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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 36: Naruto’s situation

When she arrived there she saw a yellow haired boy that was around 4 years old.

She can immediately tell that it was her son.

There is nine tails chakra on his body and his appearance is exactly like that of her son.

Being a nine tails jinchūriki before, she can sense the chakra of the nine tails on Naruto.

Also being a soul she her senses relate to chakra is heightened.

This is winter so the climate is very cold.

Naruto did not have any heater mechanism at home.

So he is trying to fight the cold by covering his body with many blankets.

She looked at the kitchen with second hand kitchen utensils.

There are cup noodles in the shelves and the other food materials are just around the expiry date.

At that time Naruto muttered.

“Big Rito is so good to me.

He bought me ramen today.

It tastes so much better than those cup noodles.

I should help big brother Rito in the future when I become Hokage.

Big brother Rito is not like those people that look at me like I am some sort of a monster.

I got my first best friend hehe….”

Looking at the scene Kushina wanted to cry but no tears came out.

There is only the expression of pain on her face.

She knows that this is definitely her son but he is living in such a poor situation.

She now believes what Rito said is true about her son.

She did not stop there and went to check on the situation of third Hokage.

That is the Sarutobi clan.

Everyone the Sarutobi clan is enjoying the warm indoors with heating mechanisms.

Their children were playing happily around in the snow.

There is warm food and happiness all over the place.

Then she went to look for her house and the house of Minato.

But these places are occupied by the stores of Sarutobi clan, Shimura clan, Homura clan and Utatane clan.

The place occupied by Minato’s house is large after he became the fourth Hokage.

But that no longer exists and was replaced with the stores of these clans.

The more she looked at these things the more Kushina became angry.

She was literally trembling with anger.

She even saw third Hokage enjoying his free time.

Soon she went around the all the people she know and have relation with.

Everyone is doing their own thing.

Based on what Rito said most people don’t know that Naruto is their son instead they thought that Naruto is the demon fox that is reincarnated.

After going around the town to look she returned back to Rito…….


The reason why Rito did not bring back his parents first and called Kushina is not because he was a scumbag.

Instead it was not the right time to bring back his parents.

Also he cannot support too many souls right now.

When his situation stabilizes then he will resurrect his parents to enjoy the riches.

As for summoning Kushina, first is to learn the sealing techniques from her.

Also she is the best candidate to summon right now so that he can learn some things related to Uzumaki clan.

He wanted to unlock the bloodline of Uzumaki clan.

He is going to take her help.

She might be able to know the location of the corpses of the first Hokage and his wife Mito Uzumaki.


When she returned Rito has already recovered most of his chakra.

The consumption is very slow and it can directly covers with the rate of automatic recovery of chakra.

So he is not particularly strained.

But the practice time would be reduced to some extent because after spending his chakra, the recovery time increases.

Well after a few days he will become self sufficient with his physical and spiritual growth.


Looking at the appearance of Kushina’s face Rito can tell that she has verified what he said to her about Naruto.

When she came back she directly knelt down on her knees and asked Rito to help her son.

She would do anything to let her son have some good time and good life.

She did not consider Rito as a child.

Even though Rito has the appearance of a child, but she can be sure that Rito is not a child.

She has another thing that she wanted to ask Rito.

That is if it was him that released the 9 tails that day when she was giving birth to Naruto.

For her question Rito directly told her.

“It was not me.

This was actually caused by the negligence of your husband.

Do you remember Obito one of your husband’s disciples.

He did not die in the war.

Instead he was saved by Madara Uchiha.

Then Madara Uchiha arranged for Obito to watch the death of Rin in the hands of Kakashi.

This is so that Obito opens his Mangekyō Sharingan.

He became a pawn in the hands of Madara Uchiha.

When Kakashi was sad and telling the happy news of you giving birth soon, Obito was irritated.

He thought that why should other people be happy when his Rin died leaving here alone.

So he attacked you that day causing all of these problems.

Also at that time if Uchiha clan were let out to participate in the fight with the 9 tailed fox,

Along with all the other ninja from the root including Danzo came to support you,

You and Minato might not die.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen took his sweet time to come and help.

His commanding abilities are very slowly.

He thought that after the death of Minato he can become Hokage again with the support that he already has.

He never expected that his wife would die along with you people that day.

Because of this he resent Naruto and want to make a chained servant for his family or the puppet Hokage in the future.

These are his thoughts right now………..

Chapter 37: learning sealing techniques from Kushina

Because of this he resent Naruto and want to make a chained servant for his family or the puppet Hokage in the future.

These are his thoughts right now.

Right now they are planning against the Uchiha clan and wanted to wipe out their clan just like the Senju clan.

Also your Uzumaki clan destruction is also related to them to some extent.

Don’t you think that it is strange that they only saved you from when your entire clan is destroyed?

Also after bring you out they directly made you into jinchūriki.

Most probably Mito might not even know about the destruction of Uzumaki country before you were brought to her.

After she died, third Hokage and Danzo used their power to use the moral kidnapping to send Senju clan to the front lines.

This way they are directly sent to their deaths.

While they are out dying in the war, the people in the clan were slowly reduced by shadow forces.

Now there is only Tsunade left in the Senju clan.

Fortunately there is an intelligent person unlike Hashirama that separated from the Senju clan forming small clans in disguise.

Some of them were saved……..”

The more she listened to the words of Rito the angrier she became.

In the words Rito even sowed discord towards Minato and Jiraiya….

Rito has promised her that when he has enough power he would summon Minato to question him about his knowledge about her past.

Also she understood that her husband that became fourth Hokage is just a puppet Hokage controlled by the third Hokage.

She was a proud woman but the halo of the protagonist from Minato has reduced her IQ.

This led to her current situation.

Since there is no Minato now she has changed in mentality and her brain is working normally.

“How do you know all these things…?

Why did you summon me?”

Kushina asked.

She was shocked by the amount of secrets that Rito knows.

Rito became silent for a moment and then said.

“I cannot tell you about this as it are my secret and any small mistake can cost me my life.

So I cannot tell you right now.

There are two reasons why I summoned you here.

The first reason is the most important one that I cannot tell you now.

But the second reason I will tell you.

Please teach me sealing techniques of Uzumaki clan.

I was captured by Orochimaru's men before

I was lucky enough to see you body and Minato’s body at his lab.

I got this strand of hair and used this to summon you.”

Looking at the explanation of Rito, Kushina believed it.

This is because that is the nature of Orochimaru to begin with.

“Did you get the hair of Minato too….?”

She asked with a little expectation.

Originally her temperament is fiery so she wanted to settle the account with Minato directly.

“I did have his hair.

I kept it so that I can scold him to my heart’s content for his incompetence…..

Unfortunately he is inside the belly of the shinigami.

There is a special way to bring him back as a soul.

But my current strength is not enough……..”

Rito said with his innocent face.

Kushina was sad when her husband was called incompetent but she did not have anything to say.

So she has decided to teach the sealing techniques of her clan to him.

Right now Rito is the only one that can take care of her son.

Even thought she is very unsatisfied with her husband’s arrangements, and her son’s situation she cannot do anything as a soul.

So right now, Rito is the best bet to help her son live.

Also she was curious of the first reason that Rito did not tell her…

Since he did not tell her she cannot ask him directly.


Rito can practice through simulations but gaining the contact with Kushina was the important thing.

The time passed by slowly.

Rito went on missions.

This time he specifically chose the missions towards the land of the grass.

Rito’s target is to bring back Karin and her mother.

Also a substitute for Izumi that Rito is going to save in the future.

Rito will use shadow clone in place of Izumi so that when the night of the genocide came he would switch their identities.

He has the system and he can find some high level disguise materials for her.

During his missions Kushina followed him and finally they came to the land of the grass.

Here Karin’s mother is being used for healing.

Kushina was able to recognize these people from Uzumaki clan that came here to take refugee.

She was very sad by the situation of her clansmen.

Rito told her that he would save them.

There is a procedure to take people back to the village and add them as citizens.

But Rito cannot do that so boldly and bring the people of Uzumaki clan.

He still has to disguise them to look as normal people.

The land of the grass has weak security and this was not enough to stop Rito.

He sneaked into their village and contacted Karin's mother Karen.

(The name of Karin’s mother is not mentioned so I gave one with similar sounding name)

After speaking to her about some things he told her that he could get her out of this place and take her back to Konoha village.

But he told her the current bad situation at Konoha and told her and her daughter to disguise their hair and abilities.

Compared to living here, living at Konoha is much safer.

Also Rito mentioned knowing Kushina that is their princess that no longer exists and wanted to help them in her name.

For proof Rito showed some very secretive techniques of Uzumaki clan that Kushina told him.

Other than that Kushina seems to recognize these people from her clan.

So she told Rito some important things to make them believe Rito………

Chapter 38: officially became Chunin

So she told Rito some important things to make them believe Rito.

Well even in Uzumaki clan having the ability to heal is really a rare ability.

Only with that did they believe in Rito’s words.

They have decided to follow Rito and leave this place with him.

Rito created shadow clones to take both Karen and Karin at the same time while a shadow clone creates illusions to assist their escape.

After successfully leaving this place Rito stopped at a nearby village to make some identities for both of them using money.

In the photos they did not have red hair instead they have black hair.

Their hair was died by a special means that would not wear of unless they used special reagent.

Rito being an old assassin has many tricks on his hand.

On the way Rito explained some important things.

At the village entrance the guards greeted Rito happily.

Rito has a cheerful and honest personality in the opinion of most of the villagers that met him.

Because of this he is very popular.

At the entrance Rito simply stated that the pair of mother and daughter were on their way to this village and were intercepted by some bandits.

Rito saved them and escorted them here.

After that they went on with the registration process.

Before coming here Rito specifically made registration in a small village outside along with house registration.

It is said that they are staying in that village for sometime in secluded area.

Well all of that is a cover story and there is no need to verify it that much.

But still Rito made sure that he chose the people that really existed as the cover story.

Also there are only 2 registrations.

Rito did not make a fake one just yet.

There are going to have a background check.

But Rito covered their faces with special disguise masks that would help cover their faces.

This mask is not costly just 10 thousand simulation points a pair.

After that is done Rito took them to the village and to the real estate office.

Rito want them to buy a house here.

The house that was vacated by Izumi’s family can be bought by them.

So with Rito’s help they bought the house.

The money was taken out by Karen but it was given to her by Rito.

Also Rito specifically shot some chakra needles on Karen using gentle fist so that she would look like a normal person.

Fortunately there is a bandit incident on the way and Rito made these bandits as the scapegoat for Karen and her daughter for assurance.

After arranging them Rito went to Hokage’s office to report about this matter.

Hokage was suspicious by nature so he sent someone to check things immediately.

Soon it was verified that there is indeed a bandit’s incident on the way and the pair of mother and daughter lives in mountain village in seclusion.

But they are a Rich family originally.

They were attacked by bandits and the house was ruined in that mountain village.

After getting a registration they came here with Rito that saved them….

Hokage sent someone from Hyuga clan to see if there is any indication of chakra usage with either of mother or daughter.

But there are no chakra fluctuations in them.

With the investigation results third Hokage did not care more.

Well he has more important things to take care off.

Also he has seen Rito for the past 4 years and knows that Rito is very kind hearted.

So this cleared the suspicion….

After arranging the house and stay for Karen and her daughter Rito let them rest for the time being.

Rito don’t want to become ninja instead he wanted them to open up a shop and do business.

Naturally Karin will be able to able to join the ninja academy.

Rito will take measures to pull her to his side before she becomes attracted to Sasuke.

Rito has already come into contact with Ino Yamanaka, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga, and Tenten….

In their impression Rito is a great big brother and their first love.

So he has his plans for all of them.

Kushina was happy with the arrangements that Rito made for her clans men.

She taught him sealing techniques.

She even taught him all the details that Minato taught him.

Because of her stubborn nature she would pester Minato to learn all of his progress.

Well she might have learnt it or not she still got the information from Minato.

So all of this experience was in her memories were given to Rito.

Rito used the simulation to make progress gaining his memories of experience of those sealing techniques.

In them Rito was fortunate enough to gain the flying thunder god technique that Minato specializes in.

She got the information when Minato gave her the technique details and asked her if she was able to master it.

Unfortunately she was unable to master the flying thunder god technique.

But that is not the case with Rito as he has simulation system and system store that can help him learn the flying thunder god technique.

If there are any problems they can be solved by the system.

While making progress Rito taught some food recipes of sweets back on earth.

Then he helped them rent a shop and open a store with sweets and cakes……

A year passed by and Rito became close to Karin too.

From the system store Rito bought a skill that can see the favorability of other people towards him and between other people.

So he can know who to trust and who not to trust.

Since he is not a protagonist he has to be careful of the protagonist halo.

Also this year he and Itachi becomes Chunin officially.

Well based on the missions completed by Rito it was easy for him to become Chunin.

Even the test was completed easily.

Itachi even with his Sharingan was unable to defeat Rito in the Chunin rank up test from the Hokage.

Chapter 39: Rito’s ambitions

Itachi even with his Sharingan was unable to defeat Rito in the Chunin rank up test from the Hokage.

This will ensure to Hokage that even if one day Itachi acts out of line Rito could take care of Itachi.

This also means that Rito should be cultivated more.

With that Rito and Itachi were both promoted to Chunin officially.


Sometime after that Kakashi took him to Hokage so that the third Hokage give Rito some extra support.

Rito got his hands on some high level techniques from Hokage.

Well they are not S- rank techniques, only some A and B rank techniques in relation to the chakra nature of Rito.

Rito showed them that he has chakra natures of water and earth.

This did not even connect to the chakra nature of Uchiha clan that usually have.

This also reduced some of the vigilance of third Hokage.

Rito was not interested in these techniques as he already got more advanced ones.

But still he practiced them quickly to mastery level with his understanding.

With high level understanding of a thing it would become easy for Rito to practice something relatively simple.

Rito diligently practiced sealing techniques taught by Kushina while helping things with Karen and her daughter’s store.

A few days later the son of the third Hokage came back that is Asuma Sarutobi.

Rito always thought that the appearance of Asuma looked more like the summoned monkey of the third Hokage rather than the appearance of third Hokage.

Rito should guard against Asuma from pursuing Kurenai from now on.

Well he has already made the preparations for that.

Kurenai has a very good impression on Rito and the third Hokage also had good impression on Rito.

So if he made some special things then he will not be implicated or suspected.


Slowly time passed by and Rito is 10 years old this year.

He became acquainted with Asuma and most of the time became a third wheel between him and Kurenai.

As the saying goes,

It is hard to hit the face of the smiling man.

Currently Rito is learning Genjutsu from Kurenai under the orders of Hokage.

Well Kurenai volunteered to teach Rito.

So they are fine.

The only one with grievances is none other than Asuma.

One time Rito used his swift hands to drop some aphrodisiac medicine in the food of Asuma.

Well he is a professional assassin, he was not discovered.

Also his reflexive actions are very casual to notice this.

This medicine is not the fast acting one.

So even after Asuma ate the food there is no effect right now.

Based on the information Asuma would meet with Hokage today in his office then meet with Koharu Utatane to speak with something related to the village development.

Well the third Hokage is making Asuma learn the important things of becoming a Hokage to familiar himself with the work details.

The effect of the aphrodisiac medicine would activate at that moment when Asuma would become like a dog in heat.

Koharu is old and her ninja techniques are already rusty.

Also she is single for many days…..


Rito did not leave the things at that instead he used the echo skill on Asuma’s shirt.

As long as it is activated there will be strong sound coming from Asuma attracting the attention of the entire village.

Also the words that come out of the echo are in the voice of Asuma speaking dirty words and talk towards Koharu.

Rito planned the entire thing perfectly using his simulation and timings.

Well he knows the results from the simulation but seeing the things with his own eyes is much better.

Well he is not going to watch the play of Asuma and Koharu but the later reaction of the public is the most important thing.


This is not the only place that Rito arranged the echo technique.

There are few more places where he placed this echo technique that would spread the word of what happened between Asuma and Koharu.

The echo’s that would spread the word will have the voice of Danzo.

They echo’s are like remote or timed bombs that can spray out any time.

They did not cause any damage to the people.

It is just an auxiliary skill that would only make distractions to the enemy.


This time Rito left early giving time for Asuma and Kurenai to talk.

Well Kurenai did not fell in love with Asuma yet.

They are still in the trail period.

After Rito left Asuma completed his meal with Kurenai without any hindrance.

Rito has already made appointment with Kurenai to meet her later to practice Genjutsu.


Rito returned back to his home followed by Kushina.

During this time Kushina understood that Rito is a kind person but he has contact with too many beauties of the village.

When she saw what Rito just did she was happy that the third Hokage would have some headache.

At the same time she also thought that Rito is not your usual cute little boy.

She immediately connected this to all the girls that Rito is in contact with.

Being a woman she was able to see the meticulous care of Rito towards all these women and their impression towards him.

She was unable to hold back any longer and finally asked Rito when they returned back to home.

“Rito do you have anyone you love…in the women you are meeting every day…”

Rito looked at Kushina and said.

“I love you Kushina…”

Kushina did not register what Rito just said and asked him to repeat what he just said.

“I love you Kushina.

When I become strong enough I will resurrect you and want to marry you.

Not only you but there are many girls that I love.

I am going to have the biggest harem in the ninja world.

I will take over the entire ninja world and become the king of the ninja world….”

Chapter 40: Asuma was busted

Kushina was shocked by Rito’s words.

“Rito are you telling the truth…?

You should know that I am a married women and I even had a son.

Why do you think that I would be with you…?”

Rito smiled and said.

“I know all of that but all of that is in your past life.

After I resurrect you technically you are born again with the memories of your past life.

As for love, why not love me.

I will sincerely pursue you till you accept me.

I can tell you one thing though.

I am not a hero but a villain with the blood of many people on my hands.

If you want to know who I am then you should become my woman.

Well any way you don’t have to worry.

I will not force you even though I am a villain…”

Rito said all this because Kushina has done teaching all of the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan and other things yesterday.

Well to be more precise he asked her to tell him all of that so that he could record them in a book just in case.

Kushina did not mind and told him everything.

This includes that seal that confines the 9 tailed fox inside Naruto.

Rito also simulated the thing along with pitting Asuma.

He already has the memory of all the techniques.

All he needs to do is practice them.

He don’t like to cheat when it come to the women he likes.

So he finally told her the truth.

Rito is not going to send her back to the pure land.

Also she will not ask him to send her back to the pure land because she still wants her son to live happily.

Other than that Rito has sowed discord on her love towards Minato.

In the simulation Kushina did not accept Rito’s love and just consoled him like a senior.

But she will slowly accept Rito.

She is a hard shell that needs gentle care to break.

Rito will scrape the shell layer by layer till he reaches her heart.

As he expected Kushina reacted in the elderly manner fearing that if she made Rito angry he would show his anger on Naruto.

But Rito already knows all of her thoughts.

All his plans are appropriate to melt her slowly.

The more care that Rito shows to Naruto, the more Kushina would change feeling that Rito can be a good father to Naruto.

This though would become her down fall in the future.

For a tough nut like Kushina care is the best way to pull her into his embrace.

Even after all she said Rito still said that he would pursue her…

Kushina can only sigh as she cannot do anything.


While they are bickering the echo bombs that Rito planted exploded.

Rito knows that the plan worked.

He came out of his house quickly moving towards the Hokage building.

Kushina followed to watch the show.

She did not have any guilty conscious towards the family of the third Hokage.

Everyone in the village heard the voice of Asuma talking dirty towards Koharu.

At the same time there are witnesses of the incident.

When Rito arrived at the Hokage building there is no one here.

Kakashi appeared from the other side that came to Hokage’s office to know is happening here.

Kakashi is around 16 years old and was very much interested in these kinds of things to distract him from his sad memories.

Under the lead of Kakashi, Rito quickly moved towards the direction where the Hokage and other people should be.

Well he already knows the plot so they came to the place where Asuma and Koharu should have done…cough…cough… that.

Everything should be over by this time and the thoughts should be planted in the minds of all the people.

With that officially Asuma became the person that has a very strong taste and aged women.

The words quickly spread around the village on that very day.

Kushina was very happy at how bad Rito is.

She never has this kind of happiness when she was with Minato the sunny boy.

Well most of the girls would love the bad guys than the good sunny boys.

This is because bad guys can survive in any place while the sunny boys or good boys would usually be used by all till they die.

The best example is Minato that don’t even know the inner workings of the village and became the Hokage.

Rito went back to Kurenai’s house as this matter is not for them to deal with.

Also right now Kurenai needs someone to comfort her broken heart.

Well it can be said that Kurenai has slight feeling towards the Asuma.

He has been pursuing her from their childhood.

It is a lie to say that there are no feelings at all.

But these feelings are not deep.

“Sister Kurenai, don’t be sad.

Sometimes things like this happens,

We should brave ourselves and navigate through the troubled times with strong heart.


Rito consoled her in his own way.

Looking at a cute 10 year old boy consoling her made her a little ashamed.

So she changed her mood and went out with Rito to a training ground to practice Genjutsu.

Rito created a Genjutsu on her,

“In that Rito became older and very handsome man.

He went to Kurenai and proposed to her…….”

This is the Genjutsu that Rito made for Kurenai with his strong ability.

It was very hard to break the Genjutsu and the entire thing progressed till the older version of Rito kissed her.

Their life fast forwarded,

They have children and lived a very happy life till they grow older…..

Right at the end Genjutsu broke.

Rito created this Genjutsu using the Mangekyō Sharingan in the same way Itachi used it on Izumi.

When Kurenai broken out of it she was still immersed in her life and when she looked at Rito she directly called him.



What's the chances of him getting konan to join him instead of staying with those two. I mean danzo teamed up with the salamander guy to destroy them around this time.... I'm pretty sure ... he swoops in disguised saves konan uses genjutsu to make it appear konan died instead of that one guy causing Nagato to awaken with her death instead of ... yahiko? Dying. Nagano still awakens he still has a bodyguard in yahiko .... konan was mainly that and he can use a actual loyal team member truthfully. Then uses shusuis eyes to make her think she was working for him as a double agent all along.


Never mind that happens around the 2nd ninja war the Uchiha massacre is after the third. But once he gets shusuis eye ... thinking he steals it or given it if he promises to watch over saskue from itachi ... he can transplant it Kakashi style in someone he trusts .... then using hashirama and orochimarus research ... because let's be real 10 years between uses is way to long maybe every 2 years after cells used yah danzo can only use it every 10 years but if it's transplanted into a actual Uchiha lets say his .. mother...or izumi... their compatible bloodline could make that believable with hashiramas cells.... then have them use it on konan.

Souryourer Fate

well it is possible but I have different thoughts about that story and a more easy way to do things.