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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 226: a date with Kurenai

So, she remembered him and much more impressed by him.

Now that they met suddenly she became interested in Naruto.

With the manly appearance now compared to the childish appearance before is very different.

Naruto continued to chat with her and went around shopping with her.

She was a little reluctant at first but she slowly got used to it because of the charisma of Naruto.

Well he did not appear like a child in front of her.

Instead he appeared and acted like her boyfriend causing her to blush and laugh many times as they went around shopping.

She felt like she is on a date instead of going for personal shopping.

She has gone on dates many times when Asuma was alive before.

But she never felt fulfilled with the licking dog mentality of Asuma.

With Naruto she felt like being around a dominating person that pulled her into happiness even if she is reluctant to do things.

It is not like she hated this kind of thing.

Instead she liked this kind of process very much.

The people that excel in Genjutsu are mentally strong and they liked the people that are more stable and strong in temperament.

People like Anko are physically strong and they liked the manipulative people most.

If you want to know the connections just think about the connectivity of people that are Nen users in hunterxhunter world.

Everything is defined perfectly there and it holds perfectly here too.

Naruto would change his mode of act with every woman he meets based on their personality and preferences.

Love and being together doesn’t mean just bodily pleasure.

There are many ways to be happy and have pleasure.

Naruto is exploring all kinds of pleasures that he could get.

Well at least he is not at stupid villain that wanted to destroy the world.

Instead he is the villain that is selfish to the core and wanted to have his pleasure instead of meddling into the affairs of other people.


After separating from Kurenai, Naruto received a message from his clone.

It is to meet with kin and Tayuya.

Well it has been a few days since they last received the spankings from Naruto.

They are very obedient and they can be taken back to the hidden leaf village.

Also Naruto received the message that Sasuke is on the move.

Other than that Orochimaru was temporarily defeated.

The clone is following him with mayfly technique with body coated with natural energy.

So he would not be found easily.

Another clone found Kabuto to let him continue along his original path to improve and step into the sage mode.

The clone helped him in this matter so that the things are much easier for him along the way.

Naruto made a visit to Tsunade to feel up her body while informing her Orochimaru is temporarily dead.

She did not understand temporarily mean but she did understand that Naruto would not lie to her.

She did not have much resistance to Naruto when he is rubbing her tits and hugging tightly.

She got used to it over time.

She felt happier instead of being sad.

Her heart is slowly melting.

Naruto knows that few days later Jiraiya would come again to tell them this very matter.

But there is another important thing to do here.

Naruto left to the northern hide out of Orochimaru.

His target is actually Jugo.

He is a good companion to have around.

He can become a loyal subordinate.

Naruto doesn’t want him to fall into the hands of Sasuke stupidly.

So he decided to take Jugo and train him as his body guard.

As for controlling his natural energy is much easier to teach and solve the problem.

When Naruto arrived at the northern hide out there are still people here.

Naruto directly eliminated them.

Well they are all men and they are useless for Naruto.

Also they have endured sever experimentation from Orochimaru.

Their minds are already twisted to some extent.

Some of them are good and Naruto let them leave back to their places while the resisting people are dead.

After that Naruto directly unlocked the door were Jugo was sealed.

When Naruto with real body opened the door, Jugo jumped out with full force of attack.

But he did not even move Naruto even by an inch.

Instead all of the Chaka he produced was sucked away by Naruto and Naruto produced an extra wooden clone with the excess chakra.

Well all of his chakra seals are already full.

So he has to disperse the chakra.

With his chakra control it was very easy thing to do.

Jugo visibly lost his power and became weak.

Even his cursed seal reverted back to normal because of the lack of chakra.

Naruto’s clone moved forward and restrained Jugo with the plant vines that are stronger than high tension steel ropes.

Then Naruto came behind Jugo without saying a word and removed the cursed seal from behind his back.

The strange thing is Jugo was not knocked down instead he is as energetic as ever.

With his blood thirst and madness gone he finally calmed down to speak.

The small snake came out of the cursed seal and started to go in a direction as if escaping.

Naruto’s clone went to follow him while Naruto stayed back to speak with Jugo.

“Who are you?”

Naruto smiled at him and said.

“I am the one that Kimimaro came to confront and died facing me.

Well he did not die by my hands and I really regret for him to die because of illness.

Unfortunately there is not even a single person from the Kaguya clan alive now to revive them.

Well there are other ways but it would not be as good as the original.

I have read the memories of Kimimaro and know about you through his memories as a good man.

You are a good companion of a good loyal man….”

Chapter 227: meeting the ninja cat clan after settling Jugo

“…I have read the memories of Kimimaro and know about you through his memories as a good man.

You are a good companion of a good loyal man.

I liked his loyalty and came here to ask you, if you are willing to follow me.

Orochimaru is temporarily dead and he would be revived later but not right now.

I have removed your cursed seal so that you are no longer restrained by Orochimaru.”

Naruto stopped for a moment and said.

“Orochimaru was temporarily dead.

He was killed by Sasuke Uchiha that Kimimaro used his life to bring back.

So that is how things are.

Any way you can make your choice.

If you follow me, I can teach you the way to control your chakra from nature so that you would not go berserk with blood thirst.

You can make your choice.

I will give you 5 minutes to think.”

After saying these words to Jugo, Naruto went to check around the base to see if there is anything that he can take and use it later.

The research data or Orochimaru is valuable and Naruto can sell it or use it later.

After 5 minutes Jugo decided to follow Naruto.

Naruto took Jugo with him and used the flying thunder god technique to take him to an uninhibited island.

Then he produced a clone to train Jugo for a little while.

After the training him for a while, Naruto is planning to make Jugo sign a contract with the frogs and move him to the frog mountain to train him in sage arts.

He has a natural sage body that is what Naruto also has.

But the body of Naruto is a little special.

It is a complete and perfect sage body that did not have any defects.

So he would not go berserk like Jugo.


Sasuke is still walking around with Suigetsu coming to this northern hideout to get Jugo.

Well he did not see Karin here before because Naruto changed the plot.

So naturally he only knows Suigetsu and Jugo.

After settling Jugo down to learn, Naruto went to the abandoned city where the ninja cats live.

Naruto’s target is Tamaki that lives with her grandmother controlling the ninja cats.

Naruto wanted to gain their affiliation.

The Uchiha clan is over and now things would change in the future.

So he has to strike first to gain their attention.

Also he already met them before when the team 7 is still together to complete a mission.

At that time he met Tamaki and she was interested in him as well.

The interest is formed because Sasuke could not defeat Naruto and Naruto directly subdued the underworld boss cat Nekomata with just his eye sight.

Naruto could not meet them during this time because of various reasons.

But now there is time so he made a visit.

He went straight to Nekobaa to have a chat.

As long as she accepts others would follow along without a problem.

When he came over the cats wanted to stop him because they know that Naruto and Sasuke are separated.

Also they are affiliated to the Uchiha clan and to Sasuke.

Unfortunately they could not do anything to a person that looked normal but is like a walking fortress.

All their Jutsu and other things are completely useless.

When Naruto came to Nekobaa she was taking care of some cats.

Naruto did not attack or fight back even once during this entire time.

When he came over he sat on the cushion nearby and Tamaki came over looking at the handsome man sitting there with cool appearance.

She brought over some tea for Naruto to drink with a smile.

Naruto took a sip of tea while smiling and greeted her.

“Hello Tamaki, you became even more beautiful than before.

Do you want to go on a date with me later?”

Nekobaa in front of them did not say anything because she knows that it is useless to say anything to a person like Naruto.

He is a monster in human appearance with the power to overturn everything.

So she did not want to make things difficult for him, in turn making things difficult for them.

Naruto looked at her and said.

“I did not care here to cause you any trouble for helping Sasuke.

I am here just to ask you if you want to relocate to a better place instead of here.

It is best to move because there will be a huge war soon and it is best to stay in safety.

I don’t want Tamaki to face any danger here.”

Naruto said clearly.

Tamaki was immediately moved.

Well she did not have much contact with the normal world other than with cats.

So she did not know that Naruto has many women.

But Nekobaa knows the things clearly and she frowned.

But she also knows that Naruto is really caring towards his woman.

So she decided to move here after dealing with Sasuke.

With that their allegiance with the Uchiha clan would end soon.

After talking to her about their cooperation Naruto took Tamaki around to eat some good in the capital of land of fire.

Well ramen is not the only thing to eat.

There are all kinds of things in this world.

The biggest problem in this world is proper management.

Naruto took her to a restaurant and they had some delicacies that Tamaki liked.

Naruto even fed her making her completely fall in his love.

She is like a gentle car that would listen to his words without a second word or resistance.

Naruto liked this nature of her.

After they had fun Naruto took her back and she reluctantly parted with Naruto.

Naruto returned back to the hidden leaf village while thinking of the good days in the future.

Well Sasuke and Itachi would fight soon.

Naruto has to go there at the right time to steal the eyes of Sasuke Uchiha.

Chapter 228: the broken team of Sasuke

Well Sasuke and Itachi would fight soon.

Naruto has to go there at the right time to steal the eyes of Sasuke Uchiha.

The integration of the bloodline embryo of Itachi Uchiha would be over in a few days.

So everything is perfect and in the right order.

With that he can be said that he belongs to the Uchiha clan.

So the allegiance with the ninja cats would still hold.

As long as he shows the Sharingan everything can be solved easily.

But for now he did not plan to do anything other than simple flirting with Tamaki.

Kabuto also made a small change.

He did not take in the part of Orochimaru that is dying instead he used an artificially generated being to be taken over by Orochimaru.

Well Naruto said that he wanted Orochimaru to live.

So this arrangement was made with the help of Naruto’s clone and Orochimaru.

This is for the future revival of Orochimaru.

As for Kabuto, he did not have any objection other than wanting to avenge his dead foster mother Nono.

Also Kabuto’s another wish is to have a place to call it as home.

Naruto has promised to fulfill it by giving him an identity in the future other than a chance to complete his revenge.

So he was loyal to Naruto.

Later he has to duty to meet Naruto to give him the evidence of Akatsuki that is collected by Orochimaru before.

This was a mode showing to establish his good character.

At that time he would warn Naruto to be careful of Danzo.

In fact this warning is not to Naruto but to the people around him.

This is used to increase the distance of Danzo from the people of hidden leaf village.

Even though Danzo fundamentally did not have any close connection with the people of the village and many others, there are still problems.

The problems like the two previous elders that are Koharu and Homura would advocate that everything that Danzo did is for the village in his own way.

This stupidity would become a major problem as time passed by.

Well Naruto knows that it would not happen, he don’t want anyone to sympathize Danzo or give him a proper burial when he died.

As for why Naruto wanted to do this is just a hatred that he was the reason why many beauties died.

The beauties from Uchiha clan and Senju clan all died because of him and third Hokage.

Third Hokage is already dead and Naruto could not do anything in this matter.

But Danzo is alive.

Also he has to bear the direct burn of this matter and also has to bear the part of third Hokage.

So naturally things would be arranged in this direction.

While Naruto’s clone is dealing with this matter Naruto has another important thing going on.

That is the report from Jiraiya that came and the group would be sent out to investigate.

This investigation is to bring Sasuke back.

Sakura still did not give up the matter of bringing Sasuke back.

Well her love has dropped by a large margin.

Naruto is waiting for the timer to finish it s count down for the completion of integration of bloodline embryo of Itachi Uchiha.

On the other hand the timer for the Hyuga clan bloodline integration is also nearby.

There is just the time difference of a week between the two of them.

For the integration of Uchiha bloodline there is only 5 hours of time.

This is just enough time for Naruto to start his journey to hunt Sasuke.

So Naruto waited peacefully while the other team is preparing.

The other team is actually Kurenai’s team with Hinata, Shino and Kiba.

Naruto is going to have some fun along the way if time permits.

Well there is still Kakashi and the ninja dogs that would cause some hindrance for him to move around freely.

But that did not mean that they would not have any chance.

It is not a single day thing and they would be moving quickly with very small amount of rest between travelling and searching.

But Naruto could not interrupt this matter because it would reveal his strength.

For the time being he can only follow the plot.

With that they started to move.

On the other hand Sasuke did not find Jugo instead the entire northern hideout was emptied.

It is very clear that someone busted the things here.

But the strange thing is that the destruction started from inside instead of from outside.

So they don’t know what happened.

All the surveillance was destroyed and there is no evidence left.

Any way even if there is surveillance both Sasuke and his follower don’t know the pass codes to access the computer.

This was done by Naruto before to solve hidden dangers.

Well without any other choice they can only move on.

Suigetsu did not get the executioner’s blade of Zabuza because Naruto took it.

Naturally they did not have any other means.

Also their team did not have cohesion because there is no one to smooth things out like Karin.

This is a simple two people team without a proper match.

But Sasuke is strong.

So Suigetsu can only listen to Sasuke for the time being.

But there is resentment and things can break at any time.

Sasuke stated that he wanted revenge on Itachi that belongs to Akatsuki.

Suigetsu did not say anything but his expression showed that he is laughing in mockery.

That is he did not believe that Sasuke can do that.

Even Orochimaru could not do that, how can Sasuke do that.

Sasuke only killed Orochimaru when he is at his weakest.

So naturally Suigetsu did not believe in the claims of Sasuke.

But he did not voice his thoughts out either for the time being.

This is because Sasuke is stronger than him and he could only bow down his head for the time being.

Chapter 229: saving Jiraiya from 6 pains

But he did not voice his thoughts out either for the time being.

This is because Sasuke is stronger than him and he could only bow down his head for the time being.

With that they went after Akatsuki to know where his brother is.

He wanted to fight his brother to death and get his revenge.

As for Suigetsu he did not have any desire or interest.

He wanted to become one of the 7 ninja swordsmen just like his dead brother.


On the way they met Deidara and they started to fight.

The plot did not deviate here and everything happened just like it should happen.

The final result is that Sasuke was saved by Suigetsu just like in the plot.

But he did a crappy work after that because he did not like Sasuke.

Naturally the lack of Karin in the team is showing and Sasuke don’t know that he was being followed so closely.

Fortunately for him Itachi appeared here and stopped them from moving forward.

Well Itachi was in for a surprise because Naruto has already integrated the bloodline embryo of Itachi Uchiha.

So they are on the same level and Itachi could not defeat Naruto.

Instead it might be other way around with the strong capabilities of Naruto.

Unfortunately the one in front of him is just a clone that came here to test Naruto with nonsense for the future.

Before Itachi could use his Genjutsu on Naruto he directly used a strong illusion barrier that comes with the bloodline.

That is his eyes did not open the Sharingan but it could resist the Genjutsu.

This is the combined force of previous resistance and the bloodline of the Uchiha clan.

The final result is the Genjutsu of Itachi with Mangekyō Sharingan did not work on Naruto.

The funny thing is Itachi did not notice this thing because of the act that Naruto put on just now.

Right when this is happening, Jiraiya was going to go to the hidden rain village to find the head of Akatsuki.

That is Nagato and Konan.

Well it is a failed trip and his death trip.

Naruto doesn’t want him dead because he is of use later.

His death is useless.

So Naruto’s clone was ready to rescue him when the time comes.

The severely injured Jiraiya would be better and he can find an old granny for him to take care off.

After making the choice Naruto quickly kicked the ass of Itachi’s clone without revealing his Mangekyō Sharingan that is exactly same as Itachi.

If Itachi’s clone found out about this he would definitely send this information to the original body.

Then the things would become complicated later.

Itachi has the habit of planning things ahead of time and the trap might be set anywhere.

Naruto doesn’t want to get things problematic.

So he chose the other way around to solve this problem.


For now Naruto’s clone went to the location where Sasuke and Itachi would fight using mayfly technique.

Then used the natural chakra to mask his presence and watched their battle.

As for Jiraiya’s situation there is someone there looking at the situation with the same natural Jutsu of the sage arts.

As long as he stays hidden no one can find him.

Only if Nagato watches him straight with Rinnegan can he find Naruto’s clone.

If not he is nothing more than a small tree or plan in the nature.

This is the same where Itachi and Sasuke are fighting.

As for Suigetsu he was stopped by Kisame.

But without a special sword of the hidden mist village his capabilities are only half of what it should be.


On the other hand Naruto’s main body and the people encountered Obito with his strange act.

But he did not stupidly fight with Obito immediately and waited for him to finish his nonsense.


The small grass root in the water flowed to the location where Jiraiya was currently sitting with his half dead appearance.

Others did not notice this and pain’s dead bodies concentrated on Jiraiya instead of this grass root.

With they are about to make their final blow to kill Jiraiya, the grass root transformed into Naruto and released a special Jutsu.

This Jutsu is something very normal but it would hinder the eyes of the people very much.

A strong light flashed creating a block in the light to the point of molecular distortion.

The clone of Naruto touched Jiraiya and used the flying thunder god technique to leave here immediately.

Because of large amount of chakra the jump of long distances is possible.

So Naruto took Jiraiya out of the land of the rain in a single jump of flying thunder god technique.

With that the clone exhausted its energy.

Well the power of Rinnegan is really immense and Naruto could not counter it head on unless he opened the Rinnegan himself.

There is another clone stationed here that helped Jiraiya with the healing process.

As for the two frogs on his shoulders, they are shocked.

“You are Naruto.

You are the disciple of Jiraiya boy and son of Minato boy right.”

Naruto nodded and started to heal Jiraiya very quickly.

After healing he directly took Jiraiya to the hidden leaf village with continuous flying thunder god.

When he arrived at the hidden leaf village the doctors and Tsunade are ready to heal Jiraiya.

Another one of Naruto’s clone sent the message about this matter.

With that Jiraiya was saved.

All that needs to wait is for him to wake up and tell what happened.

Or what he has discovered after the fight.

It is not a problem with the clone of Naruto that is operating on Jiraiya.

Unfortunately he has lost his arm and he could not perform ninjutsu that needs hand seals from now on.

Naruto’s clone found the arm of another dead man and attached to the body of Jiraiya in place of the lost arm.

Chapter 230: Itachi dies and Sasuke was monitored

Unfortunately he has lost his arm and he could not perform ninjutsu that needs hand seals from now on.

Naruto’s clone found the arm of another dead man and attached to the body of Jiraiya in place of the lost arm.

Similarly other body parts were also replaced quickly.

So Jiraiya would not completely become useless in the future.

With Jiraiya saved the clones returned back to their original positions.

The consumed clones would give signal to the original body and they would be replenished later when the original body is free.


On the other hand Naruto’s original body is in front of Obito.

Obito came here to drag on the time but not to attack them.

Without attacking them it is not possible for him to solidify.

So naturally they could not attack Obito that would become transparent the moment he sense the attack.


On the other hand the clone of Naruto is watching the exciting battle of Itachi and Sasuke first hand.

Well he has to make sure that he did not stand on the wrong spot to become collateral damage for their attacks.

Specifically he has to make sure that he did not get into contact with the Amaterasu’s black flames.

If he did then he has to shed that part completely to escape.

But he would also lose his cover.

So he can only choose a place away from there and wait silently while watching their battle.

Well he is not the only spectator.

There is also black Zetsu that is hiding here to check on the situation.

It is not a long fight but it was really exciting.

As the person that would get the powers of Itachi along with his Sharingan and his capabilities Naruto has to get a firsthand experience of ever thing.

Also it is about the sword and the shield with special effects.

Orochimaru once again emerged but he could not last long before losing.

Right after Sasuke fell unconscious and Itachi dead, Zetsu went to report to Obito that is fighting with the main body.

Right at that moment the clone of Naruto appeared beside Sasuke to leave the Marks of flying thunder god on Sasuke and Itachi.

This way even if they are taken somewhere Naruto could sense it and get to that place quickly.

Then he can get his hands on the eyes of Sasuke that he replaced with Itachi’s eyes.

Before Sasuke woke up the clone of Naruto arrived at the location where Sasuke was recuperating.

Then he started to wait patiently for Sasuke to remove his eyes and replace his eyes with the eyes of Itachi.

Naturally he would keep his eyes safely.

But it would happen immediately.

So the duty of the clone is to keep watch of Sasuke for the time being.

This way he would know when he switches the eyes and get his hands on the eyes of Sasuke.

Naruto can now use Sharingan but he did not plan to use them right away.

It is his secret and he has to use it while hiding.

Also he did not have to worry about becoming blind.

This is because he has Senju and even Uzumaki bloodline.

Also there is the support of natural chakra.

As for the reason why he wanted to get his hands on the eyes of Sasuke,

As long as he completes the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the amount of chakra he spends would become almost half of what he needs right now using the Sharingan.

Also there would be no such thing as reverse damage to him when using the Mangekyō Sharingan.


With Obito leaving the scene the original body and other went to the location where the battle between Itachi and Sasuke happened.

But there is nothing here as Obito took them all away.

With that Naruto and other returned back to the hidden leaf village.

While returning Naruto informed them that Jiraiya was attacked during his mission but he did not die.

He is still alive and is currently recuperating in the hidden leaf village.

By the time they arrived back he woke up.

He did not expect that he would stay alive after the fight before.

But he was grateful to Naruto instead of questioning.

Also the frogs from the frog mountain arrived to tell Naruto that he should learn the sage mode to become stronger as fast as possible.

Well Naruto accepted this matter.

He already learnt the sage mode but he wanted to see if there is something beyond the sage mode.

During this time Shikamaru got a new partner from the decoding department.

Well Jiraiya is not in a position to talk and he only woke up briefly.

So he still wrote the code before he passed out again.

He received big trauma because of various things and he could not move properly.

Naruto and other deciphered the information before going to the frog mountain to train.

Also the ninja world suddenly showed signs of expansion.

Naruto doesn’t know that as long as the plot was not revealed some things can stay hiding.

Right now he found that the spirit world things are still in the ninja world.

It is a wandering mountain that can change places and needs a specific way of walking through the secret path to find its location.

This means that there are many things more primitive and powerful hiding in this world that he doesn’t know.

In his previous life he did not trigger these things so the things are hidden.

Only the external things are known to him.

But now things are changing and he wanted to have more information to move on and explore.

Well he was sure that there are not many surprises other than the three sage places that he did not explore in his previous life properly.

But in this life he would explore them completely to get most benefits that he can get from everything in this ninja world.


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