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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 136: a different ending with different thoughts

So they decided to return to check the things.

But when they returned they did not find any treasure or any traces of this matter.

They searched the caves once again.

While they are doing that Elizabeth simply dropped the bags into the waters and let them float away without anyone noticing this.

She can drop them 15 meters away from her.

So she dropped them to fall behind some reefs and rocks scattered neat the island cliff.

Then she shouted.

“Look over there.

Are those treasure bags.

This attracted their attention and immediately they went there by row boat to check.

Then they found that these are really the treasure bags they packed before.

This made them think that the treasure was really stolen by other people secretly behind their back.

They suspect that the pirates that stole the black pearl might have done this.

After coming to the conclusion they got back on their ship ready to sail back.

Well they found the culprit or at least the suspect that might have caused the situation.

So they can write it as such.

With this they started their return journey back to Port Royal.

After returning everyone was set on their sides.

Jack would be hanged and will turner was pardoned because of his deed to save Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and Norrington were set to be married soon.

Elizabeth was looking at Jack being hanged.

She has already talked to Jack saying that the crew of the pearl would come to rescue them later.

So Jack was not that sad standing on the execution platform.

The only person that did not know about this matter is actually will turner.

So he came over to confess to Elizabeth right in front of Norrington and governor Swann.

Elizabeth did not act like she fainted or she stopped Norrington.

This is because she knows that both will turner and Jack has the protagonist aura.

This will let them escape from here without any problem.

Elizabeth did not come to Jack and will turner when they are surrounded and made it look like she was restrained by soldiers in the eyes of will turner.

The two soldiers that stood by her side are the dimwit soldiers that took her virginity before.

With her good silver tongue and improved level, she can manipulate them easily into doing things according to her plan.

Without her meddling in the things Jack still reached the edge of the fort area and ready to jump into the waters.

As for will turner he was restrained quickly.

Since Elizabeth did not step up into this matter Norrington is not so merciful.

He directly put will turner into the prison and Jack escaped.

Also right when Jack jumped off the fort wall, Elizabeth fainted or faked fainting so that she would not face will turner when he taken to prison right now.

In the thoughts of will, Elizabeth fainted and did not give him an answer.

In the thoughts of Norrington, Elizabeth did not meddle in his decision.

In the thoughts of governor Swann, the previous fall of Elizabeth has left a shadow in her mind and when she looked at Jack falling like that has made her faint.

He actually shouted this matter turning over the thoughts of other people present at the scene.

They all actually believed this matter changing their current thoughts.

In the thoughts of Jack that did not see her fainting is just acting to escape from making a choice in that situation.

Any way he doesn’t know she fainted when he fell and thought that everything is going according to their previous plan.

But things did not end here.

Originally Norrington wanted to set sail on the next day giving Jack a day of head start.

Also he was worried about Elizabeth.

However, it turned out Norrington didn't have to search for Sparrow because Sparrow himself "invaded" Port Royal alone.

He was quickly captured and thrown into the dungeon.

Well he planned to be captured by Norrington because he wanted to rescue a cursed pirate named Scurvy Joe and take him away with him.

Jack quickly escaped again taking one of the cursed pirates, Scurvy Joe, with him.

It was with the secret help of Will Turner that was used as scapegoat again and Elizabeth Swann that seduced Norrington for the night.

Well when Norrington heard that Jack has escaped again he lost his boner.

So he quickly dressed up and once again forced to pursue Sparrow.

Norrington and his men sailed for Tortuga, where they expected to find him.

However, since Tortuga was officially a French colony, Norrington and his men couldn't enter the port as members of the British Navy.

Elizabeth was not in any tension at this moment.

She only felt sad that the big dick that is ramming inside has left suddenly.

She wanted to find an alternative for this matter.

But there will be someone that would be coming soon to capture her and will to deal with them.

She can ask him to fuck her and become his bitch temporarily.

As for Norrington and his men, after disguising themselves in civilian clothes, they found Sparrow and cornered him in one alley.

However, Anamaria interrupted them, and Sparrow managed to run away.

They chased him, but they were stopped by a man wearing the hat and cloak of the Governor of Tortuga.

The "governor" threatened to arrest Norrington and his men as spies, but the real governor suddenly appeared, and it turned out that the imposter is actually Jack Sparrow in disguise.

Using the governor's coach, Jack escaped once again, and the real governor also threatened to arrest Norrington and his men.

Fortunately Norrington and his men quickly escaped back to their ship and started to chase Jack again.

While pursuing Jack Sparrow, Norrington's ship, the Dauntless, was destroyed by a hurricane off Tripoli.

Well Jack has a special compass that can give him the route to escape and opportunity to escape.

Chapter 137: bickering of Norrington and will in the prison

While pursuing Jack Sparrow, Norrington's ship, the Dauntless, was destroyed by a hurricane off Tripoli.

Well Jack has a special compass that can give him the route to escape and opportunity to escape.

So he quickly escaped while Norrington suffered.

It took a long time for him to return back.

Well around a month.

During this time Elizabeth went around to find the two dimwit soldiers to have some fun.

She would disguise and enters some bars silently at night to seduce some drunkards to have fun with them.

She did not receive any quests during this time.

There are only continuous quests for her to show off her beauty to at least 5 men and get fucked by at least one stranger.

These quests would give her extra lust points for her.

If she does more than the need for the quest she would get normal rewards.

She has to wait for the plot to continue to start the next round of quests again.

Disgraced and embarrassed, Norrington wanted to resign to his post.

Well he is an upright man with good moral values.

He lost so many men along with his ship.

So it is natural that he wanted to resign and leave here.

But he was stopped by Elizabeth that wanted to marry him.

Right at that moment the system gave her a quest.

Quest: wedding slut

Description: make a wedding with Norrington and help him and will turner escape by seducing Lord Beckett.

Reward: business talent


With this quest Elizabeth moved governor Swann to convince Norrington to accept the wedding even if he resigns his post.

But Norrington took his time to be convinced.

When the wedding was arranged, it was naturally interrupted by Lord Beckett.

The wedding day was really well made and everything was perfectly arranged.

Will turner is sulking in the prison at that moment.

But many number of ships suddenly appeared at the coast of Port Royal.

Norrington has a bad premonition and the Port Royal was taken under the command of Lord Beckett from the hands of governor Swann.

In the original plot the current position of Norrington chained with hand cuffs should belong to will turner.

But now he was chained like this and Elizabeth came over with crying face.

Norrington was so moved that he don’t know what to say at that moment.

Norrington was charged with death punishment because he lost so many men along with the ship.

It was charged that he was unable to take proper decision and caused the deaths of so many people.

So he was charged with death.

As for Elizabeth she was also charged for helping Jack escape that was set to death.

So it is natural that she was captured along with Norrington.

While they are captured here, Jack was in the Turkish prison to get the drawing of the key that is required to open the dead man’s chest.

That is the chest that holds the heart of Davy Jones.

Jack needs to pay off his debt and he wanted to kill Davy Jones instead of paying off his debt.

It is a debt he made with Davy Jones to raise the Black Pearl from the depths of the ocean thirteen years ago is set to be paid.

The terms are raising the black pearl from the depths of the ocean.

Then name Jack as captain for 13 years of time.

In return Jack has to serve on the flying Dutchmen ship for 100 years.

Jack does not wish to bind himself to a lifetime of servitude as part of Davy Jones’s crew.

Instead, he sets out to locate the Dead Man's Chest and the key that opens it, in order to gain control over Davy Jones himself.


Since this kind of thing is happening Elizabeth took her time to store the things she thought of as important in the remaining 1 cubic meter of space carefully.

Naturally Elizabeth knows what Lord Beckett wants.

So she wanted to make a deal with him after their previous words of arrest.

Currently Elizabeth, Norrington and even will turner were all in the prison.

“Elizabeth, don’t worry.

I will think of a way to save you from here.

I believe that the law would not abandon innocent people and punish you for something you did not do.”

Norrington said.

“Why is Elizabeth sent to the prison?

What did you do Norrington?”

Will turner said anxiously.

Norrington turned towards will and said.

“It has nothing to do with me.

We were imprisoned because of the escape of Jack.

This is his fault.

That blood pirate caused us to land in the prison.”

Elizabeth did not say anything and waited silently while both Norrington and will turner are bickering like a couple.

She is waiting for Lord Beckett to take the bait and call her over.

Elizabeth before leaving to the prison mouthed few silent words towards Lord Beckett without the notice of Norrington.

“I know what you are looking for is the compass.”

So because of this instead of will turner Elizabeth was asked to come to meet him separately in the big study room or office room to talk to him.

There are many men present in this place.

Elizabeth that was brought over here was still in her wedding dress from before.

Well it is normal as it is the morning and there are people working all over the place.

Lord Beckett took the initiative to speak looking at Elizabeth.

“You said that what I am looking for is the compass.

What do you mean?”

Elizabeth took the seat normally and said.

“Can we talk in a more private place instead of this open place?

Just like how you have snitches around other people, someone might have planted one around you.

Do you want everyone to know what you want to get and what you want to do with that.”

She asked with a smile clearly indicating that she knows what he wanted.

Chapter 138: make me your lover Lord Beckett

She asked with a smile clearly indicating that she knows what he wanted.

Lord Beckett immediately nodded with a smile and decided to change this place to a different room.

Well this is the study in the upper floor where his bed room is nearby.

The servants served tea for Lord Beckett.

He is sitting behind the desk while Elizabeth is standing in front of him silently.

She waited till the servants left and then smiled.

She started to speak.

“I my thoughts are correct, Lord Beckett is going after the compass that Jack carries with him.

It is a compass that did not point north instead it points towards what we desire the most while holding the compass.

Is it what you are searching for right now?”

Elizabeth said with a smile but did not stop here and continued after a brief pause.

“In fact, this compass is just a means to you.

What you wanted is actually a treasure chest.

It is a very special treasure chest that holds the heart of a very special man.

Am I correct Lord Beckett?”

Elizabeth asked with a smile of knowing everything.

The smile on the face of Lord Beckett started to recede as he heard the words of Elizabeth.

He did not expect that Elizabeth knows everything about what he is looking for and what the destination is.

This means that she knows more than what others know and she can become a means to acquire what he desires.

So his opinion of Elizabeth changed.

Also his thoughts appeared on his face because of the sudden shock.

He lost his calm for a moment.

But he still gained it back and became expressionless.

Elizabeth looked at his face and continued.

“I have a way to solve this problem for you.

You should know holding me as a bargaining chip can let you control two people that can actually track down Jack.

You will not just have one opportunity but two of them at the same time.

Even if one of them fails you can still succeed in the end by the efforts of the other.

But you need my cooperation to achieve that.

I have to ask them for that so that they can go there in person to search and obtain that thing.

Well I need you to put on some act for them to do this.

But I want something in return.

I know that you are in possession of a letter of Marque.

There should only be 1 letter of Marque in your possession.

I want to have that in return for my cooperation for you to get your hands on Jack’s compass.

That is the end of the deal.

Tell me what you think about this deal.

Of course you can still hold me captive.

But there are many uncertainties.

Holding things in the hand and giving things away to chance are two different things.

I presume you are not stupid enough to make the second choice and believe in chance.

If you do, you would not be in your current position.”

Elizabeth said with a smile and let lord Beckett think for himself.

It did not take long for him to come to the conclusion.

Well it is a simple deal.

Naturally he accepted Elizabeth’s deal.

Elizabeth took the chance to speak.

“Then let us seal the deal with happy cooperation.

I am still innocent and my wedding is gone.

It is not like I can be wed properly in the future.

Since you broke my wedding you have to take the initiative to compensate me.

I know that you might have a wife or lover.

But having one more is not a bad thing.

I can be sure that I am beautiful because of the two people that wanted to do anything for me.

Since I am the only one that can come out of this matter without any problem, I want to become your lover.

It is not much to ask right.

I am still innocent.

You can take my innocence to make me your lover and our cooperation starts here.”

Elizabeth said these words that really startled Lord Beckett.

You know that it is 16th century and women are very reserved even in the western countries.

They would not let anyone do them casually.

But the words of Elizabeth were different.

Lord Beckett was shocked for a moment but then he understood the core of the problem.

First of all the two people that are fighting over her are not in high position and they could not break free from their current situation.

Second is that her father is also involved and their very foundation was in problem of crumbling.

In this kind of situation the best way to come out of this with little loss is to find a powerful person and cling on to him.

So she directly took the chance to find the person that pushed them into this situation to cling on to.

It is not like he would be at a disadvantage in this matter.

Elizabeth is really a beauty and her father is a well known noble.

As long as he supports them a little they can directly stabilize.

Also he gets to taste the beauty like Elizabeth and also get the support of a noble like governor Swann.

There is beauty, wealth, fame and power.

So the proposal of Elizabeth is really good.

Any way he is not married and his family has disputes with his dear sister Jane Beckett dead.

With no other person to call family he felt that the idea of Elizabeth was good.

He wanted to test the waters first and think of marrying her in the future slowly.

That is if he did not find any other woman that can match his position in the east India Company.

Any way Elizabeth said that she don’t mind being his lover.

So this would be enough to play his cards and have some fun.

Chapter 139: tricking will turner and Norrington

Any way Elizabeth said that she don’t mind being his lover.

So this would be enough to play his cards and have some fun.

With that they decided to start the bunny game.

But Lord Beckett is a clean freak.

So he asked her to take a good bath before they can play.

He called his servants to arrange for Elizabeth quickly.

He went to take care of the little things and came to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was in a different night dress that is a revealing one.

She is waiting for Lord Beckett.

They started with a deep kiss.

Then they stripped revealing the beautiful body of Elizabeth making Lord Beckett gulp down his saliva.

When he plunged his dick inside her she used her finger nail to make a small cut around her pussy wall and dripped few drops of blood.

Naturally the wound healed quickly without leaving any evidence.

Lord Beckett did not see this either as he was immersed in enjoying the copulation with a beauty like Elizabeth.

Naturally there is a red dot of blood on the bed after they are done giving Lord Beckett an impression that he took the first time of Elizabeth.

With that he accepted the things.

But he doesn’t know that everything that happened here is just a beautiful dream for him in the future.

As for governor Swann he doesn’t know that Elizabeth did this kind of thing.

He was currently being house arrested without a way to escape and know the situation of Elizabeth for the time being.

After he is done with her he gave her the letter of Marque with her name, his sign and the stamp of the ring to seal it.

With this letter of Marque she can be considered a privateer under the government.

She doesn’t have to worry about anything.

While he gave her the letter Elizabeth spoke with good face of a loving wife that is helping her husband.

These words are what that will turner and Norrington needed to hear separately to complete what Lord Beckett wanted to have.

Naturally he knows how to frame the words.

He only heard the words of Elizabeth in order to have an insider to keep an act just in case if necessary.

Also he wanted to know how well Elizabeth can think and anticipate the future.

Other than that her stance in the future can be analyzed.


On the next day he called will turner first to have a chat with him.

It is about how Elizabeth begged him about leaving will turner.

Will immediately became emotional thinking that Elizabeth still loves him very much.

So he immediately accepted to go and get the compass from Jack sparrow.

Similarly after will turner was sent Norrington was also sent out with the similar way of speech from Lord Beckett.

They did not have a choice but to believe.

Well they love Elizabeth and for her sake they can only take the risk.

Also for them believe that Elizabeth was held captive she was placed in a separate cell.

Then both will turner and Norrington have come to look for her for a moment before they leave.

As for her father, he was happy that Elizabeth is not imprisoned instead she is helping Lord Beckett.

Well he doesn’t want his daughter to have any setbacks and life problems.

So he was happy for the choice of his daughter for her quick thinking and switching the sides quickly for their survival.


Jack on the other hand is having a different problem.

Well he is running away from the Flying Dutchman but he could not run away leaving his ship.

So he is naturally annoyed.

Later he got the black spot and started to run for his life.


Both will turner and Norrington started to search for Jack.

But there is a difference.

Will turner has the appearance and speech to the side of the pirates while Norrington has the air of the military man.

Naturally, Will Turner found the location of Jack on the cannibal island while Norrington was stuck in Tortuga port.

Well it is not necessarily good thing for William turner to visit this cannibal island.

At most he pulled Jack back to the waters where the kraken and the Flying Dutchman are waiting for him.

As for Norrington he is not completely stuck instead he was waiting for his opportunity silently.

Unfortunately Elizabeth could not see the comedy scenes of the cannibal island.

But she is not worried because it is a dangerous place to go.

Also she is planning her escape at this situation.

She has to leave here to make things more possible for the plot to move forward.

But the biggest problem here is to decide if she has to tell Lord Beckett or not before leaving.

Also if she tells him that she is leaving will he accept her words or not.

She has to give it a try.

She would tell him and leave.

Then she would get the things and meet him back later.

Or she can also leave without telling him and then continue with the plot.

It is not like he would do anything to her father.

She wanted her father to live for the time being and save his life along with her.

But her father is not very good at doing things a commoner can do.

He would be first to be discovered even if he was taken away from here.

So she has to think of a way to warn her father to hide on this very island while creating traces of him leaving the island.

This way they would think that he left and search the ships outside that left here.

But they would not find him outside because he never left the island to begin with.

All he has to do is to go to another coast of the island to hide and leave here through another way slowly.

Chapter 140: become the ship’s whore

But they would not find him outside because he never left the island to begin with.

All he has to do is to go to another coast of the island to hide and leave here through another way slowly.

Her father living would give her more support than him being dead.

Since Norrington believes her now she can take the chance to send her father away.

Or she can create an accident to make them believe that governor Swann is missing.

This would be used to send him back to England.

After arriving there he can contact his support and officials to restore his situation back to normal.

So she silently arranged this matter.

Before she escaped she has already talked to her father and things were explained clearly.

He understood and can escape properly.

After arranging this she also took account of the situation with Mercer.

He is the loyal person beside Lord Beckett.

Here Captain Hawkins was still killed but the thing is they could not find governor Swann.

Few other ships sailed out of the port and some said that governor Swann boarded one of them.

But none of them has governor Swann.

Only few people with wigs and dressed up as governor Swann to get on board those ships.

Instead governor Swann changed his appearance to that of a drunkard and lived on the same island.

When Lord Beckett leaves this place or the vigilance is reduced, he would board a ship to England and leave here safely.

Lord Beckett found the situation from mercer that governor Swann was missing.

He wanted to find Elizabeth to get to the bottom of this.

Elizabeth is currently staying in his room to serve him every night these days.

So he got used to her being there in his room.

But when he arrived to check there is only one letter in the room.

“Hello my dear lover this is Elizabeth.

I am going ahead to continue with the plans so that you can get your hands on the heart of Davy Jones.

In the mean time you would receive the compass from will turner.

Most probably you would receive the heart from the hands of Norrington later.

I have to be present to make things go smooth.

But I cannot go out officially as you would not trust me enough to let me go.

So I can only choose this way to go out and complete the task for you.

Don’t worry I will be safe.

Also don’t forget to take care of my father while I am gone.

Your dear lover Elizabeth”

The last sentence indicates that Elizabeth don’t know that her father is missing.

She went to get the heart of Davy Jones for him.

This made him confused.

He doesn’t know who to believe.

But the most basic thing is that Elizabeth doesn’t know that governor Swann is missing.

He can only believe her after the compass comes into his hands from will turner or the heart from Norrington.

So he has to wait and see the results.

Till then he can only doubt Elizabeth.

If what she said is true and will turner really brings back the compass then he can completely trust her.

All of her actions are in the best interests of his in the future.

So he could not point fingers at her.

But he doesn’t know that on the next morning she would be on the merchant ship to escape from here.

But later she would become the whore of the ship till they lost their lives.

The ship that left the port moved towards the Tortuga port.

On that very day someone found the women’s dress on the ship.

Elizabeth naturally dressed up as a man but her curves are too good to hide.

So she is barely hiding them.

The dress of Elizabeth was found by a man and that man and another man got into trouble of fighting for their thoughts.

With their captain’s words saying that she is probably naked has set them off to find her.

As for Elizabeth she was excited and decided to show her face and body in front of those people.

As long as she has some fun she can get many benefits from them.

So when everyone was searching for her she stripped off her clothes and appeared at the center of the ship.

Naturally the captain was the first one to try her.

They would not act gentle man like at that moment.

But he did not dare to take the risk of provoking someone powerful just because of lust.

Looking at the naked woman he first enquired about the situation and identity stopping all other men from approaching her.

Elizabeth concealed her identity and said that she would do anything as long as they take her to Tortuga port.

Her business talent took effect and she became the Ships whore.

The captain fucked her first and the men took turns fucking her.

She directly accepted it without saying a word.

Also she actively seduced them to fuck her and stayed naked most of the time.

She did not act as a virgin giving them the thoughts that she is really a whore and she is going to Tortuga port to continue her life as a whore.

During this time she did not receive any quest but she got the lust points from the lust of these pirates.

For getting fucked, touched and everything she got lust points.

But the amount is not as big as it was before.

The number Rose too few thousand lust points that was added to the lust points she already has.

As for her level it improved a little reaching level 16.

She got skills related to pleasuring other men from blowjob skill, hand job, tit job, and dick riding skill….

She improved these skills.

Also the regeneration skill improved as she got bruised when fucking so many men roughly.

Her ass was mostly red because of all the spanking she received every day.


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