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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 81: pervert achievements

“The obtainable achievements in this world,

Killing 100 zombies will give zombie hunter title, 100 military merit points.

Killing 1000 zombies will give zombie destroyer title, 1000 military merit points, and 1 free attribute point.

Killing 10,000 zombies will give zombie exterminator title, 1,000 military merit points, 1,000 civilian merit points, 10 free attribute points, 1 skill points.

Killing 100,000 zombies will give zombie annihilator title, 10,000 military merit points, 10,000 civilian merit points, 100 free attribute points, 10 skill points.

Killing 1 million zombies will give zombie nemesis title, 100,000 military merit points, 100,000 civilian merit points, 1000 free attribute points, 100 skill points.


“The obtainable pervert achievements in this world,

Get fucked by the main hero the holes that were fucked will gain 10 percent extra pleasure to both the parties involved.

Get fucked by the side hero the holes that were fucked will gain 5 percent extra pleasure to both the parties involved.

Get fucked by the most hated person Koichi Shido increase in the cup size of the breasts to next cup and butt cheeks would improve to the next level.

(There are other achievements too but it was a long list to say and you can see in the story if they appear)


The titles have their own special features and extra benefits.

It did not mention the amount of chaos points that Mohini would get.

Well she already knows what she will get.

Currently there are 50 players in this fantasy world in various positions and locations.

Not all of them are in high school version as they don’t have enough chaos points to pay for the age change.

So very few of them are in high school student background, while, the others are in office workers characters or something else.

It will be hard for them to get close to the plot characters.

Since the model is set Mohini started to walk towards the school.

It was 6 AM in the morning and the school should be open.

The information Mohini bought has the initial timing details and the locations of some of the plot characters.

Based on the quest the players did not have to come in contact with the plot characters.

All they have to do is to get enough food and water and a place to stay safe for the next 7 days and survive.

Mohini is going to school to meet a special person that she wants to spend some time with.

It was none other than Koichi Shido.

Koichi Shido is a teacher that was very manipulative in nature and he has his hand already full with spoiling the lives of many female students.

Mohini wanted to let him fuck her and try to plant some special thoughts in his mind.

Her skill though inception was improved a little she wanted to plant thoughts into the mind of Shido in favor of her in doing things.

Just like highlighting her character when she needed support.

If you want to get heroines you should be able to become a hero.

If you want to be a hero then you need a villain that heroine hates to the core.

Only when the hero defeats the villain can she get his hands on the heroine.

This is a classical solution that will not change no matter what era it is.

So she is going to play with Shido first to get the heroines that will be in the hands of the hero of the story into her hands.

Also Shido is good at making bitches.

She can gain three bitches that are hot if she was able to wait for long.

Mohini was sure that the players that are participating along with her would not make any changes to the plot until they reached a safe place.

They are new to this world or life and death circumstances.

Unless there is someone that has immunity towards zombie virus and intelligence enough to plan in a zombie apocalypse situation, there is no problem for Mohini.

With these thoughts she quickened her pace towards the school.

She is currently wearing the school uniform with the shirt and a skirt.

Mohini know that Shido will be in the school right now.

Today Koichi Shido will come early to tweak with the secret camera’s that he placed in the women’s bathroom to take advantage of some of the stubborn students.

For this reason he will come to school early.

Mohini had her appearance with good body that is hot for a high school student.

Since her body age is reduced she was given the role of the student.

Her tits are a little bigger after the upgrade that she got from completing the quest.


Pervert quest: seduce Koichi Shido

Description: seduce Koichi Shido into playing with the player on spot

Rewards: player will have her bust and butt size increase by 5 centimeters.

The women that are seduced by Koichi Shido with have 50 percent favorability towards you if player was able to kill Koichi Shido.

The women that are dissatisfied by Koichi Shido with have 50 percent favorability towards you if player was able to kill Koichi Shido.

Penalty: the women you were able to seduce will have their favorability towards you reduced by 20 percent.


Mohini looked at this with a smile as she made her way to the school at a faster pace.

Her schedule is tight and she has many things to cover before the zombie apocalypse broke out.

So she has to make her moves quickly.

She knows how to seduce the jerk Koichi Shido easily.

After coming to the school, she did not stop anywhere and went straight to the woman’s bathroom on the students block and found her target Koichi Shido.

He is inside a bathroom setting up the camera.

Mohini went into the bathroom making sounds alerting Shido.

He silently stayed inside one of the toilets while peeking at the person that entered.

Mohini did not have anything on her hands…………..

Chapter 82: fucked by Shido sensei

Mohini did not have anything on her hands.

She started to rub her body while unbuttoning her shirt while fondling her tits.

“I am so horny today….

Shido sensei is so handsome….

Ahaa…Shido sensei please lick there….

Ahaaa… Shido sensei please fuck me….play with me……”

Mohini started by revealing her tits out of her dress and play with them with one hand.

The other hand went into her skirt and into her panties.

There she started to play with her tender pussy lips.

While playing with herself she moaned and spoke the name of Shido as if she was imagining him fucking her.

Shido that was hiding inside the bathroom was shocked at first but them he became excited.

He usually needed to threaten and take advantage of those students to fuck them.

But here a student is actually calling his name while masturbating.

Isn’t it same as being in love with him.

Isn’t she the ideal candidate to become his wife?

He immediately decided to take her into her hands and satisfy her needs.

He will not share her with other people instead she will be her exclusive bitch and helper in getting other women.

If a woman was willingly help him, pit other women then they would fall into his trap quickly.

He was very happy for this discovery and observed her for a moment fingering her pussy under her skirt.

Mohini has closed her eyes so that Shido would come out quickly.

Shido came out of the toilet and came to her front.

Then he kissed on Mohini’s lips directly without saying anything.

Mohini has released her concentrated pheromones towards Shido that made him extra horny right now.

So he is in no mood to talk to her instead he wanted to fuck her.

When kissing her Mohini opened her eyes looking at Shido.

She showed a shocked expression.

But it soon turned into one that is full of pleasure as her tits were being squeezed by Shido.

Soon after that he started to fuck her.

Even though he is a scumbag he really has a good body to fuck her.

Well it is a pity that his mind is full of shit, although that is the same for her mind too.

She wanted to humiliate those proud heroines into becoming bitches and want to make them her own.

After getting fucked by him for 20 minutes he stopped because he was out of juice.

This is the bad thing about Shido.

Even though he has big dick he is a quick shooter.

In just 20 minutes he fucked her at least 5 times which is a little sad.

Her pussy was filled with his cum and it is even over flowing but strangely it is not thick at all.

Most probably because of the frequent use on other women the cum is quite thin.

Shido asked the details of Mohini from which class she is and even took her contact information.

He told her that she should meet him later in the evening to have a good talk.

Mohini was very excited to have this talk which is probably be him fucking her again.

After that he left the place.

Mohini took off her panties and removed the bra completely.

She cleaned up her pussy removing all the cum inside her and then flushed the panties and bra into the toilet.

Mohini’s target has been achieved here.

She received her rewards.


Congratulations player has completed the quest seduce Koichi Shido and obtained the following rewards.

Player will have her bust and butt size increase by 5 centimeters.”

For the other two rewards that belong to killing Shido is extension of the quest and did not have any penalty.

Mohini has already decided a specific time to kill Shido but that is not now.

Her next target is Saeko.

Busujima Saeko should have arrived at the school dojo for kendo to practice.

There should be a tournament for kendo in the recent future and she is preparing for that.

The school starts at 9 AM she has an early morning practice around at 6:30 AM or 7 AM usually.

So she should have just arrived.

Well by the time Mohini came here is already around at 6:30 AM including the time with her little episode with Shido.

Now the time is 7 AM.

In the kendo dojo Saeko is sitting on her knees in a meditative position of the Japanese style concentrating on her kendo arts.

Before coming here Mohini has changed some of her dress including the inner wear covering her body with a protective layer of clothing like a full body tight fit suit.

On the top of that she is wearing a uniform.

She removed her panties and bra because of wearing this new dress.

Also the panties and bra along with the school uniform she has were given by the system and nor her own.

The full body dress is a tight fit dress that completely outlined her curves including her nipples and her pussy but the school uniform covered those areas.

This full body tight fit suit is what she bought to avoid maximum contact with those zombies during her close combat fight with them.

This fabric is hard to tear and even the blood will not seep in.

She has a matching set of gloves and shoes but she doesn’t need them here right now.

When she arrived at the kendo dojo Saeko opened her eyes finding that someone entered.

Mohini also did not control the sound of her movements.

Mohini is holding a wooden sword just like the one Saeko is holding and entered the ring where she is sitting.

After observing her for a moment, Mohini was amazed on how beautiful she is and her body is exercised and perfectly molded sexy body.

Her temperament is cold but that gave her more beauty and her long hair complements her beauty too.

While she was observing her she is observing Mohini back without saying any word…….

Chapter 83: bet with Saeko

While she was observing her she is observing Mohini back without saying any word.

Finally Mohini spoke.

“Busujima Saeko, I came here to challenge you in kendo.

I want to make a bet with you for this challenge.

My term is that you become mine or at least follow me from now on till I leave here.

If love bloomed inside you towards me then it is fine if not I will just leave.

The world will be plunged into chaos today and I don’t want to lose the capable woman I liked.

You can state your terms for the bet….”

Mohini spoke and waited for Saeko to reply.

Well she was surprised a little from the words of Mohini not about the proposing part but the chaos part.

She thought that Mohini has something wrong in her head as a woman was bold enough to propose to a lesbian play.

But since someone came to challenge her and the temperament is also good.

So she wanted to beat Mohini and get the complete information from her about the chaos.

Also her sadistic nature is triggered and wanted to abuse Mohini for some time to make Mohini into her bitch.

After some thought she stated her terms of bet,

“I want you to tell me all about how the world is going to plunge into chaos.”

“As expected of a woman that wanted to fight more than anything,

You did not think about my proposal instead you liked to know more about the disaster and chaos that this world is going to face.

Well I did not prove myself to you so it is to be expected that you did not consider me at all…”

As Mohini said these words she moved into position for a duel with Saeko.

Well what can you expect?

Can a woman accept directly to become a lesbian just because you proposed to her?

Saeko is also ready as she stood up and got into position.

Mohini and Saeko stood against each other for a few moment and move with their attacks right where they heard the sound of a bird outside.

Since it was morning without anyone the entire place is silent and even the small sounds can be heard clearly.

Mohini did not attack instead she defended with the sword draw of Saeko.

Then she moved around blocking all of her attacks and analyzing her fighting style and also her flaws.

Well that is not all.

Every time Mohini moved behind Saeko she would slap on the ass of Saeko.

“Phat” “Phat”

“Phat” “Phat”

The sounds of Saeko’s ass getting slapped were louder than the sound of swords hitting.

After 5 minutes Saeko was a little exhausted from all the quick movements and slaps she received on her ass, as Mohini did not give her any chance to breathe.

Her standing and moving postures also has some problems because of her ass being punished by Mohini.

Well Mohini don’t want to directly disable her from fighting.

This is because there is going to be zombies soon and Mohini don’t want to put Saeko out of commission.

In this zombie apocalypse Saeko would be enjoy to the highest.

Also Mohini know that Saeko is sadistic in nature and Mohini wanted to awaken the masochistic nature of Saeko.

For this her current methods are the best way.

Even though it was Saeko that is attacking, whenever she wanted to take a step back Mohini would the movements to attack and hit her ass.

She was so flustered that her movements were in a mess.

But that is not all she has this strange sensation of pleasure ever time she was slapped.

Her sadistic nature heart is in full blow but she never expected that she is also a masochist inside.

In order to control her desire she is biting her lips from time to time to control the pleasure.

So she did not have any chance to relax during the entire time.

After another 10 minutes she was covered in sweat when Mohini hit on her finger and wrist with the wooden sword making her grip loose.

Then with a small strike her sword flew back leaving her defenseless.

Well the match is over with Mohini winning.

The thing is Mohini did not look exhausted at all as all of her movements are as smooth as the flow of water.

Also Mohini is smiling lewdly towards Saeko like a bitch in heat.

“Since I have lost to you I will start following you from now on.

Well as for love and being your woman, we would see about that later.

We can be considered dating I guess”

Saeko said with a straight face but a little flushed cheeks.

Mohini has expected this much from a cold natured person like Saeko.

Mohini also received a notification saying she has received a temporary subordinate.

The thing is Mohini cannot take her back with her.

“Well, it doesn’t matter as I am sure that you will fall for me.

Since we are dating then let me give you a gift first.”

Let’s wash up, change your dress to your uniform and follow me.

Both of them went to the female bathrooms of the kendo dojo and started to wash up.

Looking at Mohini’s body Saeko has the thoughts of abusing Mohini.

Mohini really looked tender and delicious for her to play with.

She did not know how Mohini was so strong with a body like that.

Well she did not care about that this is because a loss is a loss.

They washed up and putting on their dresses.

Well Mohini took a little advantage and hugged Saeko once to feel up her body but let go after the stiff feeling that Saeko gave her.

Well Saeko is not ready yet.

But then again Saeko stopped Mohini with a slight embarrassment.

“The thing is…. I don’t know what to call you yet.”

Mohini can only smile with embarrassment because she forgot to introduce herself to her.

Chapter 84: the sword under her skirt

Mohini can only smile with embarrassment because she forgot to introduce herself to her.

Well it is normal for Saeko to not to know her or at least her character.

There are many sections in the same grade so there are hundreds of students.

Mohini’s previous character is not that bright to be noticed by anyone so most people don’t know her.

Mohini simply said.

“I am Mohini and you can call me as you like Mohi or something like that.

As for the class and grade, it doesn’t matter as the things will change today to the worst, completely collapsing the societal structure.

So they are not necessary for now.

Saeko and Mohini left from the female changing room quickly.

Then she led her to a place where there is not one around and took out one of her custom made swords from the personal storage space.

Looking at the long sword suddenly appearing out of thin air Saeko showed a surprised expression losing her cold temperament.

Her mouth is wide open and can easy fit an egg.

She was so shocked that she was unable to speak for a few moments and stunned.

It was not until Mohini patted on her shoulders, pulling her out of her stunned state.

She wanted to ask Mohini who she is again but the words stuck in her throat as she remembered what Mohini said to her just now.

“I can only tell you when you trust me completely.

I can tell you one thing that I am not from here and will leave here in 7 days.

I have told you before that you have to follow me till I am here right.

That is the limit.

Killing someone is not becoming a monster, especially the scum like the one that you killed before.

I am not a monster and you are not one either.

I truly believe you and love you.

I want you to be mine as a part of my harem and become my sword to fight by my side.

If you trust me or loved me to completely follow me then I can take you away with me while sharing my secret but before that I cannot tell you anything……..

As for your needs as a woman I have my own ways just like this.”

As she said that Mohini lifted her skirt revealing that she is not wearing any panties underneath.

Suddenly her clit slowly grew bigger and bigger forming into that of dick that is strong, solid and full of vines bulging out almost like a monster.

But this monster is the favorite of many women and they cannot run away from this.

Saeko was shocked again as Mohini continued to speak.

“I know that you like sadism and we can try that with the two of us.

We can invite many strong or wimp men outside to play and they cannot say anything to use as long as I became stronger.

Also I can let you grow a dick and play with me too if you want that…..”

With the words of Mohini, Saeko has a strange evil glint in her eyes and the smile on her face is a little sadistic.

She is looking at Mohini and her monster dick with the eyes of predator.

Well Mohini don’t mind as long as she can pull Saeko into her camp.

But Mohini did not find Saeko trusting her completely as the prompt did not appear yet.

After they are done with their things here Mohini and Saeko left this place to the infirmary where the air head doctor Marikawa Shizuka.

She should have arrived by the time now.

It was already 7: 30 AM and some students for their club activities have also arrived.

At the same time the other players were also here and Mohini can notice them with a glance.

Because of the lack of chaos points reserves they can only appear in random appearance and character set by the system based on their stats and characteristics.

The air head doctor Shizuka is actually sleeping in the room right now.

Mohini don’t know how she came to the school to work just and simply slept without a care.

Her big tits were acting as support for her to sleep and Mohini has some heat ignited in her pants looking at her.

Her pussy was a little wet right now.

Well she is more determined to win her over to her team for just the sleeping beauty.

She doesn’t even care if she is useful or not.

The biggest problem that she is going to face is that how to convince this big tits bimbo to love her.

She can only sigh and take her time moving Shizuka into her side.

The zombie apocalypse will start around 10 AM that is one hour after the school starts.

Mohini patted on the shoulders of Shizuka to wake her up.

Well she did wake up but her sleepy expression with a bit of saliva to the side of her mouth along with her long hair mesmerized Mohini and Saeko for a moment.

Snapping out of it Mohini spoke,

“Air head…cough…Miss Shizuka there is something important that I want to discuss.

There is going to be a zombie apocalypse today and every one will turn into a zombie.

You are the doctor I can find here and I want you to be in my group.

Are you willing to come with us during the apocalypse?”

Saeko also found that zombie apocalypse is a little unbelievable and understands why Mohini did not mention it before.

Well it is still unbelievable right now.

On the other hand the response of doctor Shizuka is a little more different.


Zombies are coming then we have to be ready I have played many games with zombies and watched many movies about them.

They are terrible………blablablabla…….”

Mohini let her continue to listen to her talk all the nonsense.

Well she lost her patience after a minute and placed her hands on Shizuka’s shoulders to calm her down………..

Chapter 85: message of trust finally appeared

Well she lost her patience after a minute and placed her hands on Shizuka’s shoulders to calm her down.

Only then she speaks.

“It has not started yet and there is still time before that happens.

So please calm down and listen carefully.

I cannot tell you how I got the information about the incoming apocalypse.

But I can assure you that you can trust me.

Only if you really trust me, then I can tell you the information about me.

There are other people like me that will come to speak with you and ask you to join their group.

They will either use benefits or threaten you to join them.

They will either say that they are some super people or people came from future or something else.

Well they might even tell that they loved you and came here to save you or something else.

They are all people like me that cannot speak the truth unless you trust us completely.

When you truly trust us you will directly know some things.

Let me show you something that proves that I am not from here….”

Mohini said this and pulled out a metal spear that is 5 foot tall out of thin air.

This shocked the two women.

Saeko was shocked again because it was very magical.

Right at that moment air head Shizuka suddenly said.

“Are you a magical girl that came to save me…..?

In the future you will make me learn magic to become a hero and then we marry with lots of love….chuckle….chuckle…

By how can women marry?

Don’t tell me you know a magic that can grew dicks…?

If that is so then I trust you completely.”

Saeko on the side was shocked because Mohini can really grow a dick magically.

Immediately the question of trust appeared in front of Shizuka just like the one that appeared in front of Mary in the Treasure Island fantasy world.

Mohini was shocked for a second and sighed immediately.

“The Japanese people are thoroughly brainwashed by all those Isekai and magical people manga and stories.

Well it did work in my favor though.”

“What is this?

It said that will you trust Mohini completely with your life and leave this world with her.




Mohini thought and then said.

“This is the proof that you truly trusted me.

Only if you truly trust me, this message will appear.

After you select the yes option I can tell you about my secrets.

If you select no then I will not able to tell you anything.”

Since that message appeared I want to give you a prior warning.

“If you select yes then you are completely bound to me and come with me to my place.

If I die you will die along with me.

That place is very dangerous.

Well I will never let anything happen to you.

In the future if you fall in love with me then you can join my harem there.

If you did not like me then…..”

Mohini said her warning while the air head Shizuka heard all of that with serious face that looked cuter than actually being serious.

She thought for a while and said to Mohini.

“I can leave with you.

But on one condition,

I have this friend Rika that took care of me for a long time and we are very close.

I want you to take her along with us.

If, this world is really going to turn into a zombie world, then it is best to go with you to your world.”

She has directly assumed that Mohini is from a different world.

Mohini did not denied her words and said.

“Well I can definitely take her but, like you should also accept the question of trust and decide to come with me.

If not I will not be able to take her with me.

You have to convince her ……….”

As Mohini and Shizuka are talking Saeko on the side listened to their conversation clearly and has dipped into her own thoughts and assumptions.

The one thing that caught her attention is that Mohini did not give her name to Shizuka but she was able to say her name from some illusionary message.

Even from the prospective that both Mohini and Shizuka are just playing a prank, they would not receive any benefits.

Also Mohini is quite strong and capable.

Other than that she has shown her a magically growing dick and they are likeminded people to a certain extent.

Considering all of this she finally came to a conclusion from both her battle minded body and soul.

That is to trust Mohini completely once.

It is not like she would vanish right away.

It seems that there will be secondary verification like the one that Shizuka is going through right now.

So she sighed after taking a deep breath making her perky tits juggle from her tight school uniform.

Then she made the choice to trust Mohini.

Right at that moment she got a light screen notification with the message that said the same as what Shizuka said appeared in front of her face with yes or no options for selection.

She was shocked again and looked at Mohini that was replying to Shizuka and said.

“Mohini, I got the same message as Miss Shizuka just spoke.”

Mohini simply smiled at her and said.

“That is good.

This means you finally decided to trust me completely.

Well I am saying the same warning to you to.

I am not a woman that will stubbornly love one woman like that in the Japanese anime and movies.

I wanted to have a big group of woman to love me and for me to love.

They are my treasure and my life itself.

Also I am a bitch and would like to do many lewd things too.

As long as you love me I will not abandon you.

I should be dead before someone tried to lay a hand on you.

Well technically you will be gone if I really die………”

Chapter 86: a man with masochistic tendencies

“Well technically you will be gone if I really die………”

Both the women thought for a few moments before selecting yes option.

Mohini also received two notifications saying that he got the two permanent loyal subordinates Saeko and Shizuka.

Mohini has a bright smile on her face and directly hugged Saeko.

The air head nurse also stood up and hugged them both pressing her massive jugs on Mohini’s hands.

“I also want to be in the circle.”

Shizuka said.

Mohini also specifically hugged her enjoying the heaven of J- cup tits pressing against her young tits that regressed after consuming the age reduction pill and said.

“If you want to be in the circle then you have to fall in love with me.

Well technically become my woman.

Also I will try and pull your friend Rika into our group and bring them back with me to the real world.

Since you both become my subordinates I can finally tell you some details.

But you cannot speak about this to anyone remember.

Well the system will warn you if you are about to say something.

You can only tell them at the edges or with different words if you want to convince someone to trust me or about going away from here.

Also don’t pull too many people as taking each person will cost quite a lot…

Specifically no men are allowed without my permission…….”

Along with her background from back on earth Mohini started to speak about the real world and this world.

While she is explaining things someone knocked on the door.

It was a player that wanted to try his luck with air head Shizuka.

After knocking the door he did not wait for permission and directly entered the room which caused Mohini to become angry.

The man that entered looked at Mohini and then looked at the two beauties sitting in front of him with his eyes literally drooling with lust.

Mohini got her fuse lit but still stopped herself from doing anything.

“Hey women leave here if you don’t want to be fucked till you are knocked out.”

Mohini immediately lost her anger because of his annoying expression and thought.

“Is he a face slapping novel addict or some masochist?

He is directly provoking someone without even knowing her background.

Mohini looked at him for a few moments without making any movements of leaving this place.

That man did not change his appearance and Mohini can easily tell that this person is also a player.

Similarly the other person also recognized Mohini is not from the anime and looked different.

This made him thought that Mohini is also a player so he wanted to pressure Mohini with his background.

“You are a player right.

Just here and serve me I am from the king of arms faction.

If you don’t serve me within 3 seconds then I will fuck you till you die and feed you to the zombies out there.”

Saeko wanted to attack but was stopped by Mohini.

As soon as she heard the word saying that this man is from the king of arms faction Mohini has already sealed his fate.

Mohini was planning to even kill the young master of the king of arms faction.

Why does she care about killing some stupid mutt that just joined their faction?

Mohini has other things to take care of too like bringing Kyoko Hayashi here into her group.

So she will take care of this player first and then bring Kyoko Hayashi here to speak with her about the situations.

She should have already arrived at school as a teacher she should arrive a little early.

Not only her but also there are other women like the heroines Rei Miyamoto and Saya Takagi right from the school.

With the words saying that the teacher is calling them Mohini can easily pull them back to here and explain the details.

But Mohini was a little hesitant as the plan might back fire when the time comes.

Specifically she has to make some good plans in regards to Rei and Saya.

These two women are strongly in love with the protagonist and Mohini has to think of a way to break that.

But first she has to take care of the buffoon of a player in front of her.

So she just told Saeko and Shizuka that she will take care of this fool and bring another woman back in a few minutes after that she would explain the details.

Both Saeko and Shizuka nodded their heads and Mohini came towards the man that looked lustfully and arrogantly.

Mohini stood up and walked up to the player from the king of arms faction.

The player thought that he was successfully able to intimidate Mohini.

But when Mohini appeared in front of him, the hands of Mohini moved at a very fast speed.

Her hands appeared on his crotch, specifically on his bulging dick.

Mohini moved towards his ear and said.

“Come with me if you want to fuck me, that is, if you are man enough.”

These words provoked the man and he followed Mohini as they made their way out of this place.

Mohini knows the locations of most of the places of the school and even the entire city.

So she led him towards an area where there is no one present.

Well it is still early and the school has not started yet.

So the store rooms are empty without anyone.

After coming here Mohini fell on her knees and pulled down the pants of the man revealing his big dick.

Mohini appeared intoxicated and started to suck on the dick.

Even though the man is stupid his dick is big enough to compensate for his stupidity.

But in less than a minute under the sucking and deep throat movements of Mohini he came inside her mouth.

Mohini was not that satisfied because this man was unable to hold back.

He did not even hold back as long as Shido did……….

Chapter 87: a mysterious book with a strange feeling

He cannot even hold back from Cumming as long as Shido did.

This disappointed Mohini very much.

But she did not show that on her face.

She lifted her skirt up and let the man insert his dick inside her pretty pink pussy.

As she expected the man was unable to hold on for more than a minute.

Not only was he unable to hold up his dick also turned weak right after.

Mohini was very disappointed and directly stood and hit him on his neck making him loose balance.

After he fell down she took out a sword pointing straight between his balls and his dick.

The man has cold sweat looking at the sword pointing at his ball sack.

Mohini then spoke with an evil grin.

“Be a good dog and show me your status panel”

Even though all of these players and Mohini started at the same time there is a fundamental difference between Mohini and other players.

The stats points of Mohini has reached twenties range while the stat points of other players after training for a month and other improvements through quests in the beginner’s town has only reached tens range.

The fundamental difference is caused because Mohini is already strong when she arrived into the real world.

Then she completed many hidden quests from the beginner’s town making her far stronger than many of the other players.

Mohini did not kill the player because she can gain some good amount of chaos points and other things from him.

Since the other person is a part of king of arms faction then there is a possibility that this person should have his salary.

Also he might have some things in his personal storage space.

Other than that he might have his ark that Mohini can take after killing him.

So there are many benefits.

But first Mohini has to break him down into giving up to get all the things she wanted then kill the man.

Based on the actions of the man his life is already sealed.


The player was so shocked that even his voice is not coming out when he wanted to shout for help.

He has the expression of horror looking at Mohini that is sitting near his crotch with a sword on his ball sack.

With a simple movement from her sword he will lose his qualification to be a man.

He felt like a devil is coming to get his life and his life as a man will be over.

Mohini squatted down in front of the stupid player with the sword tip still on his ball sack and said.

“Show me your status panel.”

The player shivered nodding his head and a status panel appeared in front of Mohini.

Only when a player wished to show his status panel will it become visible.

Mohini checked the details of shaking her head.

In the information Mohini was interested in his chaos points which are around 200 thousand which should be his yearly salary

Mohini immediately said.

“Transfer all the chaos points to me immediately.”

The horrified player immediately did that and showed an expression saying that please let me future children live after taking those chaos points.

Mohini just smiled.

There two other things Mohini can take from this player they are military merit and civilian merit.

But taking these things will cause problems for Mohini as military merit and civilian merit are needed to be earned and not bought.

If she upgraded her military rank and civilian rank using the merit points that are not earned but bought then there will be an extra word saying they are unauthorized.

This will also reduce all of their benefits and rights that come with the rank.

Mohini don’t want that.

So she did not ask for them.

As for the free stat points (Attribute points) and skill points they cannot be taken.

After taking them Mohini order that person to bring out all the things in his personal storage space.

Well Mohini is not expecting anything from this stupid player.

But it is good to check things first before disposing rather than regretting the decision later.

The player was reluctant at first but when Mohini hit some pressure into the sword to cause him severe pain he cooperated with Mohini.

Soon the items appeared in front of Mohini that are checked with her knowledge one by one.

Well none of them are useful as most of them are clothes, a hand gun with a load of bullets.

Few swords which seem to be of cheap quality, along with some first aid kits with life saving or HP recovering medicine.

Mohini took the usable things from the lot and stored them in her personal storage space.

In them she found a dirty book that looked like a diary.

Mohini had this intuition that this diary is quite useful to her.

So she pointed at the diary and asked the player to tell her about this diary.

The player feared her and said.

“This diary is given to me by a senior saying that there is a good story in it that can be used to jerk off when needed.

I don’t know what he was talking about as I already had a girl friend from other players that joined with me.”

Mohini felt that this is some sort of secret in the book and she kept it for later to see.

Mohini looked a little happy as the amount of chaos point’s balance she has improved just now.

Also she got some good supplies.

Mohini directly hit the spot between the eyebrows of this man killing him directly without any pain.

There is a drop box and a notification saying that Mohini was able to receive the ark of the other person and can be integrated in to her own ark after leaving the fantasy world.

Since both the women became her subordinates they will be able see the drop box in Mohini’s hand if they are here……..

Chapter 88: getting Kyoko

Since both the women became her subordinates they will be able see the drop box in Mohini’s hand if they are here.

This drop box is only wood grade.

Mohini is not expecting much from this.

She took it back to the table and opened it so that the women can see the gains.

She got 20 points in civilian merit and some fast food that can recover 10 HP in a minute, from the wooden box which made Mohini disappointed a little.

But she cheered up.

Mohini now has other thing to take care of.

That is to convince Kyoko Hayashi to become her woman.

Getting Kyoko after the start of the apocalypse is a bit harder.

But before that it will be easy.

Right now based on the information Mohini bought previously Kyoko should have arrived at staff room of that teacher.

So, Mohini made her way there quickly towards the staff room.

Then she went straight to booth where Kyoko should be right now.

“Kyoko sensei there is something important to tell you can you come to the infirmary quickly with me…”

Mohini said quickly.

Shido has his own cabin so he did not appear here.

Kyoko thought that some student was injured and quickly followed Mohini in a panicked face.

On the way she asked questions about what happened but Mohini diverted the question without revealing anything.

When she arrived at the infirmary Mohini sent Kyoko inside and locked the door.

Inside the infirmary or to say the school nurses office Shizuka and Saeko were chatting about something.

They both looked at Kyoko and Mohini with a smile.

Kyoko did not understand anything and finally came to a conclusion that Mohini is trying to prank her.

But when she looked at Saeko that usually cold and tempered woman like a sharpened sword she dismissed that thought and came to a different conclusion.

That is Saeko has injured some ignored student and she has to clean off that mess…….

When Kyoko was swimming in her wild fantasies Mohini pulled her to the chair and told her to sit.

In order to understand the situation clearly Kyoko sat on the chair looking at the three women in front of her.

She did not understand anything so she is waiting for the explanation from Mohini as she is the one that called her here urgently.

Mohini looked straight into the eyes of Kyoko with a serious face and asked.

“Kyoko sensei, do you trust me?”

Kyoko was surprised by the quest and don’t know how to answer because she has no impression of Mohini at all.

It is like a blank screen when thinking of Mohini or any information related to her.

The only thing she know is the short back story of Mohini and her class that is all there is to it.

But as a teacher she should say that she trust all of her students, especially when they are in need of her guidance at the current rebellious phase of the students.

So her answer is that she trusts Mohini.

But the blue screen did not appear because the trust that Kyoko has is not to that level.

Mohini looked at her and said.

“Kyoko sensei, what I am about to say next is very important so please listen carefully.”

Kyoko nodded her head understandingly.

Mohini smiled and said.

“Kyoko sensei… I love you.”

As soon as Mohini said that the Saeko and Shizuka widened their eyes for a moment but returned back to their usual expressions.

But Kyoko on the other hand was so shocked that the fuses in her mind were barely intact.

Her wild fantasies immediately jumped towards the lesbian side and when looking at the infirmary where Saeko and Shizuka that never go with men made her feel that her thoughts are correct.

She always felt that she is a straight woman that only loves men and not the other way around.

So she doesn’t know how to answer the expectations of Mohini one of her students as far as she remembers.

But before she could speak Mohini stood up and lifted her skirt showing her pussy.

Right at that moment as if it was some sort of magic her clit started to grow bigger and bigger becoming a dick.

This made Shizuka that was just took a gulp of water spray it out and exclaimed.

“You are a magical dick girl like that in magical futa novels.

That is so great.

I want to know how your futa dick tastes like.”

But before she is done admiring the dick that Mohini showed went back to normal clit in the next few seconds.

Kyoko was so shocked that she doesn’t know what to say.

Her previous thoughts became even wilder when she thought about that exclamation of Shizuka.

But that is not the point it was too magical.

Right at that moment Mohini gently waved her hand and took a metal spear out of thin air making Kyoko so shocked that she fainted.

After 5 minutes she woke up on the bed of the infirmary.

She checked her dress and surroundings before remembering what happened just now.

When she looked to the side Mohini was still there and is talking to Saeko and Shizuka about something.

When she woke up Mohini looked at her and stopped speaking then came to her and asked with concern making Kyoko fell warm in her heart.

The charm that Mohini has right now is very high for this world so she can directly have a built up favorability quickly with some small actions and words.

Mohini took her back to the seat that she fainted before and told her.

“Kyoko sensei… I am not from here and I cannot tell you the details from where I am from.

But I came here for two things that are to save all the women I loved and the second is to complete a special quest that I cannot speak off………….”

Chapter 89: Kyoko trusts as zombie apocalypse begins

“But I came here for two things that are to save all the women I loved and the second is to complete a special quest that I cannot speak off.

You are one of the women that I wanted to save and bring back with me.

Only if you really trust me and accept me can I take you away from here and tell you about my secrets.

Also in an hour or so this entire world will be plunged into a zombie apocalypse.

Only if you truly trust me can I save you if not I will be helpless.

Saeko and Shizuka have already trusted me and I was able to share some of my secrets with them.

But I cannot tell you anything because you have not trusted me truly.

If you truly trust me you will see the sign of that….so please trust me Kyoko sensei.”

Kyoko needed some time to digest all the information so she was silent for a while.

The time passed by and she finally said.

“Is there really a zombie apocalypse soon?”

Mohini nodded her head sincerely.

“If the zombie apocalypse really happens then I will trust you.

As for love, I don’t know what to say.

We will think about that in the future.

Since it is going to the apocalypse, why not tell this to all the people so that they can save themselves….”

She immediately stood up and wanted to say about that.

But right then Mohini stopped her.

“Sensei you cannot say anything about that to those people.

Even if you saw nothing will change and the people might think that you are made.

Instead of doing good you will cause more panic and ridicule which will in turn cause more damage.

Also if you say any of that something terrible will happen.

I am already taking risk giving information to you and other women that I liked.

All I can do is save as many women as possible so that the situation would not turn problematic.”

Mohini’s manipulative tongue was succeeded and Kyoko believe her words.

But the trust that Mohini wanted is not formed.

Most probably after seeing the zombies she will believe Mohini.

With these thoughts Mohini stayed silent for some time and then told Kyoko to close her ears so that she would not listen to what she is going to tell Saeko and Shizuka.

The reason for this is because Kyoko did not believe her enough right now.

Kyoko wanted to leave here back to her office.

But Mohini told her to not to leave for the next few minutes as she cannot protect her there.

Looking the sincere eyes of Mohini, she stopped in her tracks and waited for an hour with her hands closing her ears.

Mohini just whispered her words so she was unable to hear anything.

Any way it is already that time when the zombie apocalypse starts.

Right then a scream was heard from outside the window and it came from the direction of the school entrance.

Looking at the situation where the main plot started Mohini looked at the three women for a moment before giving them some instructions.

Kyoko immediately went to the window to take a look with deep frown.

She has no choice but to believe what Mohini said.

As soon as Kyoko believed Mohini’s words, a blue window with the same question of trust as before appeared.

Mohini immediately gave out the warning she would say and Kyoko don’t think twice before accepting the question.

Mohini did not have time to explain the things so she told her that she will explain later.

Kyoko simply accepted her words.

Mohini told Shizuka to collect some medicine just in case.

Right then Kazu that usually help Shizuka appeared here.

Shizuka recited the medicines required while Saeko and Kyoko collected them in a bag.

Mohini took the medicinal bag and stored it in her personal storage space.

This shocked Kyoko no matter how many times she saw Mohini using the personal storage space.

After that Mohini led the three women out of the infirmary but was stopped because of some players that came to recruit these three women.

Well specifically they came here for the air head Shizuka.

Saeko and Kyoko were bonus.

The funny thing is that there are players from outside the school.

They should have sneaked in previously when no one is looking or using some excuses.

Some of them are wearing office worker uniform and some with school uniforms.

They are wanted to make Shizuka join their groups.

There are a total of 5 people which include 1 woman and 4 men.

Mohini arrived there and all of their eyes turned towards Mohini.

Both Saeko and Shizuka came to Mohini immediately.

Well forgot about a rat Kazu that came here to help Shizuka in the infirmary before the start of the apocalypse.

Kazu has seen the zombies outside.

So he was a little scared right now.

He chose to stay with the group of 5 people that came to poach Shizuka, Kyoko and Saeko because of their Mohinis.

Mohini did not have and fear towards them and directly said.

“I will give you 5 seconds to scram from my woman.

If you want to pester me then don’t blame me for what happens next.”

The group of 5 is not from the same side as they temporarily formed an alliance to gain more benefits.

They wanted to ask Mohini to join their group looking at Mohini being a woman they thought that they might be able to get some sweet night with her.

But Mohini’s words snipped their thoughts at their buds.

They felt that Mohini is a tough nut to crack.

They each took out a gun pointing at Mohini.

Mohini was calm even now and Kazu standing behind the 5 people screamed like a woman and ran away.

Well he will most probably meet the same ending as that of the plot.

Chapter 90: a woman proposes to Mohini

Mohini was calm even now and Kazu standing behind the 5 people screamed like a woman and ran away, well he will most probably meet the same ending as that of the plot.

The 5 people were looking at Mohini and one of them spoke to Shizuka, Kyoko and Saeko.

“We are cops from the future and we are here to save you.

This woman is a terrorist from a human trafficking organization that came here to harm you.

Come to us so that we can protect you….”

Well what these 5 people wanted is the protagonist protection from Shizuka and Saeko.

As for Kyoko she is just a bonus right now.

They don’t have enough assets to bring any of them back and they did not see any use for them in the real world.

So they simply want to use Shizuka and Saeko that is all there is to it.

Mohini has already told them all of this and both Shizuka and Saeko did not move from the side of Mohini.

Kyoko don’t know what the situation is but she chose to believe Mohini than the people that pointed guns at then.

She wanted to ease the atmosphere here but before she could open her mouth Mohini spoke.

Mohini smiled gently and said.

“I am warning you again.

This is a zombie apocalypse world and you don’t want to receive any injuries right at the start.

Are you sure you want to fight with me in this narrow space.”

Mohini took out a gun on one hand and a hand grenade on the other.

The pin is right inside her thumb ready to pull in a moment.

Both Shizuka and Saeko were little tense as the blast radius will definitely cover them.

Kyoko screamed like a little girl looking at the situation and the grenade in Mohini’s hands.

They were now more assured that what Mohini said is true.

Kyoko remembered the words of Mohini standing in front of her and protecting her with her back.

She remembered the words that Mohini loved her.

She felt warm and finally stood firm.

She did not abandon them even at 5 guns pointed towards her head and stood in front of them to fight with his life.

“I don’t mind dying here.

Do you have the guts to dance with me?”

Mohini said with a grin making her devilish looks irresistible for both men and women.

Even the only woman on the 5 person team was moved by the stand that Mohini took.

Well they cannot do anything but to accept defeat.

Based on their training they clearly know the attack range of this grenade and they cannot run away without any injuries.

Also their purpose for attacking Mohini will also be gone.

Since they are no benefits they can only take a step back to cool down the atmosphere.

They lowered their guns and stored them back in their personal space.

Mohini did the same looking at them.

Right then one of them wanted to sneak attack as he suddenly raised his hand with a gun.

Mohini guessed as much from the facial expression of the attacking person and grinned.

An air soft needle shot out of Mohini’s hand towards the man that is raising his gun.

The gun was dropped and the man screamed in pain from the spot where the needle is pierced.

In this zombie world magic is prohibited and only modern weapons can be used.

Mohini made a short air soft hand gun from the model similar to Spiderman's web shooters to deal with players in silent.

Mohini smeared the web shooters with burning poison that will make the skin around the contact area to feel that it was being burnt.

Mohini has already applied antidote on her wrists so it is not a problem even if it touched her skin.

But that is not the case for the other party.

The people in the victim’s group just realized what happened and looked vigilantly at Mohini without saying a word.

They even took out their weapons.

Mohini took out the grenade to her other hand and spoke with an innocent smile.

“You see sneak attacking me will not do you any good.

You are civilians becoming a hunter but I am already an assassin before coming here.

So, I advise you to not to provoke me again.

Since you attacked me first,

This small punishment is enough.

But if you dare to attack me again I will take everything you have that might include your lives.

This place might be hell to you but not me.

I can survive even after fighting you.

Can you do the same?”

Mohini smiled sarcastically and the pointed at the man that is screaming with pain from the burning poison.

“That is just a small scale temporary poison.

It will lose its effect after an hour.

Don’t worry it is not life threatening.

I have said all I want to say.

Now scram before I change my mind.”

Mohini said without even a hint of fear in her eyes.

It felt like what she said is absolutely true and this caused the other group to fear her more.

They don’t want to lose their life for some stupid chance and mess with Mohini so they helped the person that was still rolling in pain and wanted to leave there immediately.

The woman in the group was a little courageous and asked for Mohini’s name with love symbols clearly appearing in her eyes looking at Mohini.

Before Vikram could speak Shizuka stood in front of Vikram and said.

“This Woman is not free.

You can go we will not give her to you.”

Saeko stepped forward with her sword and a little hostility towards the woman.

Kyoko also moved forward in the spur of movement and subconsciously felt that Mohini is her lover.

It is strange for her but she still felt like that and her face is already red from all the embarrassment as soon as she realized it.


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