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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 91: moved to the next target Saya

It is strange for her but she still felt like that and her face is already red from all the embarrassment as soon as she realized it.


The group of men dropped the poisoned person that they just lifted when they listened to the words of the plot line characters.

They finally understand why they cannot make these women follow them.

They would have never agreed if someone said that a player made three main plot line characters fell in love with him in just 3 hours from the start of the fantasy world.

This is especially if they all fell for a woman at that made them question their life being a man.

Also the woman that joined their group seems to be on the side of lesbian that is the reason why she did not reciprocate to any of their advances.

Well they took one last look at the smiling face of Mohini that was between the three hot women with pure envy and hatred.

They moved away dragging the poisoned person and love stuck woman along with them.

At that time the surrounding place already has screams from all the zombies attacking.

The more time passes the more zombies that would come.

Mohini has a clear target to achieve which is the million zombie kill achievement.

Well we can all make a simple calculation that is if she kills zombies one per second for a continuous 10 hours then she can kill around 36,000 zombies.

For 7 days of time that is given it will only be around 252,000 zombies.

That is around a forth of the number of zombies required for the million zombie achievement.

So this way is wrong and she has to find a new way.

There is a list of prohibitions in this world which is magic is prohibited, destructive military weapons above hand grenades are prohibited.

She cannot use a truck to squash all the zombies as that is prohibited and the zombie kill count will not increase.

Then Mohini don’t have any choices in these thoughts.

Also right now she has to make a choice.

That is either to follow the protagonist group or move with her group.

The two things has they own advantages and disadvantages.

Among the players most of them will follow the protagonist so that they can be safe.

But there are some that would move independently who believe in their strength.

If Mohini did not have any thoughts on these people and have her goal about million zombies kill achievement Mohini wanted to move separately.

But that is not the case here and she wanted to take all the women that she wanted from this world with her.

As for make characters the father of Saya Takagi is good with strong body but the problem is that he is too loyal to his wife and it is hard to take.

Mohini felt like if her manipulative tongue skill is at good level she would be able to pull the people she liked with her.

Unfortunately she cannot as the skill has not improved it.

Well she wanted to find the solution to the problem if she can if not then all she can do is to take what she can and leave obediently like a good bitch.


With some thinking and deciding she wanted to move to her next target.

That is Saya Takagi.

Mohini took out a metal sword and gave it to Saeko.

As for Shizuka and Kyoko she gave them a metal spear and a shield like thing just in case.

The women followed Mohini without questioning while thinking of their feelings towards Mohini that they just met.

As Shido said in the anime the danger to life is the best aphrodisiac and also the best to change people’s hearts.

They made their way to the students block.

Mohini on the way explained that those zombies cannot see and will have to depend on sound to hunt down the targets.

In the students block Mohini took out two guns with silencers and shot the zombies just enough to clear the path.

She don’t want to kill too many zombies right now so as to not to give those players a chance to plan behind her back.

When they are climbing the stairs to the first floor they found two people hiding quietly while observing the movements of those zombies.

The plot has progressed faster than Mohini expected and it has already come to this.

The two people were Saya and fatty Hirano that is equipped with nail gun.

Well Mohini did not gave them much time to think and appeared just like in that of the plot where Saeko and Shizuka would appear here with them.

Mohini took the chance to move like a wind and cleared the entire corridor.

Right at that moment the protagonist Takashi and Rei appeared from the upper floor with their mini weapons.

As for the players Mohini don’t know where they are right now.

Most probably they are trying to save more students so that they might gain some hidden benefits.

They know that going to the protagonists right now is a bad move and the chance of death is high.

So they are going to the place where the busses are so that when the protagonist’s group leaves they can get on the bus and go away smoothly.

The unfortunate thing is that most players don’t know the plot and only had some small understanding from the people of their faction.

This fantasy world is one of the many beginner levels and would appear frequently so the new players were already informed of the basic plot.

But they don’t know the exact details of the story progress so they try their best to arrive at the main points like the escape location.

Also they would be wary of who is the villain.

With whom they can stay and what can be touched and what not…….

Chapter 92: proposing to Saya

With whom they can stay and what can be touched and what not.

This is their current state of mind.

So most probably they would not come here.

Even if they did, unless they are a woman or an extremely handsome man they will not be able to penetrate into the protagonist circle.

In this specific condition Mohini is currently on the top.

She is a woman and her charm stats are already over 25 stat points.

Because of this she can easily gain the attention of the protagonist easily.

Mohini thought all of this for a moment and moved forward.

Right at that time one of the zombies pounced at Saya and she used a drill machine to kill the zombie.

Right at the next moment few silent bullets hit the heads of the zombies that suddenly appeared and clearing the corridor for real this time.

Mohini went towards Saya and hugged her tightly consoling her from the first time killing fear and sadness.

Saya don’t know Mohini but at that time it doesn’t matter.

Well it was originally the place of Saeko but Mohini took the chance.

The favorability of Saya towards Mohini improved.

At the same time the favorability of other people also improved looking at the capabilities of Mohini and her caring nature.

Their question now is where Mohini got the guns.


To be more precise they want to know what the background of Mohini is.

Mohini simply told them that she is an assassin and some of the dark past that she made.

She hoped to have a big family one day with many women and men that love her……..

Even though, the meaning of her words gives a bisexual family with male and female harem for her.

These twisted words are not understood by those people in their current state of mind.

Instead listening to her dark history that was highlighted over her wish has made them sympathetic towards her and their favorability directly reached 30 points.

That was enough brushing up right now.

Later Mohini is going to take care of Shido and then the favorability would directly jump to 50 points.

So by tomorrow morning Mohini would reach 50 points or more favorability from the plot line characters.

This is her goal for now.

With that they moved into a room to the side and Mohini is still covered with blood that was also on Saya.

Shizuka slept on a desk while the people are thinking how to solve the issue right now.

Mohini went to wash up and saw that Saya put on her glasses with wet shirt.

She looked so cute right at that moment that Mohini wanted to give her a tight kiss.

Unfortunately she was still covered in blood from the zombie.

So she held back.

But she still commented.

“You know you are kind of cute.

Do you want to be a part of my family?”

Suddenly as if remembering something Mohini said.

“Sorry my bad, you already have a family.

Just think of my word as air…..”

After saying these words Mohini went to wash up.

But right at that moment Saya pulled Mohini into her embrace and said.

“Even though I have a family that doesn’t mean that I cannot have you in my family…”

Mohini then suddenly asked.

“Then do you want to become my women.

I will treat you with great care.

I can satisfy you in every possible way.

Also I will show you something secret that you should not tell anyone.”

Mohini said that and slowly lifted her skirt up revealing her pussy.

But right then her small clit slowly grows up into a dick causing Saya to exclaim in shock.

This caused other people to come and look.

Mohini quickly covered her dick and Saya also recovered from the shock and changed the subject.

When the people left back Mohini lifted her skirt again where the dick vanished.

Then she said.

“This is my secret and don’t tell about this to anyone.

If you are my woman I can satisfy you in every possible way and there is nothing in this world that can harm you. (Except for me)

Think about it and tell me slowly.

I can only stay in this place for 7 days after that I will have to go back to my place.

Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko will come with me to my place.

If possible we can take your family along with me too…

Well there are certain conditions for that but still……..”

Mohini said looking at Saya expectantly for a few moments.

Then she turned around to wash the blood on her dress.

Saya stayed there in dazed expression for a few moment and don’t know how to answer Mohini.

Finally she sighed and said.

“I need time to think Mohini.

I will definitely give you an answer later.”

Mohini listened to that and nodded silently and washed her body.

Right then Hirano came and looked at Saya with glasses and Mohini with wet clothes stuck to her body revealing her curves.

This made his dick stand up but quickly covered with a smile and moved away.

Both Mohini and Saya washed up but the blood is still there.

Right after that the protagonist Takashi spoke about a car but it would not fit so they decided to move to a bus instead.

At the same time Mohini shared her discovery to the group.

“The groups of zombies are blind and they will attack by smell or sound.”

The words of Mohini were seconded by Saya, Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko.

With that information known the people started to move out of this place to the place where the keys to the bus are.

Mohini took the front with her guns on hand then Saeko will stand by the side of Mohini to protect if any zombie was missed.

Shizuka and Kyoko will be at the center while the two boys guard the sides while Saya will guard the rear………

Chapter 93: got on the bus

Shizuka and Kyoko will be at the center while the two boys guard the sides while Saya will guard the rear.

Since Mohini is good with guns she should be first also for the safety, as a small scratch from a zombie can turn them into zombies.

So they don’t want to take the risks.

Along the way they saved some as the group increased.

Before moving forward Mohini warned them not to make any sound so as to not to attract more zombies.

After listening to the words of Mohini they directly accepted it without much struggle.

This is especially so because Mohini has guns on her hands.

At that time she met some players that merged into the group and followed along.

Mohini don’t mind.

One of them is the group that wanted to poach Mohini’s women before.

Now that they met again they did not show much friction and acted like they are not hostile.

They also had guns but their accuracy is much worse than Mohini.

Most of the time Mohini can one shot the zombie and she set the system notification that it will say when the zombie is killed with a soft noise.

When they came to the entrance with more than 30 zombies around none of the players moved forward to take on them.

Well the plot line characters wanted to attract the attention but was stopped by Mohini as she told them to stand guard.

The plot line characters did not know why so many people carry guns with them.

“Is it some sort of fashion that I don’t know off?”

Hirano though but he did not voice it out because it is not the right situation to ask.

Saeko still followed Mohini right behind her just in case.

Mohini moved to each section of shoe locker at the entrance and showed her dazzling talent with the guns.

Her charm is high and her movements made the people both men and women mesmerized by her actions.

Her fan girls that wanted to propose to her before is also looking at Mohini with love symbols in her eyes.

If her team members are not stopping then she might have already ran over to Mohini’s team right now.

In less than a minute Mohini has already cleared the entrance inside the school building.

Then they moved our clearing the front of the school yard.

Mohini know that those idiots that she saved before would cause sounds with the holder in his hands.

Even though Mohini said to him to leave it he did not do that and brought it along.

So Mohini told them to stay inside while she clears the zombies outside.

If she can clear at least half of them, then she can leave with these people from here peacefully.

Mohini quickly moved faster followed by Saeko.

Since it is open field she was able to kill more zombies quickly.

Within a minute she has already killed over 100 zombies.

But there are still more than 50 zombies.

Right at that moment the impatient people inside the school building came out and that stupid kid actually made the sound.

This caused the zombies to immediately target them.

Since they are less of them Mohini stand guard while Saeko moved around killing the zombies with the metal sword that Mohini gave her.

Right when they are getting on the bus Shido and his group appeared.

Mohini gave them cover fire but not to all of them.

Mohini checked the perverted fantasy system to see if those women behind Shido were blackened or not.

They are only half blackened are still in the red light.

For other people fantasy system will not respond but her perverted fantasy system will respond to her.

Since it is like that she saved Shido and the people with cover fire.

When Shido saw Mohini with guns he was taken aback.

But looking at the cover fire he was more and surer that Mohini really loves him.

So happily ran forward quickly.

Since Mohini has already cleared most of the zombies she simply picked off the remaining.

But still some of the followers of Shido died on the road.

That is not all the other players did not attack Shido because based on the story the main plot line characters related to protagonist are reluctant to kill other humans.

Even if that person is a scum like Shido they are willing to let them go.

So because of the false impression, that the plot line characters might reject them, none of the players shot Shido.

Since the zombies are not hindering they safely arrived at the bus and boarded.

Diverted from the original plot line Shido said.

“Is student Mohini is in charge of this group?”

But Takashi replied with negative.

Well Shido don’t care and Shizuka started the bus to move on.

Mohini has already cleared the zombies so it is an easy ride out of the school.

But after that it was a hard one as the zombies was swarming everywhere.

The number of players in the bus is less than 20 people.

Most of them are standing and the bus is crowded.

Some of the students started to yell about want to find a safe place to hide.

Shizuka looked at Mohini to know what she should do.

She was already tensed to do anything.

So Mohini moved forward and pointed a gun at that man that is shouting nonsense.

Mohini know that this was not provoked by him instead it was provoked by Shido.

So Mohini did not speak much and directly hit on the stomach of the guy making him faint on the spot.

Mohini has already predicted what would happen so she has already given instructions to Saeko, Shizuka, Kyoko and Saya.

They would follow Mohini’s words perfectly.

Just now when Rei was about to act Mohini took her place to teach the shouting person a lesson.

Now Shido would make a move to claim the leadership………

Chapter 94: Rei and Mohini separated from the group

Now Shido would make a move to claim the leadership.

Mohini checked again to see if those women in the back are blackened by Shido or not.

But to her disappointment they were not.

In order for her plan to succeed Mohini has to take some drastic measures.

Mohini’s orders to Saeko and others is that first Mohini would get down with Rei and later when Shido says the specific words they will leave the bus at that time.

They know that Mohini has a plan so they accepted it.

Soon after Shido made his move but Kyoko being a teacher was silent and did not refute the words of Shido.

This gave Shido a boost of confidence.

But right at that moment Rei argued about Shido being the leader.

She was about to get off the bus.

Shizuka is already expecting this and stopped the bus.

Rei got off the bus and Mohini gave signal to Saeko and others to keep the woman in her group safe.

Takashi wanted to get off the bus to follow Rei.

But Mohini was a step too fast as she got off the bus and said to Takashi.

“I will bring her back safely you take care of the people here.

Don’t worry.”

Takashi doesn’t know what to say and believed in Mohini.

It was his biggest mistake to hesitate.


Mohini has already moved towards Rei and the accident happened with a big blast.

Shizuka and Saeko already know from the explanation that Mohini gave them before bringing Kyoko.

Kyoko was obedient enough to not to question as she already understand what Mohini is going to do.

So she followed her plan led by Saeko and Shizuka.

She was sure that Mohini would explain to her later.

Also her favorability towards Mohini has increased to 50 points already because everything that Mohini said is true.

Their world has become a living hell and it is no longer suitable to live here.

On the contrary Mohini is risking it so much to save them and this moved her heart.

Mohini then shouted the same words that are in the story like meet at east police station tomorrow at 6 PM.

The words of Mohini are the trigger to her plan to get the main heroine Rei.

Even if Takashi wanted to come to Rei right now he could not because of the zombies and all the fire around.

So the words from Mohini were actually received by Takashi instead of Saeko.

Well it is not a problem.


The protagonist batch moved and the eyes of Rei became a little cold because Takashi did not come out to her.

But she cannot do anything.

The fire is spreading.

Even for Mohini it was very high temperature.

Mohini pulled Rei toward the higher ground wanting to move away from the fire.

Right then a biker dude zombie appeared and pounced on Mohini.

Mohini pulled out a cheap quality sword from her inventory and plunged it straight into its brain from the gap under the helmet.

Blood was about to splash but Mohini pushed him to the side.

As soon as he was on the side Rei took out a concrete slab to hit the head of the biker zombie.

There is a bike to the side which was noticed by Mohini.

The smile on Mohini was quite good.

But before moving on Mohini consoled Rei with her sweet words and a good tight hug,

With that Rei calmed down and her favorability towards a strong woman like Mohini has increased directly to 40 points.

Mohini did not press on right now as to much of anything would cause adverse effects and negative effects.

Mohini don’t want that to happen.

Mohini pulled up the bike and got on but Rei was able to see that Mohini is not wearing anything under her skirt.

This shocked her.

Mohini smiled and said.

“When you are not wearing anything down there you will have high amount of concentration when shooting.

How do you think that I can shoot so many zombies so accurately?”

Right at that time Rei suddenly got a doubt.

Where did Mohini keep her guns and where did she pull out that metal sword just now.

She was so doubtful and asked out of curiosity.

Mohini smiled knowing that she has got an opportunity and said.

“It is not that I don’t want to tell you but I cannot tell you unless you really trust me.

After 7 days I will leave from this place permanently and I am going to take Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko with me.

They have trusted me enough to know my secret.

Also I can only take the people that trusted me with me when I am leaving here.

My place is not facing apocalypse but it is still a dangerous place…..”

Mohini said some words while driving the bike with Rei hugging behind her.

Rei listened but she was confused.

She understood that Mohini has some mystery and secret.

In order to know her she has to trust Mohini completely.

That is what Mohini said.

Right at that moment looking at the surrounding area filled with corpses and blood are everywhere with dread in her heart.

Her heart has strange feelings.

Subconsciously she thought of how Mohini single handedly killed many zombies in the surrounding area of the school saving most of them.

Also the time when she hugged Saya consoling her messed mind after killing a zombie and just now when she was hugged by Mohini consoling her of the current situation has made her feel a strange sense of belonging and security.

Right that lowest moment she trusted Mohini.

As soon as she trusted Mohini, she has a blue light screen appeared in front of her eyes shocking her.

On the light screen the same question of trust appeared.

“Mohini, did you see that light screen with a question saying that if I trust you with my life…...”

Chapter 95: Rei trusted Mohini and chose to follow

“Mohini, did you see that light screen with a question saying that if I trust you with my life.”

Mohini immediately stopped to the side.

She was expecting this but not so fast.

May be the apocalypse has the greatest effect on the woman.

There are no zombies nearby and the place is silent.

Right at that moment a fighter jet passed by them.

Mohini was silent with a serious face for a moment and looked around to see if there are any zombies that came out by hearing the sound.

After confirming that there is no one around Mohini got off the bike and Rei also got down.

She doesn’t know what Mohini was so serious but she can understand that it is something serious.

Mohini looked into her eyes and said.

“The choice you see here is about my secret.

The appearance of the question of trust means that you have trusted me.

If you select yes then I can share my secret with you and take you with me to my place from this zombie world.

If you select no then I will not be able to tell you anything about my secret or take you with me when I leave.

I can only protect you as long as I am here.

That is 7 days of time including today.

A word of warning before, you make your choice.

My place is far more dangerous and your life will be bound to me.

If I die you will die along with me.

But I can promise you that as long as I live I will protect you……….”

Mohini said the warning and waited for Rei to make her choice.

Mohini did not stop there as she forgot to tell her about one more thing.

“Also I want to show you something.”

Mohini lifted her skirt showing off her pussy.

But then a dick slowly grew out and then grew back completely vanishing.

“I am a woman but that does not mean that I cannot take care of you in all kinds of ways.

Taking people out of this place to my place would cost me something that I cannot explain right now.

All I can tell is that it is money of my place and a little hard to earn.

So I can only take decisive people that trusted me.

If they did not trust me I cannot take them.

Shizuka wanted me to take her friend Rika and she said that she will convince her…….”

Mohini gave a clear explanation of all the things that she can explain without any problem from the system.

Rei listened and then looked around.

Everywhere there are corpses and blood.

She was sure that the civilization will reset again and things would move to a different direction.

But she was not sure if she will be able to live long enough to see the changed world.

She was in a dilemma on what to choose.

She also wants her parents to go with her if she wants to leave here.

As for Takashi, her feelings for him became fractured again as he did not come out when she left.

She doesn’t know that Mohini told Takashi to save the other woman in her place.

Even if Takashi tells her this and asks her Mohini can still answer to this question.

Takashi can fight but not to her level.

In the group there is Saeko and Takashi.

With the help of both of them the group can be safe.

But Mohini is needed with Rei because there are many zombies outside and Mohini can take care of them.

So she cannot blame Mohini for that.

Mohini can save Rei’s mother but for her father she don’t know.

Even in the story it was not mentioned.

So Mohini don’t know what to do………

Rei finally made her choice.

She selected yes but asked Mohini if she could save her parents.

As soon as she pressed yes option Mohini was happy that she can reveal some things to Rei.

So she told Rei about some things about real world and then told her that she can save her mother but for her father she doesn’t know where he is.

If she was able to find him in the next 7 days and they trusted Mohini then she can take them.

If not she is helpless.

Rei was silent for a moment and she understand what Mohini meant.

Also Mohini told her about the chaos points.

Killing one zombie will give her 1 point and taking a person from this world will take her more than 10 thousand points based on the simulation results.

With that explanation Rei understand the difficulties of Mohini.

She was prepared for this and has steeled her heart for anything that might happen.

Till now there are 4 people that came to Mohini’s group completely.

After that they got on the bike and Mohini told her to hold her tight.

Mohini while driving narrated her life story to Rei while they are travelling through the deserted streets.

Soon they spotted the police car and Mohini stopped there to get the gun there.

Mohini already has guns with unlimited ammunition but still she wanted more to arm her women in the future just in case.

Mohini showed her the gun that she got from the dead police officer and explained how to use that.

Mohini also warned her that this is the apocalypse world and has to be vigilant all the time.

She also warned not to trust other people and show compassion to them so as to not to get bitten by them in return for her kindness.

Rei was brave enough to search the other police officer to get some extra bullets.

Mohini was happy.

Mohini gave the gun to Rei to keep herself safe just in case.

Right then they went to a petrol bunk to fill up the fuel.

No cash and Mohini went into get some from cash register……..

Chapter 96: fucked by the gangster to save Rei

No cash and Mohini went into get some from cash register.

Mohini know that a gangster would catch Rei.

Mohini wanted Rei to kill the gangster with the gun in her hand.

But Mohini did not expect that she would not act and freeze up.

Also the gangster got his knife on her neck.

Fortunately the gun is still in her pocket.

But then again the same scene in the story happened as the gangster squeeze the cow tits of Rei.

He ordered Mohini to strip on the spot if she doesn’t want Rei to die.

Rei screamed to Mohini that she did not have to do that.

But Mohini did.

She stripped off completely.

“You are not wearing any panties or bra you are such a bitch.”

The gangster said while squeezing the tits of Rei.

Mohini told the gangster to leave Rei and she is willing to switch places with Rei.

Rei was really moved by her words but she struggled violently.

The gangster did not give Mohini any chance and held Rei more tightly.

Then he hit Rei on the back of her head making her unconscious under his feet.

Right then the gun in Rei’s pocket fell out.

The gangster picked up the gun with a happy expression.

Right them he placed his leg near Rei’s head and threaten Mohini with the gun to come to him with her hand up in the air.

Mohini came to him

He put his hand on her tits and squeezed them hard making Mohini moan in pain and pleasure.

He laughed manically and told Mohini to suck on his dick.

Mohini immediately got on her knees and took his dick out of his pants to suck on it.

It was a 6 inches big dick which excited Mohini.

She gave him a blow job then he pulled her to a pillar by the side and made her bend down.

He put his dick directly into her pussy and started to fuck her.

“You really are a bitch.

Tell me bitch when did you lose your virginity.”

Mohini answered truthfully.

Mohini controlled her moans and receive some slaps on her ass.

Her tits were squeezed and nipples were pinched.

Mohini still held and the pleasure is great at that time.

Finally he came inside her pussy and Mohini had an orgasm lying weakly on her front.

The man pulled her up and told pushed her on her knees made her clean his dick.

When Rei shows sighs of waking up, Mohini made her move and two bullets went into the head of the man and his wrist holding the gun.

The gun fell and the man fell back without any chance to even yell.

With a thud sound his body fell and Rei woke up looking at the scene.

Her eyes were red looking at the disheveled Mohini with cum still oozing out of her pussy falling on the road.

Rei wanted to cry but Mohini told her to stay silent.

The zombies were attracted because of all the movements.

Mohini wanted to use her gun to kill off all these zombies but this is a petrol bunk and she cannot take chances.

So she silently waited for some time till the zombies arrived close to them and her body regained her mortar functions.

Taking in a big thick dick in such a rough style made her have a big orgasm so she felt a little weak after a long time.

Mohini also receive a reward.

That is there is a drop box by the side of the dead gangster.

Mohini called Rei to come over to her and did not make any sound or attack.

Mohini slowly stood up and gave the money and keys to Rei telling her to fill up the bike.

Rei immediately went to fill up the bike with fuel and looked back.

At that same time Mohini took out a sword and moved forward like a wild huntress.

Her movements are so fast and smooth that the heads of zombies literally flew in the air.

None of the zombies touched her and some of the blood fell on her body.

Rei was really taken aback by the worrier like view of Mohini.

After killing them all Mohini came back and she received a quest from the perverted system.

Well in a way it is a choice rather than a quest.


Choose one of the following pathways.

Choice 1:

Use your school uniform to clean off the blood and cum, and then ride the bike naked with Rei on the back till you meet with Takashi’s group.

Choice 2:

Take off the jacket of the dead gangster and put it on and then ride the bike naked with Rei on the back till you meet with Takashi’s group.

Choice 3:

Take off the jacket and pants of the dead gangster and put it on and then ride the bike naked with Rei on the back till you meet with Takashi’s group.


Choice 1:

Breast size rises to F cup and hips reaches 100 percent perfection.

Choice 2:

Breast size rises to DD cup and hips reaches 50 percent perfection.

Choice 3:

Breast size rises to D cup and hips reaches 10 percent perfection.

Mohini really wanted to choose the choice 1.

But she cannot act like a pure bitch right now.

So she had decided to choose the choice 3.

Immediately her C-cup breasts grew to D cup and her hips became shapely with improvement in her curves.


Then she went towards her dress and cleaned off her body with her uniform and then cleaned off the cum in her pussy using the inner side of the skirt.

Rei has red eyes looking at Mohini cleaning off her cum.

She doesn’t want that zombie blood inside her.

She went to the gas station to get a water bottle to clean off her pussy with mineral water and other blood stains.

Rei suddenly came and hugged Mohini saying sorry for Mohini.

Chapter 97: finally two groups met

Rei suddenly came and hugged Mohini saying sorry for Mohini.

Mohini smiled and said.

“Rei don’t worry about these small things.

Back in my world I was treated as a lowly bitch and the worst possible way.

I rose up from that low level to the top class assassin but I am still a bitch.

Do you know most of my assassination targets fucked me before they died?

This caused the people to call me with a new nick name called the innocent bitch.

As I said before, since you chose to be with me and become my woman I will protect you with my body if I have to……..”

Rei asked.

“Won’t you get pregnant with the c...cum inside of you…”

Mohini previously did not say to her that she lost her fertility of a woman and cannot give birth as a woman.

So she said now and then emphasized saying her dick is for this reason and she can impregnate her woman and still have children in the future.

Rei don’t know what to say but her face flushed a little.

Because of the manipulative tongue that activated passively Rei thought herself as Mohini’s woman in the spur of the moment.

Even though she just said that she has seeds of these feelings planted in her heart.

Mohini did not do anything it was automatic with the initiative of Rei herself.

The skills only acted passively without the influence of Mohini.

Well whatever it might be Rei has thoughts of becoming Mohini’s woman.

Then Mohini removed the jacket and pants of the gangster and put them on.

They are too big for her and it was a little hard to move.

So she asked Rei behind her to tightly hold her clothes down so that they would not hinder her when driving.

When they moved on they encountered many things and Mohini would take out her gun from time to time to kill both zombies and people that act crazy.

As for the drop boxes Rei behind Mohini would collect them quickly and they moves on.


The player in the bus fed up with the words of Shido and got off on their own.

Some players that did not know the plot properly stayed.

The women that tried to propose to Mohini before stuck close to Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko as her woman’s intuition told her to be with them.

Her gang left the bus and decided to find a safe place to stay.

Even if they want to go with the plot line characters like Saeko they will not be able to as they did not have any favorable impression on them.

Since they are not welcome they decided to go in a different direction of survival.

When Shizuka found that they are at the vicinity of her friend Rika’s house where Mohini told them to meet up they decided to get off the bus just like that.

Shido wanted to stop them but Shizuka directly pulled out a gun pointing at Shido, right then Hirano shot a nail and said his punch dialogue.

Hirano is not an impulsive idiot like the protagonist Takashi.

He has more potential so Mohini has spoken on the journey and said a few things to pull him into her group.

So when Shizuka pulled out her gun it means that the time has come to leave.

He has to man up and save the woman when Mohini is away.

Takashi wanted to act too but he did not get to show off his protagonist aura.

Well he followed the group.

They got off the bus and moved towards the location of Rika’s house.

Mohini’s fan girl also mixed up in this group and followed them.

Mohini picked up the pace and arrived at the vicinity right at that time.

Right then the fuel in the bike is gone for good.

Mohini decisively dropped the bike there and they started to walk by the deserted road.

Rei asked Mohini that they cannot cross over the bridge to reach the other side.

But Mohini told her that she knows that Shizuka and others should have dropped off the bus and came to her friend’s house.

Rei was shocked a little and looked with questioning gaze.

Mohini smiled and explained.

“I did not trust Shido and also I understood from the plot that the forward area will be blocked.

So I previously told them to get off the bus at the right time around this area.

I also gave Shizuka a gun and Saeko a metal sword for self defense.

Then I told Hirano to act accordingly at the right time to let the group escape from the hands of Shido.

As for killing Shido there is still some time and there are quests that I have to complete.

I am not like other players and I have to entertain some powerful people.

Even before at the fuel station I was given some choices by a special system and I have to follow.

The choices and rewards are like that.

Let me show you my grown tits.”

Mohini opened her jacket and showed her tits that seem to have grown a little bigger and Rei was shocked.

She did not expect something like that.

The reason why Mohini wanted to share this information is to not to get any misunderstandings in the future but also to remained Rei that Mohini saved her just now by getting fucked by someone.

Rei did remember and felt a little guilty.

Mohini hugged Rei and consoled her again saying that it is not her fault.

She will learn things soon.

As for her situation Mohini told her that she will explain it later.


They walked along the road while Mohini told Rei about some of her stories and details of the real world.

Soon they met with the group of Saeko and other girls.

Saeko and others ran towards Mohini and Rei and they did the same.

Chapter 98: Mohini’s words gains admiration of all the women

Saeko and others ran towards Mohini and Rei and they did the same.

Saeko ran over and hugged Mohini directly which is very strange for her character soon after Shizuka also did the same.

Kyoko was embarrassed and a little reserved but still she was happy that Mohini is fine along with Rei.

Takashi wanted to hug Rei but Rei rejected.

Saya on the other hand stood to the side thinking of why Mohini changed her clothes.

Soon the same doubt appeared in the minds of other girls too.

When they questioned Mohini was a little embarrassed to speak but Rei spoke about the incident in a self blaming way.

The people looked at Mohini with a little sympathy.

But Mohini spoke with confidence.

“Why are you feeling sad?

Rei I said that it is not your fault.

Also I said before that I will save my woman no matter what even if it means to sacrifice my body.

Other than that you all know that I am an assassin and I have lost many things in the past.

My virginity is one of them.

So what if that bastard has fucked me I have fed his body to the zombies already right.

I am happy about that.

I believe that woman can grow stronger as long as they leave their shame.

Look at me.

Even if I am alone I can still live and thrive in this apocalypse.

I want all of my women to be as strong as me.

Then they can stand by my side to fight with my foes…….”

Mohini’s words have changed their prospective and they even admired Mohini.

Especially for the woman that joined up Mohini’s group felt that they made the right decision.

At that time the love stuck lady player that tried to propose to Mohini before ran forward towards Mohini and handed her a piece of paper.

“Ms. Mohini, I am Veena from the king of sciences faction, a scientific research faction.

This is my cipher number. (Phone number)

After you return please call me.

I want to talk to you…..

Also can I join your group…?”

She blushed while asking.

Mohini simply smiled and stored the number back into the personal storage and said.

“You can join it is not a problem.”

Right at that moment the group started to move toward Rika’s apartment while Saya comes to Mohini to ask something.

“Mohini, I got this strange blue window asking a question if I trust you with my life and follow you.”

Mohini immediately understood what happened.

Her speech just now has hit the trust of Saya and she started to trust Mohini.

Mohini has asked her before if she wanted to become her woman.

Saya finally truly trusts Mohini so the question appeared.

Mohini moved to the back of the group with Saya and whispered the details and warning that she said to Rei before.

Saya asked about saving her parents but Mohini told her that they should trust her before Mohini can do anything.

Saya decisive selected yes option making Mohini happy.

As for the details Mohini wanted to say they to all of her girls at the same time in the shower.

So they made their way to the house by walk.

There Shizuka opened the lock with a different key that was hidden.

Well there are some zombies inside and Mohini took care of them with a few shots.

The other people did not even get a chance to make a move before everything is over.

Well they helped carry the dead people out so that the place would not become spoiled.

In the bath house all the women are naked and Mohini’s eyes were literally shining looking at the beauties.

She is bisexual based on her requirement to become a perfect bitch.

So she likes dicks and pussies all of them.

Mohini directly hugged Saeko in her arms and made her sit on her lap then Mohini started to speak about the real world and her past as an assassin.

All the women here have accepted to come out with her by the system.

As for Veena she is already a player and it is not a problem.

When Veena saw that Mohini speak about the real world she wanted to remained Mohini that she should not speak about the secrets because there will be severe penalty.

She has even stated some of the penalties like loss of stats, life span, rapid aging……

When other women heard that they were shocked.

It was really like Mohini said before.

It was not that Mohini don’t want to say.

It was just that she cannot say because of the penalty.

Mohini told Veena that all of these are her women and they are going to come out with her.

Veena was shocked.

The other women were shocked because they just found that Veena was also an outsider.

They understood from Veena’s explanation about how hard it is to earn chaos points.

When converted into their world’s currency they were all shocked by the numbers.

This is especially hard for the players that just came out of the sanctuary worlds like Mohini.

Mohini simply waved her hands and said that she can earn all of the points back with her capabilities so they women were moved again.

When Mohini explained about her life experience all the women here including Veena were moved to tears.

Then they found how strong Mohini became back in her sanctuary world.

Then the details related to how Mohini came to this real world.

Mohini spoke about her perverted fantasy system making the women unable to believe.

This includes Veena as well.

Mohini specifically told Veena to not to disclose this information to anyone because this is related to the will of the world and will of lust.

If she accidentally did something then there is a chance that she will be punished or worse if Mohini became a test subject.

Veena specifically took an oath in the name of fate to not to speak about that.

Chapter 99: shoot out only with a bath towel

Veena specifically took an oath in the name of fate to not to speak about that.

But she wanted to become Mohini’s woman as well.

Well Mohini never rejects an active woman that wanted to be with her.

Mohini even showed the women her dick growing skill that she got from the perverted store which made Veena believe her words to a certain extent.

Mohini played with the nipples of Saeko that is sitting on her lap and even kissed her making the other women blush.

Saeko directly accepted Mohini to become her woman.

So with that she did not reject the advances of Mohini.

Well Mohini did not do much like fucking her right on the spot.

After making Saeko has a small orgasm Mohini washed her pussy personally and sent her out to prepare food,

Before going out of the bathroom, Mohini specifically told her to wear a naked apron with only panties inside.

Saeko went to cook and Veena came to Mohini wanting to experience a hand play.

Mohini wanted to have a massage skill so she tried her beast to help the woman that wanted to have fun with her.

Mohini helped Veena to have an orgasm and washed her too.

Veena kissed Mohini on her lips and even kissed her pussy once before leaving.

Their dresses were covered with blood so they were left for washing.

So they can only wear the available dresses or bath robes.

Right them Mohini with her excellent hearing heard some gun fires from a distance.

So playing with woman was stopped and she went out of the bathroom covered with a thin bath towel.

Mohini know that it is time to save the dog and Alice.

She told the women to enjoy the bath while she has some work to do.

As for the father of Alice, Mohini has to think about that.

When Mohini came out with a bathrobe she went to the balcony where Takashi and Hirano were checking with a binoculars and a hunting rifle.

Mohini did not let Shizuka drunk yet as she don’t want to complicate the things right now.

Well if it is in the night then it is not a problem.

With her speech and playing in the bathroom Mohini has already wrote off the tracks of the drunken episode directly to the action episode.

The space on the balcony is not that wide for Mohini to squeeze between Takashi and Hirano.

Her bath towel almost came off when she squeezed through.

The tits of Mohini fell on the head of Hirano that is squatting with hunting rifle.

He was in heaven even at that current situation.

As for Takashi standing behind Mohini has his crotch directly stuck into the space between Mohini’s butt cheeks that stuck out of the towel.

The movements of Mohini have rubbed his dick into standing even in this current situation.

Well he is an impulsive idiot and was poor when treating woman properly so he did not show and only blushed.

He moved back giving her space like dead wood.

Well Mohini don’t mind him and treated Hirano well.

Looking through the situation Mohini assessed at as dangerous.

Takashi an impulsive idiotic protagonist started his speech of noble ideals but Mohini directly poured cold water stating the situation.

She even stated that it is hard for him to get a girl like this.

He got the binoculars and looked at the situation while Mohini went down stairs and called Saeko to stand guard at the gate.

Mohini went on to the road and took out her guns out of thin air.

Her hands moved quickly killing the stream of zombies.

Mohini specifically looked at Hirano and told him not to shoot.

The reason for this is to not to attract more zombies.

Hirano accepted her words and stayed silent.

But he is still in position to make a move just in care if it is necessary to cover Mohini.

Mohini saw a poor dog that is shouting when the zombies are getting close at the same time Alice and her father is also running away from the zombies.

Mohini did not stop and gestured Alice and her father to come over to her while Mohini took the dog and told it to stay silent.

The dog is quite intelligent and listened to Mohini staying silent.

She handed the dog over to Saeko behind the gate and made a small opening for Alice and her father to pass inside.

As for Mohini she stood there to cover Alice and her father while they ran over here.

When they are close Mohini told them to stay quiet and not to make any noise.

They followed Mohini’s words and entered through the small opening.

Mohini also entered inside and closed the door slowly so as to not to make much noise.

After closing the door Mohini did not gave up.

She went to the balcony where Hirano and Takashi were still there.

Right at that moment there was a shout of a woman from other side of the road.

Takashi that did not get any chance to show off did not wait for Mohini and immediately got into action.

Well at least he gave the binoculars to Mohini and asked for cover fire.

Mohini used the binoculars to see where the woman is.

She was stuck in an alley with a dead end just two houses away.

Mohini took out her self-made gun and modified it with a silencer and other things.

The fencing of the balcony is a little high so she needs someone to support her to have a stable way of shooting.

So she asked Hirano to hold her tightly while kneeling down so that she can kill the zombies.

Since there is only one gun with silencer he obeyed Mohini’s plan.

Well he was really lucky this time.

His face was buried straight between Mohini’s boobs while his hands are on her ass clamping her to have some stability……..

Chapter 100: the towel drops and Hirano is in heaven

His face was buried straight between Mohini’s boobs while his hands are on her ass clamping her to have some stability.

Mohini put the gun in the fencing for support and started to clear the way popping the head of the zombies.

At the same time she moved her gun to the alley where the woman is trapped to reduce the number of zombies.

Takashi got out of the house where Saeko stood at the door to cover the entrance.

Rei and Saya were arranging for Alice and her father while the dog was taken by Kyoko and Shizuka.

Veena came behind Mohini to take a look at the situation but she cannot do anything here.

So she went to help Saeko at the entrance.

While moving from side to side the bath towel came off and slid down but stopped at the area where Hirano’s hands are holding her.

The head of Hirano directly came into the contact of soft fluffy boobs of Mohini.


The contact aroused Mohini causing her to let out a soft moan.

Hirano was aroused too but the current situation is not for that.

Takashi jumped on the walls and moved around quickly.

Mohini has already killed another 100 zombies in this shout few minutes.

The zombies are still coming more and more.

Mohini specifically hit some poles and other objects to create sound to distract zombies from being attracted to Takashi or that woman.

This is also for clearing the road when they want to go out tomorrow.

Mohini shot around killing the zombies where her kill count reached 300.

Most of the zombies in the area were cleared for Takashi and the woman to walk out easily.

Takashi came back to the house safe and sound without much hindrance.

But her shouts and screams attracted more zombies making Mohini’s kill count reach 500 zombies.

In order to stop her from screaming Takashi has no choice but to kiss her on her lips.

Unfortunately for him Rei that just came to the balcony to look at the situation has witnessed this scene.

The image of Mohini shooting naked was not that impactful than the image of Takashi kissing another woman.

Another unfortunate thing is Saya came along with her and saw the scene making her shocked.

Well she knows the reason why Takashi did that.

But this still hit the heroines hard.

With that incident Mohini was sure that there is a big gap between the heroines and Takashi.

With that Mohini’s kill count has stopped.

Takashi and that woman came back.

Because of the fear the legs of that woman gave away and Takashi carried her back.

If Mohini was not there this should be a heroic thing but because of Mohini’s words and actions that already put some logs between hero and these heroines was lit by fate herself with the current series of incidents.

When Takashi and that woman arrived back the images of Rei and Saya became colder towards Takashi.

This new woman is Aika with average appearance she is from a different school nearby.

Previously she is going to cross the bridge but when the cops started firing she has no choice but to escape.

Since there is no other choice she ran towards this vicinity to escape from the zombies.

But she unfortunately stuck in a dead end.

Mohini put on her bath towel back and checked the new people if they had any injuries from the zombies.

After confirming that there is no problem Mohini welcomed them to stay the night.

No one objected.

Looking at the cold appearance of Rei and Saya, Takashi though that they are jealous of the new woman.

So he wanted to care for the new woman to pull them towards her with reverse strategy.

But unfortunately this caused more damage than good for him unknowingly.

Saeko did not mind any of this and went to take care of cooking with Veena.

Mohini dressed up with a tank top and boxers.

Mohini let Saeko to dress up with new set of clothes just like other woman while she took over cooking food.

Soon the food is ready for all to eat.

After eating food Mohini thought for a moment and spoke to the people and arranged their rooms.

Mohini know that the truck outside would not be enough to travel easily with all these people.

Also they still need more food and other things like dresses to replace.

For all this the current situation is not enough.

Mohini wanted to bring back the bike that she left in the morning.

Based on the information she has there is a map in her mind of the entire plot area.

There is a gas station nearby and also a convenience store.

This can solve their food and fuel problem.

As for the companion that would go with her, Mohini wanted to take Hirano.

If possible she wanted to pull Hirano into her team as the first male in her male harem.

Different for the protagonist Takashi, Hirano is many times more sensible.

But before that Mohini asked Veena if she had any idea to complete the zombie kill achievements.

Veena did not want to do that she is more into research than fighting.

Mohini nodded her head and decided to do a small patrol outside first.

So she asked Hirano if he wanted to come with her.

Hirano was also dying to ask Mohini some important questions.

First is related to the endless bullets coming out of Mohini’s guns.

Even though he was in heaven being squashed by the tits of Mohini, he did not reduce his vigilance.

So he knows what is happening around him which includes Takashi kissing the new girl for stopping her from screaming.

Also he understood the situation of Rei, Saya and Takashi and the stupidity of Takashi’s actions but he did not point them out as his thoughts are moving around the guns and bullets that Mohini has……….


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