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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 226: Harry’s punishment and John’s opportunities

She really doesn’t want to die.

She felt the clear threat from John and what John said is also right.

No one would care about the dead person.

At most minister fudge would use her death to cause some trouble for Dumbledore.

As long as there are benefits he would immediately cover up her death with something else.

So she silently took the words of John to her heart.

She would not mess with John or his people.

But this anger and other things needed to be vented on someone.

This someone will be Harry and his people.

Harry started to enjoy even more cruel detention in order to vent her anger towards John.

Other than Harry, Ron was also dragged into this mess.

As for Hermione, she was not dragged in because Dolores has already investigated a little and knows which people are close to John.

So in the name of Hermione being a hard working student she did not dare to touch her.

Even though Hermione is from a muggle family she did not dare to touch her.

Harry's detention thing has quickly spreads amongst the students about Harry's behavior in Umbridge's class.

That night at dinner this thing created more snide remarks on Harry and his current situation of mind.

After they leave the Great Hall, Hermione explained to Harry that is irritated about the situation.

That is despite Dumbledore's speech at the end of the last school term about Voldemort's return, the Ministry's interference over the last two months prevented the truth from sinking in.

So most people do not believe this matter or simply confused to believe a side of the story.

Hermione is still on the side of Harry and Ron as a friend even though she accepted her heart to become the woman of John.

So Hermione said to them.

She pointed out that Umbridge was obviously sent by Fudge as a spy.

There is also an incident with Fred and George.

Hermione caught Fred and George once again testing their joke products on first year students.

Though Fred and George mean no harm, as they tested their products on themselves first, Hermione still did not like this kind of thing.

So Hermione threatened them to write to their mother if they continue to test them on first years.

Well she did tell this to John and John smiled at her and comforted her with a kiss.

Also John joined the S.P.E.W. of Hermione.

Also he is a high ranking member that is already doing good deeds for the house elves.

They spend a little money to buy woolly hats for the house elves.

John could not refute her because she wanted to distribute these ugly things.

John sighed and makes few suggestions to change these into aprons for the house elves that usually work more.

After the suggestion Hermione thought that it was good and changed the things.

John directly brought the goods for her to distribute around.

The next day, teachers brief their fifth year students about their upcoming Ordinary Wizarding Level exams and give them a lot of homework.

Even though it is not needed for him John still wanted to gain good score in the exams and gains outstanding performance in all the Wizarding Level exams.

Things can be used as status.

Prestige would not come out of thin air.

You have to work hard for that to gain.

Because of the improved soul power that is spirit strength John can easily memories many things with a single glance.

His understanding level is out off the charts.

So he is really good.

Hagrid is still missing, and his class is taken over by Professor Grubbly-Plank.

Well Hagrid should be in hiding inside the forbidden forest along with his brother that has mental growth problems.

John did not have anything to do these days other than training his spirit, preparing for rituals and watching Harry getting played by Dolores and others.

During Care of Magical Creatures, Harry has difficulty keeping his temper under control.

When he hears Draco Malfoy make some rude comments about Hagrid.

This includes that it is likely that Hagrid will be sacked even if he did return to Hogwarts based on what his father told him.

Harry was boiling but it was time for him to be patient instead of poking the honey bee nest.

Well he has lived with Dursley's for so long and he was used to being stepped on.

If he was not used to being stepped on he could not be a protagonist.

John saw all this and naturally followed the students back to the castle after the class.

Right then he saw Angelina Johnson waiting for Harry.

Angelina Johnson told to Harry that she is unhappy that Harry's detention on Friday.

It will prevent him from attending the tryouts for their Quidditch team, as she wanted the whole team to be there.

John knows that his time has come.

But he could not take the initiative to pull the things.

Instead he would think of a way to let her hear that none of the people close to John were targeted.

That would be enough of a hint for her to ask John for help.

Naturally he would come into his embrace at that time.

Well she is around 18 years old and John plans to take her first time.

She has a super fit body compared to other women.

A body that is really great to feel the tightness.

But he could not just pull her with this normal method.

He has to take things step by step to finally get to the situation where he can finally get her.

Due to Harry's telling the truth about Lord Voldemort's return in Professor Umbridge's first Defense against the Dark Arts lesson, she gives him detention every day for a week.

Umbridge completely refused Harry's suggestion to modify the punishment given to him so that he could attend Quidditch tryouts on Friday.

Chapter 227: rumors on Angelina Johnson

Due to Harry's telling the truth about Lord Voldemort's return in Professor Umbridge's first Defense against the Dark Arts lesson, she gives him detention every day for a week.

Umbridge completely refused Harry's suggestion to modify the punishment given to him so that he could attend Quidditch tryouts on Friday.

She believed it is the most effective punishment to make him miss out on something he likes.

Well it is a sadistic behavior that is a common thing in many wizards because of paranoia.

She makes him write out "I must not tell lies" many times in his own blood.

Harry makes sure to keep his temper under control to avoid another outburst in front of Umbridge.

He doesn’t want to make things more difficult.

Just like a wimp he originally is.

In many cases when there is a thug with a knife or a gun the surrounding tens of people would fear and panic.

But if they are trained by John they would not show fear instead those tens of people would throw everything that can be thrown on to this thug.

Usually the thugs don’t want to use their weapons.

They seek deterrence effect with the gun instead of killing and injuring someone.

If the tens of people threw stones at this thug can he really fight back with all the people with those small weapons?

Of course he could not do anything.

Instead he would be injured or worse.

Even if he was taken to the court to sue the people, nothing would happen as it is self defense by a unified effort.

So can the court condemn public to support a thug that was injured while committing a crime?

But here Harry is actually a wimp that did not know how to use the people around to make a combined effect.

Also when he forms the Dumbledore’s army, he was so stupid that he did not think of the consequences.

Instead it would be like few kids playing house.

They are caught and they are severe consequences.

Fortunately Voldemort appeared at the end to make the situation easy and clarified.

What if, Voldemort wants to play things from the dark?

The situation of Harry and many others that trusted him would be really miserable.

Hermione was theoretically good but practically she is not that good.

As for Ron you can directly call him moRON.

Being good with chess doesn’t mean that he is good with the control of people.

The first truth that a person must understand is that the world is not filled with good people.

As long as they did not understand this truth they would be backstabbed sooner or later in the most painful way.

With Umbridge's detentions and his busy schedule, Harry has difficulty with keeping up on his homework.

Ron is busy with something, causing him to also fall behind in his homework.

He later told Harry that he wants to try out for the Quidditch team now that he has a decent broom.

Harry that is already in the irritated state doesn’t know how to reply to Ron.

Also the words of Ron felt like the words of Sirius when he wanted to ask him for money.

Ron is trying to ask him to sponsor him.

It is like the money worshipping boyfriend leaching off of his rich girlfriend by tells her his difficulties.

They would even show concern to the other part when they want their request to be fulfilled.

Ron is just like that.

Ron becomes concerned when he learns about Harry's detentions, but Harry refuses to go to McGonagall or Dumbledore, knowing there is nothing they can do.

John don’t know what Ron is doing before and done know the situation of Harry all this time even though they live in the same dorm room.

It is really funny.

It is really funny when Ron only remembered Harry’s situation and showered concern when he has something to request Harry for.

Unfortunately the luck of the protagonist would act as his protection till the time when he completes his task assigned by the world.

So naturally his problems were solved or ignored.

Even the Angelina Johnson apologized to him for scolding him before because of the new position tension.

Harry was magnanimous with accepting the apology.

Ron has joined the Quidditch team as the new keeper.

John could not sit still as a villain and started to spread another set of rumors with the help of Draco and Slytherins.

The rumor is a simple thing.

“Angelina Johnson is the girlfriend of Fred Weasley.

Because of their relation she accepted Ron Weasley into the team with lose selections during the Quidditch team selections.

Also Harry already being a member of the Quidditch team put pressure on Angelina Johnson to accept Ron into the team.

Harry threatened her that he would quit the Quidditch team when she is in captain position if Ron was not selected.

This can be proved by how Harry did not appear in the Quidditch tryouts.”

John told pansy to make Draco spread these rumors without their names involved in this matter.

Dolores can easily tell that these rumors have something to do with John.

But it is not a bad thing for her.

She can use these rumors to pull some strings and punish Harry more in this matter.

So she immediately started to add fuel into the fire showing her support.

Angelina could not deny that she is not the girlfriend of Fred.

Harry could not deny that he did not attend the tryouts for the Quidditch team.

The reasons of this matter are completely unnecessary for the spectators.

All they want is some fun to watch and have some good things to relieve their tension.

It not like they have any form of entertainment here other than walking around.

Katie bells in the Quidditch team as well but she did not make any comments as she doesn’t want to get involved in this matter.

Chapter 228: I am a villain and I can only blame the protagonist

It not like they have any form of entertainment here other than walking around.

Katie bells in the Quidditch team as well but she did not make any comments as she doesn’t want to get involved in this matter.

She simply said that she don’t know about this matter.

She did not take any side and stayed neutral.

The situation escalated till it reached the Dumbledore to get the situation under control.

With that Ron’s qualification to become a Quidditch player has some problems.

A retest would be conducted to state the facts.

For the retest the people are asked to participate in the testing in front of the head of the house of Gryffindor, the head master Dumbledore, the flying instructor Madam Hooch.

Other than that there would be other tryouts that came to entry testing before.

Well their opinion is also important.

John used simple hypnosis without magic on them to make them fundamentally feel that there is something wrong with the selections.

Also there is a subconscious instruction that they have to do their best in the retesting later.

John did this silently during the night while keeping other people asleep.

With his capabilities there is no one to keep an eye on everyone inside the dormitory.

As for Ron, John did a simply hypnosis with the face of Harry.

The wizards have almighty magic and many powers.

But it will also make few things vulnerable.

That is their state of mind and impulsiveness.

They can be swayed easily because their EQ has severe problems from birth.

It is not that they are emotionally passive.

Instead they are too active which is the root of the problem.

There are many examples of this like Bellatrix, Voldemort, Harry potter, Snape….

They are intelligent but they have specific problems.

It is like their weak point that can be exploited as long as you know the human psychology.

Ron has severe inferiority complex.

He has fear of many things.

All John needs to do is to put more pressure mentally with simple hypnosis to break the entire thing.

So John chose normal hypnosis for his plans instead of magic and spells that can have the same effect.

Also this way they would not find out who did it without a way to trace.

As for using the face of Harry potter, it can act as a cover up for his face and divert their attention.

Also it cannot be detected by them.

This is because they can at most search his memory but not what happened in the dorm room during the time when this memory is formed.

So there is nothing that could point towards John.

The biggest question here is why he is targeting Harry all the time.

Well it is the biggest stupid question.

Harry is the protagonist and he is the villain.

So tell me who should he target other than the protagonist.

Well he is a villain in this place because he got the system and he is naturally a villain by character.

So there is a stupid goat there waiting for him to use as much as he want and as he liked to use it.

Why will he not use it when it is free and perfect for a scapegoat?

So Harry becomes the target again.

He is the fat sheep with connections and he already has a designated villain.

John is just a third party that is playing neutral to gain benefits from both sides.

He will take anything and everything that he want or liked without a care for anything.

This is because there are two idiots that are causing a big performance that can cover up his matter.

As long as he pushes the blame to them he is out of the problem with clean hands and gifts along with that.


John did all this basic work with his hypnotic process that he used in his previous life to solve many dangerous problems.

But it requires specific requirements to complete the hypnotic process.

First is that the target should have strong emotional fluctuations that has tendencies to blame others.

Or they should have strong patience to fantasize the things or escaping from the reality.

Fortunately both Ron and Harry have this kind of problems.

The other participants that heard that Ron that clumsy most of the time can become the keeper in Quidditch so easily has made them doubt the trail.

Well Ron has the record of being particularly stupid and has strong moronic behavior during the past 4 years.

So it is more believable that Ron used the back door to get into the Quidditch team than having a proper talent.

With his nature he cannot recreate a miracle.

Also John induced various fears that he can cross but could not cross to tie him down to the situation.

Well Ron is originally fearful and rarely acts with braveness when it is most necessary.

Those instances are the ones that highlight his protagonist main supporting role aura.

But there is a big problem that is he needs the corresponding support from the protagonist Harry potter and co supporting role person Hermione.

If these things did not meet properly, he would fail miserably.

When John used the face of Harry to induce these fears, the entire thing would become debuff instead of a strong buff from the protagonist.

Also Hermione is not acting within the normal thinking capabilities recently.

The reason is also John that he hates the most.

Well Hermione was chosen as prefect along with John.

So it is normal to go along with John completing her duties.

But for Ron with personality issues and strong doubting character this would immediately cause some problems.

It is mostly self doubt and doubts his friends.

This causes his performance to severely lack at the most important moment.


During the retesting Ron could not perform well and missed many goals.

It is a disastrous performance if one has to say clearly.

Chapter 229: John joins Quidditch team

During the retesting Ron could not perform well and missed many goals.

It is a disastrous performance if one has to say clearly.

The frown on the faces of Dumbledore, madam hooch and professor Mcgonagall became bigger and bigger.

But the highlight is that others performed really well like they are performing in desperation.

This made the people change their impression and expression.

They don’t know what to say at this moment.

The performance of other participants is so good that the average performance of Ron appeared as disastrous.

This made them unable to speak for a while.

They don’t know how to judge the situation.

Based on the situation the decision of Angelina Johnson as a captain is a complete failure.

The facts appear straight before them.

So this concludes that Ron was partially chosen because of her boyfriend Fred and the presence of Harry.

It is like they showed partiality to choose the person close to them by friendship or relationship.

Well Dumbledore and Mcgonagall are righteous people.

As long as there is proof in front of them even if the proof looked strange and they know that the other person did not make any mistake they would punish the other party without looking back.

It is just to make their appearance look good and righteous in front of others.

So naturally Angelina Johnson was removed from being a captain and even removed from the Quidditch team.

At the same time Fred and George were also removed along with Ron.

The place of the captain was given to Katie bells on the spot.

As for Harry, he was obstructed by Dolores that came to watch the show.

So the Gryffindor team has completely fallen apart.

It is like a broken boat that would sink to the bottom of the sea with a small hit from a gold fish.

The extraordinary situations require extraordinary measures.

So, professor Mcgonagall wanted to look for an alternative candidate to keep the boat afloat for the time being.

For that there is only one person that can actually help her.

It is none other than John.

She and Dumbledore know that Dolores would not point her fingers towards John no matter what.

Also when Katie bell was named the new captain of the Quidditch team she did not say anything bad.

Instead she came to congratulate her and gave much appreciation.

It was strange when compared to her natural rejection to the half blood wizards.

This made them make a small connection between Katie bell and John to solve this situation.

They know that John is the only person that can save them in this current situation.

So Mcgonagall asked Katie bell to meet John and bring him over to have a talk about this matter.

She doesn’t want her house to lose the Quidditch team match that is coming soon.

Soon John was brought over to the office of Mcgonagall.

“Hello professor Mcgonagall.

You called me here.”

Mcgonagall’s face has a frown when looking at John.

John is too calm in his appearance and there is no change.

She suspects that it was John that created all this mess but there is no evidence.

Also right now she could not do anything other than asking John for help.

Well it is not something she can order others to do.

They have to do things voluntarily.

She can only make the suggestion.

When John asked she looked at him for a few moments before answering.

“You should have heard the situation of Quidditch team from Miss Bell.

We are currently short of capable players in the Quidditch team.

So I want you to join the Quidditch team.

Previously there are members of the team that oppose you to join the Quidditch team.

But right now they are temporarily suspended from the team.

So I want you to enter the team and help this year.”

The way professor Mcgonagall speaks is very bossy just like the way Hermione speaks.

John smiled at her and nodded his head understanding her problem.

So he said.

“I don’t mind joining the Quidditch team this time profess Mcgonagall.

Since there is no other choice for others I can only help my house to win the game right….”

He said a few more righteous words that appeared hypocritical to professor Mcgonagall.

But she cannot refute because she is the one asking for help.

So she was silent till John left the room with Katie bell.

She was a little frustrated but she could not say anything.

On the other hand Harry, Ron, Angelina Johnson, Fred and George have received punishment and detention.

Naturally the person that took over the detention is Dolores.

It is not a good experience for them all.

Harry that did not have any connection to this matter received another week of detention.

No matter how much they tried to explain the things could not change the visual evidence.

That is Ron could not perform well while the others performed well.

Ron at this situation is even more frustrated and all kinds of negative emotions have gushed out of his body.

If there are dementors in this area they would definitely did not go for Ron.

It is like the negative ghost of persona that did not work on Usopp.

The dementors could not attack or do anything to Ron.

That is how depressed Ron is right now.

On the other hand Fred, George, and Angelina looked at Ron with anger.

Harry did not show anger on Ron because he felt that something is wrong.

Well it is the intuition of the protagonist or the help from the will of the world to point him in the right direction.

Angelina also thought that something is wrong but the current situation and she remembered John for some reason.

Well it is the strong intuition of a woman that pointed at the problem.

It is comparable to the support of the will of the world intuition that protagonist received because of his luck.

Chapter 230: Sirius contacts Harry in secret

Well it is the strong intuition of a woman that pointed at the problem.

It is comparable to the support of the will of the world intuition that protagonist received because of his luck.

But she did not have any evidence to point out the things.

She asked Mcgonagall if there is anyone that is using magic to confuse the people.

After checking they did not find anything.

Even their memories did not show anything.

So they could not change anything.

Bad guys did not need evidence to convict or release others.

But righteous guys need evidence to prove the innocence of others or to convict others.

This is how things are.

With that they were sent to detention for punishment while John joined the Quidditch team.

The Gryffindor’s cheered that it is good to have John in the team.

They all know John’s capabilities and his selection to the national Quidditch team.

So they cheered for him while the people from other Quidditch team wailed.

Originally after knowing the big blow of the Gryffindor Quidditch team made them cheer happily that they would not have any competition from the Gryffindor team.

But now things have changed and they directly gave up this year’s first place in Quidditch match.

Instead they started to compete for the second place.

Even professor Mcgonagall was shocked by the reaction of the students when John joined the team.

In her opinion John might be bad but he is very capable in doing things.

Well she taught him before and she is his teacher in transfigurations.

She clearly knows his capabilities.

After the last year she took him for few more competitions and he won almost all of them without a problem.

Also he is so good that he got the first place in dueling, potions making and many other competitions.

He is a genius in their thoughts.


Draco and his gang started to insult Harry, Ron and others that are suspended from the Quidditch team.

But during the scuffle Ron that was clumsy injured Angelina.

Fred became angry about this matter and he hit back Ron for injuring his girlfriend.

In the end Draco and others did not have to do anything.

Because they started to fight amount themselves and received extra punishment.

Ron and Angelina were sent to the hospital wing.

When he returned back to the dorm of the Gryffindor he received a letter from Percy.

His brother congratulates him on becoming a Quidditch team member.

Well he doesn’t know that everything is already gone and broken.

He felt like he was insulted by his brother.

Ron continued to read the letter.

He urges Ron to stop associating with Harry, who he feels is a bad influence on Ron.

Percy also believes that his family would one day realize their mistake for believing Dumbledore.

Also he was hoping that they would apologize to him.

He also mentions an important article is being released in the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

Ron finds the letter extremely offensive towards him and his situation.

So he tears the letter up and throws it into the fire.

The important article that appears in the daily prophet is about the educational reforms.

This article was approved by John and it did not have any problem with him.

Any way no one would target him or cause problems for him.

So he let it pass but there is no special support for this.

It was sent in the daily prophet newspaper just like a notice from the ministry.

Well because all these things they did not complete their homework.

So naturally Hermione is the one that helps them complete this homework.

Because of this situation Hermione did not have much pressure from them.

Well she doesn’t have to solve anything for them.

So she can just help them with normal work like homework.

After midnight, they and Crookshanks are the only ones left in the Common Room.

Previously Harry sent a letter to Sirius to enquire about Dolores’s situation.

Sirius contacts them through the Floo Network as he wishes to respond to Harry's letter this way.

This is because all the letters and things Harry receives are being interrupted by the ministry.

Just in case his response was intercepted and the code was broken he contacted them this way.

He doesn’t want the ministry to come after him right now.

Right now ministry and order of phoenix are at odds.

If they concentrated on him right now he would fall into the wedge between the two sides.

He doesn’t want to fall into the spot and was sent back to Azkaban again.

If he was sent then there is no one to bring him back out.

He has already strained many of his relations with the people of the order of phoenix.

Even his son cut off his relationship with him.

If he was sent to Azkaban he could not even escape with his Animagus because everyone knows about this now.

So in this situation he doesn’t want to fall into any trap.

Well he is an intelligent man.

But he still needs money to live.

So he can only contact Harry at this time.

After talking about Harry's scar, Sirius mentions that while Umbridge is no Death Eater, she possesses a strong racial hatred for half-breeds.

Sirius reveals that she is the reason why Lupin cannot find a job due to anti-werewolf legislation she proposed in the Ministry.

Actually John is the person that got the most profit in this matter.

The ministry has forgotten about this matter and how John used this to his advantage to improve his wealth during this time.

If they still remembered they could have tarnished the name of John right now.

Unfortunately they forgot and John took measures to cover up the things early.


Once the trio mentions Umbridge's classes that only allow defensive theory and textbook reading, Sirius explains based on their information.

Fudge does not want them trained in combat….


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