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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 221: Hermione is bold and wild

“…Also I am not merciful towards the traitors.

It is especially so towards the people that betrays me for others.”

The face of Andromeda twitched.

But she is still smiling.

John continued to speak.

“You should have some questions to ask.

So ask away.

I will give you the answer that you wanted to know.

But let me make one thing clear.

Your daughter will not leave me no matter what.

No matter who wanted to take away my women or cause problems in my relations, they will face the consequences to the point of choosing death.”

In the last sentence John’s body emitted a strong killing intent that made Andromeda tremble for a moment.

She trembled for a moment but the killing intent is fleeting and is not diverted towards her.

So she only got a glimpse of this dreadful killing intent.

This caused her to change her opinion of John.

This let her understand two things.

First John is serious about her daughter.

Second he would really kill people in the worst possible way when he was provoked.

She gulped down her saliva while looking at John that is calmly sipping the tea.

After she took a big gulp of the tea she calmed down and don’t know what to ask John.

She silently sat there for a while and then said.

“I don’t want to make my daughter sad.

I hope you take good care of her.”

John smiled and said.

“Don’t worry.

If you want I can take care of you too as long as you liked it.”

John smiled startling the face of Andromeda.

She doesn’t know what John said.

What kind of being taken care of by him.

It is natural for the son in law to take care of his wife’s parents.

But the words of John make her feel that there is deeper meaning to his words than what that meets the eye.

May be if she sees Narcissa then she would understand what she was feeling right now.

Unfortunately by the time she realized this matter John would be right behind her and his dick would be stabbing deep inside her.

Well it would be a long time later.

For now John took care of the normal things every day.

Because of his continuous efforts Hermione is having many fantasies of kissing John when she slept during the night.

It is like the kissing sound and feeling of John’s strong embrace never left her.

Well what she thought is actually true.

John cast a dream spell on her to kiss her in her dream while kissing her in reality while she is sleeping on the bed.

Ginny did not notice this because she was sent to deep sleep at that time using a sleep inducing charm.

Also even in the dream Hermione is the one that took the initiative to kiss John.

All John did was appeared in front of her and let her realize that it is just a dream.

She actually became wild just because it is a dream.

She must be under too much stress and did not know how to vent all that stress out.

Now that she got John his lips are swollen by her continuous kissing and biting.

John really wanted to wake her up at that moment and tell her that she was really kissing him.

But it was not the time for that yet.

So he endured it all the way till it was the end of the month that is 31st august to finally wake her up when she was dreaming.

But even after she woke up she acted as if she did not realize it and kissed John fiercely.

John: … (Swollen lips, bitten tongue and Hickies on the neck)

After doing all this she started act like she is still sleeping without any intention of waking up.

John can see that she is only acting right now because her face is red.

But he could not just point the things at her.

So he can only leave.

Right when he wanted to leave, she directly hugged him without letting him go away.

John slept there that night and only left after Hermione fell into deep sleep.

Ginny don’t know that this happened.

On the next day Hermione found that John is not with her.

She felt a little sad but she got a note left by John.

“At least you are not cold towards me.

Welcome to the family.

I will not reveal your heart till you reveal it on your own.

Don’t worry about causing trouble with your friends by becoming my woman.”

She is a girl in her sweet 16 that should have rebellious and adventurous heart.

She really had this kind of heart and thoughts.

She is really a Gryffindor to be bold enough to act like that last night.

John was really impressed.

Yesterday that is 30thof august;

John got the news about the passing of educational degree 22 by the ministry of magic.

Actually they passed this degree because of the remainder of Dumbledore when he went for the trail about Harry’s underage magic usage in front of a muggle.

At that time during the trail,

Dumbledore reminds Fudge that the Ministry does not have the authority to punish students for what they do at school.

He points out the irregularity of the hastiness for this trial that attempt to destroy Harry's wand without successfully proving these charges.

Also the use of the full Wizengamot for a simple case of under-age magic was clearly stated by him as being overboard.

When the Wizengamot takes a vote, Harry is cleared of all charges with more than half of the Wizengamot raising their hands to clear him.

Fudge is slightly angry when he casts the verdict to free Harry potter without any punishment.

Fudge wrote a letter to John about this matter asking John if he can push the matters even further in his support and favor.

Chapter 222: Love Mark

Fudge is slightly angry when he casts the verdict to free Harry potter without any punishment.

Fudge wrote a letter to John about this matter asking John if he can push the matters even further in his support and favor.

But John has to deny him for the time being because at the end of this year the things would turn around.

That is the truth about the revival of Voldemort.

This is a critical time and John does not want to mess with the public opinion and cause damage to the reputation of Rita Skeeter.

It would cause problems for him in a long run.

So during this time the things that would be highlighted will be his good deeds every day.

John is going to do some more charity during this time and get on the front page everyday from now on.

With his appearance the information related to others would be pushed to the side completely.

There are so many things to put in the news that he can easily cover the things.

With his image and appearance it is not a problem.


Well denying minister fudge has some consequences but he did not dare to act immediately.

This is because John has background from many magical species, goblins of Gringotts, and the entire neutral faction with many noble families…

So he did not dare to mess with John for the time being.

He can only swallow his grievances.

But he did share it with Dolores and wanted her to take some action against John being a professor at Hogwarts.

Well he doesn’t know that Dolores was completely fearful towards John.

She was sure that John can kill her and bury her without getting into any problem.

So naturally she did not dare to do anything against John.

But she can do everything she possibly can towards Harry and others.

They moved to the railway station to board the Hogwarts express and started their fifth year.

Well since everyone is staying together they all go with the flow.

So when arriving at the station everything is same as they are in the plot.

Except for the presence of John and the sad mood of Ron and Harry everything is normal as that in the plot.

Because of Fred and George bewitching the trunks they knocked on Ginny.

John naturally caught Ginny from falling and the trunk also knocked Hermione.

John caught her too from falling.

The two beauties in both hands made the people that looked at John sour.

After getting on the train John and Hermione moved to the carriage for the prefects.

As for other girls they all sat up together waiting for John and others to come to them later.

It is not like John needs a seat.

He can simply pull a girl up and sit on her seat then he can let her sit on his lap.

But to keep up the appearances in place John still needs to appear at the prefect’s carriage.

After going there he called up the woman from the other three houses leaving the male prefects from the three houses with envious eyes.

Hermione followed him this time with an excuse that she is patrolling with John as prefect.

They finally got onto a crowded box that did not have any seats to sit.

John simply walked over and pulled up Katie bell and pulled her onto his lap after sitting on her place.

As for Hermione she went to sit on the seat and let Ginny sit on her lap.

Pansy doesn’t know where to sit for a moment because Astoria is sitting on the lap of Daphne.

John simply waved his hand and a small chair appeared in the middle for her to sit.

Then John waved his hand to cast a silencing ward in the box.

After that he started to speak about the situation that would happen during the fifth year of Hogwarts.

They are all surprised that things would be so ugly.

Right at that time John came with an idea for them to contact each other when the things are not good and they fell into problems.

That idea is similar to the dark Mark of Voldemort.

John also designed his Mark which is the love Mark.

He would imprint this love Mark on his girls so that he can know where they are and he will be there to help them when they have problems.

The problem here is where he should place his love Mark on his girls.

He could not show it out because they would be targeted by the enemies of John that wanted to cause trouble.

Finally after some discussion they decided to place the Mark right behind the waist and right on the top of their ass.

The Mark is actually a beautiful angle with purple dress and purple magenta wings.

She would spread her hands wide along with her wings just like the appearance of saint’s row angle image.

She is not holding guns but a pair of specially designed swords.

John made the image with a painted bush with his magic energy.

In order to draw he would call every girl to sit on his lap and lift the back of her shirt revealing their beautiful tender skin.

The faces of the girls blushed looking at the image.

It is like a dog marking the territory.

But whatever the creature is a man could not let go of his woman no matter what.

With the marking done it was already evening.

John was a little tired.

He still has to draw few more for his other girls later.

The train reached the Hogsmeade station in the evening and John also recovered from his fatigue.

After arriving at Hogsmeade station John noticed that instead of Hagrid, Professor Grubbly-Plank, who previously substituted for Hagrid during their last school year, is there to direct the first years to their boats.

John smiled thoughtfully about this matter.

Chapter 223: Harry apologize to Seamus

After arriving at Hogsmeade station John noticed that instead of Hagrid, Professor Grubbly-Plank, who previously substituted for Hagrid during their last school year, is there to direct the first years to their boats.

John smiled thoughtfully about this matter.

Well fudge did not like Dumbledore now and he long since did not like giants.

So it is natural that he would not let Hagrid come back to work.

Since Dumbledore is also odds with him, he no longer needs to give Dumbledore face in this matter.

The moment he proposed the educational degree 22 is the moment that everything between them is broken.

When they got to the Hogsmeade station John sent Hermione sneakily into the carriage of prefects so that Harry and Ron would not suspect her.

Other than Hermione there are two more people that became an extra addition of the group.

It was actually the two non identical twin sisters Padma Patil and Parvati Patil.

They liked the style of John when he participated in the Yule ball last year.

They did not get a chance to speak with John after that because of various reasons.

During the summer vacation they could not forget John all the time.

So they have decided to try their luck.

After looking at many women around John and the information they got through the argument of Ginny and Ron they understood how to get to John.

Well Padma being a Ravenclaw figured it out and Parvati being a Gryffindor made the bold move.

All in all they chose John as their man even though he was surrounded by many women.

Their plan actually worked and they joined the family.

The test John gave them is to kiss each other in the middle of the corridor outside the box and kiss him.

They really did it.

Well a woman can be much bolder than a man when they set on something.

They are sure that John would not abandon them no matter what.

So it is natural that they took action immediately.

With that John got two more girls on his side.

This did not make things over crowded with the space expansion magic.

John actually covered all the female prefects of his year.

Hermione from the Gryffindor,

Padma from Ravenclaw,

Pansy from Slytherin,

Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff,

All of these beauties became the woman of John.

Naturally they all travelled with John.

The suitcases and other luggage were already transported back to Hogwarts and John and the girls came to the castle.

Harry did not meet Luna this time.

Actually Harry could not see the Thestral because he did not see the death of Cedric Diggory this time.

So naturally he is completely ignorant and thought that the carts are magically enchanted to take them to the castle.

After the welcoming ceremony for the new students there is a big surprise to many people except for John and his girls.

Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister who had been present at Harry's hearing is the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher.

Besides the announcement that Grubbly-Plank is once again taking over Hagrid's teaching duties.

The expressions of Harry and Ron were really strange.

Hermione can only act on putting up a shocked expression because John told them his speculations when they in the train.

Everyone of John’s woman already knows about this matter and they can only act surprised when they faced this incident.

John mentioned the character of Dolores to his women and told them.

“If she tries to act on you then give her my name.

As long as my name is given you are safe.

She will not touch the things that belong to me.

If she does then she can face the consequences.

If she did not listen to you mentioning my name then concentrate some magic on my love Mark.

I will come to you immediately and deal with the matters.

No need to take any risks.

I hope you all understand my words.

You are my family and you are my soul.

If anything happens to you I would be very sad.

If something happens to you I could not stop until I destroy the ones that harmed you till obliteration.

Well to put it simply if you did not take precautions then someone would suffer destruction from me.

The blind fools not included.”

This warning is very strange but well John gave this kind of warning for their caution to keep others safe.

While they remembered the warning of John they looked at Dumbledore that wanted to give out the opening speech.

Unfortunately there are interruptions.

Umbridge rudely interrupted Dumbledore's speech of start-of-term notices.

Then she gives a speech which easily dulls the audience.

Hermione and other women of John realized through the hidden messages within the speech that the Ministry intends to meddle at Hogwarts.

They clearly understood what John told them before and their expressions are calm.

Through the entire time Dolores did not dare to look towards the location where John is sitting.

The instinctive fear and the pressure coming from his side is like standing in front of an ancient beast or standing right in front of the mouth of a dragon.

Well returning to the dormitory is the bad experience for Harry.

This is because no one believes that Voldemort is revived.

They all felt that Harry is jealous of John’s achievement.

So he is using the lie that Voldemort is revived to gain attention as a savior.

He argues with Seamus Finnigan and insults Seamus's mother for believing in the Daily Prophet.

John as the prefect steps forward and sent the two people back to their dorms.

John also warned them not to argue in the common room and lower their image in front of the new students of their house.

Also John turned to Harry and asked him to apologize for insulting the mother of Seamus.

“I know you have your own thoughts about this matter Harry….”

Chapter 224: Hermione’s thoughts

Also John turned to Harry and asked him to apologize for insulting the mother of Seamus.

“I know you have your own thoughts about this matter Harry.

But insulting other’s mother is not a good behavior.

So apologize to Seamus for the insult.”

Harry was silent and don’t want to speak.

So John continued to speak.

“If you don’t want to talk to them just ignore them.

Think about it, if someone scold your mother will you just back away.

If you are angry you can scold the person that made you angry but not their mother.

So apologize to him and you can leave.

If not I can only report to professor Mcgonagall to let you receive the corresponding punishment.”

John said clearly in front of all the people present.

Everyone thought that what John said is very reasonable.

So they took his side.

On the side of Harry there is only Ron that wanted to argue with his unreasonable argument.

But the quarrel of Ron was drowned in the words of others.

Finally Harry apologized thinking that what John said is reasonable that one should not scold other’s mother.

But still he said that Voldemort is revived and then left there without saying another word.

Before going to sleep, Harry wondered how many fights he will have to have before people realize that Voldemort is truly back.

John did not care about this matter.

On the next day Ginny brought over the poster of Fred and George about their jokes shop to John to take a look.

John is having breakfast in the great hall right at that time.

She has invested in her brothers with the money John gave her.

If the business succeeds Ginny would receive some benefits from this and money from sales.

This made her really happy.

Also in the partnership her name as the investor was mentioned in the agreement.

Molly did everything as John instructed to her before.

On the other hand Harry, Ron and Hermione were discussing about the last night’s incident.

Even thought Hermione is on the side of John she could not just say that out straight.

John already told her that he believes in the revival of Voldemort.

Also he knows where the Voldemort is from all the channels of information he has.

But the reason why he did not make a statement is because the world is in turmoil and he is a neutral party.

The revival or death of Voldemort has nothing to do with him.

He is purely in business.

As long as his interests are not touched he would not make a move on those people.

She understood the reasoning of John and she did not say anything about this matter.

As for Harry there is a life and death feud between him and Voldemort.

So they could not just back away and have to fight till the end.

That is until one of them is dead, they could not stop.

So she understood that John is a spectator or a by passer but not the main person to meddle in other people’s matters.

So she did not say anything to John.

If Harry was not involved she would not take the risk either.

Well her target is to study and improve instead of chase after the murderers and mysteries.


When listening to the words of Harry and Ron about the last night’s incident Hermione felt that what John said is correct.

You could not scold other people’s mother just because of the words of other person.

She told them that she was having the same problem with Lavender Brown about whether Harry was telling the truth about Voldemort's return.

Lavender brown would fawn over Ron later.

John can take a chance to play with her later.

But for now he would not meddle.

Also John did not have any plans to bring her over into his group of women.

Instead it was to not to let the corrupted system have an excuse to cause him any problem.

He has to be wary about the system all the time so that he would not fall into sudden trap and lose what is precious to him.

Around that time Angelina Johnson came over to Harry and told him that she has replaced Oliver Wood as the captain for their Quidditch team.

She will be holding tryouts on Friday to recruit a new player to fill Oliver's old position as Keeper.

John was also there in the great hall surrounded by many women at that time.

She looked towards John and John looked towards her with a smile as if nothing happened.

Well nothing has actually happened.

She did not make her decision about John yet.

Well what John wanted is a kiss from her and nothing more.

But she already had a boyfriend and she could not accept this.

So she can only give up this and continue with smiling back without saying anything.

She can sense that the situation is not good and chaotic around the world.

She doesn’t want any trouble and she would graduate at the end of the year.

So she did not plan to cause trouble for herself.

The situation of Harry meeting Cho Chang did not happen.

She is happy with Cedric that did not die in this plot.

Cedric has good relationship with John.

He already knows that Cho Chang liked John before liking him.

But it did not cause them any deep problems.

Everyone has their own life and John did not bother them at all.

Instead he helped them a little.

Well he is making some behind then lines plots so that he can enjoy Cho Chang later.

Do you believe that he a villain would just donate a good fruit that fallen into his hands be eaten by other people.

The answer is a simple “NO”.

As for the situation with Harry, Cedric did not care about this matter and even hates Harry for his previous behavior.

Chapter 225: warning Dolores

The answer is a simple “NO”.

As for the situation with Harry, Cedric did not care about this matter and even hates Harry for his previous behavior.

Harry still wanted to speak with Cho Chang but she simply ignored him and left silently.

Harry doesn’t know how to react to this.

Well he knows that she has coupled with another man and he could not get her.

He became even more irritable.

After this incident everyone in the Gryffindor came to their first defense against dark arts class.

In their first Defense against the Dark Arts lesson, they discover that Umbridge refuses to teach real defense methods.

Also she said that they will not be performing any spells, only learning Ministry-approved theory that is learning in a "risk-free way".

When various students started to raise questions regarding this matter, Umbridge immediately contradicts them.

Also she criticizes the teachings of their previous two teachers, including identifying Lupin as a "dangerous half-breed" that is Lupin being a werewolf.

John did not speak or meddle in her affairs.

Similarly others that are on his side are also did not say or speak about anything.

Dolores thought that she made John fear her because of her current position as John did not speak.

When she is complaint John smiled at her looking straight into her eyes.

She trembled for a moment and realized what is happening.

It is not that John feared her but John simply did not care about this matter.

This made her once again refresh her understanding of John.

She is angry and wanted to vent her anger on someone else.

Right then the scapegoat came out to get the price.

Harry disagreed with Umbridge about Voldemort’s revival.

This costed Gryffindor house points and getting him a detention.

Harry then has an outburst after she rebuts his attempts to convince her that this is not a lie and sends Harry to McGonagall's office with a note.

John did not intervene in this matter and let things happen.

He knows what would happen to Harry after he went to meet with Mcgonagall.

McGonagall urged Harry to keep his temper under control because he could end up in even worse trouble due to Umbridge's position.

McGonagall then reveals the note Umbridge sent to her states that Umbridge has assigned him detention for a week.

On the other hand John waited in the class for all the students to leave and then went to talk to Dolores in her office.

When he entered Dolores’s room Dolores looked at him vigilantly.

John smiled at her and took the initiative to speak.

“Hello Miss Dolores, I am here to tell you something.

There are few people in my group and they would not meddle with your affairs.

I hope that you would not mess with them and mess with me.

You can do anything that you see fit with the thoughts of minister fudge.

But you should not mess with me or my plans.

If you do that then the consequences would be disastrous.”

John said these words with a calm smile.

Dolores thought that John is just saying things as empty warnings and fears her current position again.

So she immediately became raged.

“How dare you to come here and give warning to a professor and the spokes person of the minister of magic.


John let her go on with her ranting for 5 minutes and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

Then he interrupted her and said.

“Miss Dolores, do you really believe that I fear you and minister fudge.

Let me ask you something.

If you are poisoned suddenly or died with unexplainable reason, all minister fudge can do is order investigation.

Even that would be half ass because he is not in a position to take care of many things now.

The final result for us is simply death.

I can simply create a rumor that there is another basilisk or some other creature sealed at Hogwarts.

I will relate your death to it and everyone would forget about this matter.

I hope you understand that you are not the main character.

You are just a pawn that is ranting like an old shrew.

Be careful that you don’t attract a disaster against you because of your stupidity.

Well that is all I have to say.

Please remember the warning before and don’t mess with me or my people.

If you do that then I can only send you away to your next life.

I don’t mind you reporting this matter to minister fudge.

Also rely this warning to him.

Holding grudges against me is no different than signing a death contract for your death.

Well then I will take my leave.”

John said as he walked out and vanished.

The invisibility cloak covered his body from his wand.

He doesn’t want his visit to be known by anyone.

Dolores in the room slumped back on her chair.

The words of John with his gentle tone and strong killing intent made her tremble with fear.

She felt like facing an ancient beast like 7 headed hydra is standing at point blank range and staring at her face.

Her body was completely soaked in cold sweat and made a subconscious but firm decision.

That is to not to mess with John no matter what.

She doesn’t dare to report this matter back to minister fudge for the time being.

She doesn’t want to be thought as incompetent.

Any way her target is Harry and Dumbledore but not John.

John is just an optional target that needs her to make things difficult for her.

This is because John did not want to help minister fudge before when he asked him.

So he ordered her to make things difficult for John and make him more obedient.

But she dare not do anything to John.

She really doesn’t want to die.

She felt the clear threat from John and what John said is also right.


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