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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 541: burning a poisonous scorpion

“Host has reached a dry area and the amount of water produced by the water condenser will be halved from now on until host leaves the dry area to a normal area.”

Looking at the message their thoughts changed for a moment.

They still had three days of time before they have to leave this forest survival mode to enter a different survival mode.

They came to the front of the cave and are ready to move forward.

But they would not step in until the last moment.

Before that they would check the beast that is guarding the entrance of the desert mode of survival.

While they are checking the things dream worm has already noticed the creature that is guarding the cave.

It is a level 20 poisonous scorpion.

Its exoskeleton is really strong and it is in the color of the surrounding rocks and sad.

Vikram was sure that he could not break it through normal means.

There are only way to kill this scorpion is either by hitting its eyes, cutting the joints or pushing it into a trap and burn it.

Vikram was sure that the insect type monsters have lowest intelligence capabilities.

So he plans to use the third method of burning the scorpion to get the maximum benefits.

With the decision he quickly moved to the side and made a big pit can covered it with spoilage of the trees.

The girls also helped him with bring burnable dried leaves, branches, twigs and other quick burning things.

There are also dried coconut shells that can create high amount of temperature when they are burned.

After the main preparations are done Vikram would be acting as the bait.

First he placed a piece of fish slice on the trap area and then he threw few fish slices towards the scorpion.

The scorpion is around 6 feet in length without counting its tail.

It is 2 feet wide and the tail is 9 feet long with a big sting at tits end.

The color if the sting is green which should be the symbol of vitality.

But here it is pure poison that can kill a person in a matter of moments.

Also any normal poison or muscle relaxant or other corrosive substances would not work on the scorpion.

The girls are hiding far away.

Vikram has wooden basins filled with burning coal stored in his personal space ready to use at any given moment.

He was silently hiding behind a rock waiting for the level-20 poisonous scorpion to take the bait.

He can use the meat of other creatures but the meat of fish has the higher because of the strong smell.

The scorpion was really attracted to the smell but its movements are really slowly and did not go to the bait directly.

It waited for a long while before it went out.

The reason why it went out is because some other creature that came out at that time to eat the fish meat.

It was a big rat that came out of nowhere to eat the fish meat that Vikram placed as bait for the scorpion to follow and fall into the trap.

But this rodent took the chance to spoil the plants of Vikram.

Fortunately Cylia used small plant vines to hold the cover and did not let the entire thing cave in to the hole.

Right then the scorpion followed silently and captured the big rat that is eating the fish meat without a care in the world.

The scorpion moved on the top of the cover and killed the rodent.

Right then Cylia let go of the plant vines and the entire cover caved it.

In order to let the scorpion fall into the trap completely Vikram also dropped a bolder right on the top of it creating problems with its center of gravity.

So it was unable to use its capabilities to climb up suddenly.

Vikram immediately dropped the burning coal and fire basins into the spoilage into the pit covered with all kinds of flammable waste.

It immediately lit up.

With the big bolder on its back it could not move out of that place suddenly.

The rat was shot using a cross bow by Vikram.

So it could not get out that spot either.

Finally the entire spoilage lit up increasing the temperature rapidly.

Vikram did not go near that pit because the tail of the scorpion was moving around rapidly with strong painful wails of the scorpion.

Vikram was sure that he could not kill that scorpion completely with just the fire.

But he is trying its best to not to let the scorpion out of that pit with fire.

During this time Cylia used the plant vines to drop off more spoilage into the pit to increase the flames more and more.

The burning smell can be smelt with thick smoke everywhere.

The reason why Vikram did not let Yue, Ginny and Cylia to participate in the fight is because he thought of another problem.

Other than the monsters the other players are also dangerous.

Vikram could not take any risks when he is making so much commotion at this moment.

Well there is a thick column of smoke rising in this area like a signal.

How many people can see this and come to get a share in the pie.

So Vikram made Cylia, Ginny and Yue to be on guard while hiding and take care of other players that might come over to get their hard earned profits.

While they are waiting there is a man wearing thick coat like he was in some sort of cold area.

He has silver blond hair and pure white skin.

He is looking at the smoke column and came over rushing to the side to see what is happening here.

He is from the holy empire.

He is at the rank of deacon in that country and is a very young and strong man.

Chapter 542: there is a second scorpion

He is from the holy empire.

He is at the rank of deacon in that country and is a very young and strong man.

His name is silver Joe.

Unfortunately he came to this place where Vikram is.

He would be buried here and his things would become good things of Vikram later.

The scorpion burned really well and it finally died without any movement.

Right then Joe appeared out of nowhere and attacked Vikram.

Vikram has already noticed him and even his girls have noticed him.

But Vikram gave them a sign language gesture to stay put for the time being.

Right when Joe made the sneak attack on Vikram, Vikram acted as if he did not notice and jumped out.

There is a small damage to Vikram but it did not damage him much.

Vikram ran towards cave that leads to the desert mode of survival.

The reason why Vikram suddenly changed his thoughts is because he saw that inside the cave is a golden treasure chest.

With golden treasure chest, this one level 20 poisonous scorpion is not enough to balance the things.

At least that creature should be over level 40 or there is more than one level 20 poisonous scorpion monster guarding this place.

So Vikram led the man towards the cave at his fastest speed.

While they are running the three girls used special means to let the smoke and burnt smell of the poisonous scorpion towards the cave.

This would attract the danger hidden inside.

Vikram and all the girls covered their noses with wet cloth before they started the entire thing.

This is because the burning smell is not the problem but the burning poison can release poisonous mist.

The slight amount of poisonous mist that Vikram inhales through the wet clothe would not cause him any problem because of his resistance towards the poison.

This poison resistance was obtained from the poisonous frog before.

Vikram has already told them and they understood the situation clearly.

As for Joe, he is almost as strong as Vikram in strength and stamina but his agility and other stats are lower.

This was observed by the insight skill of Vikram and he also noticed it in his simulation.

But the simulation did not mention anything about the second scorpion.

All it mentioned is that Vikram solve the guarding force of the entrance and entered into the desert mode of survival.

Also he found that he has solved the hindrance from some unknown source easily.

This hindrance can be a beast or players that are also present in this place.

He was sure that the smoke would attract someone and that someone appeared here.

After going into the cave Vikram did not stand there because this place has many pitfalls and quick sands in the sandy part of the cave.

The rocks in the cave can sink down with a gentle touch.

But the place that Vikram is running is the place that the scorpion walked before.

He specifically stepped on the poked areas of the land where the scorpion moved before.

This way he came close to the golden treasure chest but suddenly took a side turn and ran on the wall with his full speed.

Joe behind him did not expect and he has already noticed some of the pitfalls because he stepped on the wrong place.

But he was lucky enough to find balance and did not fall into the pitfalls.

Also he noticed the strange cries and crawling sounds of those insects in the pitfalls and all over the place.

The insects are naturally the scorpions.

Vikram that stepped on the wall jumped back with a big jump and landed straight behind the man chasing after him.

Also his steps landed straight on his steps that he walked in before.

With that he immediately ran out at his fastest speed.

But before running he threw the bloody he collected from various beasts in a basin straight at the man behind him.

Joe that was splashed with blood did not react immediately because he has inhaled the poisonous gas for at least for 10 breaths during his chase behind Vikram.

This was enough for him to unlock the first level of poisoning into his blood.

With this his reaction speed was reduced by a large margin.

At the same time there is a slight trembling sound from the cave inside the cave where the golden treasure chest is present.

Another big scorpion appeared from inside and came straight to the person splashed with the blood.

Also the cooked smell of another big scorpion has made this scorpion angry.

They should be a couple and all these small scorpions are their kids.

As Vikram expected this is the most dangerous thing.

Joe immediately froze up looking at the second scorpion.

Vikram that was about to run stopped for a moment and took out a plant fiber rope that was tied into ring and a knot at one end.

He threw it on the top of Joe and captured him in his shocked state.

Then Vikram did not look back and run forward while dragging Joe towards the previous burning area.

While Vikram was away the three girls already took the bolder that is pressing the body of the previous dead scorpion and dropped more spoilage and plant waste that can increase the flames more.

After doing that they ran back into the forest to hide among the trees.

Right at that moment Vikram ran back dragging Joe with the rope.

Unfortunately he fell into many other traps one after the other with many baby scorpions biting on his body and stinging his body.

He screamed loudly attracting most of the attention.

He cursed Vikram loudly but that is all he can do at his current situation.

As Vikram dragged him the big scorpion followed behind them closely all the way to the fire pit.

Right then Vikram stopped in front of the fire pit.

Chapter 543: many good things that fit Vikram perfectly

As Vikram dragged him the big scorpion followed behind them closely all the way to the fire pit.

Right then Vikram stopped in front of the fire pit.

He stopped at that place and looked at the scorpion that was very close to the man he dragged.

He is already foaming from his mouth because of the poisonous stings from all these small baby scorpions.

Vikram took another grass root rope that was tied in a circular knot and flicked it on the top of the scorpion.

The target is actually the tail of the scorpion.

Since the scorpion moves forward the tail would bend forward normally and the rope moves backward.

When it reached the bottom Vikram pulled hard to tighten the rope and then stared to run again in a different direction.

He came to the other side of the pit and Joe was left back.

The scorpion came over and cut Joe in half with its big pincer like hands.

It did not notice the rope tied to its tail because it is currently made about the loss of its partner.

That is the burnt scorpion.

Vikram could not pull the scorpion directly into the fire pit.

So he called for his women to hold the other end of the rope behind him and wait for his signal silently.

Right after the scorpion killed Joe its target was shifted towards Vikram.

Vikram was already ready for this matter and right then it took two steps forward Vikram used the force to pull and his girls also pulled.

The moving body can be pulled easily than a stationary body.

So with the strong pull force of 4 people at the same time the scorpion was pulled into the fire pit.

But then the grass rope that is holding the scorpion was burnt and cut by its pincers.

Vikram quickly moved to the edge to drop few more boulders on the scorpion so that he could not move.

It tail is still free and it was about to hit Vikram right then the whip of Vikram fell around him and he was pulled back.

The sting of the scorpion just missed him with a hair’s breath.

Vikram was shocked for a moment and came back to his senses.

He immediately walked back while throwing the spoilage from the plants like dried bark and leaves from his space into the pit again.

Fortunately they dug the pit deeper and even with the two scorpions they can still manage to fry the scorpion till it died.

They are not idle during this time.

They went to collect more died bark and dried leaves so that they can burn the other pits back in the cave to burn those other baby scorpions too.

This way they will not have to worry about many problems later.

With that they spent the entire day killing these baby scorpions.

At the end they got few goods rewards.

First are the two level 20 monster cores of the two scorpions.

Vikram told Cylia to use one of the monster cores on the whip that he gave her.

Then he put away the other monster core for different use.

After that he got the meat of the scorpion.

It was the poisonous meat.

Right now they are not strong enough to consume this meat.

But they can improve their resistance by consuming the baby scorpion meat first and improve slowly.

Fortunately Vikram is there to cook them into something delicious instead of the bad tasting things.

So they did not have to worry about many things.

Second thing is the personal space and base core of the dead man.

He really got some good things.

Among them there is an upgradable dagger made out of the tooth of a saber tooth lion.

Vikram gave this to Yue and asked her to add the poisonous monster core to it to upgrade.

Then he rummaged through the remaining things before asking their permission to upgrade his base.

Well it is a team effort and they accepted Vikram’s thoughts.

So Vikram directly upgraded his base to level 14.

The consumed materials were not much and Vikram quickly replenished them.

Also every one of them got a share of the materials and they are safely stored in their bases.

Other than that from now on they would be sleeping with Vikram in his base.

So they filled their bases to the brim.

Then the third important thing is the golden treasure chest.

Vikram quickly opened it and the things inside were our one by one.

Vikram got a new cross bow design that can upgrade his previous cross bow design.

This cross bow has a magazine that can fit up to 6 arrows in a magazine.

This way he can shoot automatically and continuously.

There is a special potion that can improve the intelligence and sensing stats of a person by 100 points directly.

There is a strange thing called lucky clover that can be put in to the base of a person.

The person and the others that sleep in that base would have extra luck every day.

Other than these three there is also a skill called the sand controller.

The strange thing is that all these things fit Vikram perfectly, except for the crossbow that can be used by others as well.

If he takes all these things then he can keep the group really safe.

Vikram did not take the things directly instead he asked the girls to make their choice.

Vikram did give them all the good things he had without saying anything.

So they decided to let him have these things so that he can improve faster to gain more benefits later.

It is not like Vikram would leave them behind.

Vikram was always the first one to protect them from harm.

So naturally Vikram becoming strong would give them more chances to get better things later.

With that they made the final decision.

Chapter 544: entered the desert mode of survival

So naturally Vikram becoming strong would give them more chances to get better things later.

With that they made the final decision.

Vikram first drank the intelligence and sense improvement potion that added him 100 stat points in both these stats.

Immediately dream worm increased it further by releasing the sealed power.

The distance he can scan now is over 200 meters radius around him.

He can now search and sense most of the creatures in this area.

So their desert survival would be very easy.

Then the lucky clover was placed in his base that would help them all have improved luck.

He also let the manufacturing table to upgrade the current cross bow.

Here the string of the cross bow needed to be changed along with the magazine.

Well he did not have the proper string.

The string set by the system and original design is the string that belongs to a deer monster or a horse monster.

But he did not encounter this kind of monsters in the entire forest survival area during these 15+ days of searching.

So he came to a conclusion that finding them is not that easy or need special situation to encounter them.

So he can only use the temporary replacements.

Fortunately he made more than one cross bow and he can switch them when needed.

As for the sand controller skill this skill looked more like the skill that Gaara can use in Naruto.

This was given to Vikram because he is the strongest person with big pool of Magic energy in him.

Naturally he got the skill too.

With this skill along with the sensing of dream worm he can killed the enemies with simply sand penetrating their weak spots.

These things are arranged quickly Vikram is more like a walking killing machine than a normal person.

He is like a walking fortress with the attack range of 100 meters around him.

They are right in front of the desert mode of survival entrance cave.

They got the familiar message.


Congratulations host for discovering the desert mode of survival.

Number of entries is 4 people only (0/4)

You will receive bonus survival points for discovery and entry would give you extra survival points.

The entry restriction is that the host should at least have a base of level 10.”

Vikram nodded his head and the girls are also happy.

But Vikram did not enter directly.

Once again he simulated just in care to see if everything he planned succeeded.

To his surprise the survival points he has on hand are just enough for him to buy the things he wanted from the mall.

With that solved he sighed and found that he was going towards the depths of the desert for some reason.

Well he can only simulate for a day in this survival world and he could not check more.

Just in case he sold little more things and collected more materials quickly while keeping his balance at the current amount or higher.

After all the preparations are set he took the girls to enter into the desert mode of survival.

There is one more day for them to spend in the forest mode of survival.

But they don’t want to use that time because if another strong player came here to cause trouble or some strong monster appear here they will not be able to face it.

So they decided to enter the next mode of survival quickly.

Vikram also told his girls about the survival mall that would open when they enter into the desert mode of survival.

As for how he knows about that he did not tell them.

They all thought that it is some sort of future sight skill or something like that.

So when Vikram was changing the goods before they are also very busy with the work.


They finally took the step and entered into the desert mode of survival through the cave.

When they walked into the sandy area of the hot desert the first thing they faced is the hot dry air that hit their faces.

The temperature is around 45 degrees.

They can easily be tanned in this kind of environment.

But they followed Vikram and they have to go through with the hardships without the problem.

They still believe in him and his reasoning.

Right then the blue screens appeared in front of their faces showing the survival mall and special entry notification.


Congratulations host, you have successfully entered the desert mode of survival.

You have 1 year of time to find the next mode of survival or the intersection point like the forest survival mode.

Host would receive the extra survival points for entering the desert mode of survival.

Host can buy things from the survival shop using the survival points.

This is a onetime service that is only available when host enters into the new mode of survival with long stay time but not the intersection points.

Chose wisely and buy the things you need the most host.”

Vikram nodded his head as he expected.

After the introductory message the blue screen changed and the survival shop opened.

There are dazzling array of things in the store that can make many people spin their heads just looking at them.

There are many categories.

Vikram saw that there are many skills that are magical just like the skills that can be earned through the fantasy worlds.

Similarly there are many artifacts and survival things.

These things can be taken to the real world and can make a person stronger.

There is delicious food, water and beverages.

There are many snacks and things that could not be bought easily.

There are many kinds of medicine and healing skills.

There are protection charms and other things.

But all these things are consumables that would be gone after using them.

There is nothing that is related to improving their stats.

There is nothing related to improving their luck.

Chapter 545: important items from the survival mall

There is nothing that is related to improving their stats.

There is nothing related to improving their luck.

While checking the things Vikram came to the section that is named as unique items.

This is the section Vikram got the two things to spent all of his survival points from the simulation.

When he came to this there are only two things on display.

One is the card called the map of desire (one time usage).

Second is the card that said item of desire (one time usage).

The map of desire card would cost him around 40 thousand survival points.

The item of desire card would cost him 10 thousand survival points.

Vikram doesn’t know why he wanted these two cards so much.

The amount is exactly the amount of survival points that he was looking for before.

So he directly bought these two cards and the remaining survival points are left for emergencies.

Others exchanged the things they thought as useful and important.

Well there is nothing that can permanently strengthen them in the survival mall.

So what they bought is mostly medicine and some blueprints related to convenience weapons and other things.

They also bought an air conditioning device to keep the insides of the base cool.

Upgrading the base in the desert is very hard.

Similarly upgrading the base in snow or water is even harder.

So they got the things they thought as important along with life comforting things like air conditioner design and fridge design blueprint.

The materials required for them can be opened up through treasure boxes.

As long as they had the design they will naturally get things from the treasure chest.

Before the forest survival mode all the things that people obtained are daily necessities and small things.

But after crossing the intersection point the things would change to the next level.

The system store is gone after the purchase and confirmation.

Then the women came over to Vikram to see what he bought.

There are only two cards in his hand.

Vikram was still thinking on what to use these cards for.

He really wanted to buy these cards and he regretted not buying them.

While thinking, he suddenly got the idea of what these cards are used for.

The first card can be used to become a map to point at the treasure chest that has the tier skilling card that Vikram wanted.

The card that can let him skip a tier with full bonus of complete chaos points at the highest level.

He immediately used the card and a map that looked like a virtual holographic map appeared.

It is still the card but the map appeared in front of Vikram and the girls that pointed deep into the desert.

The map can be zoomed in an out.

It showed various locations of the map from their location to deep into the desert till there is a symbol of treasure chest.

Along the way it showed many land marks, obstacles, beasts, stopping areas, replenishing areas and everything.

It is more like a detailed and completely planned treasure map.

It even mentioned the beasts that they have to face along the way with multiple detours along the route.

They can make the choice of taking the detour.

This would change the direction of the route they are going.

It also mentioned the safest route and the hardest route along with the levels and names of all the beasts along the way.

But it also gave out a cautious remainder.


The map will only show the direction from the location of the host to the destination.

After the host reaches the destination the map would self destruct.

Map would not show anything other than the route to the destination.”

Vikram and the girls were dazed and Vikram told them what he wanted to find.

The girls were also shocked because the card that is only one in the entire survival event is present in the desert that they choose.

Vikram also doubted that they are this luck.

He even thought that it was because of the lucky clover that they got before.

But the system gave out a message that poured hot water on them in the desert.


There are many locations in the survival event where the level skilling card was placed.

But as long as the first person obtains the card all the other cards that are placed would be removed directly.

Only one person and the first person can get the card while the others can only dream about this matter.”

With the clarification from the system Vikram and the girls got the answer they needed.

Then their eyes fell on the second card that Vikram had on his hand.

Vikram can get one important item that he wanted.

Looking at the card Vikram started to contemplate again.

He was thinking what he should bring that would be best in their current situation.

While he is thinking he suddenly remembered that he really missed his fully arranged bag pack that he carried everywhere on earth.

It has everything and now he has upgraded it to the real world level for all kinds of survival situations.

But he doesn’t know if he used the card he would get that only the bag or all the things inside.

Also there is a restriction that the card told him before he can use the card.


Host can summon only one important item from belongs to the host that is non living into the survival event.

Host cannot summon things that did not belong to the host.”

Suddenly Vikram found a loop hole in this matter.

In order to solve his doubt Vikram asked the system a question.

“System, I want you to define what it is meant by one item.

Does a first aid box filled with all items can be considered as a single item?”


Yes, host the first aid box is considered as a single item.”


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