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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 131: calm before the storm

“Every stat, every attack, every defense, every task and even the slightest thing that player has strong will that is backing it will have a percentage of increase in achieving the target.

Even the incompatible can become compactable finding a balance point when the strong will to make them compatible is in play.

The amount of percentage improvement will depend on the strength of the resolve of the player and level if the skill……….

This skill will act passively and the skill can further upgrade into higher level skill based on the resolve of the user…..”

Only now did Mohini understand why she was able to gain the insight and do many things that are over her head easily in the past.

She has put her life on the line to gain what she wanted.

It is her resolve to gain or die trying that has made her a man that she is today.

With that some of her questions related to her innate skill were solved.

Now coming back to the choice of what she should take from this simulation.

Only now after getting back her rationality did she observed that there are chaos points mentioned beside every option.

Mohini was doubtful and questioned what that was knowingly guessing the answer.


Player has to pay the chaos points to get the gains out of the simulation options.

The higher the gains the higher the cost requires to gain them in real life.”

Also she observed that the stats related to vitality or strength or stamina did not seem to show any obvious big improvement.

This was confirmed by the amount of chaos points that are required to gain them through objective approach.

Also she understood that the most valuable thing is actually the memories.

Yes with the memories from the last simulation Mohini was able to make the fortune that he has right now.

So she chose the memories and paid the 13,000 chaos points with a helpless face.

She though how much would it costs if she used it in the fantasy world continuously.


In the fantasy world all the costs would be reduced to a tenth of the current value.”

Mohini can only sigh.

If she want to achieve some great things that she should have enough financial resources to support.

Even though she has around 100 million chaos points they are not enough to maintain her consumption.

Stupid ideals would not make them reality with just putting up effort.

Effort is just one of the many required sources to reach the goals.

As soon as she bought the memories she had a headache.

Everything including the incidents of the death of her women and her pain all of this went into her mind.

They were all deemed to be important memories because of her strong will and were given to her.

The pain is so much that she was literally twitching.

It is not physical pain but mental pain and anguish of losing the loved ones in the most horrible way possible.

Every single men that every touched her women was deeply etched in her mind and as far as she was considered they were all going to die horribly.

The grin on the face of Mohini is so creepy that it can even bypass her charm and frighten any person that sees her now.

She took out a book and started to note down the information from the memories.

Even with the burning anger Mohini did not lose the sight of what is important.

It was like the calm before the storm.

The calmer she was the stronger her rage is and the devastation that she caused will be.

With that he analyzed the details of the cause of incidents again.

This time she thought of a crucial point that has caused the entire situation to flip over.

It was the one that she would save and got betrayed snitching her information.

His name seems is Kalyan a sensory type with scouting ability.

But the drawback is that his sensory perception would attract monsters towards him.

That is the reason he was attacked before.

Mohini got an idea that she wanted to use.

If she was able to remove this person from the picture then it is largely possible that Mohini can easily escape from all the calamities without even a single scratch.

Right now all she needed is time to become strong.

Also from the memories she made some more minor changes to her thinking in buying the things and financial capabilities.

After this week she might not make so much money that she made before because the market will go down again.

This time is the booming time for all those illegal transactions so there will be some good hard cash in those fake accounts that can be hacked.

Also she can use that very time to invest in the shares and stock market to multiply the money easily.

With everything done calculating Mohini wanted to go through the simulation again.

Her target is still the same that is to improve her stat points as quickly as possible.

Previously she wanted to stop when the amount of chaos points reach 10 billion so that she would not attract too much attention.

But now she changed her mind and has thoughts of improving her power as quickly as possible.


Player, do you want to use the simulation skill in the real world?

Please pay 20 thousand chaos points for usage.



Mohini looked through the message and decisively chose to spend the 20 thousand chaos points to know what future holds for her.


Payment received.

Simulation starts.”

Mohini received this message through the light screen and then the new messages started to pop out one after the other.

“Real world, new era year 721, February 11th”

“February month,

Player is going through the training and earned a fortune through many tactics from the pests of the society using the fake account…….”

Chapter 132: died again

“February month,

Player is going through the training and earned a fortune through many tactics from the pests of the society using the fake account.

Player has successfully participated in the auction winning Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng and the special materials for the construction of altar from the auction along with other materials for a little lower price.

Player left the auction house but was surrounded by strong people that attacked without speaking.

Fortunately player already knows that and was able to activate the teleportation artifact on the right time to escape without any wounds.

Teleportation artifact was mildly damaged during the teleportation process.

Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng was sealed in a special container that would not let it out under normal circumstances……….”

“March month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: Titanic

Completed the fantasy world successfully

Went to raid a resource island,

Controlled your actions under the eyes of many and did not gather much attention.

You volunteered to be a scout for the team.

You have shown your scouting capabilities by saving a man belongs to the gang of son of king of arms faction and were accepted.

But you have injected some poison into his injury while saving him and causing him to die without anyone noticing your hand.

You have already known the location of the vitality pool.

You were able to sneak there in the name of scouting and wanted to shift it into the ark space.

You have successfully excavated the vitality pool and stored it in your ark island

Your days went smoothly.”

“April month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: black lagoon

Completed the fantasy world successfully

The beginner grace fantasy worlds are over.

From then on you can enter a fantasy world every week but it is mandatory to enter at least 1 fantasy world in a month.

You are back to your daily routine waiting for the end of the week to enter the next fantasy world.

4 days later you were suddenly visited by strong magicians that abducted you in the night.

They are people from the magic research faction.

You were taken to a dungeon like place and were tortured questioning you about the death of son of king of arms.

You did not confess anything.

You were made to drink a special potion and a strong man used a special mind reading skill on you almost frying your brain.

They found your secrets.

They made you drink some medicines to make you into their servant but they did not kill you.

They made you into a puppet to call out your women from the ark space.

A young man called the young master of Zheng family took your women.

They were killed right in front of your eyes.

You are in agony but you cannot move nor do anything as you are under the control of a puppet skill.

You lost all your points and your ark was taken by the king of arms faction.

Finally you were fed to bugs and dogs alive after they fed you the pain heightening potion.

You asked the reason for this and got the answer with mockery.

Just because you outbid the young master of Zheng family in the auction….

You died in agony without a chance to get back………….”

“Please choose one of the following options.

Option 1: important memories during the simulation. (16,000 chaos points)

(No memories of spent time in the fantasy world will be added in the receive memories)

Option 2: training technique experience and spell experience gained during the simulation. (3900 chaos points)

Option 3: skills and skill experience obtained during the simulation. (4400 chaos points)

Option 4: blood lines obtained during the simulation. (100 chaos points)

Option 5: improved stats related to intelligence, sense and charm. (5200 chaos points)

Option 6: improved stats related to vitality and agility. (4,800 chaos points)

Option 7: improved stats related to strength and stamina (3,600 chaos points)


Mohini was visibly trembling this time as the situation did not change by much.

Her hands clenched into fists and her teeth clenched till it was bleeding.

Again she directly chose the memories from the simulation choices by spending the chaos points.

Immediately the memories of what happened appeared in her mind that made her even angrier but again she controlled herself after a few moments.

She got a notification saying that her stat points related to intelligence, sense has gained +5 stat points for her calm nature to control her boundless rage.

But this did not give her any happiness as she was in a helpless situation where she cannot attack them right now.

She is currently a sapling that did not spread her roots and branches yet.

So she cannot do anything to them.

Even if she wanted to hack their accounts or put their ugly history out on display she will be discovered because she is not proficient in the hacking as some old monsters.

Since these people are related to the magic research faction they should at least possess a person who has the arcane magic software skill.

With that she will not be able to escape easily if she really attracted the attention of those strong people behind the Zheng family.

She has made a point to remember the faces of these people to and add them to kill list.

Then she started to see through the points that caused the entire incident.

Someone noticed my teleportation location using special tracking that was attached to the cage holding the Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng.

They belong to the magic research faction and should be related to the Zheng family or can call it Zheng clan.

Unlike the king or arms faction the magic research faction and scientific research factions have power divided among the groups.

The kings of these factions are decided using vote and change after every few years.

So Mohini immediately checked the fantasy store to see if she can find something that can block the tracking of those people………

Chapter 133: survived the ordeal but still died

So Mohini immediately checked the fantasy store to see if she can find something that can block the tracking of those people.

She was sure that he cannot remove the tracking attached to the cage with her small power.

But that doesn’t mean that she can temporarily hide it from them and then think of a way to solve this mess.

Fortunately she found something useful which is a special magic formation plate.

It is a onetime use item that can work to hide something that it is attached to from everyone except for the user for 1 year.

After that the formation plate will be destroyed.

If it was stopped in the middle also it will be destroyed.

The cost of this formation plate is 10 million chaos points.

Mohini took a cold breath but it was good for her to get a year’s time to plan.

With that she moved her thoughts to start the next simulation to know if she survived the ordeal or not even with the high cost of simulation.


Player, do you want to use the simulation skill in the real world?

Please pay 30 thousand chaos points for usage.



Mohini looked through the message and decisively chose to spend the 30 thousand chaos points to know what future holds for her.


Payment received.

Simulation starts.”

Mohini received this message through the light screen and then the new messages started to pop out one after the other.

“Real world, new era year 721, February 11th”

“February month,

Player is going through the training and earned a fortune through many tactics from the pests of the society.

Player has successfully participated in the auction winning Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng and the special materials for the construction of altar from the auction along with other materials for a little lower price.

Before leaving the auction player has placed the anti tracking magic formation on the cage of the Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng

Player left the auction house but was surrounded by strong people that attacked without speaking.

Fortunately player already knows that and was able to activate the teleportation artifact on the right time to escape without any wounds.

You don’t know if the anti tracking formation is working properly or not.

Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng was sealed in a special container that would not let it out under normal circumstances……….”

“March month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: Titanic

Completed the fantasy world successfully

…………… repeat the same no problem”

“April month,

Received notification to enter fantasy world,

Fantasy world: black lagoon

Completed the fantasy world successfully

From now you can enter the fantasy world once every week with a small price.

A week passed and you have decided to enter a fantasy world.

Fantasy world: Mummy

You died in the fantasy world……..”

This time Mohini sighed of relief looking at the ending message.

She died in a fantasy world not in the real world with torture.

This means that the formation plate worked.

But this also spells another problem that she died in the fantasy world of Mummy and don’t know how she died.

There is no way to know the details unless she enters that world.

Also she is not really safe with the anti tracking magic formation plate attached to the cage of dream worm.

They did not come in that first week that is all she knows.

Unless she moves forward from the Mummy fantasy world she will not be able to completely confirm the working of the anti tracking magic formation plate.

“Please choose one of the following options.

Option 1: important memories during the simulation. (10,000 chaos points)

(No memories of spent time in the fantasy world will be added in the receive memories)

Option 2: training technique experience and spell experience gained during the simulation. (3900 chaos points)

Option 3: skills and skill experience obtained during the simulation. (4400 chaos points)

Option 4: blood lines obtained during the simulation. (100 chaos points)

Option 5: improved stats related to intelligence, sense and charm. (1200 chaos points)

Option 6: improved stats related to vitality and agility. (5,800 chaos points)

Option 7: improved stats related to strength and stamina (3,600 chaos points)


There is not much change here in terms of other values of except for the options 1, 5 and 6 which can be expected based on her current changes.

But she still chose the option one to gain the memories spending 10 thousand chaos points.

The reason is to confirm her movements and for future development.

For today, she don’t want to go through the simulations again as she has to analyze the memories more carefully.

Also she calculated that she has 55 days for the time she enter the Mummy fantasy world.

She has set a budget of 3 simulations a day costing around 100 thousand chaos points for these 55 days

This will cost her around 5.5 million chaos points to see if she can improve her stat points to the highest possible limit in the first ring at the limit of tier 1.

Well technically she cannot do that easily within a short span of time but she still wanted to try her best.

It is said that reaching 100 points in any of the stat points will let her go through the tribulation to reach tier 2 and permission to enter the second ring.

But she thought that, she can go beyond that.

It will not trigger the tribulation directly when her stat gets one of the stat points reaching 100 stat points.

If it is so then there will not be anyone that gets a double or more breakthroughs in specific stats.

After the tribulation the stat that was used to break through will have easy way to improve while the other stats will have hard time improving.

That is the reason why the players and hunters as they reach higher tiers will go towards a single line of improvement…………

Chapter 134: big gains in chaos points

That is the reason why the players and hunters as they reach higher tiers will go towards a single line of improvement.

But, what she wanted to know is the upper limit of the stat points of that tier.

Based on some claims or records they said that she can reach up to 200 stat points in any specific stats in the first tier without going through the break through.

One man tried this and reached the strength stat points to reach 200 stat points.

But she died in the tribulation which was very strong.

After that no one tried to cross certain limits.

Well Mohini wanted to try this.

But before that her first target is the first mini bottle neck around at 30 stat points in every specific stats.

There are few gains that she got just now that improve her mental strength.

Then she opened her status panel to take a look




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/1840)


Vitality: 25 +1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 22

Strength: 20

Agility: 21+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 29

Sense: 28

Charm: 26


Evolution chaos genetic points: 209

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 8 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 15 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 21 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 260/260

Stamina points: 220/220

Magic points: 290/290


Free stat points: 349

Chaos points: 7.31 billion

Skill points: 28 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 2520 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 1 (1834/2000)

Endurance: tier 2 (110/3000)

Insight: tier 2 (2625/3000)

Will: tier 2 (2410/3000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 1 (1910/2000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (320/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 2 (390/3000)

Cooking: tier 1 (1770/2000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 1 (400/2000)

Weapon fighting: tier 1 (1890/2000)

Dead shot: tier 1 (30/2000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (320/2000)

Magic software: tier 1 (400/2000)

Reality clone: tier 1 (120/2000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 0 (0/1000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 0 (650/1000)

Seduction: tier 0 (0/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Seductive scent skill and arousal pheromones skill were combined to give raise to arousal pheromones skill.

Birth control is used on shooting sperms with her dick and also for her women to not to become pregnant under special circumstances while cuckolding her.

Looking at the stats the things that she needed to improve right now are stamina, strength, agility.

As for the remaining they can be improved slowly.

Her new skills were just bought from the system but for the future use with her enormous amount of chaos points and not for any use now.

Then she dived into analysis as the AI doing its job to gain her more money.

As far as the legal identity is concerned Mohini was good at stocks and was able to earn few million chaos points through trading this week.

On the other hand the illegal account that is the fake account has earned her around 19 billion chaos points after all the spending that she has done on buying things.

Well her fake account is busted a few times causing the losses to reach around a billion chaos points but she was still able to make a fortune.

Also she was able to make her defenses stronger than before and her hacking of other accounts was sharper than before.

Like those warriors that becomes stronger faster when fighting, her magic software knowledge became stronger with her fight with other hackers.


Also during this time Mohini went to the kitchen of the military where the chaos monsters were butchered for cooking meet.

She used the extraction skill on the meat of the chaos monsters and collected the chaos genetic essence in the bottles that he placed in her personal space.

Well the cost is not cheap for using the extraction skill but still the results are good as the skill slowly developed over time.

Because of her charm, cooking skill and good natured persuasion the people in the kitchen became friendly towards her.

Well they are not serious from the start as this faction is not inclined towards the fighting force.

So things were easy with lots of points increasing quickly.

After 3 days Mohini has reached her first goal.

She checked her status to see her gains.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil), cook (tier-1- beginner)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/2140)


Vitality: 30+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 30

Strength: 30

Agility: 30+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 30

Sense: 30

Charm: 30


Evolution chaos genetic points: 224

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 60 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 30 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 27 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 300/300

Stamina points: 300/300

Magic points: 300/300


Free stat points: 335

Chaos points: 19.18 billion

Skill points: 24 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 2520 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 2 (304/3000)

Endurance: tier 2 (1610/3000)

Insight: tier 3 (1025/4000)

Will: tier 3 (710/4000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 2 (150/3000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (320/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 2 (2190/3000)

Cooking: tier 2 (470/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 2 (800/3000)

Weapon fighting: tier 2 (900/3000)

Chapter 135: 30 stat point’s bottle neck

Weapon fighting: tier 2 (900/3000)

Dead shot: tier 2 (760/3000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (320/2000)

Magic software: tier 4 (2600/5000)

Reality clone: tier 1 (720/2000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 0 (0/1000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 0 (550/1000)

Seduction: tier 0 (30/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


She spent few more skill points and stat points to round off the stats and skills reaching all 30 stat points and improve her fucking steal skill.

She also used some blind corners to help the cooking section relieve their stress over the years while cooking for the military people.

Unfortunately she did not get the chance to use some seduction and arousal skills much as the people in the cooking section are too much stressed and directly fell for her.

So she did not have to worry much about getting fucked to relieve her pent up lust over the days.

But these people are not strong enough to relieve her lust properly as their dicks are not strong and they cannot hold long enough to satisfy her.

Mohini got a good look at her improvement and she has decided to go and hit her first bottle neck or one can call it as awakening.

Right now her stat points are not improving at all because of the bottle neck at 30 stat points limit.

Well the improvement is still possible but it is 100 times more difficult and the results would not be able to compensate with the efforts.

Well the thing she waited for is to improve all of his stats to 30 points to have breakthrough in all of them at once.

This kind of bottle neck is only for 30 stat points and 60 stat points limit of the first tier.

After that there will only be tribulations and evolution at the corresponding stat points designated by the fantasy system.

The 30 stat point’s bottle neck is related to human body breaking through the limits.

The 60 stat point’s bottle neck is related to human spirit breaking through the limits.

After that the evolution can go on properly.

Mohini cannot take a leave and has to take this break though that night before the start of the camp tomorrow morning.

That means she has around 10 hours of time as the time now after dinner is 8 PM

Mohini don’t want her progress to be known by others.

She sat with her legs crossed on the floor and asked the system to start the break through the 30 stat point’s bottle neck.

Immediately the fantasy system gave out a notification to her.


Player has reached 30 stat points in the following specific stats.

Please choose one or many specific stats through which player want to go with the break through.

Be warned that the higher the number of specific stats selected the higher the difficulty of the breakthrough would be.

First time failure of the breakthrough of 30 stat point’s bottle neck would give player a second chance to breakthrough again with the cost of losing 5 stat points in each specific stat.

If the second chance is also a failure then the player will never be able to break the bottle neck of 30 stat points and forever lose the chance to evolve.

Choose the below specific stat through which player wanted to break through…

Vitality (Y/N)

Stamina (Y/N)

Strength (Y/N)

Agility (Y/N)

Intelligence (Y/N)

Sense (Y/N)

Charm (Y/N)

Please make your choice and confirm for the break through test…”

Mohini has already simulated one time today before going through the break through and was able to break through successfully in the first try.

As for the contents they happened in a strange fantasy space created by the system and she got information from her noting memories.

She was tested in all 7 fields that she chose to the highest of her limits.


With the confirmation Mohini directly selected all the stats to go on with the break through.

Immediately after that Mohini was moved to a different location.

It was an empty white room.

Mohini know that the tests will start here.

The test will be conducted when a mirror appeared in front of her.

Suddenly the mirror shattered only leaving the image of Mohini that took on the physical form.

Mohini knows that she has to defeat himself to break through the physical bottle neck.

The mirror image has all her power and strength and skills along with tactics and other things.

But one thing it lacks is the creative thinking that Mohini has along with the innate skills that she has.

Well if her mirror image has the thinking capability then most probably they would not fight instead her mirror image would try to improve her power even more by destroying itself.

The reason for this is her innate skill called the will that is beyond the control of the system.

Only some rare innate skills have this kind of capabilities.

Most probably for this reason the game system choose to turn off the thinking capabilities of the mirror image.

Well with that Mohini’s victory is confirmed but the process took them to fight for a whole 3 hours before shattering her mirror image.

Mohini was very exhausted from the fight and her stamina was almost at the breaking point.

Then she got a notification saying her gains.


Congratulations player for being the first one to successfully breaking through the 30 stat points bottle neck.


+5 stat points in all the stats

+7 skill points

+7 free stat points

Special reward:

All the skills, spells and techniques that can be practiced will have +5 percent extra experience bonus.


That was concluded just like that and Mohini was quite happy.

If she only took a single specific stat then she would not get the bonus reward and all he would get is +5 stat points bonus to the specific stat that she used for break through.

Now all of her stats would not have much different in improving speed.

Chapter 136: preparations for the auction

Now all of her stats would not have much different in improving speed.

If she used one or 2 specific stats for break through then except for them all the other specific stats would improve slowly.

The week has almost ended and Mohini’s gains of chaos points are also reaching its limit.

This week is like a conclusion week of the financial year for all the sides that is both the bright side business and darks side businesses.

Also the auction is held because of this very thing.

With all the riches on hand the rich people would generously spend it at the auction.

The auction would happen at the same time every year.

Mohini looked at her current status panel after the break through.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil), cook (tier-1- beginner)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/2140)


Vitality: 35+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 35

Strength: 35

Agility: 35+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 35

Sense: 35

Charm: 35


Evolution chaos genetic points: 224

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 60 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 30 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 27 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 350/350

Stamina points: 350/350

Magic points: 350/350


Free stat points: 342

Chaos points: 27.63 billion

Skill points: 31 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 2520 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 2 (304/3000)

Endurance: tier 2 (2410/3000)

Insight: tier 3 (1425/4000)

Will: tier 3 (1210/4000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 2 (150/3000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (320/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 2 (2190/3000)

Cooking: tier 2 (470/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 2 (2800/3000)

Weapon fighting: tier 2 (2900/3000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 0 (910/1000)

Dead shot: tier 2 (1460/3000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (320/2000)

Magic software: tier 4 (2600/5000)

Reality clone: tier 1 (720/2000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 0 (0/1000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 0 (550/1000)

Seduction: tier 0 (30/1000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


The improvement is good and Mohini has good amount of chaos points as funds that she can use for the time being.

She can always earn more pocket change from the fantasy worlds.

The numbers of simulations that she set for the day were not done so she wanted to check her simulation to see if she can step past the Mummy world.

In the past three days even with the improvement of her stats and skills she still lost her life in the Mummy fantasy world.

The sad thing is that she doesn’t know why she died in that world no matter what she tried as the memories of the fantasy world would not be revealed through the simulation skill.

Well she wanted to use one of the simulations specifically for analyzing that world.

There are many things in the Mummy fantasy world and Mohini cannot miss them.

Other than the books of life and death there is also the scepter of Tutankhamen and some other things around.

Mohini was very interested in the Mummy world related to necromancer and some of the magic stuff.

The next week started and Mohini made the preparations based on her analysis and went to one of the walls of the training facility.

There she used the reality clone technique and created a clone.

This clone will hide here first and there it will sneak out of this place along with the supplies van that would leave here today.

Mohini has enough money to buy many things and she has already planned to what to buy.

Most of these things can be stored inside her personal storage while the rest will be handed over to her in a special container.

Mohini cannot take them all just like that.

So she bought special storage equipment that looked like a leather bag where she can store living beings like the dream worm and other things for some time.

The amount of time is only 2 weeks.

On this leather bag Mohini wanted to place the formation plate to hide thing which will last for a year.

The leather bag is not a onetime usage thing.

After 2 weeks it will just threw the items inside out if it that is all.

It can be used again later after 1 month of recharge period.

Mohini was happy with the item but the cost is a big high that is around 100 million chaos points.

Well storing living creatures is a hard thing so the cost is acceptable.

Also there is a condition that the living creatures should not cause any damage when they are inside.

If they cause some damage then the item is gone.


The reality clone escaped from the training area and made its way to a place where she made some fake identity registrations.

Well it was an easy job with some chaos points on the play and the dark side of the bright city.

Mohini is from the dark side even back on earth so she can easily move around these parts without much of a problem.

After she got the things she went to the next city and found an abandoned place which is near to the populated place but no one would enter here.

That is the underground sewage lines.

Well it is dirty but still it is a safe place.

Mohini first formed an anchor location here for the teleportation formation place.

This place is a 1000 kilometers closure to the capital city the great orient so this is fine as an escape route.

After the preparations are done Mohini’s clone changed her appearance and moved on to the capital city for the auction………

Chapter 137: successfully escaped from the auction house

After the preparations are done Mohini’s clone changed her appearance and moved on to the capital city for the auction.

There are no encounters on the way as she was very low-key.

She easily entered the auction without any problem with her ticket.

Previously she wanted to book an ordinary ticket in the auction but now she changed it to a private box so that she can have some privacy.

She doesn’t have to fear that her identity being leaked out as she has other artifacts to take care of the things.

That is right she came perfectly prepared this time.

Soon the auction started.

The first item is a special artifact forged recently using the spirit of the thunder spirit bird which is rare.

It belongs to a tier 6 weapon and costs over a billion chaos points.

Mohini is not interested in these weapons.

Previously she wanted to buy skills that can give her the information of the things that she wanted to observe.

Well she has insight skill but it will give information properly instead it will give hints of understanding.

But when she obtained the skills like inspect, observe, favorability indicator……..

All of them were taken into the insight skill as it improved the information it provided.

With that Mohini used it more and more to gain some understanding deep enough to give out more information than she needed.

She can gain many details of his target with just a look but the improvement of the skill became slow.

Well with that skill she can understand some things about the information that the auctioneer is speaking and looking at the thing directly.

Then there are some medicinal pills related to improving vitality.

But the cost of the pill is very high………..

Then there is an item from the tier 1 related to ark ship.

These are the epic grade sail making material.

Mohini was interested and bought it……..

Slowly the auction went on.

Mohini mostly bought raw items rather than finished products.

It was easy with all the chaos points she has on her hands.

Everything will be brought to her room for inspection and she pays the price she gets the item.

Well whenever the clone stores something in the personal space it will be transferred to the ark island by Mohini as they share the common mind.

Also during the time of auction the fake account is used with precise amount of chaos points in it for that very purchase.

Mohini was sure that there will be many people that would want to hack the account of a cash cow like her.

Her disguise is special as she covered her body with a cloak and made sure that her structure looked like that of a man.

So that, those people would have a misconception that the person that came to auction is a man.

She even used a voice changer so that she can deceive them.

The cloak has a function to hide her gender.

All the life items were placed around her in the room.

She did not notice any tracking spell cast on anything.

But she did not dare to take these things easily.

So she first waited for the right time to get all the things she wanted.

When she obtained everything that she wanted, she decisively stored all of them into the special storage bag and left the auction house immediately.

She did not care about the last item which is some type of devil fruit from one piece world.

Well it is useless to her even if it was the rubber devil fruit that belongs to Luffy.

The reason for that is that this devil fruit still has side effects and to use this devil fruit the player has to kill the original user of the devil fruit in the fantasy world of one piece.

Well they can freely use the powers of the devil fruit in other fantasy worlds and real world easily.

Also there is special rule, unique artifacts like devil fruits have a limit of single existence in their native fantasy worlds, but they can exist many in real world.

If two people with the power of something unique were to appear in a fantasy world at the same time, the person with the highest military and civilian rank will have the right to use the power of that artifact.

If those ranks are same then they will be given a chance to bid with chaos points and the person with the highest bid will be able to gain the chance to use the unique thing.


As soon as Mohini’s clone left she was followed by some people.

Mohini quickly moved towards an empty alley and activated the teleportation formation.

As soon as she appeared at her pre selected place that was a deserted area.

She took off all the clothes and things and burned them to dust.

Then she moved in the opposite direction of the port city little wood and dropped off all the ashes into a river.

Then she took the cheapest way of transportation right now.

That is she would either use a public transportation or ask for lift.

Since she is beautiful and innocent looking she was able to get lift quickly from men and got some special services from her.

Mohini has already changed her appearance using hre disguising capabilities.

This world has paper currency.

To be more precise it is contract currency.

The tier 1 random grade contract can hold 5 chaos points to 10 chaos point.


Similarly tier 7 random grade contract can hold 1 million chaos points to 10 million chaos points.

The making price of the contract paper is already taken care off when exchanging the contract money.

If one wants to gain a million chaos points contract then they would have to pay few thousand chaos points for materials for fee.

This was actually used because there is darkness in the world and people are greedy……..

Chapter 138: ways to improve stats beyond 100 stat points

This was actually used because there is darkness in the world and people are greedy.

They don’t want to system to reveal the things and they want to do illegal transactions without even revealing their fake account numbers that can be tracked.

This is the denominated currency of this world.

One the main reasons why many people covet the queen of nature faction Cylia is because of this.

Nature faction is literally holding the money printing machine and also the safest place for illegal activities.

Mohini has this contract currency that she exchanged at the auction house before.

She is using that.

These types of contracts cannot be added with tracking spell because of its low grade value.

All they can hold is chaos points.

They can also be used to transfer the chaos points back to their account or any other account.

But, if they did that then the contract will burn up leaving nothing.

This was mainly used for leaving inheritance of black money or other illegal money for their family.


The clone arrived at little wood after 3 days and during that time it was always on the move and was vigilant to see if there is anyone following her.

Well, even with all that she has to sneak back into the military facility to deliver the things back to Mohini.

On the other hand Mohini continued to simulate every day and accumulate the stat points.

She doesn’t know why but she was unable to break the mummy fantasy world even after she broke through the 30 points bottle neck.

Right now Mohini’s target is to break 60 point bottle neck before.

The hardest things to improve are actually charm.

She has to follow strict regime to maintain her body to the top state to gain charm points.

This is the cultivation technique for improving the charm point.

At the same time this is also basic for other improvements like vitality.

Mohini has already memorized all the top of the line practice techniques and formed her own initial stage foundation technique.

The foundation technique is only useful till she reaches tier 1 peak and go through tier 2 tribulation.

After that Mohini has to study again.

Mohini only studied many basic practice models to formulate an all round foundation technique without any side effects.

Well she has added one she learnt back on earth related to the 7 chakras in the human body.

These techniques also direct towards the same think.

In reality there are not 7 but 10 chakras where 7 are related to the 7 specific stats and the remaining 3 are related to a special thing that even Mohini don’t know about.

With the current foundation technique that she formulated she can easily achieve 100 stat points in any specific stat points.

But if she wants to go beyond that Mohini has to understand the remaining 3 chakras.


3 days is not so long for Mohini to improve by leaps and bounds.

At most she was able to gain around 12 stat points in the specified points she chose.

Well all she can improve is till the mummy fantasy world in the simulation.

Every time she dies in this specific world.

The duration is not long making her gain very little profit from it at a very high price.

Mohini has to accept this and cannot reject this part because the journey is long and the farther she goes the harder it is to become strong.

The harder it is to become strong the more money she has to spend to gain the results.

Money is a means to gain power and power will give her the money back.

This is how things are.

Any way it is not like she can stop this.

She is riding a tiger and if she stops she will die without knowing how she died.

Also in the real world speaking ideals is useless without enough power backing it.

So she doesn’t mind spending the money to get the power.

Mohini’s clone sneaked through the supplies van and it was taken by Mohini along with the things.

All of them were sent directly to the ark island.

Mohini gave instructions to her women especially Titia about the special materials required for the gathering center and the altar.

Mohini also gave them materials to build a forge smithy, winery and a special work shop.

There is also a storage house to secure the materials.

The living materials contain the sapling of top grade grape vine that can produce the grapes of many flavors.

After constructing some small huts on the ark island Mohini wanted to buy some people to enter the ark island through the system.

The people that are bought from the system were created by the system and they did not have any other origin except for the ark island that they are originated.

They will be absolutely loyal towards the island and its owners so Mohini don’t have to fear that something would happen to her women.

Also if Mohini was able to absorb the arks of other people that have their own citizens then they will become loyal to Mohini directly.

As it was mentioned before they will be absolutely loyal to the owner of the ark of their origin.

So when the ark merges with the ark of Mohini their loyalty toward Mohini would change.

Even if Mohini were to kill these people’s relatives before fighting their original owner after the merging of the arks they will be loyal.


But before bringing those people Mohini has to name the ark island and ark ship.

For that the gathering center should be build and altar is also needed.

These people will be the NPC like characters till the ark is developed to a high level.

When the ark island develops to a high level they can have their own thoughts and have new hunters emerging from them.

Well for that they have to at least reach the tier 7 ark island.

Chapter 139: 60 stat point bottle neck is broken

Well for that they have to at least reach the tier 7 ark island.

That would take a long time to happen and Mohini is not bothered by that.


The time passed by and another 4 days were gone just like that.

Nothing happened in these 4 days which means that she was not tracked.

The big changes in the trading market of shares and stocks were also over leaving the entire market back to normal level.

Mohini can still get some profits but not on the same level as she got in that week.

Her reserves have reached around 50 billion in these few days because of her knowledge and quick changes.

With that it was stopped for now.

Mohini bought many things that she wanted from the system.

Even though they can get higher prices outside the system in the real world market most people would still sell the precious things that they cannot keep with them to the system.

The reason for that is because they did not have enough power to hold on to the precious things and they cannot use them because they will be killed if they were found out.

So the only way is to sell them to the system at a low price.


Mohini was peaceful for another week when her stat points reached the 60 stat point’s bottle neck with the help of chaos points and simulation skill.


Player has reached 60 stat points in the following specific stats.

Please choose one or many specific stats through which player want to go with the break through.

Be warned that the higher the number of specific stats selected the higher the difficulty of the breakthrough would be.

First time failure of the breakthrough of 60 stat point’s bottle neck would give player a second chance to breakthrough again with the cost of losing 5 stat points in each specific stat.

If the second chance is also a failure then the player will never be able to break the bottle neck of 60 stat points and forever lose the chance to evolve.

Choose the below specific stat through which player wanted to break through…

Vitality (Y/N)

Stamina (Y/N)

Strength (Y/N)

Agility (Y/N)

Intelligence (Y/N)

Sense (Y/N)

Charm (Y/N)

Please make your choice and confirm for the break through test…”

Mohini was ready to break through this with full confidence she has already simulated once and found the results are good.

Well it is not the only thing that earned her as she was working very hard to improve them with her own efforts too.

Also she was able to collect the genetic essence every day improving her genetic essence points for normal grades from the military canteen.

Because of her excellent cooking skill and good nature along with her persuasion no one stopped her from helping them in cooking.

So she was able to gain more food for all of her women too.

On that day Mohini took her time in the evening to break through the 60 stat point’s bottle neck.

With the confirmation from simulation Mohini directly selected all the stats to go on with the break through.

This bottle neck is not the physical bottle neck but a mental one.

Mohini was not taken from the real world by the system instead her mind was taken for breaking the bottle neck.

In the strange world Mohini saw all the things she has ever done which might be good and bad.

Then she saw the lives of the women beside her that were slowly ravaged and killed by her enemies.

She saw her own death in the torturous way that she could not imagine.

All of this was not a physical thing but it happened mentally.

Mohini’s fore head was filled with sweat drops because of the pain that she was feeling while breaking through this 60 stat point’s bottle neck.

Since she has initiated it with regards to all of her specific stats then the suffering and pain she has to go though would comes from all directions.

The feeling of being hanged at the edge of life where you cannot die or live,

The feeling of watching the loved ones die in the most miserable way without any chance to save them but only see them die slowly.

The horrible experience of losing everything she has, with no strength to stop them happening but only passively look at them helplessly.

This is what Mohini is feeling when she is going though the test of 60 stat point’s bottle neck.

Mohini has to get out of this quagmire of emotions either by completely cutting off the emotions or by winning over the emotions to control them completely.


Maybe the system thought that this would shake the emotions of Mohini.

This is because the skill called will that Mohini possess is out of the system.

This kind of mind games would not work on her.

Her will is so strong that she was able to completely breakthrough in less than 5 minutes without any problem at all.

She was mentally exhausted but she has a smile on her face which was very terrifying.

The answer to all these mental problems is that her will to become strong and protect all of her loved ones.

Only with this that Mohini can be peaceful.

It is the same back on earth and it is the same everywhere and anywhere.


Congratulations player for being the first one to successfully breaking through the 60 stat points bottle neck.


+5 stat points in all the stats

+7 skill points

+7 free stat points

Special reward:

All the skills, spells and techniques that can be practiced will have +5 percent extra experience bonus.


Mohini got the same reward as before when she cleared the 30 stat point’s bottle neck.

She knows that this is the highest reward that she can get from breaking the bottle neck.

She immediately opened her status panel to look.

Chapter 140: how did I die in mummy world?

She immediately opened her status panel to look.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade)

Job: alchemist (tier-1- novice), hunter (tier-1- novice), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil), cook (tier-1- beginner)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/2140)


Vitality: 65+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 65

Strength: 65

Agility: 65+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 65

Sense: 65

Charm: 65


Evolution chaos genetic points: 247

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 70 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 50 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 20 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 660/660

Stamina points: 650/650

Magic points: 650/650


Free stat points: 349

Chaos points: 50.94 billion

Skill points: 38 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 2810 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 2 (2850/3000)

Endurance: tier 3 (1510/4000)

Insight: tier 4 (2050/5000)

Will: tier 4 (3010/5000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 2 (2340/3000)

Dick growing: tier 0 (320/1000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 2 (2990/3000)

Cooking: tier 2 (2620/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 3 (200/4000)

Weapon fighting: tier 3 (230/4000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 1 (1400/2000)

Dead shot: tier 2 (2960/3000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (320/2000)

Magic software: tier 4 (4200/5000)

Reality clone: tier 2 (270/3000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 1 (480/2000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 1 (1330/2000)

Seduction: tier 1 (490/2000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


Mohini was happy with her development but it was still slow in her mind.

Well if someone were to see her development then they would definitely want to hit her hard for her thoughts.

In less than 2 months Mohini was able to reach the level of top grade hunter of the tier 1 with many extra benefits as rewards.

If it is another player even with the seeded gold grade, she would take more than 6 months to reach the same level without extra benefits as rewards.

Also it is not all round development.

The gathering center and altar are not completed yet.

Even if they are completed in construction Mohini has to go there in person to activate those making them complete as the owner of the ark.

Also the favorability of both Titia and Katherine has reached 100 similar to the other three women after she told them that she got good materials for construction tools for Titia and winery for Katherine.

Since their goals were also satisfied they were happy.

Every day Mohini would take time to teach them some important things related to fighting.

Each woman has their own specialization that they are practicing.

Not everyone can become an all rounder like Mohini.

Because of the high level materials the process of construction takes time.

Unfortunately Mohini cannot bring workers from the system right now before the gathering center is upgraded to tribal center equating to her rank.

For this Titia also needed to construct the work shop that Mohini previously said to get the workers.

Well Mohini bought her some mechanical workers from the system that can do some heavy labor while Titia does the main work of construction.

They will be charged with magic fuel that Mohini has to buy when she goes out again.

Well she did not thing it was required before.

If she knew she would have let her clone bring her some.

Unfortunately not everything is the same from the simulation memories.

Well it is not a problem as she will be out of this place in a week and the mechanical workers can work for that long.

Another week passed by and Mohini’s progress is not that good.

The closure it was to reaching 100 stat points the harder it is for Mohini to improve.

She cannot imagine how hard it would be to improve after crossing 100 stat points.

Well she has time based on her schedule.

There is a good thing here is that after breaking the 60 stat point’s bottle neck she was able to cross the mummy movie and move forward.

But another problem appeared right after that.

After mummy world she entered the few other fantasy world continuously and finally died in the resident evil world……….

This time Mohini was able to get the memories of what happened in the simulation.

The thing that killed her in the mummy world is actually her wanting to gain the book of death at the end of the story.

It is important for her.

Also when she obtained the book of dead Mohini was buried alive because she was unable to escape from the collapsing pyramid.

Then she went to get the scepter of Tutankhamen was killed by its curse.

Only the last time she was able to survive with her strong knowledge of runes to bypass the curse and get the scepter.

Also she found as sad thing.

It is not easy to enter the fantasy worlds every week.

Once a month she can enter the fantasy world for free.

But if it is once a week then there is a price that she has to pay.

Similar to once a month the first week is free.

The second week entering the fantasy world will cost 1 million chaos points.

Third week it is 100 million chaos points.

Then fourth week it is 10 billion chaos points………

Like this the cost would rise by 100 times every week.

So it is unrealistic to enter the fantasy world every week.

If she is rich then she might be able to enter fantasy world twice a month at most.

Mohini has information about something related to the future fantasy world.

But she found that the fantasy world change every day and one might enter a fantasy world in order if they enter on the same day every month.


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