’t mind as it would give her some experience dealing with many kinds of materials.

Also she can take advantage of the chance to extract the genetic essence of the meat and store it back inside the ark island.

The process is easy for Mohini as she already prepared many small test tubes in her ark island to collect the genetic essence by different grades.

She doesn’t care about the consumption of her chaos points as she has a ton of them.

Even if they are spent in a year she can always earn them back with her usage of simulation and other skills.


After she did not complain arrogantly for processing the corpses like other new cooks, the cook nodded happily.

Naturally the new players and cooks would show some arrogance.

Mohini did not show any of that and worked perfectly.

The cook actually wanted to test the capabilities and tolerance of Mohini.

He was very satisfied with the work efficiency and calmness of Mohini.

It will take them around 3 days to reach the targeted resource island.

All these three days Mohini was on the duty of processing the meat and other small things that requited hard work.

Mohini did not have any complaints all the time and she was happy to get her hands on the high grade meat to extract the genetic essence.

During this time Mohini went to Jara’s room under their orders and he fucked her.

Well he was good and Mohini really enjoyed it.

Because of her tight young body Jara complimented Mohini and asked if she wanted to work with their team more.

Mohini accepted it and said that her goal is to become a professional cook.

Even after 3 nights of fucking her Jara was unable to let go of Mohini.

He has decided to bring Mohini to his side.

Also she is a good cook based on the analysis of his ship’s cook.

With that he came to a decision to pay a little extra to Joe and put Mohini on his side till he lost interest on fucking her.


On the third day they came to the resource island that is 30 kilometers in area.

It is quite big in a way but it is also small in a way.

This is not as big as the safe island.

Well the size of the safe island is hundreds of square kilometers.

Mohini was not asked to do the scouting at the start, but Mohini volunteered to do the scouting.

There is a vitality pool on this island and Mohini cannot miss that.

Also this vitality pool is guarded by the rare grade chaos monster.

Mohini’s plan is simply.

While others are fighting the chaos monster of the rare grade she would go and collect the resources at the vitality pool.

Since Mohini’s current stats related to sense and intelligence has reached 90 stat points, she did not have any fear towards the sensory type adventurer of king of arms faction.

He will not be able to discover Mohini.

Mohini already know that the sense and intelligence stats of that sensory type scouting hunter is around 60 stat points.

Just to be safe Mohini split a reality clone in the shadows that has 10 stat points to act as a scout to move around finding some herbs for cooking.

The real body went towards the vitality pool.

Mohini did not approach the area stupidly.

Instead she lured the chaos monster.

The chaos monster is a rhinoceros that is twice as big as an elephant.

Since it is a rage type creature Mohini’s main body did not have to go along all the way.

Instead she just needed to lure it to the vicinity of the sensory hunter that Mohini wanted to kill.

As soon as it appeared in her vision Mohini slipped past the area silently giving new targets to the chaos monster.

Mohini took a small detour and went to the vitality pool.

It is not that big as the name suggests of being a pool instead it is a small basin formed by the erosion of a rock.

In the basin is around 5 cups of crystal clear liquid with rainbow radiance like hue.

Mohini took out a chisel and other tools along with asking Titia to come out for help.

With her help Mohini collected the vitality pool along with the concentrating mechanism of the surround area.

It took them 1 full hour of rushing to take the entire thing back to the ark island.

After leaving the things for Titia to take care of in the ark island, Mohini sneaked back to her clone.

Mohini know that there are no other valuable things on this resource island from all the simulations.

After returning to her clone Mohini found a blind spot to take back the clone.

On the other side they are still fighting.

The rhinoceros has a thick skin that can resist the attacks of both physical and magical.

Yes some of the people present here has magical capabilities but none of them are players.

It is said that players would not be able to encounter a movie with magic in them as long as they are tier 1.

It is not like that they would not encounter but the encounter rate is extremely slim.

Like the mummy world where people can gain some magic related stuff.

Also the sorcerer's apprentice fantasy world……..

Well the hunters can only use slight magic which makes no different in the combat against the rare grade chaos monsters.

The people that use magic bullets and guns are trying their best to damage the eyes and other weak points of the chaos monster………

Chapter 168: plan to kill the sensory type hunter

The people that use magic bullets and guns are trying their best to damage the eyes and other weak points of the chaos monster.

The rare grade chaos monsters have 100 stat points in one or more stat which can be called as the pinnacle in the tier one for any average hunter or player.

The reason why they said that 200 stat points being the upper limit of this world is because of the observation of the monster beasts above rare grade.

Epic grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 120 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Legendary grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 150 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Mythical grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 200 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Many hunters and players die usually facing these high grade chaos monsters.

This is especially so for the mythical grade chaos monsters that appears at least 10 times a year.

They have to be taken care off so as to not to let the resource or ruins islands that houses the mythical grade chaos monster drift all the way to the safe island.

Once the safe island was lost to the chaos monster it will directly invade the main land causing the national crisis for all the countries.

Since everything was successfully completed Mohini silently joined the group with a flustered look.

The reason being she was chased by a wild boar basic grade that has around 15 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Mohini fought it around the area with the noticing of some people that turned a blind eye to that.

It is not like these people don’t want to help Mohini.

It is quite common for the hunters to improve while fighting rather than being a green house plant.

None of the hunters would help another unless they are in a group fight or the miserable hunter asks for help on their own initiative.

This is also one of the silent rules on the real world.

If another hunter really comes to help without being asked by the already fighting hunter then it means that the one that came to help has bad intentions.

Even though they came here as a group, they are still not a group unless they are assigned by the leader Jara or the vise leader.

So they can only turn blind eye towards Mohini.

Mohini acted as if she used all of her strength to fight the wild boar and kill it.

Then she rushed to help other people facing the rhinoceros.

But she did not intervene.

She only stood on the side to watch the fight.

Unless she was commanded by the leader she would not move to help.

Those people liked her enthusiasm and happy for the little support that Mohini can give them.

Mohini moved around the sensory type hunter wanting to kill sneakily.

But she cannot as the situation is complicated.

This sensory type hunter is at the very back of the group.

He is a sniper with a sniping gun on his hands trying to shoot the rhinoceros’s eyes while other people distract it.

Killing him right now is not possible.

Well she can poison him using a needle or use some poisonous snake chaos monster to bite him.

This will not attract any attention towards her and can safely escape.

But what are the benefits from that.

The crisis that should happen was already averted so is there a point in killing this sensory hunter.

But then again Mohini remembered the bad ending she had and the reason for all this is that ungrateful man.

Even after he was saved by Mohini this man has back stabbed her.

This kind of person is better off dead than to become another obstacle in the future.

Soon there will be a crisis that this man would face.

One of his bullets would hit the eye of the rhinoceros and its rage would be concentrated on him.

Right at that time Mohini should save him based on the original future.

If Mohini did not then this man will die or severely injured.

Mohini has decided not to save him.

If he did not die and was severely injured then Mohini is going to kill him using poison.

Mohini has already prepared the poisonous plant leaf.

Her hands are wearing, use and throw palm gloves.

All she has to do is to rub this poisonous leaf at the spot of injury and dispose of the leaf.


Mohini has set up all of that in order and waited for the good show.

Soon the bullet of the sensory hunter hit eye of the chaos monster and it immediately charged at him with full rage.

Many defensive type hunters tried to block or divert its path but none of them were able to completely stop it.

The sensory type hunter was hit by the rhinoceros.

Well it is not a complete hit as he was able to avoid the direct hit by a narrow margin.

But still the force that touched him sent him flying.

He broke through a few trees and fell down.

The other hunters and players immediately took charge to attack the beast fiercely.

This stopped the further attack of the monster.

Some of the non combat hunters immediately went to help the sensory type hunter.

Mohini also went there looking at the man covered in bruises she has smiled inside but did not show any change.

When they want to carry him back to the ship, Mohini went to help.

Right when the other people are busy cleaning off the leaves and other foliage stock to his body because of blood Mohini rubbed poison covered leaf right near an artery.

This poison is powerful and after 3 hours it will directly dissolve into blood of the dead person.

Unless there is a poison specialist right on the spot…..

Chapter 169: crisis solved

This poison is powerful and after 3 hours it will directly dissolve into blood of the dead person.

Unless there is a poison specialist right on the spot, they cannot say that this person was poisoned.

After smearing the poison, Mohini acted normal and placed the gloves and leaf inside her personal storage.

More people came to carry the person back to the ship for treatment.

Mohini was sure that this person would die in half an hour so she went to the other task of collecting the genetic essence of the rare grade chaos monster.

She will not take all of the genetic essence only 60 percent of the amount will be extracted.

If she took everything then this might cause her some problems such as suspicion.

Since she was on duty to take care of the processing work of the dead beast Mohini was happy.

After fighting for another 2 hours they finally killed the chaos monster by piercing its eyes all the way to the brain.

Then called Mohini to process the body of the chaos monster right there so that they don’t have to carry it back to the ship.

There are some people to guard the area while Mohini does the process.

She started with a soft spot to cut the body of the beast step by step.

But before that she has already extracted the genetic essence using her extraction skill and stored it back silently.

With the processing done those people carried the skin of the rhinoceros and meat of the beast separately.

The bones and inner parts were also collected in separate containers.

They will extract the genetic essence from all of the body including intestines and other parts using special machines on the ship.

The skin and bone will not be used for extraction process as they are used to make armor and weapons.

While processing Mohini found a crystal bead on the same size of an adult fist.

This is the spirit bead and there is a chance of getting the spirit of the chaos monster from this bead.

The spirit obtained from the spirit bead can be a weapon spirit or armor spirit or a pet spirit that can be used as a mount or something else.

If it is a weapon or armor spirit then they can be attached to weapons or armor made out of its skin.

Also the requirement of the spirit integrated into the player of the same level as the genetic essence that they filled to 100 percent for becoming a tier 2 hunter is a necessity.

The spirit that was integrated into the soul of the player or hunter will follow him or her throughout their life.

It is like a foundation for a player and also for their combat effectiveness.

A player or hunter can integrated a spirit in to their soul only after they broke through the 60 stat point’s bottle neck.

Mohini handed over the spirit bead to the one monitoring her and continued with the process.

After she is done with the processing Mohini was told to come back to the ship.

She still has to do some preparatory work to support the cook to make food.

By the time Mohini came back she heard the news that the sensory hunter died because of the heavy injuries.

They directly buried his body on the island right in front of Mohini.

They will spend few more days on this island to collect more resources.

They did not have any means to store the dead body as the cold storage will be filled with monster meat.

The leading player or the leader of this trip Jara the son of king of arms faction don’t care about the death of the subordinates.

His target is to improve his strength and improve his profits.

Also this sensory hunter has joined in the last expedition of Resource Island.

He is not from their king of arms faction instead he is from the magic research faction.

That is the reason why he has high sensory perception.


With that Mohini already got her crisis averted.

She first went to help the cook of the ship with her work.

After she was done with that Mohini went back to her room to rest.

She did not have any interest in exploring this island.

Based on her memories except for the vitality pool and the rare ranked chaos monster there is nothing on this island.

So she did not bother to do anything.

Instead she chatted with the girls while telling them some things important and practiced her techniques.

After a while she studied the new details from simulation and made some plans.


Time passed by another week.

Mohini was able to reach 100 stat points in some of the stats.

At the same time she was able to fill some more genetic essence and consumed them.

She along with the people of the king of arms faction returned back to the safe island.

Mohini mostly took the chaos points as payment which made the people of king of arms faction like Mohini.

Also her night services were the best for Jara and he really wanted to spend a little more time with her.

But he is not blinded by lust.

He has his own things to do and there are other women to take care of.

Well any way they can invite Mohini back again for their hunt.

They want her to become their cook for the future hunts as well.

Mohini agreed.

She has already simulated and found that these people would give her more genetic essence.

There is also a chance of obtaining some special resources that she needed for upgrading the ark island.

Mohini still has to go out of this place and enter her ark island at least once to activate some things.

It is mandatory.

So after leaving the people of the king of arms faction Mohini came to a dockyard that can be rented………

Chapter 170: ark ship and ark island activation

So after leaving the people of the king of arms faction Mohini came to a dockyard that can be rented.

It was safe here and some upgrades can be done to the ark ships and ark islands here.

There are special docks of the management system of the safe island that are free from monitoring.

These dock yards can be adjusted by size based on the will of the hunter but the hunter has to pay the price of modification for the system.

Other than that the things he did inside will not be known by other people.

Mohini did not do that on her own instead she left a weak clone outside like she did previously to shake off any suspicion that might fall on Mohini.

After that she went to the official dock areas with a disguise and rented a dock yard.

Well the renting process was done using the fake identity provided by the system.

After that Mohini entered the dock area, she locked it from all forms of spying by spending the chaos points.

Then she first brought out her women and Hirano from the ark island and the let the ark ship came out.

The ship is of the old model with sails.

Its current capacity is not that big and can hold up to 60 people.

Mohini has already brought out many advanced materials for this ship in the previous auction and even before going to the auction while roaming around the capital.

Titia has already estimated the amount of time required for upgrading the entire ship.

Fortunately the time required is only 3 days.

If Mohini helped with her then the time would reduce even more.

With these things installed the ship can become the fastest tier 1 ship.

This can be compared to the speed of the tier 3 ship that belongs to the king of arms faction.

The ship that belongs the king of arms faction has upgraded 2 times reaching tier 3 with some average materials like sails, wood…….

But the materials Mohini used for her ship are all from a very high grade from epic to mythical.

Because of this the capabilities of the ship even though it was tier 1 can reach up to the level of a tier 3 ship that is made of average materials or even more.

In the next 5 days there is no hunt for Resource Island or other things.

So Mohini is free to do as he pleases.

Mohini and Titia moved to work on the ship.

Other women and Hirano also helped in some heavy labor.

After their practice most of them reached 20 stat points in some specific stats or even more than that.

With their help Mohini is done with the ship in 2.5 days that now looked like a three mast sail ship.

Fortunately this dock can give heavy lifting equipment when chaos points are paid.

So the process became easy.

The ship in the tier 1 can only be made out of wood.

Later when reaching the tier 2 some metal sheets around the ship or higher level defenses can be added……….

Mohini got on the ship and got recognized as the captain of the ship.

Mohini named the ship as fate.

As soon as she gave the name she got the notification saying that this ship received a blessing from fate.

The ship will have 5 percent chance of good encounters, and 5 percent chance of evasion from the disasters.

Mohini shared this information with her lovers making them happy.

They all had stars in their eyes and a sense of satisfaction because, this ships construction has all of their efforts.

Mohini put away the ark ship and then brought out the ark island.

The size needed to be increased.

Fortunately these docks related to system have enchanted space magic.

After adding more chaos points the space increases and Mohini let out the ark island into the water on the dock space.

It has been long since Mohini was able to step on the ark island.

It was so beautiful.

It is like a dream land with a big island and simple houses.

Mohini wanted to improve this more but for that she first has to active the town center first.

So she stepped on the ark island for the first time after development.

The gathering center is not big but a simply wooden structure with stone platform and a water fountain at the center.

The water is not coming out of the fountain.

All these days Mohini is the one that provided water to the group of lovers.

The water seed is used in the fountain as water source but the problem is that unless Mohini starts it officially it will not start producing water.

But before the start of the construction of the town center the water seed still produced water.

Only after the water seed was installed inside the fountain did the production of water stopped.

Mohini went to the center of the place near the water fountain and moved to the gathering center.

Only she has the right to enter this place and officially arrange the things related to the island and its future development direction.

As soon as she entered she was recognized as the master of the island and she got the notification saying that he should name the island.

Mohini gave the same name to the ark island which is the same as the name of the ark ship.

The island of fate is the name of the island.

With the name give Mohini got another notification saying the benefits of the naming that he gave.


The things that are manufactured on this island will have 5 percent improvement in their grade.

The materials invested on this island have 5 percent chance of upgrading their grade.

The people summoned on this island have 5 percent chance of gaining work related skills faster and the proficiency would improve faster…..”


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