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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 531: items in the silver treasure chest

Vikram did not say anything for a moment but quickly remained Cylia and Ginny.

“Quickly disintegrate the wolf and take the things into the personal space before it attracts the attention of other beasts.”

Cylia quickly acted and disintegrated the meat and took the things.

Similarly Ginny went to the level 8 wolf that was killed at the beginning sneak attack and collected the meat.

When they are done they returned back to speak with Vikram.

But Vikram stopped them and said.

“We have to leave from here first, before speaking.

The place has a battle and blood smell that can attract the attention of the people.

So it is better to leave here first.”

So they left from here hurriedly after taking the silver treasure chest and moved in the direction that Vikram pointed.

Vikram has good senses and this way is the best place to be safe.

Also he sensed danger in the previous place and don’t want to stay there any longer.

Right after they left there is a big lion that arrived there.

It was at least 5 times bigger than a normal lion and it was very strong just from its appearance.

If saw this lion he can tell that this lion has reached level 30 or even higher.

It is practically impossible for them to kill this lion.

Also the lion was surrounded with strange fire property.

That is its footsteps have molten sand on the way when it walked over.

The trees around were burnt but because of the lush greenness and damp atmosphere there is no forest fire.

If there is also a forest fire then the situation would be even more dangerous.

Fortunately there is nothing like that.

Vikram and the girls moved for more than 10 kilometers in one move and stopped on the top of the tree.

Finally they sighed as they heard a big sound of lion roar from behind when they are running.

They were shocked by the sound.


Finally after resting silently for a few moments they started to speak.

Cylia recognized Vikram and thanked him.

Ginny did not say much.

She only explained about how Vikram helped her.

Then Vikram spoke.

“It is not a problem, but you have to be careful in the future.

How long has it been since you came into this wilderness survival setting.”

Vikram did not ask them for any share in the silver treasure chest or even asked them anything related to the wolf meat.

This improved their impression on him.

But they also had another thought that is Vikram has something more and he did not have any interest in something as small as the silver treasure chest.

Whatever the case is Cylia wanted to open the silver treasure chest now and see the things.

But before that she answered Vikram’s question.

“We are here for 12 days and have to find the other survival setting.

We have already found the water survival setting so we are planning to go that way.

Or find something different later along the way.

I will open the silver treasure chest now.

You can take anything you want from the items inside.

If nothing is good you can take the monster core of the ferocious wolf from before.”

Cylia said as if she was dividing the things carefully so that there is no misunderstanding.

Vikram did not say anything for the time being and let her open the silver treasure chest.

When it was opened few things appeared.

Intelligence potion x 1

Agility potion x 1

Returning Wind arrow (Upgradable) x 1

Wind wolf claw gloves x 1

20 liters Water bottle x 1


Cylia spoke.

“You can take one of the two equipments you want from these things.

We want intelligence potion because we are mage type fighters.

So I want to give you the agility potion.

As for water we can share it.

Do you have any objection in the distribution?”

Cylia did not ask Ginny because her words are their combined words.

Ginny did not have any objection as she did not say any word when Cylia was speaking.

So Cylia asked Vikram if he had any objection.

She remembers the bold words of Vikram before and knows that he has a crush on them.

But Vikram did not show any bad signs of going after them right now.

She doesn’t know what Vikram is thinking.

So she wants to observe Vikram and want to know if he wanted to travel with them.

It can be said that a group is much stronger than an individual.

She saw the planning and execution of Vikram.

Even though he acted with the new people that he did not fight along with before, he did not show any friction.

Instead his movements are like fluid and very quick for the close combat fighter.

They are both mage type fighters and hardly fight in close combat.

Mages are strong but they need preparation time and cannot act directly.

Also they are particularly fragile because of the side they chose is towards the intelligence to improve magic power instead of normal fighting capabilities.

Vikram nodded at their arrangements and said.

“Okay then.

I want that returning arrow that can be used for the cross bow I have.”

Vikram’s insight skill activated and told him about the returning wind arrow.

Item: returning wind arrow

Element: wind

Description: it is a wind elemental attack arrow that would cause piercing and slashing damage with slight drilling effect.

Whenever the arrow is shot it would return back to the owner after losing its momentum.

But recognizing the master is a necessary with blood.

It is upgradable and can absorb the wind elemental monster core to improve its lethality.


As for the wind wolf claw gloves they have the same problem that no other weapon can be equipped.

But that is not the only problem.

Unlike normal weapons like sword, spear and machete, these gloves have to be put on to equip them.

Chapter 532: the problems of ice and snow survival mode

But that is not the only problem.

Unlike normal weapons like sword, spear and machete, these gloves have to be put on to equip them.

Because of this they cannot be used straight away in the battle.

So their value is far less compared to other normal weapons.

But there is also a good thing.

Other weapons might fall off the hand during the fight.

But these gloves would not fall off no matter what.

They can also act a protection to the hand to some extent.


After the distribution Vikram drank the agility potion directly on the spot without taking a second look.

After that he took out the ice elemental staff from his space.

This immediately lit up the eyes of both Cylia and Ginny.

Ginny is ice elemental magic warrior.

So naturally this ice elemental wizard staff is very useful for her.

They know that this staff is much more valuable than the ice elemental gloves.

So Cylia took the chance to propose the trade.

That is they are willing to part with the ice elemental gloves and the monster core of ferocious wolf with wind element.

They wanted to get the ice elemental staff for these things.

Vikram looked at them and accepted the deal.

They know that Vikram was at loss in this deal but since Vikram accepted it they did not remained him.

Well they are used to get this kind of deals all the time because of many suitors following them all the time.

Vikram smiled at their thoughts and said.

“This Ice elemental staff came out of the silver treasure chest I got after killing a level 20 ice elemental snow wolf.

After crossing that cave there is an entrance to the ice and snow survival mode.

The entry for the ice and snow survival point is 3 people.

One was already filled by some other survivor and there are still 2 remaining entries left.

I found out that the difficulty of the beast guarding the area to the entrance of the new survival mode depends of number of people that can enter.

This means that the water survival model that accepts 5 survival entries is guarded by a beast that requires 5 survivors to solve it.

It is a good thing that you did not try to enter into the water.

I can assure you that you would definitely die there before setting foot in the water survival world.”

The eyes of Cylia and Ginny changed when they listened to the information that Vikram spoke.

But the point is they wanted to know if Vikram wanted to enter the ice and snow survival world since there is only 2 entry points.

Well Ginny is an ice elemental magic warrior.

So she might get a home base advantage.

Even though Cylia would be at a disadvantage because of the lack of plants and trees in the ice filled area, she can compromise about this matter.

But they are forgetting that this is a survival world and nothing is as easy as they imagine it would be.

So Cylia asked.

“Are you going to enter the ice and snow survival mode?

If not, we want to enter it.”

She simply thought that Vikram is like other suitors that would give them way.

Vikram also answered the way she expected and wanted to sigh.

But the next words of Vikram stopped her from planning to enter this ice and snow survival world.

“I don’t mind, you can enter this survival mode if you wanted.

Based on my calculations there is more survival modes present in this area and I am planning to search for them.

But are you sure that you wanted to enter into the ice and snow survival world.

In my opinion even a desert survival mode is much better than ice and snow survival mode.”

In desert survival mode the time when the sun it up would be hot but the remaining time it would be cold.

But the ice and snow survival world is filled with ice all the time.

So practically the temperature is low and it can be lower but never hot.

This means there is no break or change in temperature.

This kind of thing is very detrimental to the body of any being.

Even if that being is completely adapted to the snow world it would still need some hot weather at least one in a while.

If not survival is not possible.

Also they are living being that are close to warm bodies instead of extreme cold or heat.

So they need warmth for their bodies to complete many normal functioning activities.

For that they have to regularly maintain fire in the cold areas.

For that they have to expend the wood resources all the time.

Replenishing wood is also hard.

Vikram checked before that that the cold wood could not be converted into a unit of wood until it reaches normal temperature.

Also travelling in cold weather is not a good thing.

So travelling to the ice and snow world is the most useless thing right now.

Instead travelling to desert area is better.

They did not need any strong fire unless it was night.

Also the cold time is very short.

This reduces consumption of wood to almost nothing.

There would be dried trees in the desert at some areas.

Even though more wood needed to be collected to make a single unit of wood it is much better than cold area.

The biggest problem in the desert is actually the water.

With water condensers, it is not a problem.

At most because of the hot weather the amount of water produce may become half.

Still Vikram can actually get at least 20 liters of water a day even in this condition.

Also Vikram has plenty of water previously stored up.

So no matter what he was safe and sound.

He can even take care of few people with him without a problem.

Chapter 533: sudden change of attitude

So no matter what he was safe and sound.

He can even take care of few people with him without a problem.

Also he bought few more materials using water to build more water condenser and purifiers.

Since there is an ice and snow mode of survival then there should definitely be a desert survival.

These things are arranged in his big house.

Well he did not have enough space so he can only set them aside for the time being.

Also the sale of water is going very well and the profits he got are also good.

The amount he spent before has already recovered quickly.

Well naturally water demand is high for the time being and the amount that can be sold is also high.

But that is for now.

Later this would change and the number of people buying the water will not be much.

Based on his guess it would last for 2 more day.

Vikram specifically followed the falling price strategy.

That is every day the price of water he sells decreases letting more people to buy the water.

While he set the things he spoke with Cylia and Ginny.

“You can go towards that way if you want to enter the ice and snow world.

It would take a day of journey to reach that place moving along the cliff.

You cannot miss it with the dense coldness.

If you wanted to follow me then we can move along.

It is your choice.

As much as I want to take you both as my woman, I would not make forced decisions for you.

You should know better than anyone.

Also desert survival has its own risks like poisonous insects and creatures there.

Oh I forgot to tell you.

My current base has reached level 13.

I don’t know how much your base is upgraded.

But it is best to have at least a tier 10 base before entering into the next survival mode.

If not the things would become dangerous.

I will stay here for another hour before moving away from here.

You can make your choice in mean time.


Vikram said and started to cook his food carefully.

He is cooking snow wolf meat that can give him resistance to cold and also keep him cold in higher temperatures.

Also there is a small chance that it would give him ice elemental affinity.

If he already had this affinity then it would increased the ice elemental affinity more.

Also Vikram set the wood to be sold and plant fiber would be sold along with water.

Before leaving here he would replenish them and move one.

His plan is to reduce the cost of wood and plant fiber.

This way when he was in the desert fantasy world he can buy the wood at a lower price when needed.

All of these things, he sold was in the form of survival points.

Soon his survival points increased to 35 thousand points.

These are more than enough for him to use.

But he still needs more survival points.

What if there are other good things in the survival store.

So the higher the amount of survival points he hoard the better the results would be.

He did not say this and did not ask Cylia and Ginny to add him as their fried.

They thought that Vikram lost interest in them.

So he was not paying much attention to them.

Vikram was really good at looking at the mood of the people.

So after he was done cooking he moved around as if he was just getting something and suddenly came beside them and kissed their cheeks.

They are stunned.

Well there is a lag between kissing two people.

But still they did not expect Vikram would do such a thing.

When they are stunned Vikram spoke.

“Do you really think that I would let you go and do as you please?

I wanted to see if you are doing well.

But I did not expect that both of you did not even say a proper hello to me.

I have already told you that you are mine and mine along.

I don’t like others to take advantage of you.

Also I will not let you go to a place to seek death stupidly.

Shut your mouths and follow me obediently.

Don’t think that you can fight and win over me.

This is not the real world and you are not the tier 5 powerhouses.

Your combined strength is far weaker than me.

So be good.

Come over here and eat first.

Ginny this is good for you.

It is the snow wolf meat of a level 20 snow wolf.

It can improve your ice affinity.

Also it can give her resistance to ice.”

Vikram spoke as he pulled them towards his side.

They are still dazed because no one did something so straight forward thing to them till now.

Also the words of Vikram were very clear without any room to negotiate.

While they are eating they could not help but be surprised once again.

This is because the food Vikram cooked is as good as it was in the real world.

In a way it was even better.

They did not expect that Vikram was bold enough to bring spices and salt in place of normal food when entering into this kind of survival world.

How many guts he should have to take such a decision in this kind of situation?

They don’t know how to describe Vikram or what he does.

But they could not object Vikram because he told them that he would spank them till they obey him.

This made them embarrassed to the point of turning their faces red.

So they can only nod their heads accepting the arrangements of Vikram.

They also sat close to Vikram this time while eating the snow wolf meat.

To be precise Vikram pulled them close to him when sitting near the fire.

Chapter 534: pervert’s luck has activated

They also sat close to Vikram this time while eating the snow wolf meat.

To be precise Vikram pulled them close to him when sitting near the fire.

They wanted to resist Vikram for a moment but they finally stopped the resistance.

They have already given up on the resistance because they know Vikram was strong and he would be stronger than them in just a year or two.

As for how they know, it was all women’s intuition.

Well that is not all.

It is the speed at which Vikram improved during this time.

He crossed the first ring in such a short time that there is no such incident that happened before.

Also based on the current strength of Vikram they can guess that his capabilities are far from ordinary people and is stronger than them that have genetic essence from 5 tiers.

So naturally they believed in Vikram.

Vikram immediately took out his base and explained to them about upgrading the base.

They quickly understood the words of Vikram.

Vikram did not ask them to hand over their bases because these bases can be used in the real world too.

So he instead helped them upgrade their base.

All he has to do is to break one copy and a copy for all the level till level 7 would form.

Then he would let them upgrade with the materials present at hand to reach level 10 quickly.

The actions of Vikram gained the hearts of girls once again.

Unlike others that wanted to use them for their gains, Vikram is much better and helped them instead.

Well he is a little dominating but they like this side of Vikram more.

But they did not cross the line and did not think of any other things.

After upgrading for half an hour, the bases of Cylia and Ginny were upgraded to level 10.

He would replenish the used materials when they move on from here.

They stayed here during the night.

They each slept in their own base for the night.

Vikram did not invite them into his base for the time being.

He doesn’t know how many people are still wandering in this wilderness mode right now.

But he has to be careful.

During the night he was vigilant.

It is not towards Cylia and Ginny instead it was towards the presence that he felt before.

There is someone nearby that is spying on them when they are eating before.

It should be an admirer of either Cylia or Ginny.

So he was waiting on the side for the right opportunity.

The base is strong against beasts and other creatures that did not have much intelligence.

But towards other survivors with capabilities of thinking this would change a little.

As long as they have proper tools, breaking this simple base made of wood is an easy thing.

At least the base of Vikram is stronger and hard to break.

But still his door was also made of wood.

So he has to be vigilant.

Based on his guess that person that is observing them would most probably attack him first and take over the bigger base and materials.

Then he would think of a way to get the girls secretly.

Also the person should have an ability or skill related to stealth.

Fortunately this stealth did not work against the sensing capabilities of dream worm.

It has already sensed the situation clearly and the range right now is not big.

It can only cover the entire area of his base.

The loaded arrows in two cross bows were already ready to fire at any time.

Also the whip was ready to catch the person that would sneak into his base secretly.

Around at 2 AM in the night, dream worm heard the sound of someone scratching the door.

Dream worm noticed it first and woke Vikram up.

Vikram was in half sleep state all the time.

He simply replaced his sleeping place with something different and covered it with the bed sheets that be brought before.

Then he hid in the corner beside the supplies carefully after hiding his breath.

His stealth might not be as perfect as a master level person.

But he can still hide from many people with the help of dream worm.

While they are hiding someone in black clothes appeared.

His movements are silent but flashy.

Vikram has been a ninja in the Naruto world.

He knows better than anyone what it is meant to be a ninja or an assassin as it was his original profession even back on earth.

“A stupid ninja enthusiast appeared to kill me.

How stupid can he actually be to come over here to die like this?”

Vikram thought as he shook his head silently.

The stupidest thing is that this ninja did not notice that the plant fiber that was piled up under the bed sheet is not even showing the movements of breathing.

He did not notice anything and came all the way with a dagger tip toeing like a stealth cat.

“He really is a half backed ninja.

How stupid can he be?

He should be pampered since childhood.

Also he should have many cunning friends that flatter him like an orchestra might really create such a stupid person.”

Vikram though again while looking the entire thing with great interest.

He felt ashamed to use any of his prepared weapons on this person.

Instead he wanted to tie him up and talk about the matter in the morning next day.

After thinking that Vikram silently came behind this ninja and used the whip to capture the ninja off guard.

Then he directly pulled the ninja towards himself, so that he can knock out the ninja.

But then something has activated.

It was the pervert’s luck that he got long time ago.

It activates at the strangest times.

But Vikram was sure that he is not into men, which means the person in front of him is a woman.

Chapter 535: fortunately this is not a man

It activates at the strangest times.

But Vikram was sure that he is not into men, which means the person in front of him is a woman.

Before Vikram thought that this was some male admirer of Cylia and Ginny.

But he did not expect it to be a woman.

This made his thoughts change.

Well how he found that the stupid assassin is a woman is not because of the body shape.

When his perverts luck activated just now he was in an attacking posture.

While capturing the stupid assassin there is a sudden and small struggle when he pulled the hose formed from the whip with his right hand.

Right then he was prepared to catch this stupid assassin from behind to dislocate all the joints.

But the expected trajectory of the stupid assassin did not happen when he pulled and his hand entered the wrong location.

The assassin flew back with her back facing Vikram with the pull and Vikram caught her with his left hand going under her armpit.

But the movement of his hand actually went into the pants of the person around the crotch region straight to her pussy.

Yep his hand is right on the top of her pussy because of the strange angle of falling.

Right at that moment Vikram has only one thought in his mind.

“Fortunately this is not a man.”

If it was a man then Vikram would be holding the dick and balls of a man.

It was really fortunate that it was a woman.

Vikram’s reaction speed is really faster than the stupid assassin woman.

Since Vikram already got the chance to touch her pussy, he would not be polite.

So in order to subdue her completely he directly plunged his finger into her pussy with his left hand.

As for his right hand the whip is gone and it moved to her mouth to close it.

This way she would not be able to scream.

When Vikram inserted his finger gently inside her pussy her body immediately went limp.

Vikram understood the reason for this.

Her pussy is really right and her body structure is really young.

So she must be a young woman that has become the adventurer not long ago.

It should be around 2 or 3 years.

Also her pussy was so tight and her body reaction was clear that Vikram can say that she is still a virgin.

Other than that her strength is strong but not very strong.

This concludes that she is from a big family that cultivated her well.

She should be in second tier or third tier level based on her strength and agility.

She did improve after entering the survival world but she accidentally targeted Vikram.

But Vikram really did not understand why she targeted him instead of targeting Cylia and Ginny.

Well they have weaker bases compared to Vikram and they are both mage class people that need time to prepare and fight.

It appeared more like she targeted him on purpose in between the three.

“Did she have any grudge against me?”

Vikram thought for a moment but quickly dismissed the idea.

Well she can only ask her about this matter.

So his right hand closing her mouth moved quickly and tapped on her joint bones directly dislocating them.

It only took a second to do all this.

His left hand did not leave her pussy all this time because of he let go she would become fierce.

Only at this moment she is silent like a kitten.

After dislocating all of her joints Vikram stopped rubbing her pussy and asked.

“Now tell me, why do you want to attack me instead of attacking those two women that are much more defenseless than me?”

The woman did not speak.

Vikram removed the mask covering her face and what appeared is a beauty with cute Japanese woman face and long purple black hair.

Unfortunately her chest if completely flat with only two bug bites like tits.

If she also has big tits then she would really be a stunner.

But still she is a beauty in a different kind of way.

“Well forget about that question.

Tell me who you are.

I did not have the thought of attacking you when you are eavesdropping before.

After looking at out three bases and strength, you should not be stupid enough to attack us.

You still choose to attack us which can be attributed to your guts.

But why bother attack the toughest target that is not in line with attacking process of an assassin.

So tell me who are you and why do you want to attack me.

I really want to know how your brain works when your life at stake.

I am a gentle man and did not kill you or did anything bad to you.

As for fingering your pussy, it was all an accident because of a skill I have and it would activate when I am close to beauties like you.


After Vikram stopped speaking the woman looked aggrieved but did not answer him.

Also he can see it on her face that she did not believe his last sentence.

So he decided to show it to her.

He can do that.

That is he can show part of his status panel to other which is not a problem.

As soon as the name of the skill appeared in front of her with description she was shocked.

“Can this kind of skill still exist in this world?”

But immediately her thoughts returned back thinking differently.

“If he is not a pervert then how this kind of skill can appear for him”

Vikram can easily understand her thought with the change of expression on her face.

Vikram sighed and said.

“I am not really kidding you know.

This skill was obtained after I worshipped a goddess of love and nature.

This skill only activates on woman that has good heart and are compactable to me….”

Chapter 536: the back story of the stupid assassin

“I am not really kidding you know.

This skill was obtained after I worshipped a goddess of love and nature.

This skill only activates on woman that has good heart and are compactable to me.

This way they would fall in love with me faster.

If it is not for the activation of this skill, I would have already killed you.

Since you are good in heart and compactable to me, I am talking all this nonsense to you and explaining the things to you.”

After saying this Vikram stopped giving her time to digest the matter that Vikram said to her just now.

But her mind has single thought.

“Since you told me that you are a good guy why not take your hand off my pussy.”

Unfortunately she could not voice out her words because Vikram stuck on her throat to make her lose her voice for the time being.

Vikram also did not let her speak for now because if she screams then both Cylia and Ginny would run over here.

The sound proofing of this base is still subpar.

After few minutes of holding her Vikram felt that her heart beat would not calm down.

So he made a comment that made her divert the attention.

His hand moved to her tits as if he was sensing her heart beat and said.

“Wow, you are completely flat.

No wonder you became an assassin that wanted to hide in the shadows.

It is not like I hate this kind of flat tits.

I have too many women with big round tits.

But there is no one that is as flat as you.

Since I touched your pussy and your body, I will take responsibility for you.

So you will be my woman from now on.

If you calm down I will connect your voice back.

If not I can only hold you like this.

Don’t worry I am not a beast that would pounce on you and do something bad to you.”

Vikram said that as he moved his hand out of her pussy region and then hugged her from behind tightly.

The comfortable hug started to act immediately.

The heart of the female ninja slowly calmed down with this hug.

The feeling was too good to stop break free from him or struggle in his embrace.

This is Vikram’s trump card for a long time that he did not use is.

Well he did not have any time to get close to woman and hug them like this.

But still the stupid assassin woman calmed down to the point where she forgot everything around.

With no hindrance of Vikram touching her sensitive spots she completely calmed down.

Only after checking her heartbeat Vikram moved his hand to her neck and connected her voice back.

There is a slight pain that brought the woman back to her senses.

She was shocked by how calm she felt when she was in the arms of a man has made her shocked.

Unfortunately she could not struggle because her arms and legs are still dislocated.

So she can only stay in his warm embrace that is making her want to stay like this forever.

Even with her voice out she did not shout because she don’t know what to say.

She fears that if she shouts she has to leave his embrace and could not come back.

With that she can only sigh and think of his words before.

It is like what he said.

She is in a passive state and Vikram could do anything to her.

But he did not do anything to her and only held her in this warm embrace.

This made her mind confused and did not know what to think of Vikram.

It is more like a Stockholm effect.

Vikram might not be a kidnapper but she felt like she was safe with him.

Vikram voice sounded in her ear to pull her back to reality again.

“Now tell me about yourself.

Also why do you want to attack me?”

The stupid female ninja opened her mouth and close it again.

She doesn’t know if she should speak about her identity.

She sighed and spoke.

“I am an orphan from the ninja clan called Koka from the planet called earth.

My name is Yue.

I was in a sad situation at that time when my clan people betrayed me and sent me on a suicide mission just because I did not want to become the woman of clan head.

The mission is to find someone called the hidden demon.

But I was attacked by all kinds of people when I tried to track that person.

There is one time that I messed with the rivals of that hidden demon that got information of me knowing the location of hidden demon.

The result is they tried to hunt me down to get the location of that hidden demon.

Unfortunately I did not have the information to begin with.

I was lucky enough to escape but I did not have anywhere else to go.

Right then I got the invitation to enter into this real world.

Later I developed over the past 3 years in the country of free people and developed there.

I am under the faction of shadow ninja group that recruited me because I am a ninja from earth.

I am currently in the third ring with tier 2 capabilities.

I have seen you just now talking to two women.

I saw that you domineeringly taking them into your side.

So I thought that you are forcing them to become your woman and wanted to kill you in the night.

But later when I saw that you have slept separately and your base has many materials I want to kill you and get everything you have on your hand.


She said everything without hiding anything from Vikram just like a little kid telling the rhymes.

For an assassin she is really dumb and talkative.

Chapter 537:

She said everything without hiding anything from Vikram just like a little kid telling the rhymes.

For an assassin she is really dumb and talkative.

Vikram don’t know host she lived for so long back on earth and lived her for three years without a problem.

Also he was even more doubtful on how she was able to keep her virginity all this time.

He is no doubtful that if he has overestimated the thinking capabilities of the people in the real world.

Vikram then asked her to divert the topic to a different direction.

“Do you know what kind of person that hidden demon is?”

She was silent for a minute and then said.

“I heard that he is also called the hidden king that has strong capabilities to cause a world war back on earth.

He is said to be a good person by many people that receive help from him.

Most people that wanted to kill him are from the dark industries that accidentally offended him and are hunted by him….”

Her opinion towards the hidden demon is generally good without any problem.

Finally after she stopped talking Vikram spoke.

“Even though they sent you on a fool’s errand, you really made it to the destination of finding the hidden demon.”

With this sentence the eyes of Yue widened.

But she could not believe this.

So Vikram continued.

“Those people really seem to be jumping to die.

Unfortunately I could not go back to earth to deal with them.”

Well the higher you climb that harder it is to go back.

The cost would be increased exponentially.

Also Vikram really did not have enough time to go back to earth and waste it.

He needs at least 500 million chaos points to return back to earth.

The time he can spend there is only 48 hours.

The minimum amount is 500 million chaos points at his current level.

So naturally he could not go back to waste so many chaos points.

He sighed and said.

“I am the hidden demon they all talked about.

When you entered this world I am still back on earth.

If you have checked carefully, you should have found that I am a foodie that would work at various hotels at that time.

But you cannot find him because the age of the person, the image of the person and the other characteristics are unknown.

Well I am a free spirited man that wanted to learn cooking and other things that I have to rely on others.

Usually the enemies, spies and other riffraff that meet me would die most of the times.

It is to cover my identity.


Vikram told her a few things about him making her eyes widen.

She did not expect that the hidden demon that can shake the earth is a young man that is younger than her.

She was really shocked.

Then she started to fear if Vikram would kill her.

She doesn’t know her current situation.

Vikram noticed her tensed heart and said.

“Don’t worry, I will not kill you.

I have already said that I would take you in as my woman right.

So don’t worry.

Since you did not have anyone why not join me instead.

It is not like you have to live the hard life.

Also I really doubt on how you lived for so long without anything happen to you.

You are beautiful even with the flat chest.”

Right then Vikram squeezed her small tits over the clothes while speaking.

“You have a good face and lot of feminine features.

Unless you appeared like a man to hide your gender completely, it is not possible for you to survive peacefully for so long.

Even in a man’s appearance, you will not be safe forever.

There are things you should have noticed already.

So you think about this matter.”

Yue smiled bitterly and said.

“You have guessed it correctly.

They are indeed eying for me all this time.

I have escaped many times but I could not break the contract with them.

So they can trace me.

The contract would expire in another month.

After that I plan to hide in a different country.

By the time I go out of this place the contract time would be complete and I can be free.”

Vikram restored her arms and legs back from the dislocated situation.

She did not move away from Vikram after that.

She is doing want to leave this warm embrace.

Vikram was satisfied with her choice.

Also previously when Vikram squeezed her tits she did not say anything.

This is the silent acceptance of Vikram and the consent to become his women.

So Vikram did not hold back and held her more tightly.

Also his hands moved to her small tits to rub on the cloth as if rubbing the nipple area.

But he did not do anything excessive.

While doing that he chatted with her about various things and his choice to move to the desert area.

When he spoke that she immediately told Vikram that there is a hot location in the forest following the northern direction.

That is the same direction that Vikram is going during this time.

This place should have the entrance to the desert mode of survival.

Vikram doesn’t know how many people can enter into that mode of survival but he simulated as soon as Yue told him the direction.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

The desert survival should need at least 4 people to enter and the guardian the entrance if actually a giant poisonous scorpion with strong exoskeleton.

Its level should be level 22.

Also after he entered into the desert area and found that he bought something valuable from the system store.

But there is still regret that he could not buy something more valuable that he wanted.

He is still short of few hundred survival points at that time when he wanted to purchase something other than the previous thing.

Chapter 538: Yue joins the group

But there is still regret that he could not buy something more valuable that he wanted.

He is still short of few hundred survival points at that time when he wanted to purchase something other than the previous thing.

Also there is a regret that he did not take a deal before to get the survival points to get that good thing.

If he did then the amount he has would be perfectly sufficient.

With his thoughts he immediately came back to his senses.

The deal is about the exchange of the gloves that he put in the auction.

He got an offer that is lower than he expected and he wanted to spend more survival points to extend the time of the auction.

But looking at the situation he doesn’t need to do that and directly take the action of selling to the highest bidder.

But not right now.

This would happen in a few days of time at the end of the auction he previously set one by one.

As for the things in the desert area he could not figure out much but everything is as he thought.

Also the number of entries to the desert area is actually 4 positions which is a perfect for the four of them.

But they have to make it there to that location quickly so that others would not snatch a spot causing them some problems.

For the night they slept peacefully with Vikram hugging Yue tightly and his hands are on her nipples, holding the erected nipples tightly.

She did not say anything and even felt that it would be nice to be with Vikram and his warm embrace.

Her mind is really simply and is not suitable to become a ninja.

Under the enquiry of Vikram, he found that she got a skill related to stealth.

So she chose to become an assassin in the real world.

Also she has plenty of experience in being a ninja.

So she decided to take on this job.

She is successful in most of the cases because of her stealth skill.

But in this survival world with people with strong sense and special sense like dream worm like Vikram can easily point her out.

This is the causes of her downfall right now.

But she is not sad.

Vikram did not explain her anything.

In the morning next day Vikram introduced Yue to Cylia and Ginny.

Then explained what happened.

Well he did not speak about accidentally fingering her pussy and holding her nipples rightly to sleep at night.

Vikram found that the base of Yue is only at level 6.

So he helped her upgrade the base while they prepare and ate breakfast.

As for Cylia and Ginny they did not say anything.

Their faces showed some discomfort looking at the other woman.

But later Vikram sent Yue to bring in some wood and explained the origin of Yue to them.

They understood that she is from his place and were actually sent to hunt him down.

When they heard the entire story they felt that she was destined to meet Vikram.

It is not a coincidence at this point.

So they could not say anything.

Instead they decided to get close to Vikram.

Also Vikram told them that from now on they should stay in his base instead of their bases.

His base is much stronger even if Yue invaded inside.

But staying separately is much more dangerous than staying in the same strong place.

Vikram did not ask them to break away their bases and contribute to his base.

Instead he told them to hold other things and divide the materials between each other.

After Yue returned he made six more water condensers and purifiers and gave it to the three women along with the barrel set up.

Water is the most important thing in the desert.

Vikram already has these water condensers with plenty of water.

Having more water is always better than having less water.

It is especially so in the desert or any other area, water is a vital resource.

In desert he doesn’t have to burn more wood and in cold area or other areas he has to burn wood or use other things.

In the desert area all they have to do is to put on some clothes that are stab proof.

There are poisonous creatures in this place and they have to be safe from getting bitten, stung or other forms of attacks.

This is the most important thing in the desert.

Any way with the help of Tian Meng they don’t have to fear about this kind of thing that much.

Vikram can sense all kinds of things without 24 meters radius around him accurately.

So he is safe and his women are also safe with him present.

After the breakfast they moved on towards the direction that Yue pointed.

On the way there are few spots she pointed with treasure chests that she noticed.

There is a level 15 snow rabbit and 6 subordinate rabbits in the area with silver treasure chest.

Vikram felt that something was strange here because rabbits could not have a silver treasure chest.

But with the stealth skill of Yue killing the rabbits was very easy.

The level 15 snow rabbit was killed first and then the remaining were killed step by step by the girls.

During this time Vikram did not do anything and appeared as the weakest of all the people.

Tian Meng then discovered that there is another black rabbit that is hiding in the shadows.

It is also a level 15 shadow rabbit that has a skill that is very similar to the one that Yue used.

Since he appeared as the weakest target it attacked Vikram.

Unfortunately it ate a spear straight into its neck when it attacked Vikram and died on the spot.

Later they got two monster cores.

One is a shadow rabbit monster core and the snow rabbit monster core.

Chapter 539: hunting a level 20 lightning tiger

Later they got two monster cores.

One is a shadow rabbit monster core and the snow rabbit monster core.

They are given to Yue and Ginny respectively.

Cylia was a little sad because she did not get any monster core that can boost her power.

So Vikram took out the banyan tree whip and gave it to her explaining its details.

Well Vikram did earn a kiss.

It should be a kiss on his cheek but Vikram tricked her into giving him a lip kiss.

Naturally the other also wanted one.

They are too shy to ask but the longing in their eyes is clearly scene by Vikram.

So he pulled them close to give them a kiss that they could not forget with the warm embrace.

They became much closer after this incident.

From the silver treasure chest they actually got a spear which is called the agile spear.

The holder of the spear can increase their agility by 10 percent.

Vikram can use this and Yue can use this too.

But it was given to Vikram as he was the spear user from the start.

Other than that there is another sense potion and agility potion.

This time Vikram took the sense potion and they gave the agility potion to him as well.

He did not shy away from taking and drinking them on the spot.

He explained about the dangers of the desert area and his sense improvement.

Other than these things they obtained a big box of ice cream.

It is completely chocolate flavor.

Vikram divided it up among them and put it in their personal space with stagnant time.

On the way back they replenished many materials into their bases and personal spaces.

Also they encountered another place with a tiger and a silver treasure chest.

It is a level 20 lightning tiger.

It did not notice Vikram and other yet.

Vikram thought for a few moments and came up with a plan.

Killing the tiger is not easy because tiger has 90 percent of the capabilities of a lion and 90 percent of the cunningness of a fox.

Also tigers are vengeful creatures.

So they cannot the tiger injured and escape after attacking.

They have to be eliminated in a single fight.

So hunting a tiger is much more dangerous than other creatures.

The vigilance of tiger is usually high and it belongs to the lightning category.

So, normal attacks from them have very less impact on the tiger.

If they were electrified by its lightning then they would either be paralyzed or killed on the spot.

There are too many unknowns.

So Vikram took out the cross bow and then he went around to looking for some plants and roots that would have muscle relaxing effect.

He can use that to eliminate the agility of the tiger.

Then he can hunt it down step by step.

As long it could not move he can think of a way to kill it.

There is also a way to drop a bolder on its head.

But the problem is that it would run away just before the bolder made the hit.

First of all Vikram quickly made this muscle relaxant poison quickly.

Then he took out the cross bow arrows and smeared then with good amount of the muscle relaxant.

Vikram told his women to stay away from him when he shoots the tiger from the top of the tree.

The tiger would be enraged and would come to attack him by trying to climb the tree or break the tree.

At that time they should act.

Cylia would use the whip to tie the tiger,

Ginny would freeze the muscle relaxant into an ice spear and shoot it towards its roaring mouth.

Yue would be in stealth mode to pull a rope rightly in the path of the tiger that would run towards Cylia and Ginny that would be attacked next.

With her stealth most the tiger could not discover her immediately before she climb up the tree.

After the plan was made, Vikram and other climbed up the trees based on their plan.

Yue stood by the side of the tree silently holding few ropes that are silently lying on the ground.

Vikram also made the muscle relaxant arrows with highest potency he can possibly make at that moment.

Then he applied it as coating to the arrows and pointed it towards the tiger that is resting without any movement.

He took a stone and threw it towards the tiger with his hand.

It is to startle awake the tiger.

When the tiger suddenly woke up it opened its mouth which is a natural reaction.

Right at that moment an arrow flew straight into its mouth.

But it caught it with its jaws quickly looking towards Vikram’s direction.

It munched on the arrow with anger and spit it out.

Vikram also shot it into its mouth for this very purpose.

He doesn’t want to injure it instead he wanted to let it taste and swallow the muscle relaxant.

The first part of the plan succeeded.

The tiger looked enraged and roared at Vikram again.

It did not notice the others yet.

Well they are hiding in much higher location.

Vikram did not stop and shot a second arrow which is a normal arrow.

The tiger swiped his paw to deflect the arrow.

But right behind this arrow there is another one that was smeared with muscle relaxant that flew towards the mouth of the lion.

Vikram has more than one crossbow on his hand and he loaded things systematically.

The second arrow went straight into its mouth again.

There is also a small injury in its mouth that was cut by the sharp metal head of the arrow.

This would increase the mixing of muscle relaxant into the body of the tiger.

The tiger spit out the arrow quickly, but did not roar fearing that Vikram would shoot another arrow into its mouth.

Chapter 540: killing the lightning tiger, healing medicine

This would increase the mixing of muscle relaxant into the body of the tiger.

The tiger spit out the arrow quickly, but did not roar fearing that Vikram would shoot another arrow into its mouth.

Vikram did not panic from the start to the end.

The tiger immediately emitted the lightning arks around it and ran towards Vikram without roaring this time.

It was slightly big and not like a giant tiger.

So it could not knock out a tree.

But it is strong and after slashing the tree for a few times it might really be able to knock a tree.

So in order to not to give it that chance Vikram fired the arrows continuously.

One arrow did not have the muscle relaxant and the other has some muscle relaxant.

The defending made the tiger move more and the blood flowed more.

Also there are wounds with the contact of muscle relaxant arrows come into contact.

The tiger has high level not because of its body but because of its thunder nature.

Unfortunately it is still in the early stage and it could not do much damage with its electricity.

If it was around level 40 or level 50 then its lethality would be really amazing.

Also it has good speed and strength.

But the defense was sacrificed to some extent.

Originally the lightning armor should protect its body.

But it could not produce so much lightning to cover its entire body to defend while it is moving and attacking.

Some of the lightning energy would be transferred to this process to increase the power.

Naturally the things would be out of balance creating holes in the defense.

With Vikram high sensing capabilities and accurate shooting is the best counter for this kind of creature.

During this time Ginny used the ice spear made out of muscle relaxant too shoot into the wounds of the tiger.

Yue moved the rope made of the plant vines while cilia used the whip to distract the tiger and made an act of capturing the tiger.

This made the tiger even more distracted.

Yue was in danger but she is still fine because she is a little farther away and doing things with her stealth.

There is assistance from Cylia by moving the plant vines with her power to control plants.

This worked well and the reaction speed of the tiger started to drop off slowly as time passed by.

Finally the tiger could not move any longer.

Still it can produce electricity to attack the surroundings.

Its body could not move but it still has the lightning cage around it like armor.

With no external movements so all the energy was diverted to the cave.

Well Vikram doesn’t want to waste any more time.

So he took out a branch of the tree that has good thickness and rubbed its tip to form a cone structure.

Then he unscrewed his spear heads from his spears and attached them to the cone heads of the thick branch.

Then he poked the tiger straight at its weakest spot with all of his strength around the neck.

This touched the part of the nerve center and the electricity did not flow towards Vikram right now because of the wood that is bad conductor of electricity.

With that the lightning tiger died quickly.

Vikram extracted the materials quickly and the meat was stored in the personal space along with the lightning element monster core.

With that stored they went to the silver treasure chest to check.

After opening it they got some good things.

Vitality potion x1

Agility potion x1

A pair lightning claw gloves x1

Level 23 Base upgrade blueprint x1

Healing tablets (10 tablets strip) x2

Vikram was really excited looking at the things.

This time Vikram gave both the potions to Yue because she did the most dangerous work on the ground.

The pair of lightning gloves would be auctioned off later.

Well no one has any objection or interest in using this.

Even Yue that is good at stealth did not want to use these lightning gloves because there is only 5 percent chance of triggering lightning strike.

This lightning strike has minute damage and paralysis effect on the target.

But this would reveal her stealth position directly.

So this is useless for her.

The level 23 base upgrade blueprint was kept separately.

As for the healing tablets they are really good.

They can recover many of the minor and major injuries after eating them.

The tablet would be consumed on mouth to heal the injury.

If the injury was not healed they can eat another tablet to continue healing the injury.

Having 20 of such tablets can recover them at critical moments in the future.

After it was done Vikram took them to go in the direction of the desert survival mode quickly.

Along the way they did not encounter any other problems.

The survival points that were obtained from selling the things in the group effort would be distributed between them quickly without a problem.

Even thought there is a slight charge of points from the system for transfer of points between each other it is very small and they are not distressed.

When they arrived at the location of a cliff wall with a big cave they felt a strong heat wave around the cave.

Also the trees here are all trees with spikes that usually grow in the hot climatic conditions of deserts.

The water in the air is also low and the ground looked sandy with less fertility.

This gave them the feeling of coming close to the desert area.

The system of their personal bases gave them a warning from the water condenser and purifier.

“Host has reached a dry area and the amount of water produced by the water condenser will be halved from now on until host leaves the dry area to a normal area.”

Looking at the message their thoughts changed for a moment.


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