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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 161: looting and setting traps for other players

Second is about the way to open the lost ark golden box to collect the things inside safely without getting cursed.

Third is the philosopher’s stone….

This is all the information that is particularly important for Vicky.

There are other secret societies that are on his list to get the pieces of information and store it in the system.

Like the information in Indian secret society related to the origin of the first dragon, the weapon called Vajra, and the flute of lord Krishna which is actually a magic wand of illusions.

The information from Chinese, Japanese and Korean secret society related to flying swords, demon blood and the origin of the first dragon.

The information from Russian and German secret society is related to the constructive plans of Asgard, weapon called Gungnir which is a 100 percent spear……

The information from Africa secret society is related to the pulling the dead back to life, the scepter of Tutankhamen and developing resistance to many super viruses….


Like that every secret society has its own secrets.

But all of them are only pieces of information that needed to be collected from many worlds.

When Vicky collected the information the fantasy system shows a new panel related to secret information.

This information has completion number like 1/10 pieces of information related to philosopher stone is collected.

After completing that the player will get special quest from the system which will lead to that specific object or artifact.

One can either get the artifact or the blueprint for the artifact.

Also the number of pieces mentioned is only minimum number required to get that specific object.

The more pieces a player collects the higher the level of rewards he might get.

Well some are small which did not have higher usage value.

But there are some that are of higher usage value and hard time to collect them.

Especially the things related to the true dragon or the first dragon of the world called Vritra.

Gaining the blood line of this Vritra in controlled way can give player deterrence force towards all types of dragons and related beings or techniques.

Similarly gaining the bloodline of King Solomon can give the player deterrence over the 72 demon houses which are general rank.

This can also be achieved through the blood line related to the demon emperor that once lived in Japan, Sri Lanka or other countries….

This is the true value of the secret information.

Vicky got this when analyzing the basic information of the world.

Since he knows that others have already knows about that too.

Vicky’s plan is simply “Complete clean out”

He is going to clean out all the secret information from those secret societies before other players can make their move.

Only one player can gain the information of one thing in a world.

For that the player has to collect the secret information coded in a paper or on an artifact in the secret society.

As soon as the player takes the secret information piece it will give a question if the player wanted to take it for himself.

Naturally these pieces will be auctioned too.

But that is a rare occurrence.

No one wants to sell the information pieces.

Also every fantasy world after the beginner level is passed or the end of the beginner level movies might have this information pieces.


Vicky has already made the plan on how to collect all the information pieces and trap other players in his place.

He started with secret society in London.

The problem is that he did not know the locations of other secret societies.

For this reason he asked Abraham and balalaika to collect the information.

All he needed is the location of the secret society and he can do the rest of the things on his own.

Well he has to take care of the things on hand first.

So he did not waste any time and entered the secret society before the time of entry from his simulation.

He went earlier to arrange the traps for the other players.

Also he can make a clean sweep in the secret society.


First he entered through the drainage area and opened the door that was not used by the people of the secret society.

It was originally an escape route so it was much more hidden and directly leads to the vault.

But the problem is that the security system and some traps are there like a walk in the park for Vicky.

He cleared the area quickly and bugged the security system.

So he is an inside person now and he can walk freely but not the other people.

He moved sneakily and cleaned out all the information pieces and replaced them with the fake information pieces.

Also this place is filled with mild sleeping gas for the players that are about to arrive here to get the other players.

He is eyeing for both information pieces and the profits that he can get from other players.

He will not kill them instead slowly convince them to hand over all their things to him in his own style.

Vicky is in dire need of arks from other players.

Vicky is going to take many people from this fantasy world.

Not only the women that he likes but also a good amount of fighters like an army.

For example he is going to take the entire gang of balalaika with him along with her.

But his current ark island cannot hold them all.

So he has no choice but to expand it.

For expanding the ark there are two ways.

First is to upgrade it to tier 2 which will take a long time and he has to reach the second ring before that.

Second is to obtain the arks of other players and integrate them into his ark to expand the ark to become a big island.

He has already obtained two arks from the stupid players before……..

Chapter 162: a bountiful harvest

He has already obtained two arks from the stupid players before.

Buying arks and integrating them is useless.

Only the arks of other player can be used for integration.

Also their arks should at least reach tier 1 at the very least.

These are his requirements and he got on to work setting up traps.

Well the players that come to get these things are from strong factions.

As long as Vicky did not kill them and get their things it is enough to get away from all forms of tracking that might come from killing them.

Even if they are angry they cannot find Vicky.

Vicky is wearing a special mask that would hide his features from player but the plot line characters would not have any changes.


Traps are set and Vicky hid in a secluded place monitoring the arrival of the players based on his simulation memories.

Soon there are three people in black full body suits.

They looked like high tech thieves from those robbery movies.

They came inside unblocking the traps silently.

But they never noticed that the treasure vault was filled with sleeping gas.

Naturally the treasure vault would not have any gas traps so as to not to cause any harm to the artifacts or documents.

So they did not put on any gas masks.

In order to search and work properly they are only wearing thick mask with clear eye patches.


They searched around for 5 minutes and collected the fake information pieces and artifacts.

But they did not get any special notification.

This means they are fake information pieces.

This caused them to panic and want to leave here thinking that this is a trap.

But the door that they came from is locked.

No matter what they tried it would not open.

Because of the panic they breathed too much sleeping gas and lost their senses.

As soon as they fell into Vicky trap he appeared right by their side.

First he pricked them with needles dipped in muscle relaxant and pain heightening medicine.

Then he started to play with them till they gave Vicky all of their information, chaos points, arks and everything that is useful to Vicky.

It is literally a clean sweep.

Vicky was not disturbed the entire time because today no one from the secret society would come to check the vault.

They took the exact time to get the things that they wanted.

Vicky collected everything he wanted.

Then he dislocated the joints of these players and played with them again to know what kind of crimes that they committed throughout their lives.

Based on the information they spoke, Vicky gave them punishments for the crimes that crossed his bottom line.

They were left with only shells with physical and mental breakdown.

Well he still did not let them go free.

Instead after he left through the secret passage he set off the alarm.

So the players were caught by the people of the secret society.

The process went smoothly so Vicky was happy and the happiest thing is that Vicky found a record from these players about some other secret societies.

With a bright smile Vicky came back to Abraham giving instructions to check other places that he did not have information on and booked tickets to the next place.

There is still time for Roberta to arrive at Roanapur.

This is around the end of the month which is given as dead line for the players.

Vicky did not contact Veena in this time as she will be in the observation of CIA.

After this month she will be sent to Roanapur to work as assistant for sister Eda at rip off church.

He can meet her there later.


His next target is to go to Egypt where the secret society of Africa was present.

Due to some special issues they only maintained records of information and the artifact pieces were not collected.

They main reason is related to curses and strange viruses that guard those artifacts and herbs of that country.

Vicky smoothly got those things one by one.

It was the end of the month and the system prompted him that he was able to successfully join the main group of the plot which is Lagoon Company.

The remaining players that were unable to join a group or get a foot hold were directly eliminated with some penalties.

He was in contact with Benny and found that they got a job related to mafia of South America.

Vicky knows that the plot related to Roberta will start.

He was waiting for her call.

Her favorability towards Vicky is around 30 points after few days of separation and she did not contact him.

The groups got Garcia and are on the run.

Vicky knows that the time is right and he completed the work on hand and moved on back to Roanapur.

Because of his advanced hacking skills his pass port was never blocked and his disguises were never seen through.

The journey was smooth but the journey time is long as he has to travel around the world.

But still the harvest this time is good.

The money he gained and the information pieces that he collected are in good amounts.

With that his work for the time being is done and returned to Roanapur.

As soon as he came back he took a taxi to arrive at the port area.

He was waiting for the big chase to happen and look at the entire incident in the third person point of view.

He is not going to participate in this incident and only stops them when they are fighting heavily with fists.

Even then he will be a spectator till the fight ends and he might make a bet with balalaika about who would win.

This will be interesting…

Well unfortunately the taxi driver is not a good guy and thought that Vicky was a green horn of some sort because of his disguise……….

Chapter 163: a bet making the girls twitch

Well unfortunately the taxi driver is not a good guy and thought that Vicky was a green horn of some sort because of his disguise.

He finally came to the port in the taxi peacefully with the face of the driver swollen into that of a pig.

The driver did not even take taxi fare from Vicky because of gaining few more slaps.

After Vicky got off the taxi the driver drove so quickly that he might win a car race with his skills at that time.

Vicky can only shake his head and feel a little embarrassed looking at the incident.

Right when Vicky arrived to this place, he heard gun sounds and car crashing near the port area.

Vicky walked in see that the car that was crashed to a railing and there are 4 people inside the car.

They are, Dutch, Benny, rock and Garcia.

“Hey Dutch, did you go to some long lasting war.

You look terrible you know.”

“Garcia, what are you doing here all the way at the other side of the world?

Did Roberta come with you?”

Understanding that Vicky knows Garcia and Garcia also recognized Vicky.

They got along and narrated the story.

Vicky was listening on the side and laughed out loud.

“Rock, you really thought that Roberta is a terminator from the future…

Do you know how beautiful she is?

Previously I went to Garcia’s house for two important things.

First is to talk about business and second is to propose to Roberta to join my harem you know.”

Vicky specifically said there words so that Garcia would listen to his words and drop his childish sissy thoughts of loving his maid Roberta.

Sometimes one has to take certain measures to stop some things from happening just like the superficial love between Garcia and Roberta.


Deep inside the port area the sounds of gun fire is going everywhere as of an entire gang is fighting.

But this was all caused by two women, Roberta and Revy.

Right at that moment few more cars arrived which is balalaika and her armed personal.

She got off the car gently and her face no longer has that big scar but it became clean and beautiful.

She looked hot with her body and appearance, Vicky was really moved by her beauty.

“Hello balalaika, you look gorgeous like a queen that came to war.”

Vicky said smiling towards balalaika.

Her military personal has already moved to the sides ready to shoot at any time under her command.

Balalaika looked happy for Vicky complement and said.

“Thank you Vicky your scar removal cream really worked wonders.

Did you just return from your personal work…?”

Balalaika is keeping tabs on Vicky as she felt grateful for the gift that he gave her.

She knows that Vicky has gone out of Roanapur deal with some things.

Based on her speculations it should be related to secret societies.

She did not ask him about that and only asked him if he just returned from his work.

She is an understanding woman and Vicky likes this nature very much.

Vicky smiled and said.

“Yep just returned and Benny told me that they are running away from a lady terminator.

So I came to take a look.”

Soon Revy and Roberta came out of hiding as they fight but they were caught by the guns of the people around.

Vicky did not move to do anything and only said.

“Roberta, Previously I told you to call me if there is any problem.

Why don’t you call me and come all the way to this place…”

Roberta is not in a mood to answer and Balalaika took the chance to reveal her identity being a blood hound.

The drama happened as Roberta spoke and finally it came to the point where both Roberta and Revy would fight with their fists.

Vicky doesn’t know what to say right now.

Right now he was surrounded by three of his targets all around him and even a single move would cause the delicate balance to break.

Vicky doesn’t want to do that.

Also the favorability of the three women is below 40 points.

There is a chance that it would reduce directly with his words and actions.

In order to win these three women with stubborn brains Vicky has to work on them separately.

So he only spoke when both Roberta and Revy wants to fight against each other and even encouraged them to fight against each other with fists.

As they started to fight balalaika started a betting and unlike those people Vicky spoke saying that the fight is going to be a draw.

No one believed that and Vicky and balalaika made another bet since Vicky don’t want money from her.

He wants a kiss from balalaika if he wins.

She then stated that if he loses then he would go and work for her.

Vicky nodded.

Well it is really worth it to gamble to serve her for a kiss on his cheek from such a hot woman.


The ears of both Revy and Roberta twitched few times when they heard the bed that Vicky placed with balalaika.

Well balalaika smiled like a cunning fox and accepted his bet.

In the middle rock wanted to stop the fight and got some good words.

The fight continued and finally ended in a draw.

Balalaika announced it with a bright face and Vicky looked at her.

But Vicky waited for both Revy and Roberta to gain a little strength to move before asking balalaika to fulfill her promise.

“Balalaika you should fulfill your promise right now.

So give me a kiss….”

He got a kiss on his cheek from balalaika.

But right at that moment both Revy and Roberta moved towards Vicky throwing their punches at him at the same time.


Balalaika took a step back after her kiss and looked at the two punches that were about to hit Vicky………

Chapter 164: gifting dresses to the girls

Balalaika took a step back after her kiss and looked at the two punches that were about to hit Vicky.

Vicky simply raised his hands in “namaskar” model between the two fists that were about to hit.

Then he opened his hands deflecting their punches making the two women turn around because of the deflected force.

Then his hands pulled them closse into his arms and then face close to his face.

They accidentally kissed his cheeks right at that moment and two blood kiss prints appeared on either of his cheeks.

The people around were speechless.

Well even Vicky was speechless.

He just wanted to defend against them with cool image and hold them close for a moment but it ended up giving him a double kiss on both cheeks.

Well it is still good.

The women wanted to punch Vicky but found that their impulse is over drawn and they cannot move properly right now.

Vicky smiled at them and said.

Since you both gave me the kiss as payment I will help you a little.

He placed the two women down and took out some strange pills and fed them to the Roberta and Revy.

Soon their complexions changed to look much better.

These are healing pills that he got from his opponents.

They seem to be working very well.

Compared to what he got two healing pills are nothing.

After setting the two women to rest for a moment Vicky said.

“Now Roberta, In the future, if something happens doesn’t just rush over like this and call me before doing anything.

Also don’t put on those glasses.

Even though they look good on you, they will cover your beautiful face.

Revy you should reduce your temper a little and don’t jump into everything like that.

Also you should get a new dress with punk style that suits you.

Well this dress is good but let’s go for shopping later.

Also Roberta since the problem is resolved you can come along to do some shopping.

As for the mafia gang you don’t have to worry.

I will just call them later.

They should have already heard my other name so they would not cause any trouble for the Lovelace family.

Balalaika do you want to go on shopping with us…

Even though you dress makes you a hot business woman I prefer something better that you make you look gorgeous.

If you don’t want to come I will bring you a dress later.”


The moment when balalaika kissed the cheek of Vicky both Roberta and Revy instinctively became jealous and their favorability broke through 40 points.

As for balalaika it was the first time she kissed someone or someone asked for a kiss from her.

So when she kissed her on Vicky’s cheek her favorability broke through 40 points too.

But that is all.

After the rush they became normal again.

Balalaika refused to go out with Vicky for shopping and Roberta also wanted to go back with Garcia so that the things back at Lovelace family were not in turmoil.

Revy wanted to go and get a drink rather than going for shopping.

This batch of women was rather eccentric and acts very differently from any other normal woman.

So Vicky was not that disappointed about this matter.

Finally the people dispersed one after the other and the lagoon company returned back to their office.

Well no one questioned the pill that Vicky made Revy and Roberta to eat to recover them so quickly.

They have already considered Vicky as a magician of some sort.

They also know about Vicky’s strength and don’t want to mess with him.

So they simply let go of their curiosity.


Well there are a few days of free time from that day on words.

Even though Vicky said that he wanted to take the women for shopping he has already bought them dresses he liked while he was going around the world.

He bought silver high heels and black off shoulder dress with black color and some sparkling silver chips on it those are shining like stars.

Also he bought some matching accessories that go along with this dress to balalaika.

For Revy he bought her the cow girl dress with knee length boots with high heels, short Wild West jeans along with a corset model top that would go along.

There is also a red scarf and a checks shirt that would fit with the dress making her look like a cow girl sheriff from Wild West adventurers.

There is also a matching leather holsters for her cutlass.

As for Roberta he bought her a special maid dress that she was instructed to wear only for him………

Just like that he gave the girls dresses that he bought for them before they left surprising them again.

Since he did it right after he proposed to take them to shopping and breaking their favorability limit has let him gain +5 favorability points from each of the three women.


The gap he got was used fully going around the nearby countries to try his luck.

Well he was able to get through to secret society in Japan that was situated under Mount Fuji.

Then he moved to Korea and got the secret society in a barren land that looked like a desert.

He has found the reason for this occurrence.

This was caused by one of the half demon king that came to this place right at the time when the last demon emperor arrived at Japan.

This half demon king is related to plants and it has actually taken up the fertility of half of Korea to sustain itself.

That is the reason why half of Korea has problems with land fertility and others.

Well there seems to be more information but Vicky has to collect other information pieces to get the answer.

For the secret society in china Vicky has another person he wanted to approach which is mister Chang from the triads.

Chapter 165: preach when you can do it with your strength rock part-1

For the secret society in china Vicky has another person he wanted to approach which is mister Chang from the triads.

Because he refused to take part in the incident related to Roberta, Vicky has penalized to pay 10 thousand chaos points considering the quest failure.

The next quest was issued to Vicky it is related to underwater excavation of the submarine.


Quest: under water adventure (plot)

Description: player has to take the initiative to go under water trip to the sunken submarine instead of staying out.

Save the plot line characters Revy and rock with maintaining at least 80 percent of health.

Player can change the plot or take the previous plot to go to the offender’s ship to exterminate them.

The rewards of each choice are given separately.

Hint: Finding the identity of the old man that gave the mission to Lagoon Company might result in unexpected rewards.

Happy hunting……….”

Vicky found the quest interesting and is going to brush up few more favorability points from Revy during the quest.

Also Vicky has to play the cards properly, so that rock would not cause big ripples in the mind of Revy.

So Vicky has to carefully plan his actions and words properly to solve the things.

Well his memories are there and he knows what the gains from the choices he make are.

This time he wants to follow the plot and get on the ship of the other military party that came to get the painting.


The month has passed and Vicky made a specific call to Abraham to convey a message to the Columbian mafia.

He told Abraham to tell the Columbian mafia to send 1 billion dollars of money to his fake company and not to mess with Lovelace family.

Also they have to stop doing those bad businesses that touches the bottom line of Vicky immediately.

If they did not comply with his words then the hidden demon would visit them and take care of them to never do business again….”

Well his other name hidden demon has spread through the underworld after the incident with the Caribbean mafia.

But the Columbian mafia did not know how to cherish their lives.

So they wanted to retaliate.

Vicky took the time to solve them and added 10 billion dollars after destroying the entire Columbian mafia to his fake company.

The entire process only took him 3 days where most of it was spent on travelling and a day for destroying the entire Columbian mafia.

After that 2 days were spent to get all the money and selling assets.

Well this was all done by the people sent by Abraham while Vicky returned back to Roanapur to go on his trip to under water expedition.

All of this happened before he received the quest of underwater expedition and after Roberta’s incident is over.


Today Dutch took them all out for the job.

Knowing the contents rock started to start his manic rambling over and over holding his head like a cry baby.

He was reprimanded by both Vicky and Revy.

Dutch bought three diving suits knowing that Vicky can do deep sea diving.

Originally he only wanted send Revy and Vicky instead of Revy and rock.

But unexpectedly Vicky bought in an extra diving suit that he has making things easy for Dutch to not to buy a new one.

Also he suggested to have extra hand would make things easier finalizing the current results of making three people to go to submarine salvaging at the same time.


The plot moved on as the Dutch and Benny gave a run down on the mission.

At the end Vicky, Revy and rock dressed up in the diving suit.

Dutch came over bringing a water proof gun for Revy and Vicky got one too which is a souvenir from balalaika.

Revy was very happy with the new toy and she jumped into the water after checking her things.

Vicky and rock followed they soon came all the way down reaching the submarine.

The water pressure is very high and they have to move cautiously.

They entered through the torpedo vent of the submarine and welded it from inside successfully.

As soon as they are inside they flashed their lights around.


Rock started to scream like a girl seeing few skulls and bones.

Well they soon found the painting that they are looking for.

Rock did not stop his preaching of how these people might felt…good and bad.

Vicky was keeping an eye on the expression of Revy and waiting for the right time to reverse the things.

So during that time Vicky was silent and collecting the valuables from the dead.

Rock looked at Vicky and Revy with a condemning look.

“What rock?

Don’t give me that look.”

Revy said as she moved to collect the other pieces of badges and antiques.

Rock cannot sit idly by and started to preach his speech.

“Revy, Vicky let’s leave those pieces here……..”

Vicky let rock peach the nonsense and finally when he is done Vicky spoke instead of letting Revy speak.

“Rock let me ask you something.

There was once a wise king that helped his people very much and earned many merits.

The proofs of those merits were buried along with the king.

After few centuries the people of that kingdom slowly lost their prosperity.

They reduced to the point of becoming thieves and beggars.

At that time they found the tomb of the king that possess his proofs of achievements.

Now tell me what they should do.

Selling those antiques can give people new hope and quench their hunger.


They should preserve them safely for the future of the dead country and be taken by some other thieves or criminals.

Do you know those thieves and criminals are formed from the very citizens after their countries economy collapsed because of the actions of their predecessors that chose to not to sell those antiques.


Chapter 166: preach when you can do it with your strength rock part-2

“Do you know those thieves and criminals are formed from the very citizens after their countries economy collapsed because of the actions of their predecessors that chose to not to sell those antiques.


Rock was speechless to what to say.

“Rock there is no difference between the people of a peaceful country and a war torn country.

It is just that their true nature is hidden as long their necessities are being fulfilled.

Morals and peace talks will only works where you have enough power to support them.

You know they say good people die early.

It is not that they die early the surrounding people will send them to god early as they are not fit to live between humans.

We criminals are formed from the dark side of the society that those good people are responsible for stopping.

Since they did not stop us from forming they can at least share their achievements to let us live freely right

Let me give you an advice rock.

You should look at the world with impartial eyes to find what is what instead of preaching nonsense.

If you can first save someone with your own strength before you talk about saving the dead things and dead people’s achievements.”

Vicky hates the people that preach with any effort to change things like rock.

Vicky stopped the things that touched his bottom line with his own strength back on earth gaining the title the hidden king from the people that he saved.

He also earned the title hidden demon from the people that did not see the good he did.

He doesn’t care about the titles but he proved his point with his strength can those people that talk about peace and morals do the same?

Rock became completely silent listening to the words of Vicky.

Revy has snapped out of her trance like state as her own thoughts reciprocated to what.

Originally her thoughts should have reciprocated with rock’s words.

But everything in this world has at least 2 sides.

Even after the words from rock, Revy took some time to lean towards his side.

During that time the two sides of the thought fought with each other and finally took the side of rock’s words because of the constant and continuous influence.

This time Vicky is going to use this opportunity that rock should have to pull Revy completely towards his side.

Vicky observed the face or Revy finding that her mind is in internal turmoil right now and a fight between the thoughts influenced by rock and Vicky is fighting inside her.



Revy did not get to say her speech and was only able to listen.

Right then the plot moved on.

There are people from the other party that arrived at the spot.

“Seems like we have some guests under water,

Rock, Revy let us dance a little first and we can talk about these things later.”

Vicky moved on and followed the plot.

He did not kill any extra but only shared half of the kills with Revy.

Soon the other party ran away with the painting and Revy chased after them.

Vicky know that if there are other player they would not come down here instead stand at the top of the ship to shoot the plot like characters.

Since they are in the opposition they should kill Revy and specifically rock.

Vicky was quick and moved to protect Revy and rock from the barrage of bullets right when they surfaced on the water.

Quickly they went down under water and Vicky took a few moments to take few heads of those players that are shooting at them.

Vicky done want any unexpected turn of events when they go back to get the painting at night later.

If he wants to seal the information from leaking then the best opportunity is to kill these players.

Killing these players would not let them leak anything later to those people.


Soon after that the big ship left and Vicky and others drifted off towards south which should be the direction that Dutch should have left before.

After they boarded the boat Dutch came and Revy explained about the things that happened.

All of them agreed to the night raid.

Well there is still time till night fall so Vicky started to plant the things of tracking the old man that would call later at night.

It is very easy to hack things with his skills and Benny widened his eye looking at the speed and actions of Vicky.

Soon it was done and Vicky made the network trap.

As long as that old man called in the night Vicky can directly track him and get the details directly to his mail.


Revy was in the irritated state and Vicky did not push things any further.

The night is nice and Vicky is going to go with the team for the night raid.

Rock did not get a hit from Revy as there are two options in her mind right now.

One side is towards rock and the other side is towards Vicky.

The impact of Vicky is much higher than that of rock.

Also Vicky deliberately let Revy hear his conversation with Abraham about destroying the entire Columbian mafia.

After that Vicky left and really destroyed the entire mafia of a country and came back without even a single scratch.

This fact proves his point of backing his thoughts with his own strength.

There is really a news about the destruction of the mafia of that country and the underworld have a new name spreading fast.

The hidden demon is walking on the earth now.

Even with all these things Vicky acts low key and flirts with her and even balalaika.

Many strange thoughts and impressions created by Vicky in these past few days have already outweighed the impression that was created by rock on the first meeting.

So her concentration turned towards Vicky rather than rock and he got a tap on his shoulder by Revy and she said……..

Chapter 167: warning to the old man

So her concentration turned towards Vicky rather than rock and he got a tap on his shoulder by Revy and she said.


“Vicky, let’s go hunting….”

Vicky on the other hand sighed and said.

“Revy the night is so nice but you are so irritated.

In order to lighten your mood after the hunt I will give you a small gift….”

Dutch to the side looked at Revy and Vicky with deep thought.

Rock was sulking on the side looking at the expression of Revy.

Vicky knows what the thoughts of Dutch were.

He was sure that tomorrow he will be sent in place of rock to run errands with Revy.

Well that is what he wanted to.

As they moved on the boat Dutch distributed the work with Revy and Vicky.

Revy goes down the ship, Vicky takes the deck and the move down to support Revy while Dutch searches the top.

With that the party started.

Naturally the first shot is from Revy.

Vicky moved swiftly and cleared the deck.

Well there is a player that is still alive but he disguised as a crew member of the ship to hide the killing.

But Vicky found him and made him spit out the items that he got from the drop box along with most of his chaos points and even his ark was taken.

After that Vicky moved down clearing the lower deck and arrived at the spot where Revy was about to shoot the crew of this ship.

Well instead of Dutch, Vicky stopped her.

“Revy what are you doing….”

Vicky borrowed the words of Dutch and gave Revy a good word to bring her straight from her thoughts of a lunatic killer.

Well Dutch arrived at that moment but only looked at the scene.

Right then the sneak attack came and both Vicky and Revy made the shot killing those people.

Vicky really took the gamble right now.

He doesn’t know if Revy would really kill him or let him live like she did with Dutch.

This is the gamble with life he has to take to pull Revy into his arms rather than letting her go with rock.

Even though he got the results from the simulation it was only a projection and not reality.

So there is no sure thing that he would live or die that changes based on the emotions of Revy.

Fortunately his gamble paid off and he was able to live.

This also shows that the impression of Revy towards him has changed to the correct side and the chances of his idea winning are more than that of the side of rock.

Finally the boat was cleared.

Vicky did not go to the commander room with Dutch and Revy.

Instead he set up a special bug in the communications room of the ship from where they would send and receive signals.

He directly connected his phone to the system and hacked the network in the area.

Soon the phone came from the old man and Vicky waited for the drama to play.

Vicky started to hear their conversation waiting for them to complete their speech.

Well Vicky’s plan is a little different.

While they are talking Vicky has already tracked the old man and got the information required.

With his current strength Vicky can take on this old man’s forces.

So he can speak boldly.

Unless absolutely confident, Vicky did not like to disturb the prey before it died.

Since he has confidence Vicky spoke to the man at the right time.

“Dutch I want to have a word with this old man you don’t mind right.”

Suddenly Vicky spoke from the phone and Dutch panicked a little but adjusted himself and replied to Vicky.

“I don’t care Vicky.”

With the confirmation Vicky started to speak with the old man.

“Hello old man Alfred that was really a touching speech from you.

Now I am going to give you two options.

First transfer 30 billion dollars to the fate financial associates.

Someone will contact you in a tomorrow about this.

Second is that you refuse to give the money and I will visit you taking everything you own or have.

Before you answer I will tell you my other name as a warning.

You can investigate and decide it for yourself.

Recently the people in the underworld call me hidden demon.

The payment for the job you gave for Lagoon Company is separate thing and don’t mix them.

Well I am done with speaking with you.

Dutch do you have anything to speak to the old man?”

Vicky asked Dutch at the end.

“No there is nothing Vicky you can end it.”

“Then make your choice old man.

Don’t make me visit you and experience another world war at close range….”

After Vicky said that he cut off the call and then called Abraham to contact the old man Alfred to receive the big payment of 30 billion dollars along with the hidden assets stored in the paintings.

Abraham was very moved listening to the numbers Vicky spoke.

Even though he acted like an errand boy to Vicky after knowing what happened to Caribbean mafia and Columbian mafia that went against Vicky,

He felt fortunate that he did not make a stupid move of planning against Vicky.

As Vicky ordered he moved immediately making preparations for those things.


Revy and Dutch spoke about some things related to rock and Vicky got in the middle to change the subject.

Based on their conversation Vicky knows that tomorrow rock will go with them along on their errand.

Well he can only sigh as the will of the world will always try to make the plot go back to its original track.

It is especially so for the protagonist and people close to him.

So the will of the world would not let Vicky take Revy away from rock easily.


When they were about to leave Vicky stopped them for a few more minutes and salvaged all the ammunition and guns on the army party to the torpedo boat.

Chapter 168: sit on my lap Revy

When they were about to leave Vicky stopped them for a few more minutes and salvaged all the ammunition and guns on the army party to the torpedo boat.

With his personal storage space the process is very easy for Vicky to complete quickly.

When he came back to the deck of the torpedo boat Revy was still there while Dutch and others went inside.

She is drinking some rum looking at the starry sky in the cold ocean breeze.

Vicky went to deliver the last batch of goods that he got from the military party and Dutch grinned from ear to ear looking at the goods.

If they sell these things they can really earn some good cash.

So he was happy.

Rock was sorting the things and noting down their details.

After notifying Dutch the boat started to move back to the port.

Vicky went back to the deck and sat beside Revy.

She looked at Vicky with eyes that did not have their light.

She is still thinking about the things of the past.

“Revy, I told you that I will give you a gift right…”

Vicky took out a small folded cloth and threw it to Revy.

Revy caught it and looked at the contents.

The cloth contains the medals that Revy picked up in the submarine.

Previously they left the submarine in a hurry so she left those things there.

Vicky picked it up and brought it for her.

Revy’s eyes lit up from the previous expressionless state.

“Well even though I called it a gift it is nothing more than your hard work too pick them up.

This is what you lost and I found it for you.”

Vicky said as he took a sip of some wine that he got out of thin air.

They did not speak anything through the night and went back to the company building and slept peacefully.

Vicky knows that he has to wait for the fruits to ripe to take them.


In the morning next day Dutch gave Vicky a piece of paper and said.

“Vicky, take rock and Revy with you to complete these errands.”

Rock on the side looked at Dutch and asked if Revy would accept it or not.

Vicky covered it with his words and went to wake up Revy that is sleeping.

Her room reeked with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

Vicky opened the window to release this murky air and let the fresh air flow in.

“Revy, we got a job to do so move your ass.”


As if it was normal Vicky spanked her ass causing Revy to annoyed and fiery again as soon as she woke up.

This was all mixed with her hangover and a strong headache making her completely irritated.

If it was rock here he would have gotten a human sized cut out on the wall from the bullets that Revy shoot.

But Vicky moved and pulled her guns away from her so that she cannot do anything.

Also as long as she did not move and wash up she received extra slaps for every minute and her vulgar words also received slaps from Vicky.

Since she cannot fight back with Vicky she can only succumb to his wishes and get ready quickly.

Vicky prepared as special lemon water for Revy to remove her hang over.

But she was unable to sit comfortably because of the stinging pain that came from her ass every time she sits down.

Rock only looked at the scene without any words.

The words that Vicky spoke yesterday were ringing in his ears even now.

“Everything I achieved is with my own power.

I can support my ideals with my own power.

Rock if you want to talk about morals then first obtain enough strength to back them up instead of preaching nonsense.”

Rock though about Vicky’s point of view and found that what Vicky said is right.

He is an academic.

He knows the results of all the fights throughout the history of mankind.

Whatever the person that wins the war said is the truth and the loser is the sinner.

No matter how much people say equality and peace it was all from the strength behind them that supported their words.

If there is no strength then you are not just unequal but you are not even a being but a pet or object of use.

Rock experienced this personally when his company and even his country abandoned him directly and even publicized his death.


They soon got on the car where rock was driving the car while Revy was sitting on the lap of Vicky in the front seat.

Vicky has two chances of asking Revy do something he asks her to do.

So he asked her to sit on his lap for the entire journey today for all errands.

Revy was reluctant but when Vicky moved his arm again in the slapping pose she directly accepted it.

She is a woman that would not admit her true feeling because of the strong hatred that was created through her childhood.

The ice has to be melted slowly to bring back her original self.

But before that Vicky has to make her rely on his or at least burrow his way towards her heart.

Since she would not listen to reason he has to make the contact with her through body.

So he awakened her masochistic nature which he guessed through the simulation and used it to make the contact.

Sitting on his lap made her feel comfortable in her heart but she doesn’t want to show that out because of her cold nature.

Vicky did not make any moves other than letting her sit on his lap.

The ride is not that bumpy as the car is being driven by rock that is going like an old snail.

“Rock at least put in some bumps on the road so that I can fully utilize the opportunity of playing with Revy……”

Chapter 169: Do you want to join Revy?

“Rock at least put in some bumps on the road so that I can fully utilize the opportunity of playing with Revy.

You see I have wasted a chance to make her sit on my lap.

Cooperate with me brother.”

Revy rolled her eyes directly throwing fire from them and said.

“What did you say Vicky”

Rock on the driver’s seat trembled a little and did not dare to raise the speed of the car.

“You betrayed your brother rock.

I am really disappointed by your spinelessness.

Well since it is like that I have to take thing into my own hands then.”

Vicky said this and directly hugged Revy.

Revy struggled for some time but unable to break free from Vicky’s grip.

Strangely she felt comfortable by the touch and hug of Vicky.

Vicky did not take advantage of her or molest her.

Instead he hugged her tightly making her comfortable.

Rock that was driving the car looked to the side where a strange peacefully scene is going on.

Revy who should be annoyed has a peaceful smile and she looked like she is sleeping in Vicky’s arms

It was really a strange scene.

This made rock almost crash into the divider on the road.

When they came to their first destination they finally stopped and Revy was brought back from that comfortable feeling.

Rowan “Jackpot” Pigeon’s place,

There a tall man with an afro that asked Revy if she wants she can join his place.

Revy got into business while rock is blushing on the side.

Vicky moved around looking at the beauties and said to rowan.

“Man you really got some good chicks.”

Rowan looked at Revy and asked.

“Revy who is this man that is appreciating my work very much?”

Revy looked at Vicky with a glare and said.

“He is a new member at our place that begged us to let him join in the company.”



“Revy, how can you be so cold and say things like that about me.”

“Hey mister Rowan, I am Vicky.

I have got an opportunity to work with the lagoon company and liked these funny guys.

So I decided to join their group to have some fun.

By the way I like your work.

Unlike other cheap places your woman doesn’t seem to hate their work.

Instead they looked like they are enjoying it.

That is really a great managing skill that you got there man…”

Vicky praised rowan with his sweet tongue making even rowan blush.

“Hey mate Vicky,

You are my best buddy from now on.

Come on lets have some drinks and I will introduce you to my best beauties….”

Vicky politely refused as he said that they still have some errands to take care off.

“Oh, well it is bad,

If you are free come here to have some drinks and play…..”

“By the way Revy who is the other guy that is blushing so much?”

Rock also got some on screen time but he was unable to refute like Vicky did can only swallow his grievances.

All of these actions are registering in the minds of Revy and rock right on the top of the argument that they had last night.

Well Vicky doesn’t care as he was ready with his arsenal to play with them to the end.

Revy got on the car first and did not give Vicky any place to make her sit on his lap.

Rock did not even look in this direction as if not wanting to stick his neck into this mess.

Vicky directly lifted off Revy and directly made her sit on her lap.

His hands are so strong that Revy was like a baby in his hands.

This time he hugged Revy even tighter making her blush.

She wanted to struggle but her actions caused her to feel something poking her butt.

“Fuck you are hard….”

Revy said.

“Well, I am a healthy man.

Since, you are grinding your ass against my dick so much what you think will happen.

If you did not move so much my big brother would have been quite like before.

You knocked on the door so much and he woke up.

So be a good girl and stay quite in my hug.

Don’t you feel my hug is comfortable, come on hug back.”

Vicky said shamelessly while hugging Revy tightly without letting her make any move.

Rock on the side is blushing as he was 25 years old but he is still a virgin.

He did not even have a girlfriend till now.

Right beside him there is big men that joined along with him and taming the wild horse like Revy.

He doesn’t know what to say except for being jealous of Vicky.

Vicky noticed this and said.

“Rock don’t be jealous,

You will find a good woman in the future you know.”

Then Vicky looked at Revy in his arms and said.

“Revy I have this idea after coming out of rowan’s club.

Just imaging you, balalaika and that maid Roberta doing a strip show and pole dance for me.

It is so great to have seen a show like that with three beauties right.”

Revy stopped her struggling and started to pinch Vicky’s waist.

“What are you thinking?

Do you think balalaika would do something like that for you?

Even that bitch Roberta would not do that…

I will definitely not do something like that for you…..”

Suddenly Revy felt something wrong and her back was cold for a moment.

She subconsciously looked at Vicky and stopped what she was about to say.

“Revy are you sure you want to bet with me.

You know my heart is boundless and it can fit the entire world in it.

But unfortunately it was shattered into many pieces.

Each piece falls in love with different woman and I have to bring them all to me forming a big harem.

It will be my family and it will be my treasure.

Do you want to join Revy?”

Chapter 170: Rip-off church

“It will be my family and it will be my treasure.

Do you want to join Revy?”

Revy don’t know how to reply to Vicky’s question.

Rock on the side became tense seeing the scene develop so well.

Even though he is jealous of Vicky, he admires him very much just because of the play of his words.

Fortunately for Revy they arrived at the hotel where balalaika is.

So Revy got off the car while it was still in motion and quickly escaped like a rabbit.

But she forgot one thing that is she still has to go to another place and return back to the lagoon company.

All this time she will be in the hands of Vicky without any place to run away.

She only escaped momentarily.

Vicky did not ask her with full heart so the question of trust did not appear in front of Revy.

He wants to take his time to slowly catch her and pull her into his heart.

When they went into meet balalaika she is actually editing an adult video.

Revy quickly explained the details while balalaika answered with a dead fish face.

Revy did not notice this before but balalaika did not have a single scratch on her face and looked hot if she showed a sweet expression.

Revy looked at Vicky few times as she know that balalaika because beautiful without scars is because of Vicky’s mysterious scar remover.

On the other had Vicky greeted balalaika attracting her attention.

Her every even lit up a little.

“Hey balalaika,

Why are you doing the editing instead of giving this job to others?”

“Hey Vicky,

I did entrust this job to others but they all started to masturbate looking at the video instead of editing it.

So I have to do the work now.

Also thank you for the gift Vicky.

The dress you bough before is very nice.”

Rock doesn’t know about that but Revy knows that balalaika also received a gift just like her and it is a dress.

But she doesn’t know what kind of dress that Vicky gave her.

“Big Sis, what kind of dress that Vicky gave you?”

Revy asked with her naive self.

Balalaika looked at Revy with a sweet smile and said.

“Revy are you jealous.

I heard that he gave you a dress too right.

Why are you still jealous?”

Revy’s face turned red and she started to get irritated like a brat again.

Balalaika shook her head and then said.

“It is a party wear black shining one piece dress with low neckline.

There is also matching silver earrings and high heels along with that.

You know he is very through when picking up the dress as it matches perfectly with my hair and skin….”

Balalaika spoke more and more teasing Revy while Vicky watched the show and Rock don’t know what to say.

“By the way Revy what dress did you get from Vicky?”

Balalaika asked with some curiosity.

She already found out about that but she still want to ask Revy so that she can tease her more.

Revy spoke proudly this time saying that she received female version of cow boy dress with short jeans and knee length leather boots……

Looking at Revy’s proud appearance balalaika has a moment of jealousy flashed in her eyes but it was hidden away.

But Vicky found that and thought for a moment.

After some small chit chat the group left with balalaika editing the adult video…

This time Revy did not get in the car first but waited for Vicky to enter and silently sat on his lap.

She did not struggle much either.

But still Vicky did not let her go and hugged her tightly.

Rock on the side became numb to this and directly drove the car to the next destination on the list which is rip-off church.

Here Vicky is going to meet an acquaintance that should have arrived few days ago.

That is none other than Veena.


Revy got off the car and became her usual self again.

It almost looked like she is suffering from split personality problem.

The story moved on just like that in the plot.

The area and location of the church is scenic and Vicky really liked the model and appearance of the church and the sea side location.

Veena was there when Eda is making those people arrange the cleaning supplies.

But Veena could not recognize Vicky because of the face mask that he is wearing.

No player can recognize his face.

Revy went to hit the doors of the church attracting the attention of Eda as she came to greet.

Eda took the group to the back of the church where the living quarters is and there Vicky met Yolanda.

He never knew that she looks so old.

Veena came to deliver tea and left right after as she knows how to do the duty.

She still took a look at the extra person present in the protagonist group.

Right at that time Vicky introduced himself causing her to take a look again.

But she was unable to recognize Vicky’s face because of the mask.

So she thought that Vicky is not the Vicky that she knew.

Vicky cannot attract her attention right now as he did not pull Eda into his group yet.

So he cannot expose the contact with Veena and alert the CIA.

Vicky will not let rock show off his findings as that would be the great opportunity to attract the attentions of Eda and even Yolanda.

Revy directly jumped out with her annoying brat personality that she thinks as a cool appearance but not.

The situation became tense as Revy and Eda confronted with guns while rock was thinking of the solution Vicky took the lead to steal the lines of rock.

Vicky never used the words sister and called Miss Yolanda instead.

This would give a different opinion changing the mood.

Well he did not follow the conventional likes of rock and changed them to his own language…..


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